HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 01 19 Other - Handout by Steven Richart during Agenda Item 602Date: January 19, 2011 The attached document was distributed and discussed with the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee during Regular Agenda Item 602 by Mr. Steven Richart at the January 19, 2011 Regular TLBD Meeting. A. Budget 1. TLBD Maintenance Fund — 184 (sent �ia separate email) Z. TLBD 2010/11 Annuai Report (/inksent �ia separate email) B. Maintenance Items and Progress Report 1. P& L landscaping is performing to standard on the landscape maintenance. P& L was sent notice on December 8, 2010 regarding the diminished quality of irrigation maintenance services for the past few months. They have since improved the quality of their service to a satisfactory level and staff will continue to monitor progress. 2. Power �xterminators started chemical services for TLBD on December 15, 2010. A $4,000 cost savings to the maintenance budget, with improvements in service quality, will be realized over the priar contract with P& L. 3. Lightscapes is performing to standard on the low voltage lighting. 4. Fountain Doctors is performing to standard on the fountain maintenance. 5. The north fountain level refill controls were replaced at the valve in December 2010 due to a solenoid and relay failure. 6. Costs for the (184) Fund Street Light Line Code will likely be about $3,000 above the budgeted amount for FY'11 and will be supplemented from the Signs/Ponds Line Codes, as necessary. The overall budget for FY'11 should be unchanged. C. Winter Springs Blvd. Plant Replacement Project 1. The recent freezes have stressed many cold sensitive plants, with more potential cold weather to come. Trimming of dead foliage and plant replacements will begin in March 2011, after the last frost. Damage to susceptible plants from the cold weather will also be evaluated at this time. 2. An extensive list has been generated for all of the Winter Springs Blvd. medians and entrances that includes replacement of dead, missing or severely declining plant materials. Replacements will be prioritized and installed based on available funding in the grounds repair and maintenance line code. About $16,000 is available for the remainder of this year, if the funds remain unencumbered. 3. It is recommended that the budget for plant replacements be at least $30,000 in FY '12 for the medians and entrances, in order to maintain the facilities at a high standard for the community. Staff is working with Mary Brook on planting requirements for next budget year as part of Item (C,2). M�.�� TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT , 01/18/2011 07:36 srichart FOR 2011 12 ACCOIINTS FOR: 184 TLBD MAINTffiiANCB FpND 184 TLBD MAINTENANCB FUND 184 325120 SVCASSBSS 164 361100 INTSRBST 184 389100 APP FD BAL 164 53211 ADMZNFEB 164 53410 CONT SERV 184 54310 VPILITIBS 184 54330 STRESTLITS 184 54686 RM LANDSCP 184 54693 RM PONDS 184 54695 R&P-S/W 184 55230 OP SUPPLY 184 58130 TR TO GF 184 59310 STAT RSSER TOTAL TLBD MAINTBNANCB PUND TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCS FUND TOTAL REV6NiTES TOTAL HBPBNSBS I City of Kiater Spriag� YTD SDDC;ET - JANIIARY 2011 Y6 1 glytcII�ud QRIOINAL TRANPRS/ RSVISBD 11VAILA8L8 PCT APPROP ADJ8TMT8 BIIDGST YTD ACIRAL 8NC/R8Q 89D138T IISSD Budgeted Coilected Assessrnent '� �Assessrnents as of 1(11 Revenue -495,000 0 -995 000 -434 308.83 .00 -60,691.17 87.7�* -1,800 0 -1,800 .00 .00 -1,BD0.00 .0�+ -59,739 0 -59,739 .00 .00 -59,739.00 .0�* 9,265 0 9,265 1,710.36 7,492.67 61.97 99.3� 2,700 0 2,700 2,038.01 .00 661.99 75.St 53,000 0 53,000 11,708.76 .00 41,291.24 22.1t 230,000 0 230,000 47,233.23 .00 182,766.77 20.SE 130,000 0 130,000 22,938.57 89,366.48 17,694.95 86.4t 18,000 0 18,000 