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2011 04 06 Public Hearings 502 Consideration of Ordinance 2011-01 Amending the Comprehensive Plan to Update the Capital Improvement Element
PLANNING & ZONING BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY ITEM 502 April 6, 2011 Meeting Consent Information Public Hearing X Regular REQUEST: The Community Development Department — Planning Division requests that the Local Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing for consideration of Ordinance 2011 -01, amending the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the annual update to the Capital Improvement Element (CIE) required by Rule 9J -5.016 FAC and Chapter 163, Part 11, F.S. SYNOPSIS: Annual update of the 5 -year schedule of capital improvements (SCI) in the Capital Improvements Element (CIE) as required by the Florida Statutes. CONSIDERATIONS: APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Florida Statute 163.3174 (4). (The LPA is responsible for monitoring and overseeing the comprehensive planning program.) Florida Statute 163.3177 (3). (Capital Improvements Element) (b)l. The capital improvements element must be reviewed on an annual basis and modified as necessary in accordance with s. 163.3187 or s. 163.3189 in order to maintain a financially feasible 5 -year schedule of capital improvements. Corrections and modifications concerning costs; revenue sources; or acceptance of facilities pursuant to dedications which are consistent with the plan may be accomplished by ordinance and shall not be deemed to be amendments to the local comprehensive plan. A copy of the ordinance shall be transmitted to the state land planning agency. An amendment to the comprehensive plan is required to update the schedule on an annual basis or to eliminate, defer, or delay the construction for any facility listed in the 5 -year schedule. All public facilities must be consistent with the capital improvements element. The annual update to the capital improvements element of the comprehensive plan need not comply with the financial feasibility requirement until December 1, 2011. Thereafter, a local government may not amend its future land use map, except for plan amendments to meet new requirements under this part and emergency amendments pursuant to s. 163.3187 (1)(a), after December 1, 2011, and every year thereafter, unless and until the local government has adopted the annual update and it has been transmitted to the state land planning agency. Florida Statute s. 163.3164 (32). (definition of "financial feasibility ") Florida Statute s. 163.3180. (concurrency) Florida Statute s. 163.3187. (amendment of adopted comprehensive plan) April 6, 2011 Public Hearing Item 502 Page 2 of 3 Florida Statute s. 166.041. (procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions) Florida Administrative Code 9J- 5.016. Capital Improvements Element. The purpose of the capital improvements element is to evaluate the need for public facilities as identified in the other comprehensive plan elements and as defined in the applicable definitions for each type of public facility, to estimate the cost of improvements for which the local government has fiscal responsibility, to analyze the fiscal capability of the local government to finance and construct improvements, to adopt financial policies to guide the funding of improvements and to schedule the funding and construction of improvements in a manner necessary to ensure that capital improvements are provided when required based on needs identified in the other comprehensive plan elements. The element shall also include the requirements to ensure that an adequate concurrency management system will be implemented by local governments pursuant to Rule 9J- 5.0055, F.A.C., of this chapter. Winter Sprints Charter Section 4.15. Ordinances in General. Winter Sprints Article III. Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Section 15 -37. Local Planning Agency Review and Recommendation: BACKGROUND DATA Florida Statutes require each municipality to annually update (and revise as needed) their Capital Improvements Element (CIE) in order to maintain a 5 -year schedule of capital improvements. A major component to the CIE amendment is the Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI). Rule 9J- 5.003(12), FAC defines "capital improvements" as physical assets "which are large scale and high in cost... generally non - recurring and may require multi -year financing." The SCI includes capital projects greater than $50,000 that are necessary to achieve and maintain LOS standards, reduce existing deficiencies, provide for necessary replacements, and meet future demand during the time period covered by the SCI. Only projects required to maintain the LOS standards identified in the Comprehensive Plan are included in the SCI. Any project included in the SCI represents a pledge by the City to pursue its implementation. However, planning for projects included in the first three (3) years of the SCI should be sufficiently advanced in order to determine the year of construction and to ensure that funding from a committed revenue source is allocated to the project. Legislation in 2009 postponed the financial feasibility requirement until December 1, 2011. Therefore, any project included in the five -year SCI maybe funded from either "committed "or "planned" revenue. ( "Committed" revenue is an existing source and amount of revenue currently available to the City; "Planned" revenue is revenue that requires a referenda or other action, such as securing