HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2010 08 10 City Commission Workshop MinutesCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA
TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2010 - 7:00 P.M.
Mayor John F. Bush
Commissioner Jean Hovey - Seat One
Deputy Mayor Rick Brown - Seat Two
Commissioner Gary Bonner - Seat Three
Commissioner Sally McGinnis - Seat Four
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs - Seat Five
The Workshop of Tuesday, August 10, 2010 of the City Commission was called to Order by Mayor John F. Bush
at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434,
Winter Springs, Florida 32708).
Roll Call:
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor Rick Brown, present
Commissioner Jean Hovey, present
Commissioner Gary Bonner, present
Commissioner Sally McGinnis, arrived at 7:01 p.m.
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs, present
City Manager Kevin L. Smith, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, absent
No one spoke.
Commissioner Sally McGinnis arrived at 7: 01 p.m.
600. Office Of The City Manager
REQUEST: Requests That The Mayor And City Commission Review The Fiscal Year 2011 Proposed
Budget And Offer Any Recommendations.
FISCAL IMPACT: There Is Not Fiscal Impact Related To This Specific Agenda Item.
COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: This Agenda Item Has Been Distributed To The Mayor And City
Commission, And The City Attorney; Placed In Press Packets; Placed In The Lobby Binder; And Will Be
Available On The City's Website, Laserfiche, And The City's Server. Additionally, The Proposed Fiscal
Year 2011 Budget Has Previously Been Provided To The Mayor And City Commission, The City Attorney,
All Department Directors And Is Available On The City's Website, Laserfiche, And The City's Server.
RECOMMENDATION: The Mayor And City Commission Are Being Asked To Review The Fiscal Year
2011 Proposed Budget And Offer Any Recommendations.
City Manager Kevin L. Smith spoke of the proposed Budget and stated, "I trust that the actions that are reflected
in this Budget meet with everyone's desire in keeping a balanced Budget with no increase to our Citizen's
Millage Rate, and continuing to try to do everything we can to incorporate operational efficiencies, keep head
count and costs at a minimum, and I believe we've done that.
So, with that in mind, I would respectfully ask that I have a half a dozen or more items to specifically go through,
and that at the conclusion of that I would ask that the Commission entertain the Department Heads' Capital
requests and then of course any questions that you may have, as we go forward or at the end. Is that okay Mayor
and with everyone?"
Mayor Bush commented, "Sounds good to me." Deputy Mayor Rick Brown replied, "Same." There were no
objections voiced.
Continuing, Manager Smith spoke about the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee and the Parks and
Recreation Advisory Committee and stated, "My recollection is that the Commission expressed a desire and I had
recommended that we have had First Reading on the Ordinance that created the Committees, but we wanted to
run this through the Budget cycle before we officially Adopted the Committees. We wanted to ascertain whether
or not we had sufficient Funding to cover the costs of the Clerk's time."
Manager Smith added, "We have been able to allocate sufficient Funding to cover the Clerk's cost in order to
facilitate BPAC (Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee) and (Parks and) Rec[reation] Advisory Committee
and my recommendation is that we move forward with those Committees, while continuing on an on -going basis
to review our outstanding Advisory Boards and Committees to assure that they are meeting their usefulness and
so on and so forth and that our - monies are allocated properly."
Mayor Bush asked, "Does anybody object to moving forward with these Committees?" Hearing no objections,
Mayor Bush advised, "It is a go."
Next, Manager Smith spoke about Banners and stated, "Staff will be bringing back in the near future, a program
for Banners that, long and short, basically Event Banners such as the 4`1i of July, Hometown Harvest, and then just
what we would call off-season Banners which would simply say, `City of Winter Springs' or whatever this
Commission would like those Banners to say." Manager Smith added, "The program will include full funding of
the entire cost of that program through sponsorships and donations. I believe that was the Commission's direction
and we will again - bring that back to you all for further deliberation and consideration at a - future Commission
Manager Smith commented on discussions regarding Christmas decorations, costs and repairs and stated, "My
recommendation is that we move forward with that Christmas Banner Program."
Manager Smith spoke of costs.
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs stated, "I am all for the Banner Program even at Christmas." Commissioner Jean
Hovey added, "And I agree. I think some of those Christmas decorations we have are looking at are pretty sad."
Commission Hovey then noted, "I like the Banners and I think they will last two (2) to three (3) years and maybe
even longer - depending what the weather is like. So, I think that is a great idea."
