HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 07 14 Public Hearing 500 Ordinance 2010-18 Amending the Comprehensive Plan To Create Citywide Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA) LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY AGENDA ITEM 500 Consent Information Public Hearing X Regular July 14, 2010 Meeting REQUEST: The Community Development Department — Planning Division requests that the Local Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing for consideration of Ordinance 2010 -18, amending the Comprehensive Plan to create a citywide Transportation concurrency Exception Area (TCEA) for the City of Winter Springs. SYNOPSIS: This action applies a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA) designation to the entire City, which allows the City to be exempt from state - mandated transportation concurrency requirements by establishing mobility strategies and funding mechanisms for the various geographic areas or zones of the City (as identified within the amendment) in collaboration with Seminole County and adjacent cities. The application of a TCEA designation to the entire City requires a comprehensive plan text amendment. As provided by law, the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Winter Springs can be amended only in accordance with 163.3187(1). This request is being considered as part of the City's spring submittal cycle. CONSIDERATIONS: APPLICABLE LAW, PUBLIC POLICY, AND EVENTS Florida Statute 163.3174 (4): The Local Planning Agency shall have the general responsibility for the conduct of the comprehensive planning program. Specifically, the Local Planning Agency shall: (a) Be the agency responsible for the preparation of the comprehensive plan or plan amendment and shall make recommendations to the governing body regarding the adoption or amendment of such plan... (b) Monitor and oversee the effectiveness and status of the comprehensive plan and recommend to the governing body such changes in the comprehensive plan as may from time to time be required... Florida Statute 163.3177: Required and optional elements of the comprehensive plan; studies and surveys. Florida Statute 163.3187 Amendment of adopted comprehensive plan. July 14, 2010 Public Hearing Item 500 Page 2 of 5 Florida Statute 166.041 Procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions. Winter Springs Charter Section 4.15 Ordinances in General. Winter Springs Article III. Comprehensive Plan Amendments Section 15 -30. Authority. purpose and intent; Sec. 15 -35. Review procedure. Section 15 -36. Review criteria; Section 15 -37. Local Planning Agency Review and Recommendation: Prior to the City Commission's consideration of the application, the Local Planning Agency shall consider the application(s) at a Public Hearing, along with the staff review board's recommendation, and recommend that the City Commission approve, approve with modifications (text only), or deny the application for transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. At a minimum, the Local Planning Agency shall consider the same factors considered by the staff review board. The LPA shall hold at least one (1) public hearing prior to making its recommendation to the City Commission. BACKGROUND DATA On June 1, 2009, Senate Bill 360 (SB 360), now known as Chapter Law No. 2009 -96 was signed into law. Among other things, SB 360 requires each City or County that is certified as a Dense Urban Land Area (DULA) to be automatically designated as a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA). SB 360 defines a DULA as: (a) a municipality that has an average of at least 1,000 people per square mile of land area and a minimum total population of at least 5,000; (b) a county, including the municipalities located therein, which has an average of at least 1,000 people per square mile of land area; or (c) a county, including the municipalities located therein, which has a population of at least 1 million. The City meets the definition under (a) above, with approximately 2,320 persons per square mile of land area as of April 1, 2009 (the last official date for population estimates). The City was designated as a DULA on July 8, 2009. With the adoption of SB 360 and Winter Spring's DULA designation, the entire area within the City limits is a TCEA. To ensure that Winter Springs is provided the opportunities that a TCEA affords, the City must amend its existing comprehensive plan and land development regulations, which base transportation concurrency on roadway capacity alone. Instead, specific policies, objectives, and strategies must be adopted into the comprehensive plan that address land use mix, densities, intensities, mobility strategies, and connections to other regional systems. Amendments to the text of the Future Land Use Element, Transportation Element, and Intergovernmental Coordination Element are included along with strategies and projects in the Capital Improvements Element, which fund the mobility strategies of the TCEA. A map is included which depicts the TCEA zones. What is a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA)? A TCEA is an urban area where infill and redevelopment are encouraged, and where exceptions to the transportation concurrency requirement are made, providing that alternative modes of • July 14, 2010 Public Hearing Item 500 Page 3 of 5 transportation, land use mixes, urban design, connectivity, and funding are addressed. The primary purpose of a TCEA is to allow development to occur in urbanized areas where infrastructure already exists, thereby reducing urban sprawl. TCEAs can be used as a tool to direct growth in ways that promote the overall goals of the community. TCEA concurrency exceptions apply to all land uses, development and types of facilities within the TCEA. A TCEA allows development to occur along roadway segments that have traffic volumes above the capacity at the minimum Level of Service (LOS). Why Were TCEAs Created? TCEAs were created by Florida's Legislature because they determined that, often the unintended result of transportation concurrency based on roadway capacity alone, was the discouragement of urban infill development and redevelopment. Such unintended results directly conflict with the goals and policies of the state comprehensive plan. New TCEA Zones The Winter Springs' TCEA is included within Seminole County's DULA/TCEA Mobility Area "Four ", along with the City of Oviedo. However, the City of Winter Springs wishes to further divide this Area into Zones designated as A, B, C, D & E. These Zones are based on their geographic location in relation to the City's existing transportation network, land