HomeMy WebLinkAboutDepartment of Agriculture and Consumer Services-10A-130 - 2010 06 09 EXH BIT 1 URBAN AND COMMUNITY FORESTRY (U &CF)
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This Agreement, made and entered into this the day o , 20 by
hereinafter called the "Department" and the City of Winter Springs, hereinafter called the "Contractor."
WHEREAS, the Department desires to increase the application of the principles of urban and
community forestry by awarding funds to the Contractor for the specific project set forth in grant
application Number 10A -130, included herein as Exhibit A and by reference made a part hereof:
WHEREAS, the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number is 10.688;
WHEREAS, the six digit Department of Management Services' class /group code commodity
catalog control number is 991 -365.
WHEREAS, the Department and the Contractor are of the opinion that the citizens of the state
would benefit from the implementation of urban and community forestry projects that improve our
communities through the proper care of trees and related plant materials;
WHEREAS, the Contractor by Resolution No. 2010 -03, dated January 11, 2010, has indicated its
support of the grant application and authorized its officers to execute this Agreement on its behalf;
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and
agreements contained herein agree as follows:
A. Failure by the Contractor to sign and return this agreement, within 60 days upon receipt of
the agreement, shall constitute forfeiture of the award.
B. The contract is valid upon execution through July 31, 2011
C. The Contractor has estimated the project cost to be $18,537 as shown on the grant
application budget sheet attached as Exhibit B. The Department agrees to reimburse to
the Contractor the total sum of $18,537 of the final approved project costs. The Grant
Amount is limited to only those items which are directly related to this project as described
in Exhibits "A" and "B ". Project costs for which the applicant has already received
reimbursement from any other source are not eligible for funding under this grant.
D. The Contractor agrees to maintain plant materials established as a part of the project for a
period of three years and enter into an agreement which designates and sets forth the
duties and responsibilities of the parties in maintaining the project.
E. The project to be performed by the Contractor shall be subject to periodic inspections by
the Department. The Contractor shall not change or deviate from the project without
written approval by the Department.
F. The Contractor agrees to submit to the Department an interim report (Attachment H) on
project accomplishments quarterly (September 2010, December 31, 2010,
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March 31, 2011, June 30, 2011, etc.). Failure to submit a required report or submission of
an unsatisfactory report is sufficient grounds for termination of this agreement.
G. Reimbursements can be made on a quarterly basis, if requested. No advance payments
will be provided. Applicants must submit a completed reimbursement summary sheet
(Attachment G) to the Department with sufficient attachments to verify the claims made.
These may include invoices, receipts, canceled checks, payroll log sheets, etc. No more
than 75 percent of the grant amount will be paid to the Contractor prior to the submission
of a completed Certification of Acceptance endorsed by the Department.
The final payment shall be made once the following documents are received:
(1) Certification of Acceptance endorsed by a Division of Forestry official.
(2) Final Reimbursement Summary Sheet with attached backup documentation.
(3) Brief narrative summarizing project accomplishment.
(4) News release to be submitted to a local publication crediting the U.S. Forest
Service for providing funding.
(5) Letter of appreciation to the local congressional representative.
(6) Completed Recovery Act Questionnaire (Attachment I)
For installed plant materials, a sixty (60) day grow -in- period will be required after project
completion. Certification of Acceptance by the Department may be requested sixty (60)
days after project completion.
H. The Contractor must submit the final claim for reimbursement to the Department on or
before September 1, 2011.
The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that public use of all reports or other printed
material, videos, audio recordings, films and photographs produced as part of this project
shall not be restricted under the copyright laws of the United States of America. All
products (brochures, signs, videos, etc.) funded by the Urban and Community Forestry
Grant must display the following statement:
"This funding for this project was provided by the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009. USDA is working to implement provisions of the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) to put
Americans back to work and rejuvenate the nation's economy. The Recovery
Act provided USDA with nearly $28 billion in funding, of that, $1.15 billion has
been allocated to the Forest Service for project work in forest restoration,
hazardous fuels reduction, construction and maintenance of facilities, trails,
and roads, green energy projects and grants to states, tribes, and private
Section 215.422, Florida Statutes, provides that agencies have five (5) working days to inspect
and approve goods and services, unless bid specifications or the purchase order specifies otherwise.
With the exception of payments to health care providers for hospital, medical, or other health care
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r ti. ,
services, if payment is not available within 40 days, measured from the latter of the date the invoice is
received or the goods or services are received, inspected and approved, a separate interest penalty set
by the Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Section 55.03, Florida Statutes, will be due and payable in
addition to the invoice amount. To obtain the applicable interest rate, please contact the Agency's Fiscal
Section at (850)488 -2020 or Purchasing Office at (850) 488 -7552. Invoices returned to a Contractor due
to preparation errors will result in a payment delay. Invoice payment requirements do not start until a
properly completed invoice is provided to the Department.
Bills for fees or other compensation for services or expenses shall be submitted in detail sufficient
for a proper pre -audit and post -audit thereof. Expenses associated with travel and per diem are not
Purchases of $2,500 to $25,000 shall be carried out documenting two or more written quotations
or written record of telephone quotations or informal bids to be opened upon receipt, whenever practical.
Competitive sealed bidding is required for all purchases exceeding $25,000. Justification must be
provided for a sole source award or for an award to a vendor other than the vendor submitting the lowest
bid or quote.
A Vendor Ombudsman has been established within the Department of Financial Services. The
duties of this individual include acting as an advocate for Entities (Subrecipients) who may be
experiencing problems in obtaining timely payment(s) from a state agency. The Vendor Ombudsman
may be contacted at (850) 413 -5516 or by calling the Department of Financial Services' Hotline,
1- 850 - 410 -9724.
