HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 02 28 Public Hearings 500 Approve And Adopt Second Reading Ordinance 2011-05 Uniform Time For Adjournment of City Coard And Committee Meetings COMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 500 Informational
1 1 Public Hearing X
February 28, 2011 MGR. /DEPT. — 1
Regular Meeting Authori tion
REQUEST: The City Attorney requests that the City Commission approve and adopt on Second
Reading Ordinance 2011 -05, which establishes a uniform time for the adjournment of all City
board and committee meetings.
Ordinance 201 1 -05 provides that unless sooner adjourned by majority vote of the City board or
committee, the chairperson shall adjourn the board or committee meeting at 10:00 p.m.
However, by a two - thirds vote of the present members of the board or committee, the meeting
may be extended beyond 10:00 p.m. in time increments or to handle any specific agenda item(s).
On February 14, 2011, Ordinance 2011 -05 passed on First Reading.
1. Ordinance 2011 -05 provides that unless sooner adjourned by majority vote
of the City board or committee, the chairperson shall adjourn the board or
committee meeting at 10:00 p.m. However, by a two- thirds vote of the
present members of the board or committee, the meeting may be extended
beyond 10:00 p.m. in time increments or to handle any specific agenda
2. The ordinance further provides that failure of any City board or committee,
or chairperson thereof, to abide by this rule shall not have any adverse
effect on any final decision made by a majority vote of such board or
There may be nominal fiscal impact associated with this item in connection with the
administrative /personnel costs of staffing board and committee meetings.
This Agenda Item has been forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission; City Manager; City
Attorney /Staff; placed in Press Packets; placed in the City Hall (Lobby) City Commission
Meeting binder; and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server.
Further, information related to this Agenda Item has been sent to media/press representatives
who have requested Agendas /Agenda Item information, all Homeowner's Associations on file
with the City, all individuals who have requested Agendas /Agenda Item information, Department
Directors; and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside City Hall with additional copies
available for the general public; and posted at five (5) different locations around the City.
The City Attorney requests that the City Commission approve and adopt Ordinance 2011 -05 on
second reading.
Ordinance 2011 -05.
WHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, under § 2(b), Art. VIII of the State
Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by
law; and
WHEREAS, in order to provide for efficient, effective, and decorous meetings, the City
Commission desires that all meetings of City boards and committees be adjourned by ten o'clock
p.m. unless two - thirds of the present members of the board or committee vote in favor of extending
the meeting; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission desires that this rule apply uniformly to all City boards
and committees; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this
Ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter
Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated herein by this
Section 2. Code Amendment. The City of Winter Springs Code, Chapter 2 is hereby
amended as follows: (underlined type indicates additions):
Sec. 2 -43. Time of. Meeting Adjournment.
Unless sooner adjourned by majority vote of the board or committee, the chairperson shall
adjourn the board or committee meeting at 10:00 p.m. However, by a two - thirds vote of the present
members of the board or committee, a board or committee meeting may be extended beyond 10:00
p.m. in time increments or to handle any specific agenda item(s). The failure of any City board or
committee, or chairperson thereof, to abide by this rule shall not have any adverse effect on any final
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2011 -05
Page 1 of 2
decision made by majority vote of such board or committee.
Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior
inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts ofprior ordinances
and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 4. Incorporation Into Code. This Ordinance shall be incorporated into the
Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph, number or letter, and any heading may be
changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Grammatical, typographical, and like
errors may be corrected and additions, alterations, and omissions, not affecting the construction or
meaning of this ordinance and the City Code may be freely made.
Section 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or
provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall
be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the
validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance.
Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon
adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to City
ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on the 28 day of February, 2011.
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs only:
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2011 -05
Page 2 of 2
• . . . . . . . .. .
