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'.;HEl,EA$, RICHARD E. KlSLP~G. lNC., II Florilla cO\'l>o\'ation is the o.,mer of n.sl
prupd'ty locatcd in Seminole County, Fl(.rirl~. oC'!:cribed as folloHs, lo-wit:
All of WOODSTREAH, PHASE I, according to the plat
thereof as recorded in Plat Book)"Cf__, Page!lli!] B
Public Records of Seminole County, Florida.
WHEKEAS, Del/eloper rlcsin~s to provide for the l'rcs.:rvation nud cnlaanc('lncnt of
t.he property values, amenities and opportunities in said cur.cnunity and for the \'i1aintcnance
of the properties and improvement th.:reof, and to this end desires to subject the real
property herein described to the covenants, restriction~, casements, chargeS and lien.
hereinafter set forth, each and all of which is and are for the benefit of said property
and each OHner thereof, and
WHERf'_.a.S, 'Developer has JCl.'med it desh'able, for the. efficient preservation
of the valuLs and amenities in said cOJr.;nunity, to create an agency to which should be
delc(;ated ..nd assigned the pocrs of olo.'l1ing, mainta ining and ;ldllinilltering the
community property and facilities and administering and enforcing the covenants :md
restrictions and collecting and disbursing the aGs~ssments and charges hereinafter
cre3ted, and promoting the recreation, health, safely and welfare of the residenu.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, D~vp.loper does hereby
declare the above described real property to b e subject to the foUoHing restrictionll,
reservations, cov?nants and conditions binding upon said Dl,veloper and upon c3ch and
every party whether individual, corporate or otlu.lrwlse, who or which !;hilll have any
right, title or interest in said real properlY or any part llwceof, :md their .
respective hE-irs, personal representatives, successors and assign!;, said l'estricticnfl,
reservations, covenants and conditions being as followS:
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The fl'llowing words when u,;{.d in this D(>claration of unY Suvplemi2ntal
D,,,.,,,ion (dc" c'm con"" ""il "ol'ChiC) ,h.,11 h.,., ch' foilooioO "".olng"
A. "Association" shall mean and refer to the \.:OOl)STRE,'u'1 AT TUSCMHLLA
11O"oo\"'ERS ^",OClAnON. 1 NC.. A Forld. ,o"om i 00 noC i 0' "oW. its sn""'oTO
and assigns.
.. "DOVO 10' ,," o,"Oc" ,,"nc" ,1,. il bo in' c "h..n g,bl o. .md sh.il ,.".n and "fer
to RICHARD E. KISLING, INC.. a Florida coq)(l\'at ion, its $Uccessors or ass ignes
of ail n' snb".n ol." y . il 0 f 1" i 0 wo" ',n C '00 dow lc,""n t 0 f "Tho ".o'"J"....
C. "The properties" shall mean and refer to all of \~OODSTREAM, l'HASE I,
the legal description of which is as llerein:1bove set forth.
D. "Conu-:oon Areas" sinH mt,;\l1 and \'e1er to t~()se <,reas of land t'l:o\o.'1l on any
n:corued subdivision plat of the property intended to be devoted to the couunon
use and enjoYl;H:nt of the O\,'T'ers and oCCUp3nts of the property.
E. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the 1"(.cord owner whether one or more
.ersons n' entitl.. nf the foe 0' undivld,d 'oo in,.".t in any 1nts 0' ilvln,
units situated upon the properties but shall not mean or refer to a mortgagee
un1es. an' onti1 soch m."Dagee h's .,qui'" ti,'e ,u"uant to fo,o,lo'u,e 0' .ny
.,o,eedlngs in liou of fOTOdu","o. ',ovide'. '.ooov'" the TO"" "Oone," shail
not mean or refer to any builder who in its noroa1 course of business purchases
eny'lot fo' the ,u,pose of ,on,c,u,ting a living unit th"con fo' ,es.1e but sh.11
mean and refer to those persons 01' enti tieS ....ho pUl'chase a lot and improvements
tbereon during or after completion of construction and the developer.
F. "Rules and Regulations" shall be the rules and regulations and policies
_hi,h a,e in,'u'" in this D",.,.Cion .0' .. rony b. .do"e' hy the Roa" of
Directors from time to time by am~nGmcnt of this Declaration. .
G. "Lot" shall mean and refer to any V10t of land sho"'"1\ on the recorded
suh.ivision ol.t of the p,ope'ty _ith the c,cc,tion of ,oo.~n o,oo"ty he,etofo,'
.efine'. The vard lot shall also inc1u'e the ilvin, unit located the,eOD _hen a
house has been constructed on the lot.
H. "Llvln, Unit" shall moan an' ,efer to any building 0' porTion of a buil"n,
situated upon the proverty desi~nated and intended for use and occurancy as a
residence by a single family.
1. "Hu.ber" shall ""an an' refe' to all those ,eTSon. _ho aTe .~be'. of tho
J. "ARB" shall mean and refer to the Architectural Review Board.
K. "Maintenance Year" shall loean and refer to a year running froa July 1st
to JdnC 30th of each year.
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Section 1. O'~ERS' EASEMENT OF ENJOYMENT. Every Owner shall have a right and
easement of enjoyment in and to the Common Areas and such easement shall be
appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to every lot.
Section 2. TITLE TO COMMON AREAS. The Declarant may retain the legal title to
the Common Areas until such time as it has completed improvements thereon and
until such time as, in the opinion of the Declarant, the Association is able to
~intain the same. The Declarant may conveyor turn over certain items of the
Common Areas and retain others. To illustrate, the Declarant may, at its
discretion, immediately turn over all landscaped beautification areas, street
lights, or such other items to the Association upon completion of same without
turning over to the Association certain other Common Areas. Notwithstanding any
provision herein to the contrary, the Developer thereby covenants, for itself, its
successors and assigns that it shall convey all Common Areas located within
The Properties when the Developer has legally conveyed to owners ninety-five (95%)
percent of the Lots within the Existing Areas and the Subject Area.
Section 3. EXTENT OF MEMBERS' EASEMENTS. The rights and easements of enjoyment
created hereby shall be subject to the following:
(a) the right of the Declarant and of the Association, in accordance with its
Articles and By-law~, to borrow money for the purpose of improving the Common Areas
and in aid thereof, to mortgage said properties. In the event of a default upon
any such mortgage the lender shall have a right, after taking possession of such
properties, to charge admission and other fees as a condition to continued enjoyment
by the Owners and, if necessary, to open the enjoyment of such properties to a
wider public until the mortgage debt is satisfied whereupon the possession of such
properties shall be returned to the Association and all rights of the Owners here-
under shall be fully restored; and
(b) the right of the Association Ito take such steps as are reasonably necessary
to protect the Common Areas against foreclosure; and
(c) the right of the Association, as provided in its Articles and By-laws, to
suspend the enjoyment right of any Owner for any period during which any assessment
remains unpaid, and for any period not to exceed sixty (60) days for any infraction
of its published rules and regulations; and
(d) the right of the Association to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the
Common Areas to any public agency, authority, or utility for such purposes and
subject to such conditions as may be agreed to by the Owners, provided, however,
that no such dedication or transfer, determination as to the purposes or as to the
conditions thereof, shall be effective unless an instr\unent signed by Owners entitled
to cast two-thirds (2/3) of thc votes irrespective of class of Ownership has been
recorded,agreeing to such dedication, transfer, purpose or condition, and unless
written notice of the proposcd agreC'ment and action thereunder is sent to every
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Owner at least thirty (30) days in ddvance of any action taken.
Section 4. DELEGATION OF USE. Any Owner I18Y de1eaate. in accordance with the
By-laws. his right of enjoyment to the Common Areas and facilities to the
.embers of his family. his tenants. or contract purchasers who re.ide OD the
Section 1. MEMBERSHIP. Every person or entity who is a record owner of a fe.
or undivided fee interest in any Lot which is subject by covenants of records
to assessment by the Association shall be a Member of the Association. provided
that any such person or entity who holds such interest merely a. a .ecurity for
the performance of any obligation shall not be a Member. The requirement of
membership shall not apply to any mortgagee or third person until such ~rtsa8ee
or third person shall have acquired title pursuant to foreclosure or pursuant to
any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure. Membership shall be appurtenant to and
..y not be separated from ownership of any Lot which is subject to ..sessment.
Section 2. VOTING RIGHTS. The association shall have two cla.se. of votins
Class A. Class A members shall be all those owners as defined in ART.I.Sec.
B hereof with the exception of the Developer. Class A members shall be entitled
to one vote for each lot in which they hold the interest required for ..-berahip
by definition. When more than one person holds such interest in any lot. all
such persons shall be members. The vote for such lot shall be exercised as they
.-ang themselves determine. but in no event shall ~re than one vote be cast with
respect to any lot.
Class B. The Class B member shall be the Developer. The CIass B ..-ber
ahall be entitled to three (3) votes for each lot in which it holds the interest
required for membership by definition. provided that the Class B ~ership shall
cease and be converted to Class A membership on or before seven (7) years fro.
date hereof.
owner of any Lot by acceptance of a deed therefor. whether or DOt it shall be 80
expresses in any such deed or other conveyance. hereby covenants and agrees to
pay to the Association: (1) annual assessmeflts to be fixed. established. and
collected from time to time as hereinafter provided; (2) special assessments for
capital improvments; and (3) initial assessments. such assessments to be fixed.
established. and collected from time to time and hereinafter provided. The annual
and special assessments. together with such interest thereof and costs of collection
thereof as hereinafter provided shall be a charge on the land and shall be a
continuing lien upon the property against which each such ass.asment is ..de. Each
such assessment. together with such interest thereon and cost of collection thereof
as hereinafter provided. shall also be the personal obligation of the person who
vas the owner of such property at the time when the assessment fell due. The
personal obligation for delinquent assessments shall not pass to his successor in
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title unless expressly assumed by the Baid 8ucceBsor. Provided,S~'~ ~e
Developer shall not be required to pay the orig1nal, annual, or .peclax . .
assessments for any Lots which it owns.
