HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 03 09 Public Hearings 500 Review Proposed Winter Springs Village, Special Exception; Modifications to Concept Plan; Aesthetic Review Drawings; Modification to Special Exception/Deviation Request P & Z BOARD AGENDA Consent Informational ITEM 500 Public Hearing X Regular March 9, 2011 Meeting Mgr. / De: Authorization REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the Planning and Zoning Board review the information presented in this agenda item and consider four (4) requests for the proposed Winter Springs Village: (1) one additional special exception request, (2) certain modifications to the concept plan, (3) aesthetic review drawings for a new unit type, and (4) modification to a previously reviewed special exception/deviation request. SYNOPSIS: The purpose of this agenda item is for the Planning and Zoning Board (P &Z) to consider new information that is the result of numerous meetings and negotiations between the applicant, the City, and the residents of the St. John's Landing subdivision. Staff is requesting that the P &Z review the information provided as a basis for recommendations for the new special exception request, modifications to the concept plan to incorporate a new unit type, aesthetic review for the new unit type, and a modification to a previously approved special exception /deviation for the front - loaded garage setback. The new concept plan that is being proposed does not significantly alter the final engineering plans previously considered by the P &Z but does alter the lot layout, the size of certain lots, and eliminates the townhouse product. The modified concept plan includes 33 estate lots (75' wide), 33 estate lots (50' wide), and 137 bungalow lots. The plan also includes a clubhouse, park/recreational areas, trail access, and a portion of Michael Blake Boulevard in the 40 acre Winter Springs Village development within the Winter Springs Town Center. The site is located along the east side of Tuskawilla Road, south of St. Johns Landing (St. Johns Landing and Tuskawilla Trace both preceded and are not part of the Town Center). CONSIDERATIONS: LAND USE, ZONING DESIGNATION, ETC.: Zoning: Town Center Future Land Use Designation: Town Center March 9, 2011 PH Item 500 Page 2 APPLICABLE REGULATIONS & OTHER CONTROLING FACTORS: Florida Statutes Comprehensive Plan Chapter 9, City Code Chapter 20, City Code Early Work Permit Schrimsher Development Agreement CHRONOLOGY: • July 2, 2004 — Preliminary Engineering /Subdivision Plan received • August 9, 2004 — Concept Plan approved by City Commission • September 27, 2004 — Revised Concept Plan approved by City Commission • August 28, 2006 — Aesthetic Review approved by City Commission • September 25, 2006 — Early Work Permit sent back to staff for further review • November 13, 2006 — Early Work Permit approved by the City Commission • December 11, 2006 - Final engineering/subdivision plan and DA approved • May 14, 2007 — Concept Plan Revision #3 approved by the City Commission • April 28, 2008 — Site Development Permit Agreement approved by the City Commission • May 18, 2010 — Staff Review of latest Concept Plan Revision • May 24, 2010 — Commission renewed the Early Work Permit for the Property • August 9, 2010 — Commission approved the Early Work permit subject to conditions • January 5, 2011 — Planning & Zoning Board forwarded a mixed recommendation to the City Commission • January 6, 2011 through February 28, 2011 — numerous meetings with the St. John's Landing HOA to discuss various aspects of the project and how the Winter Springs Village project could be modified to better provide a transitional area along the edge of the Town Center. These meetings are detailed under the "Communication Efforts" section of this agenda item. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The recently cleared 40 acre site is located along the east side of Tuskawilla Road, south of St. Johns Landing, and north of Wetland Park. The presently unimproved equestrian portion of the Cross Seminole Trail immediately abuts the northern site boundary. The subdivision plan includes a segment of Michael Blake Boulevard, which, when completed, will serve as a collector roadway with an eventual traffic light at its intersection with SR 434. A final engineering/subdivision plan, aesthetic review, and development agreement in 2006, for 408 townhouse units (the 2004 concept plan had 436 units), but the development agreement required to memorialize the code deviations in the subdivision plan and aesthetic review was never executed and recorded. The site is subject to the Town Center provisions of the comprehensive plan (Future Land Use Element), the existing Schrimsher Development Agreement, and the Town Center Code (sections 20 -320 through 20 -327 of the City Code). Section 163.3194, Florida Statutes, requires March 9, 2011 PH Item 500 Page 3 any development approved or undertaken by a local government to be consistent