3,493.44 10,130.00 4,376.56 75.7t 15,000 0 15,000 2,005.50 8,567.50 4,427.00 70.5� 100 0 100 .00 .00 100.00 .0� 77,474 0 77,474 .00 .00 77,474.00 .Ot 21,000 0 21,000 .00 .00 21,000.00 .Ot 0 0 0. -343,180.96 115,556.65 227,624.31 100.0} 0 0 0 -343,180.96 115,556.65 227,624.3 100.Ot -556,539 0 -556,539 -434,308.63 � -122,230.17 556,539 0 556,539 91,127.87 115 556.65 399,854.48 Enciimbereci � Available Budget Budget For Expenditures O1/18/2011 07:36 ICity of Niatar Spriage Ipp Z erichart YTD S9DOET - JANIIARY ZO11 glytdbud FOR 2011 12 ORIOINAL TRANFRS/ R8VI8� 11VAIL7IBLS PCl APPROY ADJSTriTS SDDOET YTD AClQAL 6NC/REQ SDD(iET IISSD GRAND TOTAL 0 0 0 -343,180.96 115,556.65 227,624.31 100.0E r• gND OF REPORT - Generated by Steven Richart ** � � O1/18/2011 07:57 erichart rox aoii is ACCOIINTS FORs 164 TI.SD D(AINTffiiANCB POtID 184 TLBD MAINTENANCB FOND 184 325120 SVCASS&SS � aoii/oi/oio6�o ii/os/zoio suc 2011/O1/010743 10/O1/2010 GRV 2011/02/020179 11/OB/2010 CRP zoii/oz/ozoi�9 ii/oe/zoio cRa 2011/02/020680 11/24/2010 CRP 2011/03/030659 12/07/2010 CRP 2011/03/031014 12/20/2010 CRP 2011/04/040197 O1/07/2011 CRP 184 361100 INTSREST zoii/oi/oioe�o ii/os/zoio suc 164 361101 CNTY INT 2011/O1/010343 10/18/2010 CRP 2011/O1/010343 10/18/201� CRP 2011/O1/010343 10/18/2010 CRP zoii/oi/oio�oo io/oi/zoio cRv 164 389100 APP FD SAL zoii/oi/oio6�o ii/os/zoio suc 184 53211 ADMINFB& 2011/OS/010096 io/o6/zoio roa 2011/O1/010096 10/06/2010 P08 2oii/oi/oios�o ii/os/2oio suc 2011/03/030686 12/08/2010 API 2011/03/030686 12/08/2010 POL 184 53410 CONT SSRV zoii/oi/oio6�o ii/os/soio auc 2011/02/020179 11/08/2010 CRP 2011/03/030659 12/07/2010 CRP I City of Ninter Bpriag• YTD BDDGBT - JANUARY 2011 ORI6INAL TRADIPRS/ RSVISSD APPROP ADJSTMTS BIID68T -495,000 -495,000.00 RBF 5,511.98 REF -806.40 RSF 2321354 -5,511.98 RSF 2321355 -320,638.47 RfiF 2334849 -63,072.00 RSF 2341576 -39,175.08 R8F 2350773 -10,616.88 R8P 2364002 -1,800 -1,800.00 RfiF I YG 1 glytdbud JOIIRNAL DEfAIL 2011 i To aoii ia ]1VAZL71BL8 PCT YTD ACRVAL SNC/R8Q BIIDGBT IISSD 0 -495,000 -434,308.83 .00 -60,691.17 ORIGINAL BUDG&T 2011 R.V.10-27-10-31-10 TLBD MAINT. - ASSSSSMBNT COLLB R.V.06-01-06-30-10 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMSNT COLLfi R.V. 11-01-11-17-10 7ZBD MAINT. - ASSESSMSNT COLLE R.V. 11-18-10-11+30- TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSFIBNT COLLB R.V. 12-01-10-12-14- TLBD MAINT. - ASS8SSM8NT COLLB R.V.12-15-10-12-31-1 TLHD MAINT. - ASSESSMBNT COLLE 0 -1,800 .00 .OD -1,800.00 0 0 0 -.23 RSF 2305892 R.V. 07-01-09-30-10 .23 R&F 2305887 Reversal / 2305828 -.23 R8P 2305828 R.V. 07-01-09-30-10 .23 R&F -59,'739 0 -59,739.00 REF 9,265 0 6,900.53 VND 014814 PO 110103 2,302.50 VND 000571 PO 110065 9,265.00 REF 1,710.36 VND 014814 PO 110103 -1,710.36 VfID 014814 PO 110103 2,700 0 2,700.00 REF 87.7�* Ot* ORIGINAL BUDGBT 2011 .00 .00 .00 .0� LINE CODS REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODH REIMBIIRSSMSNT LINS CODB REIMBURSEMBNT -59,739 .00 .00 -59,739.00 .0�* ORZGINAL BUDGBT 2011 9,265 1,710.36 7,492.67 61.97 99.3� NBS GOVERN FINANCB OAK FORfiST W&BD ASSSSSMfiNT SVC NABORS, GIBLIN & NIC OAK FOREST W&BD. ASSESSMENT LE ORIGINAL BUDGfiT 2011 NBS GOVBRN FINANCB OAK PORSST W&BD ASSBSSMENT SVC 66667 NBS GOVBRN FINANCE OAK FORHST W&BD ASSSSSM83Tf2011 2,700 2,038.01 .00�-� � 561.99 �75.SE ORIGINAL BUDGfiT 207�1�� 87.87 REF 2321367 R.V.06-OCTO10 LINE CODB R8I1�$UASSM$�JT' ���- '�. 