HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 06 01 Public Hearings 501 Review the Preliminary Five (5) Year Capital Improvements Program for FY 2012 Through FY 2017 PLANNING & ZONING BOARD /
ITEM 501 Information
Public Hearing X
June 1, 2011
REQUEST: The Community Development Department — Planning Division requests that the Local
Planning Agency review the preliminary Five -Year Capital Improvements Program for FY 2012
through FY 2017.
SYNOPSIS: All major capital project requests are to be submitted for review and recommendation by
the Local Planning Agency. Staff will be in attendance from the various departments making requests
to answer questions
Section 2(b), Article VIII, of the State Constitution. Municipal Home Rule Powers Act
Section 166 041, Florida Statutes. Procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions
Winter Springs Charter, Article IV. Governing Body.
Winter Springs Charter, Article VII. Financial Procedure.
City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan
The Capital Improvements Program (CIP) furthers the City' s legitimate government purpose of
meeting the demands for new and properly maintained infrastructure and facilities in a fiscally
responsible manner and in furtherance of section 166.021, Florida Statutes.
The CIP is the vehicle that links capital expenditures with adopted public policy. The CIP neither
appropriates funds nor authorizes projects; it is a planning document. The CIP integrates planning for
significant capital or operating projects with financial planning into a multi -year schedule of projects.
It is used as an alternative to considering individual projects one -at -a -time without reference to overall
community priorities or fiscal capacity.
The CIP is the primary tool for implementing City Commission initiatives and reflects the various
master plans that serve as a blueprint for future capital investment. The proposed CIP also serves as
the companion to the Capital Improvements Element of the Comprehensive Plan, which outlines
capital improvements that are required to maintain adopted levels of service and keep pace with
community growth.
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P &Z/Local Planning Agency
Public Hearing Agenda Item 501
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Each capital improvement is described, listed by year it is to be purchased or commenced, the amount
to be spent per year, and the method of financing. The list is prioritized over the 5 -year period and is
reviewed and updated annually. The adoption of the CIP does not commit the City to expenditures or
appropriations beyond the first year (which will be included in the forthcoming Adopted FY2009
What is Included?
• Projects that cost more than $50,000, and
• Projects identified in the Comprehensive Plan that are necessary to meet Levels of Service
(LOS) [elimination of existing deficiencies];
• Projects which increase the capacity or efficiency of existing infrastructure;
• Projects which replace failing infrastructure[the repair and replacement of existing public
facilities]; and/or
• Projects which enhance facilities and infrastructure [the provision for new public facilities].
Items may include:
• New and expanded facilities;
• Rehabilitation or replacement of existing facilities;
• Major pieces of equipment;
• Cost of professional studies related to the improvement; and/or
• Acquisition of land related to a community facility.
Priorities of Capital Improvements
The biggest priority for the capital program is ensuring that facilities currently meet adopted Level of
Service (LOS) standards and that they will continue to do so in the future as growth occurs or other
conditions change.
TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES The City shall use Quality/Level of Service (Q/LOS) for
monitoring purposes in order to identify where multimodal improvements are needed, for guiding
capital improvements facility /operations planning to achieve and maintain mobility, to reduce
greenhouse gases, and to assist in determining a fair share that a development should contribute to
the achievement of these mobility strategies.
Roadway Q /LOS. The following minimum Roadway Q/LOS standards are applicable to all
TCEA Zones for monitoring intersection capacity based on annual average daily trips (AADT)
and peak hour maximum service volumes:
• Limited Access Highways D
• Arterials E
• Collectors D
• Local Roads D
Transit Q /LOS. Coordinate with METROPLAN ORLANDO and LYNX to assist the County
in maintaining the County's minimum Q/LOS standard for transit applicable to the citywide
TCEA, to link urban centers and neighborhoods to nearby LYNX stops and subsequently to
commuter rail. Work toward a long range vision of implementing higher capacity transit
modes, such as bus rapid transit (BRT) along Seminole Way (SR 417) and between Zones A &
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P &Z/Local Planning Agency
Public Hearing Agenda Item 501
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Fixed Route Public Transit Initial 2030
Link 103 Altamonte Station 15 -min. headway (2013) No Change
Link 434 Crosstown 60 -min. headway (2010) 30 -min. headway
Seminole Way BRT N/A 15 -min. headway
PickUpLine (PUL) Transit Initial 2030
Tuskawilla/Red Bug Lake Rd N/A 60 -min headway(2 hr adv)
Pedestrian Q /LOS. The pedestrian Q/LOS shall be the presence of pedestrian paths /sidewalks
on both sides of roadways in areas of new development or within % mile of existing schools,
parks, or transit fixed service routes and shall be considered a QLOS standard of `B ". The
Q/LOS is not a standard that is intended to be achieved on an annual basis, but rather as an
objective to be achieved by 2030.
