HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 12 13 Consent 200 Increase Construction Contingency On Wal-Rose, Inc. Contract For Soloary Canal Regional Stormwater Treatment Area COMMISSION AGENDA
December 13, 2010 MGR /DEPT / '/Vi-
Meeting Authorization
REQUEST: Public Works Department requesting authorization to increase the construction
contingency on the City's contract with Wal -Rose, Inc. for the Solary Canal
Regional Stormwater Treatment Area from 10% to 16 %.
SYNOPSIS: The Solary Canal Regional Stormwater Treatment Area is approximately 65%
complete at this time. Unforeseen groundwater conditions have required changes to
the project's scope and schedule that will likely require an increase in the approved
construction contingency. The project construction cost including the construction
contingency is funded by the St. John's River Water Management District.
• The Solary Canal Regional Stormwater Treatment Area is located on a 28.9 -acre property at
1900 DeLeon Street in the northeast corner of the City of Winter Springs (see Exhibit A).
The Solary Canal project is a planned partnership between the St. Johns River Water
Management District (SJRWMD), Seminole County, the City of Oviedo, and the City of
Winter Springs. SJRWMD is funding the entire cost of construction (up tp $1.7 million),
and the three local agencies (Winter Springs, Oviedo, and Seminole County) are planning to
equally share in the annual operation and maintenance costs for the project.
• Authorization to award the construction contract to Wal -Rose, Inc. was approved by the City
Commission at the January 11, 2010 Commission meeting (ITB #010- 09 -BF) in the amount
of $1,465,739.80 plus a 10% contingency, for a total authorization of $1,612,313.78. This
agenda items is requesting an increase in the contingency from 10% to 16 %, which will
bring the total authorization up to $1,700,000.
• Construction started on April 19, 2010 and is approximately 65% complete at this time. On
July 12, 2010, an artesian groundwater discharge was encountered during excavation of the
wetland area. Several additional artesian discharges were encountered during the week of
July 12. On approximately July 19, 2010, the contractor was directed to suspend deep
excavation due to the potential for encountering additional artesian discharges. Additional
geotechnical investigations were performed by Ardaman & Associates, Inc. during the first
week of August 2010. Ardaman's investigation indicated the deeper areas of the pond and
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wetland area, which have yet to be excavated, could be vulnerable to failure due to
hydrostatic uplift pressures more closely related to the upper Floridan aquifer. SJRWMD's
design engineer, CH2M Hill, has prepared a design modification that shallows the pond and
wetland areas by several feet to minimize the risk of failure. Shallowing the pond and
wetland areas will reduce the treatment efficiency of the project but with the re- design it still
provides at least 90% of the original phosphorous removal rate. All excavation work was
temporarily suspended on September 14, 2010 to allow the required design modifications to
be completed and for the applicable permits to be updated.
• SJRWMD and the City are currently in negotiations with the contractor, Wal -Rose, Inc.,
regarding the cost to perform the remaining excavation work. Wal -Rose has claimed that
the remaining material to be excavated is unsuitable due to a high clay content, and this
material must be hauled off and disposed offsite at a landfill. In addition, the design
modification includes a procedure for plugging the two artesian discharges ( "boils ")
encountered within the wetland area. It is expected that the additional costs for these items
and related work in the modified design drawings will exceed the approved 10%
contingency. Staff is requesting the contingency be raised to 16 %, which will bring the
City's total construction authorization up to $1,700,000, matching the total amount available
from SJRWMD. The project funding to date is summarized in the table below.
Construction Funding:
Wal -Rose Base Construction Cost $1,465,739.80
Approved Change Orders to Date $100,196.64
Total Construction: $1,565,936.44
Design Funding:
Design Services (CH2M Hill) S24,800.00
Water Quality Testing 54,835.60
Total Design: $29,635.60
Total Amount Authorized to Date
(Construction + Design): $1,595,572.04
Total Project Funding Available from
SJRWMD: $1,700,000.00
Total Contingency Funding Available: $104,427.96
The project construction is funded 100% by the St. Johns River Water Management District.
In accordance with the terms of the construction funding agreement, the City invoices the District
monthly during the construction period and the District reimburses the City within 45 days of
receipt of an approved invoice. The District has paid all invoices submitted to date on time.
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Agenda Item #200
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This Agenda Item has been forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission; City Manager;
City Attorney /Staff; placed in Press Packets; placed in the City Hall (Lobby) City Commission
Meeting binder; and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server.
Additionally, information related to this Agenda Item has been sent to media/press representatives
who have requested Agendas /Agenda Item information, all Homeowner's Associations on file with
the City, all individuals who have requested Agendas /Agenda Item information, Department
Directors; and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside City Hall with additional copies available
for the general public; and posted at five (5) different locations around the City.
Furthermore, the following has also been completed to further communicate the information in this
Agenda Item:
1) At the start of construction, Staff mailed construction notices to all surrounding residents
which included project information and contact information.
2) A project information sign at the project entrance off of DeLeon Street has been in place
since the start of the project.
Staff recommends that the City Commission authorize an increase the construction
contingency on the City's contract with Wal -Rose, Inc. for the Solary Canal Regional Stormwater
Treatment Area from 10% to 16% and authorize the City Manager and City Attorney to prepare and
execute any and all applicable documents.
1. Exhibit A - Site Location
Project Site
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