a grant.) A CIE amendment is required to change the scheduled year of construction of a project (sec. 163.3177(3)(b)1, F.S.) The supporting data for the CIE amendment includes an assessment of the current operating conditions of the concurrency related facilities (sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, parks and recreation, schools, and transportation facilities) to identify current deficiencies and a projection of future operating deficiencies to identify needed capital improvements. (A deficiency is a facility or service that does not meet (i.e., is operating below) the adopted LOS Standard.) If the annual update demonstrates that LOS standards will not be met within the 5 -year schedule, then the local government must adopt either a long term concurrency management system or April 6, 2011 Public Hearing Item 502 Page 3 of 3 planning strategies in the CIE to address these deficiencies. This update includes changes to Tables 1 -6 of the Capital Improvements Element and policy 1. 1.9 to include the new dates and figures. FINDINGS: ■ The amendment demonstrates that the City's LOS standards will be maintained during the next 5 -year planning period. ■ Internal consistency within the Comprehensive Plan is maintained. The CIE amendment is exempt from the normal biannual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Cycle. No Transmittal Hearing is required, only an Adoption Hearing [Sec. 163.3177(3)(b)2, F.S. and Sec. 163.3187(1)(f), F.S.]. FISCAL IMPACT: No measurable fiscal impact resulting from the proposed change. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Local Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing for consideration of Ordinance 2011 -01, amending the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the annual update to the Capital Improvement Element (CIE) required by Rule 9J -5.016 FAC and Chapter 163, Part II, F. S. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: Commission Agenda Items are posted in City Hall and posted on City's Website Anticipated Implementation Schedule: Apr. 6, 2011 Local Planning Agency to hold a public hearing, consider the amendment and make recommendation to the City Commission. Apr. 25, 2011- First Reading of Ordinance 2011 -01 amending the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the annual update to the CIE. Apr. 28, 2011 Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel of Public Hearing. May 9, 2011 Second Reading /Adoption Public Hearing for Ordinance 2011 -01, amending the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate revisions and the annual update to the CIE. May 16, 2011 Transmittal to Florida Dept of Community Affairs. ATTACHMENTS: A. Noticing in Orlando Sentinel B. Ordinance 2011 -01 Exhibit A- Capital Improvements Element Amendments Drl ndd Sentinelif..'. TH#DRSBAY, MRA H, 2k „2011 1 ^k r k.. 1 rr„ f -: ..... ode Wh1cE1 "record €n.lbda5 the estt E g0? 254.7 0 on and ev €dance upon =wh €ch The vp - ` i -, p - f�eat is on Ex •`��� Orang 'Stbh of Flo1•€da Unless such �- hosed; (Florida SJatutes :Sec tlan 295 0105)_,.! Y - OLS2122q 5::' 03f17,2412011 ,. z -- 0, - certtfir shat€ bs:'redeemetl:.accord In9 1n -law 'The - proiSertY:'.de5crfDed" in - BQARp ©F CO€1NTY' COMM€SSIANERS 4 a3 SEMIN COUNTY OLE NINTH J OICIAL CtACD1T IN AHp fOR ORANRP COUN IIQRIDA Cn such certlftcaYe w Il b0'sold to the .. hfghe5t- bidder to the Conference a Orantlo 6 flF }LQAipA I Ct151= HUMBER 201 E Atli FI`OOr ul rCu an Rp 14 : CSE T123506 ;- 3/241291! A 49 C 7 IY DIVISION N�MBER 33 2011 aG�lO OQ a m Dated. Mar 01 2911 ” THE C1TY:OF WINTER SPR GS GIVES PUBUC NOTICE THAI 1ifE LQCA! y PIJINN N HE FORFEITURE DF Martha -0 Haynie,:CPA County ComptroNer, ; €NG! AGENCY y1I11.1, CDNSR7ER - ORpiNANCE Hp 4fl900 Eta U S. COAAEHCY 011 ,.Orange County, Florida By Mlro Suarez ' 27)1181 AM'OADINANCE:OF THE C1TY"CQMMfS510N' OF. THE;CITY QFMINTER SPRINGS NOTICE OF COMFtAINT Depu . Comptroller' SEMINOLE COUNT Y FLORIDA, ADOPTINNG =A LARGE SCALE l) DDNALB PEACE 79I8'NAPOLEQN ST e $ 6LS1129297 31103f173124,3l31f2017 C MENOI N FLLAN -TEXT AMENDMENT AMEN TTiE ASl}1fIOD FL 32825 fit ©ING ,711E, CAPFfAI`€MPRUVEMENTS ELE ME9 TO UPDATE THE C €TYS:S yy�ppR Interest ULE.OF CAP€TA�L ]np$650400hnyi{S�Curirehc he ' su I' -, NOTICE IS HEREBY G €VEN that PLIMOUTH PARK TAX SERVICES ' .- ANCES AN�GESOL�t1t ' ' wa ucrv�;2O11 a abo eaF 78 4 gg pQf tY . as LLC: theiholde sai cert cat tier a €cate'hos filed said , certificate fora .1N- CORPORATION`'tNTO. TNE. CQMPREHENNE N tiean..SYreat;.Orang2 CatfntYy; E TAX'pE ED To be: issued thereon. Th e PLAN AN EF€ECTIVEDATEAIVp (FORE STATUS #-1`04N ;At�TF710MENT5 .1 wlorlda 15aId property is to the custody:of:ttie Sheriff of Orange County -A Complaint 78 E Cert ificate number .and yy ear; of lssu- once :the -description of the ; property, ORDINANCE N0. 2Dq 32 for - fozfe €tore =has beott' filed to ttie above sTVfed:Gourt G; R '. and the'names :In.whtc]t it, wag as- ,- sessed':are as follaWs AN ORDINANCE OF THE: CITY CQIHMI551DN:.DF - :TAE CITY.QF WINTER•SPRINGS 175 , CE .2008-15970 YEAR - ::OF ISSUANCE FLORIDA AMENDIHO CH IER 20, ARTICLE IV OF THE 5 C€TY CQpGAN0 I HEREBY: CERTIFY I that .thts Notice-1s �beiny, served Pursuanf To the notice IN,- 28 �, 2008 1!)E- ' SCRIPTION.OF.PROPE:RTY:" LUOLA TERRACE LOT RE RDI TNE.PCANUED.UNfT - DEVELOPMENT °FU0° 2DN €NO:0ISTRICT FRQ Ip1NQ FDA THE REP p rov sighs of :Florida Statutes 932791 this 70th day M 7Q7, . of 2011 �, a 'of. .TA7 .8 ELK E PAR. , : CEL ID ft 33-22 -29- 5292.45.080 Naive: in . whlch'pssessed•: PARRIS WILLIAMS OF PRIOR INONSIS TENT.OAt1IHANCES AN0 RESDLUT€ON5 INCpR _ Ann iS9arie Delohunty all 113 MT.