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2004 10 04 Public Hearings 400 Approval of First Reading Ordinance 2004-48 1740 DeLeon Street Owned by Cynthia Rook
COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 400 Consent Information Public Hearing X Regular October 4, 2004 Meeting MGR/ V /Dept. / REQUEST: The Community Development Department — Planning Division requests the City Commission conduct a public hearing for the 1st Reading of Ordinance 2004 -48, annexing three parcels located at 1740 Deleon Street equaling approximately 4.05 acres and owned by Cynthia Rook. PURPOSE: To consider the Annexation request of Cynthia Rook related to her properties at 1740 Deleon Street, which totals approximately 4.05 acres. APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Florida Statute Chapter 171. Municipal Annexation or Contraction. Florida Statute Chapter 171.044 (1). The owner or owners of real property in an unincorporated area of a county which is contiguous to a municipality and reasonably compact may petition the governing body of said municipality that said property be annexed to the municipality. Winter Springs Charter Section 2.03. Annexation procedure. Winter Springs Code Section 16-77. Outdoor display /billboards -- Off - premises signs prohibited. (e) CHRONOLOGY: Oct. 1, 2004- Application Received Oct. 4, 2004- 1 Reading of Ordinance 2004 -48 CONSIDERATIONS: • The application petition bears the signature of the property owner. • The subject area is contiguous with the City's existing boundaries to the west and south, and located on Deleon Street immediately north of the Weaver property. The subject area lies on the east side of the County's urban rural boundary. • The following three parcels are under consideration: COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 400 October 4, 2004 Parcel # 03- 21 -31- 300 - 0070 -0000 Parcel # 03- 21 -31- 300 - 0050 -0000 Parcel # 03- 21 -31- 300 -007A -0000 • The owner/ applicant is currently residing in a single family home located on parcel # 03 -21- 31- 300 -007A -0000 • The Applicant has expressed interest in the inclusion of her properties within the Conservation Village concept. • The City has capacity to provide these parcels with the same urban services provided to other areas of the City. • The request is consistent with all applicable goals, objectives and policies of the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. • The subject properties are currently designated "Rural -3 ", and "Rural -3" & "Conservation" on the County Future Land Use Map, as are the adjacent properties. Those directly to the west and south are within the City, while properties directly to the north and the east remain in the County. • The subject property is currently designated "A -3 Agricultural" on the County Zoning Map. Adjacent properties to the west are in the City and still retain the County Zoning. • Letters notifying the adjacent property owners have been sent. • The property will be posted before the second reading. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Commission hold a public hearing for 1 Reading of Ordinance 2004 -48, that would annex three (3) contiguous parcels at 1740 Deleon Street, equaling approximately 4.05 acres and owned by Cynthia Rook. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: Oct. 14, 2004- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel (2x in two consecutive weeks) Oct. 21, 2004- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel (2x in two consecutive weeks) Oct. 25, 2004- rd Reading and Adoption of Ordinance 2004 -46 ATTACHMENTS: A. Application for Annexation with property owner signatures including survey B. Ordinance 2004 -48 with location map COMMISSION ACTION: COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 400 October 4, 2004 ATTACHMENT- A Application for Annexation with property owner signature CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT , :, 441111$11 1126 STATE ROAD 434 a�,: 4. ca v ik WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32 70 8 do FAX:407 7 - 68 x 95 } .s �o .of, APPLICA►T1ON FOR ANNEXATION XATI = OrN AND SOISEOUEPIT COM`= PREHEN8 VE PLAN ANIEROMENT A REZONING PETITION i _ APPLICANT: tf!, 1J14‘(`A k Last / First Middle MAILING ADDRESS: 1 7 / t°I e� zlizi ° qr sta. .., c, . PHONE: If Applicant does NOT own the property: PR PEATY O : IAst First middle' MAILING ADDS: City state tip Cods PHONE: This request is for the Property 4escti behmow: PROPERTY AD1 I 4.,, 4 i 6 t- at � TAX PARCEL 141310111.: ,See e ` so ' . . i s SIZE CaP FARCEI,: > Please state the reasons orjustifloationier your . Anne lation�, Cor> heensLve T' , endment (Future Land use chan anti ..Re n. t: olta S : , 4 `, 'L& . k,, t. ,. • ilk +rp : Il, %IkA. a, .. .;gat. 1 *: OP. �y ;K.' 4a �� Cwt CS C <; • m;. LAM US s ,', ,,x, : 4 '-=$ 3 Request fora Moose to of M FU'ItIgE LANV s.; , ,i . , pear: 4.46R Or- C r OA- If you are requeaften M ` 'to 941 , 4 F . ` rte A P s C 'l nszvc Plan, vi f E set forth the > oa. Current COUNTY ZOl! 4O Classification: '7,3A Request fora Change to CITY of Wi r Springs a9... i . 0 al> , = - , ' , l" - t 0 t 1 v;i10/.6 Fosn Revised "col 30, 3404 ANNEXATIONS, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS and REZONINGS are subject to the Approval of t City Commission. Each action is only effective when the Notice and Vote Requirements r I�mu uirements of subject 1t" ,pRt mutt Florida Statutes have been achieved. �ty r COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS are subject to the Approval of the City Commission. Bach action is onl effective when the Notice and Vote Requirements of Chapter 166 and 171, Plorida:Statutes have been achieved. LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDM ENTS are subject to Approval by the Florida Department Community Airs are tot until the " to in of taent of.Cotnnntnity A txsttos a "Notice of lrttent "' to find the Comprehensive Plan Amendment in compliance with the requiretnehht of ampler 163:3114 and Florida Statutes. Unless otherwiseProovided by law, the Comprehensive Plan ofthe City CitYOrWittler Sys stall be amended only twice per year in accordanttewit`ti 163.31870) FS. and Winter S Code of�nsrteea Section 15 -32 as follows; P Spr No later than 6:00 p.m. on the first Wednesday in February. The G la nti eFP t t n(s ) will be reviewed at a meeting of the local planning agency to be held in April or as otherwise practicable. Fall - No later than 5:00 p.m. on the tint Wednesday. iii August:, The appbc3tion(s) will be reviewed at a meeting of the local planning agency to be held in October or as otherwise practicable. SMALL SCALE AMENDMENTS be : e 9, ^ ved without rani to statutory limits an the h'equency of consideration ofamendnienta tinder .the . onsOpprovedbylaw. APPLICANTS are advised,. that tithe) decide to appeal any decisions try at the meetings or hearings, with respect to any matter considered at the Ineethstl or hearings, they will need a record oft he they will need to insure that a vet m<record ofthe o st h he te ny and evidence which.tl � 1 Florida t atue r s ems, wh ineludes the testitnany �I� la to Ott b ase d , Per 28640105, I?oitt