with the comprehensive plan. Since this project was last before the P &Z, the applicant, City staff, and residents of the St. John's Landing HOA have met in a series of meetings to resolve certain issues relative to the project's location adjacent to the St. John's Landing property and the location of the development property at the edge of the Town Center District. The City Commission was supportive of efforts to create a transition zone /area along the Town Center perimeter and adjacent to St. John's Landing. These meetings have resulted in the addition of a unit type, buffer zones, fences, and other items to accomplish this transition area. These modifications necessitate additional review by the P &Z of a modified concept plan, a new special exception/deviation, the aesthetic drawings for the new unit type, and consideration of one previously reviewed special exception/deviation to accommodate the new unit type. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: A development agreement is currently under review by the City Attorney and will be modified as needed to incorporate negotiations with the St. Johns Landing HOA and the City as well as any additional deviations approved via the Special Exception process. TREES & LANDSCAPING: An early work permit for the site was approved by the City Commission on August 9, 2010 and was conditioned upon the payment of all standard arbor permit fees as well as an additional payment of $39,000 to the City's tree bank to partially offset the loss of tree canopy value. The applicant also provided security to the City in the amount of $140,000 to be used for a site restoration program in the event that the applicant defaults under the terms of the agreement. The City's arborist performed an on -site inspection to quantify the number of specimen trees for the purpose of establishing the tree bank donation amount. In addition, the arborist has accessed the row of trees along the project's frontage with Tuskawilla Road. These trees are somewhat "scrubby" in their structure because of the lack of canopy area. The residents of St. John'a Landing are still requesting that these trees be preserved and that the parallel parking proposed along this section of Tuskawilla Road be deleted. Deletion of the parallel parking in this area would constitute a deviation to the City's Town Center Code. LISTED SPECIES: The applicant provided a Wildlife Assessment Report from a third party consultant for the subject property. The report found no plant species listed by either the state of federal agencies present on the site during the assessments. One (1) species was identified that was listed as "commercially exploited" by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The harvesting of this species, cinnamon fern, for commercial gain is not allowed. However, the listing of this species poses no restrictions towards the development of the subject property. Several birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians were identified during the evaluation. None of the species identified are listed in the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's official list of Florida's endangered species, threatened species, or species of special concern. March 9, 2011 PH Item 500 Page 4 Two (2) Bald Eagle nests were identified within proximity of the subject site. One nest is located approximately 2,300' to the southeast of the subject property and one nest is located approximately 5,300' to the west of the property. Since the original study, another nest has been identified approximately 293 feet west of the subject site. The environmental consultant has filed an amendment (letter report) to their original report stating that the new nest will be monitored in accordance with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) "Bald Eagle Monitoring Guidelines ". Meritage has agreed to abide by the requirements for no work within the 330' primary zone around the nest during nesting season. STORMWATER: Onsite stormwater runoff is collected and routed into three onsite wet detention ponds for stormwater treatment and flood attenuation. Pond 1 is located in the northern area of the property, Pond 2 is near the southern end, and Pond 3 is centrally located adjacent to the parcel shown for the future clubhouse / pool area. The ponds have outfall pipes that discharge at two locations on the east side of the property into the existing wetlands and eventually to Lake Jesup. The stormwater system has been designed in accordance with the applicable City and St. John's River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Standards. The stormwater system includes construction of a Wetlands Park outfall pipe that routes stormwater runoff from Wetlands Park across Michael Blake Boulevard and along the southern property boundary to an outfall at the east side of the Winter Springs Village property. SJRWMD has issued an Environmental Resource Permit for the project. The construction