HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 07 26 Public Hearing 500 Ordinance 2010-18 Amending the Comprehensive Plan Creating Citywide Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA) COMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 500 Consent
Public Hearing X
July 26, 2010
Mgr. / • ept.
REQUEST: The Community Development Department — Planning Division requests that the
City Commission consider recommendations from the Local Planning Agency and hold a Public
Hearing for Ordinance 2010 -18, amending the Comprehensive Plan to create a citywide
Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA) for the City of Winter Springs and forward
the proposed amendments to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review.
SYNOPSIS: This action applies a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA)
designation to the entire City, which allows the City to be exempt from state- mandated
transportation concurrency requirements by establishing mobility strategies and funding
mechanisms for the various geographic areas or zones of the City (as identified within the
amendment) in collaboration with Seminole County and adjacent cities. The application of a
TCEA designation to the entire City requires a comprehensive plan text amendment. As
provided by law, the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Winter Springs can be amended only in
accordance with 163.3187(1). This request is being considered as part of the City's spring
submittal cycle.
Florida Statute 163.3174 (4): The Local Planning Agency shall have the general responsibility for the
conduct of the comprehensive planning program. Specifically, the Local Planning Agency shall:
(a) Be the agency responsible for the preparation of the comprehensive plan or plan amendment and
shall make recommendations to the governing body regarding the adoption or amendment of such plan...
(b) Monitor and oversee the effectiveness and status of the comprehensive plan and recommend to the
governing body such changes in the comprehensive plan as may from time to time be required...
Florida Statute 163.3177: Required and optional elements of the comprehensive plan; studies and
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Florida Statute 163.3187 Amendment of adopted comprehensive plan.
Florida Statute 166.041 Procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions.
Winter Springs Charter Section 4.15 Ordinances in General.
Winter Springs Article III. Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Section 15 -30. Authority, purpose and intent;
Sec. 15 -35. Review procedure.
Section 15 -36. Review criteria;
Section 15 -37. Local Planning Agency Review and Recommendation:
On June 1, 2009, Senate Bill 360 (SB 360), now known as Chapter Law No. 2009 -96 was signed
into law. Among other things, SB 360 requires each City or County that is certified as a Dense
Urban Land Area (DULA) to be automatically designated as a Transportation Concurrency
Exception Area (TCEA).
SB 360 defines a DULA as:
(a) a municipality that has an average of at least 1,000 people per square mile of land area and a
minimum total population of at least 5,000;
(b) a county, including the municipalities located therein, which has an average of at least 1,000
people per square mile of land area; or
(c) a county, including the municipalities located therein, which has a population of at least 1
The City meets the definition under (a) above, with approximately 2,320 persons per square mile
of land area as of April 1, 2009 (the last official date for population estimates). The City was
designated as a DULA on July 8, 2009. With the adoption of SB 360 and Winter Spring's DULA
designation, the entire area within the City limits is a TCEA.
To ensure that Winter Springs is provided the opportunities that a TCEA affords, the City must
amend its existing comprehensive plan and land development regulations, which base
transportation concurrency on roadway capacity alone. Instead, specific policies, objectives, and
strategies must be adopted into the comprehensive plan that address land use mix, densities,
intensities, mobility strategies, and connections to other regional systems. Amendments to the
text of the Future Land Use Element, Transportation Element, and Intergovernmental
Coordination Element are included along with strategies and projects in the Capital
Improvements Element, which fund the mobility strategies of the TCEA. A map is included
which depicts the TCEA zones.
What is a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA)?
A TCEA is an urban area where infill and redevelopment are encouraged, and where exceptions
to the transportation concurrency requirement are made, providing that alternative modes of
transportation, land use mixes, urban design, connectivity, and funding are addressed. The
primary purpose of a TCEA is to allow development to occur in urbanized areas where
infrastructure already exists, thereby reducing urban sprawl. TCEAs can be used as a tool to
direct growth in ways that promote the overall goals of the community. TCEA concurrency
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exceptions apply to all land uses, development and types of facilities within the TCEA. A TCEA
allows development to occur along roadway segments that have traffic volumes above the
capacity at the minimum Level of Service (LOS).
Why Were TCEAs Created?
TCEAs were created by Florida's Legislature because they determined that, often the unintended
result of transportation concurrency based on roadway capacity alone, was the discouragement of
urban infill development and redevelopment. Such unintended results directly conflict with the
goals and policies of the state comprehensive plan.
New TCEA Zones
The Winter Springs' TCEA is included within Seminole County's DULA/TCEA Mobility Area
"Four ", along with the City of Oviedo. However, the City of Winter Springs wishes to further
divide this Area into Zones designated as A, B, C, D & E. These Zones are based on their
geographic location in relation to the City's existing transportation network, land use, and future
mobility needs.
(1) Whether the proposed amendment will have a favorable or unfavorable effect on the city's
budget, or the economy of the city or the region;
The amendments enhance the orderly and balanced economic and fiscal development of the City.
(2) Whether the proposed amendment will diminish the level of service (LOS) of public
Transportation concurrency requirements are modified within the citywide TCEA to include
integration and coordination among the various modes of transportation. LOS shall be used for
monitoring purposes, in order to identify where multi -modal improvements are needed, and not
for development approvals based on capacity. Development approvals will be based on the
applicant's compliance with an adopted Mobility Strategy that emphasizes multiple modes of
transportation to offset the impact of new vehicle trip generation. If the multi -modal improvements
needed require roadway improvements, emphasis shall be upon intersection improvements to
improve safety and reduce conflicts between modes; signalization/Transportation Demand
Management improvements (especially those providing transit and pedestrian priority
signalization); bicycle facility improvements, and pedestrian crosswalk/median improvements.
(3) Whether there will be a favorable or unfavorable impact on the environment or the natural or
historical resources of the city or the region as a result of the proposed amendment;
The amendment enhances the orderly and balanced social, physical and environmentally
responsible development of the City;
(4) Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the
state comprehensive plan set forth in Chapter 187, Florida Statutes, and the East Central Florida
Regional Policy Plan, adopted by Rule 29F- 19.001, Florida Administrative Code;
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The proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the State
Comprehensive Plan set forth in Chapter 187, F.S. and the (1998) East Central Florida Regional
Policy Plan, adopted by Rule 29F- 21.001, Florida Administrative Code as well as the Draft East
Central Florida 2060 Strategic Policy Plan currently under review.
(5) Whether the City is able to provide adequate service from public facilities to the affected
property, if the amendment is granted, and whether the amendment will promote the
cost/effective use of or unduly burden public facilities;
The amendment provides the cost/effective use and expansion of public facilities.
(6) Whether the amendment is compatible with surrounding neighborhoods and land use;
The amendment includes an analysis of the growth trends and travel patterns and interactions
within the City between land use and transportation, and the compatibility between the future
land use and transportation elements.
(7) Whether approval of the amendment will cause the comprehensive plan to be internally
Internal consistency within the Comprehensive Plan is maintained.
(8) Whether the proposed amendment will promote or adversely affect the public health, safety,
welfare, economic order, or aesthetics of the city or region; and
The amendment promotes the public health, safety, welfare, economic order, and aesthetics of
the City.
(9) The contents of any Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) prepared pursuant to 163.3191,
Florida Statutes.
As part of the City's 2008 Evaluation and Appraisal Report process, it was recognized that the
City should consider implementation of a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA)
or similar concurrency management alternative for the Town Center and Greeneway Interchange
Districts and the developable land between the two areas, to encourage urban infill development.
As a result, the City's EAR -Based Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan included a policy
(Transportation Element Policy 1.11.6) directing the City to further this objective through study
and implementation.
The proposed amendments will be included in the City's bi- annual Comprehensive Plan
amendment cycles. Both a Transmittal Hearing and Adoption Hearing are required prior to
issuance of a Notice of Intent by the State Department of Community Affairs
FISCAL IMPACT: Developments will be required to implement, or provide a funding
contribution to directly implement mobility strategies (identified by the City), based on a
proposed development's anticipated net, new trip generation. Subsequent to this amendment, the
City will further examine other implementation strategies (which may include mobility fees,
proportionate share mitigation, fees in -lieu, and/or combination) to support and fund mobility
and will amend its Land Development Code as needed. The City still maintains the ability to
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collect transportation impact fees to ensure that new development pays for its fair share towards
the building or redevelopment of road capacity.
