HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 05 17 Public Hearings 503.1CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AGENDA ITEM 503.1 Ma 17 2011 Regular Meeting REQUEST: I Informational I I I Consent I I Public Hearings X Regular The Code Enforcement Board is requested to review this Agenda Item. "F NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION City of Winter Springs, Florida. Winter Springs Police Department To: REST NT/PRO RTY OWNER ADDRESS: This is to make you aware that the following condition is a violation of the requirements of the Code of the City of Winter Springs, FL. ACCUMULATION OF TRASH AND DEBRIS: Remove trash and debris. BOAT /RV /TRAILER STORED IN FRONT YARD: Store behind the front line of the structure. COMMERCIAL USE OF RESIDENTIAL AREA: Remove commercial vehicle / remove equipment / discontinue business use. FENCE NEEDS REPAIR: Repair or replace fence INOPERABLE VEHICLE: Repair, store in garage or remove from property. OVERGROWN YARD: Mow and remove yard waste. UTILITY METER ACCESS: POOL WATER UNFIT: Maintain pool. UNFIT STRUCTURE: Contact Building Department. UNLICENSED VEHICLE: License, store in garage or remove from the property. UNPERMITTED CONSTRUCTION: Obtain Pcrmit from Building Department. UNPERMITTED SIGN: Remove the sign /obtain a pennit from Building Department. YARD SALE WITH UT ERMIT: Obtain permit from Building part en OTHER: OTHE COM NTS:- y Please remedy the problems which have been checked as a violation on or before If you are not sure of the proper remedy you may contact an inspector at the number below. (407) 7 - 1000 INSPECTOR: DA�1 L 3 QG CASE NUMBER: F� CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORC BOARD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA COMPLAINT NO. 06- 0011389 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOA RD, ADDRESS: 902 GAZELLE TRAIL PETITIONER WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 V. RUTH A. PAR RESPONDENT. STATEMENT OF'VIOLATION AND NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT AT 7:00 P.M. ON THE 21ST DAY OF MARCH 20 06 AT THE CITY HALL, 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD WILL HOLD A HEARING TO DETERMINE WHY YOU SHOULD NOT BE FOUND IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AS FOLLOWS: LOCATION /ADDRESS WHERE VIOLATIONEXISTS: 902 -- GAZELLE TRAIL, WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 r NAME AND ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER OF RECORD: , RUTH A. PARHAM, 902 GAZELLE TRAIL, WINTER SPRINGS EL 32708 NAME AND ADDRESS OF RESIDENT/PERSON IN CHARGE OF PROPERTY: RUTH A. PARHAM, 902 GAZELLE TRAIL, WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 CITY CODE SECTION VIOLATED: DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: SECTION 13 -2 JUNK (UNSIGHTLY) DATE VIOLATION WAS FIRST OBSERVED: 8/12/04, 5/7/05 REOCCURRED 1/13/06 THE VIO LATION UNLESS YOU: (1) CORRECT THIS VIOLATION BY: _°J M (3) DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION AND (2) CONTACT THE CODE INSPECTOR TO VERIFY COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY CODE, THIS CASE WILL BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ON THE DATE GIVEN ABOVE. IF THE BOARD FINDS YOU IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AS STATED ABOVE, YOU MAY BE FINED UP TO TWO 14 NDRFD AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.00) PER DAY FOR EACH DAY THE VIOLATION CONTINUES, BE CHARGED COSTS INCURRED BY THE CITY IN PROSECUTING THIS CASE AND IF SUCH FINE AND COSTS ARE NOT PROMPTLY PAID, MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY, PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 162.09, THIS I- TEARING SHALL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-60 OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AND FLORIDA STATUTES CHAPTER 162 YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO APPEAR IN PERSON OR BY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. YOU HAVE ARIG14T TO PRESENT EVIDENCE, EXHIBITS, AND WRITTEN OR ORAL TESTIMONY. THE CODE BOARD WILL SUBPOENA WITNESSES IN YOUR BEHALF UPON WRITTEN PETITION TO THE BOARD. PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY IF YOU DESIRE TO APPEAL THE ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, YOU WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS. FOR THIS PURPOSE, YOU MAY, AT YOUR EXPENSE, ARRANGE FOR A VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT OF THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE PRESENTED AT THE HEARING. YOU ARE HEREBY ADVISED THAT YOU OR YOUR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE MUST A NA THE CODE BOARD IIEAFJNG. OTHERWISE, IF YOU FAIL TO ATTEND IN PERSON OR BY REPRESENTATIVE, YOU Y L E OUR RIG O A HEA RIN G AND THE CODE BOARD MAY ORDER A DEFAULT BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU FIND IN O VT A ON TTY CODE AS STATED ABOVE. DATED THIS 23RD DAY SIGNATURE 0 ODE INSPECTOR OF FEBRUARY 20 06 CATHY DAVIDSON TYPED OR PRINTED NAME OF CODE INSPECTOR ENCLOSED: COPY OF SECTION 13 -2 CODE ENFORCEMENT CITY DEPARTMENT (407) 327 -1000 EXT. 466 � ) / /y/ TELEPHONE NUMBER OF OFFICE OF CODE INSPECTO�R�� /J I CEA4 (C9 OF WAS SERVED BY BAND DELIVERY/ X CERTIFIED MAIL THIS AY OF . 20 CERTIFIED/DELIVERED BY 7005 1820 0002 3051 1151 RECEIVED BY: PRINTED NAME RELATIONSHIP TO PROPERTY OWNER OF RECORD WSPD 115 REV. 3 -10-00 Ln rn rt! M C3 0 fl ru =0 LI'j M M r- stal Services, E(Do= estoic FIED MAIL,. RECEIPT Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) Ln rn rt! M C3 0 fl ru =0 LI'j M M r- CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA COMPLAINT NO. 06- 0011389 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, PETITIONER, V. Ruth A. Parham ADDRESS: 902 Gazelle Trail Winter Springs, FL 32708 RESPONDENT. STATEMENT OF VIOLATION AND NOTICE OF NON - COMPLIANCE HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT AT 7:00 P.M. ON THE 18th DAY OF July 1 20 Qfi__, AT THE CITY HALL, 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD WILL HOLD A HEARING TO DETERMINE WHY YOU SHOULD NOT BE FOUND IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AS FOLLOWS: LOCATION /ADDRESS WHERE VIOLATION EXISTS: 902 Gazelle Trail, Winter Springs, FT. "32708 NAME AND ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER OF RECORD: Ruth A. Parham, 902 Gazelle Trail Winter Springs, FL 32708 NAME AND ADDRESS OF RESIDENT /PERSON IN CHARGE OF PROPERTY: Ruth A. Parham, 902 Gazellel'Trail. Winter Srorinas„ FL 32708 CITY CODE SECTION VIOLATED: Section 13 -2 DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: Junk (Unsi htl DATE VIOLATION WAS FIRST OBSERVED: 8/12/04,5/7/05,1/13/06 Reoccurred 6/14/06 THIS CASE WILL BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ON THE DATE GIVEN ABOVE. IF THE BOARD FINDS YOU IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AS STATED ABOVE, YOU MAY BE FINED FIVE HUNDRED ($250.00) DOLLARS, BE CHARGED COSTS INCURRED BY THE CITY IN PROSECUTING THIS CASE AND IF SUCH FINE AND COSTS ARE NOT PROMPTLY PAID, MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY, PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 162.09 THIS HEARING SHALL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2 -60 OFTHE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AND FLORIDA STATUTES CHAPTER 162 YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO APPEAR IN PERSON OR 13Y AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO PRESENT EVIDENCE, EXHIBITS, AND WRITTEN OR ORAL TESTIMONY. THE CODE BOARD WILL SUBPOENA WITNESSES IN YOUR BEHALF UPON WRITTEN PETITION TO THE BOARD, PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY IF YOU DESIRE TO APPEAL THE ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, YOU WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS. FOR THIS PURPOSE, YOU MAY, AT YOUR EXPENSE, ARRANGE FOR A VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT OF THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE PRESENTED AT THE HEARING. YOU ARE HEREBY ADVISED THAT YOU OR YOUR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE MUST ATTEND THE CODE BOARD HEARING. OTHERWISE, IF YOU FAIL TO ATTEND IN PERSON OR BY REPRESENTATIVE, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO A HEARING AND THE CODE BOARD MAY ORDER A DEFAULT BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU FINDING YOU IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AS STATED ABOVE. DATEDTHIS 28th DAY SIGNATURE OF CODE OF June 20 06. Enclosed: copy of section 13 -2 Jose Romero TYPED OR PRINTED NAME OF CODE INSPECTOR Code Enforcement CITY DEPARTMENT (407) 327 -1000 Ext. 505 TELEPHONE NUMBER OF OFFICE OF CODE INSPECTOR I CERTIFY A CODE OF THIS DOCUMENT WAS SERVED BY HAND DELIVERY/ CERTIFIED MAIL THIS DAY OF 20 CERTIFIED /DELIVERED BY 7005 1820 0 002 3051 2752 RECEIVED BY: PRINTED NAME RELATIONSHIP TO PROPERTY OWNER OF RECORD WSPD 115 REV, 10 -02 -02 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, PETITIONER, % V. RUTH A. PARHAM RESPONDENT. ADDRESS: 902 GAZELLE TRAIL WINTER SPRINGS. FL 32708 STATEMENT OF VIOLATION AND NOTICE OF NON - COMPLIANCE HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT AT 71:100 P,M. ON THE 15TH DAY OF APRIL _20 07 , AT THE CITY HALL, 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD WILL,HOLD A HEARING TO DETERMINE WHY YOU SHOULD NOT BE FOUND IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AS FOLLOWS: LOCATION /ADDRESS WHERE VIOLATION EXISTS: 902 GAZELLE TRAIL, WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 NAME AND ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER OF RECORD: y RUTH A. PARHAM, 902 GAZELLE TRAIL WINTER SPRINGS FL 32706 NAME AND ADDRESS OF RESIDENT /PERSON IN CHARGE OF PROPERTY: RUTH A. PARHAM, 902 GAZELLE TRAIL, WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 CITY CODE SECTION VIOLATED: SECTION 13 - 2 DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: JUNK (UNSIGHTLY) DATE VIOLATION WAS FIRST OBSERVED: 8/12/04 5/7/05 2 1/13 /06,2 /15 /06,6 /14 /06, 4/V07 THIS CASE WILL BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ON THE DATE GIVEN ABOVE. IF THE BOARD FINDS YOU IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AS STATED ABOVE, YOU MAY BE FINED ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ($1500.00) DOLLARS, BE CHARGED COSTS INCURRED BY THE CITY IN PROSECUTING THIS CASE AND IF SUCH FINE AND COSTS ARE NOT PROMPTLY PAID, MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPhTY, PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 162.09 THIS HEARING SHALL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2 -60 OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AND FLORIDA STATUTES CHAPTER 162 YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO APPEAR IN PERSON OR BY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO PRESENT EVIDENCE. EXHIBITS, AND WRITTEN OR ORAL TESTIMONY. THE CODE BOARD WILL SUBPOENA WITNESSES IN YOUR BEHALF UPON WRITTEN PETITION TO THE BOARD. PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY IF YOU DESIRE TO APPEAL THE ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, YOU WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS- FOR THIS PURPOSE, YOU MAY, AT YOUR EXPENSE, ARRANGE FOR A VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT OF THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE PRESENTED AT THE HEARING. YOU ARE HEREBY ADVISED THAT YOU OR YOUR AUTHORIZED REP SENTATIVE MUST ATTEND THE CODE BOARD HEARING. OTHERWISE, IF YOU FAIL TO ATTEND IN PERSON OR BY REPRESENT TIVE, YOU MAY LASE YOUR RIGHT TO A HEARING AND THE CODE BOARD MAY ORDER A DEFAULT BE ENTERED AGAINST YO F DI YOU IN ATION OF THE CITY CODE AS STATED ABOVE. DATEDTH(S 18TH DAY ~''� S URE OF COD INS TOR OF APRIL 20 07 HECMARETTE SIMS TYPED OR PRINTED NAME OF CODE INSPECTOR ENCLOSEMI.- COPY OF SECTION 13 -2 CODE ENFORCEMENT CITY DEPARTMENT (407))327 -1000 TELEPHONE NUMBER OF OFFICE OF CODE INSPECTOR r l% I CERTIFY A f P2O UMENT WAS SERVED BY HAND DELIVERY/ x CERTIFIED MAIL THIS - DAY OF CER TIFIED /DELIVERED BY 7005 1820 0002 3025 0715 RECEIVED BY: ALSO!:'.. FIRST CLASS MAIL PRINTED NAME RELATIONSHIP TO PROPERTY OWNER OF RECORD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORID. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD COMPLAINT NO. 06- 0011389 WSPD 115 REV. 10 -02 -02 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, PETITIONER, RUTH PARBAIR v. C/O FAITHANNE SNELL RESPONDENT COMPLAINT NO. 06 0011389 ADDRESS: 440 TERRACE DRIVE OVIEDO, FL 32765 STATEMENT OF VIOLATION AND NOTICE OF NON - COMPLIANCE HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT AT 7:00 P.M. ON THE 17TH DAY OF MAY 2111 AT THE CITY HALL,]] 26 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD WILL HOLD A HEARING TO DETERMINE WHY YOU SHOULD NOT BE FOUND W VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AS FOLLOWS- LOCATION/ADDRESS WHERE VIOLATION EXISTS: 902 GAZELL TRAIL, 'WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 NAME AND ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER OF RECORD: RUTH PARHAM C/O FATIHANNE SNELL, 440 TERRACE DRIVE, OVIEDO, FL 32765 NAME AND ADDRESS OF RESIDENT /PERSON IN CHARGE OF PROPERTY: RUTH PARHAM C/O FAITHANNE SNELL, 440 TERRACE DRIVE, OVIEDO, FL 32765 