use, and future mobility needs. FINDINGS: (1) Whether the proposed amendment will have a favorable or unfavorable effect on the city's budget, or the economy of the city or the region; The amendments enhance the orderly and balanced economic and fiscal development of the City. (2) Whether the proposed amendment will diminish the level of service (LOS) of public facilities; Transportation concurrency requirements are modified within the citywide TCEA to include integration and coordination among the various modes of transportation. LOS shall be used for monitoring purposes, in order to identify where multi -modal improvements are needed, and not for development approvals based on capacity. Development approvals will be based on the applicant's compliance with an adopted Mobility Strategy that emphasizes multiple modes of transportation to offset the impact of new vehicle trip generation. If the multi-modal improvements needed require roadway improvements, emphasis shall be upon intersection improvements to improve safety and reduce conflicts between modes; signalization/Transportation Demand Management improvements (especially those providing transit and pedestrian priority signalization); bicycle facility improvements, and pedestrian crosswalk/median improvements. (3) Whether there will be a favorable or unfavorable impact on the environment or the natural or historical resources of the city or the region as a result of the proposed amendment; July 14, 2010 Public Hearing Item 500 Page 4 of 5 The amendment enhances the orderly and balanced social, physical and environmentally responsible development of the City; (4) Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the state comprehensive plan set forth in Chapter 187, Florida Statutes, and the East Central Florida Regional Policy Plan, adopted by Rule 29F- 19.001, Florida Administrative Code; The proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan set forth in Chapter 187, F.S. and the (1998) East Central Florida Regional Policy Plan, adopted by Rule 29F - 21.001, Florida Administrative Code as well as the Draft East Central Florida 2060 Strategic Policy Plan currently under review. (5) Whether the City is able to provide adequate service from public facilities to the affected property, if the amendment is granted, and whether the amendment will promote the cost/effective use of or unduly burden public facilities; The amendment provides the cost/effective use and expansion of public facilities. (6) Whether the amendment is compatible with surrounding neighborhoods and land use; The amendment includes an analysis of the growth trends and travel patterns and interactions within the City between land use and transportation, and the compatibility between the future land use and transportation elements. (7) Whether approval of the amendment will cause the comprehensive plan to be internally inconsistent; Internal consistency within the Comprehensive Plan is maintained. (8) Whether the proposed amendment will promote or adversely affect the public health, safety, welfare, economic order, or aesthetics of the city or region; and The amendment promotes the public health, safety, welfare, economic order, and aesthetics of the City. (9) The contents of any Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) prepared pursuant to 163.3191, Florida Statutes. As part of the City's 2008 Evaluation and Appraisal Report process, it was recognized that the City should consider implementation of a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA) or similar concurrency management alternative for the Town Center and Greeneway Interchange Districts and the developable land between the two areas, to encourage urban infill development. As a result, the City's EAR -Based Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan included a policy (Transportation Element Policy 1.11.6) directing the City to further this objective through study and implementation. The proposed amendments will be included in the City's bi- annual Comprehensive Plan amendment cycles. Both a Transmittal Hearing and Adoption Hearing are required prior to issuance of a Notice of Intent by the State Department of Community Affairs July 14, 2010 Public Hearing Item 500 Page 5 of 5 FISCAL IMPACT: Developments will be required to implement, or provide a funding contribution to directly implement mobility strategies (identified by the City), based on a proposed development's anticipated net, new trip generation. Subsequent to this amendment, the City will further examine other implementation strategies (which may include mobility fees, proportionate share mitigation, fees in -lieu, and/or combination) to support and fund mobility and will amend its Land Development Code as needed. The City still maintains the ability to collect transportation impact fees to ensure that new development pays for its fair share towards the building or redevelopment of road capacity. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: Commission Agenda Items are posted in City Hall and posted on City's Website July 4, 2010- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel of LPA Public Hearing July 12, 2010- Information to the City Commission July 14, 2010- LPA Public Hearing to consider the amendment and make recommendation to the City Commission Tentative Implementation Schedule: July 15, 2010 - Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel of Public Hearing July 26, 2010- First Reading of Ordinance transmitting the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments July 29, 2010- Transmittal to Dept of Community Affairs and other agencies Sept 29, 2010- Receipt of ORC Report from the State Dept. of Community Affairs Oct 25, 2010 - Anticipated Adoption Hearing for Ordinance 2010 -18 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests that the Local Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing to consider the amendment and make a favorable recommendation to the City Commission for Ordinance 2010 -18, amending portions of the City's Comprehensive Plan to identify mobility strategies and to designate a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA) over the entire City. ATTACHMENTS: A- Noticing of LPA Ad in Orlando Sentinel B- Ordinance 2010 -18 Citywide TCEA with proposed amendments Future Land Use Element (FLUE) Transportation Element (TE) Intergovernmental Coordination Element (ICE) Capital Improvements Element (CIE) TCEA Zone Map Appropriate Strategies • . • SUNDAY, JULY 4, 2010 D2 Orlando Sentinel • . ._./ • sto.e•aosNNISININIOn • mu bore • bUBBA� C�i t10N cDpPAN1! AD FOR BIOS NO110E UpDIR f(C oUS • There may be occasions w n staff �J1� in Mt • pUOLIC Np7ICE At the above location there. telephone, YO BIO Frt..,...cloinirdcir lan They; Construed Company NAME STATUTE I or LpCA� (A µ SP ! 