1,950.14 REF 2341583 R.V. 11-18-10-11+30- LINB CODB REIA1BUkSBM�NT'�� . O1/18/2011 07:57 arichart POR 2011 12 ACC09NTS FORs 184 TLBD MAINT&NANCE FDND 184 54310 UTILITISS 2011/O1/010376 10/20/2010 API 2011/O1/010376 10/20/2010 API 2011/O1/010916 10/21/2010 API 2011/O1/010416 10/21/2010 API zoii/oi/oioe�o ii/os/2oio suc 2011/O1/010679 10/31/2010 GEN 2011/O1/010680 10/31/2010 GSN aoii/o2/ozoae� 11/10/2010 API soii/o2/o2ozs� ii/io/aoio r�i zoii/o2/o2oas2 11/17/2010 API soii/o2/o2oa�o ii/i�/zoio csx 2011/02/020656 11/24/2010 APZ Zoii/oz/o2oeoz ii/ao/aoio csr� 2011/03/030894 12/16/2010 API 2011/03/030897 12/16/2010 API 2011/03/030897 12/16/2010 API 2011/03/030988 12/20/2010 API 2011/03/031286 12/31/2010 GBN 2011/03/D31267 iz/ai/aoio cax 2011/04/090285 oi/is/aoii �.ei 2011/04/040285 oi/i2/aoii r,Pi 184 54330 STREETLITB 2011/O1/010376 10/20/2010 API 2oii/oi/oio6�o ii/os/aoio suc 2011/02/020656 11/24/2010 API 2011/03/031043 12/21/2010 APZ 184 54686 RM LANDSCP 2011/O1/010096 io/o6/zoio Pos 2011/O1/010096 10/06/2010 POE 2011/O1/010096 10/06/2010 POS aoii/oi/oio2se io/ia/aoio roa zoii/oi/oioz�s io/is/2oio eoM 2011/O1/010384 io/zo/zoio Bos 2011/O1/010626 io/z9/zoio �i 2011/O1/010626 10/29/2010 POL 2011/O1/010662 ii/oi/zoio eoa aoii/oi/oios�o ii/os/2oio suc zoii/oa/o2oo90 11/03/2010 API zoii/oz/ozoo90 ii/oa/zoio roL zoii/os/ozoi6o ii/os/zoio roE 2011/02/020648 11/24/2010 API 2011/02/020648 11/24/2010 POL 2011/02/020660 11/24/2010 API I City of �iatar Spriago YTD SIIDaET - JANIIARY 2011 ORIfiINAL TRANFRS/ REVIS� APPROP ADJSTLLTS BIID6ST 53,000 0 84.61 VND OOD716 PO 2,573.39 VND 000716 PO 19.04 VND 004419 PO 23.53 VND 004419 PO 53,000.00 RBF 665.60 REF 101023 648.71 RSF 101024 21.05 VIJD 004419 PO 21.05 VND 004419 PO 93.44 VND 000716 PO 499.52 REF 102007 2,469.25 VND 000716 PO 592.93 REF 102024 93.20 \RiD 000716 PO 18.73 VND 004419 PO 30.01 VND 004419 PO 2,659.62 VND 000716 PO 652.63 REF 103015 501.31 REF 103016 11.13 VND 004419 PO 30.01 VND 004419 PO 230,000 0 19,163.11 VND 000716 PO 230,000.00 REF 14,035.06 VND 000716 PO 14,035.06 VND 000716 PO 130,000 0 300.00 VND 000878 PO 110075 105,028.00 VND 000651 PO 110071 500.00 VND 000455 PO 11D060 1,960.00 VND 007918 PO 110277 352.90 VND 000455 PO 110060 426.00 VND 007918 PO 110375 852.40 VND 000455 PO 110060 -852.40 VND 000455 PO 110060 2,225.00 VND 007918 PO 110546 130,000.00 R8F 1,960.00 VND 007918 PO 110277 -1,960.00 VND 007918 PO 110277 525.00 VND 007918 PO 110624 2,225.00 VND 007918 PO 110546 -2,225.00 VND 007918 PO 110546 54.05 VND 000651 PO 110071 P6 2 glyt�ud JOIIRNAL DSlAIL 2011 1 TO 2011 12 AVAILABLS PCT YTD ACTQAL 8NC/R8Q BIIDGBT IISSD 53,000 11,708.76 .00 41,291.24 PROGRESS fiNERGY 72411-85199 PROGRfiSS fiNSRGY 73908-66384 SfiMINOLB CO.WATER � 113099-599770 SBMINOLB CO.WATER 6 113099-599764 ORIGINAL BUDGST 2011 8XP CITY UT ACC-8FF 10/19 EXP CITY UT ACC EFP 10/26 SSMINOLB CO.WAT$R � 113099-599770 SEMINOLB CO.WATSR & 113099-599764 PROGRESS ENERGY 72411-85194 8XP CITSt UT ACC 8FF 11/16 PROGRESS ENERGY 73908-66384 &XP CITY UT ACC EFF 11/23 PROGRESS ENERGY 72411-85194 S&MINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 SEMINOLE CO.WATSR & 113099-599770 PROGRHSS ENERGY 73908-66384 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 12/14 EXP CITY UT ACC SFF 12/21/10 SEMINOLH CO.WATER & 113099-599764 SEMINOLE CO.WATHR & 113099-599770 230,000 47,233.23 .00 182,766.77 PROGRfiSS ENERGY 32070-49137 ORIGINAL BUDG&T 2011 PROGRESS ENERGY 32070-49137 PROGRE55 ENHRGY 32070-49137 130,000 22,938.57 89,366.48 17,694.95 IAWE'S COMPANIES, IN TLBD. PARTS FOR R&PAIRS TO LA P& L LAWN MAINTSNAN TLBD. LM. C064�I ITBM 203. 7/14 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPH TLBD. PARTS FOR IRRIGATION�RH ANNAN LANDSCAPE CO TLSD. WS BLI�D MEDIAN$. ��ST.� AU JOHN DBER& LANDSCAPE up amt 352.40 po 11006U, 2=011 ANNAN LANDSCAP% CO 3 GAL. VIBURNUM - REMOVS/RSpL41-. JOF�I DSERE LANDSCAPH TLBD. PARTS F(SR Y1'2I�ICiAT20N RS JOHN DSBRE LANDSCAPE TLSD. PARTS�FOR IRRIGATIO2011 ANNAN LANDSCAPB CO TLBD. PLANT RBpLACSMEDIT TO 8L ORIGINAL BUDGBT 2�11 ANNAN LANDSCAPfi CO TLBD. WS BL'VD MHDTANS. ,6T. AU ANNAN LANDSCAPE CO TLBD. WS BbVD MEDIANS. 