Bicycle Q /LOS. The bicycle Q/LOS shall be the presence of designated bike lanes, bike
routes, and/or multi -use paths or trails, which run the length of the City in an east -west, north-
south grid pattern at 1 -1/2 mile intervals. The provision of this citywide network shall be
considered a QLOS standard of `B ". The QLOS is not a standard that is intended to be
achieved on an annual basis, but rather as an objective to be achieved by 2030.
SANITARY SEWER 100 gallons per person per day.
POTABLE WATER 115 gallons (minimum) per person per day.
SOLID WASTE 3.7 pounds per person per day.
Water Quantity - Peak post - development runoff rate shall not exceed peak pre - development
runoff rate for the 25 -year, 24 -hour storm event. Each development shall accommodate its
proportion of basin runoff rate above the downstream systems actual capacity.
Water Quality - Stormwater treatment system which meets the requirements of the Florida
Administrative Code (F.A.C.) and which is site - specific or serve sub -areas of the City.
Roadway construction - All public roadways within a development shall be designed and
constructed to standards which do not allow any amount of water above the roadway centerline
during the following storm events for the following roadway types:
Local Roadway — 25 -year, 24 -hour design storm event (8.6 inches of rainfall).
Collector Roadway — 25 -year, 24 -hour design storm event (8.6 inches of rainfall).
Arterial Roadway — 100 -year, 24 -hour design storm event (10.6 inches of rainfall).
Parks- 8 acres (total public park and recreation land acreage, including open space) per 1,000
residents. The City may utilize State and county park lands and trails that are located within
the City's jurisdictional boundaries. This standard includes both passive and active recreation
City Owned Open Space- 4 acres per 1, 000 residents. Open space is defined as "undeveloped
lands suitable for passive recreation or conservation ".
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P &Z/Local Planning Agency
Public Hearing Agenda Item 501
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SCHOOL CAPACITY as established by the Seminole County School Board- 100% of the
aggregate permanent Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) capacity for each school type
within each Concurrency Service Area, except for high schools which are established at 110% of
the aggregate permanent FISH capacity for 2008 -2012 in order to financially achieve the desired
The following thresholds shall be used to target initiation and budgeting of construction and/or
purchase of capital facilities to meet projected future needs based on adopted LOS standards:
• SANITARY SEWER 75 % of available capacity is being utilized.
• POTABLE WATER 75 % of available capacity is being utilized.
• PARKS AND RECREATION- Park lands when 95 % of available land area is utilized or when
90 % of the population exists in areas in need of new park acreage.
Ranking of Proposed Capital Improvements
The following criteria were used by each Department Head in evaluating and ranking their list of
capital improvement projects:
• [8 pts.] Does the project eliminate (or assist in the elimination of) proven or obvious dangers to
public or employee health or safety? [9J- 5.016(3)(c), FAC] [CIE, p. 1.1.3]; or
• [6 pts.] Does the project raise a service or facility to an adopted Level of Service by
eliminating (or assist in the elimination of) existing capacity deficits? [9J- 5.016(3)(c), FAC]
[CIE, p. 1.1.3]; or
• [4 pts.] Does the project maintain adopted Level of Service standards in already developed
areas by increasing the efficiency of existing facilities or infrastructure? [CIE, p. 1.1.3] Will
the project accommodate redevelopment Level of Service demands? [9J- 5.016(3)(c), FAC]; or
• [2 pts.] Does the project represent a logical extension of facilities to accommodate projected
growth and new development demands by providing comparable Level of Service in
developing areas? [CIE, p. 1.1.3] [9J- 5.016(3)(c), FAC].
In addition, add two pts. for each, as applicable:
• [2 pts.] Is the project financially feasible (meaning, does the project have committed funding?
[9J- 5.016(3)(c), FAC] [CIE, p. 1.1.3]; and
• [2 pts.] Is the project coordinated with major projects of other agencies? Does the project
accommodate plans of state agencies and water management districts that provide public
facilities within the local government's jurisdiction? [9J- 5.016(3)(c), FAC] [CIE, p. 1.1.3]; and
• [2 pts.] Does the project specifically implement one or more policies of the Comprehensive
Plan pertaining to concurrency requirements? [CIE, p. 1.1.3].
The Capital Improvements Program (CIP) is a 6 -year schedule of improvements that includes the
Capital Improvements Element Schedule and all other capital projects to be funded by the City.
This Agenda Item Has Been Electronically Forwarded To The Mayor And City Commission, City
Manager, City Attorney /Staff, And All eAlert/eCitizen Recipients; And Is Available On The City's
Website, LaserFiche, And The City's Server. Additionally, Portions Of This Agenda Item Are Typed
June 1, 2011
P &Z/Local Planning Agency
Public Hearing Agenda Item 501
Page 5 of 5
Verbatim On The Respective Meeting Agenda Which Has Also Been Electronically Forwarded To
The Individuals Noted Above; And Which Is Also Available On The City's Website, LaserFiche, And
The City's Server; Has Been Sent To City Staff, Media/Press Representatives Who Have Requested
Agendas /Agenda Item Information, Homeowner's Associations/Representatives On File With The
City, And All Individuals Who Have Requested Such Information; And Has Been Posted Outside City
Hall; Posted Inside City Hall With Additional Copies Available For The General Public; And Posted
At Five (5) Different Locations Around The City. This Agenda Item Is Also Available To Any New
Individual Requestors. City Staff Is Always Willing To Discuss This Or Any Agenda Item With Any
Interested Individuals.
Staff recommends that the P &Z/Local Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing and make a
recommendation to the City Manager and City Commission related to the preliminary Capital
Improvements Program for FY 2012 thru FY 2017.
A. Preliminary Capital Improvements Program, FY 2012 thru FY 2017
FY 2011/12 to FY 2016/17
Account LOS Funding Ranking Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Budget Comprehensive Plan
Number Project Name Category Source Description I Justification Location Score Current Yr 2011/12 2012/13 2013114 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 (Years 1 -6) Impact Reference
Outdoor ampSMeatre furthers the
network of public green spaces that
form the framework for the Town
Center and promotes 8 expands tral
Parks 8 CF -305 6 system Improves reueaoonal Winter ROS 7.7.1; FLU 11
305 -65000 -70006 M die Part rtunmes consistent with me Town Center SP"ngs 10 - - - _ _ - ROS 1.7.70; FLUE 7.7.3;
a9n Recrea0on 1CT% °S $ 1,216.422 $ f f f 5 f 1.218,x22 T80
ecreaocnal needs of reside... Is a FLUE 2.1.5; FLUE 2.2.3,
catalyst for pnvate development in the CIE I.2.10), CIE 1.1.3
Town Center, Accomodates grovat
through addNOnal xzve receraeonal
area [LOS).
7rotvrood Park
new tennis courts rib fencing — — _- ROS 1.1; ROS 7.1.7;
nM eKa6Y00 d Tema Cerra WA 0 emregm witlt recreational needs of Trotwdod Park S - S 50.000 S - S - S - 0 - S - f 50,000 ROS 1.5; FLUE 7.7.7
Heavy duty commeraal shade ROS 1.9.8; ROS 7.1;
net yet established Centr b WA PIMF structures over ad 8 sets of leachers Central nb S • S 100.000 S - S - S - S - S - f 100,000
pa,a et CWP LA/Melds. ROS 1A.1
Outdoor Fitness Outdoor Senior Fitness Wellness ROS 1.3.6; ROS 1.4;
not yet established Course WA %MF System Course. TBD S - S - f 75,000 f - S - S - S - f 75 S - ROS 1.4.1; ROS 1.5
not yet established Civic Comer
Renova0m N/A PIMF A•hebe Renovation Sunshine Pot - $ 125,000 $ - 5 - S - 5 125,000 S - ROS 1.3.6; ROS 1.4;
ROS 7.1.7
S - S - f
not yet established
Senior Fitness WA GRT CIVIC Center to Senior Fitness ROS Perk S - $ - $ - $ 200,000 $ - $ - S - f 200,000 S - R0.5 1.3.8; R0.41.4;
ROS1.1.1; ROS 1.5
Torras° Park expansion corteisl nt ROS 1.4; ROS 1.4.1;
727063780 Co Neighborhood Parks I.
Reorea0on GRT re recreational needs of residents; Tromso Perk 6 S - $ - 5 400,000 $ - $ - 5 - 5 - f 400,000 $ - FLUE 1.3.3; HE 2.211;
Udaes grant funding. CIE 1.1.3
Civic or Event BND, GRT 8 Nth Cdy Civic Center expansion
not yet established Center
WA ' consistent N reaea0onal needs of Town Center 6 S - $ - S - S - S - f 5.000.000 5 - f 6,000,000 f - ROS 1.4; ROS 1.4.1
residents. Utilizes pant funding.