& ERNESTINE WILLIAMS T/3 RDRATIQN IHTQ.TRECODE.SEYERABIL�TY,ANA AN E Assistant General Counsel he" INT &:WILLIE of.sald J.'WILLIAMS 113 -INT • property being In the ON WEDNESDAY APRIL 62011 AT 7#I P.y� 'OR SOON THER&FFER IN THE COMMISSI No:096513 Orange County`ShorlffsOffiCe L of services he E• 01 Counfv of .Unless such; deemed'accard)n Orange .State of. Florida. certttica a sholl'be re" . to law Mhe proerty ©N CHAMBERS LOCATED AT TAE 2500 West Coonlal Drive . m p , � 'described in.suc Geri] {Icate w H be V1fNTER•SPAINGS CITY HALL Orlando FL 32804 t (4G7) 254 -7170 ' -: sold to the highest bidder in the Con - -� 11 CA STATE ROAD 434 - . - - WIHTFJI.SPRINGS,';FLDRIBA •. ' -- .- OLS112i264 -•, ,..031I7,2q/20I) - ference Room, located at 109 E. - Church Street. Attf Floor. Orlando, - Florida -an Apr. -T4 -2011 at 10:00 a.m. - p y sPe led by Interested n parties aheIwee nn 8. a:m. and 5 P.m,,: Monday thro eoR N1HTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT 1N AND F01T ORANGE COUNTY. ftoRIDA ,: Dated: Mar - 1 = Martha O Hayni 1 -2011 CPA County Comptroller Friday, at the City's Clerk's Office; €a Gated at 1126 East State Road 434 dr/In - C - - CASE NUMBER: 2071 CA 2557.0 071 Orange a u ar, Florida - - Or a ge C Suarez ter Springs, Florida. For mare i6for -- - - O €VfSION NUMAER:'33 '- _ _ Depu #y Comptroller motlan colt (407) 327.1809 #227 Persons vilth disobilit€es needing assistance to part €cipate €n any of these iN RE: FORFEITURE OF $1250,00 1N US. CURRENCY let OLSii20304 31€0,3/77,3/24,3 /31/2011 proceedings Em €ovee tif- 0 A - R AX p Relation n Department m nt t Coo peparfinent Coordinator, 48 hours in _ NOTICE OF FORFEITURE COMPLAIN '' he : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that advance of the meeting c34 (407) 327_ ' 7800, Extension 236, These are Public . ` hearings. If TO: MARDEESE 8I3 ECpR[AOE ST.: B St.:- tv, PLYMOUTH PARK TAX SERVICES PLYMOUTH LLC the holder of , the following certif ' y� decide to appeal tiny recommendaTion/decision made by the .ORLANgp. - - - s. [cafe has. filed said certificate toe a TAX DEED To be'Issued thereon The . L•xat Morning Agency with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, You will need a - and all others who claim an imerest _- $1'250.00 In U.S. Currency; ' Certificate nutnber and Y ear. of issu- . ante, The descn,ptlan of - the property, r ecord of The proceed' Ings gad for such purposes you may veer to ensure that d which' was seized on orabaut the list day' of January, 2011, at or near 919 Eidrld and The names in which It was as - - sessed are as follows: , verba{tm record .of The Proceedings €s maderupvn which Street, Orange COUnty, F10r €da. 5atd E- CERTIFICATE NUMBE€ 2908 YEsa.R OF ISSUANCE; 2008 DE- the appeal is based - , Interested partles are ativised that they a� raperfy €s €n the cusYadv of the Sher- ]ff of or County. �A Comp €alnt far 23- SCRIPTION OF PROPERTY• TAN- , may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect To the proposed ordinances. f has been filed in the.above• styled Court d y GELD PARK SECTION TWO X/10 LOT 22 BLK 9 SEE 50558762 PARCEL. I D # 30- 23.29 - 8554 -09 -229 Name in which SLS1123101 - 3124!2017 - I serve CERTIFY that this Notice is be- ing served pursuant to the notice bf all he SR TR & VALDEE � assessed JACK WILLIAMS WIC WILLIAMS TR ALL of pro- this 10th day of Match, Sta t u tes 701 -7 0 7, (Ge sold gg Property being in the County of , c �ftcate State b Florii da a. Unless suc ORDINANCE NO. 2011-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT AMENDING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT TO UPDATE THE CITY'S 5- YEAR SCHEDULE OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, INCORPORATION INTO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND LEGAL STATUS OF THE PLAN AMENDMENTS. WHEREAS, section 163.3161 et. seq., Florida Statutes (1987) established the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act; and WHEREAS, section 163.3167, Florida Statutes, requires each municipality in the State of Florida to prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Plan as scheduled by the Florida Department of Community Affairs; and WHEREAS, section 163.3177(3)(a), Florida Statutes, provides that the comprehensive plan shall contain a capital improvements element, which shall include a component that outlines certain principles for construction, extensions, and increases in capacities of public facility, as well as for correct public facility deficiencies, and that such component is required to cover at least a five (5) year period; and WHEREAS, section 163.3177(3)(b)l, Florida Statutes, provides that said capital improvements element shall be reviewed on an annual bases and modified as necessary in order to maintain a financially feasible five (5) year schedule of capital improvements; and WHEREAS, said statutory provisions also require amendment to the comprehensive plan in order to update the schedule on an annual basis or to eliminate, defer, or delay the construction for any facility listed in the five (5) year schedule; and WHEREAS, section 163.3187(1)(f), Florida Statutes, exempts comprehensive plan amendments that change the schedule in a capital improvements element, or are directly related to the schedule, from the biannual comprehensive plan amendment cycle; and WHEREAS, section 163.3177(3)(b)2, Florida Statutes, provides that capital improvements element amendments shall only require an adoption hearing before the City Commission, and are not subject