This Agreement may be terminated under any one of the following conditions:
A. The Department may terminate this contract at any time in the event of the default or
failure of the Contractor to fulfill any of its obligations hereunder. Prior to the exercise of
any remedy provided for herein, the Department shall provide thirty (30) calendar days
written notice of default and shall provide the Contractor the opportunity to cure such
failure or default within said thirty (30)) day period. Upon the failure or inability to cure, the
Department shall have all rights and remedies provided at law or in equity, including
without limitation the following:
1. Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correction of the deficiency by the
2. Disallow all or part of the cost of the services not in compliance.
3. Wholly or partly suspend or terminate this contract.
B. The Department shall have the right of unilateral cancellation for refusal by the Contractor
to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters or other material made or received
by the Contractor in conjunction with the contract, unless the records are exempt from s.
24(a) of Article I of the State Constitution and s. 119.07(1), Florida Statutes.
C. By either party following sixty (60) calendar days written notice.
In the event this Agreement is terminated before the Department has paid the Contractor the
entire Grant Amount, then the Department agrees to pay the Contractor the entire Grant amount, if the
project has been completed. If the project has not been completed, the Department shall pay to the
Contractor a percentage of the Grant amount equal to the percentage of the project's completion.
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Extension of a contract for contractual services shall be in writing for a single period only, not to
exceed six (6) months and shall be subject to the same terms and conditions set forth in the initial
contract. There shall be only one extension of a contract unless the failure to meet the criteria set forth in
the contract for completion of the contract is due to events beyond the control of the Contractor. If
initially competitively procured, contracts for contractual services may be renewed on a yearly basis for
no more than three (3) years, or for a period no longer than the original contract, whichever period is
longer. Renewal of a contract for contractual services shall be in writing and shall be subject to the same
terms and conditions set forth in the initial contract. Renewals shall be contingent upon satisfactory
performance evaluations by the Department. Renewal costs may not be charged by the Contractor.
It is mutually understood and agreed that this contract is:
A. Subject to the provisions of Section 287.058, Florida Statutes, and the State of Florida's
performance and obligation to pay under this contract is contingent upon an annual
appropriation by the Legislature as provided in Section 287.0582, Florida Statutes.
B. Subject to the approval of the State Chief Financial Officer (Department of Financial
It is mutually understood and agreed that if this contract disburses grants and aids appropriations,
it is:
Subject to the requirements of Section 216.347, Florida Statutes, a state agency, a water
management district, or the judicial branch may not authorize or make any disbursement
of grants and aids appropriations pursuant to a contract or grant to any person or
organization unless the terms of the grant or contract prohibit the expenditure of funds for
the purpose of lobbying the Legislature, the judicial branch, or a state agency.
The following provisions of A through K are not applicable to procurement contracts used to buy
goods or services from vendors, but are only applicable to a Contractor subject to the Florida Single
Audit Act.
A. There are uniform state audit requirements for state financial assistance provided by state
agencies to Nonstate entities to carry out state projects in accordance with and subject to
requirements of Section 215.97, Florida Statutes (F.S.), which may be applicable to and
binding upon Recipient. Nonstate entity means a local governmental entity, nonprofit
organization, or for - profit organization that receives state resources. Recipient means a
Nonstate entity that receives state financial assistance directly from a state awarding
B. In the event that the Recipient expends a total amount of state financial assistance equal
to or in excess of $500,000 in any fiscal year of such Recipient, the Recipient must have a
state single or project- specific audit conducted for such fiscal year in accordance with
Section 215.97, F.S., applicable rules of the Department of Financial Services; and
Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for - profit
organizations), Rules of the Auditor General. Exhibit 2 to this agreement indicates state
financial assistance awarded through this Department resource by this agreement. In
determining the state financial assistance expended in its fiscal year, the Recipient shall
consider all sources of state financial assistance, including state financial assistance
received from this Department resource, other state agencies, and other Nonstate
agencies. State financial assistance does not include Federal direct or pass- through
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awards and resources received by a Nonstate entity for Federal program matching
C. Audits conducted pursuant to Section 215.97, F.S., shall be: (1) performed annually, and
conducted by independent auditors in accordance with auditing standards as stated in
Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 ( nonprofit and for - profit
organizations), Rules of the Auditor General.
D. Regardless of the amount of the state financial assistance, the provisions of Section
215.97, F.S., do not exempt a Nonstate entity from compliance with provisions of law
relating to maintaining records concerning state financial assistance to such Nonstate
entity or allowing access and examination of those records by the state awarding agency,
the Chief Financial Officer, or the Auditor General.
E. If the Recipient expends less than $500,000 in state financial assistance in its fiscal year,
an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 215.97, Florida Statutes,
is not required. If the Nonstate entity does not meet the threshold requiring the state
single audit, such Nonstate entity must meet terms and conditions specified in this written
agreement with the state awarding agency. In the event that the Recipient expends less
than $500,000 in state financial assistance in its fiscal year and elects to have an audit
conducted in accordance with the provision of Section 215.97, F.S., the cost of the audit
must be paid from the Nonstate entity's resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be
paid from the Recipient's resources obtained from other than state entities).
F. Each state awarding agency shall:
(1) Provide to a Recipient, information needed by the Recipient to comply with the
requirements of Section 215.97, F.S.
(2) Require the Recipient, as a condition of receiving state financial assistance, to
allow the state awarding agency, the Chief Financial Officer, and the Auditor
General access to the Recipient's records and the Recipient's independent
auditor's working papers as necessary for complying with the requirements of
Section 215.97, F.S. The Recipient is required to retain sufficient records
demonstrating its compliance with the terms of this agreement for a period of three
years from the date the audit report is issued, and shall allow the department of
Agriculture and Consumer Services or its designee, access to such records upon
(3) Notify the Recipient that Section 215.97, F.S., does not limit the authority of the
state awarding agency to conduct or arrange for the conduct of additional audits or
evaluations of state financial assistance or limit the authority of any state agency
Inspector General, the Auditor General, or any other state official.