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Each Per sung decides to appeal E AND R N p1.U T ONSS C env action tokerl@m decided to appeal these meetings 1 rPtJp! wroric algnall2aflon, �inein9, Pr will be tl�pla by mall or fax aqado FL 92807 * C11. - any decision made by the Board with . /5 T ON IN 0 FH C O t REHEN advised that person will need a record co�rete curb and gutter and guard- of clan���cccyyr & They Coriatrvcton Co mot t e (party) (parties) Interested respect to any matter considered of !?b I AN I • G AL STATUS OF of the proceedings one mat d caragn ro Pony, 7�95 Po � r- �onwsaale business enterprise rs as tot -_ the public hearing gr meeting is ad- 1{ IV M R H V g P ly, (Na Denson may to ensure that Pi ens and lol prw &Io are wall• mum, 0o, L •o0 st leasw a re ail o, Ire Sunshine Llne, Inc. v that person win need a record of MEN E_I I V E YER (LIr • a vtl twtlm retard oQ t e proceedings G pay ona q se pr proceedings and that accorald ly, the ' AND A Is mode, Inducing t estmony and • able review at our Dfti Piense easels Attn. 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Non Off ce spected by Interested ,parties bsfweann There may be occasions when one or mbar Inat con placemen Act of 1886 a BIdNn will be ore I.O.M. and 5 2 m Moe throe h pro Sup arv( Es w�ll partl by and finishing, structure 04141, cvr0/ �MM oappesria lly to wink bids la response m Written comments ma bQ submitted iar CIty Clerks Ottme a , m o Sup At a bov e bra to gutters, gu r roe 1 t ic signs, gig- aIe mutton dad wig st be discriminated COR1075923 7!42010 e s c 9 r th of ere '1 T g within 2) days of 0110 davit or this notes toted of 1126 0: at 8foee Road 194 �,4�n- t n o =o ce r8n eg (( oak and bore, wo- widen o■ Ike weaap o( p nw cow pi9s NOTICE UNDER F10710111 'O Krlafo Rvsaell Lobar Relations, ter Springs FP d .For more' intone Tli be prsMnt ken tele s o serRroo I a n fs, electrical r• sale et. totem, one mile la consideration ter NAME STATUTE EL 44 west Ameb S eat, rion• 1 Col 71 - 18001227 Per sons plat on (ntarea�ta con attend veYlnp, p ain s t a � o ng. 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Interested par�•0 s r30 wil n Wa rearrd ma n braatletd0orrle.eom for a t {ty of y ntir Park, all in- Vt 19 Edgewo }er, F 32134 CS(ET Count I In 5tandardf for Inter- are atlVls that they may appear at of he pra has and that ac re sting- ^ of 1n Hon. tereate part ea should visit not the (norty, (par lea) Interested nafloaf d ucatlonaI Travel) Advisory the meeting and be heard with respect l'• the person may need to ensure that ` • COR707p13 6/21- 7!//1010 our W b site of http :/I in sold business enterprise Is as foe• List of ducatlonal Travel & Ex- to the proposetl ordinances. • 0 ve rec of ■ pr mrpw www.c(iy @fwl terpark.orgi lam' change roars ,to require en- Is made, Include rig the testimony .i. orch sin , it FS the tole re- Global Diversities ,. v rollmenf In certa� and• n courses. C5E1075995 • 7/4/2000 evidence upon wlllch such appeal and p IS to simile rn z • [DRAF ATTACHMENT B ORDINANCE NO. 2010 -18 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SETTING FORTH AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REGARDING TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY EXCEPTION AREA AND TRANSPORTATION MOBILITY STRATEGIES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; INCORPORATION INTO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; LEGAL STATUS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS; SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Future Land Use Element - Objective 1.3 Concurrency. The City shall ensure that future development is provided essential services and facilities at acceptable standards by incorporating the following policies into the site plan review process and the City's concurrency management system and mobility strategies. Policy 1.3.1: Level of Service (LOS) and Mobility StrategiesRe,eew. Review all development and redevelopment proposals to determine their specific impacts on current LOS standards and mobility strategies. Policy 1.3.2: Determination. Dcny a dcvclopmcnt ordcr if a proposcd dcvclopmcnt will result in a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • - -- -- - - - --- - -- -- . -. -- . - -- - - - - -- • -- ' placc concurrcnt with the impacts of such dcvclopment to maintain the adopted minimum LOS standard. Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA). Consider the City in its entirety as being effectively established as a TCEA on July 8, 2009 by Senate Bill 360. This designation provides an exemption to transportation level of service requirements in an effort to support urban infill, development, redevelopment and the achievement of the City's redevelopment goals by addressing mobility, urban design, land use mix, and network connections. Transportation concurrency requirements are modified within the citywide TCEA to include integration and coordination among the various modes of transportation. LOS shall be used for monitoring purposes. in order to identify where multi -modal improvements are needed, and not for development approvals based on capacity. (Cross Reference: See Transportation Element, Policy 1.1 1.6) Policy 1.3.3: Improvements. Continue to seek fiscal resources to make improvements necessary to accommodate growth and infill development while maintaining services and facilities according to art adopted standards and mobility strategies. Objective 1.6 Transportation /Land Use Compatibility. The City will ensure that population densities, housing types, employment patterns, and land uses are consistent with the City's transportation network mobility strategies. Policy 1.6.2: Multimodal Transportation Improvements. Providc Proposed multimodal transportation improvements consistent with the land use patterns on the Future Land Use Map - 2030. Policy 1.6.3: Transportation LOSMobility Strategies. Require' _ _ _ _ _ _ -a _ _ • - _ - - - - - - - - - -a - - - - ! - Z. - Require development to contributes to the City's multimodal system emeithrough the implementation of or financial contributions toward identified mobility strategies= _ _ - - - - _ - - •- - q. • - _ _ - - _ _ • - - • Require such contribution to be approved by the City Commission. Development approvals will be based on the applicant's compliance with a certain number of mobility strategies as an offset to the impact of new vehicle trip generation. If the multimodal improvements needed require roadway improvements, emphasis shall be upon