5T20i1 ANNAN LANDSCAPE CO TLSD. MEDIAN�ACROSS FROM 1218�� ANNAN LANDSCAPS CO TLBD. PLANT TO BL ANNAN LANDSCAPE CO TLBD. PLANT R$PLACBMENT T2011:� P& L LAWN MAINTSNAN TLSD. LM. COC+II�7 ITE�+t 203. : 7I14 22.1� 65889 65889 65588 65568 66090 66090 66229 66353 66671 66889 66889 66793 20.5� 65889 66353 66793 86.4� 65876 66144 66294 66396 01/18/2011 07:57 ICity of Ninter Spriage pa 3 srichart YTD SDDIiST - SANUARY 2011 Iglyt�ud FOR 2011 12 ACCODIITS FOR: 184 TI.SD NAINTBltANC6 FVND 164 1T,HD MAINTSNANCfi PUND 184 54686 RM LANDSCP 2011/02/020660 11/24/2010 POL 2011/02/020660 11/24/2010 API 2011/02/020660 11/24/2010 POL 2011/02/020745 11/30/2010 API 2011/02/020745 il/30/2010 POL 2011/03/030624 12/07/2010 API 2011/03/030624 12/07/2010 POL 2011/03/030629 12/07/2010 POL 2011/03/030708 12/09/2010 API 2011/03/030708 12/09/2010 POL 2011/03/030909 12/16/2010 POS 2011/03/030996 12/20/2010 API 2011/03/030996 12/20/2010 POL 2011/03/030996 12/20/2010 API 2011/03/030996 12/20/2010 POL 2011/03/031234 12/29/2010 POM 2011/03/031282 O1/03/2011 POS zoii/oa/osizez oi/oa/aoii Pos 2011/03/031282 oi/o3/zoii roa 2011/04/040150 O1/06/2011 POM 2011/04/040233 O1/11/2011 POS 2011/04/040233 O1/11/2011 POS 184 54693 RM PONDS 2011/O1/010096 io/o6/ZOio eo$ aoii/oi/oio6�o ii/os/zoio svc zoii/oz/o2oi6o ii/oa/�oio eo$ 2011/02/020649 11/24/2010 API 2011/02/020699 11/24/2010 POL 2011/02/020745 11/30/2010 API 2011/02/020745 il/30/2010 POL 2011/03/030851 12/15/2010 API 2011/03/030851 12/15/2010 POL 2011/03/030909 12/16/2010 POfi 2011/03/030909 12/16/2010 POS 2011/03/031044 12/21/2010 API 2011/03/031044 12/21/2010 POL 2011/03/031044 12/21/2010 API 2011/03/031044 12/21/2010 POL 2011/04/040291 O1/12/2011 API 2011/09/040291 O1/12/2011 POL 2011/04/040291 O1/12/2011 POL ORIGINAL TRADIFRS/ RSVISSD APPROP ADJSTffiTS BIID68T -54.05 VND 000651 PO 110071 8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 110071 -8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 110071 525.00 VND 007918 PO 110624 -525.00 VND 007918 PO 110624 426.00 VND 007918 PO 110375 -306.00 VND 007918 PO 110375 -120.00 VND 007918 PO 110375 37.94 VND 000878 PO 110075 -37.94 VND 000878 PO 110075 1,648.00 VND 007918 PO 111003 8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 110071 -8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 110071 20.18 VND 000651 PO 110071 -20.18 VND 000651 PO 110071 -11,097.00 VND 000651 PO 110071 7,812.00 VND O15'739 PO 111095 216.82 VND 000651 PO 111090 270.00 VND 000651 PO 111091 868.00 VND 015739 PO 111095 20.83 VND 000455 PO 111175 1,250.00 VND 002642 PO 111183 18,000 0 12,400.00 VND 009507 PO 110094 18,000.00 REF 1,050.00 VND 009507 PO 110627 700.00 VND 009507 PO 110094 -700.00 VND 009507 PO 110094 1,050.00 VND 009507 PO 110627 -1,050.00 VND 009507 PO 110627 700.00 VND 009507 PO 110094 -700.00 VND OD9507 PO 110094 136.48 VND 000455 PO 110996 36.96 VND 000678 PO 110998 136.48 VND 000455 PO 110996 -136.48 VND 000455 PO 110996 36.96 VND 000678 PO 110998 -36.96 VND 000678 PO 110998 870.00 VND 009507 PO 110094 -700.00 VND�009507 PO 110094 -170.00 VND 009507 PO 110094 JOIIRNAL DETAIL 2011 1 TO 2011 12 AVAILASLS PCP YTD ACTQAL ffiiC/R8Q S9D68T IISBD P& L LAWN MAINTSNAN TLBD. LM. CONA7 ZTBM 203. 2011 P& L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. CONA1 ITEM 203. 7/14 P& L LAWN MAINTSNAN TLBD. LM. COMM ITSM 203. 2011 ANNAN LANDSCAPE CO TLBD. MSDIAN ACROSS FROM 1218 ANNAN LANDSCAPS CO TLBD. MEDIAN ACROSS PROM 12011 ANNAN LANDSCAPE CO 3 GAL. VIBURNUM - RBMOVS/REPLA ANNAN I.ANDSCAPS CO 3 GAL. VIBURNUM - RSMOVS/R2011 ANNAN LANDSCAP& CO 3 GAL. VIBIIRNUM - R8MOV8/R2011 IAWB'S COMPANIES, IN TLBD. PARTS FOR R$PAIRS TO LA IAWE'S COMPANIES, IN TLSD. PARTS FOR RBPAIRS T2011 ANNAN LANDSCAP& CO TLSD. LANDSCAPS REPLACEMHNTS P& L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. CONAf ITHM 203. 