to the requirements of section 163.3184(3) - (6), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency of the City of Winter Springs held a duly noticed public hearing in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 163, Part 11, Florida Statutes, on the City of Winter Springs Ordinance 2011 -01 Page 1 of 4 proposed comprehensive plan amendment and considered findings and advice of staff, citizens, and all interested parties submitting written and oral comments; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency recommended the City Commission adopt the large scale comprehensive plan text amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission hereby finds that this Ordinance is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs, Florida; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. Authority. This Ordinance is adopted in compliance with, and pursuant to, the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Sections 163.3167 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes. Section 3. Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of this ordinance is to adopt the large scale comprehensive plan text amendment incorporating the revisions of the annual update to the City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Element ( "CIE ") as part of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, as required by section 163.3177, Florida Statutes. Section 4. Adoption of Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. The City Commission of the City of Winter Springs hereby amends the Capital Improvements Element of the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan as follows: A. Tables. Tables IX -1 through IX -6 of the Capital Improvements Element are each hereby repealed in their entirety. The Tables IX -1 through IX -6 set forth in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference, are each hereby adopted and incorporated into the text of the Comprehensive Plan. B. Policy 1.1.9. Policy 1. 1.9 of the Capital Improvements Element is hereby amended as follows underlined type indicates additions and strikeotrt type indicates deletions of text in Policy 1.1.9 of the Capital Improvements Element): Policy 1.1.9: Consider capital projects for school capacity improvements included in the Seminole County School Board's Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan adopted September 14, 2010 2969 for the fiscal year 2010 -2011 :9 through 2014- 2015 -4 as included herein by reference. Section 5. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, or parts City of Winter Springs Ordinance 2011 -01 Page 2 of 4 of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 6. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 7. Incorporation Into Comprehensive Plan. Upon the effective date of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments adopted by this Ordinance, said Amendments shall be incorporated into the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Section 8. Effective Date and Legal Status of the Plan Amendment. The effective date of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment adopted by this Ordinance shall be the date a final order is issued by the Florida Department of Community Affairs, or the date of the Administration Commission finding the Amendment in compliance with section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. No development orders, development permits, or land use dependent on this Amendment may be issued or commenced before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, the Amendment may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status. After and from the effective date of this Amendment, the Comprehensive Plan Amendment set forth herein shall amend the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan and become a part of that plan and the Amendment shall have the legal status of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, as amended. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the day of , 2011. CHARLES LACEY, Mayor ATTEST: ANDREA LORENZO - LUACES City Clerk APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ONLY. ANTHONY A. GARGANESE City Attorney City of Winter Springs Ordinance 2011 -01 Page 3 of 4 First Reading: _ Second Reading: Effective Date: City of Winter Springs Ordinance 2011 -01 Page 4 of 4 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table IX -1: City of Winter Springs Five -Year Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) FY 2010/11 - 2014/15 Project Name Los Funding Description /Justification Location Ranking Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 TOTALS Comprehensive Plan �u pose source score* 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014 /15 (Years 15) Reference LOS: PARKS & RECREATION* FUTURE UEF demand on potable water from the Floridan City Wide 6 $ 35,000 $ - $ Outdoor amphitheatre furthers the network of $ 100,000 $ $ 210,000 2 3.2; IE 5.1.7; CE _® Aquifer. public green spaces that form the framework for Reclaimed Water Augments demand on the City's potable water Shore of the Town Center and promotes & expands trail Winter ROS 1.1.1; ROS 1.1.9; Magnolia Park FUTURE CF -305 &system; Improves recreational opportunities Springs 10 $ 1,180,550 - $ = - $ 1,180,550 ROS 1.1.10; FLUE 1.3.3; $ $ 1 CTX consistent with the recreational needs of Town Center Financing CUP allocation and allows the expansion of the Jesup /Spray FLUE 2.1.5; FLUE 2.2.3; residents, Is a catalyst for private development in 2 8 City's reclaimed water system. .2.1 CIE 1 ; CIE 1.1.3 (� the Town Center, Accomodates growth through Expands reclaimed water system and reduces additional acreage for active recreation [LOS]. _ Neighborhood Reclaimed Water FUTURE Torcaso Park expansion consistent with Torcaso City Wide 6 $ $ ROS 1.4; ROS 1.4.1; $ 1,025,000 FUTURE GIRT recreational needs of residents, Utilizes grant Distribution - Phase 1 6 $ $ $ 400,000 $ 400,000 FLUE 1.3.3; HE 2.2.11; Cl Community Center funding. Park allocation. 