HomeMy WebLinkAboutHighlands Homeowners Association, Inc. Neighborhood Street Sign And Light Improvement Agreement -2010 02 24NEIGH130RHOOD STREET SIGN AND LIGHT IMW AGREEMENT This Neighborhood Street Sign and Light. Improvement Agreement ("Agreement") is =de and entered into this day of Le 20 by and between the City of Winter Springs, Florida, a Florida munic'pal corpo tiott "City and Highlands Homeowners Assoclatimi, Inc., (Developer), a Florida corporation ssoeiation" . WHEREAS, the Association is a cAommunity or cme wn r'a Association tooated rich n the City of Winter S, Florida; and w REA$, the City provides the Association, and its members with standard street signs and standard street lights located on City streets that traverse through the real propel wbi h constitutes the Aociation; sad WR RE. S, the Association and the City desim to rovid enhanc d decorative street s ilm aid decorative street lights at the Association's expewo under the terms aid conditions herein and WHEREAS, the parties acknowledge that this agr cmcnt will improve the aesthetic appea nce of the City's streets peril ' for benefit and enjoyment of the Association and its members and incidentally to the rest of the ciumns of Winter :Sp,ri , NOW THEREF RIE, in consideration of the mutual promt es set forth hereuiader, and other good and valuable coasideration, which the parties acknowledge has been exc ang d, the parties agree as follows: Section 1. keeitals, The foregoing r ciuls are true and correct and are hereby incorporated h rem' as a matenkfl part of this Agreement. Section 2. a nitions, The following words and phrases used herein sJWl have tho following m at =*g %mess the c me t clearly indicates other : 2. 'Trogress Energy 71 shall mean Progress Energy and any successor and assign to the City's electric franchise, 12 "Si late" shad mean the meth face plate of the street sign on which street yes and other tmffie symbols and/or language is written such as "stop" and speed limits_ " 'Street Light Base Rate" shall mean the &MW & t cost charged by Progress Energy to form 02109 Neighbqrhood Street Sign and Light Improvement Agreement City of Winter Springs — 'The highlands HOA Wage t of maintain and operate a standard concrete pole and cobra fixture. Said costs include electric, equipment rental, mai.nt n nce, gross receipts tai and other associated urges imposed by Progress Energy in acoordance. with lam'. At the effective date of this Agreement, the Sheet Light Base Rate is equal to 14.02_ The parties acknowledge that said base rate is subject to periodic adjustments by Progress Energy and the City of Winter Sphngs. Section 3. Leo a of Pro . The City and the Association agree that this Agreement may cover both decorative street signs and decorative street lights depending on what is specifically set forth in Exhibit "I ". The City and Association agree that the Association desires to purohase, install, maintain and operate the decorative street signs and streei lights depicted axed itemized itk Exhibit 1 ", 'which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "P ro, cef ), The pies acknowledge that if doeorative street signs are insta cd, they must comply with the standards of the Florida Dwartment of Transportation and the City of Winter Sprigs, and if decorative street lights are ins it d, they must be provided by Pmgress Energy and approved by the City of winter Springs. section 4. Associatiou's Obligation The Association agrees to perfonn the followin obligations 4.1 Decorative Street Sigmi, —Not Applicable— To the extent that decorative street signs are part of Us Agreement as provided on Exhibit "I", the Association agrees to fly cooperate with the City to purchase, iw tall, and maintain (NLA decorative street signs required by the Project as foUo s (A) The Association shall agree to pay the City's actwl out-of-pocket cost ofpurchasing and installing the decorative street signs required to complete the Project. (B) Prior to the City purchasing the decorative street sign Component of the Project, the Association agree to provide the City with a deposit in the amount of Dollars which represents a minimum of ono