Commission Agenda Items are posted in City Hall and posted on City's Website
July 4, 2010- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel of LPA Public Hearing
July 12, 2010 - Information to the City Commission
July 14, 2010- LPA Public Hearing — consideration of the amendment and recommendation of
adoption made to the City Commission
July 15, 2010- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel of CC Public Hearing
Tentative Implementation Schedule:
July 26, 2010- First Reading of Ordinance transmitting the proposed Comprehensive Plan
July 29, 2010- Transmittal to Dept of Community Affairs and other agencies
Sept 29, 2010- Receipt of ORC Report from the State Dept. of Community Affairs
Oct 25, 2010 - Anticipated Adoption Hearing for Ordinance 2010 -18
At a regular meeting of the P &Z/Local Planning Agency Board held on July 14, 2010, the Board
voted unanimously to recommend approval of Ordinance 2010 -18, amending the Comprehensive
Plan. The minutes of this meeting will be distributed at the Commission Meeting on July 26th.
Staff requests that the City Commission hold a Public Hearing for First Reading and Transmittal
of Ordinance 2010 -18, which amends portions of the City's Comprehensive Plan to designate the
entire City as a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA) and to identify mobility
strategies and funding, and after considering Staffs Findings, the Local Planning Agency's
Recommendation and public comment, approve Transmittal to the State Department of
Community Affairs for review.
A- Noticing in Orlando Sentinel
B- Ordinance 2010 -18 Citywide TCEA with proposed amendments
Future Land Use Element (FLUE)
Transportation Element (TE) including TCEA Zone Map and
Appropriate Strategies
Intergovernmental Coordination Element (ICE)
Capital Improvements Element (CIE)
SUNDAY, JULY 4, 2010
D2 Orlando Sentinel
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tebpnone communication.
,„ J Project consists of various upgraded ome State Chanter 865.0 Flerl- should contact the District Office at AMENDM TO THE CITY OF Any person reauirin9 special accom-
•r i 4Wohelge Modica- to existing Landside airline ticket and da Statutes, will ister with the Olvl- (407) S6M1935 of least forly-eight (4S) WINTER' SPRINGS OMPRE HEN- modoNOns a t this meeting ause of
as a baggage office spaces. Upgrades in• Von of Corporations, Department o tours prior to the meetin if You are I VE PLAN REGAR I A S- a d scipbillty or physical impairment
dude revisions to the layout, upgrades State, State of Florida u n receipt 0 hearing or a h imps ' ed, please ORTATION CON RENCY 8 shooks confect th District Office at
Work coaesista o f hauUng,.bore & jack, of finishes, modification and addition root of the publipublication ion of this notice, Contaclhe F orld Relay � ervice at 1• CEPTION AREA A D TRANS! it- (407) 352.3256 at east five calendar
dewater,g, erosion control clear & o casework, modificat s to HVP.C, the fictitious name, to -wit: 800.955 -8770 or aid in contacting the TA ING MOBILI T THE R2PEA STK EGtE L Oi t d War the meeting.
a. bbl earthwork, base•a Raving, p fire protection, security, Sunsotlon l Skylights Inc. District Office. PR h
. storm rai tw
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grassing, s l nt, pave4ment maprkings, In business ut 2427 N. Forsyth Rd. Or - Each person who decides to appeal ES AND RE SOLUTIONS• INCORPO• a a taken at t meetings Is
bridge worK sienatization, fencing, Proposals witl be due by mall or fax tondo, FL 3280 ony decision ma by the Board with RATION IN 0 THE COMPREHEN advised the person will need a record
concrete curb and gutter and guar nc
• 01 Clay & They Construction Cam- That the (party) (parties) interested respect to any matter considered at ' SIVE PLAN• LEGAL STATUS OP pf the proceedings and mat accord/to-
p �pttntay� 73 re. enbrion o before Ju P rkway ty Or l - in sal business enterprise s cis fol• the ed 1 t publ NI ic hearing or meeting a recor Induct., A T H COoMF R H EN1V
SEE PLAN N , a y, verbatim theQ person mar need the to ensure that
o, F ows vis W nee eo of
Plops and special are quail- T010 at 2: As. lease send all pro• The Sunshine Line, Inc. proceedings and mot accordingly the • ' AND ND E A An fF gt IVVnE DATE. Is made, Inciu the testimony simony that
able for review at our Please posals Attn: i
Jim Ilan andltc r io • gated at Orlando Orange County, person may need to ensure that a vet- evidence upon .which such appeal Is to
ubml a n r ! pr i 9t3 Ro b a ptteedx 1407-
et r tt tlti an Florida, June 30, 2610. bate, (neli d n of testimony a ... a Is 0801NANCE NO. 2010.20 be based.
• W inter Park, FL 32 g9, fied. C0RT075922 7/4/2010 dente upon such moped Is to be A O
Ph 407• specified. RDINANCE OF T J Cln' Oh Joe MacLaren
645500, Fax: 407 - 6213865 or -mail to . I based MISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER District Manager
gstlt�tqtiny0bkboard tom Direct aIIf The work snail be constructed In ac- NOTICE UNDEp pCTl11OUS S MINOLE COUNTY
Irrqulrl s to t1 Estimating Depart- ' Ith Drawings and specifla• NAME Muff gory L. Moyer FLpR SE SETTI FO RTt� COR1076025 7/4/2010
ment. Any subcontraccto s shat h t avaliabl for Inspecllan at Clan- District Manager AM ,11D S TS TO THE CiTY OF
special .needs with bonding or incu cy & Theys Construction Co pa Y TO WH MAY CONCERN: WI IJ A P IN COMPREHEN-
ante please call, our FTP site, and The Centro( ertr OSC1070701 6/27, 71410 SIV L R E SGARDING THE q 0 MEET !iv us 7r2, 7/3, 7/4/2010 P ct h Mic e helle of signe d l s pursuant ITO wf t i e a'F�ettyt�d0eur- TTeRICT; PPRpOV R � -� U 1..' - . , '1 C8EE1(
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IO The Construction Committed of cite
Brasfield & le, C General Can- All folds must b firm blds tar period Co g The School Board of Orange County, PREHENSIV PLAN GALCSTA g090Y Creek, Greeneway, and Myrtle
tractor, local at 200 C�lonlal Center • of sixty (60) days after the time set State State of Florida upo receipt of Fl6rida, will hold a public hearing on TUS OF Ttf COMtSR Creek lmproveme t Districis will be
F arkwa , S ui t e 200 Lae Mary, FL • for opening bids. Clancy & The s Con - proof the publication of this not ce p roposed s N meeting at the of tie of Donal W.
