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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That whereas we the undersigned
are the owners of the following described property~ located in Seminole
County, Florida, and more part'icularly described as follows:
Lots 1 through 14 inclusive, Oak ~nrps~, Unit
One, as recorded in Plat Book ,
Pages , Official Records of
Seminole County, Florida.
agreement, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained,
. and the further consid~ration of One Dollar in Hand ~aid by each party to
the other, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and for other good and
valuable considerations, do herein and hereby covenant and agree one with
the other, for ou~selves, our heirs, successors, assigns and legal represen-
tatives, that as" to said property above describ.ed, the follO\'/ing restrictions
are hereby placed upon our respective holdings as come within the boundaries
above described:
1. No lot shall be used except for residential purposes. No
building shall be erected, altered, placed or ~ermitted to remai~ on any
lot other than one detached single-family dwelling not to exceed D~O stories.
in hei ght and a private garage for not more than hlo cars.
2. No building shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot
until the construction plans and soecifications and a plan showing the
location of the structure have been approved by the Architectural Control
.Conmittee as to quality or workmanship and materials, harmony of external
design with existing structures, and as to location wjth respect to topography
amd finish grade elevation.
3.. The Architectural Control Committee is composed of Roy T. Dye~
Douglas J.Lobel and C.H. True, all of 2699 Lee Road~ Suite 501~ Winter Park,
Florida. A majority of the committee may designate a ~epresentative to act
for .it. In the event of death or resignation of any member of the committee,
the remaining members shall hav~ full authority to designate a successor.
Neither the members of the committee nor its designated representative shall
. be entitled to any compensation for services performed pursuant to this
covenant. At any time~ the then record owners of a majority of the lots shall
have the power through a duly recorded written instrument to change the
membership of the committee or to withdraw from the committee or restore to
it any of its power and duties..
4. The committee's approval or disapproval as required in these
cavenants shall be in writing. In the event the.committee~ or its desig-
n~ted representative, fails to approve or disapprove within 30 d~ys after
plans and specifications have been submitted to it, or in any el/ent. if no
.suit to enjoin the construction has been commenced orior to completion
thereof, approval will not be required and the related co~enants shall be
deemed to have been fully complied with. _ " "ii.:li',."
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~. tt)dwelling shall be permitted on any lot at a cost of less
than .16 .500~OO ased upon cost levels prevailing on the date these cov-
enants are recor~ed, it being the intention and purpose of the covenants
to aSSlwe that all dt,.,el1ings shall be of a quality and \'lorkmanship and
~ateriJls substantially the S.'lrne or better th2n that \'Ihich can be produced
on the date these covenants are recorded at the minimum cost stated herein
for the minimum permitted dwelling ~ize. The ground' floor area of the
main stt'uctu~~.Cl..uSive of one-story o!Jen porches and garages, shall be
not less tha,~square feet. '
6. No dwelling shall be constructed on a plot having :an area of
less than 7.500 square feet, and such plot shall be not less than 75 feet
in width at the front building set-back line. No dwellina shall be erected
nearer than ..?I) ...:fppt to the fr"nt 1 of 1 i ne nor farthpr thrln OQ feet fro'1l -
,the front lot line. No dwel1inq shall be erected nearer than Z-~lfeet to
any interior lot line. No dwe1iing shall be erected nearer than 5 feet
to the side lot line on a corner lot adjacent to the street. ....
7. No structure of a temporary character, trailer, basement, tent~
shack, garage, barn'or other outbuilding shall be used on any lot at any
time as a residence either temporarily or permanently.
8. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any
10t,nOl' shall anything be done thereon which may be or may become an
annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.
9. No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised,
bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets
may be kept provided that they are not kept, bred or maintained for any
commercial purpose.
10. No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on
any lot except one professional sign of not more than one square foot,
one sign of not more than five square feet advertising of the property
for sale or rent, or signs used by a builder to advertise the property
during the construction and sales period.
11. No lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground
for rubbish. Trash, garbage or other waste shall not be kept except in
sanitary containers. All incinerators or other equipment for the storage
or disposal of such material shall be keJ?t 'in a clean and sanitary condition.
12. No fence, wall, hedge or scrub planting which obstructs sight
lines at e1evatlons1between 2 and 6 feet above the roadways shall be
placed or permitted to remain on any corner lot within the triangular area
formed by the street property lines and a line connecting t~CM at points
25 feet from the intersection of the street lines,'or i~ the case of a
rounded property corner from the intersection of the street property lines
extended. The same sight line limitations shall apply on any lot \'lithin
,10 feet from the intersection of a street property line with the edge of
a driveway or on any lot within 10 feet from the intersection of a street
prQ.PgrtL..lin~ with the edge of a drive\'/a or alley pavement. No tree shall
be permitted to remain Wl ln such distances of suc intersections unless
the foliage line is maintained at sufficient height to prevent obstruction
of such sight lines.
13. No fence or wall shall be erected, placed or altered on any
lot; nea':",er to any street than the minimum building set-back li.ne.
14. Easements for i.nstallations and maintenance of utilities and
drainage facilities are reserved as shown on the recorded plat, within
these easements, no structure, planting or other material shall be placed
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or permitted to remain which may damage or interfere with the installation
and maintenance of utilities, or which may chanqe the direction of a
flO\'l of drainage channels in the easements. or \~Jhich may obstruct or
retard the flow of water through drainage channels in the ea~ements. The
Cdsr:i1Cnt area of -each lot and all improvelllents in it shan be maintained
continuously by the Oivner of the lot, except for those improvements for
\'/hich a public authority or utility company is responsible.
15. These covenants are to run with the land and ~hall be
binding nn all parties and all persons claiming under them for a period
of thirty year's from the date these covenants are recorded, after which
time said covenants shall be automaticallv extended for successive
periods of 10 years unless an instrument signed by a majority of the then
owners of the lots has been recorded. agreeing to change said 'covenants
in whole or in part.
16. Enforcement shall be by proceedings at law Ol~ in equity
against any person or persons violating or attempting to violate any
covenant either to restrain violation or to recover damages.
17. Invalidation of anyone of these 'covenants by judgment
or court order shall in no way affect any of the other provisions which
shall remain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS HHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands and seals this
the . day of 1978.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of:
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly
authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments,
personally appeared . .
well known to me to be the '
respectively of the corporation above named, and that they severally
acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two subscribing
witnesses freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in them by
sai~ corporation and .that the seal affixed thereto is the true corpo~ate
seal of said corporation.
\-IITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last
aforesaid this the day pf , 1978.
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