HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 01 31 City Commission Workshop MinutesCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA
MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 2011 - 6:00 P.M.
Mayor Charles Lacey
Deputy Mayor Jean Hovey - Seat One
Commissioner Rick Brown - Seat Two
Commissioner Gary Bonner - Seat Three
Commissioner Cade Resnick - Seat Four
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs - Seat Five
The Workshop of Monday, January 31, 2011 of the City Commission was called to Order by Mayor Charles
Lacey at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434,
Winter Springs, Florida 32708).
Roll Call:
Mayor Charles Lacey, present
Deputy Mayor Jean Hovey present
Commissioner Rick Brown, present
Commissioner Gary Bonner, present
Commissioner Cade Resnick, present
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs, present
City Manager Kevin L. Smith, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present
No one spoke.
600. Office Of The City Manager
REQUEST: Requesting The City Commission Receive A Presentation From The Oviedo -Winter Springs
Regional Chamber Of Commerce And Enter Into Discussions.
FISCAL IMPACT: No Funding Is Requested As Part Of This Agenda Item.
COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: Mayor Charles Lacey And The City Manager Have Been In Contact
With Members Of The Oviedo -Winter Springs Regional Chamber Of Commerce. This Has Been
Distributed To The Mayor And City Commission, City Attorney, Department Directors; And Provided To
All Entities Through The Clerk's Posting Process.
RECOMMENDATION: The City Manager Is Requesting The Mayor And City Commission Discuss
Issues With The Oviedo -Winter Springs Regional Chamber Of Commerce.
Representing the Oviedo -Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Paul Sladek, President -Elect; Mr.
Todd Cluxton, President; Mr. Cory Skeates, Executive Director; and Ms. Cynthia Sucher, Past President
introduced themselves.
Mr. Cory Skeates, Executive Director, Oviedo -Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce, 1511 East State
Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida: reviewed a document entitled, "Chamber Update" and commented on 2010
Continuing, Mr. Skeates explained, "We also partnered with our friends at CMF Media who do audio coverage of
our luncheons, so that those who can't attend the luncheons can actually listen to the audio. And, within the next
week, we should have the State of the City's Luncheon up, where your fine Mayor gave a wonderful presentation
on the City of Winter Springs. So, if you weren't able to be there, you can listen to it online.
Further comments.
Next, Mr. Skeates discussed monthly seminars they were planning to hold, and expressed that he would welcome
the opportunity to have Commissioner Gary Bonner speak at such meetings regarding his company.
The Budget was addressed next.
Mr. Todd Cluxton, President; Oviedo -Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce, 1511 East State Road
434, Winter Springs, Florida: stated, "What we plan to do in the future is we've set a tickler so January 2nd,
January 3`d, as soon as the - calendar year has ended, then we will get financial statements for the previous year in
the Budget to you because we'll have those accomplished at that point and time."
Mr. Skeates added, "And the best thing we can probably get you are the profit and loss that soon after the end of
the year because our 990's won't be due for another few after that. So, we can get you year-end, as soon as the
year ends."
Commissioner Rick Brown asked, "Did we ever get the copy of the Strategic Plan?" Mr. Skeates replied, "Did
you receive a copy? I don't believe so, but we can definitely email that to you, absolutely." Discussion followed
on their one (1) page Strategic Plan.
Mayor Lacey then mentioned the conflict between when the Tri-County League of Cities meetings and the
Oviedo -Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce meetings are held. Discussion ensued on possible
alternative dates; to which Mr. Skeates stated, "So, we are exploring the dates." Mr. Skeates added, "We'd love
input just in terms of what works best because we'd love to have the cities attending as much as possible."
Further comments.
Mayor Lacey inquired if there were any conflicts with Wednesdays and/or the first and second Thursday of each
month. No objections were voiced.
Mr. Cluxton stated, "Well this is a great time to get us all together so any questions that you guys might have —
you will see when you get the Strategic Plan that most important thing that we are trying to do is communicate
better, not just with our cities but with — our Members, all the above. So, we want you guys to have full
communication with us, and I will make sure that you get my contact information also; and my cell phone is on
twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. So, anytime you need anything whatsoever, please feel free
to call me. One thing I do do well, I believe, is I make myself available for anything that you might need."
Commissioner Gary Bonner inquired, "How many Trustees are there to the Chamber?" Mr. Skeates stated, "As
of right now, officially seven (7)." Commissioner Bonner then asked, "And do all the Trustee members enjoy
equal benefits?" Mr. Skeates responded, "Yes."
Discussion followed on the benefits for Trustee members and annual dues.
Commissioner Brown then mentioned a discrepancy in how Oviedo and Winter Springs events were advertised
this past holiday season, and asked, "How do we trust or how do we know that that will not happen again?"
