HomeMy WebLinkAboutVeterans of Foreign Wars, Post 5405 - Fourth of July Boys Scout Agreement - 2010 06 30 • FOUWTB OF JULY BOY SCOUT AGREEMENT • • THU FOURTH OF JULY BOY SCOUT AUNT rAgrecment ") :is entered into this 34 day of :71r•1E" , 2010, by and between the crrir OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida municipal corporation ("City"). and WINTER. S.eRINCS POST NO. 54.05 VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE UNITED • STATES,INC., :a.Florida nonprofit torporatlon.(`Boy.Semite). WHEREAS, the City will bold the ammual W"mter Springs Fourth of July Celebration at Central Winds park ()ably 4, 2010 ("fourth of July events and WHEREAS, the Boy Scouts desire to !amide services to the 'public and to the City b1y edlicatb28 e publia but Sco ld:AK WHEREAS, the City and Boy Scouts desire to enter into a nnrtually beneficial auanremrxe whereby the City shall provide to the Bop Scouts six tables at the Fourth of July .event at which the Boy Scouts will ucatt the .pltblic about Scouting :and be available :to • collect donations from menbers .ofthepublie; and W1LEREAS, the City and Boy Scouts agree that the City shall retain a percentage of the donations derived from collections at the tables to help oftlet the cost of the Fourth of July event; and WHEREAS, the parties 'hereto desire to set forth their mutual understanding regarding sharing of•donatibns; NOW THEREFORE, in exchange for the mutual promises and consideration set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: • 1.0 Itecikx1s. The :foregoing recitals .are rimmed true and correct and are hereby in orporated. hercin:by.tbiis.xeference as.a material part of this Agreement 2.0 Use of City Tables at the Fourth of July Event The City hereby authorizes the Boy Scouts to operate sic (6) tables ("Tables") at the Fourth of July Event for educating the public on Scouting matters and collecting donations. The City will provide the Tables'to the Boy Scouts :at no .cost. The Boy 'Stouts :shall use the Tables for the sole purposes .6f (x) •educing the public an various subjects related to Scouting, . including but not limited to leading animal prints, :bacicpa :and providing general information on the Boy Scouts; and (2) collecting donations. The Boy Scouts shaft not • use the Tables for any other purpose. The location of the Tables shall be determined in the sole discretion of the City. Tables shall be operated by at least one Boy Scout vohmtaeerover eighteen,(9:8) years :of age. • ZO'd VZ:L OTOZ t Inc L96L669LOt7 :xe3 dmS 3.0 Bhn*tbons. The City and Boy Scoots •wev that she 'City :shall receive seventy -five percent (75 %) of all donations generated from the Boy Scouts operation of the Tables, and the Boy Scouts shall receive the remaining twenty-five percent (25 %) of such donations. On July 4, 2010, at the conclusion of tips Fourth of July event, the Boy Scouts shall (a) Count all donation. money receivedby the Boy Scouts at the Fourth of July event; (b) Provide the City with notice of the total amount of donations received by the Boy Scouts; and (c) 'Submit seventy-five percent (75 %) .of .all such donations to the City 'Finance Director or the City 1!inarncc Director's designee. 4.0 Indemnification and Bald Harmless. For all services performed pursuant to this Agteeaeni, the Boy Scouts agree to the Test extent perndtted by law, to inc tnnify •and hold hamr<less The City, Its employees, +attorneys and officers, from an .against all claw, 'losses, damages, personal injuries •(intilndling but net limited to :death), or liability ( including reasonable attorney's fees), directly or indirectly arising from, or out of the following: (a) the acts, errors, omissions, intentional or otherwise, arising out of or resulting from Boy Scouts and its officers, employees, painters, Boy Scouts, volunteers, and agents ;pert ©rmance of . the services being wed under this Agreement; (b) Boy 'Scout*, and its officers, employees, partners, Boy .Scouts, volunteers, and agents failure to comptywiththre provisions of any federal, state, or local laws, ordinance, or regulations appfiicable to Boy Scouts and its otlirers, employees, • partners, Boy Scouts, volunteers, and agents prrfomrence under this Agreement; (c) any fraud and misrepresentation