Statutes. �` . ..,_ ' ;t ci s �� • 4. A copy of the most recent V EY of the Subject pry with Moles and Bounds description. A ooh of the LEGAL OfflitrAPTION, 11 x 97 4 , ©n the ARASENT �' Nt STREETS end: ZONING AND LAND USE ct fications JUSWIOATION rtA thwatoeit. woes end AmirVISESIOES Etedh OrOpitly owner within 150 ft. of each property litre. Ile t He-e1 *yam or Attorney for the 0 (see below). CJ AP'PUOAi N MOW: FEES are as STIOW rEW.p ua AC . C *wed for ?D' i or NOTIFICATION, �� yp� �: L r titti d ta�s �y „ " [P � ' y, E yyy�j ' y 4 � . i 7 �M > ' . vP Ocoseging subriowt for n 'Cosy. .A,NNExATI 500 $ tun* {Ptits4if6•?ttt ot=tbtk are PRE-AAIt XA t : T ~: 611 e t $ 300 COAVRESENSIVE K A wr per Amt . S Small Seale:( meta 1 acted or foam) $ 500 Set (Omer* Igerelleulthaarea; Text A ad ta) $ 1000 tarty a rhr Annozatiori'liyinvititil n orttre,+Chy areligimlOt from this Pee) REZMING per Applicant $ 500 S Plus $ 25/acre TOTAL tkohneviseci A' In, 2004 FINECEIVED OCT 0 4 **************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *, ., * *,r * *. * *+"* *ct f*i4# *NOP RSNGs FOR L "A ';, * »', r,. r r►wr yts ,arn.,t This is to certify that I am the Owner in fee simple of subject larels described witin this Application for An xa Subs " a ` a, ' . ; Plan Atnendm nt and zo g n. Sig we cif owner t4 said sib a "+ R e d is day of d.A .:'-/ 20 ,11 0 ? (-- Nt, 0 My Coma expires: Personally Known et Produced Identification: a (Type), . Dial: .0 Chi Did Not take and Oitth * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *?s* ** ****fir * * * * * ** r+ * * ** * * *a * ** ** * * * * * ** * * ****«** * * * * *. *** * * * *** FOR . ` ?t3Jkl T .. z il-.*: �. _. , g . :, 0P THE S ECT PROPERTY: 1, do hereby with my nixed: signanne ellew !o tznt r i n the fixa and Subsequent Co prehensiye Plan Ansendm 3 ent:a u of my property. The property is identified u: Located at and as fitrhaer id d 7pt P rctyitdt t signature o'oit s Sworn to and subscribedliefoin this day of : 4 •: Did /40ttalie andOeth Harm Rome Aors so, 2 04 illit Taken from Winter Springs Code of Ordinal-1m, Section 15 -36. -- r) - sit,, Address each of the f a# vtr►g f w ? related tothe request. Attach dlt1Qna G"8 paper as, necessary: What effect will the proposed •amendment have on the City's budget or the econorny of the region? 42..A.titti ,A. m f ',` v6 � a tam : ��� ". �" Ra � . = " .lr3 . - � ".< �t ®the e 't ' '° - AetWettlJsof ervitlf it .t der � t' burden `. i rr„ ci — .A,.., " .' -e , t Q .4► ... a ti d r i rnt w1.1i on the Level; of Sentice jj ��gg�� yyiid� .. 7':#NNF� ti vi� �, .. . - water traffic clrc L n, ! , ton. 161 41 ,1 ir ' 1 ' CI What 'tr"npect'v tt* . .., : 'won: °l +fit "t at,:: ruts " ", 3 " . ,;' , ...';:j4.7.'.., * a d ,', :A t' =4 ,.".0'0 , `A7 a': ..d a } ,j" +ld : d - w g F 4.1'. 0 Op 4 ?tai 0 Identify surrounding neighborhoods and land use. Is the amendment co with these? � {j �" pp�� Na8 , lY� i���A4 ) /214:10,601 . W- s'�."F.^f. 4 t I . Will the proposed amendment promote or adversely affect the public health, safety, welfare, a one orb, or aesthetics s of the City or region? ' i 16 el +t t t , t .fall° w < , r - e,0.1 M °. „../0.abeLtai 1.0f2L,t#1 14 ciAdllitie% (.130.,t4,1)k '.b,12-4.)1,1)441 tiA;3 C] Identify how he r with the :O � and PQII of the Cor rehe� f� . ; of the- ismendrnent cause any internally irtconststerici I n p ' 1 1 ( 44 11 9 0 Describe how the proposed amendment t is consistent with theigrals. objectivess, and popes if the s. x •• •J‘ - ilAttOtittin G 187, ri , , and the East �t Flir , e ' .. ett 29f-49;00i, Ponds Administrative 4fa P r 5 Argil. 