7/14 P� L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COhAt ITEM 203. 2011 P� L LAT4N MAINTSNAN TLBD. LM. COhIIA ITSM 203. 7/14 P 6 L LAWN MAINTBNAN TLBD. LM. CONA! ITEM 203. 2011 P& L LAWN MAINTSNAN lesa $11097 po 110071 2011 POWER SXTSRMINATORS, TLBD. CHBMICAL PROGRAM - AS P P& L LAWN MAINTSNAN TLSD. MAIN SNTRANCS - SODTH. P 8 L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. R$PLACBMSNT OF F&ATURE POWSR EXTSRMINATORS, add line 868 po 111095 2011 JOHN DSERE LANDSCAPB CITY ROW/MSDIANS/FACILITIBS. A BIIDGBT TRSH SBRVIC TLBD. WINTBR SPRINGS BLVD. LA 18,000 3,493.44 10,130.00 4,376.56 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCB AS ORIGINAL BUDGFT 2011 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD. NORTH FOUNTAIN. INSTnr•T. FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCS AS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLSD. FODNTAZN MAINTfiNANC2011 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD. NORTH FOUNTAIN. INSTALL �FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD. NORTH FOUNTAIN. IN52011 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTSNHN�$ ES FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLSD. FOUNTAIN MAII�TS'�7�1N�2011 JOHN DSERE LANOSCAP& TLBD. MAIN ENTRANCS FOUNTATN�- � GRAINGER, INC. TLBD FOUNTAINS. TiBFILL R�I�AY$ JOHN DBBRE LANDSCAP& TLBD. MAIN SiiTRANCB POUNTAINS JOHN OSSR& LANDSCAPE TLBD. MAIN 8N'FRANCB..FOUNT2011 GRAINGSR, INC. TLBD FOUNTAINS. RBFILL�RBI.AYS GRAING&R, INC. TLBD FOUNTRINS. �R$BILL Rfi2011 FODNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD. FOUNTATN MAINTBNANCS�AS�� FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD. FOUNTA2N MAINTENANC2011 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLSD. FOUNTAIN MAINTSNANC2011 66346 66421 66508 66553 66790 66'790 75.7$ 66321 66456 66650 66?67 56'748 u O1/18/2011 07:57 srichart FO& 2011 12 ACC09I�3 POR: 184 TLHD MAINTBlT11NCS FURiD City of iPiatar Springs YTD BDD68T - JANUARY 2011 ORI�INAL TRANFRS/ RSVIS� APPROP 71DJSTMT3 BIIDGBT Y(i 4 glytdbud JODRNAL DBTAIL 2011 1 TO 2011 12 YTD ACfQAL SNC/R84 A BIIDCi8T IISSD 184 54695 R�P-S/SQ 15,000 0 15,000 2,005.50 6,567.50 4,427.00 2011/O1/010096 10/06/2010 POE 9,600.00 VND 004297 PO 110088 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. ENTRANCSS LIGHTING MAIN 2011/O1/010628 10/29/2010 API 425.00 VND 004297 PO 110088 LIGHTSCAPHS OUTDOOR TLBD. BNTRANCSS LIGHTING MAIN 2011/O1/010628 10/29/2010 POL -425.00 NND 004297 PO 110088 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. SNTRANCBS LIGHTING 2011 2011/O1/010670 11/OS/2010 BUC 15,000.00 R8F ORIGINAL HDDGBT 2011 2011/02/020137 11/OS/2010 API 100.00 VND 004297 PO 110088 LIGHTSCAPBS OUTDOOR TLBD. ENTRANCfiS LIGHTING MAIN 2011/02/020137 11/OS/2030 POL -100.00 VND 004297 PO 110088 LIGHTSCAPBS OUTDOOR TLBD. SNTRANCSS LIGHTING 2011 2011/02/020660 11/24/2010 API 925.00 VND 004297 PO 110088 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDDOR TLSD. HNTRANCHS LIGFiTING MAIN 2011/02/020660 11/24/2010 POL -425.00 VND 004297 PO 110088 LIGHTSCAPBS OUTDOOR TI.BD. SNTRANC&S LIGHTING 2011 2011/02/020785 12/07/2010 POE 200.00 VND 009165 PO 110909 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD. PRESSURS WASHING AT FOII 2011/03/030086 12/O1/2010 API 320.00 VND 014677 PO MARGE'S SPECIALTIBS X-MAS WREATHS FOR TOWN CENTER 2011/03/030996 12/20/2010 API 425.00 VND 004297 PO 110088 LIGHTSCAPBS OUTDOOR TLBD. SNTRANCSS LIGHTING MAIN 2011/03/030996 12/20/2010 POL -425.00 VND 004297 PO 110088 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. ENTItANCSS LIGHTING 2011 2011/03/030996 12/20/2010 API 330.50 VND 004297 PO 110088 LIGATSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. ENTRANCES LIGHTING MAIN 2011/03/030996 12/20/2010 POL -310.50 VND 004297 PO 110088 LIGHTSCAPBS OUTDOOR TLBD. ENTRANCSS LIGHTING 2011 2011/04/040233 O1/11/2011 POE 953.00 VND 004297 PO 111184 LIGHTSCAPSS OUTDOOR TLBD. MAIN ENTRANCE. REPLACE 184 55230 OP SUPPLY 100 0 100 .00 .00 100.00 2011/O1/010670 11/OS/2010 BIIC 1U0.00 RfiF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2011 184 58130 TR TO GF 77,474 0 77,474 .00 .00 77,474.00 2011/O1/010670 11/OS/2010 BUC 77,474.