Mr. Skeates explained, "It goes back to what Todd (Cluxton) had said, in terms of the strategic — in talking about
communication, having better communication, working on the cooperation with the cities hopefully. The main
reason that that had happened was we had a financial commitment to the City of Oviedo, having done their Parade
every year - every since I have been here."
Continuing, Mr. Skeates remarked, "So, we were on the hook for quite a bit of money and had always
traditionally done the Parade." Mr. Skeates continued by saying, "This is the first year I can remember there
being a conflict in dates. So, that put us in a spot and we didn't probably handle it the best way we could."
Furthermore, Mr. Skeates added, "It probably could have been handled better and I would take that as my
responsibility for - the Newsletters, before they go out, that I be able to review them and make sure that it's as
equal as it can be."
Commissioner Cade Resnick commented, "You mention that for the Tree Lighting event for Oviedo, you were
partners with them for the Tree Lighting event and maybe this comes back to us here, how can we form a
partnership with you as well, so that we have that same relationship?"
Mr. Cluxton responded by saying, "We would love to be involved with Winter Springs and everything that you do
- the whole point of the Chamber is to be involved with both cities. But it is a kind of invitation by you guys, if
that is something that you would like to entertain, then we will absolutely do everything in our power to make it
beneficial for both parties."
Further comments.
Commissioner Bonner inquired, "Do Trustees receive a seat on the Board by virtue of being Trustees?" Mr.
Skeates answered, "No, they get a seat as to what is referred to as our Trustee Council which meets quarterly, and
basically they are our visioning board, where we look to them to provide a long range plan more than with the
Board dealing with the day to day and year to year. We want the Trustees who are investing so much in the
Chamber to have a seat at the table where they can talk to us about where they want to see us way down the road
and what they see as the future of the Chamber."
Continuing Mr. Skeates mentioned the next meeting would be held in March 2011. Mr. Skeates then stated,
"Typically we have three (3) work session meetings and then the Trustee Appreciation Luncheon in either
November or December."
Discussion followed on the Board, an upcoming possible restructuring, and avoiding communication break-
Commission Bonner noted, "I would welcome having you visit from the Chamber, maybe quarterly, just to
highlight the calendar and talk about any of the things that you all see on your radar that we might want to be
aware of."
Commissioner Brown mentioned, "There was an Agreement of certain things that we were to expect on a
quarterly basis and they have never occurred." Mr. Skeates remarked, "Right." Commissioner Brown added,
"But one of those things was a quarterly review of EDC (Economic Development Committee) activities; financial
analysis; how our money is being spent; what our level of participation is; and just a two (2) way communication
back and forth as to how we feel our Trustee membership is going; and how we can maximize what our dollars
spend. I think you probably have or Andrea (Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk) can dig up what that list was, and I
think it still serves us today, that maybe we can revisit." Mr. Cluxton asked, "Could we get a copy of that?'
City Manager Kevin L. Smith responded, "I trust that this has been a good conversation for both parties. I would
just respectively ask that perhaps next year we could do it sometime before December when our actual Trustee
payment is due. I think that would be a good time to do that.
If we were to get technical, the Agreement does state that you all will provide a specific list of services, provide it
to the business community for the preceding year and a specific list of Economic Development activities for
which funding was supported by the Trustee membership for the preceding year. And, then also, your Financial
Report - and that technically is supposed to be done in September. Certainly I think we have some leeway as to
what the best time for that is, but I would just ask that we do it prior to December when the Trustee membership
is due."
Mayor Lacey then said to Mr. Cluxton, "Could you make your tickler to back it up a couple of months?" Mr.
Cluxton responded by saying, "Done."
Mr. Cluxton then asked when we would prefer to receive financial statements. Manager Smith suggested, "I
would recommend the most current Financial Report they have at that time and I'd respectively ask that the
Chamber follow up when the completed year-end report is done."
Commissioner Krebs mentioned that we usually have one (1) meeting in December and thought November would
be better. Mr. Cluxton stated, "Okay." Clarifying the recent comments, Mr. Cluxton stated, "So, we are going to
do it after the Art Festival, before December begins, some place at one of those meetings."
Deputy Mayor Jean Hovey recommended, "If someone can attend quarterly, a Commission Meeting and keep us
updated, I think that is going to help all the way along, communication both ways." Mayor Lacey said, "I would
echo that." Deputy Mayor Hovey added, "Even though Commissioner Resnick is attending meetings or whoever
else we have attend the other meetings, if you could come and give us an update once a quarter - by the time
September, October rolls around, we are pretty much going to know what is going on."