32746 (Phone: 407366 ) will be bid- sfructlon and the Osceola aunty ticMro name, towlt: charisma t LA o the col wing li NAME DMFFECTENTSj E Ettq S V DATE' McIntosh fee, inc.. 200 E Park
t I el Pales A school board oxides on July 2010 1 Yt AND AN E IVE E. Avenue North Winter Paris FL 32789
dinngg__the r<R 4D1 b:m waive a School any o f mat ty its o get t under whih (1 om ( are) engaged
at 4: p.m. .01 the Educatlona d ead
stemmas stemmas Pro Pro t fo rt rl0ndo - waive e anY ormolitr and to relec In busies at 252 Oak Ridge Rood ershi Center IOSated at 445 West pp WEDNE JUL 10. !� 8 C 7,lP.M. July 8 2m0
anae h Cbldounty xnr oy Authority, any or all b s. All proposals must be Op Street Orlando; Florida, 32801. 09 SOON TH + a r IN pMM SIGN J
whFCgqn July 7th, at 12,•00 P.M. submitted on standard company letter- ' l new Amelia That the (party) (pont inrested The proposed board policy revisions CN b a; AT August 22, 2f110
local time. Bidding opportunities are: head and clearly Identify the project in sal4 business enterprise es) Is te as fob may be vowed at hhttp : //www,revised• g t AAALL
Fork, mane. ork, prestress plies, prestrre e. lower Ilcies.ocps.net CO les may he ob- S�f Augustly 0
, 2010
seams, trucking, atom ping, ret0in t at the Edu cational Leadership )r a SPRINOS FL September 2 2010
• n9 wal s striping, asp It pavin gooey & cUon aaoa ea The Villas a}t Centrr Pork Associates s ORIDA 5epomber 1� 0
I nprs Co. V L Painters Center between the hours et n m°. 201
landscaping, concrete r m aterial ; • Mlaongr 0 B Esle °f pl and Offs p.m. In the a Public Morma• The proposed ordinances t t In- y be ac er 30. 2DT0 • ready - mix c rebar material; d le a stc n04 Co a YI Fated at June a and County, tiers Office. seeded by Interested rift between
rebar f IlaH h f 18iq h A o a n n will L a CN ' 610. There may be occasions when one or •
nsta co ncrete placement Florida. Flor a, June 30, g q.m. and 5 m Monday throe h
and finishing, st ural steel, curbs / eepprmdttt to Wei* bids m response ro Written comma is ma be submitted F riday, at the City's Clerk's Office � more Supervisors will the &t his State
guNlfo�ras,, sword rolls
nahrotiop fencing, rolls, algns, we- a KICK and bore, , wa- mast on Me games el nee, afar lon, NOTICE UNDER 1101.710DR 1 Krim R ssefl, Labor Relations, ter Springs Firrida. For_ more')nfor- v1 III be pr esent a ken telephone so
terprootln electrical ur• ass et osllns grille la consideration or NAME STATUTE f9LC -9, 440 West Amelia Street, Orion - nation co q07 327 -1800 d327. Persons tnat
WW1 Ie peno con attend
YOYing, Pafnttn9. We Viggo stryyBE • award o li Slur mt 0n
whe need l w- do, FL 32 Substantially affected with dl i1 needing assistance to tB no bove�ocation and
Ren(oipda and world be wiiI el to WI ' d a or o to a apes: mid City's
Polle may within 14 drys of the dole participate Fn ct E env of these proeeedl rags
0lephone ully Into d of the discusalons
oars are6Ua gers of wm5 e
two eel tiff e'ssb TO WHOM IT MA CONCE m mince, file an obje ction t this should conto the m loyee remotions
fa Aio C citek estate %her In p
r igor co en a a -u� fu b ao dp gr r � m e �as um slat s w oN to r p ct should rulempk with the School Bo rd. Department Coordinator, 48 hours In telephone com a munlation. .
erson or
c is da nRls aq h re, NfM wkh aoT amts oenfsal, N4eheM WNe et y.g3.18(q m Notice Is hereby given that the der The ob eCiron shall speclfY the rl am s advance of the rrie ein9 a 1407) 32
Out reins each ee Weider t Neil- mlchWetaOem eedeaoa. 4/f techikel pe s• signed pursuant to the • Fict of the �raposad rule ta which hhe per• 1800, Extension 236. t These t are public 7 -
Any arson requiring special accom•
• lute poglsG prehat rognires Me dons regarding the pleas or »eCtlice0ens Name Statute', C after 865.09, Ftori- son object and and the specific reasons hearings. if you decide to app atgy modat at thi meetin beiges• 0f
subaelf n u IM 6 with 4i shoe content Jim Gauen et 107.5t3.0518 or do Statutes, wIll with the Divi- recorltmenda with re clslon mda8 pe by t ct to s tfe a d hould s ablitt ConY act r ic ph o e � a rict Office at .1
$r rare of feI a Ors°e7 fhs R (kno�udemle,soos sloes at Corporations, of Local Plonnrrf9 Age t r q Dist
TT a CeLraF, N.
Stale Stole of Florida u receipt of Rh, Just: pew f or the obje ee Exckange students any matter considered at this meeting, (407) 392.3256 at iea0t five c alendar
• r D Fbnrr qle are ceiti . COR1075542 7/4,7/11/2010 proof of the publication this notice, you will need a record of the proceed Boys prior to the meeting.
a es DindeaMeeed comas 6r he fictitious name, to-w t: Purpose dad Biennia policy is amended Intl such and for s purposes you may
fle d E) win im e . . but m bee For a complete listing of Matrix Pool & Lawn Care Seduces to require anY foreign exchange sta. need to ensure the a verbaflm record Each p rson who decided to appeal
Or women owed. C ontact current active formal solid- under which (1 amt (we are) engaged dent program t be approved by The 0f the proceedings is made upon which any action taken at these meetings is
Eva arthmnan of 4I9p77562•.4500 or ehart- tations one addenda for the • In business at 333 Wegt lion Ave., US D partmen
motion. of State and on the the appeal is based. Interested parties odvtsed that p rson wil need a record
mgrs brasfieldgorrle.com for addition- City of Winter Park, all In Suite 09 Edgewater, FL 321 CSIET (Council In Standards for Inter• are advised that they may appear at of the proceedings and that according• C) -
el In otion. terested parties should visit - That the (party) (parties) ntereeted natlonar ducat(onal Travel) Advisory the meeting and be heard with respect ly, the person may need to ensure that
our We site at http :11 . in said business enterprise Is as fol. List of ducattonai Travel & Ex- to the propos ordinances. q verbatim record of the proceedings T
COR1074315 6M- 7/712010 www•cifyafwlnterpa town: change loba rograme and ,to require en- I mode, includinpg9 the testimony nd .i
Perth sin . It is the sole re- Gl D1v LLC roliment In certain courses. CSE1075995 • Nom evidence upon wntth such appeatIs to
Gt2 1 Seminole Extra 1 Orlando Sentinel Thursday, July 1S, 2010 sE
Seminole County. Floiida __ - -
,. f —_i_ �-- _ NOTICE OF
—4.- ditel' .,► ' PUBLIC HEARINGS TO .
z �.
�� . `"` ;' TO THE CITY OF
- - - . COMPR
• �: ` _ ' -� , ORDINANCE NO. 2010-18
a�p,o,enor.dy dares M . :�I� • "`' SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SETTING
Site #1-San Pedro Center Lamas Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment and Rezone; WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE
Diocese of Orlando, applicant; 470 acres; Lame Scale Future-Land Use Map Amendment PLAN REGARDING TRANSPORTATION
from LDR (Low Density Residential) to PD (Planned Development) and rezone from A -1 - CONCURRENCY EXCEPTION AREA ,AND
(Agriculture) to PUD (Planned Unit Development); located on the west side of Dike Road, - TRANSPORTATION MOBILITY STRATEGIES;
between Howell Branch Road and Red Bug Lake Road. LZ2009- 034/09FLU.01); District 1- R
Dallari; Brian Walker, Senior Planner. The BCC is proposing to enact ordinances with the INCONSISTENT. PROVIDING G O R D I N E A C E S AND
Site 12- Richmond Commerce Center Lariat Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment REGARDING THE GREENWAY INTERCHANGE
and Rezone; Hugh Harting, applicant; 32.6 acres; Large Scale Future Land Use Map DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF
Amendment from IND (Industrial) to HIP -AP (Higher Intensity Planned Development- PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND
Airport).and rezone-22.99 acres from A -1 (Agriculture) to PUD (Planned Unit Development), RESOLUTIONS; INCORPORATION INTO THE
- located southwest of the intersection of SR 46. and Richmond Avenue. (Z2009- COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; LEGAL STATUS OF
•26/O9FLU,02);- District 5 - Carey; Ian Sikonia; Senior Planner. The BCC is proposing to THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS;
The- BCC, at this hearing, may also consider amendments to the goals, objectives, policies, •
exhibits, tables, and related sections of any of the Elements of the SCCP. Citizens, local The proposed amendments and ordinances may be obtained
govemtnents, interested organizations, and other entities are encouraged' to appear at this by interested parties between 8 am. and 5 p.m,. Monday
hearing and pres regarding the proposed amendments and associated rezonirgs in through Friday, at the Cltyfs Clerk's Office, located at 1126
accordance with the procedures used by the BCC, or submit written comments to E. State Road 434; Winter Springs, Florida. • For more
plandeskQiseminoiecountylLgov, at the Seminole County Planning and Development Division information, call (407) 327 -1800 #227. Interested parties
Office, 1101 East First Street, Sanford, FL 32771, Room 2028. telephone 407 -665 -7371; FAX may submit written or oral comments on the proposal before
407-665- 7385. Staff forwards public Comments to the BCC for consideration at the public or of the public hearings. Persons with dsabilltes needing
hearing. Additional information regarding these amendments and associated rezonings, assistance to participate in of these proceedings should
ordinances, and any comments received, ans available for public. review at the address above contact the Employee Relations Department Coordinator, 48
m., Monday h F hours in advance of the meeting at (407) 327- 1800, #236.
between the -hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00
P• y ff g Friday, ex luding holidays. The These are public hearings. Interested parties are advised that
_ BCC may continue hearings from time- to-time as found necessary. Ptesans with disabilities they may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect
needing assistance to participate In' any of these proceedings should contact the County's - to the proposed amendments. If you decide to appeal any
Human Resources Department ADA Coordinator 48 hours in advance of the hearing at 407- recommendation or decision made by the Ctty Commission
665-7941. Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decisions made at this hearing, with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, you win
they will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose they may need to ensure a need a record of the proceedings, and for such purposes, you
verbatim record of the proceedings Is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence $ made upon which the appeal li rm record of the proceedings
p upon which the apReal is based (Florida Statutes, Section 286.0105).