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGST 2011 184 59310 STAT RESSR 21,000 0 21,000 .00 .00 21,000.00 2011/O1/010670 11/OS/2010 BUC 21,000.00 RSF ORIGINAL BUDGST 2011 TOTAL TLBD MAINTBNANCE FUND 0 TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCB FUND 0 TOTAL REVENOES -556,539 TOTAL EXPSNSES 556,539 0 0 -343,180.96 0 0 -343,180.96 0 -556,539 -434,306.83 0 556,539 91,127.87 70.5� 65878 66204 66333 66475 66773 66773 03 Ot Ot 115,556.65 227,624.31 100.Ot 115,556.65 227,624.31 100.Ot .00 -122,230.17 115,556.65 .349;-854:.,48 Ol/18/2011 07:57 IC1ty of Niater Spzingo 8richait YTD 89Dfi8T - JANOARY 2011 P6 5 glytdbud FOR 2011 12 JOIIRNAL DSlAZL 2011 1 TO 2011 12 ORI�INAL TRANFRSI RSVISBD AVAILA8L8 PCP APPROP ADJSTElTB BIIDGST YTD ACiRAL ffiiC/RSQ HIIDGBT IIS� GRAND TOTAL 0 0 0 -343,180.96 115,556.65 227,624.31 100.0� +* fiND OF RSPORT - Generated by Steven Richart •+ I� .�..5 I -� ��� � 9� � � � �-P al �- �J°�J L � � L� or) � 1'N e- , � City of Winter Springs Tuscawilla Lighting and Beauti�cation District 2010/11 Annual Report Submiited by � � � Main OfFice 32605 Temecula Parkway, Suite 100 Temecula, CA 92592 800.676.7516 Regional Office 870 Market Street, Suite 1223 San Francisco, CA 94102 800.434.8349 TABLE OF CONTENTS DISTRICT ANALYSIS APPENDICES RESOLUTION NO. 2010-37 ASSESSMENT SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 ASSESSMENT ROLL D/STR/CT ANALYS/S DISTRICT In August of 1999, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs (the "City") created and imposed special assessments to finance certain improvements and services which benefit the properties within the Tuscawilla Assessment Area, also known as the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District (the "District"). The District has three components of the assessment: Tuscawilla Capital (Phase I) Assessment Area ("Phase I"), the TuscawNla Capital (Phase II) Assessment Area ("Phase II"), and a Maintenance assessment for both Phase I and Phase II. Improvements and services within Phase I of the District include the construction and maintenance of wing walls, median improvements, street lights, and street monuments. Improvements and services within Phase II of the District include the removal of existing street signage and street lights and the installation of new, decorative street signage and lamp posts along the collector roads in the District. The construction of the Phase I and Phase II improvements were financed by issuing bonds. The annual assessments provide the necessary funding to pay both the Phase I and Phase II annual debt senrice payments and to provide the necessary ongoing maintenance. The Phase I Bonds will mature with the October 1, 2029 debt service payment and the Phase II Bonds will mature with the July 1, 2021 debt service payment. LEVY The assessment of each parcel of property within the District is based upon the number of residential units present, which is measured in Equivalent Residential Units ("ERU's°). The ERU's assigned to each property are multiplied by the annual rate assigned for the Phase I, Phase II, and Maintenance components of the District. For the fiscal year 2010/11 Tuscawilla Phase I assessment, 4,202 parcels were levied for a total of $172,602.00, which is consistent with the prior year levy amount. For the fiscal year 2010/11 Tuscawilla Phase