Section 2. PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENTS. The assessments levied by the Association
shall be used exclusively for the purpose of promoting the recreation, health,
safety, and welfare of the residents in The Properties and in particular for the
improvement and maintenance of properties, services, and facilities which have
been constructed, installed or furnished or may subsequently be constructed,
installed, or furnished, which are devoted to the purpose and related to the us.
and enjoyment for the Common Properties.
a. ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT. The original assessment shall be Three Hundred Dollars
($300.00) per Lot (to be paid by the homeowner at the time of closing on each
bome). The Declarant, until the time the Association is activated, may use any
part or all of said sum for the purposes set forth in the hereinabove contained
Section 2 of this Article. The Declarant shall account to the Association for
any sums so expended and shall deliver to the Association the balance of any
funds upon activation of the Association.
b. Am.'UAL ASSESSMENT. The annual assessment shall be Three Hundred Dollars
($300.00) per Lot, except Lots 101 through 133. The annual assessment sball be
Oae Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) for Lots 101 through 133.
c. CHANGES IN INITIAL AMOUNT. On or after June 30, 1982 the annual asses..ent
..y be increased or decreased by %he Board of Directors of tbe Association after
considering current maintenance costs and future needs of the Association,
provided, however, that the annual assessment for each living Unit ..y not be
decreased when outstanding obligations remain unpaid.
d. PAYMENT. Each annual assessment shall be payable semiannually in advance on
January 1 and July 1 and shall become delinquent if not paid within 15 days of the
respective due date thereof. Until the Association is activated, all payments
shall be made directly to the Declarant for use as provided in this Article.
Thereafter, such payments shall be made to the Association or such party as tbe
Association ..y designate in writing.
e. CERTIFICATE OF PAYMENT. Upon demand, the Association shall turnish a
certificate in writing signed by an officer of the Association to any Owner liable
for an assessment. The certificate shall state whp.th~r said assessment ha~ been
paid and shall be conclusive evidence of payment of any assessment tberein stated
to have been paid.
annual assessment authorized above, the Association may levy,in any Assessment
year, a special assessment applicable to that year only for the purpose of
defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of any construction, reconstruction,
repair or replacement of a capital improvement upon the Common Area, including
fixtures and personal property related thereto, provided that any such assessment
shall have th~ as~ent of fifty-on~ (51%) percent of the votes of each class of
,Members who are voting in person or by proxy at a meeting duly called for this
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Written notice of any meeting called for the purpose of taking any action
authorized under Section 3 or 4 shall be sent to all Members not less than thirty
(30) days nor more than sixty (60) days in advance of the meeting. At the first
such'meeting called, the presen~e of Members or of proxies entitled to CAst sixty
(60%) percent of all the votes of each class of Membership shall constitute a
quorum is not present, another meeting shall be called subject to the same notice
requirement, and the required quorum at the subsequent meeting shall be one-half
(~) of the required quorum at the preceding meeting. No such subsequent meeting
shall be held more than sixty (60) days following the preceding meeting.
Section 6. UNIFORM RATE OF ASSESSMENT. Both annual and special assess..nts
~st be fixed at a uniform rate for all Lots and may be collected on a monthly
assessments provided for herein shall commence as to all Lots on the first day
of the month following the conveyance of the Common Area. The first annual
assessment shall be adjusted according to the number of months remaining in the
calendar year. The Board of Directors shall fix the amount of the annual
assessment against each Lot at least thirty (30) days in advance of each annual
assessment period. Written notice of the annual assessment shall be sent to
every Owner subject thereto. The due dates shall be established by the Board
of Directors. The Association shall, upon demand, and for a reasonable charge,
furnish a certificate signed by an officer of the Ausociacion setting forth
whether the assessments on a specified Lot have been paid. Notwithstanding ~ ~
of the provisions of this De~laration, the Articles or the By-laws, the ~
Declarant shall be entitled, at its discretion, to pay the operating deficit ~ ~
of the Association rather than be assessed for annual or special asses.-ents ~
with respect to Lots owned by it. This election by the Declarant may be aade ~
at any time and may be oral or in writing. The election shall be for a periodP ~
of time from assessment period to assessment period and ..y be renewed or can~l~
at the discretion of Declarant. The operating deficit shall be the expenses .
incurred by the Association in excess of the amounts charged for expenses to
Lot owners other than the Declarant. The Declarant shall also have the option,
if it so elects, either orally or in writing, to provide services and/or ..terials
and receive credit for the value of same toward any assessment due fr~ it,
rather than paying such assessment totally in cash.
If an assessment is not paid within fifteen (IS) days after the due date, a late
fee of Twenty-Fi~e ($25.00) dollars shall be charged. In addition, any assess-
..nt not paid within thirty (30) days after the due date shall bear interest
frOIl the due date at the rate of ten (l0%) percent per annum. The Association
..y bring action at law against the Owner personally obligated to pay the Salle,
or foreclose the lien against the property. In either event, the non-paying
Owner shall pay for the cost of bring the suit, including reasonable attorney's
fees therefore. No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assess-
ments provided for herein by non-use of the Common Area or abandonment of his Lot.
The lien shall be evidenced by an instrument executed by the Association and
recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, and shall be enforced
in the same manner as is provided for by law for the enforcement of mechanic's
and materialmen's liens.
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Section 9. SUBORDINATION OF TIlE LIEN TO MORTGAGES. The lin of the ......-
..nts provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of .ny fir.t 80rtsage
recorded prior to the time of recording the claim of lien by the Associ.tion.
Sale or transfer of any Lot shall not affect the assessment lien. aov..er. the
..le or transfer of any Lot pursuant to mortgage foreclosure, or .ny proceeding
in lieu thereof, shall extinguish the lien of such assessment .s to pa~t.
which became due prior to such sale or transfer. No sale or tran.fer .hall
relieve such Lot from liability for any assesSDents thereafter becoainl due or
froa the lien thereof.
Section 10. EXEMPT PROPERTY. The following property subject to this Declaration
.h.ll be e~ted from the assessments, charges and liens created herein:
(a) .11 properties to the extent of any easement or other interest therein
dedicated and accepted by the local authority and devoted to public use; (b) .11
Co-.on Areas as defined in Article I. Section D, hereof; (c) .11 properties
ex.-pted from taxation by the laws of the State of Florida. upOD the te~ and
to the extent of such legal exemption. Notwithstanding any provhion. herein.
DO land or illprovements devoted to dwelling use shall be uelIpt frOll ..id ......-
MDts, charges or liens.
At such tt.e when Developer has lesally conveyed to OWner. .inety-rive (951)
percent of the Lots within The Properties. the Association .hall ~iately
fon . c~ttee known a. the "Architectural leviaw Bo.rd" IIOMt*. herelnafter
referred to .. ARB.
Section 1. COMPOSITION. The Architectural leviw Board .ball be cG.poaed of
three (3) llellbers of the Board of Directors of WOODSTREAK AT TUSCAWILLA 1IJKE-
OWIERS ASSOCIATION, INC., (a Florida corporation not for profit), or three (3)
persons .ppointed by the Board of Directors of .aid corpor.tion DOt for profit
who .hall not necess.rily be ~ber. of the Bo.rd of Directors. In the event
of death or, or resignation of any 1IelIber of the coaaittee, the Bo.rd of Director.
.hall de.ign.te a succe.sor within .ixty (60) day. frOll the date of ..id de.th or
Section 2. PLAII APPROVAL. Until the Associ.tion has foned the ARB, the
approval will be perfoned by RICHARD E. ItISLIlIG, INC., ita .uccessorB aad asdans.
Approval of .11 buildings, fences, walls or other .tructure. which sh.n be
c~ced, erected or asintained upon The Properties including any exterior
additions to or changes or .lterations as to the harmony of the exterior desip
aDd location in relation to surrounding structures and topography will be in
writing by RICIIAID E. USLIIIG, INC. or the ARB wbichever is in effect.
Section 3. TIME FOR APPROVAL. The co.a1ttee's approv.l or dis.pproval a.
required in these covenants shall be in writing. In the event the c~ittee or
it. design.ted representative fails to .pprove or dis.pprove within thirty (30)
days .fter plans .nd .pecifications have been subaitted to it, or in any event
if no suit to enjoin the construction has been co.-enced prior to the coapletion
thereof, approval will not be required and the related covenants shall be deemed
to have been fully complied with.
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Section 1. ASSOCIATION. The Association, subject to the rights of the Owner.
'as set forth fn this Df'clar;ltion, sh.111 be H'sponsible for the pxclusive
managempnt and control of the Conrnon Arf'as and private road right of way.
shown on the plat of WOODSTREAH and all improvements thereon. The COllllllOn are.
contiguous to Howell Branch Crc>ek will be maintained according to the policies
established by the Department of EnvIronmental Regulation, State of Florid..
These policies will be reviewed from time to time by the Architectural Review
Board. The Association shall kef'p the same in good, clean, attrar.tive and
sanitary condition, order and repair. TIle Association's duties shall extend
to and include the streets as shown on said plat. Excluding Lots 101 through
133, the Association shall provide lawn and landscaping maintenance for each
Lot, except for the rear yard, patio areas and atrium areas. For purpose. of
this Dpclaration, "rear yard" shall be defined as that portion of a lot lying
behind an imaginary line running from one side lot line to the other side lot
line, along the same plane as the rear huilding line as constructed by Developer.
However, should a fence or wall be constructed by Developer or an Owner OD
either or both side yards, "rear yard" shall in such case, be defined as that
portion of the lot lying behind such fence or wall.
Section 2. OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY. Each lot owner shall provide exterior
maintenance of the dwelling unit upon his lot, including painting, repairing,
l'eplae ing and caring of roofs, gutters, downspouts, exterior building surfsces,
and other exterior improvements, including patio fences, if any. Each Lot
Owner shall also be rPRponslble for lawn and shrub maintenance in his rear
yard as defined above and in all patio areas and atrfum areas; and Owner of Lot.
101 through 133 will be responsible for his entire yard. Such maintenance
shall include the mowing .1nd 1.1ndscaping of said areas, subject to the approval
of the Architectural Review Board .1S herein provided. Should an Owner neglect
or fail to maintain any lawn or land~caped area within his r~sponsibility or
neglect to maintain the exterior of his dwelling unit, then the Association may
maintain or repair the same at such Owner's expense. The cost thereof shall
become a special assessment against that Owner's Lot, provided that the
requirements for levying a special as~ess~>nt under Article IV, Section 4
her('Of are met prIor to actual maintenance or repair.
Section 3. AI.TERATIONS. No ch.1nge in color of any exterior WIIUS or change
in siding, shingles or other exterfor materials installed by developer shal~ be
allowed. The intent of this subparagraph is to ~lfntain the uniformity of
color of exterior "'.111s and types of materials uscd to replace those installed
by Developer.
The Subjl>ct Property, known as WOODSTREAM, shall be subject to the following
restrict ions, reservations anti ",'nditions, whfch shall be hinding upon the
Declarant and upon ,.ach and every Owner who shall acquire hereafter a Lot or
.1ny portion of the Propeny. and shilll he binding upon their respective heirs,
personal reprl'spntOltives, SIlI'C('SS.,l'S .md .1ssfgns, as follows:
Sectfon 1. LAND USE. No Lot :;1,.111 be 1I~;cd except for n>sfdential purposes.