Next, Manager Smith explained, "We would have Christmas Banners again everywhere you see a Banner right
now on our mast arms that we own. Christmas decorations are on many more poles, Progress Energy poles. We
would not have the ability to have the same coverage that we get with our Christmas decorations. So, rather than
seeing them along (State Road) 434 for example in the Winding Hollow, Parkstone area, we would not have
Banners on those Progress Energy poles, it would be everywhere you see a Banner right now."
Continuing, Manager Smith stated, "My recommendation would be that we take advantage of this opportunity to
save some money plus as Commissioner Krebs indicated, this seems to be more of a prevalent utilization for
Christmas decorations." Commissioner Krebs added, "All seasons."
Commissioner McGinnis agreed and stated, "I also have no problems with advertising on those Banners.
Commissioner Krebs then said to Manager Smith, "We still would have a Christmas Tree decorated correct, in
our Town Center?" Manager Smith responded, "Yes."
Mr. Steve Richart, Urban Beautification Division Services, Community Development Department addressed the
City Commission on Progress Energy poles.
Commissioner Hovey stated, "I think too it is another education part on our part, educating the citizens on why we
are doing it because they are going to want to know why the Christmas Decorations aren't up there, so as I said
last night probably not in the water bill but in some form of communication if we let them know why we are
doing and what we are doing then they will probably be on board with it." Manager Smith said, "Yes."
Next, Commissioner Bonner said to Manager Smith, "I just want to compliment you and Staff and whoever came
up with this — this is very creative; really great idea of leveraging our new asset and saving the citizens money and
quite frankly it is going to be very attractive and it is going to look great. So, my hat is off to the team for coming
up with such a creative solution." Manager Smith replied, "It was a team effort. Thank you."
Mayor Bush stated, "It's a go then for the Banners?" Deputy Mayor Brown noted, "Yes." No objections were
Community Events were discussed next.
With comments on Community Events, Manager Smith stated, "The recommendation is going to be that this
Commission has asked for four (4) Events — the recommendation is going to be for three (3) Events right now, 41h
of July, Hometown Harvest, and a Christmas Tree Lighting and Parade. My request would be that we delay a
Spring Event pending the opening of our new Amphitheatre and come out strong with a Spring Event when the
new Amphitheatre opens."
Mayor Bush asked, "Is everybody okay with that?" Deputy Mayor Brown replied, "Yes." Commissioner Bonner
said, "Good idea." Commissioner McGinnis stated, "Yes, I like that." There were no objections voiced.
Manager Smith then asked, "With that in mind, if I may, three (3), four (4) years ago and previous to that, we
spent approximately one hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($175,000.00) on those three (3) Events — My
request tonight would be that we put on those three (3) Events and that I ask for twenty-five thousand [dollars]
($25,000.00) of City Funds in order to put those Events on.
Now, let me tell you what you would get for your twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00). That would cover
Police, Public Safety costs for all three (3) Events and ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) to cover the cost of
fireworks at the 4`h of July. I would also pledge to you that I do have a strategy that is not in the Bank, but I have
a strategy that would be aimed at covering that ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) cost of the fireworks through
sponsorships; something that I am working on currently.
So, worst case scenario, I would ask for twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) of City money that would
cover ten thousand [dollars] ($10,000.00) for fireworks, Public Safety, and generate three (3) Events with the
same level of service that we've seen recently.
Best case scenario, I'd cover the ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) with donations and you are only paying for
Public Safety costs. Now, this all would be aimed at us continuing to take the same approach to raise funds that
we've done in the past to augment these Events; but in order to bring some finale to this issue and move forward,
I would ask for a twenty-five thousand dollar ($25,000.00) seed amount in this Budget that I would use, not from
Reserves, but I would reallocate current resources in this Budget with the help of Chuck (Pula, Director, Parks
and Recreation Department) and his Staff and the team to Fund the Community Event."
Deputy Mayor Brown and Commissioner Krebs did not think the requested amount was enough. Further
Commissioner Sally McGinnis commented, "I would hope that if you needed more money that you would not
hesitate to come to the Commission and ask, because I think we heard over again and over, every time we ask
people the things they want, what they value the most - Events were always at the top. We have heard it verbally
and we have heard it in writing. So, we really need to keep that in mind as it is a priority of our citizens."
Manager Smith stated, "I can tell you that from a three (3) Event approach, I feel confident in the
recommendation. Deputy Mayor (Brown) brings a great point up though, if we get into a situation with
Amphitheatre Events on a less than quarterly basis, or even a monthly basis or weekly basis, we may want to take
a different approach and I may need to come back to this Commission with a different recommendation for that
type of frequency of use."
Mayor Bush thought a Veterans Day event would be nice.
Commissioner Bonner spoke of a new team of resource partners to work with the Parks and Recreation
Department and commented on our Citizens on Patrol Program.
