HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 12 15 BAPAC Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 15, 2010 CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Wednesday, December 15, 2010 of the Bicycle anci Pedestrian Advisory Committee was called to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson George Colombo in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson George Colombo, present Vice Chairperson William B. Carpenter, present Committee Member Gary Brook, present Committee Member Larry Hartman, present Committee Member Lance Stephan, present Ex-Officio Member Kok Wan Mah, present A moment of silence preceded the Pledge of Allegiance. Next, Chairperson Colombo asked if there were any Agenda changes and there were none noted. Regarding the use of the microphones and "Speak" buttons, Vice Chairperson William B. Carpenter asked for a review. Deputy City Clerk Joan Brown reviewed this with the Committee Members. Next, Vice Chairperson Carpenter inquired, "The Comp[rehensive] Plan document that we got in our package, is this proposed or Approved?" Ms. Eloise Sahlstrom, AICP, ASLA, Senior Planner, Community Development Department replied, "It was Adopted in October (2010), and we just received Notice yesterday that it was found to be in Compliance. The issue with that document is, in some ways, it is an interim document, because it didn't define some of the stuff that was required to be defined. So, the bottom line is, we have to come back and Amend that document and it needs to be Amended and Adopted before July (2011). Yes, it is Official, but it still needs work done on it." Continuing, Vice Chairperson Carpenter added, "It is incomplete then?" Ms. Sahlstrom stated, "It is incomplete." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 15, 2010 PAGE 2 OF 10 INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 100. Not Used. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 200. Office Of The City Clerk Requesting Approval Of The November 17, 2010 Bicycle And Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes. "I WILL MAKE A MOTION THAT WE ADOPT THE MINUTES AS PRESENTED TO US" (NOVEMBER 17, 2010). MOTION BY VICE CHAIRPERSON CARPENTER. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER BROOK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER BROOK: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER HARTMAN: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON CARPENTER: AYE CHAIRPERSON COLOMBO: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER STEPHAN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 300. Not Used. 400. REPORTS No Reports were given. PUBLIC INPUT No one spoke. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 15, 2010 PAGE 3 OF 10 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 500. Not Used. REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 600. Public Works Department — Engineering Division Cross-Seminole Trail Safety-Related Issues Discussion. Mr. Brian Fields, P.E., City Engineer, Public Works Department presented this Agenda Item and spoke about the Cross Seminole Trail on safety issues and displayed a Map of the Cross Seminole Trail. Discussion followed on "Stop Controls". Captain Chris Deisler, Winter Springs Police Department spoke of "Stop Controls" and safety issues related to the Cross Seminole Trail. Mr. Fields asked Captain Deisler, "Looking at the typical two (2) lane residential crossing like Vistawilla/ Tuscora, would the Police Department be supportive of having those stop signs to protect that bicyclist, even if they're blowing through the intersection?" Captain Deisler responded, "Yes. We definitely would for the same reason I think you all may share." Discussion. Committee Member Larry Hartman suggested clearing out the brush at the intersections and added, "Especially at the (Hound Ground) Dog Park and Tuskawilla Road." Stop signs and yield signs were discussed next, to which, Captain Deisler commented, "I encourage you to please leave them as stop signs. It gives me a clearly defined level of standard." Mr. Fields inquired of Captain Deisler, "Other than just increased police presence at that intersection, is there any type of signage or anything else that could help increase the Compliance with the stop signs that are there?" Captain Deisler asked, "For the cars?" Mr. Fields answered, "Yes." Captain Deisler stated, "I think from a standpoint of vehicular traffic, I think the intersections and the crosswalks are very, very well marked." CTI'Y OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 15, 2010 PAGE 4 OF 10 Referencing the Tuscora Road crossing, Mr. Fields stated, "We talked about some site distance issues occasionally with the vegetation. Not all of that is in a public right-of-way which is a challenge we have with removing vegetation and trees. We do our best to remove what we can. Any specific concerns about Tuscora (Road) that wouldn't apply to what we already talked about with Vistawilla (Road)?" There were no comments voiced. Discussion. Mr. Fields spoke on the Gardenia (Road) crossing and said, "We could recommend a four (4) way stop there; very wide open and visible. I would recommend we leave that one as is. I am not aware of any problems there, but - Committee Members have any comments on Gardenia Road?" Chairperson Colombo remarked, "I agree with you." There were no objections voiced. Next, referring to Michael Blake Boulevard, Mr. Fields suggested, "My recommendation on that has been with the temporary