HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 06 01 Public Hearings 503 Postpone Ordinance 2011-07 Section 20-1. DefinitionsPLANNING & ZONING BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY ITEM 503 June 1, 2011 Meeting Consent Information Public Hearing X Regular REQUEST: The Community Development Department — Planning Division requests that the Planning and Zoning Board postpone the public hearing and recommendation on Ordinance 2011 -07, which revises the definition section included in Section 20 -1 of the Zoning Chapter of the City's Code of Ordinances to July 6, 2011, preserving the advertising SYNOPSIS: A review and update of the zoning code definitions has been needed for some time. Recently a new PUD Ordinance 2011 -02 was adopted. Related definitions were not included, with the intent that a review of the zoning code definitions would be forthcoming. A review has now been completed, and this agenda item includes those revisions to Section 20 -1 of the Zoning Chapter of the City's Code of Ordinances as included in Ordinance 2011 -07. CONSIDERATIONS: APPLICABLE LAW, PUBLIC POLICY, AND EVENTS Florida Statute 163.2511- 163.3246 : (Provides that land development regulations for municipal planning be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan). Florida Statute 166.041 Procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions. Winter Springs Charter Article IV. Governing Body. Section 4.06. General powers and duties. Section 4.15 Ordinances in General. Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 20, Zoning Euclid v. Amber Realty Co., 272 U.S. 365 (1926) (upholding the constitutionality of the principles of zoning). City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan I 1►1�"ia The majority of the definitions included in Section 20 -1 of the Zoning Chapter of the City's Code of Ordinances have been in place since 1968, with only a small number of additions or changes, since that time. These additions or changes are primarily reflective of changes to the content of Chapter 20 over the years. As part of an overall effort to update our Code, Staff is examing the definition section of the zoning code and is proposing revisions and additions. The new definitions and revisions will reflect current June 1, 2011 P &Z/Local Planning Agency Public Hearing Agenda Item 503 Page 2 of 2 zoning terminology, as well as terms referenced in the new PUD section [Ordinance 2011 -02]. The City has the police power to establish comprehensive zoning districts and regulations in order to preserve and protect the public welfare. Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co., 272 U.S. 365 (1926). The City Commission is granted the authority, under Section 2(b), Article VIII, of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law. Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, requires the City of Winter Springs to adopt, amend, and enforce land development regulations that are consistent with and implement its adopted comprehensive plan. FISCAL IMPACT: None. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: This Agenda Item Has Been Electronically Forwarded To The Mayor And City Commission, City Manager, City Attorney /Staff, And All eAlert/eCitizen Recipients; And Is Available On The City's Website, LaserFiche, And The City's Server. Additionally, Portions Of This Agenda Item Are Typed Verbatim On The Respective Meeting Agenda Which Has Also Been Electronically Forwarded To The Individuals Noted Above; And Which Is Also Available On The City's Website, LaserFiche, And The City's Server; Has Been Sent To City Staff, Media/Press Representatives Who Have Requested Agendas /Agenda Item Information, Homeowner's Associations/Representatives On File With The City, And All Individuals Who Have Requested Such Information; And Has Been Posted Outside City Hall; Posted Inside City Hall With Additional Copies Available For The General Public; And Posted At Five (5) Different Locations Around The City. This Agenda Item Is Also Available To Any New Individual Requestors. City Staff Is Always Willing To Discuss This Or Any Agenda Item With Any Interested Individuals. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Board postpone holding a Public Hearing and making a recommendation on Ordinance 2011 -07, which revises the definition section included in Section 20- 1 of the Zoning Chapter of the City's Code of Ordinances to July 6, 2011, preserving the advertising ATTACHMENTS: A Noticing in Orlando Sentinel, Seminole Section B Ordinance 2011 -07 (still being prepared) E2 to to meht & Performance Bonas may oe required. Bid documents are available through a web -based site iSgFt, CFBE 407 -629- 2411, & F.W. Dodge 407- 6494200. Please C)schmidt®wharTonsmith.com)Sby 5 :00 p.m. Wednesday, May 25th. Do not contact the Architect or Owner for in- formation on this project. COR1133018 5/12,5/1912011 LEGAL NOTICE INVITATION TO BID 0163.11 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Orange County Sheriff's Office is ac i - cepting sealed bids for installation of ancillary equipment for law enforce. ment vehicles. Sealed bids will be accepted until 4:30 PM (local Time) Wednesday, June 22,- 2011, in the Orange County Sheriff's Of- fice, Purchasing Section, 2500 W. Colo- nial Drive, Orlando, Florida, 32804. The Sheriff will not be responsible for late deliveries or delayed mail. Sealed t Thursday, June 23,32 AM (local 0 Contact the Sheriff's Purchasing Sec- tion of 407- 254 -7147 or 407- 254 -7150 to ob- tain copies of the bid. The Sheriff of Orange County reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bias. Jerry L. Demings Sheriff of Orange County, Florida J. Sue Robertson Purchasing Manager COR1132801 5719,22/2011 OS E LA COUNTY PARKING GARAGE EXPANSION INVITATION FOR BIDS Bids will be received by the Construc- Man Manager at the offices of Manhat- tan Kraft Construction, Inc., at either 2511 Trafalgar Boulevard, Kissimmee, FL 34105, by C00 PM on Ma 2011 ALL Scopes of Work: May Sail Improvement via Vibro Replacement, Site /C v,I and Plant -cast Structural /Ar- chitectural Concrete Parking Structure. Bidding documents will be uploaded to isgft.cam. The bid invitation will be e- mailed or faxed via isqft and Subcon- tractors will be given a user name and nin— Subcontractors must have on contact Lyn Ross at MannaTTan Kraft's Main Office by calling 39 643- 6000 for a Pre - Qualification Form and Invitation to Bid. Plans and specs can also be viewed at our office located at: 2511 Trafalgar Boule- vard in Kissimmee, by appointment onl9. Please call Letho at 407 201 -8301 110 schedule a viewing time. Faxas, entrails and deliveries are accepted. Sub- contractors bidding more than one scope of work and/or combined scopes shall ,submit such bids separate plainly marked as to the contents- COR1134055 5719,5/22/2011 NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME STATUTE 0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: . Letters Testamentary issue To: Barbara J. Burkard. Dated, Attested and Sealed, April 20, 2011 Hon. John M. Ci Surro ate .Surrogate- , • - /s/Michael of Clerk Attorney -for Petitioner: William J. Bernstein, Esq. 100 Austin Street, Building 2 Patchogue, NY 11772 631- 654 -4900 COR1131208 ..5/4,11,18,25/2011 I � SEMINOLE COUNTY LAND PLANNING AGENCY( P LANNING AND ZONING COM ISSION NOTICE JU PUB 1. M AT 0 PM HELD Notice is hereby given that the Semi- nole County Land Planning Agency / Plannin9 and Zoning Commission (LPA/P &Z) will conduct Public hear- ings as noted above, or as soon there. ices East First Street Sanford, Florida, Room 1028 (Board Chambers). The purpose of this hear. - ing is to receive public input and to make a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) on the item described below: Lake Avenue Rezone; James FIYnn III, appli- cant; Rezone from PUD (Planned Unit Development) A -1 (Agriculture) for 1 the end of (Z2011 -009) I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PURSUANT TO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT COME OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, THE ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS AS- SIGNED TO CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (LENGTHY LEGAL DESCRIP- TION ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT) ASSIGNING