(4) Be provided by Recipient one copy of each financial reporting package prepared in
accordance with the requirements of Section 215.97, F.S. The financial reporting
package means the non -state entities financial reports, management letter,
auditee's written responses or corrective action plan, correspondence on the
follow -up of prior years corrective actions taken, and such other information
determined by the Auditor General to be necessary and consistent with the
purposes of Section 215.97, F.S. Copies of the financial reporting package
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required by this agreement shall be submitted by or on behalf of the Recipient
directly to each of the following:
(a) The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Division of Administration
509 Mayo Building
407 South Calhoun Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399 -0800
(b) The Auditor General's Office at the following address:
State of Florida Auditor General
Room 401, Claude Pepper Building
111 West Madison Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399 -1450
G. Any reports, management letters, or other information required to be submitted to the
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services pursuant to this agreement shall be
submitted timely in accordance with Florida Statutes, and Chapter 10.550 (local
governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for - profit organizations), Rules of the
Auditor General, as applicable.
H. The Recipient shall maintain sufficient records demonstrating its compliance with the
terms of this agreement for a period of five (5) years from the date the audit report is
issued, and shall allow the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, or its
designee, Chief Financial Officer, or Auditor General access to such records upon
request. The Recipient shall ensure that audit working papers are made available to the
Department, or its designee, Chief Financial Officer, or Auditor General upon request for a
period of five (5) years from the date the audit report is issued, unless extended in writing
by the Department.
I. The Recipient shall be required to ensure expenditures of state financial assistance be in
compliance with laws, rules, and regulations applicable to expenditures of state funds,
including, but not limited to, the Reference Guide for State Expenditures (DFS).
J. The Recipient agrees that this agreement may be charged only with allowable costs
resulting from obligations incurred during the term of this agreement.
K. The Recipient agrees that any balances of unobligated cash that have been advanced or
paid that is not authorized to be retained for direct program costs in a subsequent period
must be refunded to the state.
The following provisions of A through H are applicable regarding the administration of resources
provided by the Department to the Recipient of Federal Funds. Those provisions are applicable if the
Recipient is a state or local government or a nonprofit organization as defined in OMB Circular A -133, as
A. In the event that the Recipient expends $500,000 or more in Federal awards in its fiscal
year, the Recipient must have a single or program- specific audit conducted in accordance
with the provisions of OMB Circular A -133, as revised. Exhibit 2 to this agreement
indicates Federal resources awarded through this Department by this agreement. In
determining the Federal awards expended in its fiscal year, the Recipient shall consider all
sources of Federal awards, including Federal resources received from this Department.
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The determination of amounts of federal awards expended should be in accordance with
the guidelines established by OMB Circular A -133, as revised. An audit of the Recipient
conducted by the Auditor General in accordance with provisions of OMB Circular A -133,
as revised, will meet these requirements.
B. In connection with these audit requirements, the Recipient shall fulfill the requirements
relative to auditee responsibilities as provided in Subpart C of OMB Circular A -133, as
C. If the Recipient expends less than $500,000 in Federal awards in its fiscal year, an audit
conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A -133, as revised, is not
required. In the event that the Recipient expends less than $500,000 in federal awards in
its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with provisions of OMB
Circular A -133, as revised, the cost of the audit must be paid from the non - federal
resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid from the Recipient resources
obtained from other than Federal entities).
D. Copies of reporting packages for audits conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-
133, as revised, and required by this agreement shall be submitted when required by
Section .320(d), OMB Circular A -133, as revised, by or on behalf of the Recipient directly
to each of the following:
(a) The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Division of Administration
509 Mayo Building
407 South Calhoun Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399 -0800
(b) The Federal Audit Clearinghouse designated in OMB Circular A -133, as revised
(the number of copies required by Sections .320(d)(1) and (2), OMB Circular A-
133, as revised, should be submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse) at the
following address:
Federal Audit Clearinghouse
Bureau of the Census
1201 East 10` Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132
(c) Other federal agencies and pass- through entities in accordance with Sections
.320(c) and (f), OMB Circular A -133, as revised.
E. Pursuant to Section .320(f), OMB Circular A -133, as revised, the Recipient shall submit a
copy of the reporting package described in Section .320(c), OMB Circular A -133, as
revised, and any management letter issued by the Auditor, to the Department of
Agriculture and Consumer Services at the following address:
The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
509 Mayo Building
407 South Calhoun Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399 -0800
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F. Any reports, management letters, or other information required to be submitted to the
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services pursuant to this agreement shall be
submitted timely in accordance with OMB Circular A -133, as revised.
G. Recipients, when submitting financial reporting packages to the Department of Agriculture
and Consumer Services for audits done in accordance with OMB Circular A -133, as
revised, should indicate the date that the reporting package was delivered to the Recipient
in correspondence accompanying the reporting package.
H. The Recipient shall maintain sufficient records demonstrating its compliance with the
terms of this agreement for a period of five (5) years from the date the audit report is
issued, and shall allow the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, or its
designee, Chief Financial Officer, or Auditor General access to such records upon
request. The Recipient shall ensure that audit working papers are made available to the
Department, or its designee, Chief Financial Officer, or Auditor General upon request for a
period of five (5) years from the date the audit report is issued, unless extended in writing
by the Department.