and the permanent crossing to make that like Vistawilla (Road) and Tuscora (Road). There should be a stop control for the vehicles on the approaches. We may have to bring that to the Commission." Mr. Fields then asked, "Are there any comments on that future crossing?" Committee Member Gary Brook stated, "I think that is the appropriate thing to do." Vice Chairperson Carpenter commented, "I agree" and then asked, "Can we recommend that - be squared off?" Mr. Fields replied, "I don't think we will be able to do that because the Trail right-of-way. However, I think we do have some ability to increase the sight distance in looking at it once that crossing will be in place and clearing some of the vegetation." Next, Mr. Fields asked, "Any recommendations on the Tuskawilla (Road)?" Committee Member Brook remarked, "I believe strongly that we need a stop sign on Tuskawilla Road. Committee Member Hartman remarked, "I agree." Vice Chairperson Carpenter asked, "Is it possible to square that off at all?" Mr. Fields answered, "No. The Trail right- of-way is based on the old railroad corridor through there." Committee Member Hartman commented, "I would also recommend clearing a small section of woods and if they cleared that out, it would make a big difference." Mr. Fields responded, "We can do what we can within our right-of-way." An Aerial map of the Cross Seminole Trail was shown to those in attendance. Next, Mr. Fields stated, "The County standard on new crossings; they have 500 feet of double yellow on either side — that is not in here either. I will add to our list to ask the County." Mr. Fields summarized the following points and stated, "Clearing the woods, recommend a four (4) way stop. Clearing the woods and striping, I know we can do." C1TY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING — DECEMBER 15, 2010 PAGE 5 OF 10 With discussion on the Central Winds Park crossing, Mr. Fields asked, "Any thoughts on that particular intersection?" Vice Chairperson Carpenter noted, "I think it needs to be consistent and if we are making a case for a`Stop' almost everywhere and that wouldn't be really an exception." Chairperson Colombo stated, "The speeds are low enough that it wouldn't be onerous on the driver." Vice Chairperson Carpenter remarked, "Right. Especially there." Discussion ensued on the crossing near the proposed Charter School and Mr. Fields stated, "Maybe we can revisit that area once the school gets in." Vice Chairperson Carpenter inquired about reviewing future Site Plans and commented, "In line with what we talked about at the last Meeting, we would like to have the option to review these and comment on them. We were going to get them posted and then notify us by email when they are posted." Mr. Fields replied, "You are right. This one was already in the works. Your point is well taken and we can get that done." Next, Mr. Fields stated, "What about the connection at the (Hound Ground) Dog Park?" Committee Member Hartman mentioned, "If they just cleared the brush a little bit to the left." Chairperson Colombo suggested, "I would support having a`Stop' out of the (Hound Ground) Dog Park and having a`Stop' on the access road right at the turn." Suggestions for having the `Stop' at both ways and clearing the area of vegetation were further discussed. Tape 1/ Side B Mr. Fields mentioned, "We've got the signalized intersection at Parkstone. I think that is pretty much set. Any comments or concerns?" There were no comments voiced. Referencing the "Bus Barn" area, Mr. Fields said, "It is a signal, but the Trail is offset a little bit." Vice Chairperson Carpenter suggested, "We have got to alert the Trail users to the fact that this is different and we have to develop some caution signs." Mr. Fields responded, "I am getting with the (Seminole) County to see what additional signage or advance warning can be provided on the Trail." Ex-Officio Member Kok Wan Mah suggested, "Some consideration might be the high emphasis markings that they have for pedestrians that are similar to the approaches to — speed tables that vehicular traffic has — like a triangle instead of stripes. Then on the high end would be to create something like a pedestrian version of a speed table where the context of the pavement is a bit different as you approach." Discussion. Mr. Fields stated, "As they get into design and I haven't seen the County's plans, but Wade Street is going to be a difficult one because it is not a signalized intersection and the crossing is going to be fairly close to the road — it is going to warrant some detailed review." CTI'Y OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 15, 2010 PAGE 6 OF 10 Referring to the County's plans, Vice Chairperson Carpenter asked, "Can we get a chance and when those become available, can we get a look at them?" Mr. Fields replied, "Certainly. I think one benefit is moving it closer to the intersection rather than having it like the `Bus Barn'." In suminary, Mr. Fields reviewed the four (4) areas and stated, "We talked about Tuskawilla (Road), the four (4) way stop, clearing the woods and the striping; Central Winds Parkway, even though there are no problems — four (4) way stop for consistency; the (Hound Ground) Dog Park, clearing the brush, four (4) way stop, looking at where to put the stop signs and then the `Bus Barn'. Since it couldn't be a four (4) way stop, we want to look at other improvements on the Trail and the approach to improve site distance and alert Trail users." Mr. Fields then added, "Do