hundred percent (100%) of the esfiimtod cost of the street sign component of the Project, excluding the cast of sign plates, W ithin seven (7) days of the City awarding a contract for the street sign coMponent of the Project "'Street Sign Contract' and prior to contract execution with the contractor, the A. sooiation shy pay the City any r=aining amount that is due umder the Street Sign Contract, if any, less the deposit aad excluding the cost of the sign plates. The City - reserves the right to terminath the Street Sign Contract should the Association fail to make said. payment. ( D ) In the event any of the decorative street signs rust be rep1wed or repaired due to damage, deterioration, or age, the Association agrees to pay the City the cost of the ropairs or the cost ofpurch sing andimtalling the replacement decorative street sigm. The Association "s patent shalt be made `t r'ithin fla in r 0 clays of receipt of vnitten notice f - oxn the Choy and prior to the Fonn 02109 Neighborhood Street Sign and Light Improvement ,,agreement City of Winter Springs — Tho Highlands HOA Page replacement. Notwithstanding,, the City will be responsible for the rep air or rep lace m e n t ent of a damaged, deteriorated, or a cd street sign pf at . All other components ofthe street si i�nc lnd . but not limited to, the foundation, framing, an p ole will b the responsibility of th e Association. (E) D uring the term of this Agr etnent, the Association agrees to maintain with the C ecurity for the post o labor and maten 'als for future sign repai and replac At the Association's election, the s ec uri ty shah be in the form of a letter o credit issued from a solvent band with a bramch office in the Central Florida area, a payment bond issued from a highly rated su rety m the amount of t en p acent G % of the Street Sign Contract, or the advance purchase of N/A deco ti e street signs which will be stored as inV=thry by the City for future stgn repairs an replacement, If elected, said bad or surety, and tho form of the lett of credit o bond, shall be subject to the City's approval prior to i-q9tiaoce, The City preserves the right to periodically 4ust the require amount o f the letter of c redit or bond for inflation or require additional a.d =ce purchases of decorative street signs to replace depleted inventory. In the event the letter of credit or bond is not replaced upon expiration, the Ci s hall notify the Association in writing that the lettor of credit or bond must b replaced to satisfy the roquwments of th is Agreement. Upon receipt of said not tht Association shall have fifteen 1 days in which to r eplace the letter of credit or bor:d. Th C shall have the right to call the lett of credit or b on d to rep or re any s sign req uired b i s Agreement or to purchase and inst Ll any additional docor ►tive street signs that the i determines � g es are needed for traffic safety wpos tl the As prop. In the event that suet sign must be replaced, repaired, or a dded and the Associati has failed to maintain the letter ofcredit or bond or maintain an inventory of replacement decorative street signs, the City shad lave the unconditional right to w4ke said reps, replacement, or addition Using a standard non- decorati Street si an reco the actual cost th ereo f fr the Association. 4 .2 Decorative Street ,Lights, To the cx1eut that decorative street lights are part of this Agreement as provided 6 Exhibit 1 the Associamn agrees to fuller caop=te with the City to acquire, inst 1, maintain, operate 62 decorative street lights required by the Project as follows. A The Association shall assume the ill responsibility of m taix .n the progress Energy iia voice for all of the sheet lights covered by the P rod ect, including having the account placed in the name of the A ssociation and making prompt and timely payments on said acount. ( B) Th e Association shall be responsi for promptly re porting all brok n or damaged street hghts directly to P rogress Energy. The City reservos the right to do the same in the event that the Association fails in said reporting responsibilities, sectio C ftyls Obligat Subj to the Association's compliance with its Payment responsibilities set forth under this Ag ee aent, the City agrees to p erform the follow obligations: 5 -1 --Not #ppli ab e�-- The City agrees to pay the cost of purchasing replacement Sign Form Neighborhood Street Sign and Light l nprov=ent Agreement City of Winter Sprin — The Highlands H A page Plates required for the Project. 