It is expressly understood and agreed that any articles that are the subject of, or required to carry
out, this contract shall be purchased from a nonprofit agency for the blind or for the severely
handicapped that is qualified pursuant to Chapter 413, Florida Statutes, in the same manner and under
the same procedures set forth in Section 413.036(1) and (2), Florida Statutes; and for purposes of this
contract the person, firm, or other business entity carrying out the provisions of this contract shall be
deemed to be substituted for the state agency insofar as dealings with such qualified nonprofit agency
are concerned. Available products, pricing and delivery information may be obtained by contacting:
RESPECT of Florida, 2475 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 205, Tallahassee, Florida 32301 -4946, telephone
number (850) 487 -1471 and fax number (850) 942 -7832.
It is expressly understood and agreed that any articles which are the subject of, or required to
carry out, this contract shall be purchased from the corporation identified under Chapter 946, Florida
Statutes, in the same manner and under the same procedures set forth in Section 946.515(2) and (4),
Florida Statutes; and for the purposes of this contract the person, firm, or other business entity carrying
out the provisions of this contract shall be deemed to be substituted for this Agency insofar as dealings
with such corporation are concerned. The "corporation identified" is Prison Rehabilitative Industries and
Diversified Enterprises, Incorporated. Available products, pricing and delivery schedules may be
obtained by contacting: PRIDE of Florida, 12425 28 Street, North, 3 Floor, St. Petersburg, Florida
33716, telephone number (727) 572 -1987.
The Contractor is informed that a person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor
list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on an agreement to provide any
goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on an agreement with a public entity for the
construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property
to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or
consultant under an agreement with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public
entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, Florida Statutes, for CATEGORY
TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list.
The Contractor is informed that pursuant to Executive Order 96 -236, effective October 1, 1996,
the Department shall consider the employment by the Contractor of unauthorized aliens a violation of
section 274(a) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act. If the Contractor knowingly employs
unauthorized aliens, such violation shall be cause for unilateral cancellation of this agreement.
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The Contractor is informed that an entity or affiliate who has been placed in the discriminatory
vendor list may not submit a bid on a contract to provide goods or services to a public entity, may not
submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public
work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not award or perform work as
a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under contract with any public entity, and may not
transact business with any public entity.
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy, this
Contractor is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or
disability and shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations related thereto,
including without limitation, the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 USC 12101 et. Seq.); Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 795); and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 USC 6101-
6107). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326 W,
Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC, 20250 -9410, or call (202)720 -5964
(voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
In accordance with Florida Statute 768.28, the Contractor Covenants and agrees that it shall
indemnify and hold harmless the Department and all of the Department's officers, agents and employees
from any claim, action, neglect or omission by the Contractor during the performance of the Agreements,
whether direct or indirect, and whether any person or property to which the Department or said parties
may be subject, except that neither the Contractor nor any of its sub - contractors shall be liable under this
paragraph for damages arising out of injury or damage to persons or property directly caused or resulting
from the sole negligence of the Department or any of its officers, agents or employees.
In the event that two or more documents combine to form this agreement between the parties,
including future amendments and addenda, and in the event that there are contradictory or conflicting
clauses or requirements in these documents, the provisions of the document(s) prepared by the
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Contract shall be controlling.
All contracts entered into by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services or any
Division or Bureau thereof, are and shall be controlled by Florida law, contrary provisions
In the event that any clause or requirement of this agreement is contradictory to, or conflicts with
the requirements of Florida law, including, but not limited to requirements regarding contracts with
Florida's governmental agencies, the offending clause or requirement shall be without force and effect
and the requirements of the Florida Statutes and rules promulgated thereunder on the same subject shall
substitute for that clause or requirement and be binding on all parties to this contract.
As applicable under Florida Statute 768.28, each party will be liable under this paragraph for
damages arising out of injury or damage to persons or property directly caused or resulting from the
negligence of such party or any of its officers, agents or employees.
All notices, demands, requests or other instruments to the Department shall be addressed to:
Mr. Charlie Marcus
Forest Management Bureau
3125 Conner Boulevard, 2 Floor
Tallahassee, Florida 32399 -1650
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All notices, demands, requests or other instruments to the Contractor shall be addressed to:
Mr. Steven Richart
City of Winter Springs
1126 E. State Road 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Signed by parties to this agreement:
Sign tu• e Signa • re Kevi . Smi al
City Manager
Title Title
9 ;-esI Q May 25, 2010
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NOTE: If the resources awarded to the recipient represent more than one Federal program, provide the same
information shown below for each Federal program and show total Federal resources awarded.
Federal Program (list Federal agency, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance title and number) -
U.S. Department of Agriculture /U.S. Forest Service, CFDA #10.688 - Forest Health Improvement Initiative -
$ 18,537.00
NOTE: If the resources awarded to the recipient represent more than one Federal program, list applicable
compliance requirements for each Federal program in the same manner as shown below.
Federal Program:
List applicable compliance requirements as follows:
1. First applicable compliance requirement (e.g., what services /purposes resources must be used for).
2. Second applicable compliance requirement (e.g., eligibility requirements for recipients of the resources).
3. Etc.
NOTE: Instead of listing the specific compliance requirements as shown above, the State awarding agency may
elect to use language that requires the recipient to comply with the requirements of applicable provisions of specific
laws, rules, regulations, etc. For example, for Federal Program 1, the language may state that the recipient must
comply with a specific law(s), rule(s), or regulation(s) that pertains to how the awarded resources must be used or
how eligibility determinations are to be made. The State awarding agency, if practical, may want to attach a copy of
the specific law, rule, or regulation referred to.
NOTE: If the resources awarded to the recipient for matching represent more than one Federal program, provide
the same information shown below for each Federal program and show the total State resources awarded for
Federal Program (list Federal agency, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance title and number) -
$ (amount)
NOTE: If the resources awarded to the recipient represent more than one State project, provide the same
information shown below for each State project and show total state financial assistance awarded that is subiect to
Section 215.97, Florida Statutes.