impacts 2.42 acres of wetlands and 0.41 acres of surface waters. These wetland and surface water impacts were previously authorized by SJRWMD and have been mitigated. TRAFFIC: Meritage's traffic engineering consultant has submitted a traffic impact study for the project, which after several rounds of review has been approved by Staff. The traffic study updates the traffic study previously approved for the Sonesta Pointe project on this property in December 2006, when the project consisted of a 400+ unit all- townhome development. The 252 -unit mixed use development submitted for the Planning & Zoning Board's consideration in January 2011 was estimated to generate 2,310 daily trips, with 479 trips in the AM peak hour and 229 trips in the PM peak hour. The updated development plan, consisting of 203 all single - family units, reduces the estimated traffic generation by approximately 14 %. The revised traffic generation is 1,995 daily trips, with 414 AM peak hour trips and 198 PM peak hour trips. The traffic study indicated the primary roadway segments impacted by the project (S.R. 434 and Tuskawilla Road) currently operate at an acceptable level -of- service per the City's Comprehensive Plan and will continue to do so at project buildout. The major intersections impacted by the project (S.R. 434 at Tuskawilla Road and S.R. 434 at Doran Drive) currently operate within their adopted level -of- service and will continue to do so at project buildout. Michael Blake Boulevard ( "MBB," formerly known as Spine Road) is a proposed City collector road that runs from S.R. 434 (approximately 970 feet east of Tuskawilla Road) north across the Cross - Seminole Trail and then adjacent to the east side of Winter Springs Village until it connects to Tuskawilla Road. The traffic study indicates that MBB is not needed to maintain March 9, 2011 PH Item 500 Page 5 minimum level -of- service standards for the impacted roadway segments and intersections. However, there are a number of reasons to support construction of MBB early on in the development of Winter Springs Village that are not captured in a quantitative traffic analysis, including: • Relief from instantaneous peak traffic flows from the high school and other events • Improved emergency access to area properties • Provides alternative access to SR 434 when Tuskawilla Road is closed for special events • Enhances economic development of the Town Center east of Tuskawilla Road • MBB is a key component of the City's Town Center Master Transportation Plan The segment of MBB from Tuskawilla Road to the Cross - Seminole Trail will be constructed as part of Winter Springs Village. Meritage has committed to building this segment before any units are issued certificates of occupancy. The MBB segment from the Cross - Seminole Trail to S.R. 434 is a City project and the right -of -way was acquired in November 2010. Staff is proceeding with the final design and permitting for the City segment of MBB with the intention of being prepared to start construction in mid -2011 with completion by the end of 2011. UTILITIES: Winter Springs Village will connect to City water and sanitary sewer services, and the City has adequate plant and system capacity for both water and sewer. The Winter Springs Village water system connects to the existing 8 -inch water main in Tuskawilla Road at several locations. In addition to the proposed onsite water mains, services, and fire hydrants, a new 12 -inch water main will be installed along Michael Blake Boulevard and will terminate at the south side of the Cross - Seminole Trail. This water main is being oversized (from 8- inches to 12- inches) to provide additional capacity (at the City's expense) for future development(s) in the area. A sanitary sewer lift station is proposed at the southeast corner of the property. A sanitary sewer force main is proposed from the lift station to Michael Blake Boulevard and then south along the Michael Blake Boulevard right -of -way to S.R. 434 where it connects to an existing force main. PARKING Parking in Winter Springs Village is provided in garages, driveways, and on- street parallel parking spaces. All 203 residential units have two -car garages and sufficient driveway length for two 20 -foot long parking spaces (without encroachment into the sidewalk). The overall parking ratio (number of parking spaces per residential unit) is expected to increase under the he revised concept plan due to the elimination of 50 residential units and only a minor decrease in the number of on- street parallel parking spaces. The exact number of parking spaces will be determined when the final engineering plans for the revised concept plan are updated; however, at this point Staff is comfortable with the parking plan and the overall parking ratio should be at or above the ratio of 3.98 parking spaces per unit per the previous plans. SITE GRADING In the pre - development condition the Winter Springs Village site slopes from west to east