WHEREAS, section 163.3161 et. seq., Florida Statutes (1987) established the Local
Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act; and
WHEREAS, section 163.3167, Florida Statutes, requires each municipality in the State of
Florida to prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Plan as scheduled by the Florida Department of
Community Affairs; and
WHEREAS, Chapter Law 2009 -69, signed into law on June 1, 2009, requires each City
certified as a Dense Urban Land Area (DULA) to be designated as a Transportation Concurrency
Exception Area (TCEA), which would allow the City to be exempt from state - mandated
transportation concurrency requirements by establishing mobility strategies and funding mechanisms
for various geographic areas or zones of the City in collaboration with Seminole County and adjacent
cities; and
WHEREAS, designation as a TCEA allows the City to be exempt from state - mandated
transportation concurrency requirements by establishing mobility strategies and funding mechanisms
for various geographic areas or zones of the City in collaboration with Seminole County and adjacent
cities; and
WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs was designated a DULA on July 8, 2009 and
therefore must be designated a TCEA; and
WHEREAS, the application of a TCEA designation requires a comprehensive plan
amendment; and
WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency of the City of Winter Springs held a duly noticed
public hearing on July 14, 2010, in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 163, Part II, Florida
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance 2010 -18
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Statutes, on the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and considered findings and advice of
staff, citizens, and all interested parties submitting written and oral comments; and
WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency recommended the City Commission adopt the large
scale comprehensive plan text amendment; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission hereby finds that this Ordinance is in the best interests
of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs, Florida; and
Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein
by this reference.
Section 2. Authority. This Ordinance is adopted in compliance with, and pursuant to, the Local
Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Sections 163.3167
and 163.3187, Florida Statutes.
Section 3. Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of this ordinance is to adopt the large
scale comprehensive plan text amendment set forth herein to designate the City of Winter Springs
a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA), and to make conforming amendments to the
Plan consistent therewith.
Section 4. Adoption of Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. The City
Commission of the City of Winter Springs hereby amends the Comprehensive Plan as follows:
A. Future Land Use Element. The Future Land Use Element is hereby amended as set
forth in Exhibit "A," attached herein and fully incorporated herein by this reference
(underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks
(* * *) indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing in the Future Land Use Element.
It is intended that the text in the Future Land Use Element denoted by the asterisks and set
forth in this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption
of this Ordinance).
B. Transportation Element. The Transportation Element is hereby amended as set forth
in Exhibit "B," attached herein and fully incorporated herein by this reference (underlined
type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks ( * * *) indicate
a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing in the Transportation Element. It is intended
that the text in the Transportation Element denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this
Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance 2010 -18
Page 2 of 4
C. Intergovernmental Coordination Element. The Intergovernmental Coordination
Element is hereby amended as set forth in Exhibit "C," attached herein and fully
incorporated herein by this reference (underlined type indicates additions and ate ik‘..uut type
indicates deletions, while asterisks ( * * *) indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text
existing in the Intergovernmental Coordination Element. It is intended that the text in the
Intergovernmental Coordination Element denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this
Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this
D. Capital Improvements Element. The Capital Improvements Element is hereby
amended as set forth in Exhibit "D," attached herein and fully incorporated herein by this
reference (underlined type indicates additions and sL i+ uat type indicates deletions, while
asterisks ( * * *) indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing in the Capital
Improvements Element. It is intended that the text in the Capital Improvements Element
denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the
language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance).
Section 5. Transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. The City Manager or his
designee is hereby designated to sign a letter transmitting the adopted comprehensive plan
amendment to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, in accordance with section
163.3187(4), Florida Statutes, and Section 9J -11, Florida Administrative Code.
Section 6. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent
ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City of Winter Springs City Commission, or parts of
ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision
of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent
jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed
a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the
remaining portions of this Ordinance.
Section 8. Effective Date and Legal Status of the Plan Amendment. The effective date of
the comprehensive plan amendment adopted by this Ordinance shall be the date a final order is
issued by the Florida Department of Community Affairs, or the date of the Administration
Commission finding the Amendment in compliance with section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. No
development orders, development permits, or land use dependent on this amendment may be issued
or commenced before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the
Administration Commission, the amendment may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a
resolution affirming its effective status. After and from the effective date of this amendment, the
comprehensive plan amendment set forth herein shall amend the City of Winter Springs
Comprehensive Plan and become a part of that plan and the amendment shall have the legal status
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance 2010 -18
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of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, as amended.
ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on the day of , 2010.
City Clerk
City Attorney
Transmittal Hearing: July 26, 2010
Adoption Hearing:
Effective Date:
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance 2010 -18
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Future Land Use Element
* **
Objective 1.3 Concurrency. The City shall ensure that future development is provided
essential services and facilities at acceptable standards by incorporating the following
policies into the site plan review process and the City's concurrency management system
and mobility strategies.
Policy 1.3.1: Level of Service (LOS) and Mobility StrategiesRevicw. Review all
development and redevelopment proposals to determine their specific impacts on current
LOS standards and mobility strategies.
Policy 1.3.2: . . . - . . , : - - . . - , .. , . ... -
- .. .... _ . . . . . e . , . . . - .. -.. .. . ,.. .. - -
- ... . ::. ,. .... : .... .. e . :. . Transportation Concurrency Exception
Area (TCEA). Consider the City in its entirety as being effectively established as a TCEA
on July 8, 2009 by Senate Bill 360. This designation provides an exemption to
transportation level of service requirements in an effort to support urban infill,
development, redevelopment and the achievement of the City's redevelopment goals by
addressing mobility, urban design, land use mix, and network connections.
Transportation concurrency requirements are modified within the citywide TCEA to
include integration and coordination among the various modes of transportation. LOS
shall be used for monitoring purposes, in order to identify where multi -modal
improvements are needed, and not for development approvals based on capacity. (Cross
Reference: See Transportation Element, Policy 1.11.6)
Policy 1.3.3: Improvements. Continue to seek fiscal resources to make improvements
necessary to accommodate growth and infill development while maintaining services and
facilities according to at adopted standards and mobility strategies.
* **
Objective 1.6 Transportation/Land Use Compatibility. The City will ensure that
population densities, housing types, employment patterns, and land uses are consistent
with the City's transportation network and mobility strategies.
* **
Page 1 of 5
Policy 1.6.2: Multimodal Transportation Improvements. Previde-pProposed multimodal
transportation improvements consistent with the land use patterns on the Future Land Use
Map - 2030.
Policy 1.6.3: portatkm-LOSMobility Strategies. Require
Require development to contributes to the City's multimodal
system andthrough the implementation of or financial contributions toward identified
mobility strategies:. : :. - • - • - - - • • . . - .. • - - • -
approved by the City Commission. Development approvals will be
based on the applicant's compliance with a certain number of mobility strategies as an
offset to the impact of new vehicle trip generation. If the multimodal improvements
needed require roadway improvements, emphasis shall be upon intersection
improvements to improve safety and reduce conflicts between modes:,
signalization/Transportation Demand Management improvements (especially those
providing transit and pedestrian priority signalization); bicycle facility improvements.,
and pedestrian crosswalk/median improvements.
* **
Policy 1.8.5: Procedures for Inclusion of Annexed Properties into the City's TCEA. Place
properties that involve a large -scale land use amendment into a City TCEA Zone as part
of the large -scale amendment process and amend simultaneously the appropriate TCEA
map(s). Place properties that involve a small -scale land use amendment into a City
TCEA Zone as part of the next large -scale amendment cycle, and amend simultaneously
the appropriate TCEA map(s). During the interim period, after obtaining a City land use
category, but prior to placement in a City TCEA Zone, development on property may
proceed by the development providing and funding mobility standards and requirements
of the most physically proximate Zone. If the property is adjacent to two Zones, the
property shall meet the standards and requirements of the Zone lettered closest to the
beginning of the alphabet.