1.1.3 Total $ 1,180,550 $ $ 400,000 $ $ - $ 1,580,550 LOS: POTABLE WATER* SR 46 Alternative Study of alternative water supply to reduce FLUE 1.3.1; IE 2.3; IE IE Water Supply FUTURE UEF demand on potable water from the Floridan City Wide 6 $ 35,000 $ - $ 75,000 $ 100,000 $ $ 210,000 2 3.2; IE 5.1.7; CE Aquifer. Reclaimed Water Augments demand on the City's potable water Shore of 3.1; HE 1.3.10; IE E 1.3.1; FLUE Augmnt Pump Station FUTURE Bank system so that the City will not exceed its 2013 Lake 6 $ 3,763,334 $ 503,333 $ $ $ $ 4,266,667 IE 2 IE 5.1.7; CE Phase A Financing CUP allocation and allows the expansion of the Jesup /Spray 2 8 City's reclaimed water system. fields Expands reclaimed water system and reduces Reclaimed Water FUTURE BND demand on the City's potable water system so City Wide 6 $ $ 1,025,000 $ 1,025,000 $ $ 2,050,000 FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; IE 2.3; IE 2.3.2, IE 5.1.7; CE Distribution - Phase 1 that the City will not exceed its 2013 CUP - allocation. 1.2.8 Expands reclaimed water system and reduces Reclaimed Water FUTURE BND demand on the City's potable water system so City Wide 6 $ $ $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 2,000,000 FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; IE 2.3; IE 2.3.2, IE 5.1.7; CE Distribution - Phase 2 that the City will not exceed its 2013 CUP 1.2.8 allocation. Expands reclaimed water system and reduces Reclaimed Water FUTURE BND demand on the City's potable water system so City Wide 6 $ -'. $ $ $ $ 1,030,000 $ 1,030,000 FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; IE 2.3; IE 2.3.2, IE 5.1.7; CE Distribution - Phase 3 that the City will not exceed its 2013 CUP -:' - - - allocation. ---------- ......: 1.2.8 Total 1 1 $ 3,798,334 $ 503,333 $ 1,100,000 $ 2,125,000 $ 2,030,000 $ 9,556,667 LOS: SANITARY SEWER* East Force Main FUTURE UEF Project needed to meet future demand, Bolsters Tuskawilla 8 $ 204,567 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 204,567 FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.12; IE Rerouting / Design service to newgrowth, Improves efficiency. 1.1.4; IE 1.4.3 W/VRF and Filter REPLC UEF Project needed to meet future demand; Increases WWRF 6 $ - $ $ $ 250,000 $ $ 250,000 FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.12; IE capacity for new growth, Improves efficiency. 1.1.4; IE 1.4.3 Total $ 204,567 $ $ $ 250,000 $ $ 454,567 IX - 11 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Project Name Los Funding Description /Justification Location Ranking Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 TOTALS Comprehensive Plan Pu pose source score_ 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014 /15 (Years 15) Reference LOS: TRANSPORTATION* Services future demand and addresses future _mmmmmmmm _mm _ mamma _____mmm: Michael Blake Blvd. deficiency of SR 434 by expanding FLUE 1.3.1; FLUE 1.3.3; FUTURE 1CTX Town Center 4 $ 700,000 $ 750,000 $ $ 1,450,000 FLUE 2.1.4; MTE 1; MTE (Spine Road) interconnecting collector road network in Town 1.2; MTE 1.3; CIE 1.1.3 Center to reduce demand on SR 434. Safety improvement, Improves City collector Northern Wy UE 1.3.1; MTE 1; M TE FLUE MTE Sidewalks- Transptn 1CTX & streets with the addition of sidewalks to increase / Shetland 6 $ 100 $ - $ $ $ $ 100,000 MTE 1.3; MTE 1 Shetland /Northern GIRT safety of pedestrians in cooperation with Av Sidewalk ,000 CIE 1.1.3 Seminole County. .. _ _ .,. Safety & mobility improvement, Addition of Between SR _ FLUE 1.4.6; FLUE 1.6.6; Sidewalks- North sidewalks will increase safety of pedestrians in an 419 & SR FLUE 6.1.1 MTE 1.5.1; Village Walk- Phase Transptn GIRT area with easy access to transit, school & 434 and 10 $. - $'.. $ 300,000 $ 300,000 MTE 1.6.7; MTE 1.13.6; H parks, Sheoah & 2.2.1; ROS 1.5.1; ICE retail commercial. Sherry Av. 1.3.5; CIE 1.1.3 FLUE 1.4.6; FLUE 1.6.6; Safety & mobility improvement, Addition of Town Center FLUE 5.1.2; FLUE 5.2.6; Sidewalks- Town sidewalks will increase safety for students and at Winter FLUE 6.1.1, MTE 1.5.1; Transptn FDOT Springs High 10 - $ - $ $ 288,000 $ 288,000 MTE 1.5.3 MTE 1.6.7; Center Ph II improve network connection of high school to School and MTE 1.13.6; PSFE 1.7.2; transit and the trail. City Hall PSFE 1.7.3; ICE 1.3.5; CIE ° 1.1.3 Safety & mobility improvement, Addition of Between SR 419 & SR :: FLUE 1.4.6; FLUE 1.6.6; Sidewalks- North Transptn FDOT sidewalks will increase safety of pedestrians in an to transit, & 434 and 9 - $ - $ $ 295,000 $ 295,000 MTE 1.5.1, MTE 1.6.7; MTE 1.13.6; HE 2.2.1; ROE Village Walk- Phase I I area with easy access parks, school Sheoah & retail commercial. Sherry Av. 1.5.1; ICE 1.3.5; CIE 1.1.3 FLUE 1.6.6; FLUE 5.1.2; Sidewalks- Town Safety & mobility improvement; Addition of FLUE 5.2.6 FLUE 6.1.1; Transptn DTM sidewalks will increase safety and improve Town Center 10 $ $ - $ $ 288,000 $ 288,000 MTE 1.5.1, MTE 1.5.3; Center Ph II connection between uses. MTE 1.6.7; PSFE 1.7.2; = CIE 1.1.3 Paving of this multi -use trail will provide a safe, Between FLUE 1.6.6 FLUE 6.1.1; Multi Use Trail Transptn 1 CTX or alternative east -west route to SR 434 for bicycles Winding 10 $ $ - $ $ 50,000 $ 50,000 MTE 1.5.1; MTE 1.5.3; Connector DTM and pedestrians. Hollow & Alton Rd — MTE 1.5.10, ROS 1.2.7; CIE 1.1.3 Doran Drive (Blumberg to high school)- FLUE 1.3.1; FLUE 1.3.3; Doran Drive REPLC 1 CTX Refurbishes collector road so that existing LOS is Town Center 6 $ 200 $ 200,000 MTE 1; MTE 1.2; MTE 1.3; maintained. CIE 1.1.3 Ranchlands Paving Dirt road paving provides supporting FLUE 1.3.1; MTE 1; MTE (including Bahama REPLC 1CTX Ranchlands 6 $ 1,200,000 $ $ $ $ 1,200,000 1.2; MTE 1.3; CIE 1.1.3; H Road) infrastructure to enhance existing housng stock. 