HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 02 28 Informational 102 Status of Solary Canal Regional Stormwater Treatment Area COMMISSION AGENDA
February 28, 2011 MG R /DEPT ./
Meeting Au horization
REQUEST: Public Works Department providing information to the City Commission
regarding the status of the Solary Canal Regional Stormwater Treatment
SYNOPSIS: Construction activity on the Solary Canal Regional Stormwater Treatment Area
has been indefinitely suspended due to unforeseen artesian groundwater
discharges at the site. The St. Johns River Water Management District desires to
further evaluate the geotechnical conditions before determining whether or how to
proceed with construction on the project. The City is taking steps to close out the
project and terminate the construction contract with Wal -Rose, Inc.
• The Solary Canal Regional Stormwater Treatment Area is located on a 28.9 -acre property
at 1900 DeLeon Street in the northeast corner of the City of Winter Springs (see Exhibit
A). The Solary Canal project is a planned partnership between the St. Johns River Water
Management District (SJRWMD), Seminole County, the City of Oviedo, and the City of
Winter Springs. SJRWMD is funding the entire cost of construction (up tp $1.7 million),
and the three local agencies (Winter Springs, Oviedo, and Seminole County) are planning
to equally share in the annual operation and maintenance costs for the project.
• Authorization to award the construction contract to Wal -Rose, Inc. was approved by the
City Commission at the January 11, 2010 Commission meeting (ITB #010- 09 -BF) in the
amount of $1,465,739.80 plus a 10% contingency, for a total authorization of
$1,612,313.78. At the December 13, 2010 City Commission meeting, the Commission
authorized an increase in the contingency from 10% to 16 %, which increased the total
authorization up to $1,700,000.
• Construction started on April 19, 2010 and is approximately 70% complete at this time.
On July 12, 2010, an artesian groundwater discharge was encountered during excavation
of the wetland area. Several additional artesian discharges were encountered during the
week of July 12. On approximately July 19, 2010, the contractor was directed to suspend
deep excavation due to the potential for encountering additional artesian discharges.
February 28, 2011
Agenda Item #102
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Additional geotechnical investigations were performed by Ardaman & Associates, Inc.
during the first week of August 2010. Ardaman's investigation indicated the deeper areas
of the pond and wetland area, which have yet to be excavated, could be vulnerable to
failure due to hydrostatic uplift pressures more closely related to the upper Floridan
aquifer. SJRWMD's design engineer, CH2M Hill, prepared a design modification that
shallows the pond and wetland areas by several feet to minimize the risk of failure.
• The modified design was completed in December 2010 and issued to the contractor, Wal-
Rose, Inc. for pricing. After several weeks of negotiations, the City was unable to reach
an acceptable price with Wal -Rose to implement the modified design within the available
funding from the District. Wal -Rose indicated that the remaining material to be
excavated is unsuitable due to a high clay content, and this material must be hauled off
and disposed offsite at a landfill, which carries additional cost. In addition, the design
modification included a procedure for plugging the two artesian discharges ( "boils ")
encountered within the wetland area, and the cost to plug the boils was estimated to be
from $150,000 to $500,000.
• On January 26, 2011, the District provided a written recommendation for the City to
terminate its contract with Wal -Rose. The District stated that the manner of remediating
the boils needs to be further explored in order to provide the best cost/benefit in view of
the uncertainty associated with the cost and probability of success of the current
remediation proposals. Further exploring the boils requires additional time, and
terminating the Wal -Rose contract avoids having to potentially pay for idle equipment
and other associated delay costs.
• On January 27, 2011, City Staff met with District engineering staff onsite to review the
boils and the current status of the project. The District engineering staff indicated a
possibility of completing the project such that no additional deep excavation would be
needed, which would eliminate any dispute or expense associated with the haul off and
disposal of unsuitable material; however, the District ultimately determined that they
want to address the boils before making any decisions about the continuation of
• Next Steps:
o On February 2, 2011, the City provided written direction to Wal -Rose regarding
the following steps to be taken to close out the construction contract:
• Prepare and submit to the City an as -built survey signed and sealed by a
Professional Land Surveyor.
• Provide lien releases to the City from Wal -Rose and from all
subcontractors and suppliers to Wal -Rose.
• Remove all construction equipment and demobilize from the project site.
• Close all permits with the applicable permitting agencies.
• Submit final pay application to the City.
o The above - listed steps are currently in progress and the Wal -Rose contract is
expected to be closed within the next 30 days.
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o The City Attorney has been directly involved with both City and District Staff
during the contract close out process.
• Future Outlook for the Project:
The District intends to further explore the artesian boils onsite before proceeding with
any additional construction work. Any work performed to address the boils will be at the
District's expense. After the boils have been addressed, it is anticipated that the design
will need to be modified and re- permitted, and then construction could be completed after
either re- bidding the remaining work or through the use of a District contractor. The
District has not provided a time frame for addressing the boils. At this time it is unclear
the extent to which a Regional Stormwater Treatment Area can be successfully
constructed at this site, based on the artesian boils encountered onsite, the risks associated
with deeper pond excavations, and the limitations on the available funding through the
District. If a Regional Stormwater Treatment Area cannot be constructed to substantially
meet the goal of the project (removal of phosphorous discharge to Lake Jesup), the City
may seek to convey the property back to the District.
The project construction is funded 100% by the St. Johns River Water Management
District. In accordance with the terms of the construction funding agreement between the City
and the District, the City invoices the District monthly during the construction period and the
District reimburses the City within 45 days of receipt of an approved invoice. The District has
fully reimbursed the City for all construction expenditures to date, and the District will be
responsible for reimbursing the City for the final invoice from Wal -Rose when it is received by
the City and submitted to the District for payment.
This Agenda Item has been forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission; City
Manager; City Attorney /Staff; placed in Press Packets; placed in the City Hall (Lobby) City
Commission Meeting binder; and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's
Server. Additionally, information related to this Agenda Item has been sent to media/press
representatives who have requested Agendas /Agenda Item information, all Homeowner's
Associations on file with the City, all individuals who have requested Agendas /Agenda Item
information, Department Directors; and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside City Hall
with additional copies available for the general public; and posted at five (5) different locations
around the City.
February 28, 2011
Agenda Item #102
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Staff recommends that the City Commission review and accept the information in this
agenda item.
1. Exhibit A - Site Location
2. Exhibit B — Aerial Photo
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