intersection improvements to improve safety and reduce conflicts between modes; signalization /Transportation Demand Management improvements (especially those providing transit and pedestrian priority sicinalization); bicycle facility improvements, and pedestrian crosswalk /median improvements. Policy 1.8.5: Procedures for Inclusion of Annexed Properties into the City's TCEA. Place properties that involve a large -scale land use amendment into a City TCEA Zone as part of the large -scale amendment process and amend simultaneously the appropriate TCEA map(s). Place properties that involve a small - scale land use amendment into a City TCEA Zone as part of the next large -scale amendment cycle. and amend simultaneously the appropriate TCEA map(s). During the interim period, after obtaining a City land use category, but prior to placement in a City TCEA Zone, development on property may proceed by the development providing and funding mobility standards and requirements of the most physically proximate Zone. If the property is adiacent to two Zones, the property shall meet the standards and requirements of the Zone lettered closest to the beginning of the alphabet. Policy 2.1.4: Future Roads and Traffic Mobility Patterns. Adopt appropriate transportation maps to identify future roads and traf€iemobility patterns related to the Town Center that assure multimodalbest routes through land while attempting to maximize development potential and opportunities consistent with the Town Center Goal. Determine the final location of future Town Center roads and mobility patterns during the development process. Policy 3.1.2: Future Roads and TrafficMobility Patterns. Adopt appropriate transportation maps to identify future roads and mobilitytraffic patterns related to the GID that peev+elefacilitate multimodal transportationbcst routes through and safe and convenient access while attempting to maximize development potential and opportunities consistent with GID Goal. Determine the final location of future roads and mobility patterns within the GID and adjacent area during the development process in accordance with the Transportation Element. Policy 3.1.3: Multimodal Access. Plan for transit and multimodal service on transportation thoroughfares accessing the GID, including a future SeminoleWAY intermodal transit facility for light rail or bus rapid transit (BRT) service along SR 417. Coordinate the location of transit - related facilities with Seminole County. LYNX, and the Expressway Authority. Ensure pedestrian and bicycle connection to the future intermodal facility. Supportive facilities and amenities should include clustered and compact mix of uses with intensities that support transit, park and ride parking garage with bicycle lockers and facilities, and covered shelters. (Cross Reference: See Intergovernmental Coordination Element. Policy 1.3.71 Policy 3.1.4: Multimodal Transportation. Plan for and facilitate the seamless integration of future multimodal transportation within the GID, including BRT or similar transit circulator service by the inclusion of supportive facilities and amenities in the master plan, including deeded BRT corridor. (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use Element. Policy 3.3.4) Policy 3.1.3Policy 3.1.5: Connectivity. Require pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular connectivity both internally and externally to adjoining developable properties (including public trail linkages). (Cross Reference: See Recreation and Open Space Element, Policy 1.6.4) Policy 3.2.5: Urban Form. Define the urban form through clustering of uses with intensities that support multimodal transportation and provide efficient and use, thereby reducing vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions. Policy 3.2.5Policy 3.2.6: Development Bonuses. Development bonuses which allow a higher FAR (up to a maximum FAR of 2.0), may be granted for projects within the Greeneway Interchange District which demonstrate environmental stewardship through one or more of the following: • Environmentally - sensitive site planning (Cross Reference: See Conservation Element, Policy 1.8.2); • Green building design and energy efficient buildings as determined by USGBC LEED Certification or equivalent; • Incorporation of Low Impact Development (LID) practices, such as green roofs capture and use of stormwater for irrigation and /or other grey water type uses, and rain gardens (Cross Reference: See Conservation Element, Policy 1.3.4); • Energy efficient land use which minimizes impervious surfaces, such as inclusion of one or more parking garages (Cross Reference: See Conservation Element, Policy 1.8.1); • Restoration or enhancement of degraded wetlands, native ecosystems, or preservation of extra upland buffers around critical habitat (Cross Reference: See Conservation Element, Policy 1.7.2); and • Waterwise practices including sustainable site design through natural landscaping with Florida native plants (Cross Reference: See Conservation Element, Policy 1.2.6). Policy 3.2.6Policy 3.2.7: Trail Linkages. Require public trail linkages through the GID and require bicycle facilities (such as bike racks and lockers) to support public access via alternative means. Policy 3.2.7Policy 3.2.8: Diversity in Detailing and Style. Require development to include diversity in detailing and style while maintaining aesthetic harmony. Policy 3.3.4: Town Center Linkages. Support public /private investment in transportation linkages between the GID and the Town Center (includingsuch as a local transit circulator, water taxi, trail connection, or other innovative rransportation solutions.) Policy 4.2.1: Percentage of Various Uses. Require as part of the master planning process, an appropriate set of uses and distribution of uses to be established unique to each development that will allow no more than seventy -five percent (75/ perccnr of any one type of land use to dominate the Mixed Use category. Policy 4.2.6: Connectivity. Ensure that existing. new, and future development is connected by roadways, bikeways. and /or pedestrianways that encourage travel between uses and access to transit without requiring the use of the arterial road. Policy 5.1.1: Purpose of Urban Central Business District. Establish the UCBD to: • Plan appropriate and balanced land uses on a scale and at an intensity, consistent with the availability of public facilities and services; • Facilitate mixed use development; • Encourage mass transit; • Reduce dependency on the need for automobile travel; and vehicle miles traveled; • Encourage quality development; and • Give definition to the urban form through a