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Non CL HE~~TIU cr 101~S OH IU:AL EST^ lE
(()J4/C --f1-c;re~ T
UN;r ;2-A
KNOt-I ALL MEN I3Y THESE pnESENTS: That vlhereus \'Ie the undcrs i gned
ar'c the o~rncrs of the follmting descr'ibed property, located in Seminole
County, Flor"ida, and more particulurly described as f01"l0\'/s:
'l.ots 115 thru 150 inclusive, Oak Forest, Unit Two-A,
as rccorded in Plat Book , Pages
, Official Records of Seminole County,
'f1or'i da.
:- : ,
Agreement, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained,
and the further consideration of One Dollar, in hand paid by each part)' to
the other, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and for other good and
valuable considerations, do herein and hereby covellant and agree one 0ith
the other, for ourselves, our heirs, successors, assigns and legal represen-
tatives, that as to said pl~operty above deSC1~"ibed, the folloi'Jing restrictions
are hereby placed upon our respective holdings as come vlithin the boundal~ies
above described: .
1. No lot shall be used except for residential purposes. No
building shall be erected, altered, placed Ol~ pel'mitted to r~emai!i on any lot
other than one aetc.clled single-family dvwlling not to exceed tHO stories in
height and a pri vate ga1'(1ge for not more than hID cars.
2. 110 bui'lding sha"ll be erected, placed or altered on any lot until
the constructioh'plans and specifications and a plan showing the location of
the structure have been upproved by the Architectural Control Committee as to
quality or \101'krnanship and materials, harmony of external design \'lith exist"ing
structures) and as to location, with respect. to topograpllY and finish grade
,3. The Arch"jtectura1 Control Committee is composed of Roy T. Dye.
Fi'ank l'la11oy and C.H. True, all of'861 Douglas ^venue. Long\'lood, Flor"jda, 32750.
^ majority of the Comm"ittee may designute a representative to act fo\~ it.
In the event of death or r'es i gnati on of any member of the Comfni ttee, the
remaining members shall have full authority to designate a successor. Neithel~
the members of the Comllli t tce not~ its des i gna ted l'epres enta t i ve s ha 11 be
entitled to any compensation for sel~vices pel~formed pClrsuant to this covenant.
At any time, the then record owners of a majori ty of the lots sha 11 have the
power through a duly recOl~ded \'/ri tten ins trumcnt to change the membe1'sh i p of
the COlllmittee or to withdrm'i from the Conmlittee or restol~e to it any of its
power and duties.
11.. The Commi ttee' s approval or di sapprova 1 as requi red in these
covenunts shall be in \>/riting. In the event the Committee. or its designated
l'cpl'esentative, fails to approve or disapprove \'lithin 30 days after plans and
specifications have been submitted to it, or in any event~ if no suit to enjoin
t.he constrllction has been cOll1l1lenced priOl~ to completion thereof, llpprovlll \.rill
not be required and the related covenants shall be deemed to have been fu11y
camp 1 i cd \'ii tll.
t. .
, '
'. .
5. No dwelling shall he permitted on {my lot at u cost of less
than $16.500.00 based upon cost levels prevoil ing on the date theSe cov-
enants are recorded, it bcing thc intcntion and purpose of the covenants
to assure tho tall dV/e 11 i ngs Shilll be 0 f a qUJ 1 i ty and \'1orkl11unshi p. and
materials substilnt"ially the sallle or bctter tll,lII that YJhich can be produced
on the date thcse covenants are recorded ilt the nrinimulll cost stated hel~ein
for the minimum permitted dV/ellin9 size. The ground floor area of the
main structure, exclusive of onc~-story o;)en porches ilnd garages, shall be
not less than 1,100 square feet.
~ 6. No ~'1elling shall be constructed on a plot having an area of
less than 7,500 square feet, and such plot shall be not less than 75 feet
in width at the front building set-back line. No dwelling shall be erected
nearer than 25 feet to the front lot line nor farther than 40 feet from
the front lot line. No dwellinq shall be erected nearer than 7-~ feet to
any interior lot line. No dwelling shall be erected neerer' than 15 feet
to the side lot line on a corner lot adjacent to the street.
7. No structure of a temporaty character, trailer, basement, tent,
shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding shall be used on any lot at any
time as a residence either temporar~ly or permanently.
, .
8. No noxious or offens'ive activity shall 'be carried on upon any
lot, nOI~ shall anything be done thereon \'/hich may be O}~ may become an
annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.
