HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 03 28 Consent 208 Approval of Continuing Services With Bellomo-Herbert & Company Inc. for Shepard Road
ITEM 208
March 28, 2011
Mgr. /Dept.
The Community Development Department, Urban Beautification Division, is requesting
that the City Commission approve Change Order No. 1 to Task Assignment No. 3, in the
amount of $10,666, for continuing services contractor Bellomo-Herbert & Company, Inc.
to perform additional work required for the Shepard Road Streetscape Project.
Staff is bringing this agenda item to the City Commission for approval of Change Order
No. 1 to Task Assignment No. 3 from continuing services contractor Bellomo-Herbert &
Company, Inc. for additional work required for the permitting and design of the Shepard
Road Streetscape Project. The scope is required to change pursuant to the need for a
permit from St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) and additional
coordination with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) involving an
upcoming road widening project for US 17-92 at Shepard Road.
On December 13, 2010, under Agenda Item 601, the City Commission approved
an interlocal agreement with the US 17-92 Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) for the
Shepard Road Streetscape Project, funded from the CRA Redevelopment Trust Fund (RTF) in
the amount of $546,623.58. As part of the project approval Bellomo-Herbert & Company, Inc.
was engaged to provide professional consulting services at a cost of $44,737.
The current scope of services for Bellomo-Herbert includes providing preliminary
and final engineering for the widening of Shepard Road within the project area and designing a
gateway feature, medians, street lighting, sidewalks and landscaping. The scope also includes
design specifications for modification of the roadside drainage system from a mixed ‘open and
closed’ drainage system to a completely closed system.
The original scope of services for Bellomo-Herbert included costs to acquire a
permit exemption letter from SJRWMD and costs for coordination with FDOT for connections
to the US 17-92 Right-of-Way at Shepard Road during the design process. After a meeting with
SJRWMD and FDOT it was determined that a permit would in fact be needed for the project,
which would require additional work by the consultant consisting of a drainage analysis, design
and a permit application fee.
During the preliminary engineering phase of the project it was communicated that
FDOT has an upcoming widening project for US 17-92 that will affect the drainage plans for
Shepard Road, where additional coordination and planning will be required of Bellomo-Herbert
beyond the original scope of work.
As a result of the abovementioned additional requirements, Change Order No. 1
to Task Assignment No. 3 (Attachment ‘A’) from Bellomo-Herbert & Company, Inc. consists of
the following costs:
Drainage Analysis $3,681
Drainage Plans $3,146
Permitting (SJRWMD) $3,839
Total Change Order $10,666
The approved original budget for the Shepard Road Streetscape Project, funded
from the RTF in the amount of $546,623.58, is anticipated to remain unchanged based upon cost
savings identified during the design phase of the project. However, once construction of the
project has been publicly bid, staff will have all the information needed to determine if a revised
budget for the project will be necessary. If a budget revision is required, an agenda item will be
presented to the City Commission for discussion having several options including the potential
of requesting additional available funding from the CRA or the option of scaling back the project
in less obvious areas.
The Shepard Road Streetscape Project is funded from the CRA RTF in the
amount of $546,623.58, paid to the City as follows:
Project Start $176,874.52 paid to the City from RTF (PAID)
50% Completion $176,874.53 paid to the City from RTF
Completion $176,874.53 paid to the City from RTF
Year 1&2– Maintenance $16,000 paid to the City from RTF
TOTAL $546,623.58
Approval of Change Order No. 1 to Task Assignment No. 3 in the amount of
$10,666 will not add any cost to the City as it will be payable as part of the abovementioned
funding provided by the CRA RTF.
This Agenda Item has been distributed to the Mayor and City Commission, City
Manager, City Attorney, and Department Directors; placed in press packets; placed in the lobby
binder; and is available on the City’s Website, LaserFiche, and the City’s Server.Further,
information related to this Agenda Item has been sent to media/press representatives who have
requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, all Homeowner’s Associations on file with the
City, all individuals who have requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, Department
Directors; and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside City Hall with additional copies
available for the general public; and posted at five (5) different locations around the City.
Staff recommends that the Commission review and approve Change Order No. 1
to Task Assignment No. 3, in the amount of $10,666, for Bellomo-Herbert & Company, Inc. to
perform additional work required for the Shepard Road Streetscape Project. The change order is
payable from funding in the amount of $546,623.58provided to the City from the CRA RTF.
Also, staff recommends the City Commission authorize the City Manager and the City Attorney
to prepare and execute any and all applicable documents required for this project.
A) Bellomo-Herbert & Company, Change Order No. 1 - Task Assignment No. 3
Shepard Road Streetscape Project
B) Work Order Authorization for Change Order No. 1
Date: March 18, 2011
This is an attachment to Task Assignment 3 between the City of Winter Springs, Florida (Client) and
the fimt of Bellomo-Herbert and Company, Inc. (Consultant) and made a part thereof. The purpose
of this Change Order is to specify the required additional services of the Consultant.