Continuing, Commissioner Bonner then said, "As we all gain this new asset, this wonderful Amphitheatre into our
Community, it seems to me pretty soon we are going to figure out what it costs to do one of those things and just
like a Pavilion has a Rental Fee, an Amphitheatre will have a Rental Fee, too."
Regarding Special Events, Deputy Mayor Brown stated, "There is a difference of passively waiting for somebody
to come and say — I want to do something at the Amphitheatre and somebody whose job it is to go make
something happen at the Amphitheatre; and I think that might be the bolt that we are missing."
Commissioner McGinnis commented on limitations of Staff and not adding stress.
With further discussion, Commissioner Krebs stated, "I do agree with Commissioner Brown on this and I also
agree in the rental and looking into the rental and having somebody go out and look for it, because I actually was
doing some of that myself. I thought what - venues to have there. And maybe some of them are City sponsored,
but the majority are not; that will help pay for the City sponsored ones. Anything from ballroom dancing is really
big and a good old square dancing night — in conjunction with the Hometown Harvest — we are going to find so
many uses for that."
Commissioner Krebs then commented about her concerns with the City Manager and Staff not burning out.
Next, Mayor Bush remarked about an Event Marketing person and said, "Basically, this person would pay for
their own salary. So, it is no additional cost. Why don't we give Kevin (Smith) and Chuck (Pula) time to think
this over and come back with a Plan of some kind."
Manager Smith replied, "I took the approach albeit right or wrong, of trying to just narrow it down to these three
(3) Events and just keep costs down. But I hear loud and clear the Commission's thoughts on this, so I would
perhaps recommend then that we look at — a thirty-five thousand dollar ($35,000.00) number to include the
twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) I referenced. Another ten thousand [dollars] ($10,000.00) which would
cover if the Arts Festival Committee comes and asks for Police costs; if other Events come and ask for Police
costs, just to give us some type of buffer.
Everything would come back to this Commission for Approval via a Contract so you would have clear — cost
numbers as we go forward. But, we would do a little bit of anticipation there. Second phase is that Chuck (Pula)
and I would put our heads together. We look at some options to do exactly what we talked about. I know that
there are opportunities in addition to just the Amphitheatre, but that sounds like maybe one of our biggest. So, we
will come back to the Commission with some thoughts on that second phase of our Community Event approach."
Commissioner Hovey suggested that perhaps a University of Central Florida Intern from their Hospitality
program might be able to assist Staff. Manager Smith responded, "We'll certainly look at all avenues at our
disposal when we come back with our recommendation. Absolutely."
Commissioner Krebs then said to Manager Smith, "I think what I am doing and what I am hearing is we are
giving you permission so that you feel comfortable."
To summarize, Mayor Bush commented, "The three (3) Events, 4`h of July, Hometown Harvest, the Tree Lighting
- Kevin (Smith) suggested twenty-five [thousand dollars] ($25,000.00). We have had thirty-five thousand dollars
($35,000.00)..." Manager Smith noted, "...My final suggestion is thirty-five thousand [dollars] $35,000.00 to
include the same twenty-five [thousand dollars] ($25,000.00) that I referenced before with an additional ten
[thousand dollars] ($10,000.00) to cover potential requests that may come during the year from those outside
agencies, which is a nice thing to cover Police and to cover Public Safety costs; for example an Arts Festival.
That ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) would be a hedge on those requests — everything would come back to this
Commission for Approval."
Commissioner Hovey and Deputy Mayor Brown nodded in agreement. Deputy Mayor Brown added, "You will
also have some number in there to cover the start-up for this person."
With further discussion, Manager Smith stated, "And again, that would be something that we would come back to
this Commission with a plan for that, for further discussion."
Mayor Bush added, "That was other thing — the idea of looking for a person to do this."
Solid Waste Services were discussed next, to which Manager Smith stated, "The current Contract that we have
with Waste Pro is in its fifth year. It would expire this March. We have an opportunity or an option in that
current Contract to renew for a four (4) year period. I will give you the overview and be happy to go into any
more detail that you like — it will be coming back to this Commission for Approval. But I wanted to give you a
head's up since it has a Budget effect.
My recommendation is going to be that we exercise that four (4) year renewal option. I am able to do that at no
increase in the rates currently provided to our citizens. What that means is - the citizens have enjoyed an eighteen
dollars and ten cents ($18.10) Rate for five (5) years. They will enjoy that for another four (4) years for a total of
nine (9) years without a Rate increase on their garbage collection services."