30, 0',- k , 0 op 61 Taken from motor -, e• k . of r ray me it lon 20- 102(d). ,, ep f Address each of the Mowing etandlatt related to the lodiEZONiNGl request. Att h P additional paper as : 0 Is the proposed rezoning in compliance with all procedural requirements established by City code and law? Q identify how theloWerst is qeneitlttertWith the Okeotivealind polite of the Comprehensive fan in :.cludliwbut hot ilthited10, the F and Use Map. Will the proposed change have an adventeeffect oh the Comprehensive Plan? c Al Z6 co ti. !4 ' ' If ' A ‘ , h. 1 0 9 1/4. C is the proposed rezoning mitt with, any master tan applicable to the proper? pt.t.1.1%.Lf 41 c _ s i 0 Is the wed rezcmirig ecietatiy lathe lout usepettem er4abliehed by the City's Comprehensive ' ' '—*,) -..A,.4 ckt.: , 4 ' '' , '''' . : t 1 _.1.444,40 v „ ,. , 4 Apra 30, 2004 N ,. Substantiate how the proposed rezoning will not create a spot zone (prohibi c law ). Substantiate a Ada s aw D Does the prope. sed rezoning materially alter the pcpulattn density pattern in a manner that will overtax load on public Utilities and services such as schools, utilities, streets, and other municipal services and infrastructure? A.)() Q Does the pied retV result in existing zoning district boundaries that are Illogically drawn in relatiOn to R eintittend on the property and the suneunding area and the land ine,pettern esielslishee * the City's Comprehensive fin? D Do changed or changing conditions matte the PrePbeed meant% , neasearr Q Will the PrePosed, ettirt0Sely reduce light or* to adjacent areas? 5 •rt°3 o "° Daes the Ap*ant understand that, IF the city were to be presented with -44 ''' competent suite evidence in ".- tF �' ul i be. versely ° . A, affected that by a Ze 3 ' .: to demonstrate rewrilhg change vftidtlOt a propert5e values in the surrounding 13 DesOritzle ttte $ ' - 21.4 I N '44'4' . will not a tietrirrtertt to the future improvement or 4 r rtt of ` , , rrt pre . .U» cfl • a t .I x'i _... ._r '.r d' r ..m Al (.n 0.yA► ..w.W [#► ' M 0 ,,, , , , 1 ).,:uttfov.- * (4 14. © Describe how ttee moose' rentflrip does not canatituttr a grant .af special privilege to an IndMdual owner at Sorltrasted IA* the , ? ' .a it .� ' 1 m u A 4 _ 4-4 A ... . -.A - a _ ft .G. 1 ' . A i 41 Ili 1 4 r - qe N e i ? Alii t i s i 0 Dori ifte prottosedibeetling Male any of the ItY� applicable land use . , s Aprd30, • 20(*vrice OF pitoposeo PRO TAXES TAXING A August 14, 200 I " rAl ESTATE PROPEFDY ADDRESS: EXP tA1 4;' le. 04k -. A4 Orr j) DELEON ST Wit r ua atC Thus t cur cl + OV IE D O thol cow+ :Crows the sow* that a eiSetk.Met veer to ravr poverty. TMtae: LEGAL DESC: IretMw rw* VOW prow.. UMWV UM• ' iii d a' Ie r COLUMN TT , >; T CHAN *1400E' W eFpp f LEG SEC 03 TWP 21S RGE NGS, N 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF SW This 03NTAR sliNsIERTIWIRDq00.0 Tear diver Thee BUDGET A 4 ? bYeet�tA OF NW 1/4 (LESS N 70 F "14ilteAAd-tpsYlte trrltflttdrttCtae public tsrer+oyo shows at We notice 9 4SPOR »ISI *fix This sCANTIO 10/o` Your N ATTbeltbsthis yesfiREACN TARING AUTHORITY DOES NOT INCREASE tTS 03 -21 -31 -300- 0050 -0000 01 PROTINTTYITiR LEVY. TIRITT0 IR Dosed °DART it IIRRINOt end yetrastent assestAent The diffwence NIIIITORSISIIRSRANTItOt RIMER OR OGINIG +eefdi Idol lei* set** Old is 0+40T tie result at higher ROOK CYNTHIA L s ROOK CYNTHIA L Asso***43"1604,0: 1740 DELEON ST F' °tom+ Iri Lit* BaA..; par OVIEDO FL 327242' ~edam rem Rd► aArtuPMTTAifV :+etartaft'41ttia: NF YOU KEEL TFIE Mi C WAL/E-OPY0441. PROPERTY 16,45ACCURATEOR DOES NO REFLECT FAIN MARKET VALUE, cg+47,4‘770tattournypa0Forf AIFRAisem X7:1101; S. 1st St. Sanford FL 327',00 - Ph. 407 066 7806 'F THE P ,1R!ERTY oRFLssers,onscE is utlAsk.s , tO TT* SAATTERASIO MALUE, YOU MAY A ll * t r► r A IE ' Vii^,± tt �Y i 1 Sept 8, 2000 ' .' "(' ' > A I a I Y A I I O N S M e s 7 E t M N i M A Y E R T E D ON TRIDt ,j r + g t 1ED RN, UGH' NCG. 407ER, 01* , s + r iii$ t MAYitteltED BY VOA COUNTY, YOUR PROPERTY VALUE A$ OF JAN4NCi11Y 1 > ee C t+ 4 K IA T3'EAtk, , R .: Ces+st lofitYw ; !