5 -2 —Not 'Cable -- The CitY wi ll Purchase replacement decorative street si required bar the Pro Oct an under th Street S i gift Contract in � � accordan w ith Cit whin policies and procedures. 5 .3 The City Will assist the Association in 000rdinating with P rog ress EneW to acquir and stall the decorative fre t lights, Upon installation and the estabi- tshmeut of an account with pro tes s Energy, tho City agrees tO reimburse the Association for the mamtenanee and op eratiot, of the decorative street lights in are amount equal a n d strictly 1, to to the street LighT Due Rate. The City $h91 make the reix�r�,b 'sc nE on uarterl r basis. H6wev r� Mt,h respect to any increase ill the number of street fights above tho number that `V'm actually ijuta1ed for the Asso ciation at the effective date of this A reement, the City shall not bo responsible for the Street L ight Base Rate for the add itiowl s ligh is unle s the City agrees, in its di cr ' n-n-, fat the ad&tional lights) were required to brag the Association's street light ply im conformance with P rogress 'Ene standard photom req�eet, Seedon 6. Title to Street Sin and l hts. the right, title and in terest o the decor 'e stre t g n sh dI be vested ire the City. The right, title and interest of the decorative street lights shad be crested in Progress ]Energy. The Association have no property Un terest in the decorative, street signs and street lights. Section 7. App licable w venue. This Agreement shall be gove ed by and construed in accordance with the lags o f the State of Florida a nd the Winter Sp riugs Code. The parks agree that venue shall be, exoinsiv l r Frith Seminole County, Florida, for all state disputes or a tiom which arise out of or are b upon this Agreetnent, and in Orlando, Florida, for alb such federal disputes or actions. Section 8 . Amendments, This Agreement shall not be modified or mended except b writt agmemet exe cuted by all pies hereto and approved by the City Commission or ci Manager of the City of minter Springs, ,Section 9, ntir ` x'e „n - rings T his Agri t contains the entire agreement between the, parties as to the subject matter hereof. The e m nt ma o r).l bin the g y � City if executed by the City meager or Mayor of Winter Springs. Paragraph hewn s are for convenience Of the parties order end are not t be eonst ued as part of this Agreement. All references to whole pe xagra h numbers g shah incl a U subparagraphs thereunder (c.g., 2, 1 . Section 10. S verahillt # If any provision of Ws Agreement shall b -hold to be a d or Un enforceable to any extent by a court of oompetent jurisdiotion, the City shall have the unconditional right to either terminate this Agree eu modify this Agreement with tie Association"s co sent or remain in the A.g as mo dified by the cow. Form 02109 Neighborhood Street Sign an ,f ight Improvem nt Agreement City Of Win= Springs — Tho Highlands oA Page 4 of seet ion . �Overelm T nit . Nothing conO d in the A ,re rent shall be daft ftUe,d s a waiver of the City's Wight to sove imt i ► UA Section 768,28 Flo Statues, Or ahY oth l nation on the City's potential liability under state o r federal lair. Sai rights and hraitins shall b e der filly mooted h erd by this r efe r ence , sectio Notice, All notices and correspondence in c 0nnfttion with this Agreement mast be in wfiting, Notice and correspendcacc shall be sent by Est ems mail or band delivered at the addresses set forth below or a such other addresses a the pares hereto shall. designate t each other in wrldn , a t th city: City Manager City of Wint Sprin 1 126 East St ate Road 434 Wi nter SPs, FL 32708 -2799 407-327-1800 X202 hone 407 - 327 =6695 "a (b) If t o the Association: Highlands R alneowners Associati Inc. 2200 Shepard Road `Winter Springs, FL 32709 0 ' 327 -0640 Sc, cfio Weyer Any forbemme by the City in a eroising aay right O rromedy under this Agreement shall not constitate a waivet of or preclude the exercise of aay right or remedy. Section . 