State Project (list State awarding agency, Catalog of State Financial Assistance title and number) -
$ (amount)
July 2005
Rule 691- 5.006, FAC
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NOTE: List applicable compliance requirements in the same manner as illustrated above for Federal resources.
For matching resources provided by the Department of "ABC" for Federal programs, the requirements might be
similar to the requirements for the applicable Federal programs. Also, to the extent that different requirements
pertain to different amounts of the non - Federal resources, there may be more than one grouping (i.e., 1, 2, 3, etc.)
listed under this category.
NOTE: Section .400(d) of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and Section 215.97(5), Florida Statutes, require that the
information about Federal Programs and State Projects included in Exhibit 1 be provided to the recipient.
July 2005
Rule 691- 5.006, FAC
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Name of Grantee: Contract No.:
Item # Descriptions of Items or Services Purchased Grant Amount
(Attach copies of canceled checks, receipts and invoices)
Remit payment to:
Note: Two or more written quotes, or a written record of telephone quotes, must be obtained (and documented)
for all individual purchases /expenditures over $2,500 and less than $25,000. Should verbal quotes be
received, name and address of company and dollar amount quoted shall be documented in writing. Sealed
bids are required for all purchases over $25,000.
Grantee Date
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Florida Division of Forestry
Interim Status Report
Return to:
Kelly Boutwell
3125 Conner Blvd, Suite R
Tallahassee, FL 32399 -1650
Fax: 850- 921 -8305
Project Status as of:
DOF Contract Number
Grant Recipient Name
Project Name
Name /Phone No. of Project Manager
Type of Entity (check one)
Local Government ❑ Non - Profit Organization ❑
Educational Institution ❑
Date when the vendor to perform the project will be /has been selected: Date:
Date when work on the project will /has commenced: Date:
Date when the project is scheduled to be /has been completed: Date:
Date when claims have been/will be submitted for reimbursement: Date:
Assistance needed from a DOF forester:
Technical Assistance on Project Site ❑ Technical Assistance on Urban Program ❑
Technical Assistance on Claim Process ❑ Certification of Completion /Acceptance ❑
Unforeseen problems or circumstances:
Prepared By:
(Print Name)
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, .
Fkaida Department ct A01E:ultras and Co ristaner Services 4
44; Divisicar of Foreetni
MARIE:5 H. BM:14130N
The Aillerican Recovery and. Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) was signed by President °barna on
February 17, 2009. It is an unprecedented effort to jurnostart our economy, create or save mitions of
jobs, and put a down payment on addressing long-neglected challenges so our country cart thrive in the
21 Century. The Recovery Act provided a Amide range of ptirfic benefits including S250,000,0000 to the
United States Forest Service nationally km state and private forestry activities. These edit/16es include
hazardous fuels reduction, forest health, and ecosystem *mriprovemeni
Framing for the contract you feceived through the Division of Forestry came from the Recovery Act. In an
effort to show fiscal accountablity and bransparency„ the Division at Foresby has been tasked with certain
reptrirtg reqiireerrents. This questionnaire gjggt be completed and submitted tilting with your trial
invoice. The kiforrnaticri we gather wit be used to show how these projects inpacted our local
economies. Thank you for your cooperation.
How many hours (rad pots and jrafff employees work on' this contract? Flours
2. As a resadf of Otis contract lend you hie any near enipioyees? OYES r3 HCI
a_ ff ves, how many? i Employees
b. How many hours did they work on this contract? Hours
As a resciff of fins contract were jpou able to hem" any employees that would have otherwise
been laid off? 1:1 YES 11110
a_ ff yes, how many? 1 Employees -
b. HOW 'many hours did they work on Otis codract?. Ilotms
4. if you have any offhe ftiffotaing documentation, please attach a copy.
a_ AdverliSenterdis or other docurnerstafion related to any position that was created.
b. The mune and start darte of any employee hied to fill a created porsffion_
0_ Employee tinesheets for any posons that were created or retaiited.
rt. A description of any position beirm created or retained.
e.. Layoff notice or other tikostonentafion elimitatkig the position if no Recovery Act
funds had been received.
Do you have any additional comments you virotdd like to share tjIj us concetnivg the limmfirig
from the Recovery Act?
S- 1052 Rev_ 05110
DACS-01085 Rev. 11/07
Page 15 of 15
This Agreement, made and entered into this the 7 day of /Adam" , 20 ,
Florida, hereinafter called the Department and the City of Winter Springs, hereinafter called the
WHEREAS, the Department desires to increase the general level of knowledge of the principles
of urban and community forestry by awarding funds to the Contractor for the establishment of a
demonstration tree planting project as outlined in the Urban and Community Forestry grant application
Number 10A -130 and Grant Memorandum of Agreement (the Grant Agreement) attached hereto as
Exhibit "1" and by reference made a part hereof;
WHEREAS, the Contractor agreed in the Grant Agreement to maintain the project as described
in the Grant Application;
WHEREAS, the Contractor by Resolution desires to enter into this Agreement and authorizes its
officers to do so.
NOW THEREFORE, herein and in Exhibit "1 ", the Grant Memorandum of Agreement, the
parties covenant and agree as follows:
A. The Contractor shall maintain the project in a responsible manner and with due care in
accordance with the below listed Project Standards for the property at the following
Moss Road, beginning at State Road 434 and ending at State Road 419, located in the
City right -of -way.
Specifically, the Contractor accepts the below listed responsibilities and duties:
(1) All planting stock or replacement must be Florida Grade #1 or better.
(2) Proper watering and proper fertilization of all trees /plants.
