HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 01 10 Consent 200 Agreement With Middlesex Corporation For Asphalt Resurfacing COMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 200
January 10, 2011 MGR \ /DEPT /
Meeting Authorization
REQUEST: Public Works Department requesting authorization to enter into a contract
agreement with The Middlesex Corporation for Asphalt Resurfacing of Various
City Streets (ITB# 002- 11 -BF) in the amount of $352,044.20.
SYNOPSIS: The FY 2010 -11 Asphalt Street Resurfacing Program consists of milling and
resurfacing City streets at various locations based on the updated 3 -year Paving
Master Plan. Staff recommends awarding a construction contract for the resurfacing
of all Year 1 (FY 2010 -11) streets plus three additional Year 2 streets to the low
bidder, The Middlesex Corporation, in the amount of $352,044.20 plus a 10%
• The updated 3 -year Paving Master Plan is attached as Exhibit A. The updated Master Plan
was developed based on Staffs review of all paved City streets in October and November
2010. The review consisted of a field evaluation of current pavement condition and a
review of the available paving history data. Streets for resurfacing were selected and ranked
in the 3 -year master plan based on the following factors:
o Overall ride quality
o Traffic volume
o Pavement age
o Signs of pavement deterioration and/or structural failure
o Completion of multi -phase paving programs in specific neighborhoods
o Input from Residents
o Funding availability
• Based on the 3 -year master plan, the Year 1 (FY 2010 -11) paving program consists of the
following streets:
o Big Buck Circle
o Holiday Lane from Alton to Sailfish
o North Edgemon Avenue from S.R. 434 to S.R. 419
o Cortez Avenue from S.R. 434 to Lombardy
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o Northern Way from Shetland Avenue to Duncan Drive (east)
o Pony Court
o Winding Hollow Blvd. from S.R. 434 to Brookshire
o Winding Hollow Park — Pave Parking Area
• Bid #ITB- 002 -11 -BF to complete resurfacing of the above - listed streets was advertised in
the Orlando Sentinel on November 14, 2010 and posted on the Bids/Purchasing page on the
City's website. Bids were opened on December 16, 2010 with the results for the five (5)
bids received as follows:
1. The Middlesex Corporation $292,383.40
2. Hubbard Construction Co. $305,827.60
3. P &S Paving, Inc. $316,857.00
4. APAC - Southeast, Inc. $373,986.10
5. Ranger Construction Industries $378,910.50
• Staff has reviewed the bids and recommends that the bid be awarded to the lowest bidder,
The Middlesex Corporation. Middlesex has successfully completed resurfacing work for the
City in the past, including the FY 2007 -08, 2008 -09, and 2009 -10 resurfacing programs.
• Middlesex's unit prices for resurfacing were lower than projected. As a result, additional
streets can be added to the current year resurfacing program within the available funding.
Middlesex has agreed to extend the unit prices in their bid to additional streets. Staff is
recommending adding the following streets in Winding Hollow, which are all listed in Year
2 of the Paving Master Plan:
1. Timberwilde Avenue from Shallowbrook Avenue north to end
2. Saddlewood Lane
3. Twelve Oaks Drive from Saddlewood Lane to Timberwilde Avenue
The total additional cost for resurfacing the three streets listed above is $59,660.80, which
increases the total contract award amount to $352,044.20. Resurfacing of the above- listed
streets will substantially complete the pavement rehabilitation program in Winding Hollow.
The funding source for the City's Asphalt Resurfacing Program is the Transportation
Improvement Fund #104 (Local Option Gas Tax). The project cost is $352,044.20 plus a 10%
contingency. The project budget is $350,000 (line code #104 - 65000- 30075) and the remaining
$2,044.20 plus the 10% contingency will be funded through a supplemental appropriation from the
Transportation Improvement Fund balance.
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This Agenda Item has been forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission; City Manager;
City Attorney /Staff; placed in Press Packets; placed in the City Hall (Lobby) City Commission
Meeting binder; and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server.
Additionally, information related to this Agenda Item has been sent to media/press representatives
who have requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, all Homeowner's Associations on file with
the City, all individuals who have requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, Department
Directors; and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside City Hall with additional copies available
for the general public; and posted at five (5) different locations around the City.
