HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 02 15 Public Hearings 502.3 Order Of The Code Enforecment Board J'�� °� SA �'2 �- , G� CITY OF WINTER SPR1NGS, FLORIDA u � I � 1126 EAST STATE RQAD 434 1MtNTER SS�RRINGS� FLORFDA 32708-2799 . ��oF2lDp' TELEPHOhI�: (40� 327-18Q0 FACSlMILE: (407) 327-4753 V1fEBSITE: www.Mrinterspringsfl.org ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CASE NUMBER 10-0024494 CERTIFIED: 7007 0710 0002 6659 7452 OWNER: TLe�a M. and Scott A. Mandigo 214 South Moss Road Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2$18 Section 13-2. (Stagnant Pool) "The City of Winter Springs versus Theresa M. and Scott A. Mandigo, Case Number 10- 0024494. After hearing the swom Testimony of the Cade Enforcement Officer and reviewing the Evidence presented at this Hearing, I find that the Code Enforcement Officer has proven her Gase based on the following: FINDING OF FACT: Thai the Respondent was provided Notice by the Code Enforcement Officer in accordance with Section 2-59. of the City Code and that a Violation of Section 13-2. Stagnant Pool of the City Code eaisted. 1. The Respondent was provided Notice of this Hearing as prescribed by Chapter 162.12 of the Florida Statutes and that the Respondent was not present at this Hearing. 2. The Respondent was provided a reasonable time to correct the Violation. 3. The Respondent failed or refused to conect the Violation within the time provided. 4. The Violation.continues to exist ugon the Respondent's property. Therefore, I Move that ttus Boazd find that Mr. Scott A. Mandigo and Ms. Theresa M. Mandigo, (Case Number 10-0024494) has Violated Section 13-2. Stagnant Pool of the City Code and a Judgment of `Guilty' be Ordered for the Record. I further Move that an appropriate Relief Order be issued immediately by the Code Enforcement Board." CTTY OF WWTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCIIvIENf BOARD CASE NUMBFdt 10-0024494 FEBRUARY 16, 2011 PAGE 2 OF 2 RELIEF ORDER: "The City of Winter Springs versus Theresa M. and Scott A. Mandigo, Case Nnmber 10- 0024494 having been found `Gnilty' for Violating Section 13-2., Stagnant Pool of the City Code, I Move that the Respondent be given frve (� [t�nsiness] days after Noti.fication to correct this Violation of the City Code. If the Respondents fails to correct the Violation within the time period, a Fine of two hnndred and fifty [doUars] (5250.00) will be imposed per day until Compliance has been verified by a Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Winter Springs. Furthermore, any and all future Reaccurrences of this Violation will be considered a Repeat Offense. A Repeat Violation will necessitate further proceedings without the opportunity to correct the Repeat Violation, The Fine, for a Repeat Violation, wiil be five hnndred dollars - ($500.00) per day, beginning on the first day the Repeat Violation is found to exist by a Code Enforcement Officer." This 16�' day of February, 2011. ��=- - _� ' � + -Lei o Chairman n ent oazd City f ter Sp ' J`� � SA �. � * � CITY OF WiNTER SPRINGS, FtORIDA u � �is'�v 1126 EAST S"fATE RQAD 434 VVI�ITER SPREPIGS, Fl�tIDA 32708-2799 �LOR►O TELEPFIONE: (40� 327-1800 FACSIMILE: (407) 327-4753 WEBSITE: wwrv.wirkterspringsll.ory ORDER OF TI� CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CASE NUMBER: 10-0024494 CERTIFIED: 7007 0710 0002 6659 7445 OWNER Scott A. and Theresa M. Mandigo 214 Sonth Moss Road Winter Springs, Florida 3270&2818 Section 13-2. (Stagnant Pool) "The City of Winter Springs versus Ther�a M. and Scott A. Mandigo, Case Number 10- O�OZ4494. After hearing the swom Testimony of the Code Enforcement Officer and reviewing the Evidence presented at this Hearing, I find that the Code Enforcement Offcer has proven her Case based on the following: FINDING OF FACT: That the Respondent was provided Notice by the Code Enforcement Officer in accordance with Section 2-59. of the City Code and that a Violation of Sectifln 13-2. Stagnant Pool of the City Code ezisted. 1. The Respondent was provided Notice of this Hearing as prescribed by Chapter 162.12 of the Florida Statutes and that the Respondent was not present at this Hearing. 2. The Respondent was provided a reasonable time to con�ect the Violation. 3. The Resgondent failal or refused to correct the Violation within the ti.me provided. 4. The Violation continues to exist upon the Respondent's property. Therefore, I Move that this Board find that Mr. Scot# A. Mandigo and Ms. Theresa M. -Mandigo, (Case Number 10-0(124494) has Violated Section 13-2. Stagnant Pool of the City Code and a Judgment of `Guilty' be Ordered for the Record, I further Move that an appropriate Relief Order be issued immediately by the Code Enforcement Boazd." CTTY OF WII�'CER SPRIl+iGS, FLORIDA CdDE ENFORCEMIIVT BOARD CASE NUMBER 10-0Q24494 FFBRUARY 16, 2t111 PAGE 2 OF 2 RELIEF ORDER: "The City of Winter Springs versus Theresa M. and Scott A. Mandigo, Case Nnmber 10- 0024494 having been found `Gnilty' for Violating Section 13-2., St�gnant Pool of the City Cade, I Move that the Respondent be given five (� [bnsiness] days after Notification to correct this Violation of the City Code. If the Respondents fails to correct the Violation within the time period, a Fine of two hnndred and fifty [dollars] (S250.00) will be imposed per day until Compliance has been verified by a Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Winter Springs. Furthermore, any and all future Reoccurrences of this Violation will b�e considered a Repeat OfFense. A Repeat Violation will necessitate further proceedings without the opportunity to correct the Rep�eat Violation. The Fine, for a Repeat Violation, will be five hundred dollars - (5500.00) per day, beginning on the first day the Repeat Violation is found to exist by a Code Enforcement Officer." � This 16�' day of February, 2011. "� `` ' _�__�.r, _ , / - � �� Laura,° . u . � Cod� Enfo en oard ,.. _ �� P�S