towards Lake Jesup from a high elevation of approximately 31.0 (NGVD) near Tuskawilla Road to a low of approximately 11.0 at the southeast corner of the property. The Winter Springs Village site requires a substantial amount of fill due to the project's density, layout, high March 9, 2011 PH Item 500 Page 6 groundwater table, and the Town Center Code requirement for residential first floors to be elevated a minimum of 24- inches above the adjacent sidewalk elevation. The grading plans show residential finished floor elevations ranging from 2 to 11 feet above the existing grades, with the units requiring the most fill generally being the estate lots located along the northern and eastern property boundaries. The site does not fill in any portion of the 100 -year floodplain associated with Lake Jesup, which has a base flood elevation (100 -year) of 10.0 (NGVD), which is below the lowest onsite elevation. MICHAEL BLAKE BOULEVARD (MBB) (aka: Spine Road): The applicant has agreed to construction MBB from Tuskawilla Road southward to the southern side of the Cross Seminole Trail in exchange for transportation impact fee credits. In addition, the applicant will construct an unpaved trail along the Wetland Park side of this roadway. This construction will as detailed in the "traffic" section above. Completion of this portion of MBB will enable the City to move toward construction of the remaining link from the Cross Seminole Trail southward to the SR 434 right -of -way. FENCES /WALLS/HEDGES: Numerous meetings have occurred between the applicant, the City and representatives of the St. John's Landing Homeowner's Association. The applicant has agreed to fund the purchase of the 5 -foot wide Schrimsher parcel adjacent to the south boundary of St. John's Landing and to contribute the cost of a 6 -foot high decorative fence in this area. One option that is still being vetted is that the applicant might construct the fence in lieu of payment to the St. John's Landing HOA for future fence construction. SCHRIMSHER AGREEMENT: The existing Schrimsher Agreement that was executed in 2000 called for certain parks areas to be set aside as part of the development of the subject property. Those areas are as follows: • Lake Trail Park 0.85 acres • Neighborhood Park #2 0.45 Acres • Neighborhood Park #3 0.44 Acres 1.74 acres total The proposed concept plan contains the following: • Lake Trail Park (Community Garden) 0.00 Ac • Neighborhood Square 0.19 Ac. • Neighborhood Square (Excluding Pond) 0.47 Ac. • Mews 0.43 Ac. • Additional Public Recreational Amenities o 10' wide walking trail along Road "A" 0.54 Ac. o 6' concrete sidewalk offsite to the south connecting project to Trail 0.02 Ac. o 6' concrete sidewalk connecting March 9, 2011 PH Item 500 Page 7 Trail to Magnolia Park 0.02 Ac. o 6' wide walk along E. side of Tuskawilla Rd. from Road "A" To Michael Blake Blvd. 0.07 Ac. o 6' wide concrete walk extending North from Road "A" connecting to existing sidewalk north of proposed Trail 0.02 Ac. Total 1.76 Ac. CODE DEVIATIONS: The modifications to the concept plan have necessitated one (1) additional special exception/deviation request. Code deviations are not unusual for developments, particularly within the Town Center. It was acknowledged that there would likely be additional items listed in the DA to accommodate the site plan and aesthetic review. I. ADDITIONAL SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS (Not considered at the last meeting of the P &Z): Section 20 -321— Requirements for Special Exceptions Special exceptions: (1) The city commission may by special exception waive strict compliance with provisions of competent evidence that: a. The proposed development contributes to, promotes and encourages the improvement of the Winter Springs Town Center and catalyzes other development as envisioned in the Winter Springs Town Center regulations. b. The proposed development will not have an unfavorable effect on the economy of the Winter Springs Town Center. c. The proposed development abides by all rules in this code other than those specially excepted. Special limitations apply to large footprint buildings (greater than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet); see subsection 30- 324(12) for these limitations. d. The proposed development meets any reasonable additional conditions, restrictions or limitations deemed necessary by the city commission in order to preserve and promote the intent of the Winter Springs Town Center Master Plan. The following are the additional special exceptions and modification to a previously considered special exception necessitated by the negotiations with the adjacent St. John's Landing HOA and the resultant modifications to the concept plan. 1. First floor height for residential: Section 20 -324 (5) of the City's Code of Ordinances requires residential uses to have a finished floor height for the first floor raised a minimum of two (2) feet above the sidewalk grade. The proposed estate homes on the seventy -five (75') foot lots located along the interior perimeter of the proposed development are larger homes and cannot be built on stem walls to achieve the March 9, 2011 PH Item 500 Page 8 requisite 2 -foot elevation. In addition, one of the concerns of the residents of St. John's Landing was the degree to which the proposed homes in the Winter Springs Village were higher than the St. John's Landing homes. The requested special exception/deviation would allow construction of the larger homes to help create the transition area and allow the subject homes to be built at an elevation that is four to eight inches above the sidewalk instead of 24 inches. This lowering of the units by approximately 18 inches also helps address the concerns of the adjacent neighbors in St. John's Landing. Staff response: Staff can support this request because of the intent to create a transition area along the edge of the Town Center District, the City Commission's desire to work with the residents of St. John's Landing, and the fact that the proposed units are not a Traditional Neighborhood product but are a more standard residential product that is being incorporated into this development as a result of the aforementioned negotiations and the desire to create the transition area at the edge of the Town Center. 2. Garage setbacks Section 20 -324 (e) requires garage doors to be positioned no closer to the street, squares, or parks than twenty (20) feet behind the principle plane of the building frontage. The proposed estate homes on fifty (50') foot lots have the garage doors positioned twenty (20) feet behind the front plane of the front porch. The principle plane of the building frontage has been determined to mean the front wall before entering an interior space. However, the front porches are integral to the house structure with roofs and raised finished floors. The purpose of the 20 -foot setback is to hide the cars that might be parked in the driveways. The integrated, elevated porches serve to partially block these cars. Again, this deviation is integral to the elimination of the rear- loaded alleys along the edge of the Town Center District and the creation of the aforementioned transition area. This special exception/deviation was considered by P &Z at their January 5, 2011 meeting. The addition of the estate homes on seventy -five (75') foot lots to the transition area of the concept plan requires the same deviation for the garage setbacks. However, the larger estate homes do not have the front porches that extend out from the principle plane of the units to assist in hiding the cars that will be parked in the driveways. As previously stated, these units are more suburban in nature and, for that reason, more suitable to the transition area. While the garages will be located a minimum of twenty (20') feet from the sidewalk, the cars will be more visible in the driveways. Staff is presenting this item as a modification to the previously considered deviation for the 50- foot estate lots. Staff response: Staff can support this request as a result of the negotiations with the adjacent subdivision and as a part of the creation of the transition area along the edge of the Town Center District. I. AESTHETIC REVIEW: The submittal requirements for aesthetic review are set forth in Section 9 -605 and include the following: (a) a site plan; (b) elevations illustrating all sides of structures facing March 9, 2011 PH Item 500 Page 9 public streets or spaces; (c) illustrations of all walls, fences, and other accessory structures and the indication of height and their associated materials; (d) elevation of proposed exterior permanent signs or other constructed elements other than habitable space, if any; (e) illustrations of materials, texture, and colors to be used on all buildings, accessory structures, exterior signs; and (f) other architectural and engineering data as may be required. The procedures for review and approval are set forth in Section 9 -603. Each aesthetic review criteria is listed below, followed by staff comments in bold print. The City Commission may approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the application only after consideration of whether the following criteria have been satisfied: (1) The plans and specifications of the proposed project indicate that the setting, landscaping, proportions, materials, colors, textures, scale, unity, balance, rhythm, contrast, and simplicity are coordinated in a harmonious manner relevant to the particular proposal, surrounding area and cultural character of the community. The plans and specification of the proposed project are harmonious as related to the internal development of a Town Center residential project. Because this property is located along the edge of the Town Center District, there have been some modifications to the plan in response to negotiations with the adjacent HOA to create a transition area particularly in the area of the