HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 12 01 Other - CALNO - Provided by Chief of Police Kevin Brunelle r
Date: December 1, 2010
The attached was provided by Winter Springs'
Chief of Police Kevin Brunelle at the December
1, 2010 Council of Local Governments in
Seminole County (CALNO) which was hosted
by the City of Winter Springs.
A pharmaceutical take -back program brought to you by:
DrugFreeCollier.org FREE
Quick Reference Guide
WHAT IS Operation Medicine Cabinet ®?
Operation Medicine Cabinet® (OMC) is a pharmaceutical take -back program that allows citizens to dispose
of their unused or expired over - the - counter and prescription medications, including controlled substances.
OMC provides the opportunity for a community to change its habits in regards to the use and safe storage
of pharmaceuticals, all in an effort to reduce accessibility to dangerous substances from our youth. All
medications that are collected are safely destroyed by incineration, which environmental specialists con-
sider to be the best method. At the present time, OMC is known to be the best choice for protecting the
environment and preventing diversion of pharmaceuticals from getting into the wrong hands.
WHY USE Operation Medicine Cabinet ®? ‘_ ■ S ...
Medications, whether prescribed or over - the - counter, are
produced in many forms. Pills, liquids, powders and inhalers are Controlled Substances
effective for well being, illness, annoying and painful conditions. Specific prescription medications
When we take them home and put them in drawers, medicine that are regulated by the DEA
cabinets, or leave them on the counter, our intent is to use them because of their potential for abuse.
appropriately. However, prescriptions or over - the - counter drugs Regulated under the Controlled
are frequently overused, abused or even stolen. Substances Act.
Schedule I -
/ ♦ Nearly 7 million Americans are abusing prescription drugs— \ illegal drugs (Heroin, LSD, etc.)
an 80% increase since 2000. Schedule II -
♦ Opioid painkillers cause more drug overdose deaths than morphine, OxyContin, codeine,
cocaine and heroin combined. Demerol, Ritalin, amphetamines
• Nearly 1 in 10 high school seniors admit to abusing Schedule III
Tylenol with codeine, Vicodin
prescription painkillers. Schedule IV -
• 40% of teens and an almost equal number of parents benzodiazepines, Valium
think abusing prescription painkillers is safer than abusing Schedule V -
"street" drugs. } codeine cough syrups
Over- the - Counter (OTC) Medication
How do we get rid of expired, unwanted or unused drugs? Pharmaceuticals sold without a
Drug Free Collier suggests Operation Medicine Cabinet® and this prescription. May be purchased
Quick Reference Guide outlines the steps to implementing this suc- online, in a drug store, health food
cessful program in your community. store, grocery store, etc..
Responsible disposal of pharmaceuticals starts with YOU.
A pharmaceutical take back program brought to you by j r "
DrugIreeConlernrg FREE
HOW TO use Operation Medicine CabinetTM
Who can use Operation Medicine Cabinet ®?
Drug Free Collier will grant a non - exclusive, royalty -free license to use the Operation Medicine Cabinet® trade-
mark to law enforcement agencies, substance abuse coalitions, community organizations or other agencies who
wish to collect and safely dispose of prescription and over -the counter medication. Entities who are granted a
license are required to accept the terms and conditions set forth in the Trademark License Agreement, available
from Drug Free Collier.
Who owns the rights to Operation Medicine Cabinet ®?
The Substance Abuse Coalition of Collier County, d /b /a Drug Free Collier, is the owner of the trademark for
Operation Medicine Cabinet® in the State of Florida, with a pending federal trademark application filed with the
United States Patent and Trademark Office. As the licensor, Drug Free Collier holds the exclusive right to use
and license the use of the trademark in connection with the services of collection and destruction of prescription
medications and controlled substances.
Summary of terms and conditions for use of trademark.
Upon entering a Trademark License Agreement with Drug Free Collier, you must agree:
♦ to acknowledge Drug Free Collier's exclusive right to use and license the use of the trademark.
♦ not to claim any title to the trademark, except as permitted by the agreement.
♦ not to adopt or use, without Drug Free Collier's prior written consent, any variation of the trademark
or any mark likely to be similar to or confused with Operation Medicine Cabinet ®.
♦ not to assert any claim to the Operation Medicine Cabinet® trademark, neither during nor after the
termination of the agreement.
A representative of a federal, state or local law enforcement agency must be present and must oversee all
collection of prescription, over - the - counter and controlled substances in connection with Operation Medicine
Cabinet ®. Licensees will not use the trademark without adhering to either Drug Free Collier protocols or law
enforcement protocols and will not use the trademark in connection with any other service.
