HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Highland Declaration of Covenants,Conditions & Restrictions
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4lE 20. 1984
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The Architectural Review Board (ARB) of the Highlands Homeowners'
Association (HHOA) was established in 1973. Its duties are presented
in HHOA Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions.
recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Seminole County. Florida.
The ARB shall function as follows:
A. to promulgate from time to time residential planning criteria
for the Properties. However, any such planning criteria shall
be set forth in writing and made known to all Owners and to
all prospective Members of the Association. Any residential
planning criteria promulgated by the ARB shall be subject to
final approval by the Association. Said residential planning
criteria shall include any and all matters considered appropriate
by the ARB not inconsistent with the provisions of this
B. to approve all improvements of any kind or description to be
erected, constructed, or maintained upon The Properties and to
approve any exterior additions to or changes or alterations
therein. No improvements of any kind or description whatsoever
shall be erected, or the erection thereof begun, or change made
in the exterior design thereof after original construction of
any Lot or Living Unit in The Properties until the complete
plans and specifications and a plot plan showing the location
of the structure have been approved by the ARB. Two complete
sets of plans and specifications showing the nature. time.
shape, height, materials, and location of such proposed improve-
ments must be furnished to the ARB and approved in writing by
the ARB as to (1) quality of design. workmanship and materials,
(2) the harmony of the external design, and (3) location in
relation to surrounding structures, topography and finished
grade elevations, prior to the commencement of any construction
thereof. If found to be in compliance with the restrictions
set forth herein and the criteria established by the ARB, and,
in the opinion of the ARB, consistent with the planned develop-
ment of The Properties and contiguous lands thereto, one set
o of plans and specifications shall be returned to the Owner or
builder marked "Approved by the Architectural Review Board of
the Highlands Homeowners' Association." Such approval shall
not be effective for construction commenced more than six (6)
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months after the approval date. If no action is taken by the
ARB within thirty (30) days after their delivery to the ARB,
they shall be deemed approved on the thirtieth (30th) day
following such delivery provided that such plans and specifi-
cations do not alter the land uses for such property contemplated
on any existing PUD Plan and subject to the right of the
Association to enjoin any construction that does not comport
with the restrictions set forth herein. The ARB may require
payment of a cash fee, not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) with
respect to anyone Living Unit or structure, to partially com-
pensate for the expense of reviewing plans and specifications,
such fee to be payable at the time the plans are submitted for
review; and
c. to require to be submitted to it for approval any samples of
building materials proposed or any other data or 'information
necessary to reach its decision;
D. notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the
ARB may not limit densities below those approved by the City of
Winter Springs (formerly, "Village of North Orlando") for the PUD
Plan referred to in Section 2.1.
A. Purpose
The purpose of these design guidelines is to provide visual control
and protect the character and integrity of the Highlands community.
The desired result is the maintenance of high property values and
the provision of a pleasant livable environment for all residents.
In accordance with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and
Restrictions, Article XI, Section 11.4 Enforcement, enforcement
of these covenants and restrictions shall be by any proceeding at
law or in equity against any person or persons violating or
attempting to violate any covenant or restriction, either to
restrain violation or to recover damages, and against the land to
enforce any lien created by these covenants; failure by the
Association or any Owner to enforce any covenant or restriction
herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the
right to do so thereafter; and in enforcing any of these covenants
or restrictions the Association shall be entitled to recover its
costs, expenses and charges including reasonable attorneys' fees.
To insure that development will occur according to the limitations
of use, design, coverage and phasing as stipulated on the pre-
liminary and final development plans.
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1. All roof vents and turbines are to be painted to match the
color of the roof.
2. All electrical and wind operated vent turbines are to be
located on the rear slope of the roof. All other roof vents
are to be located on the rear slope if ~~~~i~!~~
E. Floor Areas
1. Minimum square footage of floor areas for single-family
dwellings are given in the following table~
Dwelling Unit
Minimum Net Interior
,'Usable Floor Area
Two bedrooms
Three bedrooms
Four bedrooms
Five bedrooms
1,050 sq. ft.
1,300 sq. ft.
1,400 sq. ft.
1,600 sq. ft.
2. Footages given are for net interior usable floor area of the
main structure, exclusive of basement, patio, open or screened
porches, garage, guest house, and other outbuildings incidental
to the residential use of the premises. Interior square
footage beneath a ceiling height of less than seven feet cannot
be included as usable floor space.
3. All single-family detached units must have double garage.
A. Site plans for each building lot are to be reviewed and approved
by the ARB.
B. Building Setbacks
1. Single-Family Housing
a. Building setbacks for typical lots are to be as follows:
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Front yard:
25 'feet
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(2) Side yard:
7~ feet
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25 feet
Rear yard:
Corner side lot:
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15 ,feet
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2. Multi-Family Housing
a. Front yard:
25 feet
b. Rear yard:
25 feet
. '-" ,..!:;J Distance between buildings:
20 feet
I '3. If deemed desirable, the ARB may vary building setbacks for
smaller lots by granting a special exception.
4. Where a number of houses are being built on adjacent lots
by one owner, a zero, ,l~E l:i..!l~ side yard must be approved by_
the ARB. -"'~~--
c. Fencing
1. All plans for fencing are to be reviewed and approved by the
~ before construction.
2. Landscape screening or fencing is mandatory on side and rear
lot lines abutting Sheoah Boulevard, Sheoah Circle or Shepard
Road where natural screening is not adequate. These fences
shall be uniform in color and design. Landscape screening of
a permanent nature is' preferred (close-grouped planting,
hedges, etc.). The approved ARB color is Acrylic Latex Stain
Platinum Base 371 B-8 C-36 1-32 KIT which may be obtained
from Color Wheel Paint Store, or "Kings Canyon" which may be
obtained from the Glidden Paint Store.
3. For uniformity all new fencing must expose the good side out,
be of cedar, grade D or better, 6' high with 6" boards. The
design may be dogear-clipped, or shadow box. See Exhibit A,
Design #1 and #2. No chain-link fencing allowed.
4. All fencing must be stained on the outside with an approved
color. Color choice must be submitted to the ARB prior to
purchase or application. Color must be a soft, muted natural
earth tone. Fences may match the house color but must not
clash with abutting fencing. No bright, dark or white colors
will be allowed. The ARB has the right to reject any color
it deems not to be in keeping with the natural setting of the
Highlands. Fences will be maintained and in good repair by
the property owner at all times.
D. Air Conditioning Units
Air conditioning units are to be screened from view of the public
by planting and/or fencing.
J l
E. Screening
All screening for pool enclosures and porches is to be black or
gray. Green or silver screens will not be allowed. Aluminum must
be bronze in color.
F. Wells
All plans for wells shall be submitted to the ARB for review and
G. Play Structures
All plans for play structures shall be submitted to the ARB for
review and approval. Location of play structur~ must not interfere
with rights of the adjacent property.
)( G Extedor antennas of any type may~ot be
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A. Preservation of Existing Trees
All trees larger than six' inches caliper are to be preserved unless
they directly interfere with building construction. No trees
larger than six inches caliper may be removed without prior per-
mission of the ARB.
B. Planting and Paving
1. Use of color rock surfacing or paving in place of living plants
will not be allowed.
2. Driveway paving is to be of concrete with no color added.
C. Lawn Ornaments
All lawn ornaments shall be reviewed and approved by the ARB before
A. Curbside Delivery Boxes
The U. S. Postal Service requires curbside delivery boxes for
single-family subdivisions. To provide an overall attractive
appearance, a standardized curbside delivery mailbox is required
as specified in Exhibit B.
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Custom mailboxes shall be reviewed and approved by the ARB
before installation.
B. Clustered Delivery Boxes
For apartments, townhouses and patio houses, grouped mail delivery
boxes will be required. Acceptable standard designs are as shown
in Exhibit C.
C. Street Numbering
1. Street numbers placed on mailboxes or on houses should be
white or dark gray and of a simple, legible design similar to
those shown in Exhibit D.
2. For legibility, numbers placed on houses should be at least
4" high and not to exceed 8" high.
A. Application
1. No improvements of ~ny kind, and no external alterations,
additions or changes shall be made until an application,
including plans and specifications for such improvements, has
been submitted to the .AR:B and approved by it in writing. The
following plans must be submitted to the Architectural Review
Board in duplicate for approval:
a. Preliminary Site Plan
. b. Final Site Plan
c. Exterior Elevations
d. Floor Plans With Square Footage
e. Cluster Plans
f. Color Samples
g. Exterior Materials
h. Signs
i. Landscaping Plans
j. Fencing Plans
k. Construction Trailer Site
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1. Dumpster Site
m. DCCRs
n. Plot Plans
__o.---DraiDage Plans
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-f.- All chang~;-1;~i;1':~---during construction regarding exterior
\~le]!1~~~~'"'~t;"_._1IIB.-~~~i,als 1I1ust have t~ _p-riQr approval of the ARB.
2. ~ appli~~tion shall consist of ~. cowpl~le sets of plans.
specifications. plot plans and any other material including
color samples required by the ARB to fully describe the
proposed improvements.
Approval (.:~ u e,j,I", I (I ..::',''-':/ ' ,/ ., / .
1. .ARB approval is not. complete until both the preliminary and
final site plans have been submitted and approved. When the
complete application is received the ARB will approve or dis-
approve in writing. regarding its satisfaction of these design
guidelines. and as to:
a. Quality of design, workmanship and materials.
b. The harmony of the external design.
c. Setbacks. Location in relation to surrounding structures,
topography. and finished grade elevations.
2. When approved, one set of plans and specifications may be
returned to the applicant marked "approved" and giving the
date of approval.
C. Appeal
1. A decision of the ARB may be appealed by the applicant in
writing, to the :Board of Directors of the Association.
2. The :Board will consider the appeal. and may affirm the
action of the ARB or make such other determination as it
deems appropriate under the circumstances.
A. All plans and specifications required to be submitted to the ARB
shall be accompanied by a fee. in accordance with a fee schedule
adopted by the ARB.
~ .'
B. The fee schedule may be changed from time to time by the ARB.
For current schedule see Exhibit E.
C. At their option, the ARB may allow the re-use of previously
approved Architectural plans and specifications. If approved
plans are reused, complete site plans must be submitted for
IX. Developers shall be required during the construction period to
control, regulate and maintain the development as to prevent the
accumulation of trash and debris, on both the site and adjacent
1. Single Units
For each total set of plans, including site plan,
fencing and landscaping.
2. Grouped Units by Builders
For each house model submitted (including master
site plan, fencing and landscaping).
3. Re-use of Approved Architectural Plans
a. Reuse of approved architectural plans.
No Charge
b. Site plans for approved architectural plans.
(1) Single site
(2) Master site plan layout
1. Complete Plans for a Building Site. $50.00
2. Site Plans for Previously Approved Architectural Plans
(per site). $25.00
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675 Shepard Road
Winter Springs, Florida 32707
(305) 323-3640
in the Winter Springs Highlands,
hereby acknowledges receipt of the following documents pertaining to
the design and construction of improvements at the above address, and
to restrictions on the use and occupancy of the property:
Design Guidelines - Single Family Detached Housing
Declaration of Covenants Conditions and Restrictions
By - Laws
Articles of Incorporation
Rules and Regulations
Design Guidelines
Single Family Detached Housing
A. Purpose
The purpose of these design guidelines is to provide visual control
and protect the character and integrity of the Highlands community.
The desired result is the maintenance of high property values and the
provision of a pleasant livable environment for all residents.
B. Character
The community character desired can be expressed in terms of the
natural setting, manmade developments and overall maintenance.
The Highlands owes much of its character to the natural setting of
forests, hills and streams. These amenities should be preserved,
consistent with the planned development of the project. All develop-
ment within the project, including original construction and later
alterations and additions, should respect and relate well to the
natural setting by preserving native vegetation, by using colors and
materials which blend well with this setting and by avoiding stark or
startling colors, materials or designs.
Regarding maintenance, the character desired is simply one of general
good housekeeping and well maintained properties, free of untidy
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A. Style
1. ~~l:~}f~!~~J:lKPJaru3caIlde le'\7Cltipl1,l;l Clr.~ tC) pe reviewed by the
Highlands Architectural Review Bocarg(ARll).
2. No specific architectural style is required. All styles should,
however, be well suited to the climate and the natural setting.
B. Materials
1. All exterior materials are to be reviewed by the ARB.
2. The number and variety of exterior materials should be limited
such that the design is perceived as a unified whole rather than
a busy display of materials.
3. Where concrete block is used, block must be stuccoed on.all
e:x:~:rior"t-l8:l1s,except that thEr'rear'wiiTf may be painted block
special exception granted by the ARB.
C. Colors
1. All exterior colors are to be reviewed by the ARB.
2. Colors are to be muted earth tones compatible with the forest
setting of the Highlands.
D. Roof Vents and Turbines
1. All roof vents and turbines are to be painted to match the color
of the roof.
2. All electrical and wind operated vent turbines are to be located
on the rear slope of the roof. All other roof vents are to be
located on the rear slope if possible.
E. Floor Areas
1. Minimum square footage of floor areas for dwellings are given
in the following table.
Dwe lling Unit
Minimum Net Interior
Usable Floor Area
Two bedrooms
Three bedrooms
Four bedrooms
Five or more bedrooms
1,000 sq. ft.
1,200 sq. ft.
1,400 sq. ft.
1,600 sq. ft.
2. Footages given are for net interior usable floor area of the main
structure, exclusive of basement, patio, open or screened porches,
garage, guest house, and other outbuildings incidental to the
residential use of the premises. Interior square footage beneath
a ceiling height of less than five feet cannot be included as
usable floor space.
A. Site plans Required
Site plans for each building lot are to be reviewed by the Highlands
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B. ( Building Setbacks \
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1. Build1ng setbacks for typical lots are to be as follows:
Front yard:
25 feet
Side yard:
5 feet
Rear yard:
25 feet
~~t:e~;e:r::~~~:b;e ~~~'~x~~~ti~~~ bu~!~~,~~ setbacks for smaller
3. Where a number of houses are being built on adjacent lots by one
owner, a zero lot line side yard may be allowed by the ARB.
C. Fencing
1. All plans for fencing and screening are to be reviewed by the
Highlands ARB.
2. Fencing is required on side or rear lot lines abutting Sheoah
Boulevard, Sheoah Circle, and Shepard Road. For uniformity of
color and design, all new fencing must match existing fencing on
these same frontages (see fence Exhibit A Design #1) and must be
stained light gray with a bleaching oil approved by the ARB.
Other than as specified in #2 above,
of or similar to standard designs as
#3 or #4 of attached design sheets.
all fencing shall be wood,
shown in Exhibit A Design #2,
No chain link fencing is
4. Pool enclosure screening is to be gray or black. Green or silver
screens will not be allowed.
D. Air Conditioning Units
Air conditioning units are to be screened from view of the public
plaIlt+Ilg;Ci??Ie>E fencing.
A. Preservation of Existing Trees
All trees larger than six inches caliper are to be preserved unless they
directly interfere with building construction. No tree larger than six
inches caliper may be removed without permission of the ARB.
B. Planting and Paving
1. Use of colored rock surfacing or paving in place of living plants
will not be allowed.
2. Driveway paving is to be neutral colors.
A. Curbside Delivery Boxes
The U. S. Postal Service requires curbside delivery boxes for single
family subdivisions. To provide an overall attractive appearance, a
standardized curbside delivery mailbox is required as specified in
Exhibit 'B'.
B. Clustered Delivery Boxes
For apartments, townhouses and p~tio houses, grouped mail delivery boxes
will be required. Acceptable standard designs are as shown in Exhibit 'C'.
C. Street Numbering
1. Street numbers placed on mailboxes or on houses should be white or
dark gray and of a simple, legible design similar to those shown in
Exhibit 'D'.