Continuing, Manager Smith explained, "I have had conversations with Waste Pro and — they have agreed to
relieve and relinquish that residential restriction upon renewal of this Contract..." Commissioner McGinnis
remarked, "...That is great..."
Furthermore, Manager Smith continued, "...I am going to recommend a four (4) year extension and the
residential — exclusivity with roll -offs with Waste Pro will be lifted so a homeowner would be able to use
whomever they want."
With further discussion, Manager Smith commented, "No decision required tonight, but unless I hear to the
contrary from the Commission, we will be coming back to you at a future date."
Mayor Bush asked, "Are there any concerns on Kevin's (Smith) recommendations?" Commissioner Krebs
replied, "No, not at all." Commissioner McGinnis stated, "No. It is great." Commissioner Hovey said, "No."
There were no objections.
Next, Manager Smith spoke on Water, Sewer, and Reclaimed Water Rates.
Continuing, Manager Smith mentioned, "The Reclaimed side - we have no increases programmed in this Budget
nor any anticipated increases on the Reclaimed Water side at this time. My recommendation is that we delay that
discussion until sometime in the future, probably next summer at the earliest, to afford Staff the opportunity to get
a little more history on that usage."
Discussion followed with Mr. Kip Lockcuff, P.E., Director, Public Works/Utility Departments.
Economic Development was addressed next by Manager Smith.
Next, discussion ensued on Economic Development. Manager Smith addressed the Commission on this topic and
stated, "I believe the appropriate course of action now is to hire an Economic Development position, be it a
Director level. I do have somewhat of an aversion to hiring a one (1) person Director with no Staff; but some
level of a Staff position that would handle Economic Development duties full-time for the City of Winter
Further comments.
Manager Smith added, "My recommendation is going to be in light of the fact that I really need to see
SEMATECH through, stay with what we have. I would like to enter into a Contract with LDI (Land Design
Innovations, Inc.), next year, for some portion of that year to complete this project, and then move forward with
hiring a full-time Economic Development Director."
Commissioner McGinnis remarked, "I support your plan."
Tape 1/Side B
Further comments.
Deputy Mayor Brown stated, "A hundred percent (100%) support Kevin (Smith)." Commissioner Krebs
commented, "Well, you know I do. But, what I also wanted you not to do is lock yourself into — the ability to go
out and start looking but not be able to hire because you have somebody under Contract." Continuing,
Commissioner Krebs inquired if, "Maybe there is something in the Contract that you could even put a thirty (30)
day clause in there — mutual clause; however that works. But, a hundred percent (100%) support for that."
Commissioner Gary Bonner asked Manager Smith about the Economic Development position, reporting structure,
and the transitional plan for long-term planning. Manager Smith stated, "I would have to think about that."
Mayor Bush stated, "To summarize, you have got Commissioners basically giving a go ahead with the Land
Design (Innovations, Inc.) Contract at your discretion and then to move forward with an Economic Development
person also when you feel it is the right person at the right time. Commissioners?" Commissioner Bonner and
Deputy Mayor Brown nodded in agreement. Commissioner McGinnis replied, "Yes." Commissioner Krebs
stated, "Yes."
The University of Central Florida Incubator and related funding was addressed next.
Manager Smith suggested, "My recommendation is that we do fund the Incubator for the next three (3) year
period at seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000.00) a year. I will say that I would further recommend though,
because of the late nature of this request, that we would take those Fundings out of our Economic Development
Reserve Fundings. Again, also it is a defined period of time."
Mayor Bush commented, "In light of the SEMATECH project and partnering with UCF (University of Central
Florida) and the fact that the Incubator is also UCF (University of Central Florida), I think it is kind of imperative
that we continue with that."
With further discussion, Commissioner Bonner asked Manager Smith, "Would this be an item that you would
bring forward to the Commission for a separate Vote?" Manager Smith responded, "Absolutely."
Commissioner Bonner also suggested that we do whatever we can to help University of Central Florida Incubator
businesses to locate in Winter Springs.
Next, Commissioner Krebs stated, "I am with you on this." Additionally, Commissioner Krebs noted, I really
believe that if those companies are looking for that corridor right now, there are others that are looking as well."
Hearing no objections, Mayor Bush summarized regarding the University of Central Florida Incubator, "That is a
Manager Smith then spoke on the City's Pension and stated, "While the discussion we are about to have does not
have a Budget impact for next year, it does have a Reserve impact and I want you to be aware of this before you
start talking about or discussing Capital requests that would also be coming out of Reserves."