CITY CODE SECTION VIOLATED: SECTION 13 -2 DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: JUNK DATE VIOLATION WAS FIRST OBSERVED: 8 / 12 / 04 , 5 / 7 / 0 5,1113/06,2/15/06,6/14/06,4/510 - 7 REOCCURRED 3/7/11 THIS CASE WILL BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ON THE DATE GIVEN ABOVE. IF THE BOARD FINDS YOU IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AS STATED ABOVE, YOU MAY BE FINED FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ($5,500.00) DOLLARS, BE CHARGED COSTS INCURRED BY THE CITY IN PROSECUTING THIS CASE AND IF SUCH FINE AND COSTS ARE NOT PROMPTLY PAID, MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY, PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 162.o9 THIS HEARING SHALL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2 -60 OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AND FLORIDA STATUTES CHAPTER 162 YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO APPEAR IN PERSON OR BY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO PRESENT EVIDENCE, EXHIBITS, AND WRITTEN OR ORAL TESTIMONY, THE CODE BOARD WILL SUBPOENA WITNESSES IN YOUR BEHALF UPON WRITTEN PETITION TO THE BOARD. PLEASE GOVERN YOUR ELF ACCORDINGLY IF YOU DESIRE TO APPEAL THE ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, YOU WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS. FOR THIS PURPOSE, YOU MAY, AT YOUR EXPENSE, ARRANGE FOR A VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT OF THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE PRESENTED AT THE HEARING. YOU ARE HEREBY ADVISED THAT YOU OR YOUR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE MUST ATTEND THE CODE BOARD HEARING. OTHERWISE, IF YOU FAIL TO ATTEND IN PERSON OR BY REPRESENTATIVE, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO A HEARING AND THE CODE BOARD MAY ORDER A DEFAULT BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU FINDINC,.YlS9ii IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AS STATED ABOVE. DATED THIS 28TH DAY N`.� RE OF DE INSPECTOR OF APRIL , 20 11 . JIM FLANNIGAN TYPED OR PRINTED NAME OF CODE INSPECTOR ENCLOSED: COPY OF SECTION 13 -2 CODE ENFORCEMENT CITY DEPARTMENT (407) 327 -1000 TELEPHONE NUMBER OF OFFICE OF CODE INSPECTOR I CERTIFY A CODE OF THIS DOCUMENT WAS SERVED BY HAND DELIVERY/ % CERTIFIED MAIL THIS DAY OF . 20 CERTIFIED /DLLIVERED BY 1011 0470 00 3229 15 34 RECEIVED BY: PRINTED NAME RELATIONSHIP TO PROPERTY OWNER OF RECORD WSPD 115 REV. 10 -02 -02 • Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also cofriplate item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you'. • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: P0'V h0'M X61 4 4 D [ e OY4 6 V1 zo�d 6 j 41, 3,,q � te A. Si lure % f ❑ Agent 0. Addressee 8:.j�{eceived by (P ted'Iame) C. Date of Delivery D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Service Type Mail ❑ Express Mail © Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ In sured Mail ❑ C. O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes 2. Article Number 7011 0470 0009 3229 1554 (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3$11, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595 -02 -M -1540 U.S. Postal Servicer CERTIFIED MAIL,. RECEIPT {Domestic Mail Only; No insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery . information visit our website at www.us,ps.com,e 0 Return Receipt Fee.. (Endgrsetnent Required) . Restricted Delivery Fee =1 (Endorserhent Required) f'- 9� postage & Fees T, r � L C3 Street Apt. _ lVa; LM r or PO awr NO. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 -2799 Telephone: (407) 327 -1800 Fax: (407) 327 -4753 Website: www.winterspringsfi.org ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CASE NUMBER: 06- 0011359 CERTIFIED: 7003 3110 0005 0925 1385 OWNER: Ruth A. Parham 902 Gazelle Trail Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Section 13 -2. (Unsightly Junk) "The City of Winter Springs versus Ruth A. Parham, Case Number 060011389. After--° hearing the sworn Testimony of the Code Enforcement Officer and reviewing the evidence presented at this Hearing, I find that the Code Enforcement Officer has proven his Case based on the following: FINDING OF FACT. Ruth A. Parham was provided Notice by the Code Enforcement Officer in accordance with Section 2 -59. of the City Code that a Violation of Section 13 -2. (Unsightly Junk) of the City Code existed. 