HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 12 01 Other - Winter Springs Town Center, "Capturing a Young City's Imagination and Projecting an Image of its Brigh Future"Planning & Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting December 1, 2010 The attached PowerPoint presentation was shown by the Community Development Department. «'I \TF.R SPRI \GS TOWNCENTER apturing a Young Citj'5 Imagination and Projecting an Image of its bright ruture" Town Center — An examination of its hJ5tory and Clarification of its Vision 1 .Urbanity density are OK, but "strip malls" aren't. 2.A walkable communitt�. ,.rrecctabiIit in clesign /flexibility in land use. +.Vsi61 derent section of 5tate Road 434. 5.important sites for special public places. 6.rreserve & connect the natural environment. 7.Design for the long term & near term. 8.No one "deal killer" feature. "Vision witkout action is cla but action witkout vision is random activit9." Developers Community Interest Euclidian zoning codes Commercial "Big Box" Sprawl "if y ou plan cities for cars and traffic, y ou het cars and traffic. i plan for people an place5, y ou het P eople and places" Fred Kent u15601561 fotosearch.com are034 www.fotosearch.com " A goocl plan tocla is better tan a P erfect p tomorrow" George S. Patton rorm --- based Codes CONVENTIONAL TRADITIONAL __ _ kr- 4 --- "The roblem is not tie P rofit motive -- profit as alwa s been the driver of ID uiIcIing in this countr --- tile issue is p attern. 5o long as the P attern was tile compact, walkable and diverse nei �bortiooci, we could continue growing --- and did so for 250 ears. When th pattern e than g ed after WW 11 it became unsustainable." Andres Duany Walkable com rr.e rcial st rest: "Vilih=10 retail potential analysis THE ASSIGNMENT Is retail supportable as a part of this mixed -use development in Winter Springs? If so, to whom would this retail appeal? What retail, entertainment and food components are supportable? What are the population and demographic characteristics of the trade area residents? How do they impact the viability of retail on this property? 17% OCCUPATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF POPULATION 1 YEARS & ABOVE IN THE TOTAL TRADE AREA 16% 16% 2% II Executive & Managerial Professional Specialty 16% El Technical Support Sales 3 7 Administrative Support • Service: Protective Service: Other Farming, Forestry, Fishing TO Precision Product & Craft '! Machine Operator II Transportation/ Materials Moving Laborers 4,500 4,200 4,800 8,000-z' 1 0, 000 J 10,000 3,500 2,500 92,500 Square Feet of Ground Level Uses Grocery Hardware / Home Impr. Pharmacy Storefront Uses • Restaurant with Liquor • Restaurant w/o Liquor Video / Entertainment • Personal Services • Cards & Gifts if 6000:10S J Y y fi • _ Blocks, Lots, Streets, Squares, Natural Ar=as rrinciples: (Jrbanitj, high density— but no "strip malls" Predictability in design, flexibility in land use Visibly different section of 5.K. +3+ I mporLant sites for special public places P reserve & connect to natural environment Desi for both long term & near term A walkable community Mixed activities: gathering, civic life, lodging, workplace, shopping, entertainment, housing A focal, central space A "par _ once" environment T own centers: D esigned for change over time h igIiI j walkable & highl connected `I`/ell- defined streets & s9uares Elevation 2nd floor plan l st floor plan • -- Publix signage ■ S.R. 434 Frontage Road Pub lix interior • 1 MANE BLDG AREA TOTAL NEMER (F) PARKING rt a 2 ‘1O . /14727 ACED 42 SPICES 21 110 I. 2. &2 244202 MO 24AS-129 1 7 1 .0 4 - B .R. 434. v \ _ 8,R. 43 4 _ L 4. 0 ..; . • =••,_ ▪ \ 1 A 12 1 1 4 IAA Winter Springs Tomn Center if 6000:10S J Y y fi • _ Blocks, Lots, Streets, Squares, Natural Ar=as ■, mt.. ;..%,..' • ii ,Aroo _ 11 1 '111".. MI 1 gill 1111 I g 1 ' - __r_ Jo r lin-JI IliIiIIIIIIIII,,IIHIL Boo" Voted 423ece NeW Ito' rap,. The "true" public realm i that P ortion of our ever world wilick belong5 to ever y ancl to wkick ever0ocl y ouglit to kave e access most of tke time. Wk9 is tke Public Keaim important? 5odal healtli & human interaction KeasonalDie access and use of Public spaces citizens is an important element of a civil societ9 6ut suck spaces are clisappearing from Public control . yes, bi a d We kave shaped our Cities ... ...and our Cities kave shaped us Overweight Heart Failure National Health Epldemlcs Hype rtension Isolate" Asthma Poorly Developed Neural Pathways Qurlove affair with our cars 11a5 ancl continues to "fuel" the problem... We kave abrogated ourres for communit making to the private sector. As a result, we kave tile finest private realm in tile developed world, but our P ublic realm is brutal. Walt Get5 It. The rublic Ream in America has became so atrocious in the P ostwar clecacles that the Disne Corporation has created an artificial substitute for it ancl successfulj markets it as a commodity. How can we get it back? nil Streets nterConnectecl; blocks 5ized for Walking 11111 ■1111111 111111===== muniES===E WrINUMInE nomumliFege 1111111ftpu IIlIIIIIIIIIliI mike III lir 1 YES 19111 i 1 MUM 1 EMINIFI L , illinil i minimum 1 elmogiu . I 'muumuu i IOLA Ilan Ihnillin i iriiiim WM W9111•11 1 MOO Mil UMW 1 1 I 11 ' . KIM 'MAIM Et is. MOM ! II • 1111111111 1•1 'MUMMERS I 1 MUM" 1 Millielnil Slim= 1 IMMO •!, 1 Mild MUM Kesiclential 1 1%6% *M. .6 Legend • Signalized Intersection • Directional Opening Right In, Right Out, Left In ▪ To Be Deterrnined Right In, Right Out • Right In, Right Out, Lett In Typical Suburban Street Layout Parking —City of Deland Parking —City of Winter Park S.R. 434 Speed SPEED LIMIT 45 Architectural cohesiveness ttiat contributes to a strong sense of p while also blending in witk adjacent buildings /communities "if builclings are beautiful, kigkerclen5ft compounds tat beaut Conversel if buildings are uQ'l , then kigker densit compounds tkat ugliness" builcling architecture - Winter 'ark ^' f!d illq Wig twit iiii liiilic ,4 7 a RI