HomeMy WebLinkAboutNorth Orlando Ranches
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109 L:;t Cllurell St., Suite 301
Plat of Record in Plat Book 13, Pages 11 and 12
of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida.
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@ FLORIDA LAND COHPANY, a Florida Corporation, being the Owne~f the. .f
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following described property, to-wit: W..J ::~::~
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North Orlando Ranches, Section Nine, less and except ~:
Lots 5, 6, 7 nnd 8 of Block Three; LotH 1, 4, 5, 9
illld 10 of Hlock Four; LotH 11 [lnd lH of Block Eight;
LotA 5 Ilnd 6 of Block Nine; Lind LotH I, 2, J nnd H of
(... .
Block Ten, according to PInt of Record in PInt Book 13,
Pages 11 and 12 of the Public Records of Seminole County,
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said lands situate, lying and being in SEMINOLE COU~rY, FLORIDA, AND DO
lII':rn:llv 1'::;TM1.1 ::11 ANI> l'r.ACI': ell" In:COJU> ON 1'111': AIIOVI'; DI':SCI{JIlIW PIWl'l':HTY Tim
Any conveyance of said property is made subject to the following restric-
tions, covenants and servitudes:\
(A) SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE. No building shall be allowed on any of the lots.
except one detached single-family dwelling house (with necessary out-buildings),
for residential use by one family only. No structure of a temporary charac-
ter, trailer, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding shall be used
on any lot at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permanently. All
else herein notwithstanding, any site may be used for a model home or a real
estate office with customary development signs during the development point of
the project.
1. No building nor any part thereof shall be erected on any lot closer than
25 feet to the front line, or closer than 7~ feet to either side lot line
or closer than 25 feet to the rear lot line. Mlere two or more lots, or
one lot and a portion of an adjoining lot is used as a single building site,
the side lot lines shall refer only to the lines bordering on the adjoining
property owner.
Exhibit D
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CORNER LOTS - On corner lots, the front line setback of 25 feet or more
must be maintained, but a 15-foot sideline setback will be permitted on the
street sideline, provided the corner lot faces the Bame way as all other lota
in the block.
If the building faces the long dimension of the lot, or where corner
lots face a diffe~nt thoroughfare"'than other lots in the block, the
25-foot or greater setback must be maintained from both thoroughfares.
2. UTILITY EASEMENTS: There is hereby reserved for the purpose of installing
And maintaining municipal and public utility facilities and for such other
purposes incident to the development of the property, those easements shown
upon the plat hereof, each being designated: "Utility Easement", and there
is also hereby reserved easements and rights-oi-way for constructing anchor
guys for electric and telephone poles, strips of land two and one-half feet
in width on each side of each side boundary and extending a distance of
twenty feet in depth, as approved by the Developer. No building or structure
of any nature shall be erected on any eas~ment.
3. LOT AREA AND WIDTH: No dwelling shall be erected or placed on any lot.
having a width of less than 75 feet at the minimum building setback line nor
shall any dwelling be erected or placed on any lot having an area of less
than 8,000 square feet.
4. NUISANCES: Nothing shall be done on any lot which may be or become an
annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. No horses, cattle, swine, goats,
poultry or fowl shall be kept on any lot. No signs of any character shall
be displayed, except that the owner may display on his premises a "For Sale"
or "For Rent" sign, referring only to the premises on which displayed, pro-
vided the signs are no larger than 6 square feet and of professional quality.
No weeds, underbrush or other unsightly growths shall be permitted to grow
or remain upon the premises hereby referred to and no refuse pile or unsightly
objects shall be placed or suffered to remain anywhere thereonj and in the
. ~
event that the party to whom the property has been conveyed by the Subdivider
shall fail or refuse to keep the demised property free of weeds, underbrush
or refuse piles or other unsightly objects or growths, then the Subdivider
and/or Committee may enter upon the said lands and remove the same at the
expense of the owner, and such entry shall not be deemed a trespass.
5. "'ALLS:
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No boundary wall, hedge or shrubbery shall be perml{t~dl~1th a
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height of more than 6 feet and no wall shall be constructed on any lot until
the height, design and approximate location thereof shall have been approved
in writing by the Con~ittee.
6. SIGHT DISTA~CE AT INTERSECTIONS: No fence, wall, hedge or shrub planting
which obstructs sight lines at elevations between 2 and 6 feet above the road-
ways shall be placed or permitted to remain on any corner lot within the
. ...
triangular area formed by the street property lines and a line connecting
them at points 25 feet from the intersection of the street lines, or in the
case of a rounded property corner from the intersection of the street property
J f III!R l'xlfH\dod. Tho 111111'0 Hight-line Urni.tlltiOl1tl Ilhl\ll Ilpply on I\I\Y lot wi thin
10 feet from the intersection of a street property 11110 with tho eugo oC a
driveway or alley pavement. No tree shall be permitted to remain within 8uch
distances of such intersections unless the foliage line is maintained at
1I\1((lcJ.l'nt IwJp,ht to prov,'nt OhllLl"uctiol\ of Ruch al!jht lin08.
.,. 11l111.DJ.NG PLANS - Al'l'IWVAL: 'fhe Owner or OCCUpullt of oneh ond overy lot,
by acceptance of title thereto or by taking possession thereof, covenants
and agrees that no building, wall, or other structure or improvement shall
be placed upon such lot unless and until the plans and specifications therefor
and plot plan have been approved in writing by the Co~nittee. Each such build-
lng, wall, or other structure or improvement shall be placed on the premises
only in accordance with the plans and specifications and plot plan so approved.
Refusal or approval of plans and specifications by such Committee may be based
on any ground, which, at the sole discretion of the Conmittee, shall be
deemed sufficient.
8. SIDEWALKS: Sidewalks shall be constructed in front of.all Iota and on
the side (in case of corner lots). Sidewalks shall be no less than 4 feet wide
and 4 inches thick.
9. Whenever a sewer system is constructed and collection lines available,
it ia mandatory that each property owner connect to such system and pay
such rates for service as may be specified in <he applicable fwanchise.
trust deed or other instrument. But it is agreed that the property owner
shall have no right, title or interest in or to the sewerage system or water
system, or any appurtcnances thereto, constructed to serve said property,
and same shall r~main tllC property of the Company until completed, at which
time the Company is transferring the same as a capital contribution in aid of
construction of said Company furnishing said services to tho subdiviaion.
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10. PRIVATE WATER SYSTEM: No individual water supply system shall be per-
mitted on any lot unless such system is to be used exclusively for lawn
watering or irrigation.
11. The FLORIDA LAND COMPANY reserves to itself, its agents, employees or
any contractor or subcontractor, the right to enter upon the land covered
by these restri~tions, for theP'\Jrpose of carrying out and completing the
development of the property, including but not limited to, completing any
filling, grading or installation of drainage, sewer or water lines.
12. SIZE OF BUILDINGS: No building shall be erected on any residential
lot (t~XC(!pt nccelHlllry outlnlild.f.ngfl npprovcd by the COll1mitteo) which docn not
compriRe nt lenRt 1,100 equL\rc [eet of floor Rpnce. Tho method of detcrmin-
ing the square-foot area of proposed buildings shall be to multiply the out-
size horizontal dimensions of the building at each floor level. Garages,
cllrporl:/I, IICI"I,\'_'lltld I"JI'chl'", I'/It lOR /Inti tur.rllcnll IIh/ll1 Ilot 1>0 token into
"c c U llllt ill II U c h c 1\ 1 c u 1 LI t 10 n /I .
13. COMNITl'EE: The Conunittee herein provided for shall be in the first
instance, composed of J. Nolan Reed, Druce O. Fast llnd William C. Mooralt:ld
any two of such three shall have the righ~ to appoint a successor for Bny
one of such three who shall resign as such conunitteeman, die or otherwise
become unable to act as such. After 1980, or after the Subdivider shall have
sold all of tile lots in the subdivision (whichever first occurs) then and
in such event, all privileges, powers, rights and authority shall be exer-
cised by and be vested in a committee to be selected by the owners of a
majority of the lots in the subdivision.