1.1.9 North Moss Road REPLC 1CTX Major maintenance- Refurbishes collector road so Moss Road 6 $ - $ - $ 1,300,000 $ $ $ 1,300,000 FLUE 1.3.1; MTE 1; MTE that existing LOS is maintained. 1.2; MTE 1.3; CIE 1.1.3 Tuscora Dr. Decel Helps ensure adequate movement of people and SR 434 & .... - _ ..___ ______. $ 160,000 $ 160,000 FLUE 1.3.1; FLUE 1.3.3; MTE 1.2; MTE 1.3; CIE Lane FUTURE TIMF goods. Tuscora 6 1.1.3 Total $ 2,200,000 $ 750,0001 $ 1,300,000 $ 588,000 $ 793,0001 $ 5,631,000 IX - 12 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Project Name Los Funding Description / Justification Location Ranking Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 TOTALS comprehensive Plan R &R Purpose source Construction Fund - 311 PRV score_ 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014 /15 (Years 15) Reference LOS: STORMWATER* FDOT TMDL Water Quality FUTURE SUF Mandate to meet State water quality regulations, City Wide 6 $ 50,000 $ 75,000 $ $ $ $ 125,000 CIE 1.2.3; IE 4.1.1 Management Projects Utility Enterprise Fund Improves surface water quality. Solary Canal Regional FUTURE SUF (SJRWM Partnership with Oviedo, Seminole County, & DeLeon St. and Howard 6 $ 412,313 $ - $ $ $ $ 412,313 FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.12; IE Stormwater Treatment D) SJRWMD for regional stormwater pond. Av. 4.1.1; CIE 1.2.3; CIE 1.5.3 Total $ 462,313 $ 75,000 $ $ $ $ 537,313 L E G E N D: Funding Sources: Funding Sources: 1CTX One Cent Sales Tax (Road Improvement Fund) - 115 PBIF Public Buildings Impact Fee Fund BND Bonds PRV Private Contributions CF -305 1999 Construction Capital Project Fund - 305 R &R Utility Renewal & Replacement Fund CF -311 Construction Fund - 311 PRV Private Contributions DEF Development Services Enterprise Fund RSV Reserves DTM Developer Transportation Mitigation SC Seminole County FDOT Florida Dept of Transportation SUF Stormwater Utility Fund (includes SJRWMD funding) GNF General Fund TIMF Transportation Impact Fee Fund GIRT Grants & CDBG UCF Utility Construction Fund LGTX Local Option Gas Tax (Transportation Improvement Fund) UEF Utility Enterprise Fund *FLUE 1.3.3, CIE 1.1.4; CIE 1.2.1; CIE 1.5.1; CIE 1.5.5; CIE 1.7; * *CIE 1.3.4 IX - 13 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table IX -2: Five -Year Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) FY 2010/11 - 2014/15 by Fund Project Name Los Purpose Funding Description /Justification Location Ranking Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 TOTALS Comprehensive Plan source score- 2010111 2011112 2012113 2013114 2014115 that the City will not exceed its 2013 CUP allocation and (Years 1-5) Reference 1CTX - ONE CENT SALES TAX (ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND) -115 (includes STM- Stimulus Federal Funding) $ 503,333 $ - $ - $ - $ 4,266,667 Michael Blake Blvd. Pump Station - Phtease ase A A Services future demand and addresses future deficiency of allows the expansion of the City's reclaimed water system. fields FLUE 1.3.1; FLUE 1.3.3; (Spine Road) FUTURE 1CTX SR 434 by expanding interconnecting collector road Town Center 4 $ 700,000 $ 750 $ - $ ... $ 1,450,000 FLUE 2 1.4; MTE 1; MTE FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; network in Town Center to reduce demand on SR 434. FUTURE BND the City's potable water system so that the City will not City wide 6 $ - $ - 1.2, MTE 1.3; CIE 1.1.3 $ 1,025,000 $ - $ 2,050,000 Doran Dnve (Blumberg to high school)- Refurbishes Distribution - Phase 1 exceed its 2013 CUP allocation. FLUE 1.3.1; FLUE 1.3.3; Doran Dnve REPLC 1CTX collector road so that existing LOS is maintained. Town Center 6 $ 200,000 Expands reclaimed water system and reduces demand on $ 200,000 MTE 1; MTE 1.2; MTE FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; Reclaimed water - BND the City's potable water system so that the City will not City wide 1.3; CIE 1.1.3 Ranchlands Paving $ - $ - Dirt road paving provides supporting infrastructure to $ 1,000,000 $ 2,000,000 IE 2.3; IE 2.3.2; IE 5.1.7; Distribution - Phase 2 = exceed its 2013 CUP allocation. FLUE 1 3.1; MTE 1; MTE (including Bahama REPLC 1CTX enhance existing housng stock. Ranchlands 6 $ 1,200,000 $ � - $... $ 1,200,000 1.2; MTE 1.3; CIE 1.1.3; Road) FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; Reclaimed water FUTURE BND HE 1.1.9 North Moss Road REPLC 1CTX Major maintenance- Refurbishes collector road so that Moss Road 6 $ 1,030,000 $. $ 1,300,000 $ E.. $ 1,300,000 FLUE 1.3.1; MTE 1; MTE exceed its 2013 CUP allocation. existing LOS is maintained. CE 1.2.8 1.2; MTE 1.3; CIE 1.1.3 Sidewalks- Safety improvement; Improves City collector streets with Northern Wy FLUE 1.3.1; MTE 1; MTE Shetland /Northern Tmnsptn 1CTX the addition of sidewalks to increase safety of pedestrians Shetland Av 6 $ 100,000 a = ' a - a $ :. $ 100,000 1.2; MTE 1.3; MTE 1.5.3; in cooperation with Seminole County. Sidewalk CIE 1.1.3 Outdoor amphitheatre furthers the network of public