�IteAiMcrft.tbttlMttlkrtymc 28,180 1 WJ .+ ; It 1YiArr �► » t fti a :,,e y/ltilE: ;er bike ahtita'�tItptot Reion 28,1 S0 ,160 a s• s ,. #l+6fryC+iWtI+ ok At lttc etmeho niv. 0 0 d ;; qx �" 4 tk s a T1JtlCCtE yAtE ,1E} i' cony 040.7 T 1� 1 . ' ' Art -5 SfDt BYSTATELAW 1 1 7 " 16$3. FIRE & ROAD 77,071 77:81. 74./4- . . D rscr 13,67 1 13,14 . a 'WATER ,. motor ! iV t;.!A1r.A"KA113 sicsifrtoomers , iCES DEBT OF COUNTY a SCHOOL. 24,68 22.48 ' 22;4 - :NOT ° tpL ! NO AD'VALORE44) �""" . _'dry+-," a 'f ' ' t; a p 000 a+k.w.c>' Y ,xe 34.k 4i,4,:p r 2Y oe x a . St Of PROPOSED PRQ R1 1 TA)(ES . TY TAXING r • R1TIES August 14, 2000 REAL EST PROPERTY ADDRESS: b %,*NA'T10C�t: {r. .810 � 1 ° , DELEON ST cows* i -w# a##rp#� ir O ' T OVIEDO Tie � edwnnIhai soThOtaftAMT 'Mr ta your a ,i e woo*ba LEGAL ()ESC: Iaet 141 ma yoiit• pyikv+au. iramble wAue. t ty LEG SEC 03 TWP 21S RGE osmoses-woos T IF iR T 1144), '�r *'�$. ,,a. N 70 FT OF E 165 FT OF TN' NON* NtOriovkteRl vAlibe.GHSyserunrie+ the t rAK7uALLY . •,. * ::, 330 FT OF NE 1/4 OF SW eel oil*****0***emondad etdie publie hottiook shown on ft ., ,. COWIN3-y up TAXIS "t#"lii 'f IS +ii ' This o oattutNiNws ""wteli year tops wit be 0/011 IP EACH -WOW AUTMORIV DcE5 NQT INCREASE ITS 03- 21 -31- 300 - 0070 -0000 0 PROPOWF `True e. . f _ aults gnu as ,bose4 on Toot yam, qudp5 and your current asetuunent. The diffelence 2M pattotaNi o ortit touttudrig v sod isNOT*e resultot Mphr ROOK CYNTHIA: ROOK CYNTHIA L Assuage 1740 D E LEf3N ST Por;WKgt#+Iy vow eel by da sieFe Eton Malsas+etend erniniy amassed I OVIEDO FL 32785 4242 ORNM tuolo uTOOTTI "r rolt" ONO "per: t +rrtue. *IF YOU KM THE MARKET J Of TPUTi r 'PROPERTY TS CRATE out OASaEiT REFLECT FAIR 'matzo AWE, CONTACT YOUR C+O R(11 t PERTU APPRAISER At. 1101 E.1rtt$t. Ssnford F 1.32771 • Ph. 407 see 7806 *WINE FROFfitirf A - OffIC, IS MMABLe RESOMM THE MAIM 16 ,1'5.:MMArKEY YAUR. YOU MAY °At # ?1!h Mitat 4440 fCMt otefteme E FROM FROMASE COMM - ` RtY:t i ,qi OMOISI 9E PITIOCN OR IttFOIC Sept 8, 2000 . +T7 ilN:i.to trts X41MAYN rt8Ef1Ht D tl+iiiE +�IA E4 Q , ANAME, PY . 0Y3.1A#1TER YOUR #taTPEHTYVALUE ASS °F '04""Y t P iC YEAR. t MI+l t ;INkAIt' !? IR OmMlflY * *unpin THIS Ft j a '' '' . , IMISO r titietle`thortttxt#reer• 3,868 3,888 *eh geuu trrnyA,t00 0 A Aim 6prvoseetat tfo p E1t16N5; , I. !, a ,14,,,,,:„. : " ' 00,..ftcovisa A EMRICH >Al4A VAkt& S s' s b P 3,888 4 4 , .- . - _ , _ , - . Olt$IY , t0.34 19; 44 Mi C . ° ' VICES BLDG 11di 1 � 15 � T $.7172 23 FIRS, & ROAD 1068 *0 1027 aR '4 7 n, S ROAD HELD VIRROMANNIETANT W 410 tomer 1:86 1.83 1 ;_ SST J0f414tt ' WATER: VOTIR AITIRENRI itt4cLL4DES DEBT OF COUNTY & SCHOOL Olgookitar 3.38 1Q9 ' atie IRRsoicogYvou (DOES.tiOT INCLUDE NON -At VALOREM) 4 _ ,.. V,.�IEAAIO1IDr@;t T 4M , o- `� ir` ..„?. , ,, ,,- 3,2F^ra : x- � q,� L1� MITT# f IOAS Q tlfl # ' } ? �1 1 s lc l lF.. 4 ' " ?"d,a Rai° x '.