TOTAL - - 0 1403,432 0 475,000 $ 200,000 f - f 5,000,000 $ - $ 7,766,412 $ -
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FY 2011/12 to FY 2016/17
Account LOS Funding Ranking Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Budget Comprehensive Plan
Number Project Name Category Source Description 1 Justification Location Safe Current Yr 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 (Years 1-6) Impact Reference
Department: PUBLIC WORKS
Giy HMI BND, PBIF, Expands existing facility to
312-65000-30081 Expansion WA 6 RSV ommodate remands cue Lo co, Town Center 4 f - $ - S - S - 5 - 5 1013000 1 - 8 1,900,000 $ - CIE 1.1.3
Major maintenance. Refurbishes
104-6500040075 Rawtaring- NIA LGTX existing streets so that transportation City NSde 6 S 300,000 5 350,000 $ 250,000 $ 250.000 $ 250.000 S 250,000 $ - $ 1,300,000 S - MTE 1
network is maintained.
Services future demand and
Michael Blake Transptu- addresses future deficiency of SR 434 FLUE 1.3.1; FLUE 1.3.3,
115. 65000.30055 BNd.(Spme Road) Mobility ICTX by expanding interconnecting collector Town Center 1 8 - $ 750,000 $ - $ • $ - $ - $ - $ 750,000 $ - FLUE 2.1.4; MTE 1; MTE 1.2;
road network In Torn Center to MTE 1.3; GE 1.1.3
reduce demand on SR 434.
Safety improvement; Improves City Northern Wry /
collector streets with the addition of FLUE 1.3.1; MTE 1; MTE 12
Sidewalks Tmsptn- 1CTX & Shetland
11565000.30130 Shetland/Northern Mobility GRT sidewalks to increase safely of Avenue 8 $ - 5 100.000 $ - 5 - 5 - 5 - $ - s 100,000 $ - MTE 1.3; MTE 1.5.3; CIE
pedestrians in cooperator wM Side 1.1.3
Seminole County.
Safety 6 mobility improvement Between SR FLUE 1.4.6; FLUE 1.6.6;
Sidewalks North Addition of sidewalks w1g increase FLUE 6.1.1; MTE 1.5.1; MTE
Transptrt- 4119 6 SR 434
not yet established Village Walk- MobilM GRT - CDBG safety of pedestnans In an area wM and Sheoah 8 10 $ - $ - 5 300.000 5 - 5 - $ - 5 - 8 300,000 0 - 1.6.7; MTE 1.13.6; HE 221;
Phase I easy access to parks, transit, school & Sherry Av ROS 1.5.1; ICE 1.3.5; CIE
retail commercial. 1.1.3
Safety 6 mobdiy improvement Town Center at FLUE 1.4.6; FLUE 1.6.6;
6010000 of sidewalks MU increase FLUE 5.1.2; FLUE 5.2.6;
not yet established
Sidewalks- Tow Transpbl- FDOT /GRT safety for students and Improve Nfinter Spnngs 10 $ - $ - 5 292,363 $ - $ - 5 - 5 - $ 292,363 $ FLUE 6.1.1; MTE 1.5.1; MTE
Center and WSHS Mobility network connection of high school to High School 1.5.9; MTE 1.6.7; MTE
transit and Ste trod. and City Hall 1.13.8; PSFE 1.7.2; PSFE
SafeSafety a mobility mobility improvement Between SR FLUE 1.4.6; FLUE 1.8.8'
Sidewalks North Tmsptrr Addition of sidewalks will increase
419 6 SR 434 MTE 1.5.1; MTE 1.8.7; MTE