green =_ spaces that form the framework for the Town Center and ROS 1.1.1; ROS 1.1.9 CF & promotes & expands trail system, Improves recreational 1Mnter Springs = = ',e ROS 1 1 10 ; FLUE 1.3.3; Magnolia Park FUTURE 1CTXCTX opportunities consistent with the recreational needs of Town Center 10 $ 300,000 $ $ - $ - $ $ 300,000 .. FLUE 2.1.5; FLUE 2.2.3; res,dents; Is a catalyst for private development in the CIE 1.2.1f) CIE 1.1.3 Town Center; Accomodates growth through additional acreage for active recreation [LOS]. TOTAL 1 C T X EXPENSE :.: °` $ 2,500, 000 $ 750,000 $ 1,300, 000 $ - $ - $ 4,550,000' BND -BONDS Augments demand on the City's potable water system so Shore of Lake FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; Reclaimed Water FUTURE BND that the City will not exceed its 2013 CUP allocation and Jesup /Spray 6 $ 3,763,334 $ 503,333 $ - $ - $ - $ 4,266,667 IE 2.3; IE 2.3.2, IE 5.1.7; Pump Station - Phtease ase A A allows the expansion of the City's reclaimed water system. fields CE 1.2.8 Expands reclaimed water system and reduces demand on FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; Reclaimed Water FUTURE BND the City's potable water system so that the City will not City wide 6 $ - $ - $ 1,025,000 $ 1,025,000 $ - $ 2,050,000 IE 2.3; IE 2.3.2; IE 5.1.7; Distribution - Phase 1 exceed its 2013 CUP allocation. CE 1.2.8 Expands reclaimed water system and reduces demand on FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; Reclaimed water FUTURE BND the City's potable water system so that the City will not City wide 6 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 2,000,000 IE 2.3; IE 2.3.2; IE 5.1.7; Distribution - Phase 2 exceed its 2013 CUP allocation. CE 1.2.8 Expands reclaimed water system and reduces demand on FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; Reclaimed water FUTURE BND the City's potable water system so that the City will not City wide 6 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,030,000 $ 1,030,000 IE 2.3; IE 2.3.2; IE 5.1.7; Distribution - Phase 3 exceed its 2013 CUP allocation. CE 1.2.8 IX - 14 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Project Name LosPUrpose Funtling Description /Justification Location Ranking Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 TOTALS Comprehensive Plan source score- 2010111 2011112 2012113 2013114 2014115 (Years 1-5) Reference DTM - DEVELOPER TRANSPORTATION MITIGATION FLUE 1.6.6; FLUE 5.1.2; Sidewalks- Town Center Transptn DTM Safety & mobility improvement; Addition of sidewalks will Town Center 10 288,000 288,000 FLUE 5.2.6; FLUE 6.1.1; MTE 1.5.1; MTE 1.5.3; Ph II increase safety and improve connection between uses. $ $ MTE 1.6.7; PSFE 1.7.2; CIE 1.1.3 Between ween FLUE 1.6.6; FLUE 6.1.1; Multi Use Trail Transptn 1CTX or Paving of this multi -use trail will provide a safe, alternative W Hollow 10 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 MTE 1.5.1; MTE 1.5.3; Connector DTM east -west route to SR 434 for bicycles and pedestrians. & Alton Rd MTE 1.5.10; ROS 1.2.7; CIE 1.1.3 TOTAL DTM EXPENSE $ $ $ $ $ 288,000 $ 288,000 FDOT - FLORIDA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION FLUE 1.4.6; FLUE 1.6.6; Safety & mobility improvement; Addition of sidewalks will Town Center at FLUE 5.1.2; FLUE 5.2.6; Sidewalks- Town Center Transptn FDOT increase safety for students antl improve network Writer Springs 10 $ 288,000 $ 288,000 FLUE 6.1.1; MTE 1.5.1; Ph II connection of high school to transit and the trail. High School MTE 1.5.3 MTE 1.6.7; and City Hall MTE 1.13.6; PSFE 1.7.2; Between SR FLUE 1.4.6; FLUE 1.6.6 ; Sidewalks- North Villa e Village Safety &mobility improvement; Addition of sidewalks will 419 & SR 434 MTE 1.5.1; MTE 1.6.7; Walk- Phase II FDOT increase safety of pedestrians in an area with easy access and Sheoah & 9 $ 295,000 $ 295,000 MTE 1.13.6, HE 2.2.1; to parks, transit, school & retail commercial. Sherry Av. ROS 1.5.1; ICE 1.3.5, CIE 1.1.3 Addresses future deficiency of SR 434 by adding a SR 419 &Sherry - FLUE 1.3.1; FLUE 1.3.3; Sherry Ave Decel Lane FUTURE FDOT deceleration lane to ensure adequate movement of people Ave 6 $ 125,000 ... _ $ 125,000 TE 1, TE 1.2; and goods. TOTAL FDOT EXPENSE GRT - GRANTS & CDBG Between SR FLUE 1.4.6; FLUE 1.6.6; Sidewalks- North Village Safety & mobility improvement; Addition of sidewalks will 419 & SR 434 FLUE 6.1.1, MTE 1.5.1; Walk- Phase I Tmnsptn GRT increase safety of pedestrians in an area with easy access and Sheoah & 10 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 MTE 1.6.7; MTE 1.13.6; to parks, transit, school & retail commercial. Sherry Av. HE 2.2.1, ROS 1.5.1; ICE 1.3.5; CIE 1. 1.3 Neighborhood FUTURE GRT Torcaso Park expansion consistent with recreational Torcaso Park 6 $ = $ $ 400,000 _ $ $ 400,000 ROS 1.4; ROS 1.4.1; FLUE 1.3.3; HE Community Center needs of residents; Utilizes grant funding. _ - _____ _____ _____ 2.2.11; CIE 1. 1.3 TOTAL GRT EXPENSE $ $ $ 400,000 $ 300,000 $ $ 700,000 SUF - STORMWATER UTILITY (ENTERPRISE) FUND TMDL Water Quality FUTURE SUF Mandate to meet State water quality regulations, Improves City Wde 6 $ 50,000 $ 75,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 125,000 CIE 1.2.3; 1 4. 