vertical and horizontal mix of uses rather than strip - Policy 5.1.2: Characteristics of Urban Central Business District. Establish the UCBD as a multi -use area appropriate for intensive growth and having the following characteristics: • Compact mix of usesin design which are pedestrian friendly and are accessible without the use of the automobile; • Flexible, versatile building design that will outlast initial uses and create long -term value; • High- dDensities and intensities which support transit; • Proximate and accessible to major arterial roadways; and • Adequate public facilities including roads, water, wastewater, solid waste disposal, stormwater drainage, and recreation. Transportation Element Objective 1.1. Quality /Level of Service. In urban centers transportation cannot be effectively managed and mobility cannot be improved solely through the expansion of roadway capacity. The expansion of roadway capacity is not always physically or financially possible, and a range of transportation alternatives is essential to satisfy mobility needs, reduce congestion, and achieve healthy, vibrant centers. For these reasons, the City shall use Quality /Level of Service (Q /LOS) for monitoring purposes in order to identify where multimodal improvements are needed, for guiding capital improvements facility /operations planning to achieve and maintain mobility, to reduce greenhouse gases, and to assist in determining a fair share that a development should contribute to the achievement of these mobility strategies. Q /LOS shall not be used for development approvals based on capacity. If the development requires roadway improvements, emphasis shall be upon intersection improvements to improve safety and reduce conflicts between modes; signalization /Transportation Demand Management improvements (especially those providing transit and pedestrian priority signalization); bicycle facility improvements, and pedestrian crosswalk /median improvements. - _ • _ _ • - - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ - Scrvicc (LOS) standard on all arterial and collcctor roads. (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvement Element, Policy 1.2.1.a.) Policy 1.11.6: Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA). Consider the City in its entirety as being effectively established as a TCEA on July 8, 2009 by Senate Bill 360. This designation provides an exemption to transportation level of service requirements in an effort to support urban infill, development, redevelopment and the achievement of the City's redevelopment goals by addressing mobility, urban design, land use mix, and network connections. Transportation concurrency requirements are modified within the citywide TCEA to include integration and coordination among the various modes of transportation. LOS shall be used for monitoring purposes, in order to identify where multi -modal improvements are needed, and not for development approvals based on capacity. (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use Element, Policy 1.3.2) : _ - ■ • - : ■ • ■ : ■ - - - - • - - - - - ■ • ■ • • implementing a Transportation Concurrcncy Exception Arca (TCEA), Multimodal Transportation District -- - - - - - - - -- 17. - • - • • . - goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, • Investigating the iniplerr►cntation of similar systems in jurisdictions with similar characteristics and issues; • E skiing guidelines for gferiting exceptions to treftsportation concurrcncy for urban infilt development, urban redevelopment, downtown revitalization, or similar purposc allowed by Florida Statutcs; prepesed • Detcrrrrining spccific steps that would nccd to be undertaken by the City. Policy 1.11.7: TCEA Zones. Implement the Winter Springs' TCEA as five (5) distinct Zones, designated as A, B, C. D & E. based on geographic location in relation to the City's existing transportation network, land use, and future mobility needs. Zone A is identified as the Central Mobility Hub and is generally located at the heart of the City at the intersection of State Road 434 and Tuskawilla Rd. and coincides generally with the Town Center /Urban Central Business District, which is roughly bounded by Tuscawilla Office Park to the south, Central Winds Park to the west, by Lake Jesup to the north, and by the Cross Seminole Trail pedestrian bridge to the East as shown on the TCEA Zone Map. Zone A includes maior public facilities such as City Hall, Winter Springs High School, U.S. Post Office, Veteran's Memorial, Magnolia Park, and Central Winds Park. Zone A has an interconnected network of streets which connect into State Road 434 and Tuskawilla Rd, and it is also directly accessed by the Cross - Seminole Trail and by a LYNX fixed route (SR 434 Crosstown route). The goals of Zone A are fully described in the Future Land Use Element under Goal 2 (Town Center) and Goal 5 (Urban Central Business District) and the associated objectives and policies of each. This area supports a density of 36 dua (the highest in the City), and vertical integration of uses, along with integration of multi -modal transportation options. Zone A contains both built -up properties and vacant land suitable for new development. Public facilities and services are available. such as sanitary sewer, potable water, roads, and recreation areas. Zone B is identified as the SeminoleWay Hub and coincides generally with the Greeneway Interchange District roughly bounded by Zone C (Corridor Zone) to the south, Zone A (Central Mobility Hub) to the west, Lake St. to the north, and just beyond SR 417 to the East as shown on the TCEA Zone Map and also includes the Oviedo Market Place area. The area is centered around the SeminoleWay Interchange at SR 434 and also includes the Oviedo MarketPlace area located in the vicinity of the SeminoleWay interchange at Red Bug Lake Rd. The Zone is distinguished by its proximity to SR 417 (an SIS), also known as SeminoleWay and is expected to be heavily served by transit. The area contains primarily vacant land. The goals of Zone B are fully described in the Future Land Use Element under Goal 3 ( Greeneway Interchange District) and Goal 4 (Mixed Use) and the associated objectives and policies of each. The Zone is highly market- driven, oriented to certain target industries for the purpose of creating primarily an employment- oriented mixed use development. This area supports high intensity, and vertical integration of uses, along with integration of multi -modal transportation options. Zone C is identified as the Corridor Zone. The corridor includes properties within 1 mile (2640 feet) of the centerline of State Road 434, extending from the