's Ri t to Seek unable Relief and Special Assess The Association are& , ROknOW and recognizes that any broach of this Agreena nt by the Association nlay remit in It` ePaMble h arm to the City* The As sociati on agr that in addition t and not in lieu of all legal and equitable remedies available to city by reason of sua bre ach, C4Y shall be entitled to equitable re li e f (including,, without jimitatioA specific performance and miunctive re lief) to C n j oin the occuxT a and condition of the breach. Furth6r, in the event the A s ociation fails to make any payments that M required here the A s elation acknowledges and ` agrees that the decomtivt street signs and street liglAs provide a. special benefit to the Association and its members axed that said special benefit is shared proportionately by all the members of the Association, In the event that the City detenmines that the Association has not made the payments required by this Agreement, the City restrves the un onditional right to assess the Association are its members for the Association's costs for the decorative street signs an st=l lights. In the event the City is re d t bate an assessment, the Association age on to fly support th assessment Farm 02109 N elghb6rhood Street S i gn ai Light Improvernew Agmetne City of Winter Springs — The Highlands HOB, Page 5 o and the Association shad not contest, challenge or intervene in tho assessment process. Fier, the event that the Association defaults ail any stet light amount with Progress Energy which is covered b y this Agreement, the CiTy shall also, at its sole discretion, have the nit to transfer said accounts into the City's name and thereby ass=e all the ,rights af'f'orded an account holder. Section ,1 . AttorngysJFees. The prevAing party in any fi gation an' sing under this Agreement shall be entitled to r co 'or its reasonable attorneys' and paralegal fm and costs, whether iacuff d at trial or appeal. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parries bavo executed tWs Agreemtnt as of the date first writt xx above. [Signature Page FollovV'sl 3 For 02109 Neighborhood Street Sign and Fight Improvement Agreement City of Winwr Springs — The HiWan& 140A page WITNESSES: Print Name Print Name STATE OF FLO A W*-0 COUNTY OF ASSOCIATION d 11 B The foregoing inswummt was acknowled beforc me this d of 20 J kt e, q. � b Zot. 1^vo, G,./' who cXecuted thr, fore insa=en:t ;� ac 'ed before., mo that he executed the see for the tises and p m therms =d expressed w�hho is personall 1�nown to me or 11 who has produced as identification and who did not take an oath. (NOTARY S)EAL Notar Pub fie, Sisardj/ T 64 Prm"' te fs j ' 1% 7 0abber 16M I �� to RM 7 rzas.-, kMnMt iv w. Form 02/09 Nei Street Si and Li Impro vemcat A Cit of Winter Sprin - The Hi HOA Pa 7 of 8 f r�r ell J, Print I Print N= STA'G'E OF FLORA COUNT" OF S CITE' OF WWTR F lo rida M u j� Grp ration: B y: The fregmm� i was a ckno w l edged before e tai : dat of �,, V� 1+ 1 :x* , C i Maa er ' te r ran Florida who i moriall known to me, � . (NO TA RY S EA L r f �� rj MrS Typed o r Printed Notary Na Form 02/09 Neighborhood Street Sign and Light Irnprowment Agreement City of Winter Sprigs — The HigWan& HOA Page 8 of S emo ,� ����5� Frone Sbeven T. Ric��art, Urban Beautification Manager C� Kevin Smith, City Manager Dsbe: 2J12/2010 Ree Highlands NSSUA Stneet L'ght Aereement Dear City Cle�ics: Ptease find three (3) originals of the fo�lowing NSSUA agresme�nt for the Highlan� HOA that requires signature of the City Manager for execution. The agr�eement is for them to upgrade str�et Ights along Sheoah BI�. within the Highlartds Subdivision and it was approved by the City Commission on January 11, 2010 — Ibem C200 (attached). Someone from the Cleric's Office wil� r�ed to r�tarize each of the �rce (3) orig'rnals for the agreement Or�e they have bee� fully exeaibed, please retum tw�o (2) origina�s to me and one (1) original should rema�n with the City Clerk's Office. Thank you very kindly, S�twu• T. ���r� ,