II assessment, 2,620 parcels were levied for a total of $42,279.51, which is consistent with the prior year levy amount. For the fiscal year 2010/11 Tuscawilla Maintenance assessment, 4,509 parcels were levied for a total of $515,880.00, which is consistent with the prior year levy amount. DELINQUENCIESlSPECIAL ISSUES As of August 10, 2010, the fiscal year 2009/10 delinquency rate for the Tuscawilla Phase I assessment was 1.76% which equaled $3,035.80 of outstanding delinquent installments. As of August 10, 2010, the fiscal year 2009/10 delinquency rate for the Tuscawilla Phase II assessment was 2.55% which equaled $1,077.80 of outstanding delinquent installments. As of August 10, 2010, the fiscal year 2009/10 delinquency rate for the Tuscawilla maintenance assessment was 1.71% which equaled $8,832.00 of outstanding delinquent installments. NBS will continue to review and monitor the DistricYs delinquencies periodically throughout the year. Each year, property owners are allowed to make capital assessment prepayments until the end of July. As of July 31, 2010, there were no eapital assessment prepayments received by the City for this past fiscal year for the District. NBS Brian Brown, Financial Analyst Dave Ketcham, Client Services Director Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautifiqtion District Annual Report — City of Winter Springs Prepared by NBS — Fiscal Year 2010/11 APPEND/CES RESOLUTION NO. 2010-37 ASSESSMENT SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 ASSESSMENT ROLL Tuscavvilla Ughting and Beautification District Annual Report — City of Winter Springs Prepared by NBS — Fiscal Year 2010111 CITY OF WIl�ITER SPRINGS, FZQRLDA RES�LUTION"NUMBER 20X0-37 A RES�LUTIOI`�l` OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF '�'HE CTI"Y OF WTNTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, APPItOV1NG ASSESSMENT ROLLS FOR VARI�US ASSESSMENT A.REAS ESTABLZSHED PURsSU�.NT TO 4RD7I�ANCE NQ. 98-7(}4; E5T.A.B�.ISHING THE LIEN ASS�CIATED THEREWI'TH; DIRECTING THAT THE ASSESSMENT ROLLS BE CERTIFZBD TO T"HE SElVf]NOLE COUNT"Y TAX CQLLECTOR; P12.OVIDING FOR THE REPE.�4L OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT RESOLU'TIO1�S; PROVIDll�IG FOR SEVERA BII,ITY; AND PROVIDIlVG AN EFFECTTVE DATE �'HER.EAS, �he City Commission {the "Comnni.ssion") a� the City of �inter Springs, Florida, enacted Ordinance No. 98-704 on July 27, 1998 (the "Or�iinance"), to provide for the creation of assessment azeas and authorize the imposition of special as�essmenfis ta fund the construction ax�d maintenance of Ioca1 improvements to serve the properiy located therein; and '4�GH��t.EAS, pvrsua�fi to the Ordinance, the Comrnission creat�d and imposed specia.l assessments within the Tuscawilla Improvement Area on August 23, I999, the T`uscavvilla. S.ervice Area an August 23, 1999, tlae - Qak Forest Asses�smeat Area oz� luEay L0, 204Q and the Tuscawilla (Phase IT) Assessment Area on Nover�tb�r 14, 2005; and WH�REAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Ordivance, the Conunission is requixed to adopfi an ".E1�az�ual Assessment Resolution" ditring its budget process £or each fiscal ye�a.r to approve the assessm�nt roll for such fiscal. year; anct W�iER.EAS, tl�e Commiss�on deems that this Resolution is in the best interests of the pu�blic h�a�#h, safety aud welfa.�e of the citizens of th.e C.ity o� 'Winter Sp�ings, Ftorida. NOW, T�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVEA B� �'HE C�TX CQMiV.i�SS�ON 4F T� C�'TY OF WINTE�t SPRINt�S, FLC�RIDA, AS FOLLaV4�S: SECTI4N 1. RECITALS. 'The abov� recitals are deemed inze and conrect and are hereby made a speczfic part of �a.is resolution. ca�y of w�� sP�gs Resolution Number 2010-37 Page 1 of 3 SECTYON 2. ALTTHORI'TY. T'�iis Reso2ution zs adopted pursuant to #he C}rclanance, Chapter 166, �larida Statutes, and ather applicabie provisians of law. SECTION 3. DEI�'INITIONS. AIl capi.ta�zzec3. t.