So strlldllr,'s shall be erected, altpred, placed or pennitted to Tl'~lln on any
res I "('nt 1.11 tot wi thfn the subdivis ion other than one sf ngle-family dwelling
and priv.1te t;ar.lge and ilccessory bui I"fngs ;lI1d structures such as swimming
pools, scrcpned ('nclosures ahd patIos. Provided howpver, that
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notwithstanding any language to the contrary herein, nothing shall precluae
the Declarant or its agent from maintaining offices for the purposes of promoting,
the sale of Lots and residential structures within the Property which includea
access and u~e by any required sales personnel and any attendant per80nne~
required to be present to facilitate such sales.
Section 2. DWELLING SIZE AND RESTRICTIO~. No single-family residence ahall be
constructed on any Lot in WOODSTREAM, with a living area which is less than One
Thousand Six Hundred (1,600) square feet. The floor space within the garage,
breezeway , porch, or unfinished storage or utility room shall not be included
within the living area for the purpose of determining the minimum allowable area.
Section 3. TEMPORARY RESIDENCES. No structure of a temporary character, trailer,
.boat, motor home, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding shall be used
on any Lot at any time as a residence or appendage to such residences, either
temporarily or permanently.
Section 4. PROHIBITED VEHICLES. No motor homes, recreational vehicles, boats,
trailers or motor vehicles in excess of a 3/4 ton rating, shall be allowed to be
kept or parked on any Lot, common area, or private road right of way, except in
a closed structure or garage, in excess of forty-eight (48) hours.
Section 5. AERIALS/ANTENNAS. No radio or television aerial or antenna nor any
other exterior electronic or electrical equip~ent or devises of any kind shall be
installed or maintained on the exterior of any structure located on a lot or on
any portion of any lot occupied by a bpilding or other structure unless and
until the location, size and design thereof shall have been approved by the ARB.
Section 6. HAIL/PAPER BOXES. No mail box or paper box or other receptacle of
any kind for use in the delivery of mail or newspapera, or magazines, or
aiailar material shall be erected or located on any lot unless the size, location,
design and type of material for said boxes or receptacles shall have been
approved by the ARB.
Section 7. NUISANCES PROHIBITED. No noxious or offensive activity aball be
carried on upon any Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon Which ..y be or ..y
beco.. an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.
Section 8. A~IHALS, ETC. No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall
be raised, bred, on kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household
pets may be kept provided they are not kept, bred or maintained for any
commercial purpos~
Section 9. SIGNS. No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view
on any lot except one professional sign of not more thank one (1) square foot,
one (1) sign of not more than five (5) square feet advertising the property for
aale or rent, or signs used by a builder to advertise the property during the
construction and sales period.
Section 10. TRASH, ETC. No Lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping
ground for rubbish. Trash, garbage, or other waste 5hall not be kept except in
sanitary containers. All equipment for storage or disposal of such materials
.shall be kept tn a clean and sanitary condition, and except during pick-up, if
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required to be placed at the street, all containers shall be ~~~~D~Cth'L'ide or
rear of all dwellings out of sight from the street. There shall be no burnina
of trash or any other vaste materials.
Section 11. WINDOWS AND FRONT FACADE. It is prohibited to hang andlor duat
garments, rugs, or any other materials from the vindows or from the front facade
of any residences.
Section 12. FENCES, WALLS, ETC. No fence, vall or other structure shall be
erected, placed or altered on any lot between any private road right of way and
any building situated on said lot. Prior to the erection, placement, or
alteration of any fence, ~all, or other structure behind said area, Owner shall
obtain written approval of the ARB. The maximum allowable height of any fence
or vall, shall be eight (8) feet.
Section 13. SHRUBBERY. It is prohibited for an Owner of a residence, ..aber
of his family, or guests to plant any shrubbery, trees, or plants in any
position on a Lot, common area, or private road right of vay, vithout the prior
written consent of the ARB.
Sectioa 14. SWIMMING POOLS. Any M1IDDing pool constructed on any lot shall
be subject to the following restrictions, reservations and coaditl00a:
(a) Construction may be only of coacrete or a concrete type ..terial.
(b) The outside edge of any pool vall may not be closer than five (5) feet
to the valls of the house.
(c) No pool vall may be constructed or placed closer than five (5) feet
to the side and rear Lot lines, except that no pool vall ..y be constructed or
placed closer than forty (40) feet to any property line abbutting the adjacent
lolf course or closer than twelve (12) feet .to the plateed right of way of
Rorthern Way. ..
(d) No pool or screening may be constructed within (recorded) dedpatecl
utility or drainage easements.
(e) No screenin~ of pool may be constructed or placed nearer than fort,
(40) feet to any property line abutting the adjacent golf course.
(f) No pool or screening shall be erected or placed oa any Lot until the
construction plans and specifications and a plan showing their location have
been approved by the ARB.
(g) No pool or screening shall be constructed within TWenty-Five (25)
feet of any private road right of way.
Section 15. PARTY WALLS.
(a) General Rules of Law to Apply. Each wall which is built.. a part of
the original construction of the buildings upon the Properties and placed on the
dividing line between the Lots, shall constitute a party vall, and. to the
extent not inconsistent with the provisions of this Article, the general rules
of law regarding party walls and liability for property ~ge due to negligence
or villful acts or omissions shall apply thereto.
(b) Sharing of Repair and Maintenance. The cost or reasonable repair and
..intenance of a p:trty wall shall be shared by the Owners who uke use of the
vall in proportion of such use.
(c) Destruction by Fire or Other Casualty. If a party vall i. destroyed
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or damaged by fire or other casualty and it is not covered bf~~L<<ny
Owner who has used thc wall may restore it, and shall contribute to the coat of
restoration thereof in proportion to their use without prejudice, subject,
however, to thc right of any sllch Owners to call for a larger contributiOll frOll
the others under any rule or law regarding liability for negligent or willful
acts or omissions.
(d) Weatherproofing. Notwithstanding any other provisiOlls of this Articl.,
an Owner who by his negligent or willful act causes the party wall to be exposed
to the elements shall bear the whole cost of furnishing the necessary protection
against such clements.
(e) Right to Contribution Runs with Land. The right of any Owner to
contribution from any other Owner under this Article shall be appurtenent to the
land and shall pass to such Owner's successors in title.
Section 16. STRUCTURE LOCATION. No structure shall be constructed or placed
closer than forty (40) feet to any property line abutting the adjacent aolf course.
Section 17. UTILITY EASElffiNTS. Easements for installation and maintenance of
utilities and drainage facilities are reserved as shown on the recorded plat.
Within these easements, no structure, planting or other materials shall be placed
or permitted to remain which may damage or interefere with the installation and
aaintenance of utilities. The easements are for the benefit of each lot and all
improvements located on them, if any, shall be maintained continuously by the
Association, pursuant to the covenants of maintenance provided for herein, except
for those improvements for which a public authority or utility company is
The Declarant reserves and shall have the sole right (a) to amend these
covenants and restrictions for the purpose of curing any ambiguity in or any
inconsistency between the provisions contained herein, (b) to include in any
contract or deed or other instrument hereafter made any additional covenants and
restrictions applicable to The Property which do not lower the standards of the
covenants and restrictions herein contained, and (c) to release any Lot from
any part of the covenants and restrictions which have been violated (including,
without limiting the foregoing, wiolations of building restriction lines and
provisions hereof relating thereto) if the Declarant, in its sole judgment,
determines such violati~n to be a minor or insubstantial violation.
No Owner, without the prior written approval of the Declarant, aay t.pose any
additional covenants or restrictions on any part of The Property.
Except as to provisions relating to amendments as set forth herein regarding
certain specific items and the method of am{'ndin~ or altering same, which 1s set
forth in conncction with such particular item, any other provisions, covenants,
. ,
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or restrictions set forth herein may be amended in accordance with thia proviaion.
The Owners of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Lots and Living Unita ..y chanae
or amend any provision hereof, except as above aentioned, in whole or in part, by
executing a written instrument in recordable fora setting forth auch .-end8eDt
and having the same duly recorded in the Public Records of Seainole County,
Florida. A proposed amendment may be instituted by the Declarant, the ARB, the
Association, or by petition signed by fifteen (15%) percent of the then Owners.
A written copy of the proposed amendment shall be furnished to each Owner at
least twenty (20) days but not mere than sixty (60) days prior to a designated
meeting to discuss such particular amendment. Said notification shall contain
the time and place of said meeting. The recorded amendment shall contain a
recitation that sufficient notice was given as above set forth and said recitation
shall be conclusive as to all parties and all parties of any nature whatsoever
shall have full right to rely upon said recitation in such recorded a8end..nt.
The covenants, restrictions and provisions of this Declaration ahall run with
and bind the land and shall inure to the benefit of the Owner., the Declarant,
and their respective legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigna until
amended modified or terminated according to the terms of Article X hereinabove
aet forth. These covenants, provisions and restrictions ..y be terainated in tbe
same manner set forth for amepdment in Article X.
Section 1. If any person, firm or corporation, or other entity shall violate
or attempt to violate any of these covenants or restrictions, it shall be l8Wful
for the Declarant, an individual Owner, or the Association (a) to prosecute
proceedings for the recovery of damages against those so violating or atte.pting
to violate any such cove~ants or restrictions, or (b) to ..intain a proceeding in
any court of competent jurisdiction against those so violating or atte.pting to
violate any such covenants or restrictions, or (c) to aaintain a proceeding in any
court of.competent jurisdiction against those so violating or att.-pting to
violate any such covenants or restrictions, for the purpose of preventing or
enjoining all or any such violations or attempted violations. Sh~uld the Declarant,
an individual Owner, and/or'the Association be requb'ed to enforce the provisions
hereof by legal action, the reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred, whether
or not judicial proceedings are involved, including the attorney's fees and costs
incurred on appeal of such judicial proceedings, shall be collectible fro. the
party against which enforcement is sought. The remedies contained in this provision
shall bonconstrued as cumulative of all other remedies now or hereafter provided by
l8W. The failure of the Declarant, its successors or assigns, any individual Owner,
or the Association, to enforce any covenant or restriction or any obligation, right,
power, privilege, authority or reservation herein contained, however long continued,
ahall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to enforce the same thereafter as
to the same breach or violation, or as to any other breach or violation thereof
occurring prior to or subsequent thereto.
Section 2. The invalidation of any provisIon or provisions of the covenants and
restrictions set forth herein by judgment or court order shall not affect or modify
any of the other provisions of silid covenants and restrictions which shall remain
In full force and ~frcct.
