HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 12 13 Certificate of Recognition Bill Manooch Youth Sports Partnership �, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA �,
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'1'I IF. MAYOR AND THF, CI'I'Y COMMISSION (>I� �I�I II�: �:I"I'�' ��I� \V�I'��I�I�:K til'Klti( �ti, I�I.� �ItIU.A
BILL MANOOCH, our Youth Sports Partnership's enormous contrihution to thc City c�l� Wiritcr �}�riii�s ��vcr thr past
26 seasons, we would like to say Thank You and share how much we appreciate his service to our City. "I'his valuable resident and
other WSYS community leaders have partnered up with the Parks & Recreation Department to provide a very impc�rtant rerrcatic�n
element to our community, families and businesses through youth sports leagues, tournaments, camps, and clinics.
The Mayor and the City Commission ofthe City of Winter Springs, Florida wish to recognize BILL 11;�'�OO('ll 1i�r
the incredible contributions that he has brought to this community. We appreciate Bill's commitment to building stron 7 f�, an�ili � eu�c1
health & a sense of achievement in our kids. Bill has served for 12 years as the President oi� WSYS, his leadership has been
appreciated and valued throughout the State and community. The WSYS was instrumental in the land acquisition for practic� ticicis
and also built batting cages at 'I'rotwood Park for specialized instruction. He has sacrificed many hours with emails, board mcetin�s,
�II stars t��urnaments, picture days & �penin� ceremonics in an eff��rt to scrve our residents in Winter S}�rin�s. Th�ink Yo�� [�ilL!
May��r c>f thc City of� Wintcr Sprin�s, by virtuc of thc auth��rity vcst�d in me as
Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, I do hereby offer this Certiticate of Recognition recognizing;
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