° tc fi r^ n s.. TAX n QTY ri r c z August 14, 200 TAT PROPERTY ADDf E$s; ' p, �,p f ' 1740 DELEON ST U1 R.Tis�Y LAST' 7 4) Oft beseY *Avail OVIEDO 71w sh*****00ilievskatigityearto yr oropdrty. Th�sa t ree ° LEGAL DESC: LEG SEC 03 TWP 21S RGE i"" t �eatk.Y►igtl Ir ,a N 70 FT OF W 165 FT OF crag ORO&wpI'y IIIIH* r Hotteruao r�1» I se1',awCtuntax t t 0 ` 114 OF SW 1/4 OF NW 1/ e u tnn ' is No worw rr can w ir " n h ear ar>aNa, m yris r e t ies. COW44.11 TAXIS pm-smatter smog* Jo TRH k! ee l�[let %a AS* I YINr IF EACH AUTHORITY S No, INCA 17s 03 -21 -31 -300 0( 7A -DOi10 01 i #' 'tA UM mess ars ttvn. �oetyaereat daacsar aayour camo�n a „t. .I,Un rye s2 4�nd s +a soli* chino * aaaK ber► ta**g a end i t NOT the rat of tt ROOK CYNTHtA L onsionorits. ROOK CYNTHIA L V4OE, 1740 D E LEON S T Far hd twad, s wry A* li ited by the 9eata Canetis at For apir aM amd,a:nMrty gemmed Feopoity; OVIEDO FL 32765 =8242 ' ma +adr. ,f ix eN afar popare rllrakat wit" L T im "C G t Cc YOUgf:r �tY IS.INAca E on t NoT l u cT rte[ MwtK AU I Yf�l FEE Y#NJg CdtIN'1'1C R AAppRi sERe Al 1101 S. 1st St, Simon FL 32771 - Ph. 40 $65_ IF THE t" kfiT Y $ OFRICE iS.tINiti .E TO flame THE SAT`TER AS To MAAI€ET VN.QE, YOU AY AP �� 11* tT � t A °AAMiYABIE ;�I '' + x 65 FI OWOR wont.' Se $, 20 fllCA1 ma y ; /��F1 '3 r$MAY -M 'OEREFLECTED l9M � Y, W'. YE art A YOUR .I f } U6 Af °F .. ' a T/Tit� t - 1!rfra I A9tA+axy eaan 1471$"6144 • „ � �erM4� '1AMti�cri/7+k' • l' �MiR 4r rat t6r lrtl Uli 33 358 33 x 991 .:, « ar;irm+r GA Arm .c ura / . 5 tltltl'r .;< eIla A SENIOR . .” y Y �FM P L 1Mf1k ia7 r3 . Ru�ticsrx>acs: 1163 ST T`S"f � 1 1 - -7?7 81 STEMMA ' BOARD 0 Fe pp IRE & ROAD 2 2t A k "�R l FI>�LD - 4.t15 424 4,16 owlet ` ST JOHNS WATER MGMT isueteast W Y 130 M, PAI ATKA 1044213 -444 atettostaiets + . . `$ DEe1 of COUNTY $ SCHOOL clowsroster 33 7� " . •,. y ;, < 1�f 14 i At 4 0 7 4 GI:g .404,04014 ti NAI11It1j a r e =a a v,y l = 3lbB ri r.or2 170.4* i v . . . • ., ‘. Aore:04,:is.e.ia.. .............—,—, I frs..-7.- ' - .- - . . firwr 1.1c . ', - • • 4c. 4r t...,' ..1 1:71e..1 c)eisie. t 3 . ' vioicpcb Fe-a-bi a- 4:1 wt 0. k\I •NJ t . .i ., 1 ' • . M ' . • . 1- 1 :•• • . 1 la IL lc- . li ) lit ill 8 f . 4 . - t t. • • ... I 'I V . 1 A 4 .,IE'r i.e. • . . . . _ • '-',.• : xi . r-rpc4fer, i • , ;,., . • ' ' : ;tr ''''.■'' .. - . :. . • . , • '12 of the NE 1/4 of .the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4, Less the North 10 geet and Less 'feet for road right-of-way of Section 3, Township 21 South. Ra4e 31 East, • ..'''t Florida. - F' • for: Blaneh Lloyd ,..-. i.. , 1 Joe 1 -16. 6 .40 *]e. 114 cr SvJ.1 /4¢ 4.1v• VA-, SEC. 3 -21 - 1 6 v/uoe pc. . 1' i.e. S .6 62; t • )✓ .1(.S.OD' *.l r ir / R u 4.L.• 41 .e SGT I . it P4 a o ..Ill • t 3Z. a' 6/4•3' 4. 0 a :4 4 0 ii p --2 b.o. A N �% / � // I 8 • ■ - 1 N l • eari,ft. Id ..09• sa si • v✓ i�s.o' . sr� I mo. • DESCRIPTION: . The North 70 feet of the West 165 feet of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 3, Township 21 South, Range 32 East, Seminole County, Florida. NOTE: A __ . - -... ... .mmo,I {ate.1v South. See page 2 of 2 COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 400 October 4, 2004 ATTACHMENT- B ORDINANCE 2004 -48 ORDINANCE NO. 2004-48 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ANNEXING THREE (3) PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 4.05 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED GENERALLY WEST OF DELEON STREET WITHIN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND FULLY INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE; PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF WINTER SPRINGS CHARTER, ARTICLE II, BOUNDARIES, TO INCORPORATE THE REAL PROPERTY INTO THE CITY BOUNDARIES; PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF THE REVISED WINTER SPRINGS CHARTER WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE, PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, this