Mayor Lacey than suggested, "I think that would be useful. You could come in under Public Input or if you make
your request in advance, we would be glad to put you on the Presentations part of the Agenda."
With further comments related to the Budget, Commissioner Bonner noted, "So, would that mean that it would be
appropriate to have some sort of an update about the end of the mid year - June 30, which is half way through
your year as it were, and that might be a good enough time for your planning purposes - be able to give us an
assessment on that point, should it come up during the Budget discussions or should citizens have questions that
line item on the Budget."
Commissioner Resnick commented, "One of things that is very heavy in your presentation, I think we are focused
a lot on is Economic Development. One of the things I might like to see or hear a lot more about is three (3)
parts: is what you all are hearing about Economic Development here in Winter Springs; and your partnership
with LDI (Land Design Innovations, Inc.), and maybe they can present sort of where they are working with the
Chamber to advance Winter Springs as well as Economic Development. And also the third part is that specific
area with SEMATECH, what you are hearing and what is not getting back to us, but what you are hearing, and if
we can have some kind of communication center."
The Oviedo -Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce was thanked for assisting the City with registering
our guests for the upcoming Farewell Event for former Mayor John F. Bush and former Commissioner Sally
Discussion followed on proving the Oviedo -Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce with a check
payment and the related authority to do so. Manager Smith stated, "The amount of the check is within my
monetary discretion. I would just ask if there is a Consensus amongst this body for me to go ahead and do so."
There were no objections voiced.
Tape 1/Side B
Further comments.
Discussion ensued on membership.
Mayor Lacey stated, "We are glad to have you tonight and we would like to see more of you."
With further comments, Commissioner Bonner then asked if the Oviedo -Winter Springs Regional Chamber of
Commerce could provide more advance notice for events that the Mayor and City Commission may wish to
attend and added, "A little bit more lead time in your communication process — so, maybe that's one of the things
we can work on with Commissioner Resnick's time with you."
Mr. Skeates noted, "I made sure Belinda (Szymanski, Office Manager, Oviedo -Winter Springs Regional Chamber
of Commerce) has put all of your City emails on the list in terms of when there is an event, specifically in Winter
Springs, that you all would be notified."
Mayor Lacey then said, "I would encourage the Commissioners to look at those and try to make time in your
schedule to go to those events. It is not only support for the Chamber but support for businesses; especially the
ones that are in Winter Springs."
Manager Smith said to Mr. Skeates, "If you wouldn't mind, would you perhaps be so kind as to copy both Andrea
(Lorenzo-Luaces) and myself on the correspondence to the Commissioners about the various events."
Mr. Cluxton commented, "We appreciate your time in seeing us and you will get to see our faces each quarter - I
can promise you that."
In other City business, Attorney Garganese stated, "I had discussed this with the Mayor earlier, I need some
advice and direction regarding the Atlantic Housing case. So, I need to have an Attorney -Client session either
Monday, sometime in the afternoon or early evening or Tuesday morning."
With discussion and no objections, Mayor Lacey clarified that an Attorney -Client Session would be held at "Five
o'clock on the 7`h (February 2011)."
Next, Mayor Lacey asked the City Commission if they would like to attend the State of the County event
scheduled for Friday, February 18, 2011, and whether the City should purchase a table. Mayor Lacey added, "I
will go." Commissioner Krebs stated, "I support it." Commissioner Bonner stated, "I support that to have a
strong City representation, as long as we fill the table." No objections were voiced.
Mayor Lacey asked City Clerk Lorenzo-Luaces, "Would you get us a table please?" Manager Smith said to
Mayor Lacey, "If it is okay with the Commission and yourself, if there is a seat or two (2) vacant, I would invite
Department Heads?" Deputy Mayor Krebs and Commissioner Bonner agreed to this. There were no objections
Manager Smith then mentioned that Staff will be meeting with representatives of St. Johns Landing and Meritage
Homes of Florida, Inc. tomorrow, February 8`h, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. in the Conference Room. Attorney Garganese
suggested that the City Commission not attend this meeting.
Discussion followed on the upcoming Farewell Event for former Mayor John F. Bush and former Commissioner
Sally McGinnis and whether there should be a head table. Commissioner Krebs said she would prefer that there
not be a head table. Commissioner Brown asked if there was a schedule for the event, to which City Clerk
Lorenzo-Luaces noted, "I will try to send something out tomorrow hopefully."
Further comments followed on the Farewell Event and Mayor Lacey suggested there should be a podium up front
and that hand held microphones would be available. In conclusion, Commissioner Bonner mentioned he would
not be able to attend this event due to a prior work commitment.
Mayor Lacey adjourned the Regular Meeting at 6:59 p.m.
NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the February 14, 2011 City Corrunission Regular Meeting.