Manager Smith explained, "We have now received a Final Report from the new Actuarial firm and essentially the
bottom line is we have about a five hundred thousand dollar ($500,000.00) delta bogey that we would need to
fund this year to keep our Pension actuarially sound, which is required by Florida Statutes. The reason why is the
previous Actuarial firm used a set of assumptions, which is standard, a set of assumptions that the current
Actuarial firm did not concur with. In the new Actuary's opinion, the assumptions used by the previous Actuary
were dated."
Further comments.
Continuing, Manager Smith suggested, "I believe it is incumbent upon us to properly fund that Liability plus it is
required by Law. Now, with that in mind, I want to also remind the Commission of our strategy as articulated in
the Budget message, albeit delayed because of the transitional problems from the old Actuarial firm to the new
firm that we previously discussed."
With further comments, Manager Smith stated, "We will be coming back to this Commission in September with
an Agenda Item to accept the current Actuarial Report and to appropriate about a half a million dollars
($500,000.00) from Reserves to fund that Liability."
Mayor Bush then asked the City Commission, "In agreement?" There were no objections voiced.
Manager Smith summarized, "I wanted you to understand that this has an impact on our Reserves and we know
that Reserves for utilization for Economic Development purposes is important; so, as you entertain your Capital, I
just want to in fairness let you know that your number is half a million dollars ($500,000.00) lower than we
thought it would be; but the good news is it is a million nine ($1,9000,000.00) higher or somewhere between a
million two ($1,2000,000.00) and a million nine ($1,9000,000.00) higher than we thought it would be."
Continuing on with Departmental Requests, Manager Smith referenced page 20 and explained that "Kelly
(Balagia, Budget Analyst, Finance and Administrative Services) has provided you with an updated list — the only
differences in your updated list from the list in your Budget Book is some Capital and Finance; however, that is
funded by the Water and Sewer Utility Fund, not the General Fund and a computer replacement in Information
Services. But, I just wanted to point out that is the difference between what is in your Budget Book but I would
ask that you use the revised list."
Information Services Department:
Ms. Joanne Dalka, Director, Information Services Department spoke of their Capital Expenses.
The "PD Redundant Network Connection" to Seminole County was discussed.
In reference to the "Commission Access to Internal Network", Commissioner Bonner asked, "What would be the
consequence of delaying that another year?" Ms. Dalka explained, "The consequence — we would not be able to
initiate the shared calendaring, allow employees remote access into the Network, and as well as you all."
With further comments, Commission Bonner stated, "I for one am inclined to postpone the ten thousand five
hundred dollar ($10,500.00) investment." Commissioner McGinnis added, "I would support it."
Ms. Dalka further documented the efficiencies of access to the Internal Network. Discussion.
Manager Smith inquired, "How are we going to address whether or not we are going to put these items in the
Budget? Maybe if there is an issue that is brought like this; we need to get everyone's input?"
Mayor Bush then asked, "Do you want to keep the ten thousand five hundred dollar ($10,500.00) in there or not?"
Commissioner Krebs replied, "Yes." Commissioner McGinnis said, "Yes." Commissioner Bonner stated, "No."
Commissioner Hovey nodded affirmatively. Mayor Bush commented, "The Consensus is `Yes'."
Next, Ms. Dalka explained the "GFI Mail Archiver" which could be used for Public Records Requests. Manager
Smith added, "This item — will save significant Staff time on Public Records Requests and will also be a
Customer Service improvement because we can turn around searches on Public Records more quickly."
Mayor Bush asked, "Is everybody okay with that one?" Commissioner McGinnis commented, "Yes."
Commissioner Krebs remarked, "Yes." No objections were voiced.
Ms. Dalka spoke of new servers and the critical aspect of the operations of the Network. Discussion.
Deputy Mayor Brown and Commissioner Krebs suggested, "Keep it." There were no objections noted.
The KIVA Server was referenced next by Ms. Dalka. No objections were voiced.
"Laptops" and "Desktop Computers" were discussed next. Discussion followed on the differences between
business grade and home computers.
Tape 2/Side A
Commissioner Bonner referenced Consent Agenda Item "204" from the August 9, 2010 City Commission
Regular Meeting which included some computer items that were being auctioned, and suggested that the monies
earned from the Auction be used as the Budget for new Computers.
The capabilities of the "VolP Communications" system was then explained by Ms. Dalka.
Commissioner Krebs stated, "I totally support the system that you are talking about but I am just not sure this is
the year to do it." Commissioner Krebs then asked we could hold this off until next year.
Ms. Dalka commented on the City not being prepared if our current system goes down. Discussion followed on
purchasing individual components; and that we check into leasing this system or lease voice mail systems. Ms.
Dalka added, "Those are all services that we want to look at."