* **
Policy 2.1.4: Future Roads and Traffic Mobility Patterns. Adopt appropriate
transportation maps to identify future roads and traffiemobility patterns related to the
Town Center that assure multimodalbest routes through land while attempting to
maximize development potential and opportunities consistent with the Town Center
Goal. Determine the final location of future Town Center roads and mobility patterns
during the development process.
* **
Page 2 of 5
Policy 3.1.2: Future Roads and TraffieMobility Patterns. Adopt appropriate
transportation maps to identify future roads and mobilitytraffie patterns related to the
GID that previdefacilitate multimodal transportationbest routes through and safe and
convenient access to land while attempting to maximize development potential and
opportunities consistent with GID Goal. Determine the final location of future roads and
mobility patterns within the GID and adjacent area during the development process in
accordance with the Transportation Element.
Policy 3.1.3: Multimodal Access. Plan for transit and multimodal service on
transportation thoroughfares accessing the GID, including a future SeminoleWAY
intermodal transit facility for light rail or bus rapid transit (BRT) service along SR 417.
Coordinate the location of transit- related facilities with Seminole County, LYNX, and the
Florida Turnpike Enterprise. Ensure pedestrian and bicycle connection to the future
intermodal facility. Supportive facilities and amenities should include clustered and
compact mix of uses with intensities that support transit, park and ride parking garage
with bicycle lockers and facilities, and covered shelters. (Cross Reference: See
Intergovernmental Coordination Element, Policy 1.3.7)
Policy 3.1.4: Multimodal Transportation. Plan for and facilitate the seamless integration
of future multimodal transportation within the GID, including BRT or similar transit
circulator service by the inclusion of supportive facilities and amenities in the master
plan, including deeded BRT corridor. (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use Element.,
Policy 3.3.4)
Policy 3.1.3Policv 3.1.5: Connectivity. Require pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular
connectivity both internally and externally to adjoining developable properties (including
public trail linkages). (Cross Reference: See Recreation and Open Space Element, Policy
* **
Policy 3.2.5: Urban Form. Define the urban form through clustering of uses with
intensities that support multimodal transportation and provide efficient land use, thereby
reducing vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions.
Policy 3.2.6: Development Bonuses. Development bonuses which allow a
higher FAR (up to a maximum FAR of 2.0), may be granted for projects within the
Greeneway Interchange District which demonstrate environmental stewardship through
one or more of the following:
• Environmentally- sensitive site planning (Cross Reference: See Conservation
Element, Policy 1.8.2);
• Green building design and energy efficient buildings as determined by USGBC
LEED Certification or equivalent;
Page 3 of 5
• Incorporation of Low Impact Development (LID) practices, such as green roofs
capture and use of stormwater for irrigation and/or other grey water type uses, and
rain gardens (Cross Reference: See Conservation Element, Policy 1.3.4);
• Energy efficient land use which minimizes impervious surfaces, such as inclusion
of one or more parking garages (Cross Reference: See Conservation Element,
Policy 1.8.1);
• Restoration or enhancement of degraded wetlands, native ecosystems, or
preservation of extra upland buffers around critical habitat (Cross Reference: See
Conservation Element, Policy 1.7.2); and
• Waterwise practices including sustainable site design through natural landscaping
with Florida native plants (Cross Reference: See Conservation Element, Policy
Policy 3:2.6Policv 3.2.7: Trail Linkages. Require public trail linkages through the GID
and require bicycle facilities (such as bike racks and lockers) to support public access via
alternative means.
..Policy 3.2.8: Diversity in Detailing and Style. Require development to
include diversity in detailing and style while maintaining aesthetic harmony.
* **
Policy 3.3.4: Town Center Linkages. Support public /private investment in transportation
linkages between the GID and the Town Center (includingsuch as a local transit
circulator, water taxi, trail connection, and/or other innovative transportation solutions.)
(Cross Reference: See Future Land Use Element, Policy 3.1.4)
* **
Policy 4.2.1: Percentage of Various Uses. Require as part of the master planning
process, an appropriate set of uses and distribution of uses to be established unique to
each development that will allow no more than seventy -five percent (75 %) percent any
one type of land use to dominate the Mixed Use category.
* **
Policy 4.2.6: Connectivity. Ensure that existing, new, and future development is
connected by roadways, bikeways, and/or pedestrianways that encourage travel between
uses and access to transit without requiring the use of the arterial road.
* **
Policy 5.1.1: Purpose of Urban Central Business District. Establish the UCBD to:
• Plan appropriate and balanced land uses on a scale and at an intensity, consistent
with the availability of public facilities and services;
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• Facilitate mixed use development;
• Encourage mass transit;
• Reduce dependency on the need€er automobile travel; and vehicle miles traveled;
• Encourage quality development; and
• Give definition to the urban form through a vertical and horizontal mix of uses
rather than strip -
Policy 5.1.2: Characteristics of Urban Central Business District. Establish the UCBD as
a multi -use area appropriate for intensive growth and having the following
• Compact mix of uses which are pedestrian friendly and are accessible
without the use of the automobile;
• Flexible, versatile building design that will outlast initial uses and create long-
term value;
• Densities and intensities which support transit;
• Proximate and accessible to major arterial roadways; and
• Adequate public facilities including roads, water, wastewater, solid waste
disposal, stormwater drainage, and recreation.
Page 5 of 5
Transportation Element
Objective 1.1. Ouality/Level of Service. In urban centers transportation cannot be effectively
managed and mobility cannot be improved solely through the expansion of roadway capacity.
The expansion of roadway capacity is not always physically or fmancially possible, and a range
of transportation alternatives is essential to satisfy mobility needs, reduce congestion, and
achieve healthy, vibrant centers. For these reasons, the City shall use Quality/Level of Service
(0/LOS) for monitoring purposes in order to identify where multimodal improvements are
needed, for guiding capital improvements facility /operations planning to achieve and maintain
mobility, to reduce greenhouse gases, and to assist in determining a fair share that a development
should contribute to the achievement of these mobility strategies.
Q/LOS shall not be used for development approvals based on capacity. However, Florida
Statutes require the inclusion of local roadway Level of Service standards within local
comprehensive plans, even within a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA), when
roadway level of service is not the measure by which development is approved.
Mobility within the TCEA shall be maintained by the implementation of the strategies and
. ro • ams identified in this element and throu • com.limen . . olicies within the
comprehensive plan. If the development requires roadway improvements, emphasis shall be
upon intersection improvements to improve safety and reduce conflicts between modes;
signalization/Transportation Demand Management improvements (especially those providing
transit and pedestrian priority signalization); bicycle facility improvements, and pedestrian
crosswalk /median improvements. _ - - , - , . • : : - • - • - • - - - • - - •
- - _ _ -.., . , - . ., _ . : : :. (Cross Reference: See
Capital Improvement Element, Policy 1.2.1.a.)
Policy 1.1.1: Roadway Q/LOS. Establish minimum Roadway /LOS
standards, applicable to all TCEA Zones, for monitoring intersection capacity tertatien
€aeilities -based on annual average daily trips (AADTVas follows:
• Limited Access Roads as prescribed by FDOT
• Arterials (4 -Lane & 6 -Lane) DE + 10%
• Arterials (2 -Lane) E + 30%
• Collectors D
• Local Roads D
Policy 1.1.2: Transit Q/LOS. Coordinate with METROPLAN ORLANDO and LYNX to assist
the County in maintaining the County's minimumadepted Q/LOS standard for mass transit,,
applicable to the citywide TCEA, to link urban centers and neighborhoods to nearby LYNX
stops and subsequently to commuter rail. Work toward a long range vision of implementing
Page 1 of 11
higher capacity transit modes, such as bus rapid transit along SeminoleWAY (SR 417) and
between Zones A & B: (Cross Reference: See Transportation Element, Objective 1.6 and
Policies 1.6.1 throu l 1.6.7 . ! - = • - -- - - • - •• - - - • - -
Fixed Route Public Transit Initial Future (as triggered
by need)
• Link 103 Altamonte Station 15- minute headway (2013) No Change
• Link 434 Crosstown 60- minute headway (2010) 30- minute headway
• SeminoleWAY RBT N/A 15- minute headway
PickUpLine !PUL) Transit Initial Future (as triggered
by need)
• Tuskawilla/Red Bug Lake Rds N/A 60- minute headway (2
hr adv)
Policy 1.1.3: Pedestrian 0/LOS. Presence of pedestrian path/sidewalk within Y4 mile of fixed
route transit and Zones A and B. Gaps shall be identified as part of Capital Improvements
programming evaluation and during development review for new and redeveloping projects.