conducted by Boy Scouts and its officers, employees, partners, Boy .Seats, volunteers, and agents .against the City or any person participating in any program, •fitnetion, and . service 'conducted pursuant to this Agreement; (d) Boy Scouts's and its officers, employees, padners, Boy 'Smuts, volunteers, and agents failure to property expend any Fonds provided by the City pursuant to this Agreement. • The indemnification provided above shall obligate the Boy Scouts to defend at its owra expense or to provide for such •efense, .at the option of the 'City, 'of any -and an claims of liability and all suits and actions 'of •eveil name and description that may be brought against the City Or its employees and officers •which, may 'result from the performance under this Agreement whether the performance by the Boy Scouts, its officers, employees, Boy Scouts, partners, volunteers, and amts or anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Boy Scouts. In all event the City shall be permitted to choose legal counsel of its sole •dice, tbe.fees 'for which stall be reasonable and sv ject•to and included with :the indemnification presided i erein. 5.0 Assi>ent. Boy Scouts shall not assign this Agreement. 20'd bZ:L 0 tOZ I InC 2.96L6692.0V:XEd dOPIS • • 6.0 . Ins aranec tea eaitII(s. For all performance xalder, and requirements of is Agreement, tie By Scorr s shall parlour and nraiatalo, at its uwu opener, sods • general liability insurance to cover claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person or property damage arising in any way out of the programs, functions, and services performed by Boy Scants end sis ar* orinsd Boy %cents =der ibis • hgceamcro. The insurance 'Shall have minimum limits nf enverage Af'.Sl;000,00o:00 per .occurrence combined single limit •for bodily inter liability and .preperty damage liability. All insurance coverage shall be insmer(s) approved by the City lfanager dad &waged by the state of Florida to engage in business of writing of insurance. The City shall be named on the foregoing insurance policies as "additional inured." The Boy Scouts shall cause its insurance carriers to 'funk 5nsmancae certified= was eodvrsemeetre • and amounts of coverage and effect pursuant lento, the expiration-dare +en •such policies, and the statement that no insurance under such policies wall be cancelled without thirty oft) days prior written. notice to the City in =agar= with other provisions of & t • Agreement. The Boy Scouts shall be solely responsible to pay any deductible, if any, relating to any claim made against the insurance coverages and policies provided under this .Agreement if the City has .witty dejection Ito the enverage .aratsrdtad port w dale. provision of the instaauu a xequired•to the purchased and maintained by the Day Scouts • in accordance with this Paragraph on the basis (Zits not 'complying with the Agreement, the City shaft notify the Buy Swats in wan* thereofwittihr thirty (3Q) days of tae doe of deliver of such certificates and endorsements to the City. For all programs, functions, and services permitted and occurring under this Agreement, including any and all programs, YuncYnor s, ants :services provided and pedantic by Sery Studs sold by • authorized Boy Scouts, 'the Boy 'Scouts shall *oniinuausly maintain :such insurance in the amok ty c, .and quality as regrnrcd by this paragraph. 7.0 Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence upon full execution of' this Agreement by the parties and end at such time Boy Scouts have fully performed under this Agreement to the complete satisfaction of the City. '8:0 Agreement is a Private !Undertaking. With regard to all requirements of this _Agreement and senders performed 'hereunder, it is specifically understood and agreed to by and between the parties hereto that the contracutal relationship between the City and Boy Scouts is such that the Boy Scouts is an independent Boy Scouts and is neither an. agent nor employee of the City. Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to establish any relationship •other'than that of •independert't•,canttact, between the City, on one band, and the Boy .Scouts, .during or after the 'performance required under this Agreement. 