western City boundary to the eastern City boundary, exclusive of those parcels included within Zone A or B and properties within Y2 mile (2640 feet). of the centerline of U.S. 17 -92. extending from the northern most City boundary to the southernmost City boundary. Zone C contains both built -up properties, properties suitable for redevelopment and some vacant parcels. Public facilities and services are available, such as sanitary sewer, potable water. roads, and recreation areas. Zone D is identified as the State Road 419 Corridor. The corridor includes properties within 600 feet of the centerline of U.S. 17 -92, extending from the northern most City boundary, exclusive of those parcels included within Zone C. Zone D contains both primarily built -up properties and p arcels suitable for redevelopment. Public facilities and services are available, such as sanitary sewer. potable water. roads, and recreation areas. Zone E is identified as the Suburban Development District and includes the remaining area of the City, not previously included within any other zone. The area is mostly built -out and primarily includes established single family neighborhoods. The area is not expected to undergo any redevelopment or transition to higher density within the foreseeable future. [Extensive revisions related to the establishment of the TCEA- are still being drafted, See attached TCEA Zone Map and Table of Appropriate Mobility Strategies in the interim.] Intergovernmental Coordination Element Policy 1.2.3: Review the actions of other local governments as to the impact of such action on City LOS standards and mobility strategies. Objective 1.3: Transportation Coordination. The City shall continue to coordinate its transportation planning and mobility strategies with affected governmental agencies and jurisdictions., County School Board, to aid in mccting thc Coals, Objectives, and Policies of thc Comprehensive Plan regarding transportation planning. Policy 1.3.6: Continue to coordinate in the ongoing development, monitoring and implementation of mobility strategies with Seminole County and the cities within Seminole County, to ensure the availability of multiple modes of transportation within the City. : - - . - :: : - : •. - - - • ' : - :: : : - -- • - on thc following issues: • Assigning access permit jurisdiction for roadways within thc City limits which arc not included in thc Florida Department of Transportation Road System Classification list, but which appear in thc County's Traffic Circulation Plan. • Initiating conflict resolution procedures to resolve inconsistcncics bctwccn thc City's LOS standards for roadways and thc County's adoptcd LOS standards. Providing a mcthod of prioritization of needed improvements on thosc roadways which impact and scrvc primarily City rcsidcnts, but which arc undcr the : - : - : : :. -- adways and other rights of way which arc "half in, half out" of thc City limits. Policy 1.3.7: Promote the development of a bus rapid transit (BRT) line or light rail along S.R. 417 (SeminoleWAY) through interagency coordination with METROPLAN ORLANDO, Seminole County, LYNX, and the Expressway Authority to provide convenient. regional access to the City's Greenway Interchange District. (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use Element. Policy 3.1.3) Policy 1.3.7Policy 1.3.8: Work with the School Board to maximize efficient use of existing and planned roads to avoid sprawl development, during participation in future school site selection as identified in the 2007 Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning and School Concurrency As Amended January 2008. (Cross Reference: See Public School Facilities Element, Policy 1.7.1) Policy 1.4.7: Review the actions of other local governments as applicable, for their impact on City LOS standards and mobility strategies. Capital Improvements Element GOAL 1: Provide public facilities and services which protect and promote the public health, safety and general welfare of Winter Springs' residents in a sustainable manner and which achieve mobility , while accommodating desired future growth and redevelopment at acceptable Levels of Service. Objective 1.1: Annual Review. The City shall annually review and modify its Capital Improvements Element to ensure the financial feasibility and timely provision of capital facilities needed to maintain Level of Service (LOS) standards and mobility strategies. Policy 1.1.3: Define capital projects as those projects identified within the other elements of the Comprehensive Plan that are necessary to meet established LOS and mobility strategies, increase the capacity or efficiency of existing infrastructure, replace failing infrastructure or enhance facilities and infrastructure that generally have a cost exceeding $50,000. Policy 1.1.4: Include and fund capital projects for the following facilities and infrastructure in the SCI: • Transportation (Mobility Strategies) • Stormwater Management (Drainage) • Sanitary Sewer • Solid Waste • Potable Water • Parks and Recreation Policy 1.1.9: Consider capital projects for school capacity improvements included in the Seminole County School Board's Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan adopted September 9, 20092 -068 for the fiscal year 2009 - 20102008 -2069 through 2013-20142012 2013 as included herein by reference. Objective 1.2: Level of Service (LOS) and Mobility Strategies. The City shall utilize Level of Service (LOS) criteria and mobility strategies defined in the various elements of this Plan when determining the timing and funding of capital projects. The City must demonstrate that the LOS standards will be achieved and maintained by the end of the five -year planning period. A deficiency is a facility of service that does not meet (is operating below) the adopted Level of Service (LOS) standard. Within the citywide TCEA, mobility strategies as detailed in the Transportation Element shall apply, rather than adopted roadway levels of service. The City shall annually evaluate whether conditions that trigger the need to alter quality /level of service standards (as identified in the Transportation Element) have been achieved. If so, necessary improvements shall be included in capital or operating budgets and within the Capital Improvements Element. Policy 1.2.1: Adopt LOS standards and mobility strategies for facilities and infrastructure as follows: a. Transportation (Mobility Strategies)Facilitic3- Within the citywide TCEA, mobility strategies (as detailed in the Transportation Element) shall apply, rather than roadway levels of service.Reguire ... (Cross Reference: See Transportation Element, Policy 