14. REl'lEDIES FOR VIOLATION - INVALIDATIONS: For a violation or breach
of any of these restrictions by any person claiming by, through or under
the Subdivider, or by virtue of any judicial proceedings, the Subdivider and
the lot owners, or any of them severally, shall have the right to proceed
nt law or in equity to compel a compliance with the terms h~reof or to pre-
vent the violation or breach of any of them, or to recover damages, and
the cost of sucll litieation shall be borne by the losing party, if, by
virtue of judicial proceedings, such violation or breach shall be deemed to
have existed. In addition to the foregoing right, the Subdivider shall have
the right whenever there shall have been built on any lot any structure which
is in violation of these restrictions, to enter upon the property where such
violation of the restriction exists and 8u~narily abate or remove the same
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at the expense of the owner, and Buch entry and abatement or removal shall
not be deemed a trespass, The fail~re to promptly enforce any of the
restrictions shall not bar their enforcement. The invalidation of anyone
or more of the restrictions by any court in no wise shall affect any of the
other restrictions, but they shall remain in full force and effect.
15. EXISTENCE A~ DURATION OF RESTRICTIONS: These covenants are to run
with the land ane shall be binding on all parties and all persons claim;ng
under them for a period of twenty-five years from the date these covenants
are recorded, after such time said covenants shall be automatically extended
for successive periods of ten years, unless an instrument signed by a
InllJority of the then OWl\erR of Lhe lots lllla been recordad, lly,roolnu to
change said covenllnts in whole orin part.
caused these presents to be executed by its proper officers, who ara
tllereunto duly authorized and its corporate seal affixed, at Winter Park,
County, Florida, this 19th day of
, 1973.
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I HEREBY CERTIFY, thll t on the .L:Z:!; day of (1{JIlU
, 1973, before me
personally appeared Robert N. Dosh, Jr. and W. J. Aberwald, respectively,
Vice President and Assistant Secretary of FLORIDA LAND COMPANY, a corporation
under the laws of the State of Florida, to me known to be the individuals
and officers described in and who ,executed the foregoing instrument and
Rcvcrnlly acknowledged tile execution of the foregoing instrument and
Ileverlllly llcknowlcdged tho execution thereof to be their free act and deed
a8 such officers hereunto duly authorized; and that tho official seal of
said corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the said instrument i8 the
lIct lInd deed of said corporation.
WITNESS my signature and official seal at Winter Park, Florida, In the
Count~ of Orange and State of Florida the day and year last aforesaid..
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Plat of Record in Plat Book 13, Pages 32 and 33
of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida.
FLORIDA LAND COMPANY, a Florida Corporation, being the Owner of the
following described property, to-wit:
North Orlando Ranches, Section Ten, according to Plst of
Record in Plut Book 13, Pages 32 and 33 of the Public
Records of Seminole County, Florida.
satp lands situate, lying and being in SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND DO
Any conveyance of said property is made subject to the following restric-
tions, covenants and servitudes:
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(A) SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE. No building shall be allowed on any of the lots" "i'
except ~ detached singl~-family dwelling house (with necessary out-buildings),
for residential use by one family only. No structure of a temporary charac-,
ter, trailer, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding shall be used
on any lot at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permanently. All
else herein notwithstanding, any site may be used. for a model home ora real,
estate office with customary development signs during the development point of.
the project.
1. No building nor any part thereof shall be erected on any lot closer than
25 feet to the front line. or closer than 7~ feet to either side' lot line
or closer than 25 feet to the rear lot line.
Where two or more lots, or
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one lot and a portion of an adjoining lot is used as a single building site, '1
the side lot lines shall refer ,only to the lines bordering on the adjoining.,
property owner.
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CORNER LOTS - On corner lots, the front line setback of 25 feet or more
must be maintained, but a 15-foot sideline setback will be permitted on the
street sideline, provided the corner lot faces the same way as all other lots
in the block.
If the building faces the long dimension of the lot, or where corner
lots face a different thoroughfare than other lots in the block, the
25-foot or greater setback must be maintained from both thoroughfares.