1.1 Management Projects surface water quality. Solary Canal Regional FUTURE SUF Regional Stormwater Treatment Facility consiting of wet DeLeon St. and 6 $ 412,313 $ $ - $ 412,313 FLUE 1.3.1 ; HE 1.1.12; IE 4.1.1, CIE 1.2.3; CIE Stormwater Treatment (SJRVVMD) detention pon and treatement wetland. Howard Ave. 1.5.3 TOTAL SUF EXPENSE : - $ 462,313 $ 75,000 $ - $ p - $ - $ 537,313 TIMF - TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE FUND SR IR 434 434a & ._ FLUE 1.3.1; FLUE 1.3.3; Tuscora Dr. Decel Lane FUTURE TIMF Helps ensure adequate movement of people and goods. Tuscor 6 ___________________ $ 160,000 $ 160,000 MTE 1.2; MTE 1.3 ; CIE 1.1.3 TOTAL TIMF EXPENSE IX - 15 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Project Name Los Purpose Punaing Description /Justification Location Ranking Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 TOTALS Comprehensive Plan PRV Private Contributions Source RSV Reserves score•• 2010111 2011112 2012113 2013114 2014115 (Years 1 -5) Reference UEF - UTILITY ENTERPRISE FUND SR 46 Alternative Water FUTURE UEF Study of alternative water supply to reduce demand on City Wide 6 $ 35,000 $ - $ 75,000 $ 100,000 $ - $ 210,000 FLUE 1.3.1; IE 2.3; IE Supply potable water from the Floridan Aquifer. 2.3.2; IE 5.1.7, CE 1.2.8 East Force Main FUTURE UEF Project needed to meet future demand, Bolsters service to Tuskawilla 8 $ 204,567 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 204,567 FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.12; IE Rerouting /Design new growth, Improves efficiency. 1.1.4, IE 1.4.3 VWVRF Sand Filter REPLC UEF Project needed to meet future demand, Increases capacity VWVRF 6 $ - $ - $ - $ 250,000 $ - $ 250,000 FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.12, for new growth, Improves efficiency. IE 1.1.4; IE 1.4.3 TOTAL UEF EXPENSE $ 239,567 $ $ 75,000 $ 350,000 $ $ 664,567 == mama == L E G E N D: Funding Sources: Funding Sources: 1 CTX One Cent Sales Tax (Road Improvement Fund) - 115 PBIF Public Buildings Impact Fee Fund BND Bonds PRV Private Contributions CF -305 1999 Construction Capital Project Fund - 305 R &R Utility Renewal & Replacement Fund CF -311 Construction Fund - 311 PRV Private Contributions DEF Development Services Enterprise Fund RSV Reserves DTM Developer Transportation Mitigation SC Seminole County FOOT Florida Dept of Transportation SUF Stormwater Utility Fund (includes SJRWMD funding) GNF General Fund TIMF Transportation Impact Fee Fund GIRT Grants & CDBG UCF Utility Construction Fund LGTX Local Option Gas Tax (Transportation Improvement Fund) UEF Utility Enterprise Fund IX - 16 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table IX- 3: Facility Program — Public School Facilities: Summary of Policies, Programs and Capital Improvements with Cost Impacts Scheduled Program and Cost Impacts for 10 /1 /2009 — 9/30/2014 9.2% of the Seminole County School Board Capital Improvement Plan buget is for remodeling and additions. 0.0% is for new construction over the next five years. Debt service is 43.7% of the total expenditures. Total 5 Year Cost for Remodeling, Additions and New Construction: $24,000,00 Potential Additonal Cost Impacts During /Beyond the Five Year Planning Period COFTE Projections show a slight increase in middle school population for 2017 -2019; however, this growth is not significant enough to offset continuing decline in other populations, resulting in a total decline in student enrollment for K -12 through 2020. Available Funding Options -Major revenue sources available to the School Board are Ad Valorem Taxes, State Revenue Sources, Local Option Sales Tax, Impact Fees, Gasoline Tax Refund, COPS, and Interest. Source: Seminole County School Board's Five Year Capital Improvement Plan, Adopted September 14, 2010 for the fiscal year 2010 -201 ]through 2014 -2015. Table IX -4 School Capital Improvement Plan for Seminole County Facilities - Remodeling & Additions Remodeling & Additions 2010 -2011 2011 -2012 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 2014 -2015 Jackson Heights Small Projects $8,640,000 $1,500,000 $8,360,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,700,000 Total $10,140,000 $9,760,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,700,000 Source: Seminole County School Board's Five Year Capital Improvement Plan, Adopted September 14, 2010 for the fiscal year 2010 -201 ]through 2014 -2015. IX - 17 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table IX -5 School Capital Improvement Revenue Sources Revenue 2010 -2011 2011-2012 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 2014 -2015 State Class Size Reduction - - - - - Peco New Construction - $171,890 $684,790 $1,885,983 $1,304,021 Peco Maintenance $2,366,607 $3,154,759 $3,381,177 $3,797,786 $4,013,638 CO &DS $280,380 $280,380 $280,380 $280,380 $280,380 Local 1.5 Mill $38,920,697 $41,287,472 $43,310,558 $45,519,397 $48,068,483 COPS - - - - - Sales Tax $1,172,000 $341,000 - - - Impact Fees $2,400,000 $2,400,000 $2,400,000 $2,400,000 $2,400,000 Gasoline Tax Refund $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Interest $100,000 $100,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 Undesignated - - - - - SUB -TOTAL $45,339,684 $47,835,501 $50,656,905 $54,483,546 $56,666,522 Prior Year Carryover $9,319,641 $7,291,325 $3,618,673 $7,222,413 $7,828,244 TOTAL $54,659,325 $55,126,826 $54,275,578 $61,705,959 $64,494,766 Source: Seminole County School Board's Five Year Capital Improvement Plan, Adopted September 14, 2010 for the fiscal year 2010 -201 1 through 2014 -2015. Table IX -6 Planned New Public School Facility Construction New Construction 1 2010 -2011 1 2011-2012 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 2014 -2015 Land - - - - New Midway Elementary (Offsite) - - - - - Source: Seminole County School Board's Five Year Capital Improvement Plan, Adopted September 14, 2010 for the fiscal year 2010 -201 1 through 2014 -2015. IMR]