Commissioner Bonner suggested, "I certainly would highly, highly encourage that you look at some `Voice Over
IP' (Internet Protocol) vendors that are out there. I would imagine there is quite a healthy list and a lot of stuff
that you could get that maybe we don't need to have a switch in house any more for telephone."
Deputy Mayor Brown remarked, "I would like to defer this amount of money. It is coming out of Reserves any
way. Knowing that we may have to get to that point, it is easy to come back in this case with a — Supplemental
Appropriation out of Reserves to do this. I would really like to wait until after we have the full investigation done
of lease versus buy and what components, and maybe it is a hybrid of the two (2)."
Manager Smith then said to Ms. Dalka: "Can we pull this one off and come back to the Commission during the
year with the opportunity to visit this with some lease options, some better cost numbers; maybe we even RFP
(Request For Proposal) it." Ms. Dalka responded, "We can do that."
With further comments, Manager Smith added, "Let me recommend that we pull this off then come back to you at
a future date during the year with a full conversation about lease options, other options, and if you Approve it that
time, we'll have the appropriate funding source to go with it. I do believe that it is an important thing for us to
do." Manager Smith then noted, "But it's also an incredible opportunity to do some great customer service things
and it goes back to my whole point about trying to get into the twenty-first (21 s) century."
Commissioner Krebs remarked, "We are not saying no — I agree we need it. I absolutely agree; and let us just
look at all of the choices we have."
Mayor Bush summarized, "Commissioners, everything on the list is an okay, with the exception of this one?"
Commissioner McGinnis said, "Yes." Deputy Mayor Brown commented, "And we understand that will come
back as a Supplemental..." Manager Smith added, "...It will come back after more research and
recommendation..." Mayor Bush added, "...I think looking into the leasing..." Commissioner Krebs remarked,
"...Wouldn't you rather say to your citizens, `Yes, we looked at everything first. We considered it all. And this is
what we had to do."
Manager Smith "Again, we would have not pulled the trigger on this purchase without that full vetting, however I
agree with Commission Bonner, why don't we just do it all at one time. We can look at all in totality. So, with
the Commission's blessing we will do that." Mayor Bush said, "Okay."
Deputy Mayor Brown added, "Thank you Joanne (Dalka)." Commissioner Krebs said, "Good job Joanne
Finance And Administrative Services Department:
Ms. Balagia began this discussion and suggested that regarding the computer item, "After the conversation that
just transpired, I'm thinking there might be one (1) of the computers that we could possibly shuffle to somebody
Next, Ms. Balagia explained, the "Canon CR-180" item and related hardware and software issues. Ms. Balagia
then noted, "We still have a little bit more information we'd like to try to find, if we can find any local service
provider that could come here and give us a - quick turnaround time for a repair. This is in the event that so far
we have not been able to find that service. So, this is on this list in the event that that is still the case."
The "Versaprobe" handhelds were then discussed.
Mr. Joe Alcala, MCSE, CISSP, IT Coordinator/Security Administrator explained "Utility Billing — CIS
Commissioner Bonner inquired, "Is there money in the Budget to allow our citizens to pay their bill online next
year?" Mr. Alcala replied, "We are working on that currently, right now." Commissioner Bonner remarked, "Is
that going to happen in this Budget Year?" Further, Mr. Alcala explained, "That is our goal to have it done before
10/1 to be able to accept credit cards both at the counter and via the Website."
Further discussion.
Commissioner Bonner commented, "I just want to make sure that there is not something missing on the asset list
to allow our customers to transact business with our City, the way they wish to - just like in the real world."
Mr. Shawn Boyle, Director, Finance and Administrative Services Department said, "I think, in my opinion, I
think we've got it covered. I think we're heading down that path and we'll get there very quickly and I think
we've got it covered with what we've budgeted already."
Handhelds were further addressed and Commissioner Bonner asked how old the handhelds were. Ms. Balagia
said she could find out.
Commissioner Bonner inquired, "If we have four (4) we need four (4). Joanne (Dalka) works real hard on
replacing the obsolete equipment and so on and so forth. I was just wondering about that rotational cycle or if all
four (4) of them went bad at the same time and we need four (4) new ones." Commissioner Bonner then asked
what is done with the non -working equipment and asked if four (4) brand new handhelds were needed.
Further discussion ensued.
Police Department:
Chief of Police Kevin Brunelle, Police Department addressed a "Camera system" for investigative services.
Finance And Administrative Services Department:
Mayor Bush stated, "I didn't ask the Commission, on the Finance requests if there was Consensus that those were
all Approved?" Deputy Mayor Brown said, "Yes." Commissioner McGinnis and Commissioner Krebs both
stated, "Yes.".