9.0 Govenuu! Law: Venue. The Agreement shall be governed by the law • of the State of Florida. Venue of all disputes shall be properly placed in Seminole County, Florida. 'The parties agree that the .Agreement was consummated in :Seminole County, •and the site of•thhe ptia nee •is Seminole .Comer. if any , dispute 'concerning this Agteementaiises under'Fedetal lat ':the venuavtill be•Ortandn Florida. • GO 'd SZ : z O TOL I Inc 2.962.669ZO17: XE j dCIPIS • :10.0 ,Bay 'Ssetts ,*tative. The Boy Scout shall designate an individual to act as a representative for the Boy Scouts under this Agreement with the authority to transmit instructions, receive information, and make or interpret the Boy Scouts decisions. This person. shall be the Boy Scouts Agreement wlminictrator. The Boy Scouts may firma time to lime designate other ofher'indivirhalii or delete individuals With the authority to act for the Boy Scouts under this Agreemest with the .authority to transmit instructions, receive nibtm in». and make or .inteipa+et The :Boy .Scouts decisions. All delctiona or designation of individuals to serve as a representative shall be given by written notice. 11:0 Notices. All projects 'hereunder, ell •notices, •demands, requests, instructions, tions, :approvals, and •chains shall the in 'writing .All !notii ces of any type hereunder shall be given .b913:5.. mad, or by hand ..delivery to an indvidual authorized to receive mail for the below listed individuals, all to the following individuals at the following locations: TO THE CITY: • Mr. gevin.L.'Smiith City Ifanager City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Windt Springs, n12708,2799 ''(47) 327 -59$7(Phone) (4(J ).327 5686.(Fax) • wlcopy to Anthony A. Garganese City Attorney Braown, & Y Agtesta, 7i.A. 111 N. Orange Avenue., Ste. 2000 . P.O. Box2873 Ortando, 32802 - 1873 (407) 425 -9566 (Phone) (407) 425 -9596 (Fax) TO THE BOY SCOUTS: ��-.�� 8� • t ,r SO 'd SL : L 0102 1 i nC L96L669LOty: Xp J d0f1S Notice shall be deemed to have been ;given and received on be date the 'notice is physically received venby bar l'delive y, or if notice given by first class U.S. mail., postage prepaid, Then notice shall be deemed to have been given upon the date said notice • was deposited in the U.S. Mail addressed in the roamer set forth above. Any party hereto by giving notice in the manner set forth herein may unilaterally change the name of the person to whom notice is to be given or the address at winch notice is to -be received. 12:0 Public Record. It :is hereby .speeifically :agreed that any record, document, computerized, information and program, audio or video tape, photograph, or other writing of the Boy Scouts related, directly or i odixectiy, to this Agreement, may be deemed to be a Public Record whether in the possession or control of the City or the Boy Scouts. Said record, • document, ent, comps information and program, audio or video tape, photograph, or other writing of the Boy Scouts is subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, F Statutes, and may not be destroyed without the 'specific written approval of the City. Upon request by the City, the Boy Scouts shall promptly supply copies of said public records dills City. All books, cards, registers, receipts, documents, and other papers ict connection with This Agreement shall at any and all reasonable times during the normal working hours of , the BBgy Scouts be open and freely exhibited 'to the My 'forte purpose of examination a ndlor audit. 13.0 inlernretatio>nr. Both the City and the Boy Scouts have participated in the drafting of all parts of this Agreement. As a result, it is the intent of the parties that no portion of this Agreement shall be interpreted more harshly against either of the • parties as the drafter. 14.0 Severabillty He word, sentence, or paragraph herein shall be 'declared • illegal, unenforceable, or unconstitutional, the said word, sentence, or paragraph sfiaJI he severed from this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be read as if said illegal, unenforceable, or unconstitutional word, sentence, or paragraph did not enlist. 