If you are interested in using Operation Medicine Cabinet for your community's pharmaceutical take -back
program, contact Drug Free Collier today to get started!
Drug Free Collier Phone: (239) 377 -0535
P.O. Box 770759 E -mail: info @drugfreecollier.org
Naples, Florida 34107 Web: www.drugfreecollier.org
OMC Promotional Items and Templates
Available for a nominal donation.
A pharmaceutical take back program brought to you by:
OrugFreoCoIbor.org !1!L'=
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step 1: build partnerships
A successful Operation Medicine Cabinet® (OMC) program requires strong collaborative partnerships ' ,'
s with individuals and organizations who have a vested interest in the responsibility to protect children
and the environment. . ,
• Establish a memorandum of understanding with Drug Free Collier to use Operation
Medicine Cabinet ®.
• Establish a partnership with your community's law enforcement agency(ies) to ensure
proper handling of disposed pharmaceuticals, specifically controlled substances.
OMC does not work without a law enforcement partnership.
• Contact your community substance abuse coalition, solid /hazardous waste departments,
school district, faith -based organizations and business community.
i step 2: establish locations (8 -12 weeks prior to event)
The partnerships from step 1 are essential to securing locations for your community's OMC program.
Attempt to coordinate locations throughout your community at venues that are easily accessible and
have high "foot traffic." Some examples include:
• grocery stores • large retail stores • wholesale distributors
• pharmacies • churches • recycling centers ri
step 3: develop PR strategy (6 -8 weeks prior to event)
A successful Operation Medicine Cabinet® event requires a solid media strategy customized to the specific
needs of your community. The goal is not only to have a large number of pills or bottles collected at your
sites, but to educate the public and instill a sense of responsibility in regards to prescription and
over - the - counter medication use, storage and disposal.
Some ideas for promoting OMC in your community:
y • Partner with your school district to distribute flyers to all students /parents.
• Promote on agency websites and through social media channels (i.e. Facebook, Twitter).
4 ' • Ask your partners and your Chamber of Commerce to distribute information electronically.
44, • Attach OMC flyers to the paper bags provided at your local pharmacies.
• Submit articles, press releases and PSA's to your local media - ask for a televised interview.
• Enlist the help of local community groups (i.e. Boy Scouts) to help spread the message. t r
1:: Promotional items, templates and customizable items are available through Drug Free Collier. See the
back panel of this Quick Reference Guide for details.
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A pharmaceutical take hack program brought to you by DRUG
DrugkeeColher.org FREE
step 4: coordinate volunteers (5 weeks prior to event)
Send requests for volunteer assistance to your contacts and to all partner contacts. It is suggested to
have at least 2 citizen volunteers and 1 law enforcement officer at each location. More volunteers may
be needed if you establish rotating schedules or for venues with high traffic. Use this opportunity
to establish a volunteer database with names and contact information.
step 5: implement PR plan (begin 4 weeks prior to event)
Begin implementation of the PR strategy developed at step 3 about a month prior to the event.
Distribute flyers, signs and all other printed materials announcing Operation Medicine Cabinet ®.
• Distribute banners to the locations participating in the event.
♦ Send materials electronically to all available e-mail databases.
♦ Submit radio PSA's and press releases. Contact TV media outlets for coverage
(1 - 2 weeks prior to event).
♦ Submit guest commentary to local newspaper(s) (week of event).
step 6: conduct OMC event
Prepare kits for each location about 2 weeks prior to the event. Include:
♦ clipboard with OMC protocol, necessary forms and surveys (if applicable)
♦ cardboard boxes for collecting medications and liquids
♦ tablecloth, banner, tape, string, pens, permanent marker (table provided by location)
♦ trash bags (trash container provided by location)
• volunteer name tags and lanyards
♦ giveaways and substance abuse educational material
♦ Ask citizens to open their own bottles and drop pills directly into the cardboard box.
♦ Liquids can remain in bottles. Tighten lids to prevent leakage and place in cardboard box.
♦ Black out names on empty medication bottles and dispose in trash container.
♦ At the end of the event, ONLY law enforcement deputies take possession of all medication - filled
cardboard boxes and prepare for incineration, per their agency's protocol.
step 7: post -event follow -up
♦ Volunteers submit forms and surveys for each location and return kits to the program coordinator.
♦ Prepare and submit post -event press release to announce your program's success.
♦ Conduct a debriefing meeting with all participants to discuss successes and suggestions.
♦ Don't forget to thank all of your volunteers, law enforcement officers and partners.
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Open Liquids Trash
Weapons Mail
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