�rms iz� this Reso�ution sha1.1 have the meanings defined. �n #he Chdinnan.ee and the implementing resolutions adopted pursuant tJ�ereta. SECTIUN 4. APP�t(��AL OF ASSE5SMEP�'� ROLLS. The assessment rolls on f Ie wi�h the City Clerk for the '�rscawiila Improvement Area, th.e 'Tusca�vt�illa Service Ar.�a, �the Qak F`orest Assessment Area and fihe Tuscawilla {�'hase IIj Assessment Area are hereby approved. Fnrsuant to Section 197.3b32, Florida Sta.t�utes, ea.ch assessrnent xolt shali be certified ta the Semin.ole County Ta.x Colleetor prior to Sept�mber 1 S, 2010, along with any necessary changes subseque�nt to tlae clate �e�eof pern�itted under Sect�ons 3.12 and 4. �2 af the Ordinance and the Uniform Assessment Collection Act. SECTION 5. ASSESSMENT L�ENS. Special assessments unposed within the assessment areas listed on the zous described in Section 4 hereof shall cansti#.u#.e a lien aga�ns# assessed �raperty equa:� in rank and digni�y with f.he liens of all state, cou�nty, district or municipal taxes and other non-ad valorem assessments. Except as otherwise provided by law, such lien shall be superior in dign.i.Ly ta all ather liens, ht�es and clai.xxxs, �ntil �a:e ad v�lorem tax bi�I for such year is o�.ierwise paid in fuli p.ur�uant to the Unif'orm Assessment �ollectian Act. The lien shall be deemed perfected upon adoption of tlus Resolutian and shall attach to the property imcluded on tb.e assessment roll as of January 1, 2010, tla.e. lien�d.axa for ad valoxem taxes. SECTIQN 6. C(Jl'�LiCTS. All prior resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are her.eby repeale.d to �he ext�nt af such conflict. SECTIUN 7. SEV�RABIL�TY.- If any clause section, other part or applicatiQx� af this Reso2utian is held �iy any court ofcam�etent jurisdiction be unconstitutional os invalid, in part or a�plication, it sha�l not affect the validity of the zem.aining po�rtions ar applications of th'ts Resc�lution. Ciry of Winter Sp IIIIgS Resotution Number 2414-37 Page 2 of 3 5�CTION 8. E�E�CTTV,E DA:TE. This Resoluti.on shall take effect immed:iately upon its passage and adoption. R:ESOLVE�? B"� �he City �omm�ssion of the Ci�y of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular me�ting a.ssemblad this 9th day of August, 2010. (SEAL} ATTEST: ��r4�:.� CIT"Y OF �TE12 SPR�NGS, F'LORIDA By: , _ � J F. Bush, Mayor City Clerk A:P'PR:(�V�D AS TO LEG.AL. FQRM A1'�I3 SU�IC�fiICY F4��L THE CITY �F WINTER SPRJNGS O1�I'L,Y: �y: . ,A.rz�hony . Garganese, t"aty Attomey City of Wi3nter Spzings Resolution Number 2010-37 Page 3 of 3 Winter Springs — Tuscawilla Assessments Assessment Summary: 2010 — 2011 S43.00/ERU Phase 1 Capital Rate, $17.00/ERU Phase il Capital Rate 8$120.00/ERU Maintenance Rate Capital Assessment Phase 1 Total ERU's .........................................................4,014.00 Parcel Count ............................................................4,202 Total Annual Assessment ..................................$172,602.00 Capital Assessment Phase 2 Total ERU's .......................................:.................2,487.03 Parcel Count ............................................................2,620 Total Annual Assessment ....................................$42,279.51 Maintenance Assessment Total ERU's ....................................................�.....4,299.00 Parcel Count .............................................................4,509 Totai Maintenance Assessment ............................$515,880.00 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Assessment Area (TLBAA) FY 2010-2011 Annual Assessment WiMer sprinps - speaal A�essment