HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 03 14 Consent 201 One Year Extension To Magnolia Park Final Engineering And Aesthetic Review COMMISSION AGENDA CONSENT X INFORMATIONAL ITEM 201 PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR KSKL MGR /DEPT March 14, 2011 Meeting Authorization REQUEST: Public Works Department Requesting the City Commission Approve a One Year Extension to the Magnolia Park Final Engineering and Aesthetic Review SYNOPSIS: The purpose of this agenda item is to extend the approvals of the Magnolia Park Final Engineering (Regular 600, March 22, 2010) and Aesthetic Review (Public Hearing 500, March 22, 2010) which is delayed until the land swap with the State Office and Greenways and Trails is approved. CONSIDERATIONS: The City Commission approved the final engineering and aesthetic review for Magnolia Park on March 22, 2010. City code Section 9-346 states that final engineering approvals are valid for one year. City code Section 9-604 provides for an 18 month approval period for aesthetic reviews. Staff is requesting that the final engineering and aesthetic review for Magnolia Park be extended to March 22, 2012. The delay in construction is due to the issues relating to the rail crossing permit needing to be resolved prior to the State signing off on the land swap. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact to extending the final engineering and aesthetic review approval to March 22, 2012. The Magnolia Park Amphitheater is budgeted in the 1999 Construction Fund at just under $1.2M. Consent Agenda Item 201 March 14, 2011 Page 2 COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: This Agenda Item has been forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission; City Manager; City Attorney/Staff; placed in Press Packets; placed in the City Hall (Lobby) City Commission Meeting binder; and is available on the City’s Website, LaserFiche, and the City’s Server. Additionally, information related to this Agenda Item has been sent to media/press representatives who have requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, all Homeowner’s Associations on file with the City, all individuals who have requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, Department Directors; and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the general public; and posted at five (5) different locations around the City. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Commission extend the final engineering and aesthetic review approvals for the Magnolia Park Amphitheater to March 22, 2012. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Amphitheater Grading/Drainage Site Plan 2.Amphitheater Perspective View STORM DATA TABLE (:E>It NYLOPLAST INUNE DRAIN TOP OF POND 31.00 WEIR EL 30.55 TOP=31.85 80, NE 6'INV.=29.71 MATCH EXIST. Ranaldi T.0.8=31.00 POND BOTTOM 30.00 GROUND sr-1,28 LF.6"PVC 0 0.57% GROUND (:0)122"NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN TOP=31.55 f-,r IR El 30.55 SW 6"INV.=29.56 NE 10"INV.=29.26 GRAPHIC SCALE ST-Z 50 LF.10'PVC 0 0.20% (0>If NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN WEIR SECTIONS 20 a 10 20 40 30 m SESSIONS wro TOP=31.85 m m SESSIONS m Planning and Architecture Inc. SW 10"INV.=29.16 820 West Broadway St.,Suite 3000 N 10"INV. 27.0 IN FEET w 6'INV. 29.1(6) Oviedo,Florida 32765 1 inch=20 ft. ph407.977.1080 N407.977.1019 ST-3,33 LF.10'PVC 00-40%Q-4 If NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN 1 LEGEND , TOP=31.25 NW 0"INV.=26.86 S le INV.=26.86 1 SET PC ____0 0 SILT FENCEBPAL ST-4,39 LF.10"PVC 0 0.25% (LB3778) POINT OF BEGINNING (0>129'NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TOP=32.50 PARCEL I SW 10"INV.=30.45 r3 C)0 x 38,00 1 SE 0*INV.=26.96 KEYNOTES ST-5,39 LF.10'PVC 0 0.20% BENCHMARK 3785 BENCHMARK (e)60 LF.ZURN Z-806 PERMA DRAJN 37,B0 SYSTEM W1 PEDESTRIAN GRATE RAIN NW(LB3778) REC N/D(LB3778) CONNECT TO DOVINSPOUT WITH 0%6"PVC TOP=33.85 EL-38,04' 00 0 0 SET PC EL-37,20' AND EXTEND TO MAIN AT 1. MIN. NE INV.=30.53 SP 3 87 (LB3778) (0>If NYLOPLAST INUNE DRAIN TOP=31.85 E 6"INV.=. 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Z . t-+A GO CV ,j\A 09SRIA023-05.1.DWG 201 50834 00 50714 07 216 51231 41 50815 29 1 o SAWCUT EXISTING EDGE FOR . . .��,2+A,+ CAIDD Fw SMOOTH EVEN JOINT + + SCALD 1=20 f- �_J_ 202 50880,79 50730 54 217 51220 63 50821 36 23-7 MEET EX 33.04± 203 50897 46 50721 97 218 51216 07 50821 92 �,�,PHAL PF40JBCT Nll -- 204 50917 35 50733 06 219 51268 13 50832 54 YCLE PA10 U S�C MEET EXIST.GRADES _A1 9 205 50940,39 50704 48 220 51295 52 50842 22 P AT EDGE OF EXISL 08002 BICYCLE PATH 206 50988 49 50758 53 221 51295 54 50838 90 '0 VE, 207 50985 25 50751 70 222 51308 38 50833,77 32 46 0�E 208 50987 40 50746 83 223 51308 72 50840 23 v 6 4, 209 50991 21 50743 91 R,0 DRAVdKG NUAI 210 50999 83 50741 13 -E-W 211 51010 47 50734 28 �0 212 51287,41 5081138 213 51291 05 50822,36 C 5.1 214 51286,19 50827 50 BID DOCUMENTS 05/20/2010 J 9 Y 1 Y • J J }} r l F 1 .r; �g •Jli