estate homes. The aesthetic quality of the buildings is consistent with the Town Center code except for the estate homes proposed on the 75 -foot lots. These units are more harmonious with the adjacent lots and units in the St. John's Landing subdivision. (2) The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with any future development which has been formally approved by the City within the surrounding area. No other more recent site plans have been submitted in this immediate area. The proposed project represents a very positive addition to the surrounding area. On- going negotiations with the existing St. John's Landing HOA have resulted in the addition of several items that assist in the transition from the Town Center style development /architecture to the more suburban style of St. John's Landing. (3) The plans for the proposed project are not excessively similar or dissimilar to any other building, structure or sign which is either fully constructed, permitted but not fully constructed, or included on the same permit application, and facing upon the same or intersecting street within five hundred (500) feet of the proposed site, with respect to one or more of the following features of exterior design and appearance: (a) Front or side elevations, (b) Size and arrangement of elevation facing the street, including reverse arrangement, (c) Other significant features of design such as, but not limited to: materials, roof line, hardscape improvements, and height or design elements. The proposed project is located at the edge of the Town Center District and is incorporating some deviation requests to transition from the Town Center March 9, 2011 PH Item 500 Page 10 development to the existing suburban style development located to the north of the subject site. The architecture of the project is in keeping with the Town Center code with the exception of the 75 -foot estate lots. Material used on the 70 -foot estate lots is compatible to the Town Center but certain architectural elements such as expression lines, vertically- oriented windows, shutters, dormers, columns, and balconies are not evident in the proposed architecture. (4) The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with, or significantly enhance, the established character of other buildings, structures or signs in the surrounding area with respect to architectural specifications and design features deemed significant based upon commonly accepted architectural principles of the local community. The proposed project is located at the edge of the Town Center District and is incorporating some deviation requests to transition from the Town Center development to the existing suburban style development located to the north of the subject site. The architecture of the transition area is in harmony and enhances the established character of the existing surrounding buildings. The remaining architecture on the interior of the project is in keeping with the Town Center code. (5) The proposed project is consistent and compatible with the intent and purpose of this Article, the Comprehensive Plan for Winter Springs, design criteria adopted by the city (e.g. Towne Center guidelines, SR 434 design specifications) and other applicable federal state or local laws. The Winter Springs Village aesthetic plan is consistent and compatible with the intent and purpose of the Comprehensive Plan and other applicable regulations, except as noted under the requested deviations. (6) The proposed project has incorporated significant architectural enhancements such as concrete masonry units with stucco, marble, termite - resistant wood, wrought iron, brick, columns and piers, porches, arches, fountains, planting areas, display windows, and other distinctive design detailing and promoting the character of the community. The project has incorporated a number of these features in an appropriate and tasteful manner. II. CONCEPT PLAN: The proposed concept plan is consistent with the comprehensive plan and the City code and is in substantially similar to the previous concept plan except for the addition of the 75 -foot estate lots along the project's perimeter (northern and eastern outer edge). Certain minor modifications have been made to the plan to accommodate the new unit type and the deletion of all townhome units. The Tuskawilla Road frontage has been modified to eliminate the intersection of Road `B" and Tuskawilla and large open space area (mews) has been added. These modifications are the result of negotiations between the applicant, the City, and the residents of St. John's Landing. March 9, 2011 PH Item 500 Page 11 FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The 40 acre Winter Springs Village site is within the City of Winter Springs. The site has a Town Center Future Land Use designation and zoning. 2. The Commission approved an early work permit for the property on August 9, 2010. 