9. No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raiSed,
bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets
may be kept provided that they are not kept, bred or maintained for any
commercial purpose.
10. No sign of any k"ind shall be displayed to the public vic\"I on
any lot except one professional sign of not more than one square foot,
,one sign of not more than five square feet advertising of the prope}~ty
for sale or rent, or signs used by a bui1del~ to advertise the property
during the construction and sales period.
11. No )Qt shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground
for rubbish. Trash, garbage or other waste shall not be kept except in
sanitary containers. All incinerators or othel~ equipment for the storage
or disposal of such material shall be kept in a'clean and sanitary condition.
12. No fence, wall, hedge or scrub planting which obstructs sight
lines at elevations between 2 and 6 feet above the roadways shall be
placed or permitted to remain on any corner lot \.tithin the triangular area
fOl~med by the street pl~operty lines and a line connecting then at points
25 feet from the intersection of the street lines, or in the case of a
rounded propel~ty corner from the i ntel~secti on of the street property 1 i nes
extended. The same sight line limitations shall apply 01) any lot \'lithin
10 feet from the i ntersecti on of a s treet Pt~operty 1 i ne \'li th the ed~e of
a driveway or on any lot within 10 feet from the intersection of a street
property line with the edge of a driveway or alley pavement. No tree shall
be permitted to remain ",ithin such distances of such intersections unless
the fol'iage line is maintained at sufficient height to prevent obstruction
of such sight lines.
13. No fence or wall shall be erected~ placed or altel~ed on any
lots nearel' to any street than the minimum building set-back 1 ine.
14. Easements for installations and maintenance of utilities and
drainage facilities are reserved as shown on the recorded plat, within
these ea,sements, no structure, planting or other matel'ial shall be placed
~ Lots 121 thl'll ___7 win havc,a dr'uillilqc und ut. ty cuscmcnt ulong
~reilr ilnd side portion of sa'jd lots for the purpose of druinil~le and utilities.
There shall be no structurcs of any kind, including fences, putios, pools,
maintenunce sheds or any other strllctUl'eS constructed viithin this easement.
Hith-in this cusemcnt, all trees and all natut'111 ground cover shall remain, and
()nly minor /wnd-clearing \'Iill be a110'.'1ed \'lithin this casement. T'his rear casement
shan not be soddcd or planted in ~lri.lSS or otherwise maintained as part of the
developuLle yard of the aI-iller of the lot. At least 90% of each 10t1s \'lidth within
this easement shall remain in its natural state. The City of Hinter Springs and
utility companics will have the right to enter said easement to maintain the
drai nage or other uti 1 ity facil i ti es.
16. These Covenants are to run with the land and shall be binding on
all parties and all persons claiming under them for a period of thirty years
from the date these Covenants are recorded, after which time said Covenants shall
be automatically extended for successive periods of 10 years, unless an instrument
signed by not less than ninety percent (90%) of the lot m'mers, and thereafter by
an instrument signed by not less than seventy-five percent (75~~) of lot owners.
Any amendment must be recorded.
17. Enforcemel't shall be by proceedings at law or in equity against any
person 01' persons violating or attempting to violate any Covenant, either to
restrain violation or to recover damages.
18. Invalidation of anyone of these Covenarits by judgment or court order
shall in no "'lay affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in force
and effect.
the ,~'1I!~day of ~anuary, 1980.
ATTEST: ~~..
Assistant Secretary
Signed, Sealed and Delivered
. the Presence of:
j--J . /
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we have hereunto set our hands and seals this
BEL1~ES. Iye'il
ByL.- b ~~
/f,fes i dent '- c? ---
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on. this day, before me, an officer duly
authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknovtledgments, personally
appeared ROY T. DYE and PRESTON T. PERRONE, well known to me to be the President
and Assistant Secretary respectively of the corporation above named, and that they
severally acknowledged executing the same in the presen~e of two subscribing
\."itnesses freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in them by said
corporation and that the seal affixed thereto is the true corporate seal of said
Cot'pora ti on.
WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last
aforesaid this the..;'~~/,:~0 day of January, 1980.
t&:2U/O-<>-- ,1'1 4:~j:;;1~_
~otar~PUbliC "
Nolet)' Public, StoIc Of rktrid<l ,1\t lM"3 .
My CommissIon EXf'lirc:; )\p:;: C, ! 9c32
Oondcd Oy lawy",. Suroly Cur,,,