Policy 1.1.4: Bicycle Q /LOS. Percentage of arterial and collector road corridors identified with
bike lane or shared lane pavement markings and signage. When the percentage exceeds (25 %) it
shall be an indicator of the need to shift to the next quality level.
Policy 1.1.5: Continue to coordinate the City's efforts with FDOT to ensure the optimal
operation of both the City's mobility strategy and the State's Strategic Intermodal System (SIS)
Policy-171A, Policy 1.1.6: Require a fie- }Transportation Impact Analysis for all new
development generating more than 300 annual average daily trips (AADT). Such study shall be
conducted in accordance with written procedures provided by the City. (Cross Reference: See
Transportation Element, Policy 1.11.2).
Poliey--17476Policv 1.1.7: Annually monitor the Q/LOS status of arterials, collectors, and all state
roadways within the City by obtaining from the State and County their most recent traffic counts
at points along all roadways that would be affected by development in the City.
Poliey3Policv 1.1.8: Monitor the functioning of the arterial and collector road system by
use of the Florida Standard Urban Transportation Model Structure (FSUTMS) used by FDOT for
travel demand forecasting so that collector road improvements may be scheduled according to
valid priorities.
Poliey-171.3Policy 1.1.9: Evaluate proposed development for compliance with mobility
strategies using established criteria.
Policy Policy 1.1.10: Continue to use standards and guidelines for permitting the payment
of proportionate fair -share contributions to mitigate locally and regionally significant
Page 2 of 11
transportation impacts consistent with Subsection 163.3180(16), F.S. Such standards and
guidelines shall provide that the City shall not rely on transportation facilities in place or under
actual construction more than three years after the issuance of a building permit, except as
provided in Subsection 163.3180(16), F.S.
Pelf -1 .8Policy 1.1.11: Coordinate with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)
regarding methods by which the pedestrian orientation of the Town Center can be achieved.
This coordination may include the possible reclassification of S.R. 434 through the Town Center
as a Class II or Class III arterial, the potential designation of the facility between U.S. 17 -92 to
Vistawilla Drive as one where it would be appropriate to apply a policy constraint prohibiting
future widening of the roadway, and/or examining the appropriateness of lowering the speed
limit along a portion of the roadway. (Cross Reference: See Transportation Element, Policy 1.9.9
and Intergovernmental Coordination Element, Policy 1.3.1)
* **
Policy 1.2.1: Require the dDesign and construction of the- arterial roadways-system, through
cooperation with the FDOT and Seminole County, to support and reflect adjacent land uses and
development patterns, while - - • - - : - - -. -, . • :.- • • • - - ' - . - - . preservinge-the through traffic carrying capacity of the facility.
* **
Policy 1.2.4: Fund the collector road system by transportation impact fees.
* **
Policy 1.2.7: Utilize appropriate access management alternative techniques to control arterial
road access and reduce congestion, and preserve LOS. These techniques include but are not
limited to the following:
• Limit access to roads by controlling the number and location of site access driveways;
• Cross access easements to adjacent properties where feasible; and
• Use of frontage or back -lot parallel access roads where feasible.
Policy 1.2.8: Design major roadways as complete streets to enable safe,
attractive, and comfortable access and travel fo all users, to the extent appropriate_,
}Incorporateing bicycle lanes and pedestrian facilities and transit features to achieve a true
multimodal system whilcvAth intent of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. As funding
becomes available, retrofit existing corridors to accommodate multimodal options.
Policy 1.2.9: Implement mobility strategies to maintain and achieve mobility within the citywide
TC • _e_.. _:.,._ __._.. -- ._ -,- ! ! by
undertaking the projects listed in this element and future transportation studies conducted for the
City, as well as by encouraging the State, County, and METROPLAN ORLANDO to implement
projects on the state /county highway system that support the City's molsiliWrenspeftatien
* **
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Policy 1.3.10: Limit greenhouse gas emissions through the implementation of strategies to
reduce the number of Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT).
Policy 1.5.1: Strive to implement a livable transportation system within the City that includes
multiple travel choices and the ability to move from one mode of travel to another with
ease.--:::- - • - - - - - - ., - • - - - , .
* **
Policy 1.5.7: Require new development and redevelopment to provide safe, well lit, and efficient
on -site motorized and nonmotorized traffic movements, sufficient parking, pedestrian facilities,
and, as applicable, connections to adjacent sites and rights -of -way. Encourage increased land use
densities and mixed uses, consistent with the Future Land Use Element to enhance the feasibility
of transit and promote alternative transportation modes.
* **
Policy 1.5.15: Continue to work with Seminole County and other organizations involved in the
acquisition and development of trail systems within Seminole County to complete the missing
link at Layer Elementary School at S.R. 419 and to add connecting linkages between established
neighborhoods (such as the Highlands) and the Cross Seminole Trail.'
Policy 1.5.16: Plan for and facilitate the seamless integration of future multimodal transportation
in Zone B, including BRT or similar transit circulator service, by requiring the inclusion of
supportive facilities and amenities in the Greeneway Interchange District master plan, including
deeded BRT corridor. (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use Element, Policy 3.1.4) Adept -a
Policy 1.5.17: Encourage the implementation of the S.R. 434 Crosstown bus route and linkage to
the planned Central Florida Commuter Rail (SunRail). (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use
Element, Policy 1.4.6 and Transportation Element, Policy 1.6.7)
Policy 1.5.18: Establish a TrailaBicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee made up of
residents who will work together to pursue the planning and implementation of an interconnected
trail, pedestrian and bicycle circulation system, encourage increased use of non - motorized
transporation in the City and make appropriate recommendations to the City Commission.
* **
Policy 1.7.5: Ensure that development in the Town Center consists of
pedestrian-sized blocks, as travel distance which is influenced by street connectivity has a big
impact on whether a person decides to walk or not. (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use
Element, Policy 2.2.1)
Page 4 of 11
Policy 1.9.10: Coordinate with the FDOT and the City of Oviedo to establish a long term
concurrency management system to address potential roadway deficiencies along S.R. 434 (east
of S.R. 417), and prioritize roadway improvements for this corridor within a time fram of uop to
ten years. The long term concurrency management system will be coordinated with the Capital
Improvements Element and will include periodic monitoring of LOS conditions and funding
* **
Policy r:-Policv 1.11.1: Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA). Consider the
City in its entirety as being effectively established as a TCEA on July 8, 2009 by Senate Bill 360.
This designation provides an exemption to transportation level of service requirements in an
effort to support urban infill, development, redevelopment and the achievement of the City's
redevelopment goals by addressing mobility, urban design, land use mix, and network
connections. Transportation concurrency requirements are modified within the citywide TCEA
to include integration and coordination among the various modes of transportation. Q/LOS shall
be used for monitoring purposes, in order to identify where multi -modal improvements are
needed, and not for development approvals based on capacity. (Cross Reference: See Future •
Land Use Element, Policy 1.3.2) - - : • - .: • .: - -.. • - - - • - •
• - ... - - - - ., . • . - ... .. _
• - -- • - . _ - ' .. . - -. •.,
Policy 1.11.2: TCEA Zones. Implement the Winter Springs' TCEA as five (5) distinct Zones,
designated as A, B, C, D & E, based on geographic location in relation to the City's existing
transportation network, land use, transit readiness, and future mobility needs.