not yet established Village Welk- FDOT /GRT safety of pedestrians in an area wit 9 5 - S - 5 - 5 296,204 5 - $ - S - $ 296,204 3
Phase II
Mobility easy access to pads, transit school 6 and Sheoah 6 1.131; HE 22.1; ROS 1.5.1;
retail commercial. Sherry Av. ICE 1.3.5; GE 1.1.3
Safety 5 mobility improvement FLUE 1.6.6; FLUE 5.1.2;
flat yet established DTM Town Transpm- DTM Additon of sidewalks wig increase Toren center 10 5 - $ - 5 - $ - 5 293,000 $ - $ - $ 293,000 $ -
FLUE 5.2.4 FLUE 13.1.1;
Center Mobility safety and Improve connection MTE 1.5.1; MTE 1.5.3; MTE
between uses. 1.6.7; PSFE 1.7.2; GE 1.1.3
Paving of this multiuse trail will Between FLUE 1.8.6; FLUE 6.1.1;
not yet established Mum use Trail Transpm- 1CTX or provide a safe, attemative east -west ydnding Hollow 10 $ - $ - 5 - 5 - $ - 5 50,000 8 - $ 50,000 5 - MTE 1.5.1; MTE 1.5.3; MTE
Connector Mobility DTM route to SR 434 for bicydes and g Alton Rd 1.5.10; ROS 127; GE 1.1.3
Atld5On of this nu It-o 0 tray viol/ Between Belle FLUE 1. 6.6; FLUE 6.1.1;
Power Una Multi Transp p rovide connec and a so, and Tuskaa MTE 1.5 -1; MTE 1.5.3; MTE
m- tivity h w0
not Nka u. Tr. laabdny GRT or DTM agemative east -west route to SR 434 along FP6L 10 $ - 5 - S - 5 - 5 - 5 500,000 5 - f 500,000 5 - 1.5.10; ROS 12; ROS 122;
for bicycles and pedestrians. Easement ROS 12.1; ROS 1.2.8; ROS
1.2.7; CIE 1.1.3
Addition of mult trail connector From Highlands FLUE 1.8.8; FLUE 8.1.1;
Highlands Trail Tronspin- wig increase connectivity and increase PUD north to MTE 1.5.1; MTE 1.5.3; MTE
not yet established Connector Warty use a of the Crass Seminole Trail as a Cross Seminole 9 $ - S - 5 - $ - $ - $ - $ 500,000 1 500,000 $ - 1.5.10; ROS 1.2; ROS 12.2;
mobdly option. Trail R0512.5; ROS 1.2.7; CIE
Doran Dn. (Blumberg to high school) FLUE 1.3.1; FLUE 1.3.3;
1156500030121 Doran Dnve Tr n- 1 CTX Refurbishes collector road so that Tow Center 6 5 - $ 200,000 $ - 0 - S - $ - 5 - f 200,000 $ - MTE 1; MTE 12; MTE 1.3;
existing LOS is maintained. GE 1.1.3
FY 2011/12 to FY 2016/17
Account project Name LOS Funding Description / Justification Location Ranking Current Yr Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Budget Comprehensive Plan
Number Category Source Score 2011112 2012/13 2013/14 2014115 2015116 2016/2017 (Years 1-6) Impact Reference
Department: PUBLIC WORKS
Ranchland. Din roan paving provides suppomng 1; MT
115-65000.30134 Pm infrastructure t ICTX infrastructure to enhance exisenp RarcNanda 6 S 1,200,000 f - f - $ - f - $ - $ - f - $ (10.000) FLUE MTE 7.3; 1.3. GE MT 1.1 .]; 1; MT E 1.112 A
g houmg stock
Major maintenance - Reentrshes FLUE 7.3.7; MTE 1; LITE 12
not yet established Norh Mo.. Rood Trenepm 1CTX selector road so mat epsone LOS s Moss Road 6 f - f - f 1,300,000 f - f - 5 - f - f 1,300.000 f MTE 1.3; CIE 1.7.7
_ maintained.