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Section 3. Any notice required to be sent to any Me.ber or Owner under the
provisions of this Declaration shall be dee~d to have been properly sent when
aailed, postpaid, to the last known address of the person who appe~rs as ~r
or Owner on the record of the Association at the ti~ of such aailing.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant, RICHARD E. KISLING, INC. haa caused this
instrument to be executed by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal
to be hereunto affixed as of the day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the preaence of:
State of Florida
Couoty of Seminole
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BEFORE ME, personally appeared RICHAJU) E. KISLING to _ well kDovn and
kDowD to ~ to be the PRESIDENT of RICHARD E. KISLING, INC., and who executed
the foregoing instruDent and acknowledged before _ that they executed the ~
on behalf of the corporation for the purpoae therein expressed. ..........
s+ ~ .' ~
WI'l'NESS III)' hand and official seal thi.!} day of ~., 1980. ... :f
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Deputy Clerk l, 4_~ _-"
Date B-1 5 - ~ S- .
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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that this Declarati~~ of
Covenants and Restrictions ("Declaration"), made and entered into
on this ~ day of ."..J'<1^-' -. '",,~C;' -k ' 1982, by RICHARD E. KISLING, ..
INC., a Florida corporation her inafter referred to as
"Developer". ~
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WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of WOODSTREAM according
the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 24, Pages 97 and
Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, hereinafter the
"Subject Property"; and
WHEREAS, Developer submitted the Subject Property to a
Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for
Woodstream, Phase 1 recorded at Official Records Book 1315, Page-
406 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; and
WHEREAS, the D~veloper owns all of the Subject Property and
desires to rescind, revoke and cancel the Declaration of
Covenants, Conditions and RestrictIons for Woodstream, Phase I
recorded at Official Records Book 1315, Page 406 of the Public
Records of Seminole County, Florida and in place thereof to sub-
mit the Subject Property to this Declaration.
WHEREAS, Developer may in its sole discretion add additional
phases to WOODSTREAM which may become part of the Subject
Property in accordance with Article II and such additional areas
or properties may hereinafter be brought within the jurisdiction
of the Association and this Declaration; and
WHEREAS, Developer desires to provide for the preservation
and enhancement of the property values and amenities in said
community and for the maintenance of the Subject Property and
improvements thereon, and, to this end, desires to subject the
)ubject Property to the Covenants, restrictions, easements,
:harges and liens, hereinafter set forth, each and all of which
ls and are for the benefit of the Subject Property and each Owner
:hereof; and
WHEREAS, Developer has deemed it desirable, for the efficient
reservation of the values and amenities in said community, to
reate an entity to which should be delegated and assigned the
~wers of owning, maintaining, administering, and enforcing the
)vepants and restrictions and collecting and disbursing the
Isessments and charges hereinafter created and promoting the
'creation, health, safety and welfare of the Owners;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and cove-
nts herein contained, the Developer declares that the real prop-
:y described as the Subject Property in Article I, and such
litions thereto as may hereafter be made pursuant to Article II
eof, is and shall be held, transferred,sold, conveyed and
upied subject to the covenants, restrictions, easements,
rges and liens (sometimes referred to as "Covenants and
trictions") set forth in this Declaration and that such
~nants and Restrictions shall run with the real property and
)inding on all parties having any right, title, or interest in
Subject Property or any additions thereto as described
in, including their heirs, personal representatives, suc-
ors and assigns.
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Section 1. The Developer has previously submitted the
Subject Property as defined in Section 2 of this Article to a
certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for
woQdstream, Phase I recorded at Official Records Book 1315, Page
406 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. The
Developer is the owner of all of the Subject Property and hereby
revokes, rescinds and cancels the Declaration of Covenants,
Conditions and Restr ictions for Woodstrealll, Phase I recorded at t, (..l.,)
Official Records Book 1315, Page 406 in their entirety. ~
Section 2. The following words when used in this Declaratio~
or any Supplemental Declaration (unless the context shall ~
prohibit) shall have the following meanings: ~
Review Board.
"ARB" shall mean and refer to the Architectural
..., l'.)
(b) "Association" shall mean and refer to WOODSTREAM AT
(c) "Common Areas" shall mean and refer to those areas
of land shown on any recorded subdivision plat of the Subject
Property or Additions to the Subject Property which tracts or
areas are intended to be devoted to the general common use and
enjoyment of the owners of the Subject Property and Additions to
Subject Property, including without limitation any areas denoted
thereon as "Common Area" and any platted roads. The Common Areas
shall also include all improvements now or hereafter constructed
on the foregoing areas, including streets, lighting systems,
signage, structures and landscaping thereon.
ld) "Declaration" means this Declaration of Covenants
and Restrlctions of Woodstream.
(e) "Developer" or "Declarant" shall mean Richard E.
Kisling, Inc. a Florida corporation, and its successors in
interest or assigns of its interest in the development of The
(f) "Living Unit" shall mean and refer to any portion
of a building or a single family structure situated upon a Lot
designed and intended for use and occupancy as a residence by a
single family.
r (g) "Lot" shall mean and refer to any plot of land
shown on any recorded subdivision plat of The Properties with the
exception of the Common Areas heretofore defined. The word Lot
shall also include the Living Unit located thereon when one has
been constructed on the Lot.
(h) "Maintenance Year" shall mean and refer to a year
running from July 1 to June 30 of each calendar year.
(i) "Member" of the Association shall mean and refer to
all Owners.
(j) "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner,
including the Developer, whether one or more persons or entities,
of the fee or undivided fee interest in any Lots located within
The Properties, but shall not mean or refer to any mortgagee
unless and until such mortgagee has acquireJ title pursuant to
foreclosure or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure.
(k) "Rules and Regulations" means any and all rules
regulations duly promulgated by the Board of Directors of the
Association pursuant to its powers under the Declaration and
Articles of Incorporation and By-laws of the Association.
(1) "Subject Ptoperty" shall mean and refer to
Woodstream, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat
Book 24, Pages 97 and 98, Public Records of Seminole County,
/ /" (m)" Add i t ions to Subj ect Proper ty" shall mean and
refer to real property other than the Subject Property which
becomes subject to this Declaration or any Supplemental
Declaration under the provisions of Artic~e II hereof. Such
Additions to Subject Property, if any, which may be added from
time to time may be of any number of lots and in any sequence as
determined solely by the Developer.
, '1.;.-:
(n) "Woodstream" or "The Properties" shall mean and
refer to the Subject Property, and Additions to Subject Property,
as are subject to this Declaration or any supplemental
Declaration under the provisions of Article II hereof.
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Section 1. The Subject Property, as heretofore defined and
any improvements now or hereafter constructed therein shall be,
held, transferred, sold, conveyed, and occupied subject to this
Section 2. The Developer, from time to time, may in its sole
discretion cause additional lands to become subject to this
Declaration, which additional lands have been hereinabove defined
as Additions to Subject Property; but, under no circumstances
shall Developer be required to made such additions, and until
such time as such additions are made to the Subject Property in
the manner hereinafter set forth, real property other than the
Subject Property shall in no way be affected by or become subject
to the Declaration.
Section 3. The additions authorized under this Article shall
be made by the Developer filing of record a Supplemental
Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions with respect to the
Additions to Subject Property which shall extend the scheme of
the covenants and restrictions of this Declaration to such prop-
erty. Such Supplemental Declaration may be made by the Developer
and ~hall not require consent of any Owner or Member. Such
Supplemental Declaration may contain such complementary additions
and modifications of the covenants and restrictions contained in
this Declaration as may be necessary to reflect the different
character, if any, of the Additions to Subject Property. In no
event, however, shall such Supplemental Declaration revoke,
modify or add to the covenants established by this Declaration
within the Subject Property. The owner of each Lot in any
Additions to Subject Property shall become a Member of the
Association upon filing a Supplemental Declaration of Covenants
and Restrictions of record submitting such Lot to the terms of
this Declaration.
Section 1. Every Owner shall have a right and easement of
. -)~.,
enjoyment and use in and to the Common Areas subject to the _
fOllowing. The Developer shall have the right at its sole elec-
tion to replat the Subject Property including the right to alter
any boundaries of the Common Areas or reduce or eliminate the ,
Common Areas, provided that any such replat shall not increase
the number of Lots in the Subject Property and provided further
that any replat does not alter the boundaries of Lots 106, 110,
201, 202, 203, 204, 301, 302, 303 and 304 or deprive any of said
Lots of access to Northern Way. The Owners' right and easement
of ~njoyment and use in and to the Common Areas set out herein
spall terminate as to any Common Areas which are replatted as
Lots by the Developer at the time of approval of such replat by
Seminole County, Florida and any mortgagee of a Lot or Living
Unit and any Owner by virtue of taking title to said Lot or
Living Unit subject to the terms of this Declaration hereby
agrees to such replatting of the Subject Property and termination
of its right and easement of enjoyment and use in and to the
Common Areas upon approval of the replat by Seminole County, ...
Florida, and this Declaration shall serve as a release and con- "
veyance of any interest they may hold in the Common Areas to the ~
Developer for purposes of said replat. The Owners further agree .-
to enter into any agreement or further document of conveyance ~
that may be required by Developer to perfect title of the Common-?
Areas in the Developer for purposes of replatting the Subject ~
Property as set out herein. .
. '.<-':1
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Section 2. As to those Common Areas which are not replatted
for other use as set forth in Section 1, Article III, the
Developer may retain the legal title to the same until such time
as it has completed improvements thereon and until such time as,
in the opinion of the Developer, the Association is able to main-
tain the same. The Developer may convey to the Association cer-
tain items or portions of those Common Areas and retain others.
To illustrate, the Developer may, at its discretion, immediately
convey all or any portion of the streets, street lights, or such
other items to the Association upon completion of same without
conveying to the Assocation certain other Common Areas whether
completed or not. Notwithstanding any provision herein to the
contrary,' the Developer hereby covenants, for itself, its suc-
cessors .and assigns that it shall convey to the Association those
Common Areas located within The Properties no later than when the
Developer has legally conveyed to Owners other than itself or its
successors in interest or assigns, ninety-five percent (95%) of
the Lots within The Properties.
Section 3. The rights and easements of enjoyment created
hereby shall be subject to the following:
(a) the right of the Developer and of the Association,
in accordance with its Articles and By-laws, to borrow money for
the purpose of improving the Common Areas and in aid thereof, to
mortgage said properties. In the event of a default upon any
. such mortgage the lender shall have a right, after taking
possession of such properties, to charge admission and other fees
as a condition to continued enjoyment by the Owners and, if
necessary, to open the enjoyment of such properties to a wider
pUblic until the mortgage debt is satisfied whereupon the
possession of such properties shall be returned to the
Association and all rights of the Owners hereunder shall be fully
restored; and
(b) the right of the Association to take such steps as
are reasonably necessary to protect the Common Areas against
foreclosure; and
(c) the right of the Association, as provided in its
Articles and By-laws, to suspend the enjoyment right of any Owner
for any period during which any assessment remains unpaid, and
for any period not to exceed sixty (60) days for any infraction
of its published rules and regulation except for utility ease-
ments and streets as shown on the recorded plat of The
properties; and
(d) the right of the Association to dedicate or
transfer all or any part of the Common Areas to any public
agency, authority, or utility for such purposes and subject to
such conditions as may be agreed to by the Owners, provided,
however, that no such dedication, transfer, or determination as
to the purposes or as to the conditions thereof, shall be effec-
tive unless written notice of the proposed agreement and actions
thereunder is sent to every Owner at least thirty (30) days in
advance of any action taken; and unless two-thirds (2/3) of the
vo~s of all Members as set out in Article VI agree to such dedi-
gation, transfer, purpose or condition; and
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(e) the rights of an Owner shall in no way be altered
or restricted because of the location of the Common Area in a
phase of The Properties in which such Owner is not a resident.