E2 Orlando Sentinel THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2011
EYE ! a I o. odd.,
, � y�f�aTfer' - mrrtar( •_ .: , ow ners - e r ph a ' 0 N in eL14
eyed at Such hearin he yt will ne ed a pppear.,°f the public+ hear rep and the NOTICE BY OMNO� COUNry BOARD OF gi0� PR 911 rsuant to the tidal j udpm en t entered
sucard O the t ey may n eed, den ure . N R n(AT, rig ht to Writ(en odlj0 County Com- TMU MI IU N O ." GO T i J I NIEN T N OUSA iRi E I ,,, sa� S RANIUM O�E TIE Of � re p o the
such our ba se they br may need to ensure iN MIN S r 9h1 e . C o ounty °r o Ions Cam• N N R 0 2 , FA YEN'€ S ERRORS. 0 A E CTIYE ^ s case n I In sold Court,
that a ver tim- of the proceed. ( Y mew N , missioners with n twenty 20) days of IRAN Af A public hearing tI ng on this ordl- style of which s fisted above: Any per -
ngs Is made, which record Includes PRROpPOSES ►PfY AN WyyHRLL Hg(D A the publication df•thls notice. ' - �1F OU OU DNS O AROINE i I$ 'ponce will tie held durinV. Council's r°^ claiming an Interest in the surplus
the testimony and evidence upon MIBUC N • F0111NE_ FOLLOYYING: PURL R ((A regular meeting beginnin at 2:00 from the sale, If any, other than the
which the appeal Is to be based. Estimates, sketches, and°speclfica -' Muff
p.m., In C ouncil Chambers, �lnd fl Proxrly owner as o} the date of the
ORDINANCE NUMBER 2001141 tions of tne desc IIbed properties are Nse
' lk S tsuses memNx- Orlando City Hall, 400 S. Orange Ave., I ts pendens must file a claim within
tend n and e ti ed h eard w ith res to the COMMISSION OF SHE CITY pQ C o unty In y Comotralrer (Special Assess- per' Maynapper F he meeting and Ibe sixty (60) days after the sale. _ '
above. n accordance with the Amer!- WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA; menf Orange County Ad MA INFOOMA(yd N EFFl1ENEE A ES heard with respect to pro s or Persons w a disability who need
cans With Disabilities Act, Persons AMENDING THE UN PAM UNIFORM RE- Center, 201 South Rosalind Avenue, Or- VISTA PUBUCA fAYDII OE COMUNCAo3sE� C�OpN dlnance. If a person decides fo appeal special accommodations must notice
needing a special accommodation or OUI FOR CITY OARDS tondo, Florida, which• open tattle U CINAS E pNANSA DEL CO ..0 any decision made by Council with re- the individual seven (7) signed below n t later
an interpreter to Participate In this AND COMMITTEES• PROVIDING Public far Inspection. ORANGE, AL NUMERO 407{ gN sped to any matter considered at the teed the u the pro -
Proceeding hould contact the City FOR THE REPEAL bF PRIOR. IN- hearing, he or she will need a record lice t g which Is the subjebje ct of this no-
Clark's office of 407. 905.3105 at least 48 CONSISTE NT. ORDINANCES AND Assessments ore due and payable the The Orange County Board of County °( the proceedings, and the , for such lice to Insure that reasonable occom-
hours prior to the date of.heoring. RESOLUTIONS INCORPORATION same as Property taxes and bear the Commissioners will hold a public hear- Purpose, he or she may need to ensure mad°tions are available.
INTO THE CODE SEVERABILITY, some penalties for delinquency as Ina on Merck I. NIL el 2 ,w. , at the Or- that q verbatim record of the Proceed- . WITNHESor S my ble hand and I officia seal of
Beth Eikenberry AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Proper taxes i ncluding potential loss ange County Administration Center, Ines s made, which record Includes W is ona Court, off 7h Nay of
. City Clerk of property•t taxes, through tax certifl- 201 South Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, , the testimony and evidence upon February, 2011.