not Yet established Tumor. din Tnertpbt Helps ensure adequate movement of SR 4341 6 $ S f - f - f 160.000 $ - 5 - 8 100,000 $
c _ FLUE 1.7.1; FLUE 1.13;
hat Lane people and goods. Tumor. MTE 12 MTE 1.3; GE 1.1.3
not yet established NSnMg Ileleai Trarlapal TIF Helps ensure adequate movement of SR 434 8
6 S - $ - $ - f - $ - $ 250.000 $ - f 250,000 FLUE 1.3.1; FLUE 1.1];
Decal Lane people and goods. Wnding Hollow MTE 12; MTE 1.7; CIE 1.1.3
Improvements at Transpm- Safety. OperaOOnel. and Pedesman SR 434 S
not yet established S.R. 434 and FDOT /GRT 0.000
Tuskaw+lla 6 $ - $ 100.000 S - 5 - 5 - S - f - S 10 FLUE 1.3.1; FLUE I.3.3;
Tuakaa Road
Mobility Improvements Road TE 12; TE 1.3; CIE 1.1.3
vra od
(Des 1n)
Orange Av to FLUE 1.3.1; FLUE 1.3.3:
Orange Avenus Improves road function and FLUE 2.1.4; MTE 1; MTE 11'
115-65000.30121 Loop Transpm TIF DeauOhcaton. CWP (SR 434). 6 $ - 5 - 5 - 5 - S 1.500.000 $ - f 1,500,000 f MTE 124; MTE 1.3; GE
Town Cb
TOTAL S 1,500,000 5 1,500.000 f 2,142,363 $ 546,204 8 703,000 f 4.450,000 f 500,000 8 9,541,567 $ (10,000)
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FY 2011/12 to FY 2016/17
Account LOS Funding Ranking Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Budget Comprehensive Plan
Number Project Name Category Source Description I Justification Location Score Current Yr 2011/12 2012113 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 (Years 1-6) Impact Reference
Department: UTILITY - Potable Water
SR 46 Alternaoye Potable
Study of surface weer supply as a FLUE 1.3.1,1E 2.3; IE 2.3.2;
3600-62100 Water Suppty Wrier UEF means of r demand on potable Cny Wde 6 S - S 75,000 $ - 5 100 5 - S - $ - $ 175 S IE 5.1.7; CE 126
WTP #1 Storage
not yet established Tank 1 WA UEF Major maintenance. WTP #1 6 S - $ 75,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - S 75,000 S - IE 22; IE 2.2.1
WTP #2 Storage WA UEF Major maintenance. WTP a4 6 $ - $ - 5 60.000 $ - 5 - $ - $ - $ 80,000 0 - IE 22; IE 221
Tank Resurfacing
not yet eshbkahetl W TP #3 Storaq WA UEF Major maintenance. WTP 03 6 $ 75,000 $ - $ - S - $ - $ - $ - $ - 5 - 1E 22; IE 22.1
Tank Resurfacing
SR 434 Spine Rd SR 434 t0 IE 22; IE 2.21; HE 1.9.10;
not yet established to Tuecora Dr. N/A UEF Water system looping. Spine 4 $ - $ - $ 200,000 $ - $ - 8 - $ - $ 200,000 $ - GE 1.1.3
Water Line Rd/Tuscora
SR 434 Tura:ora SR 434/ Spine . 22, IE 221; HE 1.3.10;
not yet established a. to Vistay4 Dr. WA UEF Water system looping. Rd m SR 417 4 $ - $ - $ - 5 - $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $
GE 1.1.7
Water Lew
Spine Rd (Michael IE 22; IE 221; HE 1.3.10;
365000 -30053 Blake Blvd) Wald WA UEF Water system looping. Town Center 4 $ - $ 115.000 $ - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 115.000 $ - GE 1.1.3
not yet established Chia. v WA BND Water quality upgrades. WTP #1 4 5 750000 5 80,000 5 - 5 - S - 5 - 5 830,000 $ _ IE 22, IE 221; HE 1.3.10;
WTP6 GE 1.1.9
not yet established Monitor Wells WA UEF G0u "ler montonng required by Venous 4 5 75.000 5 - 5 - S - $ - 5 - 5 - 5 - IE 22; IE 221; HE 1.3.10;
CUP W(a GE 1.1.9
TOTAL 5 150,000 $ 1,015,000 $ 340,000 $ 100,000 0 200,000 $ - $ - $ 1,655,000 5 -
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FY 2011/12 to FY 2016/17
Account project Name LOS Funding Description / Justification Location Ranking Current Yr Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Budget Comprehensive Plan
Number Category Source Score 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 (Years 1-6) Impact Reference
Department: UTILITY - Administration
• Utility/Public Old Sanford -
311 -65000-30037 Works Facility N/A CF -311 Consolidates management Oviedo Rd 4 $ 50,000 $ 904,752 $ - $ - 5 - $ - 5 - $ 904,752 $ 20,000 FLUE 1.3.3; CIE 1.1.3
Admnstm Bldg
TOTAL $ 50,000 $ 904,752 $ - $ - 5 - $ - $ - $ 904,752 $ 20,000
Account Project Name LOS Funding Description/ Justification Location Ranking Current Yr Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Budget Comprehensive Plan
Number Category Source Score Current 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 (Years 1-6) Impact Reference
_ 2011/2012
Department: UTILITY - Reclaimed Water
Augments demand on the City's
Reclamed Water potable Bank potable water system so that the Cdy Shore of Lake FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10;
not yet established Augmnt Pump Water finanang will not exceed rts 2013 CUP Jesup /Spray 6 $ 1,900,000 $ 2.300 000 $ - $ - $ - 5 - 5 - $ 2,300,000 5 75,000 IE 2.3; IE 2.3.2; IE 5.1.7;
StaSon - Phase A allocaton and allows the expansion of fields CE 1.2.8
the City's reclaimed water system.
