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2010 11 15 Regular 603 Pathfinder Landology Isis- Encroachment from Building 4
CITY COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 603 Consent Information Public Hearing Regular X November 15, 2010 / ept. Meeting REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the City Commission consider the request of Pathfinder Landology Isis to acquire approximately 6 square feet of the City's Tuskawilla Road right -of -way to accommodate an encroachment from Building 4. SYNOPSIS: The purpose of this agenda item is to make the City Commission aware of an encroachment into the right -of way of Tuskawilla Road (0.4 foot deep encroachment of the exterior wall of the building totaling about 6 square feet) and to seek the Commission's direction relative to the vacation of the 6 square foot portion of the Tuskawilla Road right -of -way. CONSIDERATIONS: The right -of -way encroachment was discovered by a surveyor when the former James Doran site was acquired by Pathfinder Landology Isis. The original form board survey depicted the building within the subject site and not within the right -of -way. Apparently, once the facade brick work was added, the result was a small encroachment into the right -of -way for Tuskawilla Road. A larger encroachment of Building 17 into the Blumberg Boulevard right -of way was discovered and resolved in 2007. Pursuant to the Town Center code, the stoops, porches, and steps are allowed to be in the right -of -way. The building wall face was planned to be on, but not over the right - of -way line. The vacation of this section of right -of -way will not affect the location of any public facilities including sidewalks, utilities, or light poles. November 15, 2010 Regular Agenda Item 603 Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT: The Doran Company (a.k.a. JC Calhoun) had provided the additional right -of -way along its portion of Tuskawilla Road. The primary cost to the City is likely to be attorney's time and recording fees. The fair market value of the land and these legal fees are the fiscal impact to the City. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: No communication efforts beyond the advertising of the Commission agenda are necessary in conjunction with this agenda. The Commission agenda has been posted on the bulletin board outside City Hall, on the City's Electronic sign; the agenda is electronically posted according to the City Clerk's procedure. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the vacation of approximately 6 square feet of the Tuskawilla Road right -of -way and acquisition of this vacated right - of -way by Pathfmder Landology Isis at fair market value plus associated legal fees. In addition, staff recommends the Commission give direction to staff and the City Attorney to prepare all necessary documentation to facilitate this right -of -way vacation and acquisition ATTACHMENTS: A. Legal Description of the proposed right -of -way vacation B. Sketch of the proposed right -of -way vacation C. Sketch of Building 4 encroachment CITY COMMISSION ACTION: . 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FLAR►DIA, THENCE 530'04'56 ALONG TIE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2.A DISTANCE OF 25.60 FEET TO THE PONT OF SEWING, THENCE CONTINUE S30 A DISTANCE OF I5.00 FEET, THENCE DEPARTING SAID EASTERLY UNE OF SAID LOT 2, S59'55V4•E. A QISTANCE OF 0.40 FEET, THENCE N30 A DISTANCE OF 155.W FEET, THENCE N59'55'04 A DISTANCE OF 0.40 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 6 SOUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. SURVEYORS REPORT: 1. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE EASTERLY UNE OF WT 2. BEING S30'01'86 PER PLAT OF WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER -A REPLAT. AS RECORDED IN BOdC 69. PAGES 96 THROUGH 98. RAMC RECORDS OF SENINOLE CO.. FL. LEGEND: PO9 PONT OF BEGINNING POC POINT OF CONVINCEMENT PB PLAT BOOK PSM PAGE(S) SURVEYOR AND MAPPER R/W RIGHT OF WAY ORB OFFICIAL CORDS BOOK NUMBER (P) PLAT THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY 's 3 I I ANE LDL IRANE ENi�IEERNa NMI~ �e. > Consuffing Etchers • Surglars 201 South Btmty Avonue.Orlondo.Florldo 32803 NO71896-3317 PREPARED Mr LANJOLOGY. LLG CArlsIcmher A. 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