Zone A is identified as the Central Mobility Hub and is generally located at the heart of the City
at the intersection of State Road 434 and Tuskawilla Rd. and coincides generally with the Town
Center/Urban Central Business District, which is roughly bounded by Tuscawilla Office Park to
Page 5 of 11
the south, Central Winds Park to the west, by Lake Jesup to the north, and by the Cross Seminole
Trail pedestrian bridge to the East as shown on the TCEA Zone Map. Zone A includes major
public facilities such as City Hall, Winter Springs High School, U.S. Post Office, Veteran's
Memorial, Magnolia Park, and Central Winds Park. Zone A has an interconnected network of
streets which connect into State Road 434 and Tuskawilla Rd, and it is also directly accessed by
the Cross - Seminole Trail and by a LYNX fixed route (SR 434 Crosstown route). The goals of
Zone A are fully described in the Future Land Use Element under Goal 2 (Town Center) and
Goal 5 (Urban Central Business District) and the associated objectives and policies of each. This
area supports a density of 36 dua (the highest in the City), and vertical integration of uses, along
with integration of multi -modal transportation options. Zone A contains both built -up properties
and vacant land suitable for new development. Public facilities and services are available, such
as sanitary sewer, potable water, roads, and recreation areas.
Zone B is identified as the SeminoleWAY Hub and coincides generally with the Greeneway
Interchange District roughly bounded by Zone C (Corridor Zone) to the south, Zone A (Central
Mobility Hub) to the west, Lake St. to the north, and just beyond SR 417 to the East as shown on
the TCEA Zone Map and also includes the Oviedo Market Place area.
The area is centered around the SeminoleWAY Interchange at SR 434 and also includes the
Oviedo MarketPlace area located in the vicinity of the SeminoleWAY interchange at Red Bug
Lake Rd.
The Zone is distinguished by its proximity to SR 417 (a Strategic Intermodal System or SIS),
also known as SeminoleWAY and is expected to be heavily served by transit. The area contains
primarily vacant land.
The goals of Zone B are fully described in the Future Land Use Element under Goal 3
(Greeneway Interchange District) and Goal 4 (Mixed Use) and the associated objectives and
policies of each. The Zone is highly market - driven, oriented to certain target industries for the
purpose of creating primarily an employment- oriented mixed use development. This area
supports high intensity, and vertical integration of uses, along with integration of multi -modal
transportation options.
Both Zone A & Zone B contain important job - generating economic features with a need for a
supportive future land use pattern and mobility facilities in proximity to those economic assests.
Zone C is identified as the Corridor Zone. The corridor includes properties within %Z mile (2640
feet) of the centerline of State Road 434, extending from the western City boundary to the
eastern City boundary, exclusive of those parcels included within Zone A or B and properties
within 'A mile (2640 feet) of the centerline of U.S. 17 -92, extending from the northern most City
boundary to the southernmost City boundary. Zone C contains both built -up properties,
properties suitable for redevelopment and some vacant parcels. Public facilities and services are
available, such as sanitary sewer, potable water, roads, and recreation areas.
Zone D is identified as the State Road 419 Corridor. The corridor includes properties within 600
feet of the centerline of U.S. 17 -92, extending from the northern most City boundary, exclusive
of those parcels included within Zone C. Zone D contains both primarily built -up properties and
Page 6 of 11
parcels suitable for redevelopment. Public facilities and services are available, such as sanitary
sewer, potable water, roads, and recreation areas.
Zone E is identified as the Suburban Development District and includes the remaining area of the
City, not previously included within any other zone. The area is mostly built -out and primarily
includes established single family neighborhoods. The area is not expected to undergo any
redevelopment or transition to higher density w ithin the foreseeable future.
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Page 7 of 11
Policy 1.11.3: Table of Appropriate Mobility Strategies and Mitigation Opportunities
Zone A Zone 8 Zone C Zone D Zone E
Central Suburban
TCEA Zones & Appropriate Mobility Strategies Seminole corridor SR 419
Hub WAY Hub Zone Corridor District
�It MARRED for ALL Development: I I I I
Sidewalk along the development frontage connecting the development to
1 ` xisting or planned public sidewalks; X X X X X
2 Cross-access connections /easements or joint driveways, where available and X X X X X
economically feasible;
s Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements along the property X X X X X
frontage to the City, as needed, for the construction of public sidewalks;
4 /Closing of existing, excessive, duplicative, or unsafe curb cuts or narrowing of X X
overly wide curb cuts at the development site;
Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements within the property, as
S needed, for the addition or extension of a non- motorized multi -use trail; X
Safe and convenient on -site pedestrian circulation such as sidewalks and ADA
6 crosswalks connecting buildings and parking area at the development site; X X X X X
Streetscaping/landscaping (including pedestrian -scale lighting, where X X X X X
7 relevant) on public rights - of-way or medians within the project site;
e Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements within the property, as X
needed, for future bus rapid transit or other local circulator;
Compact mix of uses which are pedestrian friendly and are accessible without
9 the use of the automobile ; X X X
Roadways, bikeways, and pedestrian systems shall encourage travel between
10 neighborhoods and access to transit without requiring the use of arterial X X X X X
Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements along the property
11 frontage to the City, as needed, for the construction of on -street parking. X
Not required if it would render the property unusable for development;
Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements along the property
tage to the City, as needed, for the construction of bus turn-out facilities
nd /or bus shelters. Such deeding or conveyance of required easements, or
portion of same, shall not be required if it would render the property
12 unusable for development. A transit facility license agreement (executed by X X X
he property owner and the City) for the placement of a bus shelter and
related facilities on private property may be used in lieu of deeding or
nveyance of easements if agreeable to the City. The License term shall be
or a minimum of ten years;
Public sidewalks in priority areas as identified by the City, where no sidewalks
'A, particularly within 1/2 mile of fixed transit lines; X X X X X
Page 8 of 11
Zone A Zane S Zone C Zone D Zone E
TCEA Zones & Appropriate Mobility Strategies Central ' Seminole Corridor SR 419 S urban
Mobility WAY Hub Zone Corridor District
Widening of existing public sidewalks in priority areas to increase pedestrian
14 mobility and safety; X X
Additional bicycle facilities over the minimum required by the land
15 development code. Additional bicyde parking may be used to substitute for X X X X X
required motorized vehide parking;
16 Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements for the addition or
extension of a non - motorized multi -use trail (Zone B}; X
17 Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements for the addition of X X
bicycle lanes (particularly in Zones C & E };
Land acquisition for expansion or better connectivity of the trail system
18 {particularly in Zone E);
Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements for dedicated Rapid
19 Transit System (RTS) circulator corridor in Zones A & B; X X
Construction of SeminoleWAY Intermodal Transit Facility in coordination with
LYNX and the Expressway Authority; X
21 Deeding of land or land acquisition for the use of a park and ride lot in
priority areas as identified by the City (particularly in Zones B & C); X X
Construction of park and ride facility with a minimum of 100 spaces including
transfer station and restrooms /info center; X X
Payments to the regional transit system or Seminole County for the capital
2s and operating oasts associated with a new Rapid Transit Service route or X X X X X
similar transit dreulator service for Winter Springs;
24 Roadway capacity or safety projects in priority areas; X X X X X
25 intersection and/or signalized modifications... X X
26 Funding of additional streetscaping/landscaping in priority areas, on p ublic
rights - of-way or medians, as identified by the City; X X X
27 Pedestrian scale lighting in priority areas identified by the City; X X X
28 Business operations with limited or no peak hour roadway impact; X X X X X
Design or construction studies/plans for projects such as planned
roundabouts, road connections, sidewalk systems, and /or bike trails; X X X X X
Provision of matching funds for transit or other transportation mobility
related grants; X X X X X
31 Bike facilities at trail entry points or connecting transit lines; X X X X X
32 Trail bridges spanning creeks or wetland areas; X
Page 9 of 11
Zone A Zone B Zane C Zone U Zone E
TCEA Zones & Appropriate Mobility Strategies, cont'd mow ,. Seminole Corridor SR 41_9 Devmmt
Hub WAY Hub Zone Corridor
33 Transportation Demand Management program participation; X X X X
Innovative transportation - related modification or standard acceptable and
approved by the City; X X X X X
Deeding of land or conveyance of required easements along the property
frontage to the City, as needed, for the construction of bus tum -out tackles
and/or bus shelters. A transit facility license agreement (executed by the
35 property owner and the City) for the placement of a bus shelter and related x X X X X
faciities on private property may be used in lieu of deeding or conveyance of
easements, if agreeable to the City. The license term shall be for a minimum
of ten years;
36 Bus pass programs; X X X
37 Ride sharing or van pooling; X
38 Shared parking; X X X
Policy 1.1:4Policy 1.11.4: Revise the land development code by July 9, 2011, related to
concurrency administration and proportionate fair share contributions to include funding of
mobility strategies within the DULA/TCEA in concert with the long term strategies for
achieving and funding mobility adopted by Seminole County and the determination of
proportionate fair share contribution based on projected VMTs
Element-of this-Plan,
Poliey-17,14.2:Policy 1.11.5: Require that all developments anticipated to generate 300 or
more annual average daily trips (AADT) be required to submit a Transportation Impact
AnalysisStudy. (Cross Reference: See Transportation Element, Policy 1.1.46)
Policy 1.11.3:Policy 1.11.6: Require new development, regardless of size, to provide
operational improvements to the City' transportation system to mitigate their impacts on the
system, to ensure smooth traffic flow, and to aid in the elimination of hazards. Improvements
may include, but are not limited to: providing added connectivity, the addition of turn lanes,
deceleration lanes, signage, signals and pavement markings, and contributions to the City's
multimodal system.