(3) Keeping trees /plants as free as practicable from disease and harmful insects;
(4) Proper mulching of trees and /or planting beds;
(5) Keeping the premises free of weeds;
(6) Mowing and /or cutting grasses to the proper length;
(7) Proper pruning of all trees which includes; removing dead or disease parts of
trees or (ii) pruning such parts thereof which present a hazard;
(8) Removing and replacing dead or diseased trees /plants in their entirety, or
removing and replacing those that fall below original Project Standards.
Page 1 of 4
(9) Following the Planting and Maintenance Guidelines as included herein.
The Contractor agrees to repair, or remove and replace at its own expense all or part of
the project that falls below Project Standards. In the event any part or parts of the
project, including all plants, must be removed and replaced for whatever reason, then
they shall be replaced with the same grade, size and specification as provided in the
original plans for the project. Furthermore, the Contractor shall keep litter removed from
the project area. The above named functions to be performed by the Contractor shall be
subject to periodic inspections by the Department. It is the intent of the parties that the
Contractor shall be the owner of the planting and other installations included and
stipulated in the grant application comprising the project.
B. The terms of this Agreement commence on the date of Certification of Acceptance and
continue for a period of three (3) years.
C. In the event this Agreement is terminated in accordance with the provisions provided in
Exhibit 1, then the Contractor shall refund to the Department a pro -rated portion of the
grant award based upon the following schedule:
(1) If this agreement is terminated within one year of this agreement, 75 percent of
the grant award;
(2) If this agreement is terminated during the second year of this agreement, 50
percent of the grant award;
(3) If this agreement is terminated during the third year of this agreement, 25 percent
of the grant award.
D. This Agreement, together with the Urban and Community Forestry Grant Memorandum
of Agreement, embodies the entire agreement and understanding between the parties
hereto and there are no other agreements or understandings, oral or written, with
reference to the subject matter hereof that are not superseded hereby.
Signed by parties to this agreement:
7 ij
Signature , Sign ure Kev L. Smith d
0111744 P
City Manager
Title Title
7 2 1 1/A-f. A, /Q May 25, 2010
D Date
Page 2 of 4
A. Planting
Site factors which influence long -term survivability should be considered: overhead and
underground utilities, sidewalks, sign conflicts, traffic visibility, light poles, right -of -way or site
improvements, size of planting space /site, etc.
All planting stock or replacement stock must be Florida Grade #1 or better.
All synthetic or non - biodegradable material such as nylon rope, synthetic wrap, treated burlap,
etc. must be removed from the root ball before planting. All biodegradable material should be
removed from the upper 1/3 of the root ball. Precautions should be taken to eliminate any
material from extending above the soil surface where it can act as a wick and dry the
surrounding soil.
If trees are planted with wire baskets around the root ball, it is recommended that the top two
tiers of wire be cut and removed after the root ball is set in the planting hole.
The planting hole should be at least 3 -5 times the diameter of the root ball (where possible) and
the same depth as the root ball.
Position the tree or palm in the center of the planting hole with the top of the root ball even with
the surrounding soil surface.
Backfill with soil from the planting site, if it is not contaminated. All large rocks should be
removed. When the hole is half full, slowly water to saturate the soil and remove air pockets,
then continue to fill the hole with soil. It is not recommended that large amounts of organic
matter be incorporated into the backfill. Rake the soil evenly around the entire planting area.
Water thoroughly to remove air pockets, secure the soil around the roots, and provide
B. Mulching
Mulch an area at least three times the diameter of the root ball to a depth of 2 -4" with wood
chips, bark mulch, shredded mulch, leaves or pine needles. Keep the mulch several inches
away from the tree or palm trunk.
Replenish mulch as it decomposes maintaining a 2 -4" layer over the life of the project.
C. Staking
Stake only if necessary; for example, if the tree or palm will not stand on its own due to potential
vandalism or strong winds.
Use flexible materials such as strapping or commercially available ties that give as the tree
diameter increases and as the tree moves. Biodegradable material is recommended.
Do not use wire even if the wire is inside rubber hosing.
Stakes and ties should remain on the trees no longer that one year to avoid girdling.
Page 3 of 4
L . .
D. Pruning
At the time of planting, only dead, damaged, rubbing or cross braches or fronds should be
Remove sucker sprouts from the base of the tree after planting.
Corrective /structural pruning can begin approximately one year after planting. Do not remove
more than 1/3 of the live crown during one growing season.
E. Watering
Establish a regular watering schedule and follow it. Slow deep watering is recommended.
Additional water may be needed during hot or dry periods.
As tree or palm growth progresses, be sure to water outward (away from the trunk) to the
surrounding soil area. This will promote the outward growth and spread of roots.
Various species of trees or palms and /or soil types may require varied degrees of watering. Soil
moisture and tree health should be monitored and irrigation adjusted accordingly. Non - irrigated
sites need to be monitored more closely.
F. Fertilizing
Begin a fertilization program within the first year of planting. Broadcast fertilizing or fertilizer
plugs /stakes are recommended.
Fertilize lightly after the first year using a balanced fertilizer (rates should be based on the size
of the tree or palm and any special nutrient requirements).
If micronutrient deficiencies are suspected, have a soil test completed and supplement the
fertilization program accordingly.
Page 4 of 4
BID NUMBER: RFP /DF- 09110 -47 OPENING DATE: FEBRUARY 12, 2010 @ 2:00 P.M.