MONDAY, FEBNU AT 5:6 P.M. cate and tax deed sale. -The Uniform Florida. • which the appeal Is to be based. .The
'OLS1116691 2/17/1011 ue SSOON E Method for the levy, collection and en- proposed ordinance ma be Inspected MARY M. JOHNSON �1
• �MAfTTT(e - forcement of non -ad valorem assess- You are invited fo attend and be heard by the public at the Of. ce of the Ciity Clark s� erk located on the 2nd floor of Orion-
dMIIp b COFd t d ry 28r ,n201 Orlando MRNR. S ( HALL . xf� will be for6colleFctt no thetas- adoption of a Res authorizing do City y Florida. Qualified 1 S. Orange Ave., with
Sam I n f� Owing Clt ou Y ied Clark
de ,•• °pgae__ pj_
VOMIT A II11f q� the Oran a Board of County p perso
One: 011 -2 end tl d wr �rnul W osed A f�NDA Commissioners ors to to use the um service , or other assistance, so they
• NOAI !A LLY OG spaded interested partlees,belween sassed and the fY antl a -f of as- assessments levied by the Orange an arci equally In this meeting I N TX/ CM CUR CO OF ME EIGHTEENTH
4" sslCE fA p1 I l1N VID S 9B S UUfN 8 a.m and y. , °t the p ity's m., M Clerk' s OHI � f ce h seas e ee t P fa me ion- Couoard of C ounty misslon•
s c hou p ld conta t ncoct the office °f'the Clt JUDIC g CUR NO INN OLE, .
4 I L ANO EAST the C se asssesss ment. . here note that the as. @rs ae y a p B tatute tl In Sectio om 197.3632, Clerk at (407) 246 -2251 as soon as pas- - COUNTI; R 0.0MOA I N A CNIL FO DIVI 9E SION
F E L Q MDA REE LWAY S . toted all 26 Eaat State Road 431, �✓ 1 o- n• ssmenis far these properties are ail Flori Statutes. slble but no later than 48 hours before
Q71 ORE Ter Springs partie s Florida. 7 p 1 e a
For at three .infor•
meet- RsMN
based on a flat rate per lot basis: the meeting.
COR1T157NR CASE NO. 2009 CA 004797
Ipp(NNR A P A Q N N TX A C R I T �Y' B Frid ated °P e^ Peed: SI71M a within the boundaries of
l L17I2011
OFA I E Yaffe e P DI Of 2111 C TiNG AMEMO- Ina and be heard with respect to the Cypress Spins Orange County, Florida that the Or. BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.,
MMMMMM EEEEEE OF IMF ClIr d L ZONIN • proposed ordinance. Persons with di • ange County Board of County Commis- SESINIO COUNLY Plaintiff,
SEN PROYIDINB Fps ABIUry g -- abi itl ies-needing assistance to partici- Subdivision Nome: Geodes Springs Treat sinners Intends to use the uniform LINO PUNNING AGENCY NCY PLANNING ANC VS.
NC TI N F SCRNEN FAR NS AND AN EF. Pate In any of these proceedings 21I Plot B tS, P _pifE5 •
M eed aS, S ec- method for collecting the non -ad vol- ZONING C SSION A.J.L INC. C A AMIRA'S /o AMI
fECTIVE OATE A aub c Fill this p is should contact the•Em loyee 'taring on f Relations tlon Township Zi orem assessments levied by the Or- MOTICE pf ME, D M1L1 R ING tfD SPECIALTIES dlb
t Range 31, Lots I AMENDM AND
ordinance will be held during Council's Department Coordinator, 48 hours in MINN % MUM MAJOR
, ange County Board of County Commis- corporation( JERRY L R RA's KOSHER MARKET, a Florian
OHEN, an
regular meeting beginning at 2:00 advance of the meeting at (407) 327. sinners as net forth In Section 197.3632, PUBUC X MIS TO BE MID individual; AMIRA H. COHEN, an in-
P.m., In Council Chambers, 2nd floor, 1800, Extension 736. 'These are public Subdivision Nome: Cy sss SIDINGS Tract Florida statutes. MARCH 2, 2011, AT MO PM dividual; and ANY UNKNOWN TEN -
Orlando City Hail, 400 S. Orange Ave., hearings. 1 u decide to appeal any s Ph 1, Plat Book �, Pages SI end ANT(s) IN POSSESSION,
Orlando, Florida. Interested parties r ommendation/decision mass by the 57 , Section tl se.o 81,
,Township Township 23, Range 31, These non-ad valorem assessments Notice is hereby given that the Semi - Defendant.