The Common Areas shall be used by all Owners of The Properties,
notwithstanding the section or phase of The Properties in which
the Lot is acquired.
Section 4. Any Owner may delegate, in accordance with the
By-laws, his right of enjoyment to the Common Areas and facili-
ties to the members of his family, his tenants, or contract
purchasers who reside on the Property.
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Section 1. All Living Units located on zero lot line type
Lots in the Subject Property and Additions to the Subject
Property shall be subject to a perpetual easement for encroach-
ments which now exist or hereafter exist due to settlement or
movement of the-Living Unit, due to the physical infringement of
the structure of a Living Unit on an abutting Lot or Lots, or due
to the overhang of roofs, and the encroachments shall be per-
mitted to remain undisturbed and such easement shall continue
until suqh encroachment no longer exists.
Section 2. The Properties shall be subject to a perpetual
easement in gross being granted to Woodstream At Tuscawilla
Homeowners' Association, Inc., and its successors for ingress and
egress on The Properties for the purpose of having its employees
and agents perform all obligations and duties of the Association
set forth herein.
Section 3. Easements over The Properties for the installa-
tion and maintenance of electric, cable television, telephone,
water, gas, sanitary sewer lines and drainage facilities as shown
on the recorded plat of The Properties, are hereby reserved by
the Developer, its successors and assigns, together with the
right to grant and transfer the same.
Section 4. There is hereby reserved to the Developer, its
successors and assigns, including, without limitation, its sales
agents and representatives (including his contractors, sub-
contractors, suppliers and workmen), and prospective purchasers
of Lots (including their contractors, subcontractors, suppliers
and workmen), together with the right of the Developer, its suc-
cessors and assigns, to grant and transfer the same, over the
Common Areas, easements for construction, utility lines, display,
maintenance, and exhibit purposes in connection with the erection
and sale of Living Units within The Properties; provided,
however, that such use shall not be for a period beyond the sale
by the Developer or its successors in interest or assigns of all
Lots within The Properties: and provided further, that no such
use by the Developer and others shall unreasonably restrict the
Members in the reasonable use and enjoyment of the Common Areas
or of their own Lots.
Section 5. Those areas designated on the plat of The
Properties as a landscape easement shall be maintained and
landscaped by the Association, and the Owner of any Lot subject
to a landscape easement shall not build or place any structure ,
whether temporary or permanent on said landscape easement area.
, ,,;
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,..,..' .
Section 1. Woodstream at Tuscawilla Homeowners' Association,
Inc. (the "Association"), a Florida corporation not-for-profit,
has been organized, among other things, to own, administer, and
maintain the Common Areas. The Association shall act in accor-
dance with the terms and provisions of this Declaration, the
Articles of Incorporation of the Association and the By-Laws of
the Association.
Section 2. Membership pnd voting rights in the Association
shall be set forth in Article VI hereof and the Articles of
Incorporation and By-Laws of the Association.
Section 3. Developer reserves the right to designate the ~
initial members of the Board of Directors of the Association and~ ~
their successors until the earlier of (i) thirty (30) days after~
conveyance of record title by Developer, its successors in '
interest or assigns of ninety-five'percent (95%) of the Lots
within The Properties; or (ii) the date the Developer sends to
the Association and to each Member a thirty (30) day notice that
Developer voluntarily relinquishes its right to continue to
designate members of the Board which earlier date is referred to
herein as the "Turnover Date". Upon and after the Turnover Date,
the Board shall be elected by the Members of the Association in
accordance with the terms and provisions of this Declaration and
the Articles and By-Laws.
Section 1. The Members of the Association shall consist of
all Owners of a Lot or Lots within The Properties, including the
Developer, provided that any such person or entity who holds such
interest merely as security for the performance of any obligation
shall not be a Member, unless they have obtained record title by
foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure.
Section 2. Change of membership in the Association shall be
established by recording in the Public Records of Seminole
County, Florida, a deed or other instrument establishing a record
title to a Lot in The Properties. The Owner designated by such
instrument thus becomes a Member of the Association and the mem-
bership of the prior owner is terminated. The new owner shall
notify the Association of the recording of a deed or other in-
strument establishing a record title and shall furnish the
Association a certified copy of such instrument if required by
the Association.
Section 3. The share of a Member in the funds and assets of
the Association cannot be assigned, hypothecated or transferred
in any manner, except as an appurtenance to his Lot.
Section 4. The Association shall have two classes of voting
membership (both classes of which shall be COllectively referred
to herein as Members) as follows:
Class A. Class A Members shall be all those Members as
defined in Article VI, Section 1, with the exception of the
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interests in any Lot, all such persons shall be Members, and the
person entitled to cast the vote for the Lot shall be designated
by a certificate filed with the Secretary of the Association
signed by all record owners of the Lot. If any Lot is owned by a
corporation, a similar certificate shall be required designating
the person entitled to cast the vote for such Lot. Lacking such
certificate by multiple owners or corporation, then the vote for
tha} Lot shall not be considered in determining the requirement
f9.t a quorum or any other purpose until such certificate is filed
with the Secretary of the Association. Except, however, when
title to a Lot is held by a husband and wife, they may, but shall
not be required to, designate a voting member. If they do not
designate a voting member, and if both are present at a meeting,
only one may vote on any given matter. If they are unable to
agree on who shall vote, their vote shall not be counted. If no
voting members are designated and only one spouse is present at a
meeting, the spouse present may cast the vote for the Lot,
without establishing the copcurrence of the absent spouse. In no
event shall more than one vote be cast with respect to any Lot.
Class B. The Class B Member shall be the Developer, or ·
its assigns. The Class B Member shall be entitled to three (3)
votes for each Lot in which it holds the interest required for ~~ (~
membership by Article VI, Section 1. The Class B membership ~
shall cease and be converted to Class A membership on the c ~
Turnover Date as set forth in Article V, Section 3 hereof. ~
." r--.J
Section 1. Each Owner of any Lot by acceptance of a deed
therefor, whether or not it shall be so expressed in any such
deed or other conveyance, hereby covenants and agrees to pay to
the Association: (1) initial assessments, (2) annual
assessmen~s, or charges, and (3) special assessmentsi such
assessments to be fixed, established, and collected from time to
time as hereinafter provided. Provided, however, the Developer
shall not be required to pay any assessments whether initial,
annual, special or otherwise, for any Lots it owns. The initial,
annual and special assessments, together with such interest
thereon and costs of collection thereof, including, without limi-
tation, reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the Association
incident to the collection of such assessment whether or not
judicial proceedings are involved, shall be a charge on the land
and shall be a continuing lien upon the Lot against which each
such assessment is made. Said lien shall be effective from and
after the time of recording a claim of lien in the Public Records
of S~minole County, Florida, and the lien shall continue in
.effect until all sums secured by the lien shall shall have been
fully paid. Upon full payment, the party making payment shall be
entitled to a recordable satisfaction of lien. Each such
assessment, together with interest thereon and cost of collec-
tion, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees
incurred by the Association incident to the collection of such
assessment whether or not judicial proceedings are involved,
shall also be the personal obligation of the person who is the
OWner of such Lot at the time the assessment is due and payable.
Section 2. If an assessment is not paid within fifteen (15)
days after the due date, a late fee of Twenty-Five ($25.00)
dollars shall be charged. In addition, any assessment not paid
within thirty (30) days after the due date shall bear interest
from the due date at the highest rate allowed by law, and the
Board of Directors of the Association may declare the entire
assessment as to that delinquent Owner due and payable in full as
if the entire amount was originally assessed. No Owner may waive
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or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided for
herein by non-use of the Common Area or abandonment of his Lot.
Section 3. Liens for assessments may be foreclosed by suit
brought in the name of the Association in like manner as a
foreclosure of a mortgage on real property. The Association may
also sue to recover a money judgment for unpaid assessments
against the Owner personally obligated to pay same without
waiving the lien securing same.
- .
.I'" .
~~ Sectlon 4. The assessments levied by the Association shall
be used exclusively for the purpose of promoting the recreation,
health, safety, and welfare of the residents in The Properties
and in particular for the improvement and maintenance of proper-
ties, services, and facilities which have been constructed,
installed or furnished or may subsequently be constructed,
installed, or furnished, which are devoted to the purpose and
related to the use and enjoyment for the Common Areas.
Section 5. Each Owne~ will have the sole responsibility to
maintain the Living Unit located on the Lot and all appurtenances
to that unit including, without limitation, all structural,
mechanical, electrical"plumbing, and roofing components of the-
Living Unit, any fences, and patio areas.
Section 6. ~e initial assessment shall be Three Hundred ~:~ ~
Dollars ($300.00) per Lot (to be paid by the Owner at the time o~
closing on each Lot. Provided, however, the Developer shall not:r.
be required to pay the initial assessment for any Lot it owns. p ~
The Association may use any part or all of said sum for the pur- ~ ~
poses set forth in Section 4 of this Article. ~ ~
Section 7. The annual assessment shall be Three Hundred
Dollars ($300.00) per Lot, for all zero lot line Lots on The
Properties. The annual assessment for the remaining Lots in The
Properties shall be One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per Lot.
Provided, however, the Developer shall not be required to pay an
annual assessment for any Lot it owns. Each annual assessment
shall b~ payable semiannually in advance on January 1 and July 1
and shall become delinquent if not paid within 15 days of the
respective due dates thereof. The Association may use any part
or all of said sum for the purposes set forth in Section 4 o~
this Article.
Section 8. On or after June 30, 1982 the annual assessment
may be increased or decreased by the Board of Directors of the
Association after considering current maintenance costs and
future needs of the Association, provided, however, that the
annual assessment for each Living Unit may not be decreased when
outstanding obligations of the Association remain unpaid.