CER- TAIN PROPERTY CURRENTLY ASSIGNED THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PUD11)Z���ONING NG I LASSIHCATION E P I GIDIN F E GISLA- ' P80VIOIN6 FOR FROM CODIFICA TION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Commissioner Carey District 5 Brian M. Walker, Senior Planner Interested parties are encouraged to appear at these hearings and present written itpmtsrograsubmithwraTten cod of the Proceedings, and for such purpose they may need To ensure a verbatim record of the proceedings is mode, which record includes the testi- mony and evidence upon which the ap. peal is based ed (Florida Statutes, Sec- tion BOA SEMINO EUCOU COM MISSIONERS CSE1133085 5119/2011 05AS Executive Committee Meeting Date: May 18, 2011 Time: 230 PM Call-In: 1- 866 -886 -5735 Participant Code: 5681041 - n Dated aT Kissimmee, Osceola County, Florida, Mav 16, 2011. OSC1134119 5/19/2011 NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME STATUTE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the under- signed pursuant to the Fictitious Name Statute', Chapter 865.09, Flori- da Statutes, will register with The Divi- sion of Corporations, Deportment of State, State of Florida upon receipt of proof of the publication of this notice, The fictitious Small Busi Business Solutions under which I am engaged in business at PO Box 18 Goldenrod, FL 33733. That the party interested in said busi- ness enterprise is as follows: COR1131515 I 5179/11 I JTV THE CITY OF WINTER , cart NOTICE THAT THE LOCAL P NNINO AGENCY a T The P.M. The in- re any matter considered at this meeting, you will need a record of the proceed- ings and for such purposes, you may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made upon which the appeal is based. Interested parties are advised that they may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinances. SLS1133786 5 PUBLIC AUCTION May 26Th 2011 at 6 m. 2007 Faro Explorer 1FMEU63EVUB54321 124 W. LandsTreet Road, Orlando For info call: 407- 812 -3409 COR1134273 0571912011 FOR SALE! Classified ads in the Orlando Sentinel will drive your sales! With over 611,000 weekday readers and nearly 940,000 on Sunday, we'll help you rev up your sales figures! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NUMBER: 2011 -CA- 3952.0 DIVISION NUMBER: 33 IN RE: FORFEITURE OF $1,441.00 IN U.S. CURRENCY NOTICE OF FORFEITURE COMPLAINT TO: CORY WHITE 13869 COUNTRY PLACE DRIVE ORLANDO, FL 32826 and all others who claim an interest in $1,441.00 in U.S. Currency, which, was seized on or about the 17th day of February, 2011, at or near 2830 Sanka Drive, Orange County, Florida. Said Property is in the custody of the Sher- iff of Orange County. A complaint for forfeiture has been filed in the above styled Court. I HEREBY CERTIFY That this Notice Is be- ing, served pursuant to The notice Pro- visions or Florida Statutes 932.701.707, this 6Th day of May, 2011. /a/ Eric. D. Dunlap Assistant General Counsel Florida Bar No. 897477 Orange County Sheriff's Office Legal Services 2500 West Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32804 (407) 254 -7170 5712, 5/19/2011 LY, MAY 19, 2011 4L_M AF B`..= .;... of the following 6d certificate for Issued thereon. it and year of is- m of the proper - which it was as- @g R;_ 2006 -4447 CPA a.m. OLS1120129 04/28, 05/05,12,19/2011 -NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PLYMOUTH PARK TAX SERVICES LLC the holder of the following certif- icate has filed said certificate for a TAX DEED To be issued thereon. The Certificate number and Year of issu- ance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was as- certificate shall be redeemed accord- ing to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder in the Conference Room, located at 109 E. Church Street, 4th Floor, Orlando, Florida on Jun -02- 2GIl at 10:00 a.m. Dated: Apr -21 -2011 Martha O. Haynie, CPA County Comptroller Orange County, Florida By: Mfro Suarez Deputy Comptroller OLS1130286 4 /28,5/5,5/12,5/19 /2011 -NOT ICE APPLICATION FOR AX E D- The Orange a publi� hear N OL51132584 oy: mini auarec % Deputy Comptroller OLS1129922 1 4128,5/5,12,19/2011 -NOTICE OF AX -