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete all items pertaining to the Category Grant for which you are applying. The
proposal packet must not exceed thirty (30) one sided pages, including attachments. All attachments must be 8 1/2" X
11 ", except any attached sketches, plans and maps which must be no larger than 2' X 3' and folded into 8 1/2" X 11 ". Six
(6) copies (one copy with original signatures and five copies) of the proposal packet including the proposal form, the
project description and all attachments must be received no later than February 12, 2010, at:
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Purchasing Office - Forest Health Improvement Initiative - 2009 -11 PROPOSAL
Mayo Building - Room SB -8
Tallahassee, FL 32399 -0800
Telephone (850) 617 -7181
If you have any questions, please see ATTACHMENT J, "Division of Forestry District/Center Contacts"
Project Title: Moss Road Tree Reforestation Improvement Project
Proposer Name: City of Winter Springs
Steven T. Richart, Urban Beautification Manager
Name and Title of Contact Person:
Address: 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL
32708 Phone: (407) 327 -5976
FEID Number
59- 0126364 US Congressional District Number 24th
Is your organization a Nonprofjt.corporation pursuant to Chapter 617, Florida Statutes?
Yes No ��,,//
If the applicant is a city or county government, does your urban forestry program have the following:
Professional Staff, in -house or contracted, List qualifications such as ISA certification, forestry degree, etc.
We have both in -house staff and contracted providers. ISA Certification, Pest Control Operator.
Citizen Tree Advisory Board or Tree Advocacy Group, describe:
Beautification of Winter Springs Advisory Board
Management Plan Updated in 2003
Urban Tree Inventory or Management Plan, how current?
City Code 2003 -22 Ch. 5 - Tree Preservation
Tree Ordinance Covering either public or private lands, describe: Ordinance.
As the duly authorized representative of the Proposer named above, I hereby certify that all parts of the proposal and
required grant information have been read and understood and that all information submitted herein is true and correct.
Authorized Executive Officer: Kevin L. Smith
Title: City Manager
Signature: Date: January 20 , 2010
BID *: RFP /DF- 09/10 -47 OPENING DATE: 2/12/10 @ 2pm Forest Health Improvement Initiative Grant Proposal
A. Describe the local community and current urban forestry program, and role
of applicant in that program if a non - profit group: Winter Springs is a medium
sized City located in Seminole County with 35,000 residents. Our Urban Forestry Program
has a small operations budget and staffing. Care of more than 2000 juvenile trees is
handled part time by one field employee of the Urban Beautification Division and the
Arborist. We have a tree board consisting of seven residents who are known as the
Beautification of Winter Springs Advisory Board (BOWS). Winter Springs is a Tree
City USA for 21 years and has been awarded the Growth Award for 11 years, including
being one of 12 Sterling Communities in Florida for 2007.
B. Previous U &CF Grants received by the applicant. When were they
implemented and what did they accomplish?
• Urban Forestry Worker (3 Yr /2005 -2008) - The City's first dedicated field
worker was hired to specifically for newly installed tree planting along roadways
and the Cross Seminole Trail in Winter Springs.
• Arbor Day (2006) — Citizens attended the City's first training classes with
content on tree selection and tree care. Sustainable Arbor Day trees were
provided to over 1000 residents at no charge.
• Tuskawilla Tree Restoration Grant (2006) — Storm damages to roadway
trees in the Tuscawilla Subdivision were addressed along 2 miles of public roads
with much needed corrective pruning and repair.
• Urban Beautification Vehicle Grant (2005) — The City's first dedicated
arbor vehicle with small watering equipment was purchased to care for new
trees installed along public roadways.
• Cross Seminole Trail Tree Restoration Grant (2007) - Trees were installed
along the Cross Seminole Pedestrian Trail as replacements for over 700 canopy
trees lost in the hurricanes of 2004/2005.
C. Describe the goals and objectives of this project: The primary goal for this
project is to develop sustainable plantings along North Moss Road in an economically
challenged area of the City. Objectives include providing shade for public recreational
opportunities near Torcasso Park and at the various municipal buildings adjacent to the
project, and to provide a native tree planting demonstration site for the public on the
western end of Winter Springs.
D. Describe how this project will benefit the local community in the short
and long - term: Tree canopy in this area has been blighted by the recent
hurricanes of 2004/2005, diseases, and unfinished commercial development. An
immediate benefit will be the beautification aspect, improving the image of the
community with tree plantings and shade. Long term, additional tree canopy will
stimulate the community by creating usable natural spaces, increased business,
housing, and in the long run, raising the economic conditions of this area.
F. Describe why these funds are needed to complete this project: Without
funding under this program the City would be unable to provide tree canopy due to
the lack of tax based revenues and funding for forestry projects in this area.
+ BID #: R1P /DF- 09/10 -47 OPENING DATE: 2/12/10 @ 2pm Forest Health Improvement Initiative Grant Proposal
G. For a tree planting: Describe what species are being planted and why.
How will they be installed and maintained (be brief and concise, but
complete): Sand Live Oak, S. Red Cedar, Sabal Palm, Sycamore, Yaupon Holly,
Simpson Stopper, Winged Elm, Chickasaw Plum and Red Bud. All are compatible with
the soil conditions found throughout the project area. They will be installed by a local
contractor under the supervision of an ISA Certified Arborist and established by trained
personnel using a mobile water truck. Since this is a sustainable project, no automatic
irrigation will be required. We have a 99% survivability rate on our projects over a 10
year period.
H. What environmental or educational value will the community derive
from this project? This project will be used as a demonstration area for the
public for sustainable plantings and low cost drought tolerant tree projects.
I. What steps have been taken to carry out this project in a cost
effectiveness manner? Competitive pricing has been obtained from local
contractors and nurseries for the purchased and installation of material. A weekly
establishment and maintenance plan is in place using organic fertilizers and reclaimed
water. Florida grade #1 material will be selected for the project.
1 How will this project increase citizen involvement and support for the
Community's Urban Forestry program in the long term? What evidence of
community support for this project can be produced? The project has
already created massive support for the Forestry Program by raising awareness of
the need for sustainable tree projects in the City. The local Boy Scouts will be involved
in maintaining the trees while earning merit badges for their efforts. We have
received multiple letters of support from the community and City Officials for this
project (attached).