Staff communicates with residents for each paving segment through items such as written
notices, e-mail alerts, website notices, direct communication with Homeowner's Associations, and
by the onsite presence of the City's inspector.
Staff recommends that the City Commission approve The Middlesex Corporation for
Asphalt Resurfacing of Various City Streets in the amount of $352,044.20 plus 10% contingency,
funded from the Transportation Improvement Fund including a supplemental appropriation of
$33,160.22, and authorize the City Manager and City Attomey to prepare and execute any and all
applicable documents.
1. Exhibit A — 3 -Year Pavement Master Plan
2. Bid Tabulation for ITB #002 -11 -BF
Mill & Resurface
Project Project Type Yards Total Cost
Year 1
FY 2010-11
Big Buck Circle Resurface 6,200 $42.625
Holiday Lane from Alton to Sailfish Resurface 4,842 533.289
North Edgemon Avenue from SR434 to SR419 Resurface 8,830 560,706
Cortez Ave from 434 to Lombardy Resurface 2,824 S19.415
Northern Way from Shetland Ave to Duncan Drive (east) Resurface 10.785 $74,147
Pony Court Resurface 2.149 514,774
Winding Hollow Blvd from 434 to Brookshire Resurface 3.864 526.565
Winding Hollow Park - Pave Parking Area New Paving 0 52.021
Total 39.494 5273.543
Year 2 -
FY 2011 -12
Sheoah Circle - Galston to Shepard (East Half) Resurface 5.703 539.208
Chestnut Ridge St and Hazelnut St Resurface 7,029 548.324
Chestnut Estates (north and south of WS Blvd) Resurface 6,549 545,024
Devon Ave from 434 to Lombardy Resurface 2,.753 $18,927
Shepard Road from Erica Way to Lisa Loop (west) Resurface 5.173 535.564
Timberwilde Ave. from Shallowbrook north to end Resurface 4,260 529.288
Twelve Oaks Dr from Saddlewood to Timberwilde Resurface 816 55.610
Saddlewood Lane Resurface 3,052 $20,983
Total 35.335 5242.928
Year 3
FY 2012 -13
Northern Way from Howell Creek Bridge to Shetland Resurface 6,713 546,152
Meadowbrook Drive Resurface 2,704 518,590
Murphy Road from Gee Creek Bridge to Panama Resurface 4,009 527,562
Cortez Ave from SR 434 to 2nd Street Resurface 4.427 530,436
North Hawthom Circle Resurface 2.400 516.500
Camphorwood Street Resurface 2.748 518,893
Bitterwood St from Aiderwood to Edgemon Resurface 2,931 520,151
Birch Terrace Resurface 2.593 517.827
Total 28.525 5196.109
3-Year Totabs $712,580
Note: Pricing based on bids received December 16, 2010
ITB-002/11 /BF
DECEMBER 15, 2010
Ranger Construction Industries,
TM Middlesex Corporation P16 Paving, Inc. APAC .$041111084 Inc, Inc. Hubbard Construction Company
1 MOBILIZATION LA 1 312, 60,00 312,260,00 515,951.00 515,951.00 113,000.00 113000.00 517,000.00 517,000.00 614266 611,286,00
2 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC LB 1 18,600,00 18,600,00 514,362.00 514,362.00 40,000,00 320,000,00 518,000.00 516,000.00 116,496.00 119,180,00
3 EROSION PROTECTION LS 1 $100,00 $190,00 5525.00 5525.00 33,000.00 $9.000,00 54,000.00 54,000.00 81.500,00 41,500.00
4 MILLING OF EXISTING ASPHALT 0.7r AVG DEPTH) eY 30,404 31,10 $43,443,40 51.00 539,494.00 $1,58 385.166,10 51.25 549,387.50 61,26 349,357.60
8 SUPERPAVE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 8P -12.5 (TRAFFIC C) TN _ 3,207 370.00 323Q,090,00 575.00 5246,525.00 193,00 1272,621,00 589.00 5292,543.00 14,30 3221,216,10
TOTAL PRICE (sum of hems 1 through 5): 6253,383.40, 3315,567.00 1373.398,19 3311,910.50 $306,627,30
Staff Recommendation of Award: The Middlesex Corponllon
Scheduled for City Commission Approval: January 10, 2011