HomeMy WebLinkAboutWinter Springs Holdings, Inc. D.R. Mitchell's The Levy Grant On Lake Jessup Further Assurances Agreement - 2009 10 27 � � SELLER: WINTER SPRINGS HOLDINGS, INC. BUYER: CTTY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CLOSING AGENT: BROWN, GARGANESE, WEISS & D'AGRESTA, P.A. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: SEE E��IT "A" ATTACAED HERETO. CLOSING DATE: October 28, 2009 FURTI�R ASSURANCES AG�,MENT For and in consitieration of the Closing Agent disbursing proceeds of this Sale, and in order to insure the accuracy of settlement statements, deeds, mortgages and other documents of closi.ng in this �ransaction, the undersigned do mutually agree to cooperate, adjust, initial, re-execute aad re- deliver any and all closing documents if deemed necessary or desirable in tt�e reasonable iiiscretion. of Closing Agent It is the inteation of the undersigned that all documentation for this tr�tion " and all payments or disbursements made shall be an accurate reflection of the parties' agi�nsn� that each pazty stiould pay all costs and expenses contemplated by their agreement and/or dictated by custom and usage in this area. The undersigned do hereby agree and covenant to assure that this tran�ction and its � � documentation will conform to the parties' agreement and it is understood that Closi.ng Agent will rely upon tlris agreement and the covenants herein in closing this transaction. Further, for seivices perfoaned pursuant to this Agreement, SELLER and BLJYER each agi�ee to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold hazmless the Closing Agent and its employees, officers, and attomeys from and against all claims, losses, damages, or liability (including reasonable attomeys' fees ttu�ough any and all administrative, t�rrial, post judgment and appellate praceedings}, direcfly or indire�tly arising from the negligent acts, errors, omissions, intentional or otherwise, arising out of or resulting from the failure of either parly to meet its obligation under this agreement . In the event additional dacuments are raquired to be executed or revised to complete the terms and conditions of the closing, Buyer and Seller agree to caogerate with each other and Brown, Garganese, Weiss 8c D'Agresta, P.A. � , Page 1 of 2 '� . _ : -:_�-; _ �" ; aJI1T1ESSES: CITY OF WIIVTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA g < e �-+d`c.�►�.�1L L. Smith, ih' Mana.Ber ���� Q � STATE OF FLURIDA COUNTY OF SEMATOLE The foregoing insirument was acicnowl�ged before me this �_ day of �f,�h� , 2009, by Kevin L. Smith, Gity Manager of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, who is personally known to me. ���..� ' : . - TARY PUBLIC ` rint name: My Commission Expires: ��� rra�ry a�c sw� o� ��da Joan L BmNm +� �� � DO7886E3 '4 � . � Page 2 of 2 }` T S�eet 1 EXHIBIT Sx S1aea6 of Description I� as Aaachment 'A° � � DESC�'I'ION That part of Lot S, Block "A", D.R MITCHELL'S SURV�'�l OF THE LEVY GRANI' as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page S of the Public Rccords of Seminole County, Florida being more puticuiarly descnbed as follows: COMMENCE ar the Southwesum most corner of Lot 31, ST. JOHNS IANDING as rernrdod in Piat Book 53, Pagcs 45-49 of the Public Records of Seminote Counry, Florida, said point being a recovered concrcte monument