Reclaimed Water Expands reclaimed water system and
Potable Bank reduces demand on the City's potable FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10;
not yet established Distnbuton - Wafer financing water system so that the City will not City wee 6 $ - $ - $ - $ 1.025.000 $ 1,025,000 $ - $ - 5 2,050,000 $ - IE 2.3; IE 2.3.2; IE 5.13;
Phase 1 CE 1.2.8
exceed its 2013 CUP allocation.
Reclaimed Water Expands reclaimed water system and FLUE 1.3.1, HE 1.3.10;
not yet established Distribution - Potable Bank reduces demand on the City's potable Ciry Wide 6 $ - $ - 5 - $ - $ 1,000,000 5 1,000.000 $ - 5 2,000,000 $ - I0 2.3; IE 2.3.2,1E 5.1.7;
Phase 2 Water financing water system so that the City will not
exceed its 2013 CUP allocation. CE 1.2.8
ReGametl Water Expands reclaimed water system and FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10;
not yet established Distribution - Potable Bank reduces demand on the City's potable City W de 6 9 - 5 - $ - $ - $ - $ 1.030.000 5 1,030,000 5 2,060,000 $ - IE 2.3; 10 2.3.2; IE 5.1.7;
Phase 3 Water financing water system so that the Cny will not
exceed Its 2013 CUP allocation.
CE 1.28
TOTAL 5 1,900,000 $ 2,300,000 5 - 9 1,025,000 $ 2,025,000 $ 2,030,000 $ 1,030,000 $ 8,410,000 $ 75,000
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FY 2011/12 to FY 2016/17
Account project Name LOS Funding Description / Justification Location Ranking Current Yr Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Budget Comprehensive Plan
Number Category Source Score 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 (Years 1-5) Impact Reference
Department: UTILITY - Sanitary Sewer
Emit Fermi Nan Sanitary UCF Bolsters service to new grown; 7uskawilla 6 $ 25.000 $ 220 0 - S - 5 - $ - $ - $ 220,000 $
- FLUE 1.3,1; HE 1.1.12;
Rerouting Design Sower Improves efiaency. IE 1.14;1E 14-3
361045000 -30030
Sewer Line WA 181118 Amur reline of portions of system. City Wide 6 $ 250.000 $ 200,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ - $ 1,200,000 $
Restoration FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.12;
S$74" Inueases capaaly for new growth;
FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.12;
not yet estaahed NNrRF Send Filter UEF Improves efiaecy SWJRF 6 $ - 5 - S - 5 250,000 $ - 3 - $ - S 260,000 S -
not yet established Bacldroe WA UEF Equipment Replacement City Wide 6 $ - $ - 5 80,000 5 - $ - $ - 5 - $ 80,000 $ - CIE 1.1.3
TOTAL 5 275,000 5 420,000 $ 330,000 5 500,000 $ 250,000 0 250,000 $ - $ 1,750,000 $ -
Account LOS Funding Ranking Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Budget Comprehensive Plan
Project Name Cate o Source Description / Justification Location S COre Current Yr 20 11/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017
9 rY (Years 1{) Impact Reference
Department: STORMWATER
Solary Canal SJRWMD Partnership with Oviedo, Seminole comer DeLeon FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.12; IE
3800-65000 -30144 Regional Stormwater County, 8 SJRWMD for regional Street 8 6 3 412,313 $ 500,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - 5 - 5 500,000
GRT CIE E 1.2.3; CIE 1.5.3
Stormwater Facility stormweter pond. Howard
Carrington Woods Replace failing pond outN1 structures Camngton
3800-65000 / Davenport VVR Stormwater SUF Woods and 6 $ - $ 75,000 $ - 5 - $ - 5 - $ - $ 75,000 $ - FLUE 1.3.3; CIE 1.1.3
Replacement (3) Davenport Glen
Glen Eagle VVR Replace failing pond ou0a1 structures
3800-65000 Replacement Stormwater SUF at Tuswwilla CC Holes 12 400 13 City WStla 6 $ - $ 60,000 3 - $ - $ - $ - 3 - $ 60,000 FLUE 1.33; CIE 1.1.3
ponds (serving Glen Eagle)
