HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 08 10 Public Hearings 502.6CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AGENDA ITEM 502.6 August 17 2010 Regular Meeting REQUEST: I Informational I I I Consent I I Public Hearings X Regular The Code Enforcement Board is requested to review this Agenda Item. } -M,., o NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION City of Winter Springs, Florida. Winter Sprin P Department TO RESIDENT/PROPERTY OVINER ADDRESS: 8 0 z CxAtr -,., ' This is to male you aware that the following rin condition is a violation of the requirements of the Code of the City of Winter Springs, FL. ACCUMULATION OF TRASH AND DEBRIS: Remove trash and debris. BOAT /R ILER TARED IN FRONT YARD: Store behind the o I of the structure. CO MMERCIAL USE OF RESIDENTIAL AREA: Remove commercial vehicle Y remove equipment I discontinue business use. FENCE NEEDS REPAIR: Repair or replace fence IN VEHICLE: Repair, store in garage or remove from property. OVERGROWN YARD: My and remove yard waste. UTILITY METER ACCESS: POOL WATER UNFIT: Maintain pool. �UNFIT STRUCTURE: Contact Building Department. ,U - NLICENSED EHICLE: License, store in garage or remove from the property. ,UN PERMITTED CONSTRUCTION: Obtain Permit from Building Depa UNPERMITTED SIGN: Remove the sign/obtain a permit from Building Department. ,YARD SALE WITHOUT PERMIT: Obtain permit � from Building Department. � ETHER: O THER /CO MMENTS: 47° 1;�XA` Please remedy the problems which have been checked s a violation. on or before � �'�� If you are not sure of the proper remedy you may contact an inspector a t the number below. (407) 327 - 1000 INSPECTOR: r- 44"O s DATE: t CASE NUMBER: 5 7 ` 7V L6 ox- Joseph G. Deas 241 North Edgem n Avenue Winter Springs, FL. 32708 Re: case 10- 0023077, 180 Lori Anne Lane Notice of Code Violation An inspection on June 6, 2010 of above mentioned property noted the fallowing violation(s) of Winter Springs City Codes) /Ordinance(s): `railer Section 20 - 411 & 20 Please correct these violations by: M ust re move trail ,from prft w ithin two (2) days after notification. Failure to correct the violation(s) and to notify the Winter Springs Police Department of said corrections by the date will result in charges bein brought against you before the city of Winter Springs code Enforcement Board which has the p ower to levy fines up to $250.00 per day per violation for every day that you remain in violation. Si ncerely, Jim Flannigan Po lice/Code Enforcement Specialist vp Enclosures: City Ordinances 20 -411 & 20 -434 Certified Mail; 7009 0290 0001 1969 8928 WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT }+.t� � �• • �� ��. . d :.', - c L�o�4., , .x�fi.we..1�,r::a, nee. 1:. ��+. �. r '.v:.��'�� . .se.'4,.' -. , ; r- , �..,..�,,,.,:� ., �.,,�, -a -.:. ._�, ... , . , ,.,. .. , .,.. a1 r .. .v �, .. 300 North Moss ad • Wint r Springs, FL 32708 � Business (407) (407 327 Kevin P Brunell cN 1 �1 2010 Joseph G. Deas 241 North Edgem n Avenue Winter Springs, FL. 32708 Re: case 10- 0023077, 180 Lori Anne Lane Notice of Code Violation An inspection on June 6, 2010 of above mentioned property noted the fallowing violation(s) of Winter Springs City Codes) /Ordinance(s): `railer Section 20 - 411 & 20 Please correct these violations by: M ust re move trail ,from prft w ithin two (2) days after notification. Failure to correct the violation(s) and to notify the Winter Springs Police Department of said corrections by the date will result in charges bein brought against you before the city of Winter Springs code Enforcement Board which has the p ower to levy fines up to $250.00 per day per violation for every day that you remain in violation. Si ncerely, Jim Flannigan Po lice/Code Enforcement Specialist vp Enclosures: City Ordinances 20 -411 & 20 -434 Certified Mail; 7009 0290 0001 1969 8928 a complete item's 1, 2, and S. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery' ls desired. ■ print your name and address on the reverse o that we can return the card to You. 0 Attach this card. to the bac k of the mai[piece, or on the front If -space permits.. 1. AN le Addressed to: lVie A . Sign re Q Agent X ddressee B. eived (Printe Name) ate of ry D. is delivery address different from Item V e if YES, eater delivery address below: 13 No 4' - a . Service e rtifed Mail 13 Express Mail Registered 13 Return `Receipt for erch ndlse ❑ Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery (bra 'Fee) a Yes 2. Aficle N umber 7010 0290 0001 1969 8928 (Transfer from service label) P Form 381 1, February 004 Domestic Return .l�eceipt 102595-02-M-1 a i i CERTIFIED M RECEIPT C.over P rovided L cr Or }} Er L� ri P F r=1 Fee T Return Il r i�� Requk6 T Postmark Here (Endorsement -) , „ K 4 �N rated Fee ement d) ; a �+ 1J X'. .. F Total & Fee FU 1 a t= or t'V B ox f Q. W � _ 9 CITY OF WflqUR SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCENT B OARD