we want to prioritize them?" Discussion. Mr. Fields stated, "I think the (Hound Ground) Dog Park had the highest priority and we were to start in one place and work our way down — Tuskawilla Road had the highest priority, Central Winds Park and Bus barn, maybe secondary." With further discussion, Captain Deisler suggested that the "Bus Barn" should be the highest priority. Next, Mr. Fields added, "What I would like to do is summarize these and maybe email them back to the group with the particulars and see if — I missed anything. We really need to bring this to the Commission to recommend changes and there are a few items we need to bring to the (Seminole) County as recommended changes." Discussion. Chairperson Colombo asked, "Help me get clear on what you are looking for right now in terms of a Motion." Mr. Fields replied, "I don't think we need a Motion. We received input, and there wasn't an Agenda Item asking you to take action on a particular item. We were just here to discuss and listen to your input. I am going to take that and put it in a summary document. I would like to email it out to each of the Committee Members and really be looking if there is something in there that you see that you would object to. If that goes to the Commission that we would need to note in an Agenda Item that there are any particular concerns or difference of opinions on any particular item then we can point that out. We would roll this into a Commission Agenda Item and I would like to get it on one of the January Meetings. Next Meeting is the 10�', (January 2011) and then get Commission Approval to proceed with these or at least look into some of the items and then we take it from there." Chairperson Colombo asked, "Is everybody good with this?" There were no objections voiced. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 15, 2010 PAGE 7 OF 10 REGULAR 601. Public Works Department — Engineering Division Sidewalk Inventory Update. Mr. Fields commented, "As far as the sidewalk inventory, that is something we can complete at the Staff level at least as far as getting it into our GIS (Geographic Information System) system; an overall map showing where we have and do not have sidewalks. Our goal is to have that in your hands before our next Meeting. Something you can look at and think about as far as what are some of those gaps and help us prioritize potential projects." REGULAR 602. Community Development Department — Planning Division Critical Timeline For Data Development And Review. Ms. Sahlstrom presented this Agenda Item and distributed a document entitled, "Critical Timeline For Data Development and Review" and stated, "One of the important deadlines that I believe is important is to be able to put a project or more on the METROPLAN (Orlando) BAPAC (Bicycle And Pedestrian Advisory Committee) project list. Last year they requested those applications in April and I understand they are going to request them in March. They probably then will have a presentation in May." Continuing, Ms. Sahlstrom noted, "I do have a couple of samples of those applications that I do want to email you probably tomorrow, just so you have that to be able to look at some samples that were submitted by other entities." Ms. Sahlstrom then added, "Think about projects that would fit into putting them forth for METROPLAN (Orlando). Another funding source is the `Safe Routes to Schools' program." Ms. Sahlstrom commented, "I had hoped that we could do something with Winter Springs Elementary because I know for a fact, there are missing sidewalks. There are sidewalk gaps within their area." Furthermore, Ms. Sahlstrom mentioned, "It did occur to me that Winter Springs High School may qualify. Unfortunately, those applications started being received as of December 1 St , 2010, and I think we will be completed by mid-February (2011)." Chairperson Colombo asked, "Have you thought about Highlands Elementary?" Ms. Sahlstrom replied, "No, I have not — we really should go after any funding that we can and if someone on this Committee particulazly wanted to take it upon themselves to move one of those projects forward, it is a timeframe of — 2014 for funding that they are looking at now for the ones that are being submitted now. We could utilize any funding that we could get. But, I am concerned about the deadline on that." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMTI'TEE REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 15, 2010 PAGE 8 OF 10 Ms. Sahlstrom stated, "The second deadline that is in many ways more critical — is that we submitted — for our Mobility Strategies with the intent that we were going to get those Adopted and found that we weren't ready to move it forward enough, so we ended up putting in interim policies which is really good from the standpoint that I really did want input from the public, and in particular from this Committee. This Committee was not in place to get that input, so on those Mobility Strategies and funding, the Florida Statutory requirement - is that that be in place by July (2011)." Next, Ms. Sahlstrom added, "That means that the Transmittal of those Amendments need to take place in March (2011). One of the reasons we did not get to it in October (2010) was lacking in data, lacking of priorities, lacking of a list of projects and unclear how projects and the funding source would be accomplished. Those are some of the critical issues impacting what I put out here for this timeline." Discussion continued on the "Critical Timeline" review. Referencing