is a voluntary annexation which shall be pursuant to the annexation procedures contained in Section 171.044, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that the subject real property is reasonably compact and contiguous with the boundaries of the City of Winter Springs and will not create an enclave and otherwise satisfies the requirements for annexation; and WHEREAS, this annexation is in compliance and consistent with the goals and objectives of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, City Charter, and City Code; and WHEREAS, upon adoption of this Ordinance, the municipal boundary lines of the City of Winter Springs, contained in the Winter Springs Charter, Article II, shall be redefined to include the subject real property; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds that this Ordinance is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by this reference. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2004 -48 Page 1 of 3 Section 2. Annexation of Real Property. The area of real property, which is more particularly described in the metes and bounds legal description and map attached hereto as Exhibit "A," is hereby annexed into the City of Winter Springs by the City Commission. Exhibit "A" is hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference. The real property shall be known as existing within the boundaries of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, from the effective date of this ordinance. Section 3. City Boundaries Redefined; Winter Springs Charter Amended. Pursuant to Section 166.031(3), Florida Statutes, and Section 171.091, Florida Statutes, the City of Winter Springs Charter, Article II, Section 2.01, shall hereby be amended to redefine the corporate boundaries of the City of Winter Springs to include the area of real property described in Section 2 of this Ordinance. The City Clerk shall file the revised Winter Springs Charter, Article II, Section 2.01, with the Department of State within thirty (30) days from the effective date of this Ordinance. The City Clerk shall also file this Ordinance with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Seminole County, the Chief Administrator of Seminole County, and the Department of State within seven (7) days of the effective date. Section 4. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 5. Severability. Should any section or provision of this Ordinance, or any portion hereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereto as a whole or part thereof to be declared invalid. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to the City Charter. [signatures on following page] City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2004 -48 Page 2 of 3 • ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the day of , 2004. John F. Bush, Mayor ATTEST: Andrea Lorenzo - Luaces, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney First Reading: Second Reading: Effective Date: City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2004 -48 Page 3 of 3 COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 400 October 4, 2004 ATTACHMENT- B ORDINANCE 2004 -48 EXHIBIT "A" LOCATION MAP I 1 L SUBJECT SITE i'll irrii 46 . ' a dmi i. '' '_ ` 5� DeLeon St. "i it isi .... =, 1 I !' unn; k Willi 1 E € f MI S.R. 434 \ ,1 cx \, Parcel # 03- 21 -31- 300 - 0070 -0000 Parcel # 03- 21 -31- 300 - 0050 -0000 Parcel # 03- 21 -31- 300 -007A -0000 Lena! Description: LEG SEC 03 TWP 21S RGE 31E N 1 /2 OF NE 1 /4 of SW ' OF NW'/, LESS N70FTOFNE% OF NE' OF SW% OF NW'