1. The Respondent was provided Notice of this Hearing as prescribed by Chapter 162.12 of the Florida Statutes and that the Respondent was not present at this Hearing. 2. The Respondent was provided a reasonable time to correct the Violation. 3. The Respondent failed or refused to correct the Violation within the time provided. 4. The Violation continues to exist upon the Respondent's property. Therefore, I Move that this Board find that Ruth A. Parham has Violated Section 13 -2. (Unsightly Junk) of the City Code and a Judgment of `Guilty' be Ordered for the Record. I further Move that the appropriate Relief Order be' issued immediately by the Code Enforcement Board." CITY 0. .LATER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CASE NUMBER 06- 0011389 MARCH 21, 2006 PAGE 2 OF 2 RELIEF ORDER: "The City of Winter Springs versus Ruth A. Parham, Case Number 06- 00113$9 having been found `Guilty' for Violating Section 13 -2. (Unsightly Junk) of the City Code, I Move that the Respondent be given seven (7) days after Notification to correct this Violation of the City Code. Ruth A. Parham if you fail to correct the Violation within the time period [provided], a Fine of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) will be imposed per day until Compliance has been verified by a Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Winter Springs. Furthermore, Rnth A. Parham, any and all future Reoccurrences of this Violation will be considered a Repeat Offense. A Repeat Violation will necessitate further proceedings without the opportunity to correct the Repeat Violation. The Fine for a Repeat Violation will be Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) per day, beginning on the first day the Repeat Violation is found to exist by a Code Enforcement Officer. I also Move that the Clerk of the Code Enforcement Board be Ordered to Record a Certified copy of this Order into the Public Records for Seminole County, Florida should the Respondent fail to correct the Violation within the time frame set forth by this Board." This 21 day of March, 2006. Mathew Matisak, Chairman Code Enforcement Board City of Winter Springs zrl ■ - co m ( r , Cc :. nu Q .. : © Postage $ � o 1 fed Fae Q M RetumRede4 (EndorsementRequlmd) Pastmedc `�� - , Here .,,•' ,''e �' `'c r3 E3 Restdcted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Rm.ired) - r=1 a m Toth & r-ees r M Sent Td arPO • Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the it - ant if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: 6 ilk rt - 3d- 76 A. S911tyy B. R ( Printed Name) D. Is delivery address different from item 1? r ud Ye# If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. ifie Type ertd Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered 0 Return Recelpt for Merchandise 0 Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes 2. Article l+l!umber 7 3 110 0 -005 0 928 1385 (r7ansfer from service label) PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 - - -• 79. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 -2799 Telephone. (407) 327 -1800 Fax: (407) 327 -4753 Website: www.winterspringsfi.org ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CASE NUMBER: 06- 0011389 CERTIFIED: 7003 3110 0005 0928 1293 OWNER: Ms. Ruth A. Parham 902 Gazelle Trail Winter Springs, Florida 32708 .• Section 13 -2. (Junk) "The City of Winter Springs versus [Ms.] Ruth A. Parham, Case Number 06- 0011389. After hearing the sworn testimony of the Code Enforcement Officer and reviewing the evidence presented at this Hearing, I find that the Code Enforcement Officer has proven her Case based on the following: MOTION TO ENFORCE ORDER FOR NON- COMPLLINCE 1. The Respondent -has previously been before the Code Enforcement Board for the City of Winter Springs and was found "Guilty" of violating Section 13 -2. [Junk] of the City Code and was ordered to correct such Violation. 2. The Respondent was provided Notice of this Non - Compliance Hearing as prescribed by Chapter 162.12 of the Florida Statutes and that the Respondent was not present at this Hearing. That no proof of extenuating circumstances existed which would have prevented the Respondent from coming into compliance with the Boards order. Therefore, I move that the fine of Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($3,250.00) stand and enforcement for the collection of this fine resume. This 15 day of May, 2007. Mathew Matisak, Chairman Code Enforcement Board City of Winter Springs R 11Ni li !Ri !i iff !! of 1R fii!! RR !