HomeMy WebLinkAboutBank Of America PFIC Account Rate Change Letter (1 D
Bank of America
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June 16. 2009 '
Ms. Kelly Iiala��ia
C'ity oti Wintcr Springs
l 126 r State Rd. 434
�Vintcr Springs, 1=I. �2708
Rc: Cily of V►-'intcr Springs Yl� IC account
Dear Kcllv:
1-3ank of Amcrica is pleased lo bc able to offcr an alternative rate solution that will assist
you in this challen�ing economic climate. 'I'his letter will be used to set forth our
understandin� and agrccment �vith respect lo this solution, which rclates to the abovc-
referenced Public Funds ln�erest Checking account {the `'Account") established by the City
ol� Wintcr Sprines ("you" and '`your") at Bank of America, \.A. ("we,�° "us" and "our').
Account Rate:
tJpon your appro�•al, ��e will change thc rate applicable to vour Account from an indexed
ratc t� our Public r'unds Interest Checking "Managed" rate, which is currently set at .3U%.
1�his rate is subject to change from time to time at our discretion, which could result in the
managed rate bc;ing higher or lower than the indcxed rate. Howevcr, ai �:�is time, lhc
managed rate is higher than the rate that is currently applicable to your Account. Upon 30
days' prior «�ritten notice iTOm you, we ��711 move your rate back to thc original indexed
rate structurc of f�cd I�unds Eifective less 40 ba.sis point�.
If you ��,ould like to have the managed rate apply to your Account, please confirm your
acceptance of and a�reement to the terms set forth in this letter by signing the enclosed
copy of this letter, as indicated below, and retuming it to us at the address below. You
agrce that the �rson signing below is authorized to sign on your behaif and agree to these
tcrms. "I11e tenns set forth in this letter shall control notw�ithstanding anything to thc
contrary in anv other agreement applicable to your Accouni. Upon our receipt of the signed
letler from ��ou, we ��•ill implemcnt the above rate changc.
liank uf :lmeriw, Grner.�mcnt 13eu�kin; . FI.B'..r..'Ei (M 01.1(x) �l' GAltllt:\ S"P, PLN�:1(X)Ir1 ,}'1. :t'.515::5HIK
x.,,��.� ra,r.
Sincerely yours,
liank of Mierica, N.A.
Fiy� .
I�'amc: Rachel 1Zocdcl
Titic: Salcs Support �lssociate
ne1Z��- 'I�O AND ACCF,Y"t�1:D:
City of Winter Springs
Name: ,� cwNr y- s,.+'z+
'1 itlC: GT7 � A,,.v,�-� ; �,, `
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Ke11y Balagia
From: Roedel, Rachel L [rachel.l.roedel@bankofamerica.com)
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 1:01 PM
To: Kelly Balagia
Cc: Kevin Smith; Paul Green; Sikes, Kathryn
Subject: RE: Investment option for your PFIC account
Attachments: City of Winter Springs Rate Letter.pdf
Hi Kelly,
Sorry for the delay, I have been out of the office. Attached is the rate addendum I need to have signed and sent back to
get the rate changed on your PFIC account. You can either email or fax a copy back and then mail the original. Upon
receipt I will submit the rate change request. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Rnchel Roedel
Sales Support Associate - Govemment
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Bank of America N.A.
100 West Garden St. 4th Floor
Pensacola, FL 32502
Office - 850.454.1008
Right Fax - 904.312.6182
raGhel.l.roedel�2i bankofamerica.com
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that any retention, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this commun�ation is strictly prohibited. Please reply to the sender that you have received
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From: Kelty Balagia [mailto:kbalagia@winterspringsfl.org]
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 5:16 PM
To: Roedel, Rachel L
Cc: Kevin Smith; Paul Green
Subject: RE: Investment option for your PFIC account
Hi Rachel,
Michelle is no longer with the City and for a season I will be filling in as interim Finance Director. After speaking with our City Manager
about our investment options we would like to exercise the managed rate plan offered below for our Public Funds Interest Checking
accou�t. Please let me know the necessary steps to move forward. We certainfy appreaate the opportunity to maximize eamings.
Thank you for your initiative.
7�elly Balagia, BudgetAnafyst
1126 �E. State �acC434
`W'interSprings, �FL 32708
Of�ct 407-327-7590
�Far, 407-327-6694
'�Be �rafer tfian necessary, for ecrryone you meet i.s figkting some kincl of 6attle. "
_ _ __
_ _ .. -- - _ --- -- -
From: Roedel, Rachel L [mailto:rachel.l.roedel@bankofamerica.com]
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 4:53 PM
To: Michelle Greco
Cc: Sikes, Kathryn; Thompson, Glenna S
Subject: Investment option for your PFIC account
Due to today's challenging rate environmenf, Bank of America has reviewed it's pricing options for govemmenta/ clients
and is pleased to be able to offer an enhanced rate altemative to the current Effective Funds Rate indexed formu/a.
Based on your depository history with the bank, we have received approva/ to offer you a managed rate plan for your
Public Funds Interest Checking account. The current rate of this account is 30 basis points. It is a managed rate, not
indexed, and is subject to change week/y. This does not require any changes to your account, and it does not affect the
collateral of the account. Only the rate parameter wou/d be modified.
In the future should rates change and the Effecfive Federal Funds (EFF) index become more advantageous, you can
choose to convert back to your prior indexed rate of EFF less 40 basis points with 30-days' prior written notice fir�m you or
an authorized represenfative.
If you would like to modify the rate structure of your account, please respond to this email a�rmative/y, and we will
forward you a letter for your approval. Upon receipf of your signed letter, we will process the rate modification. This
should take place within 7 to 10 business days.
Should you have any quesfions, p/ease don't hesitate to contact Kathy Sikes at 407.420.2772, or Glenna Thompson at
813. 225.8373.
Rnchel Rcedel
Sales SuppoR Associate - Govemment
Bank of America
100 West Garden St. 4th Floor
Pensacola, FL 32502
Offioe - 850.454.1008
Rght Fax - 904.312.6182
rachel.l.roedel�bankofamerica com
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