Policy 171•1.4:Policy 1.11.7: Require that transportation facilities needed to serve new
development are in place, or under actual construction, within 3 years after the approval of a
building permit, or its functional equivalent that results in traffic generation. The only
exceptions to this policy are those described in Subsection 163.3180, F.S.
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Policy 1.11.5:Policv 1.11.8: Maintain records to determine whether any 110% de minimis
transportation impact threshold is reached, pursuant to Subsection 163.3180(6), F.S. A summary
of these records shall be submitted with the annual Capital Improvements Element update.
Policy 1.11.9: Annually determine the City's percentage of achievement of mobility strategies
and multimodal Q/LOS.
Page 11 of 11
Intergovernmental Coordination Element
Policy 1.2.3: Review the actions of other local governments as to the impact of such action on
City LOS standards and mobility strategies.
* **
Objective 1.3: Transportation Coordination. The City shall continue to coordinate its
transportation planning and mobility strategies with affected governmental agencies and
jurisdictions., _ . , - - _ •
.. _ ... - _ - - - :...: , - - - • : - - - - •
* **
Policy 1.3.6: Continue to coordinate in the ongoing development, monitoring and
implementation of mobility strategies with Seminole County and the cities within Seminole
County, to ensure the availability of multiple modes of transportation within the City. Gentinue
- r
.. • .. - - . .., - ... . . ., . .... • rr
n _
Policy 1.3.7: Promote the development of a bus rapid transit (BRT) line or light rail along S.R.
417 (SeminoleWAY) through interagency coordination with METROPLAN ORLANDO,
Seminole County, LYNX, and the Florida Turnpike Enterprise to provide convenient, regional
access to the City's Greenway Interchange District. (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use
Element, Policy 3.1.3)
Policy 1.3.7Policy 1.3.8: Work with the School Board to maximize efficient use of existing and
planned roads to avoid sprawl development, during participation in future school site selection as
identified in the 2007 Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning and School
Page 1 of 2
Concurrency As Amended January 2008. (Cross Reference: See Public School Facilities
Element, Policy 1.7.1)
* **
Policy 1.4.7: Review the actions of other local governments as applicable, for their impact on
City LOS standards and mobility strategies.
Page 2 of 2
Capital Improvements Element
GOAL 1: Provide public facilities and services which protect and promote the public health,
safety and general welfare of Winter Springs' residents in a sustainable manner and which
support mobility strategies, while accommodating desired future growth and redevelopment at
acceptable Levels of Service.
Objective 1.1: Annual Review. The City shall annually review and modify its Capital
Improvements Element to ensure the financial feasibility and timely provision of capital facilities
needed to maintain Level of Service (LOS) standards and to guide the City's capital and
operating expenditures on mobility toward achieving the stated goal of mobility and reduction of
the City's level of greenhouse gases emissions.
* **
Policy 1.1.3: Define capital projects as those projects identified within the other elements of the
Comprehensive Plan that are necessary to meet established LOS and to support mobility
strategies, increase the capacity or efficiency of existing infrastructure, replace failing
infrastructure or enhance facilities and infrastructure that generally have a cost exceeding
Policy 1.1.4: Include and fund capital projects for the following facilities and infrastructure in
the SCI:
• Transportation (Mobility Strategies)
• Stormwater Management (Drainage)
• Sanitary Sewer
• Solid Waste
• Potable Water
• Parks and Recreation
* **
Policy 1.1.9: Consider capital projects for school capacity improvements included in the
Seminole County School Board's Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan adopted September 9,
20092008 for the fiscal year 2009 - 2010200$4009 through 2013 - 20112012 2013 as included
herein by reference.
Objective 1.2: Level of Service (LOS) and Mobility Strategies. The City shall utilize Level of
Service (LOS) criteria and mobility strategies defined in the various elements of this Plan when
determining the timing and funding of capital projects and to assist in determining a fair share
that a development should contribute to the achievement of mobility strategies. The City must
demonstrate that the LOS standards will be achieved and maintained by the end of the five -year
Page 1 of 3
planning period. A deficiency is a facility of service that does not meet (is operating below) the
adopted Level of Service (LOS) standard. Within the citywide TCEA, mobility strategies as
detailed in the Transportation Element shall apply, which include Quality/Levels of Service
(0/LOS) for monitoring purposes. The City shall annually evaluate whether conditions that
trigger the need to alter Q/LOS standards (as identified in the Transportation Element) have been
achieved. If so, necessary improvements shall be included in capital or operating budgets and
within the Capital Improvements Element.
Policy 1.2.1: Adopt LOS standards and mobility strategies for facilities and infrastructure as
a. Transportation (Mobility Strategies`Far es- Within the citywide TCEA, mobility
strategies (as detailed in the Transportation Element) shall apply.
. .. .. . _. •- - _ .. • - • .: (Cross
Reference: See Transportation Element, Policy 1.1.1)
* * * **
Policy 1.2.2: Evaluate proposed land use amendments to determine the compatibility of those
amendments with the adopted LOS standards, mobility strategies, and with available funding for
implementing improvements that would be necessary pursuant to such land use amendments.
Policy 1.2.3: Consider the following thresholds to target initiation and budgeting of construction
and/or purchase of capital facilities to meet projected future needs based on adopted LOS
• . - . .. - .. . •! o : _e_ .
• Sewer — 75 % of available capacity is being utilized.
• Water — 75 % of available capacity is being utilized.
• Stormwater — Adoption of TMDL Master Plan.
• Recreation and Open Space — Park lands when 95 % of available land area is utilized or
when 90 % of the population exists in areas in need of new park acreage.
Objective 1.4: New Development to Bear a Proportionate Cost New development shall bear a
proportionate cost of public facility improvements in order to maintain adopted level of service
(LOS) standards and mobility strategies.
* **
Policy 1.4.2: Guarantee the timely installation of capital improvements required to meet LOS
and mobility strategies which are to be funded by a developer, in an enforceable development
agreement, interlocal agreement, or other enforceable agreement.
Execute such agreements under the City's constitutional home rule power as authorized in
Chapter 166, Florida Statutes or as otherwise authorized by law.
Page 2 of 3
Policy 1.4.3: Require a development agreement and/or development to proceed in more than one
phase, when appropriate, to ensure that LOS standards are maintained and mobility strategies
Policy 1.4.5: Require new developments to be responsible for installing all internal potable and
reclaimed water and sewer systems, vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian circulation systems, and
internal recreation/open space facilities within their development. Connecting internal systems
to designated major potable and reclaimed water and sewer trunk systems and vehicular, bicycle,
and pedestrian circulation network is the financial responsibility of the developer. (Cross
Reference: See Transportation Element, Policies 1.5.3; 1.5.4; and 1.5.13)
* **
Policy 1.5.6: Continue to participate in METROPLAN ORLANDO to ensure funding
distribution for transportation projects and mobility strategies identified in the SCI.
* **
Objective 1.7: Concurrency Management. The City shall continue to operate a Concurrency
Management System for the review of all proposed developments within the City. As part of the
City's Concurrency Management System, the City will help facilitate school concurrency review
by the School Board and shall rely upon the School Board to determine and report to the City if
school capacity is available.
The concurrency evaluation system shall measure the potential impact of any proposal for a
development permit or order upon mobility strategies and the established minimum acceptable
levels of service (LOS) for public schools, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water,
and parks and recreation, and_transpeEtatien facilities, unless the development permit or order is
exempt from the review requirements of this section. No development permit or order which
contains a specific plan of development, including densities and intensities of development, shall
be issued unless adequate public facilities are available to serve the proposed development as
determined by the concurrency evaluation set forth in this section.
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