�# R�lii fi RiR� ii � fi isi !f ill I Rlii Board by the Code Inspector, which Affidavit certifies under oath that the required corrective action was not taken as ordered. Accordingly, it having been brought to the Board's attention that Respondent did not comply with Order dated March 21, 2006, it is hereby: el , ORDERED THAT RESPONDENT PAY to the City of Winter Springs a fine in the amount of U, $3,250.00 in reference to the property that exists at 902 Gazelle Trail in the City of Winter Springs described as: CD LEG LOT 383 WINTER SPRINGS UNIT 4 PB I8 PAGES 6 -8, OF SEMINOLE COUNTY OWNED BY RUTH A. PARHAM t,1 902 GAZELLE TRAIL, WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 ; This Order if recorded in the public records shall constitute a lien against the above described a- property and any other real or personal property of the Respondent, pursuant of Section 162.08 and Section 162.09 of the Florida Statutes. s T7D T 1. DONE AND vn��F.,�D this day of , at Seminole County, Fl i a. -= �Q- ,� r �- ��'•��'r �.,., f� � ode Enforce t,�Ba ar:� ct Cit rya Admini' •ative Secretary (Code) Chairm .� X11 •.. � -y� i 0" Notary {public State of FlorWa c 'Tould 450806 �SOF P- Expires 07/14/2009 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD OF THE M _ V- CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA n t,. Z City of Winter Springs Complaint No. 06- 0011389 Petitioner, (,Fa T. rrt v. Ruth A. Parham_ 902 Gazelle Trail Winter Springs, FL 32708 Respondent.' 7 ' ORDER IMPOSING PENALTY/LIEN C THIS CAUSE came on for public hearing before the Winter Springs Code Enforcement Board, a on May 15, 2007, after due notice to Respondent, at which the Board heard testimony under oath. received evidence, and issued its Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and thereupon issued oral Order which was reduced to writing and furnished to Respondent. Said Order required Respondent to take certain corrective action by a certain time, as more specifically set forth in that Order. E An Affidavit of Non - Compliance, bearing the date of April 5, .2007 has been filed with the Board by the Code Inspector, which Affidavit certifies under oath that the required corrective action was not taken as ordered. Accordingly, it having been brought to the Board's attention that Respondent did not comply with Order dated March 21, 2006, it is hereby: el , ORDERED THAT RESPONDENT PAY to the City of Winter Springs a fine in the amount of U, $3,250.00 in reference to the property that exists at 902 Gazelle Trail in the City of Winter Springs described as: CD LEG LOT 383 WINTER SPRINGS UNIT 4 PB I8 PAGES 6 -8, OF SEMINOLE COUNTY OWNED BY RUTH A. PARHAM t,1 902 GAZELLE TRAIL, WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 ; This Order if recorded in the public records shall constitute a lien against the above described a- property and any other real or personal property of the Respondent, pursuant of Section 162.08 and Section 162.09 of the Florida Statutes. s T7D T 1. DONE AND vn��F.,�D this day of , at Seminole County, Fl i a. -= �Q- ,� r �- ��'•��'r �.,., f� � ode Enforce t,�Ba ar:� ct Cit rya Admini' •ative Secretary (Code) Chairm .� X11 •.. � -y� i 0" Notary {public State of FlorWa c 'Tould 450806 �SOF P- Expires 07/14/2009 U.$. Postal Service,M CERTIFIED MAIL. RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) ��� riogvar� information visit our website at WWW.usps.cam& ca ru In 6 S D filled Fee M 6 173 Return Reclept Fee C3 (Endorsement Required) M Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) r =1 rTl 701st Postage 8 Fees rrl sent ` M ® niwr', or PO Box No. • Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete %d elivery item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. gent • Print your name and address on the revs a Addressee so that we can return the card to you. me m livery • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. diffe t from item 1? Ye s 1. Article Addressed to: ivery address : 11 belowNo 1 1 cm . �t n.► l t Ze��� �a 3. p serv�ice Type �] e te red 13 Express Mail yy ❑"RRegisred L7 Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted DeliverYl (! xfra Fee) ❑ Yes 2. Article Number — ����� �a�� ��� 1� {transfer from service label) PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Retum Receipt 102595 - 02 - M -1540