1.1.1) • Limitcd Acccss Roads. as prcscribcd by FDOT • Artcrials. LOS D • Collcctors. LOS D b. Sanitary Sewer- 1 00 gallons per person per day. (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Policy 1.1.1.) c. Solid Waste- 3.7 pounds per person per day. (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Policy 3.1.1.) d. Potable Water- 115 gallons (minimum) per person per day. (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Policy 2.1.1.) e. Stormwater Management- (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Policy 4.1.1.) a. Water Quantity - Peak post - development runoff rate shall not exceed peak pre - development runoff rate for the 25 -year, 24 -hour storm event. Each development shall accommodate its proportion of basin runoff rate above the downstream systems actual capacity. b. Water Quality - Stormwater treatment system which meets the requirements of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) and which is site - specific or serve sub -areas of the City. c. Roadway construction - All public roadways within a development shall be designed and constructed to standards which do not allow any amount of water above the roadway centerline during the following storm events for the following roadway types: i. Local Roadway — 25 -year, 24 -hour design storm event (8.6 inches of rainfall). ii. Collector Roadway — 25 -year, 24 -hour design storm event (8.6 inches of rainfall). iii. Arterial Roadway — 100 -year, 24 -hour design storm event (10.6 inches of rainfall). f. Parks- 8 acres (total public park and recreation land acreage, including open space) per 1,000 residents. The City may utilize State and county park lands and trails that are located within the City's jurisdictional boundaries. This standard includes both passive and active recreation lands. (Cross Reference: See Recreation and Open Space Element, Policy 1.1.1) City Owned Open Space- 4 acres per 1, 000 residents. Open space is defined as "undeveloped lands suitable for passive recreation or conservation ". (Cross Reference: See Recreation and Open Space Element, Policy 1.1.1) School Capacity- as established by the Seminole County School Board- 1 00% of the aggregate permanent Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) capacity for each school type within each Concurrency Service Area, except for high schools which are established at 110% of the aggregate permanent FISH capacity for 2008 -2012 in order to financially achieve the desired LOS. (Cross Reference: See Public School Facilities Element, Policy 1.1.1.) Policy 1.2.2: Evaluate proposed land use amendments to determine the compatibility of those amendments with the adopted LOS standards, mobility strategies, and with available funding for implementing improvements that would be necessary pursuant to such land use amendments. Policy 1.2.3: Consider the following thresholds to target initiation and budgeting of construction and /or purchase of capital facilities to meet projected future needs based on adopted LOS standards: • Roadways Volumcs arc at 90 % of adoptcd LOS capacity. • Sewer — 75 % of available capacity is being utilized. • Water — 75 % of available capacity is being utilized. • Stormwater — Adoption of TMDL Master Plan. • Recreation and Open Space — Park lands when 95 % of available land area is utilized or when 90 % of the population exists in areas in need of new park acreage. Objective 1.4: New Development to Bear a Proportionate Cost. New development shall bear a proportionate cost of public facility improvements in order to maintain adopted level of service (LOS) standards and mobility strategies. Policy 1.4.2: Guarantee the timely installation of capital improvements required to meet LOS and mobility strategies which are to be funded by a developer, in an enforceable development agreement, interlocal agreement, or other enforceable agreement. Execute such agreements under the City's constitutional home rule power as authorized in Chapter 166, Florida Statutes or as otherwise authorized by law. Policy 1.4.3: Require a development agreement and /or development to proceed in more than one phase, when appropriate, to ensure that LOS standards are maintained and mobility strategies implemented. Policy 1.4.5: Require new developments to be responsible for installing all internal potable and reclaimed water and sewer systems, vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian circulation systems, and internal recreation /open space facilities within their development. Connecting internal systems to designated major potable and reclaimed water and sewer trunk systems and vehicular bicycle, and pedestrian circulation network is the financial responsibility of the developer. (Cross Reference: See Transportation Element, Policies 1.5.3; 1.5.4; and 1.5.1 3) Policy 1.5.6: Continue to participate in METROPLAN ORLANDO to ensure funding distribution for transportation projects and mobility strategies identified in the SCI. Objective 1.7: Concurrency Management. The City shall continue to operate a Concurrency Management System for the review of all proposed developments within the City. As part of the City's Concurrency Management System, the City will help facilitate school concurrency review by the School Board and shall rely upon the School Board to determine and report to the City if school capacity is available. The concurrency evaluation system shall measure the potential impact of any proposal for a development permit or order upon mobility strategies and the established minimum acceptable levels of service (LOS) for public schools, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, parks and recreation, — transportation facilities, unless the development permit or order is exempt from the review requirements of this section. No development permit or order which contains a specific plan of development, including densities and intensities of development, shall be issued unless adequate public facilities are available to serve the proposed development as determined by the concurrency evaluation set forth in this section. co m pre ke ns ive r a nc EA) ',! -0.s•Ircl' , r - --' C ZOP, / Clt of Winter Springs ) 1 - -- \ _/ 4..?:'''' Transportation Concurren Are - (T' ,_.__... _ 1 t(.,,.,,4111 ......... r „, ,,, ,....,..,......._- 1-- — - -,,,, ,- Lake Jesup \ Znalmo .., i ' Ilha - , ligift / ■ i , I get ,1"..141 ;.0 • ii, 111//// /4 __ Yi ON 411 j'iAlt ' A IOV'#4kIlltilrAft , — 1c1 l'Intifiq . xi '4 R. vottkg-tTifiRtion;„- - , .:.. b. . .„ • , 4..- „,,, .,,..--,„, _,-- i , .„,., 1 ,-. --2,,,... . .. iss, ,,,, . .7...„4q/1%/iY r,,,:,,, i lti r f 5 ,'` r 00' , I -' _:-‘ 1 - Ill V.