on thc East Right-of-Way of TUSKAWII,LA ROAD (formeriy Brandey Avenue} as rccorded in Official Rccords Book 3225, Page 1829 of the Public Records of Scminole County, Florida; thence run N.S9'31'38"W. along the We�terly prolongation of the South Iine of said Lot 31 for a distaace of 15.00 feet to the East Right-of- Way line of said TUSKAWILIA ROAD; thcnc� S.30'04'SS"DD. for a disrance of 1�7�8.38 feet�� chence S.S9'SS'OS"E. for a distance of 6.00 fctt to the POiNT OF BEGINNING; thena N.30'04'SS"E. along thc East Right-of-Way line of said TUSKAWII.LA ROAD per Qfficial Records Book 5810, Page 1286 of the Public Records of Seminole County for a distance of 357.28 feet to a Non-Taagent curve concave Northwesterly, having a Tangent Beazing of 5.10'12'00"W., a Radius of 1,110.99 feet and a Central Ang1e of OS'21'47"; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve and the West Right-of-Way line of the C.S.X � TR.ANSPORTATION INC. "IAI� CHARM BRANCH" RAIL CORRIDOR, a distance of 103.99 feet to the Point of Tangency; thence 5.15'33'47"W., a distance of 2b6.49 feet; thence N.59'S5'OS"W., a discaace of 97.55 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 0.417 acres (18,159 squaze feet), morc or less. T09-A39 ��a br. Tinkkpang� surveyiag servi«s, Inc. rtus a«crip�on ana the a� skeoch or 379 Wesc Michigaa Snere sketc6a haa been prepued in m000�na virith the Suite 208 Srandards sec Eouth in (�apoet 61G17, F.A.C.., Orlando, Florida 32806 p�us�ant to Chapttrs 177 and 472, Fla�ida Statuba. (407) 422-0957 Unks� it 6ar: the sig�ture xnd the or�iaal raised aeal of a Florida lioaued surveyoz and mapper this drawing, �oe�, plar oz m�p ia for i�oca��o�l purposa only md u aot �alid , ROBER'T . MONA P .M # 5980 � Dac�: FE�B�At�/ � 200� , 'k ��'�=.,�: _ _� .t i SKETCH OF' C =SCRIPTION ATTACHMENT "A" -- NOT A SURYEY -- i , , 3 . P.O.C. �• �,� S S SOUTHwESTERN WiOST CORNER OF' y� � ! LOT 31, SL JOH�IS LMDENG � �/ ,�, _ (P.B. 53. PAGES 45-49) I/ � 1 / .7�'ti 1 � ��o ��y� i �i� I 0� � � � =J � / +� ��� � �� ��� / �► �' ' � ��8 + � ry� � ��� �' �?+' `y . � � hry / ~ � � SURVEYOR'S NOTES ���� � � 25 �� t � � . 1. Bear�ngs cre bosed on the East �" �/ `�� � � right—of—vray Cne of Tuskowr�lo Rood, � � p� be�g N30'04'SS�E. ��-� `°Y �/ �� p� � 2. This is not a Boundary Survey. ���,� • �/ �:r�.j No caners were set. �Qt ry�%� ��p � � �� . 3. This aite contains 0.417 xres �` �^����• �� ��• � (18.159 squae feet). more or less. ,C� � �/ 4 �Q„/ � J�� �� �� ��o � �"~ ` ' � ; � �' � ,+�� i �ti � � ,� � s` D� i / / ���ti m r+ [r �r "�� � �; N �? � t� � � � �� p�� LEGEND � � ?i � � 1 ��a� • o� � a q � ' � V \�, � �� � � � w � CENTERUNE � � b � � t� �� $ m A D0.TA � /$ � � � L ARC LENGTH / �m' � � O.R.B. QFFlqAL RECORDS BOOK 2J• /� � ��� P.B. PLAT BOOK � �d' � � / � . P.0.8. P�NT OF BEqNNING N� j �/ �• � • P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT /� � a�• . . � Q P.T. PdINT OF TANGENCY ���� � � � R/W RIGHT—Of—WAY P.O.B. ~ � R RADIUS � /�i �,� Sp / T.B. TANCENT BEARING � • MAGNOUA PARK ACQU1SI710N �o.R.B. �,o PAGE 128b) Tinklepaugh R�ns� - s/s/oa - a�.�. SURVEYwQ SERVICES,, NC. REI/ISED — 2/25/09 — A.D.�j� a79 w. N'ieh�qan Stnel, suks 2oe • Oriondo. �Iorieo 32ooe f ' I:\T091'�9\T09A39.dwg 2/25/2009 7+rle. Nn (s07) 4E�-0o57 F� Na (s07� 42P-6Yi3 DRAWING No. T09A39 .`FllE No. SX ix�� BUSntas4 tb. �e •R .