2, UTILITY EASEMENTS: There is hereby reserved for the purpose of installing
and maintaining municipal and public utility facilities and for such other
purposes incident to the development of the property, those easements shown
upon the plat hereof, each being designated: "Utility Easement", and there
is also hereby reserved easements and rights-of-way for constructing anchor
guys for electric and telephone poles, strips of land two and one-half feet
in width on each side of each side boundary and extending a distance of
twenty feet in depth, as approved by the Developer. No ~uilding~o~
.. .
of any nature shall be erected on any easement.,
No dwelling;.. shall be erected or placed on any lot
having a width of less than 75 feet at the minimum building setback line nor
shall any dwelling be erected or placed on any lot having an area of less
, than 8, 000 square feet.
Nothing shall be done on any lot which may be or.' become' an
annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. No horsei, cattle, swine, goats,
poultry or fowl shall be kept on any lot. No signs of any character shall
be displayed, except that the owner may display on l1is premises a "For Sale"
or "For Rent" sign, referring only to the premises on which displayed, pro-
vided the signs are no larger than 6 square feet and of professional quality.
No weeds, underbrush or other unsightly growths shall be permitted to grow
or remain upon the premises hereby referred to and no refuse pile or unsightly
objects shall be placed o~ suffered to remain anywhere thereon; and in the
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event that the party to whom the property has been conveyed' by. the Subdivider
shall fail or refuse to keep the demised property free of weeds, underbrush
6r refuse piles or other unsightly objects or growths, the~ the Subdivider
and/or Committee may enter upon the said lands and remove the same at the
expense of the owner, and 8uch entry shall not be deemed a t~espa88.
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shrubbery shall be permitted with a
No boundary wall, hedge or
height of more than 6 feet and no wall shall be constructed on any lot until
the height. design and approximate location thereof shall have bee~ ap~roved
in writing by the Conwittee.
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6. SIGHT DISTANCE AT INTERSECTIONS: No fence. wall, hedge or shrub planting
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which obstructs sight lines at elevations between 2 and 6 feet above the road-
ways shall be placed o~ permitted to remain on any corner lot within the
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triangular area formed by the street property lines and a line connecting
them at points 25 feet from the intersectio~ of the street lines, or in the
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case of a rounded property corner from the inter&ection of the street property
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lines extended. The same sight-line limitations shall apply on any lot within
10 fee~from the intersection of a street property line with the edge of a
driveway or alley pavement. No tree shall be permitted to remain within such'
distances of such intersections unless the foliage line is maintained at
sufficient height to prevent obatructionof such sight lines.
7. BUILDING PLANS - APfltOVAL: The Owner or occupant of each and every lot,
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by acceptance of title thereto or by taking possession thereof, covenants
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and agrees that no. building, wall. or other structure or improvement shall
be placed upon such lot unlesB and until the plans and specifications therefor
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ing, wall, or other structure or improvement shall be placed on the premises,' 'tW'
and plot plan have been approved in writing by the Committee. ,Each such build-
only in accordance with the plans and specifications and plot plan so approved~
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Refusal or approval of plans and specifications by such Connnittee may be based
on any ground, which. at the sole discretion of the Committee. shall be
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deemed sufficient.
8. SIDEWALKS: Sidewalks shall be constructed in front of all lots and on
-and 4 inches thick.
9. Whenever a sewer system is constructed and collection lines available.
it is mandatory that each property owner connect to such system and pay
such rates for service as may be specified in~he applicable ftanchise,
trust deed or other instrument. But it is agreed that the property owner
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shall have no right. title or interest in or to the sewerage system or water
system. or any appurtenances thereto, constructed to serve said property,
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and same shall remain the property of the Company until completed, at which
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time the Company is transferring the same as a capital contribution in aid of,
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construction of said Company furnishing said services to the subdivision.
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10, PRIVATE WATER SYSTEM: No individual water supply system .shall be per-
mitted on any lot unless such system is to be used exclusively for lawn
watering or irrigation.
11.' The FLORIDA LAND COMPANY reserves to itself, its agents, employees or
any contractor or subcontractor, the r"ight to enter upon the land covered
by these restrictions, for the purpose of 'carrying out and completing the
development of the property, including butt not limited to, completing any
filling, grading or installation of drainage, sewer or water lines..