K. How will this project be publicized in the local community? Information
will be provided to all residents of Winter Springs through the City's quarterly
newsletter, monthly water billing, internet website, Arbor Day Celebration and through
the regular City Commission Meetings.
L. Tree City USA certification and growth award, last year current? Yes, Tree
City USA, 21 Yrs, Growth Award, 11 Yrs.
M. Will a Certified Arborist(s) or a graduate forester from an accredited four
—year Bachelor of Science in Forestry program oversee this project? If
not, who will provide oversight and what are their credentials? Yes, an
ISA Certified Arborist and a Certified Pest Control Operator will oversee the project.
N. What new partnerships will the project create or encourage? The project
will create several new partnerships with the immediate community on Moss Road,
which consists of five home owners groups, multiple businesses, and municipal
employees stationed in the area. Each group will participate in the education,
planning, installation, establishment and continuing care of the project. Businesses
in the area will benefit economically from the increased attention from additional
residential and visitor traffic. New service and retail jobs will be created from the
demand created as a direct result of this project, as interest increases.
BID NUMBER: RFP /DF- 09/10 -47 OPENING DATE: FEBRUARY 12, 2010 @ 2:00 P.M.
Cate o Category 1 - Reforestation
Specific Description: Sustainable tree installation along Moss Road between SR 434 & SR 419.
Requested Grant $
Contractual costs $3600.00
Equipment Use costs
Supplies costs $-'54 $ 1081. 00
Operating costs
Tree costs S-1-647-4,2Q 13 1 5 *. 00
Total Requested Grant (I) $ $21266.4 l8 531.00
A budget. detailing all costs identified above must be attached.
PROJECT LOCATION INFORMATION (Please print or type - Complete where applicable)
County Seminole
Describe the Specific Location of the Project: The project will be located along Moss Road, beginning at
State Road 434 and ending at State Road 419, located in the City Right of way.
Who has responsibility for overseeing Project implementation (name and title): Steven Richert, Urban
Beautification Manager, and Michael Mingea, City Arborist.
Who has maintenance responsibility for the Project after completion: The City of Winter Springs will be
responsible for maintenance of the project during and after completion.
Is the Land Ownership Public or Private ?: The land is owned by the public.
Name of Landowner: City of Winter Springs
Project Title: Moss Road Tree Reforestation Improvement Project
Applicant Name: Steven T. Richert, Urban Beautification Manager
Email Address: srichart@winterspringsfl.org
Please note: All proposals must include a detailed itemized budget summary which lists
all anticipated expenditures and explains all project costs. Proposals for site specific
demonstration tree planting projects must list the quantity, species, and approximate size
(container size, or caliper and height) of trees to be planted.
Cost Items Quantity Rate or Price Grant Cost
ISA Certified 16 hrs $100 $1600
Site Preparation 10 hrs $80 $800
Watering of Trees 40 hrs $30 $1200
(Inc. Washing In)
- -Water Truck &
Tanks- -
Equipment Use
Cost Items Quantity Rate or Price Grant Cost
Mini Pine Bark
Mulch 22 yds $49757 31090
41 . i0q 1.0
Red Bud 30 gal.
(8 -10') 13 $65.00 $845.00
S. Red Cedar 30 *2-3q3.00
gal. (8 -10') 21 $113.95 $2795
Sand Live Oak 30 $ I1SAo $ 2815.o0
gal. (8 -10') .34 25 $43795 $3760.35
Yaupon Holly 15
gal. (5 -6') 6 $35.00 $210.00
Yaupon molly $29 0.,. --
7gal. (4 -:l) a0
Winged Elm
30 gal. (8 -10') 23 $65.00 $1495.00
.Syearrrare $65.00 - $]17.89
Sabal Palm (var.)
4' -8' Booted 35 $135.00 $4725.00
Chickasaw Plum $44'40 W
15 $65'#2 -$981730
15ga1. (5 -6') 53.1h 322.00
Simpson Stopper 3-b3 x1-90
15gal. (5 -6') 6
-248 -- -$H
1192.. fil.; X 31. 00
WHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, under § 2(b), Art. VIII of the State
Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by
law; and
WHEREAS, trees are an important part of the City of Winter Springs; and
WHEREAS, the City desires to apply for a Forest Health Improvement Initiative Grant
which, if approved, will provide monies to improve the condition of the City's tree canopy; and
WHEREAS, in the event the City receives the benefit of the grant, the City desires to enter
into a Forest Health Improvement Initiative Grant Memorandum of Agreement with the Florida
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Forestry; and
WHEREAS, City Commission deems that this Resolution is in the best interests of the
public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs.
Section 1. Incorporation of Recitals. The foregoing recitals are deemed true and
correct and are hereby fully incorporated herein by reference.
Section 2. Support and Authorization. The City Commission of the City of Winter
Springs desires to demonstrate its continuing support of the improvement of the City's tree canopy
through the City's application for a Forest Health Improvement Initiative Grant. In furtherance of
its support, and if the City receives the benefit of the grant monies, the City Commission hereby
City of Winter Springs
Resolution No. 2010 -03
Page 1 of 2
t •
authorizes the City Manager to enter into a Forest Health Improvement Initiative Grant
Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Winter Springs and the Florida Department of
Agriculture and Consumer Services.
Section 3. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word, or
portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent
jurisdiction, whether for substantive or procedural reasons, such portion shall be deemed a separate,
distinct, and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portions of this Resolution.
Section 4. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Resolutions. All prior resolutions or parts of
resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 5. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon
its adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on this 11 day of January , 2010.
4, 7= :I- 1
��,, � ;,, 4
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs only:
fyr jy / /�
V {
City of Winter Springs
Resolution No. 2010 -03
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