HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 04 25 Consent 200 Used Street SweeperCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 200
April 25, 2011
REQUEST: Public Works Department requesting authorization to purchase one (1) Elgin
Pelican Used Street Sweeper.
The equipment requested for purchase is an Elgin Pelican P-series (2004) used street
sweeper for the supplemental maintenance and cleaning of the City maintained paved
streets at a cost of $9,500.00 from Pat’s Pump & Blower Co.
The Public Works Department began street sweeping in 1995 with the purchase of a
new Elgin Pelican street sweeper. The obvious benefit is the collection and removal of
leaves, paper and other visible debris that collect in the curbs and gutters. Equally important
but less visible benefit is the removal of metal particles and other hazardous waste products
left by passing vehicles.
Street sweeping is an effective method of removing both the large and microscopic
pollutants that collect on the City streets. Street sweeping serves as one of the Best
Management Practices to control and improve water quality. The City’s target goal is to
sweep all public roads minimum quarterly which consists of 170 curb miles for a total of 680
miles annually. The mileage swept is part of the report of the City’s Municipal Separate
Storm Sewer System (MS4) – National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
The sweeper needs replacement due to frequent breakdowns, high maintenance costs
and imminent failure of major components. As part of the replacement evaluation, staff
City Commission – Regular Meeting
April 25, 2011
Consent Agenda Item #200
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compared the costs of contracting out the street sweeping services to continuing using in
house staff and equipment.
$34.53 per
Staff estimated the in house cost to provide quarterly street sweepings at
based on the purchasing a new Elgin Pelican at $150,000, 15 year straight line
depreciation, and current fuel, and labor costs. Maintenance and repairs were estimated at
$3,000 annually including regular service and broom/brush replacements. Area bids were
$18.50 per mile
reviewed and a low bid of was found from an Osceola County bid. That
vendor was contacted and hired to sweep the City in November, 2010. Unfortunately, the
performance was unsatisfactory.
$26.33 per mile
A 2 vendor, USA Services was contacted using a bid of from
Volusia County. That vendor satisfactorily swept the City in the February, 2011 and again
after the recent storms. We have found the service from USA Services to be good and intend
on using them to perform the quarterly street sweeping that is our baseline level of service.
However, there is a great benefit to our customers for the City to have street sweeping
capabilities immediately available for isolated incidents (water repairs, tree removals, etc.).
Staff became aware of the availability of a used street sweeper locally which was
traded in from the City of St. Augustine. A comparison if used sweepers is below;
1 Environmental Products, FL 2007 5,000 $75,000
2 Environmental Products, FL 2008 4,000 $85,000
3 Pat's Pump & Blower, FL 2004 4,219 21,350 $9,500
4 Art's Trucks & Equipment, TX 2004 $55,000
5 R B Jergens, OH 2004 $21,500
6 SouthEastern EQ - Main, OH 1997 9,513 $15,000
7 Art's Truck & Equipment, TX 2003 8,074 $39,500
8 Art's Truck & Equipment, TX 2002 9,882 $39,500
9 Art's Truck & Equipment, TX 2000 4,015 $26,500
10 Faris Manufacturing Co 1999 3,832 $27,500
11 Cutting Edge Equipment LLC 1988 3,900 $7,400
The most cost effective solution is to contract out the baseline quarterly sweepings
and purchase a used sweeper that allows us to provide immediate response or supplemental
2011 04 25 Consent 200 Used Street Sweeper
City Commission – Regular Meeting
April 25, 2011
Consent Agenda Item #200
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sweeping capability when needed. Having a more reliable piece of equipment will maintain or
exceed the current level of service.
The combined cost of contracted street sweeping and supplemental sweeping with
City equipment will be less than the cost of purchasing a replacement sweeper and using City
staff for street sweeping. It is anticipated that supplemental sweepings that are not time
sensitive would be contracted out which is included in the comparison. The equipment
purchase of $9,500 would come from a supplemental appropriation from the Stormwater
Utility Fund reserves which has adequate reserves. The replacement street sweeper at
$150,000 would be removed from the Stormwater Capital Improvement Program.
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2011 04 25 Consent 200 Used Street Sweeper
City Commission – Regular Meeting
April 25, 2011
Consent Agenda Item #200
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Individual Requestors. City Staff Is Always Willing To Discuss This Or Any Agenda Item
With Any Interested Individuals.
Staff recommends that authorization be granted for a supplemental appropriation from
Stormwater Utility Fund Reserves to purchase an Elgin Pelican YR 2004 P-series used street
sweeper from Pat’s Pump & Blower at a cost of $9,500.00 payable from the Stormwater Fund - line
code 3800-64000.
2011 04 25 Consent 200 Used Street Sweeper