,Section 9. The annual assessments provided for herein shall
commence as to all Lots on the first day of the month following
the conveyance of all Common Areas to the Association. The first
annual assessment shall be adjusted according to the number of
months remaining in the calendar year. The Board of Directors
shall fix the amount of the annual assessment against each Lot at
least thirty (30) days in advance of each annual assessment
period. Written notice of the annual assessment shall be sent to
every Owner subject thereto.
Section 10. In addition to the annual assessment authorized
above, the Association may levy, in any maintenance year, a spe-
cial assessment applicable to that year only for the purpose of
defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of any unexpected expen-
diture not anticipated in the annual budget, the cost of any
construction, reconstruction, repair or replacement of a capital
improvement upon the Common Area, including fixtures and personal
property related thereto, provided that any such assessment shall
have the assent of fifty-one percent (51%) of the votes of each
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class of Members who are voting in person or by proxy at a
meeting duly called for this purpose. Provided, however, the
Developer shall not be required to pay the special assessment
any Lots it owns.
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Section 11. written 'notice of any meeting called for the
purpose of taking any action authorized under Section 10 shall be
sent to all Members not less than thirty (30) days nor more than
sixty (60) days in advance of the meeting. At the first such
mee}ing called, the presence of Members or of proxies enti tIed to
cast fifty percent (50%) of all the votes of each class of
~embership shall constitute a quorum and if a quorum is not pre-
sent, another meeting shall be called subject to the same notice
requirement, and the required quorum at the subsequent meeting
shall be one-half (1/2) of the required quorum at the preceding
meeting. No such subsequent meeting shall be held more than
sixty (60) days following the preceding meeting.
Section 12. The allocation of annual and special assessments
shall be set so as to be equal as to all Lot types, i.e., the
allocation for all zero lot line Lots shall be equal and the
allocation for all single family detached Living Unit Lots shall
be equal.. ·
Section 13. upon demand, the Association shall furnish a
certificate in writing signed by an officer of the Association to
any OWner liable for an assessment. The certificate shall state
whether said assessment has been paid and shall be conclusive .~
evidence of payment of any assessment therein stated to have been ~
, paid. '0-' .~
Section 14. The lien of the assessments provided for herei~
shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage recorded ?
prior to the time of recording the claim of lien by the ~
Association. Sale or transfer of any Lot shall not affect the
assessment lien. However, the sale or transfer of any Lot pur-
suant to,mortgage foreclosure, or any proceeding in lieu thereof,
shall extinguish the lien of such assessment as to payments which
became due prior to such sale or transfer. No sale or transfer
shall relieve such Lot from liability for any assessment
thereafter coming due or from the lien thereof.
Section 15. The following property subject to this
Declaration shall be exempted from the assessments, charges and
liens created herein: (a) all properties to the extent of any
easement or other interest therein dedicated and accepted by the
local authority and devoted to public usei (b) all Common Areas
as defined in Article I, Section 2(c), hereofi and (c) all Lots
and Living Units owned by the Developer.
Section 1. In order to enhance, maintain and preserve values
of The properties and all Living Units and Lots located therein,
no building, fence, wall or other structure shall be commenced,
erected or maintained upon The properties, nor shall any exterior
addition to or change or alteration be made to any previous
improvement on a Lot until the plans and specifications showing
the nature, kind, shape, height, materials, and location of the
same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the
Architectural Review Board. The ARB shall review such infor-
mation to determine harmony of interior desig~, color and loca-
tion in relation to surrounding structures and topography. For
purposes of this Declaration and the duties and obligations
created herein, the Architectural Review Board shall be con-
sidered the agent of the Association and the Board.
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Section 2. The Developer shall, upon the recording
Declaration, immediately form a committee known as the
-Architectural Review Board, II hereinafter referred to as "ARB",
initially consisting of three (3) persons designa~ed by the
Developer. Their successors shall likewise be appointed by the
Developer until the Turnover Date. After the Turnover Date, the
ARB shall be appointed by the Board and shall serve at the
pleasure of said Board. Provided, however, that in its selection
of the ARB, the Board shall be obligated to appoint the Developer
orJbis designated representative to such Board for so long as the
qeveloper owns any Lots in The Properties. A quorum of the ARB
shall be two (2) members and no decision of the ARB shall be
binding without a quorum present and at least two concurring
votes by Members of the ARB.
of this ..
Section 3. The ARB's approval or disapproval as required in
these covenants shall be in writing. In the event the ARB fails
to approve or disapprove the planned improvement within thirty
(30) days after the plans and specifications and any other infor-
mation it requires have been submitted to it, or in any event if
no suit to enjoin the construction has been commenced prior to
the completion thereof, approval will not be required and the
related covenants shall be deemed to have been fully complied ·
Section 4. Should the ARB, the Developer, and/or the Board
of Directors of the Association retain legal counsel to enforce
or defend the provisions hereof, the reasonable attorney's fees
and costs incurred, whether or not judicial proceedings are
involved, including the attorney's fees and costs incurred on
appeal of such judicial proceedings, shall be collectible from
the Owner.
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Section 1. The Association, subject to the rights of the
Owners as set forth in this Declaration, shall be responsible for
the exclusive maintenance, management and control of the Common
Areas in The Properties. The Common Areas contiguous to Howell
Branch Creek will be maintained according to the policies '.
established by the Department of Environmental Regulation, State
of Florida. These policies will be reviewed from time to time by
the Architectural Review Board. The Association shall keep the
same in good, clean, attractive and sanitary condition, order and
repair. The Association shall provide lawn and landscaping main-
tenance for each zero lot line Lot in The Properties, except for
the rear yard, patio areas and atrium areas. For purposes of
this Section IIrear yard" shall be defined as that portion of the
lot~lying behind an imaginary line running from one side lot line
to the other side lot line, along the same plane as the rear
boundary of the Living Unit as originally constructed. However,
should a fence or wall be constructed on either or both side
yards, "rear yardll shall in such case, be defined as that portion
of the Lot lying behind such fence or wall.
Section 2. Each Owner shall provide exterior maintenance of
the Living Unit upon his Lot, including painting, repairing,
replacing and caring of roofs, gutters, downspouts, exterior
building surfaces, and other exterior improvements, including
patio fences, if any. Each Owner shall also be responsible for
lawn and shrub maintenance in his rear yard as defined in Section
1 and in all patio areas and atrium areas; and Owners of non
zero lot line Lots will be responsible for maintenance of the
entire yard. Should an Owner neglect or fail to maintain any
lawn or landscaped area within his responsibility or neglect to
maintain the exterior of his dwelling unit, then the Association
may maintain or repair the same at such Owner's expense. Prior
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to performing any maintenance on a Lot or Living Unit, the
Association shall determine that said property is in need of
repair or maintenance and is detracting from the overall
appearance of The Properties. Prior to commencement of any main-
tenance work on a Lot or Living Unit, the Association must fur-
nish thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Owner at the
last address listed in the Association's records for said Owner,
notifying the Owner that unless certain specified repairs or
maintenance are made within said thirty (30) day period, the
Asspciation shall make said necessary repairs and charge same to
tpe Owner. Upon the failure of the Owner to act within said
periOd of time, the Association shall have the right to enter in
or upon any such Lot or to hire personnel to do so to make such
necessary repairs or maintenance as are s9 specified in the above
written notice. In this connection the Association shall have
the right to paint~ repair, replace and care for roofs, gutters,
downspouts, exterior building surfaces, trees, shrubs, grass,
walks and other exterior improvements.
Section 3. The cost ot such exterior maintenance in Section
2 shall be assessed against the Lot upon which such maintenance
is performed and shall be added to and become part of the annual
maintenance assessment or charge to which such Lot is subject
under Article VII hereof; and, as part of such annual assessment
or charge, it shall be a lien and obligation of the Owner and
shall become due and payable in all respects as provided in
Article VII hereof. Provided that the Board of Directors of the
Association, when establishing the' annual assessment against each
Living Unit for any assessment year as required under Article VII
hereof, may add thereto the estimated cost of the exterior main-
tenance for that year but shall, thereafter. make such adjustment
with the Owner as is necessary to reflect the actual cost thereof.
Section 4. -The provisions in this Article shall not be
construed as an Obligation on the part of the Association to
maintain any Lot or Living Unit for the benefit of any Owner.
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Section 5. No change in color of any exterior walls or
change ih'siding, shingles or other exterior materials of a
Living Unit shall occur unless such change is approved by the
ARB. The intent of this Subparagraph is to maintain the unifor-
mity of color of exterior walls and types of materials used to.
replace those initially approved by the ARB.
Section 1. The Properties shall be subject to the following
restrictions, reservations and conditions, which shall be binding
upon~the Developer and upon each and every Owner who shall
. acquire hereafter a Lot or any portion of The Properties, and
shall be binding upon their respective heirs, personal represen-
tatives, successors and assigns, as follows:
Section 2. No Lot shall be used except for residential pur-
poses. No structures shall be erected, altered, placed or
permitted to remain on any Lot within The Properties other than
one Living Unit, a private garage, and accessory buildings and
structures such as swimming pools, screened enclosures and
patios. Provided however, that notwithstanding any language to
the contrary herein, nothing shall preclude the Developer or its
agent from maintaining offices for the purposes of promoting the
sale of Lots and Living Units within The Properties which in-
cludes access to and use of the Common Areas by any required
sales personnel and any attendant personnel required to be pre-
sent to facilitate such sales.
Section 3. No Living Unit shall be constructed on any Lot in
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The Propertles, with a living area less than One Thousand s~
Hundred (1,600) square feet. The floor space within the garage,
breezeway, porch, or unfinished storage or utility room shall not
be included within the living area for the purpose of determining
the minimum allowable area.
Section 4. No structure of a temporary character, trailer,
boat, motor home, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding
shall be used on any Lot at any time as a residence or appendage
to 7uch residences, either temporarily or permanently.
,.,..- .
Section 5. No motor homes, recreational vehicles, boats,
trailers or motor vehicles in excess of a 3/4 ton rating, shall
be allowed to be kept or parked on any Lot or Common Area in
excess of forty-eight (48) hours except iri an enclosed structure
or garage.
Section 6. No radio or television aerial or antenna nor any
other exterior electronic or electrical equipment or devises of
any kind shall be installe~ or maintained on the exterior of any
Living Unit or structure on a Lot or on any portion of any Lot
unless and until the location, size and design thereof shall have
been approved by the ARB. .
Section 7. No mail box or paper box or other receptacle of
any kind for use ip the delivery of mail or newspapers, or maga-
zines, or similar material shall be erected or located on any
Lot unless the size, location, design and type of material for
said boxes or receptacles shall have been approved by the ARB.
Section 8. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carriedc~
on upon any Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be :n
or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. 0
S~ction 9. No animals, livestock, or poultry
shall be raised, bred, or kept on any Lot, except
or other household pets may be kept provided they
bred or maintained for any commercial purpose.
of any kind
that dogs, cats
are not kept,
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Section 10. No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the
public view on any Lot except one (1) sign of not more than five
(5) square feet advertising the property for sale or rent, or
signs used by a builder or the Developer to advertise the
property during the construction and sales period.