3. Central potable water, sanitary sewer, and reclaimed water are available to the site from the City. 4. The aesthetic review and site plan are consistent with the comprehensive plan, except as noted. Except as noted for special exceptions, the plans are consistent with the City Code. 5. Certain special exceptions have been requested as part of on -going dialogues with the adjacent HOA and with intent to create a "transition" to the existing development to the north (St. John's Landing). COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: This Agenda Item has been forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board members, City Manager; City Attorney /Staff; and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server. Additionally, information related to this Agenda Item has been sent to media/press representatives who have requested Agendas /Agenda Item information, all Homeowner's Associations on file with the City, all individuals who have requested Agendas /Agenda Item information, Department Directors; and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the general public; and posted at five (5) different locations around the City. 1. A substantial and conspicuous sign has been erected at the site to notice the public hearing and property owners within 150 feet of the site have been notified by mail in addition to the postings by the City Clerk's office. 2. All previous meetings relating to the project have been advertised in accordance with City policy including the concept plan approval and the Early Work permit. 3. Both the applicant and the City have had several meetings with the adjacent developments of Tuskawilla Trace and St. John's Landing, both the HOA representatives as well as individual homeowners. These meeting shave resulted in the addition of several elements to the plans as well as accommodations to create a transition area adjacent to the St. John's Landing development. 4. The following is a listing of the additional meetings held relative to this project: • Concept Plan Approval (City Commission) — 6/14/2010 • Final Engineering Plans submitted — • Early Work Approval (City Commission) — 8/9/2010 • Notices to HOA regarding site work — 9/24/2010 (Tuskawilla Trace and St. Johns Landing) • Pre - Construction Meeting with City — 9/27/2010 • Site Work Commencement — 10/6/2010 • Meeting with Tuskawilla Trace HOA — 11/3/2010 March 9, 2011 PH Item 500 Page 12 • Meeting with St. Johns Landing HOA — 11/11/2010 • Meeting with Town Center Businesses — 11/12/2010 • Meritage offer of draft MOU to SJLHOA — 11/19/2010 • Meeting with City and SJLHOA — 12/8/2010 • City Staff met with Florida Fish & Wildlife Officer — 1/19/2011 • Workshop with Meritage, SJL Residents, City Staff — 2/1/2011 • Onsite Meeting with Meritage, SJL Residents, City Staff to review arbor issues — 2/4/2011 • Meeting with SJL Residents, City Staff — 2/23/2011 • Workshop with Meritage, SJL Residents, City Staff— 2/28/2011 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Board forward a recommendation to the City Commission to approve the modifications to the Winter Springs Village development as follows: 1. Additional Special exception/deviation and modified special exception/deviation; to be memorialized in the DA that will go to the City Commission 2. Aesthetic review for the new estate homes. 3. Minor modifications to the concept plan ATTACHMENTS: A Aesthetic Review Package and modified Concept Plan THE BILTMORE ii ..„ . , ... ..: ig ,_ ,,.. ,,,,-.•.., rn. -44,--• -". -- -•■■•• Irmalrmssam .......■••■••■• imma. , •.■ ■•••■ - IP ' - :NISI ila 1111111 INII .........„,„ ' - lIllIl IIII 1E10 IMO NMI 1 0 _ Ill _ A t.ft . . . . ,.... - — en . = .■••• ........... .............. 4 ., . ......„, . n i s i: iim . . 1:=E:=1 am Ma NM JININi . 7., I • . ;,..- Tr. OM MN I 1 r—ir--1 MIMI MEIN 111•111 , , . , ..- .* C= r" , 1.11111 MS NM inn . .., , • - . • • - '' . . . _ • _- ELEVATION A -ir -- ., --, 4 ■ v. • • ...- 011■..._ •■•■■•■••• 4 .0....1....F■■■ _...- o pif ir ■•... ••••••■■ _ me re, __ IN: lelull , A ....___ ---- IR Ell Ilion - < _ • ,, E ' .- - ...7,lirit._.,;..—.... 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Meritage Homes designs are copyrighted and copyright lows will be enforced to the fullest extent. Photos are representative 9 of Meritage Homes designs and ore not necessarily the some as the floor plan shown. THE WIMBERLEY ..... .... . . x .s..... .... - -----" ..--- -. , .... ,....,.., ......- , •_ , , _ i 44. , , ii 11 - 1.... 1, I I 'it t.; t _'1.,- '' - ' ' — MI - _ --,' ° , [ . ==1 r1. ,__ - -,... - i -' t ' ' — i C=11=3C=3 I P.- ' t=i3E=EZZDEM".11'i lot , 1 - 4 ,. .,. - ELEVATION A ....„...„ .._ „. . • ,,- --,--- ,,--f- 1 - - - ___ • • : : Ir ii i , 1 — -------- — c• it _ 7_, ii fiff - _ ._. _ _ ..---1 , 1 i ../ 1 EZ=3 con M:=IMI ; .., ,.. II I i , 1 ,...,,..,,_ „i„,....„.,..„, _,,........., .. u .. , , • _._,„ . if - MIEC=1=1 • • 1 rp. '''- - :"---..7 %- * . " i -- -.. - - . - - . ...— __ ELEVATION B ... 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