CITY OF WTNTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE NFORCE ENT BOARD, PETITIONER, V. JOSEPH G. DEAS RESPONDENT, l ADDRESS: - 241 KORTR EDGMiG]N A . - uE WlhMR SPRINGS, FL 32 STATEMENT OF VIOLATION AND NOTICE OF MEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT A 7: 00 P.M. vN T-m 17TEI D AY OF AUGUST AT THE CITY HALL, 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WIN= SPRINGS, FLORIDA, THE -CITY OF WATER SPRINGS CODE ENFORCE,W_.NT BOARD WILL I TOLD A NEARING TO DETERMINE WffY YOU SHOULD NOT BE FOUND IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AS FOLLOWS. LOCATIONIADDRESS WHERE VIOLATION EXISTS: 180 LORI A'N'A Lal. WINTER SPRINGS FL 327G8 NAME AND ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER OF RECORD- JOSEPH G. DEA.S, 241 NOR:TD. EDGEMON AVENUE, NINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 NAME AND ADDRESS OF RESIDENTIPERSON IN CHARGE OF PROPERTY: JOSEPH G. DEAS,, 241 KORTR EDGE: LON AVENTE, WINTTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 CI'T'Y CODE SECTION VIOLATED: SECTIO /20 - 411 & 20 DESCFJPU '►N OF VIOLATION: TRAILER DATE VTOT.,ATION WAS FIRST OBSERVED. JANUARY 6, 2010 REOCCURRED JUNE 6 2010 "ARTS Ms TIOl� FlUST EE CORRECTED WITHINC UNLESS YOU: (1) CORRECT TINS VIOLATIO14 BY'TR E DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION AND (2) CONTACT THE CODE INSPECTOR TO VERIFY COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY CODE, TMS CASE WILL BE BROUGHT BEFORF. THE CO- DE ENTOR.CEMFNT BOARD ON THE DATE GIVEN ABOVE. IT' Try BOARD FINDS YOU IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AS STATED ABOVE, YOU MAY BE FINED UP TO TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($280.00) PER DAY FOR EACH DAY TIE VIOLATION CONTRI UES, BE CHARGED COSTS INCURRED BY TBE CITY IN PROSECUTING THIS CASE AND IF SUC14 FII\IE AND COSTS ARE NOT PROMPTLY PAID, MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY, PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTES SECTIO 162.09 THIS HEARING SHALL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2 -64 OF THE CITY OF WJNTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AND FLORIDA STATTJTES C14APTER 162 YOU 14AVE A RIGHT TO APPEAR IN PERSON OR BY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO PRESENT FIFIDFNCF, ENTID3ITS, AND WRITTEN OR ORAL TESTIMONY. THE CODE BOARD WILL SUBPOENA. WITNESSES IN YOUR BEHALF UPON WRITT rEN PETITION TO THE BOARD. PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY. IF YOU DESIRE TO APPEAL THE ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, YOU WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS. FOR THIS PURPOSE, YOU MAY, AT YOUR EXPENSE, ARRAN43E FOR A VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT OF THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE PRESENTP.D AT THE HF, ARINCT. YOU ARE HEREBY ADVISED THAT YOU OIL YOUR AUTHBRIUD REPRESENTATIVE MUST ATTEND THE CODE BOARD :SEARING OTHERWISE, IF YOU FAIL TO .ATTEND IN PERSON OR BY REPRESENTATIVE, YOB MAY LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO A HEARING AND THE CODE BOARD MAY ORDER A DEFAULT BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU FRNDlN, VOU IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AS STATED ABOVE. DATED THIS 22ND DAY - SfrvNfier� OF MDE INS PECTOR r r�' OF JULY 20 - - - -1 .0 � � I� FLAINNIG TYPED OR PRIlVTED NAME OF COVE INSPECTOR ENCLOSED: COPS . 0F SECTION XI0 - & 20 - 434 CODE ENFORCEMENT CITY DEPARTMENT (407) 327 - 1000 TELEPHO. NE NUMBER OF OFFICE OF CODE INSPECTOR ) I CERYfFY C O S TC WAS SERVED BY HAND DELIVERY/ X CERTMM MAIL THIS _. .8 DAY OF CFRTTFIM", )) D r ERE _ Ola a s OOC 1 19?0 3 RECErVEn BY: PR1ti1ED NAME RELATIONSMP TO PROPERTY OWNER OF RECORD Co wLAINT N O. I0 -DG230 7 W SPD 115 REV. 3 -10 -00 ■ Complete items 1 2 . and 3. Also COMPlet item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. x Print your name and .address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. 0 Attach this card to the back of the mal ipiece, 1 ■ A rEjrje AUUJWZpa�U LU. a IS (j LLVeTy aQUTUbti UiILVIG1 14 J&%Ot ■63 1 I . . if YES, enter delivery address below: � Ala V. ys.r� x■v IF_— rti ad [Dail 0 Express flail 0 Registered 0 Retu Receipt for Merchandise . Article Nurnb6r 701,0 0290 0001 1970 9072 {rr, n fer from service 1abeO P Form 3811, Februatry 2004 DoM tic Return ReCelpt 1CQ5$5 -[1 -1540 U.S.. Postal ServiceTM CERTIFIED. MAILTM� RECEIPT ru man. ont No insurance Cover . -d L ' A .(Domestic nr I A L �+'� i ro.7tag. l,� !i+ FR � _ 1 My f f7lf7Jn �5'� � 6a" E�O LF #Tk4 + Hera f eturn o p# �"'� 17S rserY RegW4 �# Y .Y f stricte,elivery Fie "+ r ��jido= t Req rU Iota Pa e as } Im Sent To 0 _'_ ._ r! Y�_r.. ___f _.F • + s tree t, or PO oJC N O rr__�a.r •. �r _ -rr __ y_ �� ��L � � J . Article Nurnb6r 701,0 0290 0001 1970 9072 {rr, n fer from service 1abeO P Form 3811, Februatry 2004 DoM tic Return ReCelpt 1CQ5$5 -[1 -1540