Section 11. No Lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping
ground for rubbish. Trash, garbage, or other waste shall not be
kept except in sanitary containers. All equipment for storage or
disposal of such materials shall be kept in a clean and sanitary
condition, and except during pick-up, if required to be placed at
the street, all containers shall be kept at the side or rear of
all ~wellings out of sight from the street. There shall be no
burning of trash or any other waste materials on The Properties.
Section 12. It is prohibited to hang and/or dust garments,
rugs, or any other materials from the windows or from the front
facade of any Living Units.
Section 13. No fence, wall or other structure shall be
erected, placed or altered on any Lot without the prior written
approval of the ARB. The maximum allowable height of any fence
or wall, shall be eight (8) feet.
Section 14. The ARB shall approve all plans for landscaping
of any Lot, prior to the Owner planting any shrubbery, trees or
plants on any Lot in the Properties.
Section 15. Any swimming pool constructed on any Lot shall
be subject to the following restrictions, reservations and
,- -..,
(a) Construction may be onl;'~ of cori~*:'~;"~,':~ c~n~:~~
type material.
(b) The outside edge of any pool wall may not be closer
than five (5) feet to the walls of the house.
(c) No pool wall may be constructed or placed closer
than five (5) feet to the side and rear Lot lines, except that no
pool wall may be constructed or placed closer than forty (40)
fee} to any Lot line abutting the adjacent golf course or closer
~an twelve (12) feet to the platted right-of-way of Northern Way.
(d) No pool or screening may be constructed within
recorded utility, drainage, or landscape ~asement areas.
(e) No screening of the pool may be constructed or
placed nearer than forty (40) feet to any Lot line abutting the
adjacent golf course.
(f) No pool or s~reening shall be erected or placed on
any Lot until the construction plans and specifications and a
plan showing the location of same have been approved by the ARB.
(g) No pool or screening shall be constructed within
Twenty-Five (25) feet of any private road right-of-way.
Section 16. (a) Each wall which is built as a part of the
original construction of two Living Units and placed on the
dividing line between two Lots, shall constitute a party wall,
and, to the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of this
Article, the general rules of law regarding party walls and
liability for property damage due to negligence or willful acts
or omissions shall apply thereto.
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(b) The cost or reasonable repair and maintenance of a
party wall shall be shared by the Owners who make use of the wall
in proportion of such use.
1c) If a party wall is destroyed or damaged by fire or
other casualty and it is not covered by insurance, any Owner who
has used the wall may restore it, and shall contribute to the
cost of restoration thereof in proportion to its use without pre-
judice, subject, however, to the right of any such Owner to call
for a larger contribution from the remaining Owner under any rule
or law regarding liability for negligent or willful acts or
(d) Notwithstanding any other provlslons of this
Article, an Owner who by his negligent or willful act causes the
party wall to be exposed to the elements shall bear the whole
cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elements.
(e) The right of any Owner to contribution from any
other Owner under this Article shall be appurtenant to the land
and shall pass to such Owner's successors in title.
Section 17. No structure shall be constructed or placed
closer than forty (40) feet to any Lot line abutting the adjacent
golf course.
Section 18. Easements for installation and maintenance of
utilities and drainage facilities are reserved as shown on the
recorded plat. Within these easements, no structure, planting or
other materials shall be placed or permitted to remain which may
damage or interfere with the installation and maintenance of
utilities. The easements are for the benefit of each Lot and all
improvements located on them, if any, shall be maintained con-
tinuously by the Association, pursuant to the covenants of main-
tenance provided for herein, except for those improvements for
which a public authority or utility company is responsible.
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No owner, without the prior written approval of the
Developer, may impose any additional covenants or restrictions on
any part of The Properties.
Section 1. Except as to provisions in this Declaration
relating to specific items and the method'of amending or altering
same, which are set forth in connection with such particular
item, any other provisions, covenants or restrictions set forth
in this Declaration may be amended, annulled, waived, or ter-
minated in accordance with this Article.
Section 2. Until the Turnover Date, the Developer shall have
the sole right and power of amendment, annulment or waiver, and
no amendment, annulment or waiver shall be undertaken by another-
person without the prior written consent of Developer, its suc-
cessors and assigns. Moreover, the Developer reserves and shall
have the sole rignt (a) to amend these covenants and restrictions
for the purpose of curing any ambiguity in or to any incon-
sistency between the provisions contained herein, (b) to include
in any contract or deed or other instrument hereafter made any
additional covenants and restrictions applicable to The
Properties which do not unreasonably lower standards of the cove-
nants and restrictions herein contained, and (c) to release any
Lot from any part of the covenants and restrictions which have
been violated (including without limiting the foregoing, viola-
tions 'of building restriction lines and provisions hereof
relating thereto) if the Developer, in its sole judgment, deter-
mines such violation to be a minor or insubstantial violation.
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Section 3. After the Turnover Date, the Owners who are eli-
gible to ~ote as provided herein and who shall constitute at
least two-thirds (2/3) of the Lots within The Properties, may
change, amend, annul, waive, or terminate, any provision hereof,
except as above mentioned, in whole or in part, by executing a
written instrument in recordable form setting forth such change
or amendment and having the same duly recorded in the Public
Records of Seminole County, Florida. In lieu of a recorded
instrument executed by all approving Owners, such instrument to
be recorded may be executed by one hundred percent (100%) of the
Members of the then existing Board, provided there is a cer-
tification in such recorded instrument that a duly authorized Lot
Owners' meeting was convened with the requisite quorum and
necepsary affirmation vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Members
entitled to vote in person or by proxy for said amendment in
accordance with the terms of this Declaration.
Section 4. The Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the
Association may be amended in the manner so provided in such
The covenants, restrictions and provisions of this
Declaration shall run with and bind the land and shall inure to
the benefit of the Owners, the Developer, the Association, and
their respective legal representatives, heirs, successors and
assigns until amended, modified or terminated according to the
terms of Article XII hereinabove set forth. These covenants,
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'provisions and restrictions may be te~;i~ated"lll~~,~,t';~me ~a~~~
set forth for amendment in Article XII.
Section 1. If any person, firm or corporation, or other
entJty shall violate or attempt to violate any of these covenants
o~'restrictions, it shall be lawful for the Developer, an indivi-
dual Owner, the ARB, or the Association (a) to prosecute pro-
ceedings for the recovery of damages against those so violating
or attempting to violate any such covenantp or restrictions, or
(b) to maintain a proceeding in any court of competent jurisdic-
tion against those 'so violating or attempting to violate any such
covenants or restrictions for the purpose of preventing or
enjoining all or any such violations or attempted violations.
Should the Developer, the ARB, an Owner, and/or the Association
be required to enforce or defend the provisions hereof, their
reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred, whether or not
judicial proceedings are involved, including the attorney's fees
and costs incurred on appeal of such judicial proceedings, shall ·
be collectible from the party against whom enforcement is sought.
The remedies contained in this provision shall be construed as
cumulative of all other remedies now or hereafter provided by
law. The failure of the Developer, its successors or assigns,
any individual Owner, or the Assoclation, to enforce any covenant~
or restriction or any obligation, right, power, privilege, :.;
authority or reservation herein contained, however long con- '~
tinued, shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to ~
enforce the same thereafter as to the same breach or violation, g
or as to any other breach or violation thereof occurring prior to~
or subsequent t~. r
Section 2. The invalidation of any prOV1Slon or provisions
of the covenants and restrictions set forth herein by judgment
or court order shall not affect or modify any of the other provi-
sions of said covenants and restrictions which shall remain in
full for~e and effect.
~ =
Section 3. Any notice required to be sent to any Member or
Owner under the provisions of this Declaration shall be deemed to
have been properly sent when mailed, postpaid, to the last known
address of the person who appears as Member or Owner on the
record of the Association at the time of such mailing.
has caused this instrument to be executed by its duly authorized
officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed as of the
day and year first above written.
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State of Florida
County of Orange
BEFORE ME, personally appeared RICHARD E. KISLING to me well
known and known to me to be the PRESIDENT of RICHARD E. KISLING,
INC., and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged
~,.,~~ "before me that he executed the same
for the purpose therein expressed.
,'~.. -l JJ. I .mlKl J1~.f;l_Ll J)~ IllIDInrJr.
on behalf of the corporation
WITNESS my hand and official seal this
lJ' day of V-~-vj
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referred to as the "Mortgagee"), joints the Developer/owner,
Richard E. Kisling, Inc., a Florida corporation, in the fore-
but such joinder is entered into by Mortgagee without recourse
or warranty, whether of title or otherwise, without assuming
any obligation whatsoever of the Developer/owner; and reserving
~ Mortgagee all of its rights and remedies as granted under
/ "the Mortgages held by Mortgagee on the land and improvements
lying and being in Seminole County, Florida, being more par-
ticularly described in the Declaration, said Mortgages being
recorded in O.R. Book 1306, Page 304; O~R. Book 1326, Page 1859;
O.R. Book 1326, Page 1864; O.R. Book 1326, Page 1869; O.R. Book~ (~
1326, Page 1874;- O.R. Book 1326, Page 1879; O.R. Bocik 1326, ~.';-..
Page 1884; O.R. Book 1326, Page 1839; O.R. Book 1326, Page 1844j -~
O.R. Book 1326, Page 1849; and O.R. Book 1326, Page 1854, publie
Records of Seminole County, Florida, and under the Notes secure~
by said Mortgages and other loan documents executed in connecti~ ~
with said Mortgages. : ~
Dated this ~h day of January
, 1982.
Witness: Q t,.
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I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly
authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledg-
ments, personally appeared Peter J. Gai di sand M. Susan Ful ford
well known to me to be the Sen lOr Vl ce Pres. and Asst. ~ecretary-I reasur;er
corporation named in the foregoing Declaration, and that they
severally acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two
subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily under authority duly
vested in them by said corporation and that the seal affixed
thereto is the true corporate seal of said corporation.
WITNESS my hand and o~i~ial seal in the County and State last
aforesaid this &C. day of l..dd<tc~<-<~// , 1982.
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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that this Declaration of
Covenan ts and Restrictions ("Declaration") is made and entered
into this "Ll$r day of November, 1988, by Woodstream Partnership,
Limi ted, a Florida limited partnership (hereinafter referred to
as "Developer").
WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of the land the subject of a
proposed Repla t of a portion of Woodstream, Seminole County,
Florida, described in attached Exhibit A, hereinafter the
"Subject Property";
WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to other covenants
and restrictions recorded against the property January 15, 1982,
at O.R. Book 1374, Page 228, as amended by First Amendment
recorded in O.R. Book 1395, Page 1367, the Developer's interest
in which was assigned by Assignment of Developer's Interest,
recorded in O.R. Book 1386, Page 290, and subsequently assigned
by Appointment of Successor Developer, recorded in O.R. Book
1913, Page 1314, all in the Public Records of Seminole County,
Florida (hereinafter collectively "Original Covenants");
WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to place the restrictive
covenants hereinafter set forth on the Subject Property, in
addition to the Original Covenants; and
WHEREAS, Developer has no authority to place the restrictive
covenants set forth below on any portion of the property
originally platted as Woodstream, according to the plat thereof,
as recorded in Plat Book 24, Pages 97 and 98, Public Records of
Seminole County, Florida, other than the portion thereof
comprising the Subject Property;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and
covenants herein contained, the developer declares that the
Subject Property, above, is and shall be held, transferred, sold,
conveyed, and occupied subject to the covenants and restrictions
(hereinafter "Covenants and Restrictions") set forth in this
Declaration and that such Covenants and Restrictions shall run
with the real property and be binding on all parties having any
right, title, or interest in the Subject Property, as described
herein, including their heirs, personal representatives,
successors, and assigns.
Approval of Amendments
No owner of any portion of any lot in the Subject Property,
as originally platted or under any proposed or future replat,
shall initiate or vote in favor of any change or amendment to
the Covenants and Restrictions or to the Original Covenants
without the prior approval of those changes or amendments by the
City of Winter Springs, Florida.
Enforceability by Winter Springs
The City of Winter Springs is a third party beneficiary to
the Covenants and Restrictions set forth herein and has the right
to enforce the rights and duties set forth in this Declaration at
law as if a direct party hereto.
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No Violations
Nothing contained in these Covenants and Restrictions shall
be construed to permit or authorize any violation or deviation
from any article or provision of the City Code for the City of
winter Springs, Florida, and no owner of any portion of any lot
in the Subject Property, as originally platted or as replatted
under any proposed or future replat, shall construe the Original
Covenants to allow any violation of the City Code for the City of
winter Springs, Florida, or vote in favor of any action under the
terms of the Original Covenants which will result in any
violation or deviation from the City Code for the City of Winter
Springs, Florida.
Effective Date
These Covenants and Restrictions for Replat of Woodstream
shall become effective as of the date and time both this
Declaration and the Replat of the Subject Property a.re recorded
a.nd not prior to the recording of both such items.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Developer, Woodstream Partnership,
Ltd., has caused this instrument to be executed by its duly
authorized agent as of the day and year first above written.
Signed, Sealed, and Delivered
in the presence of
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The foregoing instrument i1~as executed and acknowledged
before me this '2_ ( L~ day of IV ,;ore"- (,-<c__ , 1988, by
5"- ~..t, f. 'ff),. h.. , as d~-<- .( ,
of Woodstream Pattnership, Ltd., a Fldrida limited partnership.
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Commence at the most Northerly corner of Lot 204, i
\..]OOIHJ'I'ln:M.I, [19 recorded J 11 [> I al: Book 2t1, PnglO'ls I 97 ond 911 01:
the Plll>lic Hecor(~s of Seminole County, Florida, thence rUIl
H 44027'23" I E along the Southeasterly right-of-way line or
Nuncy Circle 115.00 feet; thence run S 45032'37" E along the
Northeasterly boundary of said Woodstream 115.00 feet to the
poi.nt of beginni.ng 1 thence run Northeasterly and Southeasterly
along the boundary of said Woodstream the following courses:
'1' hen c e run N I 5 8 0 4 6 ' 5 111 E 1 5 6 . 5 3 fee t ; the n c e run S 6 0 0 3 5 I 5 8 "
E 135.00 feet; thence run S 29024'02" \1 10.00 feet; thence
run S 60035'58" E 40.00 feet; thence run S 11023'44" E 135.36
feet; thence run S 10016'00" r:: 259.99 feet to a point on the
Northerly right-of-way line of aforesaid Nancy Circle, said
point being on a curve concave Northerly having i a radius of
L52.25 feet; thence run a lonq the Northerly right-of-way line
of Nancy Circle the followinq courses: 'I'hence leaving said
boundary from a tangent bearing of S 80006'46" W, Irun Westerly
along the ar.clof said curve 172.97 feet through a central angle
of: 3~0]7'16" to the point of tangency; thence run' N 60035'58"
vI 399.20 feet; thence leaving said right-Of-way lline, run H
44027'23" E 239.22 feet; thence run N 45032'37" W 10.00 feet
to the point of beginning. Containing therein 3.283 acres
more or less.
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DEe 0 9 1983
STRICTIONS OF \vOODSTREAM i made and entered into this 1sT day
of ::JC'ne. , 1982, by WO DSTREAM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a Florida
corporation (hereinafter eferred to as "Developer"), as suc-
ces~or in interest to Rich rd E. Kisling, Inc., a Florida corpo-
ration. .
~!. 1:.!:! ESe. E 1:.!!.: ~ ~~.
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in Plat ook 24, '\
County, Florida
WHEREAS, the Plat of WOODSTREAM was file
Pages 97 and 98, Public Records of Seminole
(hereinafter referred to as "Subject Property");
WHEREAS, the SUbjec't Property was submitted to the Declara- ~
tion of Covenants and Restrictions of Woodstream dated January
15, 1982, and filed January 15, 1982, at 12: 46 p.m. in Official
Records Book 1374, Pages 228 through 244, Public Records of
Seminole County, Flor ida (hereinafter referred to as the
WHEREAS, all right, title and interest held by Richard E.
Kisling, Inc., a Florida corporation, in the Subject Property and
under the Declaration was conveyed and assigned to Developer by
the Warranty Deed dated April 6, 1982, and filed April 6, 1982,
at 2: 39 p.m. in Official Records Book 1386, Pages 287 through
289, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, and the Assign-
ment of Developer's Interest in Woodstream dated April 6, 1982,
and filed April 6, 1982, at 2:40 p.m. in Official Records Book
1386, Page 290, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; and
WHEREAS, Developer has the sole right and power to amend the
Declaration and desires to amend the same to increase the annual
assessment for zero lot line Lots, state when the responsibility
for payment of annual assessments shall commence, and provide
that the Association shall also maintain the rear yard of each
zero lot line Lot.
NOW, THEREFORE, Developer hereby declares the Declaration to
be amended as hereinafter stated.
Section 7, is amended to state:
Section 7. The annual assessment shall
be Three Hundred and Sixty Dollars ($360.00)
per Lot, for all zero lot line Lots on The
Properties. The annual assessment for the
remaining Lots in The properties shall be One
Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per Lot.
Provided, however, the Developer shall not be
required to pay an annual assessment for any
Lot it owns. Each annual assessment shall be
payable semiannually in advance on January 1
and July 1 and shall become delinquent if not
paid within 15 days of the respective due
dates thereof. The Association may use any
part or all of said sum for the purposes set
forth in Section 4 of this Article.
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Section 9, is amended to state:
Section 9. Each new Owner shall be re-
sponsible for a pro rata share of the annual
assessment commencing on the first day of the
month following conveyance of the Lot to said
Owner. The first annual assessment shall be
adjusted according to the number of months
remaining in the calendar year; any semiannual
installment for that year already payable
shall be paid at the time of conveyance. The
Board of Directors shall fix the amount of the
annual assessment against each Lot at least
th i r ty (30) days in advance of each annual
assessment period. Written notice of the
annual assessment shall be sent to every Owner
subject thereto.
ARTICLE IX, MAINTENANCE, Section 1, is amended to state:
Section 1. The Association, subject to
the rights of the Developer and Owners as set
forth in this Declaration, shall be respon-
si ble for the excl us i ve maintenance, manage-
ment and control of the Common Areas in The
Properties. The Common Areas contiguous to
Howell Branch Creek will be maintained ac-
cording to the policies established by the
Department of Environmental Regulation, State
of Florida. These policies will be reviewed
from time to time by the Archi tectural Review
Board. The Association shall keep the same in
good, clean, attractive and sanitary condi-
tion, order and renair. The Association shall
. provide lawn and .landscaping maintenance for
each zero lot line Lot in The Properties, ex-
cept for the patio areas and atrium areas.
4. ARTICLE IX, MAINTENANCE, Section 2, is amended to state:
Section 2. Each Owner shall provide ex-
terior maintenance of the Living unit upon his
Lot, including painting, repair ing, replacing
and caring of roofs, gutters, downspouts, ex-
ter ior building sur faces, and other exter ior
improvements, including patio fences, if any.
Each Owner of a zero lot line Lot shall also
be responsible for lawn and shrub maintenance
in all patio areas and atrium areas. Owners
of non-zero lot line Lots will be responsible
for maintenance of the entire yard. Should an
Owner neglect or fail to maintain any lawn or
landscaped area within his responsibility or
neglect to maintain the exterior of his dwell-
ing unit, then the Association may maintain or
repair the same at such Owner's expense.
Prior to performing any maintenance on a Lot
or Living unit, the Association shall deter-
mine that said property is in need of repair
or maintenance and is detracting from the
overall appearance of The Properties. Prior
to commencement of any maintenance work on a
Lot or Living unit, the Association must fur-
nish thirty (30) days prior written notice to
the Owner at the last address listed in the
Association's records for said Owner, notify-
ing the Owner that unless certain specified
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repairs or maintenance are made within said
thirty (30) day period, the Association shall
make said necessary repairs and charge same to
the Owner. Upon the failure of the Owner to
act within said period of time, the Associa-
tion shall have the right to enter in or upon
any such Lot or to hire personnel to do so to
make such necessary repairs or maintenance as
are so specified in the above written notice.
In this connection the Association shall have
the right to paint, repair, replace and care
for roofs, gutters, downspouts, exterior
building surfaces, trees, shrubs, grass, walks
and other exterior improvements.
main and
Except as heretofore amended, the Declaration shall re-
continue in full force and effect as to the Subject
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Developer has caused this instrument to
be executed by its duly authorized officer and its corporate seal
affixed on the date first stated above.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of:
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BEFORE ME appeared personally this day BOBBY E. STORY, Presi-
dent of \'lOODSTREAM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a Florida corporation,
who acknowledged executing the foregoing instrument on behalf of
said corporation.
WITNESS my hand and official seal this I Sr day of ~ e-,
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Notary Public ~
My Commission Expires:
Rotary Public, Stll'~ of Florida at larvI
My Commis~i::';1 L::p:r:;s Jur.e 11. 1983
_Iftd~ 'r ......om.o. iu. " c.....ux '--
@) Two Sou th Or ange PIa za
~post Office Box 633
Orlando, Florida 32802
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