the "Conceptual Map", Ms. Sahlstrom noted, "I will email this to you" and then added, "We need to identify how our maps are going to look at far as where our priorities are to identify gaps or where we want these bike routes and bike lanes to go so we have that vision in place." Next, Ms. Sahlstrom stated, "I envision that we need to meet in January (2011) and we need to try to accomplish these four (4) bullets. With the idea of giving input to revising the `(Conceptual) Map' and then following that, we need to Adopt the `(Conceptual) Map'." Furthermore, Ms. Sahlstrom commented, "If we are looking at the schedule, we probably do need a meeting in February (2011) as well because the other thing, we then need to also look at the specific projects and really identify specific gap projects that are needed, but it could be other projects as well." Continuing, Ms. Sahlstrom added, "Then in March, we would take those recommendations forward because those recommendations need to be part of our Capital Improvement Program, part of our scheduled Capital Improvements in our Comp[rehensive] Plan and that is part of the necessary process for projects to be on that list it also gives them substantiation to anything we submit to METROPLAN (Orlando)." Ms. Sahlstrom then added, "Any input would be very much appreciated." Discussion. Mr. Fields stated, "I would emphasize to start thinking of those projects now and with the METROPLAN (Orlando) application by our next Meeting - it is probably something we really need to be honing in on really very soon, after the first of the year." Vice Chairperson Carpenter suggested, "I was just going to suggest that if we could overlay the Districts on there that would help." Ms. Sahlstrom replied, "Okay." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING — DECEMBER 15, 2010 PAGE 9 OF 10 Tape 2/Side A Chairperson Colombo asked, "How much time will you need to be able to come to that Meeting with the baseline inventory that you wanted to have?" Mr. Fields replied, "We actually have two (2) dates. We would like to propose to see what your schedules are like for January (2011). The two (2) dates that seem to be available are the 20�' (January 2011) and the 25�` (January 2011)." Vice Chairperson Carpenter said, "I am okay on the 20�' (January 2011)." Chairperson Colombo added, "The 20 (January 2011) works for me." Committee Member Brook replied, "Yes, the 20�' (January 2011) would be good." There were no objections voiced. "I MOVE WE HAVE THE NEXT MEETING ON JANUARY 20�, (2011)." MOTION BY VICE CHAIRPERSON CARPENTER. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER BROOK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHAIRPERSON COLOMBO: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER STEPHAN: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER BROOK: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER HARTMAN: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON CARPENTER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Ms. Sahlstrom indicated that that would be a Special Meeting. "I MOVE THAT OUR NEXT REGULAR MEETING BE MARCH 16 (ZO11) WHICH IS THE THIRD WEDNESDAY IN MARCH." MOTION BY VICE CHAIRPERSON CARPENTER. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER BROOK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER STEPHAN: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER BROOK: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER HARTMAN: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON CARPENTER: AYE CHAIRPERSON COLOMBO: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Continuing, Ms. Sahlstrom added, "I would like to meet in February (2011). Do you want to wait until the January Meeting to set that date?" Chairperson Colombo stated, "Why don't we set it and then change it in January if need be." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING — DECEMBER 15, 2010 PAGE 10 OF 10 "I MOVE WE MEET IN FEBRUARY ON THE 16�, (2011) WHICH IS THE THIRD WEDNESDAY IN FEBRUARY." MOTION BY VICE CHAIRPERSON CARPENTER. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER BROOK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER BROOK: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER HARTMAN: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON CARPENTER: AYE CHAIRPERSON COLOMBO: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER STEPHAN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Ms. Sahlstrom reviewed a document entitled, "Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility Descriptions" with the Committee Members. Referencing "Multi-Use Paths�Trails�, Vice Chairperson Carpenter stated, "I would just add the word "minimal" conflicts with automobiles." Ms. Sahlstrom replied, "That is a good point." Discussion ensued on designating and striping bike lanes and Mr. Fields commented, "We could look at that." Vice Chairperson Carpenter added, "I just wanted to make the point that bike lanes are controversial and many times not required." Ms. Sahlstrom asked, "Do those definitions look okay so far?" Vice Chairperson Carpenter replied, "Yes." There were no objections voiced. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Colombo adjourned the Regular Meeting at 8:50 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: , a G�7 OAN L. BRO , DEPUTY CITY CLERK \�: , APPROVED• GEORGE COLOMBO, CHAIRPERSON BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the June 15, 2011 Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Regulaz Meeting.