15.0 Additional Assurances. The Boy Scouts :CeIfffleS that (a) No principal (which includes :officers, directors, or executive) or • individual holding a professional license and performing under this Agreement is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation in any performance required by this Agreemaent by any Federal, State, or local governmental 'commission, *pennant, corporation, •subdivision, or agcy; (b) No principal (which includes officers, directors, or executive), individual holding a professional license and performing under this Agreement, employee, or agent has employed or otherwise provided aeon•to, any tmployeeorrffireraf ie'City.; and • • • 90 'd SZ :L OIOL I InC L96L669L0V dO1S • , . . . . . . . . . . • • • • (c) No PrinciPal (which Includes officers, directors, or executive), individual holding a professional license and performing under this Agreement, employee or agent has willfully offered an employee or officer of the .eiky an poem:inn' y or other hone& With the intent infinencelhe :employee or officer's :Official sction•or judgment. 16.0 Attornevls Fees. Should any litigation arise concerning this Agreement between the parties hereto, the parties agree to bear their own costa and attorney's fees. • • • 17.0 Et_...kr_the cement 'This Agreement represents the entire and integrated • Agreement between the parties and supersedes all or :negotiations, representations, or Agreemmitr.„ either oral or written, =dal" s'ath..matters shall be :deemed merged into this Agreement. 18.0 Sovereign Immunity. Notwithstanding any other provision set forth in • this Agreement, nothing •eontained in this Agreement :shall be construed as a waver 'of • the City's right 'in sovereign immunity imder section 768.28, Florida .Stannes, or other &Citations imposed on *he -City's %balky Tinder ante txr federal law. As such, the City shall not be fable under this Agreement for putative damages or interest tor the period before judgment. Further, the City shall not be liable for any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, to any one person for more than one hundred thousand dollars • • :($100;000,00),•ar any claim•or judgment, .orportion thereof, .whicl!. When totaled wita:an other dal Mc or juilgments paid try itheState or itrageneies and sabiliVisions ariiing out or the .same incident or 'occurrence, 'exceeds the sum or 'two hundred thousand dollars (S2(10,000.00). This' paragraph sthiii survive termination ofthis Agreement. 19,0 Time is the Essence. The Boy Scouts acknowledge and agree that time • is a be essence burble complctIonor thepeeformance under this Agreement. Ptandard of Care. Ittpetforming hereunder, The Boy Scouts will use that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances by other reasonable members of its community acting in the same or similar locality. Termination By latv. Ths Agreement miry be terminated by mn'mal written agreement between the ; parties. Further, the :City may terminate this Agreement •orconvenience, .stony liwe 'without penalty, by proAding 'written notice atermination to Boy Scouts. Upon notice of termibation, the Boy Scouts shaft cease all performance hereunder unless otherwise directed by City in writing. 22.0 'Waiver. •ailurerd tie City e Insist upon •pettotragnce vfl arlY period or upon a proper level :or •nuality•ofperformanee shall not net as a - waiver •of the ,• City's right to later claitnailure xperform on the:partof the Boy 'Scouts. • 23.0 Term, The term of this Agreement shall commence upon full execution • of this Agreement by the parties and end at such time Boy Scouts has fully performed der fths Agtttrner t, it complete satisfactIon Om C,W, telt 2•11 42:meare. 'god& 20d 9Z:Z O1O i Inc Z96/669Z017: xej dOcrIS pursuant to this Agreement have been fully settled or the statute of limitations for bringing such claims has expired. fN . Wd'1. ESS a ; , e F, the parties reaeto caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly autherizedrepresentativesus.of the date''firstwrit a'above. CITY: City of Winter Sp 'I _ . , Florida, • a Florida n31mici a on. t • . Manager .i 4 ,,�. W N I r I t "'ty V Prim Nama: i . u . .. Am: /04 Print Name: afluAN jQ.. Dated: 1 0l 1?.0 C7 itOV:SCSOUTS: BEEPragiM Winter Springs post No 5405 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Inc. a It l3uax Raym eLaughiin, resident prbnNams /:�' d� 1 "� D a t e d : 4 — 3D /4 • • • 80 'd 9Z:L OIOZ T Inc 2..96L669L0b:XeJ dO1S