may appear at the meeting and be City commission with respect to any Lots 1 t would be levied for one -time only and note County Land Planning Agency/
heard with respect to the proposed or- natter considered at this meeting you collected by the Prange County Tax Planning_ and Zoning Commission NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE
dinance If a person decides to appeal will need a re ' the proceedings 5 bdivision Name: Dole's Springs Treat Collector on the Nmemew 3011 real es- (LPA/P8a) will conduct public hear -
any decision mode by Council with o
re- and for such purposes, You may need 215 Me 2, Plat Book ZS Pages A and tate tax bill one-time only. Failure to Inds as noted above, or as soon there- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant In a
sped to any matter considered at the to ensure that a verbatim record of M, Section M, Township 33, Range SI, pay the assessment will cause a tax after as poqs5sible, In the County Serv- Final Judgment as dated November 3,
due* hearing, he or she will need a record the proceedings Is made upon which Lots SI due Id, certificate to be Issued against • the Ices Building, 1101 East First Street, 2010, and the Order Setting the Fore -
of the proceedings, and that, for such the appeal Is based. Interested parties property, which may result In o loss of Sanford, Florida, Room 1028 (Board closure Sole Date as noticed herein,
F rpose, he or she may need to ensure ore advised that they may caveat. at Subdivision Name: Cnnu Spiess Rut title. All affected propertttV owners Chambers). The purpose of this hear- entered In the Captioned Matter of the
a verbatim record of the roceed- the meeting and be heard with respect 218 Pass 3, Plat Book " 3, Paves N sad have the right to appear at the public Mg is to receive public input and to Circuit Court of the Eighteenth Judi -
ngs Is made, which r ors P recludes to the proposed ordinance. SL Section 04, Township 23, Range 31, h ear i ng nd the right to file written make recommendations to th Board clot Circuit In and for Seminole Coun-
the testimony and evidence •upon Lots 101 areapp 171, object with the Orange County of County Commissioners (BCC) to 1 Florida wherein BANK OF AMER-
which the appeal wherein to be based. The SLS1115636 2/170011 subdivision N ame; less Board of County Commissioners with) consider the requests on the following I N.A. is the Plaintiff and A.J.L.C., ordinance may be Inspected Cyp S a Treat twenty (20) days of the publication of items described below: INC. d/b/a AMIRA'S CATERING AND
C b f the public oT the OffCe of the ity NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING a0, Plat Book 2S, Pages try d 13, Sec- this notice. SPECIALTIES tlro /a AMIRA'S KO-
ark located on the 2nd floor of OrClon• lion 0/, Township D, Range 31, Lafa 1 • Lek Fermi PUO Me or Aissedmeok Iota ■ SHER MARKET, a Florida corpora-
do City Hall a* 400 S. Orange Ave., Or- You are hereby notified that the Plan- are 54, Estimates, sketches, and speclfica• lam j Et
ndr 7 to m a . Lake Forest r 0 JERRY L. Inddvla Fle ding axiliary a lad persons with City and n Commission of the onnfi of the described properties are Amendment east Lake res( PU PUo A N. NOHEN E individual;
di IN
disabilities lo[ s needing needing u lt d sits of Local Florida, da, also Subdivision Nome: Lye fin Spn S Volt on file the Office of the Orange . located 600 eastt of bf the intersection 1. f al; and ANY NY UNKNOWN WN TE an IN
service, or other boyis ante, so they ey sits as the he Maitland Local Plonele Agencgenc y and -Plot Book 1/, its 'ffi an Ot Section n C County Comptroller (Special Assess- Henderson Lone and SR 46 (220110.06). POSSESSION, are the Defendants
can participate equal) In this meeting The Land Development Regulation M Township 23nge 31, Lots 1 due* menu), Orange County Administration that I will sell to the highest and best
should contact the O of the City Commission will hold a public hearing. m and Tract - re oeselopmenl, Center, 201 S Rosalind Avenue, Or- District 5 • Carey bidder for cosh at The Seminole Coun-
Clerk at (407) 246 -2251 as soon os pos- The heang will be held at 7:00 P.M., Tondo, Florida, which are open to the Ion Slkanlo, Senior Planner ty Courthouse, North Park Avenue
slime but no later than 46 hours before Thursday March 3, 2011 In the Malt- Subdivision Name: Cyprus SPr np tali 2, public for inspection. Room 5-201, Sanford, Florida 32771 at
the meeting, land City Hall Council Chambers, 1776 Flat Book 21, Pages 11 and S Section Ami AM Tram Come A Melt PM Malin 11:00 a.m., or soon at as the cone '