3800-65000 Ran Imp cld rov a ads men Swal
h infi'ase Stormwater SUF Re -gr tu existing re enohl swales and related Ren$$ 6 $ - $ 75,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0 75,000 $ - FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.12
Canal Piping: Install Pipe /Culvert along existing ditch Edgenan and
3800-65000 Edgerton to Stormwater SUF and fill ditch Flamingo 6 $ - S - $ 350,000 $ - $ - 5 - $ - 5 350,000 $ - FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.12
Canal Piping: Install Pipe/CuNert along existing ditch Central W ride
380045000 Central Wnds Stormwater SUF and fill ditch Park 6 $ - S - S - S 500,000 5 - $ - 5 - $ 600,000 5 - FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.12
Winding Rogow Lake Jesup TMDL Project- Utilize
3800-65000 Wetland Treatment Stormwater SUF Existing Wetland Area to Treat 1Mnding HWow 6 $ - $ - $ - $ 150,000 $ 150,000 5 - CIE 1.2.3; IE 4.1.1
Area Stormwater Runoff
Lake Jesup TMDL Project Install
3800-65000 Filtration Devices Stormwater SUF Filtration Devices at Existing Various 6 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 5 150,000 $ - 5 150,000 $ - CIE 1.2.3; IE 4.1.1
Stormwater Inlets
TOTAL $ 412,313 $ 710,000 $ 350,000 $ 500,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ - 5 1,860,000 $ -
Page 6 of 7
FY 2011/12 to FY 2016/17
Operating •
Account LOS Funding Ranking Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Years Year6 TOTALS Budget Comprehensive Plan •
Number Project Name Description Source Description /Justification Location Score Current Yr 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 (Years 1.6) Impact Reference
Repaving, addition 018 Sidewalk,
Street Lighting and Signage,
Shepard Road FLUM 1.4.8; FLUM 1.6.2;
1525-65000-30148 Streetscape N/A 17 -92 CRA Underground Drainage, Sustainable 007 10 $ 165.000 $ 380.000 $ - $ - $ - 8 - 8 - $ 380,000 8 - MTE 1 -Z; MTE 1.4,9; ICE
Project lantlscaping. For Shepard Road at 17- 12.5; HE 2.2.11
92. Increased public safety, economic
0 165,000 $ 380,000 $ - $ - 0 - $ - $ - $ 380,000 $ -
Account LOS Funding Ranking Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 TOTALS Budget Comprehensive Plan
Number Project Name Category Source Description I Justification Location Score Current Yr 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 (Years 1.6) Impact Reference
_ 2011/2012
Department: C POLICE
New Storage New 40x50 out building to be used for police
211062000 Building N/A GNF the secure storage of bulk property Department 6 $ 100.000 $ - 0 - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - :IE ' ' 2
and evidence storage
TOTAL $ 100,000 $ - 0 - $ - 0 - $ - $ 100,000 $ 100,000 5 -
Funding Sources: Funding Sources:
1 CTX One Cent Sales Tax (Road Improvement Fund) - 115 PBIF Public Buildings Impact Fee Fund
BND Bonds PIMF Park & Rec Impact Fee Fund
CF -305 1999 Construction Capital Project Fund - 305 PRV Private Contributions
CF-311 Construction Fund - 311 R &R Utility Renewal & Replacement Fund
DEF Develo•ment Services Ente .rise Fund , RSV Reserves _
DTM Developer Transportation Mitigation SC Seminole County
FIMF Fire Impact Fee Fund , STM Stimulus Federal Funding
FDOT Florida Dept of Transportation SUF Stormwater Utility Enterprise Fund
GNF General Fund TIF _ Transportation Impact Fee Fund
GRT Grants & CDBG TLBD Assessment District (Tuscawilla Lighting & Beau
LGTX Local Option Gas Tax (Transportation Improvement _ UCF Utility Construction Fund
MTF Medical Transportation Fund UEF Uti)i Enter•rise Fund
OFD Assessment District (Oak Forest Wall)
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