The initial scope of this Task Assignment induded providing preliminary and final engineering for the
widening of Shepard Road from east of US 17/92 to Wildwood Drive in WinterSprings, Florida. The
project indudes modfication of the drainage system from a mixed system of closed and open
drainage to a closed system to accommodate pedest�ian facilities. The initial scope of services
included the work necessary to acquire a Letter of Exemption from the St. Johns River Water
Management District (SJRWMD), After an initial meeting with SJRWMD, it was determined that a
Letter of Exemption is not achievable and therefore additional work is necessary to obtain a permit
from SJRWMD including permit app[ication fees, permit application and fhe drainage design
necessary to achieve a permit. It is anficipated that the drainage design will be comprised of both
the analysis necessary to demonstrate to the SJRWMD that post pollutant loading are equal to or
better than the existing conditions including phosphorous modeling and the design of BMPs or
swales. Further, fhe initiaf scope anticipated coordination with the FDOT for connections to the US
17 -92 right-of-way. However during the preliminary engineering phase it was determined that the
Florida Department of Transportation (FDO� has an ongoing project that is directly related to the
drainage for Sheppard Road and that additional coordination for drainage wiff be required beyond
whatwas anticipated in the initial scope. The following scope of services is intended to describe the
necessary tasks associated with the additional goals of the project.
A. Final Desiqn and Contract Documents
Prepare the addi�onal plan sheets and drainage details to consider the additional drainage elements
• Summary of Roadway and Drainage Pay Items and General Notes
• Swale Cross Section Sheets
• Drainage Plan Sheets
• Miscellaneous Drainage Details
Prepare an Engineer's Estimate of Construction Costs at the 90°r6 and 100°� completion stages.
One additional field review is anticipated with FDOT and SJRWMD.
Plan Sheets will be submitted at the 90% and 100% completion stages for review bythe Client. Final
Project Deliverabfes will be as follows:
• 11 "x 17" Plan Sheets
• 8'/z"x11" Technical Specifications
• Engineer's Estimate of Construction Cost.
• Computer files and CADD files in digital format.
Bepomo-Herbert 8 Co Inc Sheoard Road — Chanae Order No 1 p��g.3 �
B. Drainaqe Analysis
The Consuftant wil( provide the necessary drainage analysis including swale design calculations,
pre-post pollutant loading analysis and overall drainage calculations necessary to support the
SJRWMD permit application.
C. Project PermittinQ
This task anticipates that this project will require a Standard Environmental Resource Stormwater
Permit from SJRWMD. The Consuitant will perform the necessary drainage analysis to obtain the
Stormwater Permit for the Shepard Road project. Upon substantial completion of the Plans, the
Consultant will prepare the perrnit application package for submission to the SJRWMD. Permit
Applica�on fees will be paid for by the Client.
D. Suroevin4
Not included. If a swale system on the existing FDOT pond site property is the final design for thls
project, additional survey will be required and provided by the Client. This survey is anticipated to be
obtained from the FDOT survey completed for the ongoing US 17-92 project. This survey will
include topographic survey and right-of-way identificafion incfuding all significant features on the
FDOT parcel located near the eastem terminus of the project near Wildwood Drive.
E. Environmental Services
This supplemental agreement anticipates that any off-site drainage improvements such as the
design of a swafe wil) occur an the FDOT Parcel located near the eastern terrninus flf the project
and that the FDOT will provide the environmental evaluation for this property. The Consultant will
coordinate with the FDOT for the use of their environmental analysis within the Shepard Road
The time required to comp(ete the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S services under fhis Change Order
shall extend the length of the afarementioned Professional Services Agreement by 60 days.
Total compensation for all services, materials, supplies and any other requirements necessary to
complete the Change Orderwork as described herein shall be the lurnp sum of $10,666.00, broken
out as follows:
• Drainage Analysis $ 3,681.00
• Drainage Plans $ 3,146.00
• Permitting � 3,839.00
TOTAL ADDfTtONAL FEE $10,fi66.00
Bellomo-Herbert & Co.. Inc. Sheoard Road — Chanae Order No. 1 03-18-11
Work Order Task Assignment No. 3 City of Winter Springs, Fla
Shepard Road Streetscape Project Master Agreement Contract Date: October 21, 2009
Consultant: Bellomo- Herbert & Company, Inc.
833 Highland Avenue, Suite 201
Orlando, FL 32803
(407) 422 -4845 franlz @bellomo- herbert.com
Date: March 18, 2011
Attachment(s) to this Work Order:
1. Change Order No.1 Fixed Fee Basis $10,666
Not To Exceed (Ten Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty -Six Dollars)
Time For Completion: The services to be provided by the CONSULTANT shall commence upon
execution of this WORK ORDER by the parties and shall be completed within the time frame of sixty
(60) days of the effective date of this WORK ORDER. Failure to meet the stated completion time
requirement may be grounds for termination for default.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed the WORK ORDER on
the respective dates under each signature: the CITY by signature of the City Manager, and the
CONSULTANT by and through its duly authorized corporate officer having the full and complete
authority to execute the same.
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Date: March 30, 2011