HomeMy WebLinkAboutOak Forest Unit 2
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. KNm~ ALL r1EN l3Y THESE PRESElHS: That \I!hc)~cas . \'ie the
tl.re the O'.'lYlcrs of the follm'/ing describ2d pl'operty, located in
County~ rlor'ida, and mOt'C part.icularly described as folloVJs:
Lots 151 thru 169 and lots 235 thru 277,
Oak [prest) Unit Two, as recorded in Plat
aook ~4 , Pages CJS ~!l.!e---'
Official Records of Seminole County, Florida.
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THEREFORE ~ THESE PRESENTS t-JITNESSETH: That the p3. :~t i es tr) th is
Agreement, for and in conside)'ation of the mutual covenants her't:~hi contained,
[I,nd the further considel~at"ion of One Dollar, in hand paid by each paxty to
the other, the \~ecei pt \,lhe)'eof -; s her'eby ackno\'!l edged, and fOi' othet' good (',nd
vaiuable .conside)~ations~ do he"fein and hereby covenant and agree one vJit.h
the otherl for ourselves, our heirs, successors, assigns and legal represen-
tatives, that as to said property above described, the following restrictions
are hereby placed upon our respective hold'ings as come vfithin the boundal'ies
c.bove descri bed:
1. No lot shall be used except for residential purposes. No
buildh:g shull be el~C'cted, altel'ed, placed or permitted to l"Qmain on any lot.
othi:l" than one detached single-family d'tlelling not to exceed tVIO stories in
height and a private garage fOi~ not more tll3.n tVIO cars.
2. No building shall be c~'ected) placed or altered on any lot unt"il
the construction plans and specifications and a plan showing the location of
the structun; have been approved by the f.\l~chi tectm'a 1 Control Conn:ittee as to
quality at' \'/Orkmanship and materials, Iw)'many of exter'nai design \'iith existing
stTuctun~:;, and as to locat':on, \'lith respect to topogr'aphy and fin"ish grade
3. The I\)~chi tectura 1 Cont)~o 1 CO:l1mi ttee is composed of Roy T. Dye,
A. E. Blair: and C.H. True, all of 861 Douglas AV0nue, Longwood, Florida, 32750.
^ majority of the Com:nittee may designate a representative to act for it.
In the event of death or resignation of any member of the Committee, the
remaining members shall have full authority to designate a successor. Neither
the membet's of the Commi ttee no\' its des i gna ted repl~es enta t i ve s ha 11 be
entitled to any compensati on fo\~ serv'j ces perronlled p\H'Suent to U,-i s covenant.
frt any time, the then )~ecord o',mers of a l11CljOl"i ty of the lots she. 11 have the
pm.:er through a dUlY recOi~ded v/ri tten instrument to change the m2rc,be~'shi p of
the Committee 0\' .to vrithdra\'l fy'om the Com:T1ittee or restore to it ul\Y cf its
power and duties.
4. The Committee's approval or disapproval as required in these
covenants shall be in vlriting. In the event the Committee, 0)' its designated
representl\tive~ fans to approve O\~ disnpprove vdtlrin 30 days aftcl' plans and
sp8cific.}tions have been subil1itted' to it, or in any event, if no s~it to enjoin
the const)'uction !ws been com:nenced prior to comjllct"ion then;of, approval l'/ill
not be requil'ed and the related covenv.nts shan Lc deemed to helVe b2en fully
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5. No clvte. .n:.! sh.:\l1 be permitted on llny "tit a cost of less
tll;\t $16,500.00 based upon cost levels prcvaning on the date these cov-
eni1nt~ arc recorded, it being the intention llnd purpose of the covenants
to assure that all dwellings shall be of a qlllllity and \'Iol'killanship 2nd
In<lteri a 1 s substanti a llv the Sllme Ol~ better' th(111 tha t \.,hi ch can be IH'ndll(pr!
on the clute these coventlllts an:~ recorded at the minimu:n cost stated hel'e'in
IUI' 'i.he 11Iinillll1l1l permitted Cl\'1C'I'jll19 s'ize. Hle ground t1061~ area of the
main stru(:turc, exclusive of one-~tory open porches and,gantges, shall be
not 1 ess than 1,100 square feet.
6. No building shull be constructed on a plot having an area of
less than 7,500 square feet, and such plot shall be not less than 75 feet ~ u.>
in width at the front bu'ildillg set-back line. No dl'lelling shall be erected;~ "-
nearer than 25 feet to the front lot line. No dwelling shall be erected 0 ~
nearer than 7-~ feet to any interior lot line. No dwelling shall be erected~
nearel~ than 15 feet to the side lot line on a corner lot adjacent to the ~ C)
stn!et. , ~ (D
7. No structure of a temporary cIHI'actel~, trailer, basement, tent,
shuck, garage, barn or othel' outbuild-ing shan be used on any lot at any
time as a res i dence ei ther temporad "'y Ol~ pel'l1lJnentl,y.