Manager Smith mentioned, "Just to remind everyone that the majority is not paid out of Reserves; just the
"Laptop" and one (1) "Desktop (Computer)" out of Reserves. The balance would coming out of Water and
Manager Smith left the Commission Chambers at 9: 07 p.m.
Police Department:
"Portable radios", and a "Video Camera System" were discussed next.
Manager Smith returned to the Commission Chambers at 9:11 p.m.
Chief Brunelle then spoke about the need for Replacement Patrol Vehicles and a replacement program. Further
"Digital Camera w/[ith] lens kits" and a "Replacement motorcycle" were addressed next.
Tape 2/Side B
Discussion followed on Red Light Camera money.
Manager Smith explained, "The Red Light money right now is discretionary General Fund money. I would like
to segregate that funding out for specific utilization to re -enhance Law Enforcement. I just quite frankly because
of the challenges we've had with Budget, I'm just not able to do that. But that is my long term goal because that
was established as we came in."
Mayor Bush asked for "Consensus on their request?" Deputy Mayor Brown and Commissioner Bonner
commented, "Yes." Commissioner Hovey nodded in agreement. No objections were voiced.
Parks and Recreation Department:
Mr. Pula began the discussion addressing their requested "Dell Optiplex 780 Activenet Computer".
Next, a "Toro Workman" was discussed. Commissioner Bonner asked if a used one could be considered. Mr.
Pula explained, "With something like this, we really felt like that a new one would be a better investment of our
The "Front Entrance Sign — Central Winds (Park)" was referenced next. Discussion followed on signage, an
electronic sign, and possibly sharing signage with the proposed Charter School.
Next, a "WAM Zero Turn 72" Cut Mower" was addressed.
Lawn care was mentioned next, to which Commissioner Bonner asked, "Should we look at partially outsourcing
some of the services or, do we really need to do both, the refined work as well as the rugged work?"
Mr. Pula explained, "We have looked at it, but we haven't been able to see that it would be totally cost effective at
this point. They are getting closer. But, because of the amount of times we need to mow it, because those are
practice fields and those practice fields are actually being used partially for game fields in the Amphitheatre area,
because of the Events that we have out there, like the Scottish Highland Games and the 4th of July, we require a
lot more mowing, a lot more manicuring, a lot more spraying that we find that we can do in house."
Again referencing the "WAM Zero Turn 72" Cut Mower", Mr. Pula clarified, "This mower is not the twenty
thousand dollar ($20,000.00) mower; it's the nine thousand dollar ($9,000.00) mower." Commissioner Bonner
noted, "Maybe I have a typo on my sheet — "WAM Zero Turn 72" Cut Mower", twenty grand ($20,000.00)?" Mr.
Pula explained, "That number is not correct. I'm sorry. That's a nine thousand dollar ($9,000.00) mower."
Commissioner Bonner noted, "So, we need a twenty thousand dollar ($20,0000.00) cart ("Toro Workman"), and a
nine thousand dollar ($9,000.00) mower." Mr. Pula added, "Those numbers have been reversed."
With additional comments, Commissioner Bonner asked Mr. Pula, "There are not in your view, portions of
Central Winds Park which could be outsourced for the maintenance?" Mr. Pula remarked, "Not at the present
The "Trotwood Tennis Courts" were addressed next. Commissioner Bonner asked Mr. Pula, "Have you talked
with any of the local Homeowner's Associations as to whether or not — the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association,
as to whether or not they want to chip in with the upgrade of the Courts?" Mr. Pula responded, "Not on this
particular item."
Mr. Pula then spoke on the suggested "Bleacher Shade Structures", to which Mr. Pula suggested, "To do all four
(4) fields which have two (2) sets of bleachers on each field, for a total of eight (8) sets of bleachers, you're
looking at a cost of a hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) to put these in and provide them for all four (4)
fields - I would at least like to recommend at this time, if the Commission doesn't wish to do that, at least look at
a phasing of this to put in one (1) field at a time, while we continue to maybe to do one (1) every year, or try to do
a couple of them. The field that gets the most use there is what we call Field number three (3)."
Additionally, Mr. Pula stated, "The Leagues have indicated they're supportive of this. They're willing to try to
allocate some of the monies based on their Contract with us to try to give us up to three thousand dollars
($3,000.00) a year toward this. They felt like they could afford that toward helping us with this cost. But, it's
something that needs to occur at Central Winds Park."
Mr. Pula added, "This could be funded yes, out of Impact Fees..." Mayor Bush then asked, "...On this chart you
have given us?" Mr. Pula continued, "It is just mentioned that if Impact Fees, if they come in and were available,
that it all could be funded by Impact Fees, the way I understand it." With further comments, Mr. Pula then
remarked, "Should the funding come in that would be available, I need to remind you, the Impact Fee Fund for
Parks and Recreation is still delinquent and still owes Trotwood Park fifty thousand dollars ($50.000.00) at this
Commissioner Krebs suggested, "What if we did one (1) in each field this year?" Commissioner Krebs added, "I
definitely think we need shade structures."
Deputy Mayor Brown then asked about Grants. Commissioner Bonner stated, "If the new Amphitheatre proves to
be a revenue positive source for the City, are there any plans as far as the use of that money? Could that money
be set aside to fund Parks and Recreation's improvements of this nature?" Manager Smith responded by saying,
"At your discretion, you can certainly do that, if this body desires."
With further comments, Commissioner McGinnis said, "I don't think we should wait." Further, Commissioner
McGinnis added, "I think we need to move forward with it. I am sure there will be a funding source later through
the Amphitheatre, and that will be great. But in the meantime, I would like to have us Approve one (1), moving
towards a series of all four (4)."
The City Commission and Staff then discussed when the Amphitheatre might come on line next; the Trail swap
issue; and Permit Fees related to Sonesta Pointe.
Commissioner Krebs then stated, "So, if we move forward on this, but we can't just say, or can we, `Yes, go
ahead, but only if there is Impact. We want to be paid out of Impact'." Manager Smith responded, "You can if
you wish." Commissioner Krebs commented, "We can. Why wouldn't we do that?" Manager Smith added, "I
would recommend you do that." Commissioner Krebs remarked next, "I think we should." Manager Smith then
said, "If you are in the mindset to Approve these items, that would be my recommendation."
Mayor Bush asked the City Commission, "What are we going to do about the shade structures then? Approve
them contingent upon the Impact Fees?" Commissioner Krebs commented, "Yes - I think so. Why not?"
Commissioner McGinnis and Deputy Mayor Brown stated, "Yes." No objections were voiced.
The "Civic Center Aesthetic Renovation" was discussed next. With further comments on the merits of such a
project, Mayor Bush pointed out, "This is also one of those Park Impact Fees..." Manager Smith noted, "...The
money is obviously a concern. But I also have a concern that we have an asset that's not working for us."
Commissioner Krebs stated, "That is true." Commissioner McGinnis remarked, "Absolutely support it."
Commissioner Bonner commented, "Agreed." There were no objections noted.
On the "Outdoor Adult Exercise Course" item, Commissioner Krebs mentioned that this could also be used by
physically challenged children or adults. With further discussion, Commissioner Bonner inquired if the outdoor
equipment "Would fall under Impact Fees? It is just not listed that way. It does seem to be Capital and it does
seem to be new." Manager Smith explained, "We would apply the test and if it is — I don't know off the top of
my head, I would have to look into that one."
The proposed "Camera Security System" was then addressed. Deputy Mayor Brown stated, "I support it."
Commissioner Bonner added, "Absolutely." Commissioner McGinnis and Commissioner Krebs remarked,
Mayor Bush commented, "So everything there is okay with the three (3) items there that are Impact Fee
contingent." Deputy Mayor Brown and Commissioner McGinnis said, "Yes." Commissioner Krebs remarked
"Right." Manager Smith noted, "We will ascertain the eligibility of the outdoor exercise equipment for Grants
and/or Impact Fee Funding."
Commissioner Krebs stated, "Okay, correct." Manager Smith noted, "And again, that would have to come back
to you anyway." Commissioner McGinnis commented, "Yes." Commissioner Krebs added, "Okay."
In other City business, Mayor Bush advised the City Commission about an interview he recently had related to
Red Light Cameras.
Next, Mayor Bush noted, "I talked to Dan Holsenbeck today just briefly about the SEMATECH situation and I
asked if citizens could assist with this effort." Mayor Bush then noted that Mr. Holsenbeck suggested, "Probably
it would not be until October or later that something would happen a little more concrete on this and that might be
the time and he will let us know if he thinks this is something we should do."
Manager Smith thanked the Commission for their support and hoped the process was to their liking. Mayor Bush
added, "This was a great presentation!" Members of the City Commission noted their agreement and applauded.
City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces asked the City Commission, "Do you all need a Workshop tomorrow night?"
Mayor Bush recommended, "No Workshop tomorrow night; cancel that one." Commissioner Krebs agreed and
stated, "No." No objections were noted.
Mayor Bush adjourned the Workshop at 10:04 p.m.
NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the September 13, 2010 City Commission Regular Meeting.