12. SIZE OF BUILDINGS: No building shall be erected on any residential
lot (except necessary outbuildings approved by the Committee) which does not
compt'lse at lellst 1,100 square feet of floor space. The method of dctermin-
ing the square-foot area of proposed buildings shall be to multiply the out-
size horizontal dimensions of the building at each floor level. Garages,
carports, screened porches, patios and terraces shall not be taken into
account in such calculations.
13. COMMITTEE: The Committee herein provided for shall be in the first
instance, composed of J. Nolan Reed, Bruce O. Fast and William C. Mooramd
any two of such three sha11:" have the right to appoint a successor for any
one of such three who shall resign as such committeeman, die or otherwise
become unable to act as such.
After 1980, or after the Subdivider shall have
sold all of the lots in the subdivision (whichever first occurs) then and "
in such event, all privileges, powers, rights and authority shall be exer-
ciaed by and be vested in a committee to be, selected by the owners of a
majority of the lots in the subdivision.
14. REMEDIES FOR VIOLATION - INVALIDATIONS: For a violation or breach
of any of these restrictions by any person claiming by, through or under
the Subdivider, or by virtue of any judicial proceedings, the Subdivider and
the lot owners, or any of them severally, shall have the right to proceed
at law or in equity to compel a compliance with the terms hereof or to pre- '
~ ,3
vent the violation or breach' of any of them, or to recover aamages, and
the cost of such litigation shall be borne by the losing party, if, by
virtue of judioial proceedings, such violation or breach shall be deemed to
have existed. In addition to the foregoing right, the Subdivider shall have
the right whenever there shall have been built on any lot any structure which J
is in violation of these restrictions, to enter upon the property where Buch
violation of the restriction exists and Bununarlly abate or remove the r'lTl\~
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at the expense of the owner, and such entry and abatement or removal shall
not be deemed a trespass. The fail~re to promptly enforce any of the
restrictions shall not bar their enforcement. The invalidation of anyone
or more of the restrictions by any court in no wise shall affect any of the
other restrictions, but they shall remain in full force and effect.
15. EXISTENCE AND DURATION OF RESTRICTIONS: These covenants are to run
with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming
under them for a period of twenty-five yejrs from the date these covenants
are recorded, after such time said covenants shall be automatically extended
for successive periods of ten years, unless an instrument signed by a
majority of the then owners of the lots has been recorded, agreeing to.
change said covenants in whole or in part.
caused these presents to be executed by its proper officers, who are
thereunto duly authorized and its corporate seal affixed, at Winter Park,
County, Florida, this ~ day of
, 1973.
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I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on the /f~day of
, 1973, before me
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personally appeared Robert N. Dosh, Jr. and W. J. Aberwald, respectively,
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Vice President and Assistant Secretary ofiFLORIDA LAND COMPANY, a corporation
under the laws of the State of Florida, ~o me known to be the individuals
and officers described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and
severally acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument and
sev~ally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed
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as Buch officers hereunto duly authorized; and that the official seal of
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Baid corporation'ia duly affixed thereto, and the said instrument is the
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act and deed of said corporation.
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WITNESS my signature and official seal at Winter Park, Florida, in the
County of Orange and State of Florida the day and year last aforesaid.,
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Nol;HY Pu blic, Slate of florid3 a t l~'1 g~:. C) , -:'J if \ .. '~ '.. :~.. ":Y',
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Florida land Company
Subsidiary Company
Orlando and Orange Avenues. P. O. Box 44. Winter Park, Florida 32790 . (305) 646-1100
Mr. Ray Bradshaw
Building Official
400 North Edgemon
Winter Springs, FL 32707
Dear Mr. Bradshaw:
July 23, 1979
Enclosed please find copies of the R~strictive Covenants
applicable to North Orlando Ranches, Sections nine and ten,
per your request. ----
Enclosures - 2
F~ar4~iu /11
Project Manager
City of Winter S .
C't ' prmgS
, y Haft
JUL 2 5 1979