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8.: 'No noxious or offensive activity shall be carded on upon any
lot, nor shall anything be done thereon \'/hich may be or may become an
annoyance or nuisance to the nei~hborhood.
.9. No animals, livestock, or poultl~ uf any kind shall be raised,
bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets
may be kept provided that they are not kept, bl~ed or maintained for any
commer'cial pUi'pOs(~.
10. No sign of any kind shall be displc:yed to the public vie\'1 on
any lot except one professional sign of not rnore than one squal'e foot,
one sign of not more than five square feet advertising of the property
for sale or rent, or signs used by a builder to advel~tise the property
during the construction and sales period.
11. No lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground
for rubbish. Trash, garbage or oth~r waste shall no~ b~ kept except in
sanitary ccnta'iners. All incinel'atOl~s or other equipment fOI~ the stol'age
or disposal of such material shall be kept in il. cleEAn and snnitary cond'ition.
12. No fence, wall, hedge or scrub planting which obstructs sight
lines at eleva.tions beh'leen 2 and 6 feet above the l~oadi'la'ys shall be
placed or permitted to remain on any corner lot within the triangular area
formed by the street propel~ty lines and a line cOI1l~ecting them at points
25 feet from the intersection of the street lines, or in the case of a
rounded property corner from the intersection of the street property lines
extended. The same sight line limitations shall apply on any lot vlithin
10 feet from the 'intersect-ion of a street property line I'lith the edge of
a dl~i 'Ii on any lot within 10 feet from the intersect"ion of a street
property line \'iitn -le e ge 0 a r1 ey pavemen. No re.;> 1
be pcrmitt2d to remain within such distances of such intersections unless
the foliage line is, maintained at sufficient height to prevent obstruction
of such sight lines.
13. No fence or It/all shall be el~ected, placed Ol~ altel~ed on any
lot) nearel~ to any street than the mir:imum building set-back line.
14. Easements for installations and maintenance of utilities and
drainage facilities are reserved as ihown on the recorded plat, within
these casements, no structure, planting or other material slla11 be placed,
or pCI'm'ittcd to rcma'jn \-1l1ich may dl1.nEl~IC or intcl'fel'c \-/ith the installation
and n~ainteni.lnce of utilities, or \'Jhidl may change the dil~ection of a flmv
of dr'ainil~j(~ channels in the casements~ 'or v:hich flKl)' obstruct or retard the
f1 m/ of water through dl~(~ i nagc channels in the ~ascrnents. The easement
arcCt of each lot and all improvements in 'it shall be maintained continuously
by the m'mel~ of the lot, except for those improvements for \':hich a public
autI101~it.Y 01' utility cO:llpJny is I~csponsible.
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15. lots 161, 162, 159, 235, 248, 249, 264, 265 and 266, will have a
drcdnage and utility easement along the rear and side portion of said lots for
the purpose of drainage and utilities. There shall be no structures of any
kind, including fences, patios, pools, maintenance sheds or any other structures
constructed within this easement. H'ithin this easement, all trees and all
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within this easement. This rear easement shall not be sodded or planted in
gr'ass or otherwise maintained as part of the developable y?rd of the oltmer of _
the lot. At least 90% of each lot's width within this easement shall remain
in its natural state. The Ci.ty of Wintel~ Springs and utility companies will have
the l~ight to enter said easement to ma'intain the drainage or other utility
16. These Covenants are to run with the land and shall be binding on
all parties and all persons claiming under them for a period of thirty years
from the date these Covenants are recorded, after which time said Covenants shall
be automatically extended for successive periods of 10 years, unless an instrument
signed by not 1 ess than ni nety percent (90%) of the lots Oi'/ners, and thereafter by
an instl~ument signed by not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of lot Oi'/ners.
Any amendment must be recorded.
17. Enforcement shall be by proceedings at law or in equity against any
person or persons violating or attempting to violate any Covenant, either to
restrain violation or to recover damages.
18. Irivalidation of anyone of these Covenants by judgment or court order
shall in no ",ay affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in force
and effect.'
_# IN ~HTNE S HHEREOF, \'Ie have hereunto set our hands and seals thi s
the 9~ day of 119M.
ATTEST: Clf.f~
Signed, Sealed and Delivere
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I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly
authol^ized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personal"ly
appeared ROY 1. DYE and A. E. BLAIR, \llell known to me to be the President and
Secretary y'especti vely of the corporati on above named, and that they severally
acknolt/l edged executi ng the same in the presence of b/o subscribi ng \'/itnesses
freely and voluntal'ily under authority duly vested in them by,said corporation
and that the seal affixed thereto is the true corporate seal of said corporation.
HITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last
afOl~esaid this the 9J~day of 1.{2kU2./~19n.
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