Independence Lane, Maitland, Florida Le Township 33, Range Il, ots 11Merg1 Assessments are due and payable the •Amnisees au ei winter Park, Ns 2, ud, se may be in accordance with Section
COR1115378 2/17/1011 32751. , some as pr rty Jaxes red bear the skirt PCD Major Amendment and Rio- 45.031 o the Florida Statutes, on the
U ry ' G UaouNvl 3 p
NOTICE OF PROPOSED same enaltie fbr delinquency as one from PCD (Planned C �� ommercial 10th d � d rACHME f ay of March, 2011 the fol
Cloe br 2 , 2�011,ttthhe The purpose of the heorhearing' Is to take Subdlvlslon Name
rl l a d o bli cocoeml e 9 nt, b t h erloea e npa nd 1�Se Pla OS o w 72C;r nship as Rance T, o r o ertyxt taxes,
including e t slug potential
a certIt merciol Development) lop lm nt ) f o r of SR SEE ATTACHMENT forth below:
dinance 112011 -1, entitled AN ORDINANCE mint between the City of Maitland a nd L ots 1 Oomph 41, and Meth for the levy, collection a nd en. of
bet N. Oregon Street and Inter.
OF THE OF ORLA F MM. DODO• the City of Winter Pork, Florida. forcement of non-ad valorem assess- state 4 (22011 -001). AMERICAN OISABILRIES ACT of 1190
req s ow le aR 3 mints, Section 197.3632, Florida Stat• A dmia(etetin Order N°. 10.11
�ORT O, Ills.. JUD DR.1.. u a n 50 560105 F�1ER�CY The proposeMunelord Agreement outlines an- Sle Subdivision lvlslon Plat Book Name: Name• II ages 178 ee DO, utes, will be used for collecting the as- AN ORDINANCE A�MMENDING PURSUANT TO It Yes an I Pollee e a dNaliiits who seeds
s m ies t° be followed by Slit n 05� Townsh a 77, Range 36 Lots sessments. TItC.LANO- OEYE4OP.MF1ri VQ PF_aFMJN9if my ace°me1°deiles la order 16 participate la
WHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, under § 2(b), Art. VIII of the State
Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by
law; and
WHEREAS, in order to provide for efficient, effective, and decorous meetings, the City
Commission desires that all meetings of City boards and committees be adjourned by ten o'clock
p.m. unless two - thirds of the present members of the board or committee vote in favor of extending
the meeting; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission desires that this rule apply uniformly to all City boards
and committees; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this
Ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter
Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated herein by this
Section 2. Code Amendment. The City of Winter Springs Code, Chapter 2 is hereby
amended as follows: (underlined type indicates additions):
Sec. 2 -43. Time of Meeting Adjournment.
Unless sooner adjourned by majority vote of the board or committee, the chairperson shall
adjourn the board or committee meeting at 10:00 p.m. However, by a two - thirds vote of the present
members of the board or committee, a board or committee meeting may be extended beyond 10:00
p.m. in time increments or to handle any specific agenda item(s). The failure of any City board or
committee, or chairperson thereof, to abide by this rule shall not have any adverse effect on any final
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2011 -05
Page 1 of 2
decision made by majority vote of such board or committee.
Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior
inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior ordinances
and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 4. Incorporation Into Code. This Ordinance shall be incorporated into the
Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph, number or letter, and any heading may be
changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Grammatical, typographical, and like
errors may be corrected and additions, alterations, and omissions, not affecting the construction or
meaning of this ordinance and the City Code may be freely made.
Section 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or
provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall
be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the
validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance.
Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon
adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to City
ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on the 28 day of February, 2011.
4 // Y '
A P - ._
• ND ' % ' NZO- LUACES, City Clerk
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs only:
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2011 -05
Page 2 of 2