• \ 'k Atl " \- r ._; 1( ,, _-Aft,, , ,,,i iiii ,,, p i:...,-1 ,... e .4,7. \ \ \ \ 1-, Oft,' li J lii ■ \ i gig& ei p ,,,' 1:;:, .kos!!,,A ,..,..stv 1 1 1? )11 ig .:,.. = ,gl... 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E SAM., Soplonnbm2000 Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D Zone E • TCEA Zones & Appropriate Mobility Strategies Central Seminole Corridor SR 419 Suburban Mobility Devlpmt Hub WAY Hub Zone Corridor District 'REQUIRED for ALL Development: I I 1 Sidewalk along the development frontage connecting the development to X X X X X existing or planned public sidewalks; 2 Cross - access connections /easements or joint driveways, where available and X X X X X economically feasible; 3 Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements along the property X X X X X frontage to the City, as needed, for the construction of public sidewalks; 4 Closing of existing, excessive, duplicative, or unsafe curb cuts or narrowing of X X overly wide curb cuts at the development site; 5 Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements within the property, as X needed, for the addition or extension of a non - motorized multi -use trail; 6 Safe and convenient on -site pedestrian circulation such as sidewalks and ADA X X X X X crosswalks connecting buildings and parking area at the development site; Streetscaping /landscaping (including pedestrian -scale lighting, where X X X X X 7 relevant) on public rights -of -way or medians within the project site; 8 Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements within the property, as X needed, for future bus rapid transit or other local circulator; 9 Compact mix of uses which are pedestrian friendly and are accessible without the use of the automobile ; X X X Roadways, bikeways, and pedestrian systems shall encourage travel between 10 neighborhoods and access to transit without requiring the use of arterial X X X X X roadways; Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D Zone E TCEA Zones & Appropriate Mobility Strategies, Cont'd Centr Seminole Corridor SR 419 Suburban Mobility Devlpmt Hub WAY Hub Zone Corridor District - - Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements along the property 11 frontage to the City, as needed, for the construction of on- street parking. X Not required if it would render the property unusable for development; SELECT FROM THE FOLLOWING FOR MOBILITY CREDITS, AS NEEDED I I I Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements along the property frontage to the City, as needed, for the construction of bus turn -out facilities and /or bus shelters. Such deeding or conveyance of required easements, or portion of same, shall not be required if it would render the property 12 unusable for development. A transit facility license agreement (executed by X X X the property owner and the City) for the placement of a bus shelter and related facilities on private property may be used in lieu of deeding or conveyance of easements if agreeable to the City. The license term shall be for a minimum of ten years; 13 Public sidewalks in priority areas as identified by the City, where no sidewalks exist, particularly within 1/2 mile of fixed transit lines; X X X X X 14 Widening of existing public sidewalks in priority areas to increase pedestrian X X mobility and safety; Additional bicycle facilities over the minimum required by the land 15 development code. Additional bicycle parking may be used to substitute for X X X X X required motorized vehicle parking; Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements, for the addition or 16 extension of a non - motorized multi -use trail (Zone B); X 17 Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements for the addition of bicycle lanes (particularly in Zones C & E); X X 18 Land acquisition for expansion or better connectivity of the trail system X (particularly in Zone E); Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D Zone E TCEA Zones & Appropriate Mobility Strategies, cont'd Central Seminole Corridor SR 419 Mobility Suburban Hu y Devl mt WAY Hub Zone Corridor District 19 Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements for dedicated Rapid X X Transit System (RTS) circulator corridor in Zones A & B; 20 Construction of SeminoleWAY Intermodal Transit Facility in coordination with X LYNX and the Expressway Authority; 21 Deeding of land or land acquisition for the use of a park and ride lot in X X priority areas as identified by the City (particularly in Zones B & C); 22 Construction of park and ride facility with a minimum of 100 spaces including transfer station and restrooms /info center; X X Payments to the regional transit system or Seminole County for the capital 23 and operating costs associated with a new Rapid Transit Service route or X X X X X similar transit circulator service for Winter Springs; 24 Roadway capacity or safety projects in priority areas; X X X X X 25 Intersection and /or signalized modifications... X X 26 Funding of additional streetscaping /landscaping in priority areas, on public X X X rights -of -way or medians, as identified by the City; 27 Pedestrian scale lighting in priority areas identified by the City; X X X 28 Business operations with limited or no peak hour roadway impact; X X X X X 29 Design or construction studies /plans for projects such as planned X X X X X roundabouts, road connections, sidewalk systems, and /or bike trails; 30 Provision of matching funds for transit or other transportation mobility related grants; X X X X X 31 Bike facilities at trail entry points or connecting transit lines; X X X X X 32 Trail bridges spanning creeks or wetland areas; X Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D Zone E TCEA Zones & Appropriate Mobility Strategies, Cont'd Central Seminole Corridor SR 419 Suburban Mobility Devlpmt Hub WAY Hub Zone Corridor District 33 Transportation Demand Management program participation; X X X X 34 Innovative transportation - related modification or standard acceptable and X X X X X approved by the City; Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements along the property frontage to the City, as needed, for the construction of bus turn -out facilities and /or bus shelters. A transit facility license agreement (executed by the 35 property owner and the City) for the placement of a bus shelter and related X X X X X facilities on private property may be used in lieu of deeding or conveyance of easements, if agreeable to the City. The license term shall be for a minimum of ten years; 36 Bus pass programs; X X X 37 Ride sharing or van pooling; X 38 Shared parking; X X X 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50