HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 05 03 Consent 200 Approval Regular Meeting February 22, 2011 MintuesCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE ORIENTATION MEETING FEBRUARY 22, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Orientation Meeting of Tuesday, February 22, 2011, was called to Order at 7:01 p.m. by Gayle Coutant, Assistant to the City Clerk in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). 2. ROLL CALL Committee Member Joseph Bonura, present Committee Member Larry Brickel, present Committee Member Arsenio Calle, absent Committee Member Pamela Carroll, present Committee Member Yvonne Frosher, present Committee Member Arthur Gallo, present Committee Member Geoffrey Kendrick, present Committee Member Clare Mumey, present Committee Member Arnie Nussbaum, present Assistant City Attorney Kate Latorre, present A moment of silence preceded the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. INTRODUCTIONS Introductions were given by all Committee Members present. Mr. Chris Caldwell, Interim Director, Parks and Recreation Department noted, "I would like to thank all of you for your interest in our Parks and Recreation Advisory Board." Mr. Caldwell then noted that this Board had been, "A dream of Chuck Pula's and we have shared that dream to have citizens come and bring us ideas that we can listen to some different areas of interest, whether it's natural lands or special events for Seniors or our youth sports." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - FEBRUARY 22, 2011 PAGE 2OF7 4. SUNSHINE LAW ORIENTATION Assistant City Attorney Kate Latorre distributed a document entitled "Sunshine Law and Public Records" and began the presentation by stating, "The purpose of the Sunshine Law is to provide access to the public to all of your proceedings, all of your decision making processes, every step of the way. Nothing should be done behind closed doors." Continuing, Attorney Latorre then reviewed the three (3) basic requirements of the Sunshine Law: 1) Meetings must be open, 2) given reasonable notice of the Meetings, and 3) minutes of the Meeting must be taken. Attorney Latorre then mentioned, "Sunshine Law generally applies to any gathering of two (2) or more Members of the same Board or Committee when you're discussing a matter which foreseeably could come before your Committee." Following Attorney Latorre explained written correspondence between Committee Members, "It's the same rules. You should not be having a discussion via email, via letter or even on the telephone. If you want to disseminate information to your fellow Board Members and just say, `Please consider this' and email it out, that's fine. But, be careful not to create a conversation by replying to emails. If you want to have a discussion about the information that you're distributing do it during the meeting. But it is not a Violation of the Sunshine Law just to distribute information to other Board Members." Next, Attorney Latorre discussed Voting matters, Compliance with the Sunshine Law, and legal penalties. Last, "Public Records" were reviewed with the Board Members. Attorney Latorre commented, "Any document, any electronic file, anything created which communicates or formalizes knowledge of your public business, the business of this Board; anything related to the City is going to be considered a Public Record and is going to be open to disclosure to the public." Further, Attorney Latorre mentioned Exemptions and then stated, "Any notes you take during the Meeting, any document you created in furtherance of your Board business is going to be subject to Public Records laws. You can take this stuff home; even if you take it home it is still a Public Record. If it becomes subject to a request and the Clerk's Office says, `We have a Public Record request for all notes taken by Committee Members during the Parks and Recreation (Advisory) Committee Meeting', you will be contacted and you will be asked to turn over those records." Disposition procedures were reviewed briefly and Attorney Latorre stated, "Public Records in Florida are subject to strict disposition laws. The Records are not to be destroyed unless it's according to a schedule that's put in place by State Agency." Further discussion. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - FEBRUARY 22, 2011 PAGE 3 OF 7 5. ADVISORY COMMITTEE HANDBOOK OVERVIEW Assistant to the City Clerk Gayle Coutant directed the Committee Members' attention to their Handbooks and reviewed pertinent information. The Memberlist was referred to and Assistant to the City Clerk Coutant remarked, "If there's any changes to that information, kindly let me know." Continuing, Assistant to the City Clerk Coutant mentioned, "There is quite a bit of information to review, so if anytime you have any questions, once you are looking at that, you're more than welcome to give our Office a call." Following, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Members were sworn in by Assistant to the City Clerk Coutant. 6. ORDINANCE NUMBER 2010 -07 Mr. Caldwell reviewed Ordinance 2010 -07 and specifically spoke about the Parks and Recreation Department, including "Special Events, Sports, Playgrounds, Conservation or Land Management, Summer Programs, Camps and Fundraising ". Following, Mr. Caldwell discussed the purpose and duties of this Committee and stated, "I think that it is important to understand our role together as we work to share ideas and bring forth recommendations to our City Commission; how we see our City growing and changes that are taking place in and around the communities in which we live. As it says, `The purpose of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is to promote parks and recreation programs of the City and to recommend to the Parks and Recreation Director as well as other City Staff and City Commission as needed. The policies and actions to promote, plan, design, construct and utilize City parks and related special events, fundraising and recreation'." Referring to the City of Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan, Mr. Caldwell then noted, "What we will do is make sure that you are aware of what already is on paper, what already has been discussed, before me and before you, by our leadership, so that we understand where we're going and what's already been decided upon and where it is." Mr. Caldwell continued, "At our next Meeting, we'll have a roadmap of what the Comprehensive Plan currently is for the Parks and Recreation Department and the funding. I will do my best to provide you with that information as far as Budgets and CIF's (Capital Improvement Plan) and staffing." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING — FEBRUARY 22, 2011 PAGE 4 OF 7 7. DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Next, Mr. Caldwell provided the Members with a handout related to Department Information. The Members then reviewed the parks, pavilions and facilities located throughout Winter Springs, as well as rental costs. As Mr. Caldwell reviewed sports, he remarked, "We contract out Youth Sports Partnerships with different organizations." Mr. Caldwell then reviewed the Adult Sports Programs offered and mentioned, "Those are run internally. We do have that one (1) Staff person who is responsible for planning, organizing, running, hiring Umpires, Referees." Information on the Recreation Programs was discussed next, followed by the calendar of special events, and a possible Easter Event on April 23, 2011. Tape 1 /Side B Mr. Caldwell mentioned that the Parks and Recreation Department would like to create a theme for every month and perhaps add things that would "Create an interest in the community ". 8. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRPERSON AND VICE CHAIRPERSON Assistant to the City Clerk Coutant inquired, "I am just looking to see if anybody wants to make a nomination or be nominated for the Chairperson." Committee Member Art Gallo stated, "I would be happy to help." Discussion. Committee Member Claire Mumey stated, "I Nominate you (Arnie Nussbaum)." A discussion about responsibilities ensued. Committee Member Arnie Nussbaum mentioned, "Thank you for your Nomination. I would not mind to do it. If someone else desires to do it, please speak up." "I WOULD LIKE TO NOMINATE ARNIE (NUSSBAUM) FOR THE CHAIR POSITION." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER BONURA. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER CARROLL. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - FEBRUARY 22, 2011 PAGE 5 OF 7 VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER MUMEY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER GALLO: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER NUSSBAUM: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER BONURA: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER BRICKEL: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER CARROLL: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER FROSHER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER KENDRICK: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Assistant to the City Clerk Coutant asked, "Any Nominations for Vice Chair(person) ?" "I WOULD LIKE TO NOMINATE JOE BONURA." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER CARROLL. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER BRICKEL. DISCUSSION. COMMITTEE MEMBER BONURA STATED, "I ACCEPT." VOTE: CHAIRMAN NUSSBAUM: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER BRICKEL: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER CARROLL: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER FROSHER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER KENDRICK: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER MUMEY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER GALLO: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER BONURA: AYE MOTION CARRIED. 9. ESTABLISHMENT OF MEETING DATES AND TIMES Chairman Nussbaum reviewed the order of the Agenda and noted that there were no Agenda changes. Discussion on quarterly meetings and dates ensued. Next, Chairman Nussbaum asked if Tuesday would work for the Board Member's schedules. Vice Chairman Bonura said, "My schedule is clear." Committee Member Larry Brickel remarked, "Yes." Committee Member Pam Carroll suggested, "First or fourth (Tuesday) ". Committee Member Gallo indicated he had a schedule conflict with the first Tuesday in May. Mr. Caldwell then commented, "I think we are going to stay with Tuesday, is that correct? So we going to stay on the first Tuesday if everyone is good with May 3 rd date ?" Committee Member Gallo stated, "I can not make it." No other objections were voiced. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - FEBRUARY 22, 2011 PAGE 6OF7 The dates for the remainder of the calendar year were reviewed and Chairman Nussbaum then stated, "So, we can confirm Tuesday, May 3 rd , ( 2011), Committee Members, and that would be 7:00 p.m. in these Chambers on Tuesday, May 3 rd , ( 2011)." Mr. Caldwell suggested, "I would like to if we could, Arnie (Nussbaum), you can ask the Committee if we could stick to a first Tuesday of each month." Chairman Nussbaum inquired, "Would the Committee Approve the first Tuesdays of the month and then the next one would be the first Tuesday in August ?" There were no objections for the meetings to be held the first Tuesday of the month. Committee Member Gallo mentioned that his travel schedule varies. In other business, Mr. Caldwell explained, "I would bring to you information of what we are currently doing — everything on the table. What projects — are in the five (5) year goals for our Department, not only our Department, but for the City in regards to that. I think providing you with that information would help us and take us down a direction that we would have a topic, for instance, the amphitheater." Discussion. Committee Member Carroll asked Mr. Caldwell, related to "Sports, in Senior Center and amphitheater and the different parks and events, a list of goals that you have already within your Budget, and then kind of a wish list? I think that would help give us some guidance as cross section." Mr. Caldwell replied, "I will." Committee Member Yvonne Frosher recommended utilizing the water bill to survey the citizens within the city limits. Committee Member Gallo suggested the website as a tool for obtaining ideas from citizens. Committee Member Frosher then asked Mr. Caldwell, "How recent is your Comp[rehensive] Plan ?" Mr. Caldwell mentioned, "I will get the most recent one and I will let you know." Mr. Caldwell also mentioned, "I will make sure we get that information to you as quickly as we can so that you can review it before the Meeting." Committee Member Carroll inquired, "Have you communicated with the Commissioners and do they have specific areas that would like this Board to review." Mr. Caldwell replied, "No, I haven't." Vice Chairman Bonura asked, "What was the reason for this Committee ?" Mr. Caldwell answered, "The vision was stated in that first example, - the purpose was to hear from the citizens, to get valuable input on ideas and for us as Parks and Recreation Department not to go out and just mandate things. Not to just go out and do them and then have some citizens be upset that they didn't have a voice to be diverse about what we were provided as a Parks and Recreation Department. The directive also came from the City Commission that they want to be a transparent City Commission. They wanted the citizen's input in all areas of government." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING — FEBRUARY 22, 2011 PAGE 7 OF 7 10. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Nussbaum adjourned the Orientation Meeting at 8:16 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: GAYLE COUTANT ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the 1 2011 Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting.