HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 06 21 City Commission Workshop MinutesCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA
11IONDA , J17NE 21, 2010 - 6:00 P.M.
Mayor John F. Bush
Commissioner Jean Hovey - Seat One
Deputy Mayor Rick Brown - Seat Two
Commissioner Gary Bonner - Seat Three
Commissioner Sally McGinnis - Seat Four
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs - Seat Five
The Workshop of Monday, June 21, 2010 of the City Commission was called to Order by Deputy Mayor Rick
Brown at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road
434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708).
Roll Call:
Mayor John F. Bush, present via telephone
Deputy Mayor Rick Brown, present
Commissioner Jean Hovey, present
Commissioner Gary Bonner, present via telephone
Commissioner Sally McGinnis, present
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs, present
City Manager Kevin L. Smith, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, arrived at 6:08 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance followed a moment of silence.
Discussion followed on "Public Input".
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese arrived at 6: 08 p.m.
Deputy Mayor Brown noted that Mr. John Bean and Ms. Evelyn Bean did not wish to address the City
Ms. Melissa Roudi, 108 Redtail Place, Winter Springs, Florida: commented on how the process works; and
possible meeting with Seminole County.
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs stated, "Call me." Deputy Mayor Brown added, "Yes, give one of us a call. We
would be glad to discuss it with you."
Mr. Jim Lewis, 109 Golden Crest Court, Winter Springs, Florida: commented that the proposed Jetta Point Park
project would impact all in Winter Springs and suggested that the City Commission has the power to stop the
proposed Jetta Point project going forward.
Mr. Jim Bradley, 132 Redtail Place, Winter Springs, Florida: commented on the rights in the Constitution;
hoped to deliver copies of the Preamble to Seminole County; and noted concerns with diminishing property value
and domestic tranquility.
Ms. Rose Jenson, 109 Peregrine Court, Winter Springs, Florida: noted being against the proposed Jetta Point
Park project.
Ms. Janet Altenhoff, 104 Redtail Place, Winter Springs, Florida: also said she was opposed to the proposed Jetta
Point Park project and suggested it be relocated.
Ms. Madeline Wanesbury, 108 Peregrine Court, Winter Springs, Florida: commented that she was concerned
with crime, lights, and parking if the proposed Jetta Point Park project went through.
Ms. Pam Carroll, 865 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke about Text Amendments; Rezoning in terms
of the proposed Jetta Point Park project and the proposed Town Parke Apartments project; problems on the
SeminoleWAY website and how Winter Springs was not marketed well; and suggested the City Commission help
Seminole County relocate the proposed Jetta Point Park project.
The telephone connection with Mayor Bush was lost at approximately 6:19 p.m.
Mr. Don Morrison, 670 Saranac Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: commented on the suggested lighting for the
proposed Jetta Point Park project and showed some'photographs from Seminole County's website; and mentioned
that he had contacted another County.
Mr. Jim Mathews, 1824 Seneca Boulevard, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke about the economy, possible blight;
and that the proposed Jetta Point Park project would not be favorable to Winter Springs.
Mayor Bush was reconnected telephonically at approximately 6: 26 p. m.
Mr. Tom Koza, 121 Goshawk Terrace, Winter Springs, Florida: remarked about the proposed Jetta Point Park
project; monies already spent; and suggested that the current project not go through.
Ms. Carol Koza, 121 Goshawk Terrace, Winter Springs, Florida: opposed the proposed Jetta Point Park project
for the negative impact it would have on property values; issues with noise; and suggested that this planned
project be relocated.
Mr. Randy Nelson, 106 Shell Flower Cove, Winter Springs, Florida: asked why the proposed Jetta Point Park
project is being considered at all; and commented for the Record about the planned project.
Mr. Keith Shiflett, 653 Saranac Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke about correspondence related to the
proposed Jetta Point Park project; growing population base; and costs with no benefits.
Deputy Mayor Brown stated for the Record, "The following individuals are in opposition and do not wish to
speak: Tracy and Ruby Norris, William Tillman, Jamie Alba, Maria Alba, Deborah Boyarsky, Mary Ann
Lubline, Sal Barretta, Gladys Gallo, Anne Barretta, Flo Kramer — Henry Foresta, and Gloria Foresta, Jay Clay,
Inge Clay, Ted Connolly, Ray Schmit, Roberta Huston."
Mr. Mark Wylie, 654 Cayuga Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: commented that the proposed Jetta Point Park
project had changed; spoke about liability issues; and suggested a compromise be reached.
Deputy Mayor Brown closed "Public Input ".
Furthermore, Deputy Mayor Brown suggested to those in attendance that they contact the City Commission
should they have any questions on any issues.
600. Community Development Department
REQUEST: Requests That The City Commission Consider Certain Proposed Text Amendments
Regarding The Development Of Small, Irregular -Shaped Lots Within The Town Center Zoning District.
FISCAL IMPACT: Fiscal Impacts Would Be Assessed On A Case -By -Case Basis For Each Site Where
Allowances Were Requested. However, Studies Have Shown That Properties Developed Pursuant To
Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) Standards, As Promoted In The Town Center Code,
Generate Significantly More Ad Valorem Taxes Than The Same Site Developed Pursuant To Euclidean
Zoning Codes.
COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: The Commission Agenda Has Been Posted On The Bulletin Board
Outside City Hall, On The City's Electronic Sign, The Agenda Is Electronically Posted According To The
City Clerk's Procedure.
RECOMMENDATION: The Planning And Zoning Board Was Not Supportive Of Automatically Waiving
The Code For Small Irregularly Shaped Lots, Although It Did Support Shared Infrastructure. Staff
Recommends That The Commission Consider The Enclosed Considerations In Drafting A Text
Amendment To Deal With The Issue Of Small, Irregularly -Shaped Lots.
Mr. Randy Stevenson, ASLA, AICP, Director, Community Development Department began the discussion on this
Agenda Item.
Tape 1/Side B
Further discussion followed on Text Amendments; one (1) and two (2) story buildings, "Missed opportunities"
and shelled out second story buildings; various kinds of developments; and irregular shaped lots.
Commissioner Krebs asked Ms. Tracy Crowe, "Did you have an opportunity to speak with our Economic
Development group, and if they have opinions on any of this?" Mr. Stevenson stated, "We haven't spoken to
them in detail Commissioner, but I think Tracy (Crowe) has been briefed a little bit on this." Commissioner
Krebs added, "I would be very interested to hear what Tracy (Crowe) might have to say regarding the value of
Text Amendments."
Ms. Tracy Crowe, Land Design Innovations, Inc., 1770 Fennel Street, Suite 200, Maitland, Florida: remarked
about difficulties and `Form -based Code'; opportunities, possibly revising signage constraints, and noted, "I really
haven't gotten into the details about irregular sites."
Continuing, Ms. Crowe stated, "You can start looking at maybe some exceptions around the Town Center
perimeter but if you start doing that in your heart of your Town Center you're going to lose that pedestrian; you're
going to lose that density so — I really don't recommend it around your major core intersection there; you just
have to be willing to accept that some uses just aren't going to fit."
Commissioner Krebs mentioned, "I don't like false fagades." Furthermore, Commissioner Krebs said to Ms.
Crowe, "Would you really recommend reducing the height or would you think, given the economic conditions
and I understand what they are, but we also know that this is a cycle and things will turn around again - do we
Ms. Crowe responded by saying, "You have to look — it's a Vision; it's twenty (20) years." Ms. Crowe added,
"You're looking at build -out, what your Town Center core is going to look like, so you really have to stand your
ground on some of your issues like that. And, like I said, I'm more inclined to look at signage that is something
that you can fix easily in the future, but not so much the building size, and type, and where it is located on the
Discussion continued.
Mr. Stevenson noted, "As the economy comes back, these smaller lots will become more valuable and I think
there is a business that would like to do infill development at some point in time, on any of these lots — this one or
any of the others that we have identified."
With further comments on the Town Center, Deputy Mayor Brown noted, "I would like to see some kind of
discussion around how long are we willing to wait?"
Next, Commissioner Krebs commented, "I think we are going to have to make some compromise — I think like
the sidewalks, and things like that; but I think what we have to do is measure what it is we are willing to say
`Okay' to."
Deputy Mayor Brown noted, "Kevin (L. Smith, City Manager) has done miraculous work with the Budget and
how many more years we can continue to do that is really the question."
Further comments.
Mr. Stevenson explained, "The reason that Staff went in and defined and identified on the map for you, what we
would consider these small irregularly shaped lots is, so you could consider the context within which you were
looking at these potential changes. As Deputy Mayor Brown brought up — I'm not in favor of it in the core of the
Town Center. I don't think you will see any of it in the core of the Town Center. It would be limited to what we
have defined as these lots so there is not a precedent being set and there is not a proliferation of these types of
considerations. Again, you have to look at it contextually."
With further comments, Mr. Stevenson explained that rather than doing Text Amendments on an as -needed basis,
"If we're going to amend the Code and I stress, 'If, let's do it on a holistic basis." Commissioner McGinnis
stated, "I agree, however I have heard you discuss the possibility that there could be unique extenuating
Commissioner Krebs remarked about deviations and noted, "It seems like sometimes there are potential
Developers that come up and ask for multiples and you find yourself in a place, `Well, what do I do with this' —
then you are told, we will bring it to the Commission and they want us to make a decision; however, you are the
expert in this and we rely on you, but we need to know when this happens and here is everything we have done."
Mayor Bush commented on the proposed Jetta Point Park location and said, "Let us make the assumption the Park
is not going to be there. If we allow multiple story buildings on that site, I think you are going to have the people
back in there again; so, I think that somehow that needs to be taken into consideration, in restricting the height
limits on that piece of property anyway."
With discussion on the footprint of the Town Center, Deputy Mayor Brown suggested attractive one (1) story
buildings be allowed at the ends. Further discussion followed on one (1) story buildings, building issues, density,
and "critical mass".
Tape 2/Side A
Commissioner Krebs pointed out, "We don't like the false facades."
Continuing, Commissioner McGinnis added, "Staff has done a great job with this!"
With further comments, Commissioner McGinnns asked, "Is the next step for you to bring this back as an Agenda
Item?" Mr. Stevenson said, "The next step would be again, after this discussion would be for us to bring it to you
— sitting as the DRC (Development Review Committee) for the Town Center, for two (2) Public Hearings for Text
Amendments. We would also have to incorporate into that whatever Comprehensive Plan changes might be
necessary on the two (2) story, and the sidewalk issue." Commissioner McGinnis added, "I would support that."
Commissioner Gary Bonner noted, "Within the Town Center design concept, are there types or uses of buildings
that might lend itself to a compromise of these smaller lots; and I am just thinking back for example — a small lot
might contain a church and the church might not necessarily be a two (2) story building but it might look
appropriate in the context of the adjacent buildings. And I am just wondering if other Town Centers, whether
they are historic in nature, such as Winter Park or have been developed such as our Town Center — are there
certain circumstances where particular buildings that have a specific function or specific civic purpose make sense
to be fit into the community in that way and — they are exceptions to the design of the adjacent buildings?"
Mr. Stevenson said, "If I understand the question, are there buildings because of their civic significance or just
because of their use would appear as two (2) or three (3) story buildings but in fact may be — a church comes to
mind. You have a — for lack of a better observation — there are a lot of gothic cathedrals that are many, many
stories high but in fact they're really only one (1) usable story. I think there probably are some Uses
Commissioner that would lend themselves to that, I'm just not sure how amenable those Uses would be to some
of the smaller lots that we're talking about; and what the ability would be to locate those Uses on these less than
one (1) acre lots.
Commissioner Bonner suggested, "Just trying to find a compromise here because I do embrace and agree with the
look and the feel of the Town Center with the two (2) story concept and I do have concerns eroding that look, but
there are also certainly applications."
Mr. Stevenson added, "I wanted to go back to a quote that I mentioned earlier, it says, `Oddly shaped parcels are
generally less efficient but do provide opportunities and I'll use it for signature buildings' which I think may be
part of what we're talking about — and this was a discussion that came up at P and Z (Planning and Zoning
[Board/Local Planning Agency]) as well. Under the consideration of a single story building, what could we do
architecturally that makes that a significant building."
Continuing, Commissioner Bonner remarked, "A suggestion is, if we were to have some examples of buildings of
that nature, that we could see deployed and in service in other communities, as a comparable, we might be able to
embrace some of the alternate Uses or alternate structures going on these smaller parcels and it would actually
enhance the overall Town Center appeal because of the character they would add to the Town Center."
Further comments.
Mr. Stevenson noted, "There has to be something unique, something about this that makes it a signature building.
I think that possibility is there and if so directed, Staff can certainly, I believe, provide some opportunity or some
examples of not only signature buildings but multi -use buildings. Again, when we think in the Town Center,
don't forget that we have the option for that Mixed -Use - that vertically integrated Mixed -Use on some of these
buildings so that we recapture some of what I termed earlier as `Lost opportunity'."
Commissioner Krebs added, "That by precluding that one (1) Text Amendment and leaving out the one (1) story,
that doesn't prevent us from having a one (1) story should that unique building come." Mr. Stevenson suggested
that should that occur, Staff would have to work with the Comprehensive Plan language for the Town Center, and
noted, "That's doable as well."
Continuing, Commissioner Krebs then suggested, "Maybe your Text Amendment has something to do with that
we do have the two (2) stories but that there is somehow an opportunity that some unique kind of a building
comes in, and it is only one (1), that it would go before us..." Mr. Stevenson responded, "...I think we could look
at that. Yes. Again, we would have to also appropriately Amend any Comp[rehensive] Plan language because
right now, it calls for two (2) stories. We would have to Amend that, such that we still limited ourselves to
signature and architecturally enhanced buildings; and again, understanding that if we do that again, we may be
adding more cost to the building than would be the factor if we just had the second story, so there is a balancing
act that we have to do here."
Commissioner Krebs suggested, "It may be something so unique that it would be — an icon of some sort, at some
point, identifiable icon for Winter Springs." Commissioner Krebs added, "But the possibility exists. You are not
eliminating that possibility; and I think that is what Commissioner Bonner and Deputy Mayor Brown are saying;
that - there may be those opportunities that we don't want to give up, if they really are something special."
With further comments, Commissioner Bonner stated, "I would support pursuing whatever Comp[rehensive] Plan
language in that, that might be necessary in order to create the opportunity for `Signature buildings' — I like your
term `Signature buildings'...." Commissioner Krebs added, "...I do too." Commissioner Bonner continued,
"...That would give you the understanding that when that unique opportunity comes along and someone wants to
bring the `Signature building' into one of our irregular shaped parcels and it doesn't necessarily look as the
balance of the Town Center does, but it creates a unique appeal, a unique signature addition to the Town Center. I
would want you to certainly have - the latitude to feel comfortable to be bringing that forward to us and for us to
Amend the Comp[rehensive] Plan as necessary to embrace those special cases."
Mr. Stevenson then said, "Just to clarify, this would only be applicable to what we have defined as small,
irregularly shaped lots. Is that correct?" Commissioner Krebs responded, "Correct." Commissioner Bonner
added, "From my perspective, yes." No one voiced an objection.
Commissioner McGinnis suggested, "We just have to be really careful that all of this is very clearly defined,
which is not going to be easy."
Mr. Stevenson remarked, "A lot of it will fall back on our Aesthetic Review." Further, Mr. Stevenson noted, "We
will probably be using some Consultant to help determine `Signature buildings'." Commissioner McGinnis said,
"I urge you to do that...." Mr. Stevenson added, "...If we move forward in that vein."
In conclusion, Mr. Stevenson explained, "My understanding is that the results of this Workshop - that you want us
to look at specifically the two (2) Code Amendments and whatever associated Comp[rehensive] Plan
Amendments may be required for the sidewalks and the two (2) story; tie that second story or the elimination of a
two (2) story building to a `Signature building' or something architecturally noteworthy and move forward with
obviously strengthening the Code language on those options that we currently have at our disposal but maybe are
not as detailed in our Code as they should be; and bring that back to you in a comprehensive Agenda Item."
Commissioner Krebs remarked, "Yes." Commissioner McGinnis stated, "That is good." Commissioner Bonner
also said, "Yes." No objections were voiced.
601. Office Of The City Manager And Office Of The City Clerk
REQUEST: Request That The City Commission To Consider The Information In This Agenda Item
Related To A Session That The City Of Winter Springs Will Be Hosting At The August 2010 Florida
League Of Cities Annual Conference.
FISCAL IMPACT: If The City Commission Wishes To Go With Distributing CD/DVD's (And
Personalized CD/DVD Labels To Session Attendees, This Cost Would Approximately Be Around $150.00
And The 1100-54800 (Promotional Expenses) Line Code Which Currently Has Appropriate Funds Could
Be Used. Otherwise, No Additional Costs Other Than Staff Time Will Be Needed.
COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: This Agenda Item Has Been Distributed To The Mayor And City
Commission, City Manager, And City Attorney; Placed In Press Packets; Placed In The Lobby Binder;
And Will Be Available On The City's Website, Laserfiche, And The City's Server.
RECOMMENDATION: The Mayor And City Commission Are Being Asked To Consider This Agenda
Item And The Information In Attachment "A" And Decide How They Wish To Design This Session.
Manager Smith began the discussion on this issue and explained that the Session in question would be
approximately an hour and fifteen minutes long. Continuing, Manager Smith added, "How we see that structured
- what we have done is laid out some talking points for you all and the thought process on our end, on Staffs end,
was that we'd formulate this into a PowerPoint presentation, summarize it into appropriate PowerPoint slides to
tell this story about the things that we've done, and then present it.
So, a couple of things we need to talk about is - `Do you all agree with what you see in the talking points? Do
some things need to come out? Do some things need to be added?' And then maybe have a discussion on how
we see the presentation going as far as someone leading the presentation; everybody having the opportunity to
speak on maybe one particular subject or more subjects, and take that type of team approach."
Deputy Mayor Brown noted, "I don't think you missed anything as far as what the intent of the Session is."
Manager Smith asked, "Are you all comfortable with a PowerPoint presentation? I think that is typical. I don't
know if it means that we be necessarily be typical, but I think that's a good way to disseminate the information."
Commissioner Krebs asked, "In this item — where it says `City Manager' and it says "City Departments', we are
going to have our City Arborist there? How does this work?" Manager Smith explained, "No. We would not
have our City Arborist there. This would just be an example of how we try to proactively get out in the
community. For example, if you have a Stormwater Drainage issue, Zynka (Perez, Stormwater Utility Manager,
Public Works Department) or Brian (Fields, P.E., City Engineer, Public Works Department) will go out and meet
with you. If you have a tree issue, our City Arborist will go out and meet with you. That we take that type of
customer service approach and this was just an example of doing that."
With further comments, City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces stated, "Mr. Smith was suggesting that we have slides
of maybe - Zynka (Perez) or Brian Fields or Mike Mingea (Arborist, Community Development Department) out
in the field talking to the residents so that we could illustrate that." Manager Smith added, "Our new Water
Conservation Coordinator does irrigation audits for our citizens, trying to show them how to save money on their
irrigation, and things such as that."
Commissioner Krebs asked, "How are we going to open it?" Manager Smith replied, "Well, again I think that is
something we need to discuss. Who would be the lead? Does everyone want to take an opportunity maybe to
speak on a subject? For example, not to be presumptuous, but I know that the `Lock Box' program came from
you Commissioner, so that may be something that you want to take an opportunity to speak on. So, if everyone
wanted to speak - I don't know if it is the Mayor or someone else to take the lead, just to kind of lay the
framework of basically what Andrea (Lorenzo-Luaces) has laid out here on page 1; that - here is what we feel
that we're doing that is different. Here is how we are walking the walk, so to speak. An overall general opening
statement about what we are trying to do as far as our Strategic Plan, communication, so on and so forth."
Continuing, Commissioner Krebs suggested, "And I definitely think the Mayor should take the lead on this. I
mean, that is what our Commission is about - a Mayor and five (5) Commissioners and a City Manager, City
Attorney, and our City Clerk. So, yes I think he should. And I think he should probably have an outline where
we go down our talking points and then under this outline, he would be able to call on whomever. I personally
would like to speak. I am thinking probably you like to say something Rick (Brown). There are many things that
you could talk about - your coffee with the citizens. There are other things in here too."
With additional discussion, Commissioner Krebs commented, "I think we should join in on this." Deputy Mayor
Brown replied, "That sounds good."
Mayor Bush stated, "I think what might work best and once we see the whole outline here, but for instance, the
thing you just talked about — so, I am kind of leading the thing and then I would say `Well Commissioner Krebs,
why don't you tell us about the `Lock Box' program; and then Commissioner Brown, you tell us about the
Coffees (With Citizens) you have. Kind of do it that way, because I think that you should talk..." Commissioner
Krebs commented, "...Right." Mayor Bush then added, "And so, the others whatever else we come up with, we
will just direct it to a different Commissioner."
Commissioner Krebs suggested, "And I would love our City Manager to talk about - last year and this year, what
he did different to put us in the position that we are where we didn't have to lay off people, we didn't have to do
certain things." Deputy Mayor Brown said, "Now, he has completely made us transparent to the citizens too."
Commissioner Krebs commented, "Well, I think this whole Commission — yes..." Deputy Mayor Brown added,
"...As far as what is on the Website, the Bank Book, Podcast..." Commissioner Krebs then mentioned, "...We
have gone so transparent and I think he will agree that it was a collaborative effort by everybody up here as well
as we kept saying all along, `Transparency, transparency, accountability, accountability'. I mean every one of us
up here ran on that."
Mayor Bush stated, "I am not taking anything away from Kevin (Smith), because he has done a great job; but he
is doing it because you insisted on it." Commissioner Krebs replied, "That's right. But he is doing it." Mayor
Bush then commented, "And I think that needs to be brought out that the Commission made these decisions and
the Manager responded appropriately — it is not that I don't think we ought to give the Manager all kinds of credit,
it is just that I think on this kind of a program, I think people want to hear - there are going to be Commissioners
at this meeting; there are not going to be many City Managers. Okay? That is what I mean."
Commissioner Krebs stated, "I think that we challenged him and he came back to us with how he was going to do
it and he showed us a way and he did it. He did what we asked — and I think he should get credit for that."
Deputy Mayor Brown stated, "One of the lessons is `Hire a good City Manager'." Commissioner Krebs
reiterated, "One of the lessons Deputy Mayor Brown just said, `One of the lessons is to hire a good City
Manager'." Mayor Bush commented, "I was going to say that too."
Commissioner Jean Hovey stated, "I think we need to emphasize too, is our Police Department; how proactive
they are." Manager Smith commented, "We do have a section on that where I think it would be appropriate to
talk about the Citizens Advisory Committee that started with Chief (Dan) Kerr and has continued through Chief
(Kevin) Brunelle and has been extremely successful, and so on and so forth. I think there are several
opportunities on page 3 that discuss those type things. I think we should.
If I may Deputy Mayor, to go back to what Commissioner Krebs was saying. I think that when we talk about -
what we have done, I think it does go back to the Strategic Plan and our core values of transparency, customer
service, fiscal responsibility, excellence, and team work. I think without a team approach and that goes all the
way down to the bottom of the organizational chart with Staff. They all have got to buy in to what you have
demanded. Otherwise, it is not going to work and I think that's one of the reasons we have been successful."
Commissioner Krebs added, "To your point — when I was talking with Chief (Kevin) Brunelle, I think they have
less than a one percent (1%) turnover rate over at the Police Department. Now, yes that does speak to the way the
Police Department is run, but I have also heard that and understand that without the support of the Commission,
the Police Department would not run the way it is and they would not feel the support and they would have a huge
turnover. And that happens over and over again."
Manager Smith pointed out, "I think Mayor - that we will obviously put a PowerPoint together and bring it back
to you all, but I would think if the Mayor would talk about our Strategic Plan and those core values and how you
all have demanded it and what we have put in place, then all of this just flows from that. These are just example,
after example, after example."
Commissioner Gary Bonner commented, "One of the items that I would be proud to bring forward is our new
Police Academy. I have had the opportunity to go through that program and I think another item again, back to
our citizen involvement is we have our new `Citizens On Patrol' program which I believe that Mr. Manager is
about to launch." Commissioner Krebs stated, "You will see it next time."
Commissioner McGinnis stated, "This goes back so far. Remember when people use to call City Hall and the
phone calls would go to the Police Department. I mean that is even a good place to start. That whole
communication rerouting was really a beginning of the change."
Commissioner Hovey commented, "The other thing we need to include is - I look at Pam Carroll, is the Event
Committee. Look at our citizens who stepped up to the plate to help us with running some of our Events. I mean
that shows what the citizens think about the government in Winter Springs too." Commissioner Krebs replied,
"Right. Some of the things where we held that Meeting about our gems."
Commissioner McGinnis departed the Workshop at approximately 8: 02 p.m.
Continuing, Commissioner Krebs further commented on the Community Visioning Workshop and said, "I think
Kevin (Smith) you used that for your Strategic Plan, part of it." Manager Smith replied, "Absolutely, it was a
Commissioner Krebs commented, "To talk about that is a good thing too, if somebody can get that in about those
Meetings that we held. That included our citizens." Commissioner Hovey added, "Town Hall Meetings."
Commissioner Krebs added, "And we may have demanded or I guess you might say transparency, but Kevin
(Smith) has carried through with that all the way through with Staff as well; so you know, he gets credit for that."
Commissioner Bonner suggested, "I think another good example of communicating is our recent road repaving or
road paving project out in the Ranchlands. And really, the terrific efforts that were made to reach out to the
citizens; to do the polling; to involve in the decision of pave/no pave; all of the follow up; all of the endless
meetings - our employees taking steps, meeting one on one with the citizens. I mean that is just a terrific example
of communicating, and I think that would be one worthy of highlighting." Commissioner Krebs also added,
"Right and we had the polling for the Events as well if you recall."
Mayor Bush commented, "Those are all good ideas by the way. We just need to format it so we can get it all in."
Manager Smith said, "Again, we just wanted to make sure our thought process was consistent with you all."
Manager Smith added, "If there are no other comments, we will work to put this information and your additional
comments into a PowerPoint, polish it up, and..." Commissioner Krebs stated, "...You can send it to us if you
would, when it is done, and..." Manager Smith replied, "..We will be happy to do that..." Commissioner Krebs
then added, "...We can still send back feedback. So that we don't necessarily have to come to a Workshop, but -
somehow you can run that by us." Manager Smith replied, "Absolutely." Deputy Mayor Brown commented, "I
think it is a good effort."
Commissioner Bonner added, "We are not without our shortcomings or failures and I am also looking back at our
recent appropriate and consumptive change in our Water Rates and how our communication process although in
the development at the time in my opinion, we really let ourselves down and let our citizens down in not properly
informing them of such a material item." Commissioner Bonner added, "We do have our learning curves and I
think it is appropriate to point those out as well."
Manager Smith noted, "Absolutely, and I think that we can point out that we are proactive as much as we can.
Sometimes we have to react to situations, but we improve from those. As a result of that, we put in some policies
and procedures at the Staff level. That was one of the key things that put us in the position of adding the
communication section to our Agenda Items - is the fact that maybe we could communicate better so, again we
added that to our Agenda Item. That was one of the reasons. So yes, absolutely."
Commissioner Krebs then commented, "And don't you think as the process breaks down, that is when you review
it and you look at where the fix needs to be, so that as it goes down that process trail again, it either goes one way
or another. In other words, there is a fix involved." Manager Smith said, "Absolutely. That is how you
In other City business, Manager Smith commented on the Town Hall Meeting set for Monday, July 19, 2010 and
noted that as no time was set, a possible time to begin could be seven o'clock. Commissioner Krebs stated, "Let
us do it at 7:00 p.m." Manager Smith added, "Seven o'clock it is then, hearing no objections."
Lastly, Manager Smith advised the City Commission that he would be sending a draft of the Summer Newsletter
for the Commission to review, either this evening or in the morning.
Deputy Mayor Brown adjourned the Workshop at 8:09 p.m.
NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the July 12, 2010 City Commission Regular Meeting.