2. For legibility, numbers placed on houses should be at least 4" high.
A. Application
1. No improvements of any kind, and no external alterations, additions
or changes shall be made until an applicatio~ including plans and
specifications for such improvements, has been submitted to the ARB
and approved by it in writing.
2. An application shall consist of the required plan review fee, plus
two complete sets of plans, specifications, plot plans and any
other material required by the ARB to fully describe the proposed
B. A-e:eroval
1. Upon receipt of a complete application the ARB reviews and approves
(or disapproves) the application in writing, regarding its satis-
faction of these design guidelines, and as tq:
a. Quality of design, workmanship and materials.
b. The harmony of the external design.
c. Location in relation to surrounding structures, topography and
finished grade elevations.
2. When approved, one set of plans and specifications shall be returned
to the applicant marked "approved", and giving the date of approval.
A. All plans and specifications required to be submitted to the ARB shall
be accompanied by a fee, in accordance with a fee schedule adopted by
the ARB.
B. The fee scheduled may be changed from time to time by the ARB. For
current schedule see Exhibit 'E'.
1. Single Units
For each total set of plans, including site plan,
fencing and landscaping
2. Grouped Units by Builders
For each house model submitted (including master
site plan, fencing and landscaping)
3. Re-use of Approved Architectural Plans
a. Reuse of approved architectural plans
No Charge
b. Site plans for approved archiectural plans
1. Single site
2. Master site plan layout
1. Complete Plans for a Building Site $50.00
2. Site Plans for Previously Approved Architectural Plans
(per site) $25.00
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Florida land Company
Subsidiary of Florida Gas Company
Orlando and Orange Avenues - P. O. Box 44 - Winter Park, Florida 32789 -(305) 646-1100
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Thomas F. Lang
City Attorney
City of Winter Springs
c/o Jones & Bishop
400 Maitland Avenue
Altamonte Springs, FL
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ity Hall prmgs
Ocr 171978
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The Highlands sectiot~~'CGU!iL9~&
, 'DA IE
17 October 1978
Dear Tom:
As we discussed last Friday, I have in this letter reduced to writing
the obligation of Florida Land Company with regard tb the Declaration of
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for The Highlands as it relates to the
issues which the City Council has raised concerning approval of the plat for
Section Six.
The City Council has expressed concern that the buffer fence be adequately
maintained. The fence is proposed to be erected along the rear lot lines of
certain of the lots within Section Six which are adjacent to surrounding property
which is not a part of the plat. As we discussed, the fence would be on private
property, and it would be the responsibility of each individual property owner to
maintain it. Furthermore, in the event that the fence should fall into a state
of disrepair, the Highlands Homeowners' Association has adequate power under
the Declaration of Covenants to correct the problem. Specifically, at Article
VIII of the Declaration, the Association is given the power to effect exterior
maintenance on any property if the Association determines that the property is
in need of repair or maintenance. The Association may perform the work required,
and has the authority to assess the costs of such maintenance against the property
maintained. If necessary, the Association has the power to foreclose the lien on
the property in order to collect the assessment. In the past, the occasion has
arisen infrequently where the Association was required to perform exterior
maintenance pursuant to Article VIII; however, in those few instances, the
Association has in fact exercised its authority, made the exterior repairs, and
collected the assessment. As long as Florida Land Company is in control of the
Association, Florida Land Company will take appropriate steps to see that the
fence is properly maintained. In addition, in any sales which Florida Land
Company makes to purchasers of property within Section Six, there will be added
to the deed of conveyance a restriction to the effect that the property owner
within Section Six shall be responsible for maintaining the fence in a good
state of repair and in accordance with architectural guidelines established by
the Architectural Review Board of the Highlands Homeowners' Association.
- ..,
Thomas F. Lang
- 2 -
17 October 1978
The City Council had also expressed concern regarding appropriate setbacks
for buildings on lots within Section Six. I have reviewed, the final plat for
Section Six with both the builder and Florida Land Company personnel, and
Florida Land Company can state that the setbacks for the lots within Section
Six w~.JJ~J2.~,.<~~,~!,2,!!,2:i':,~t; The front setbacks shall be,]5 f~t...for c:J",l, lots except
;~~~~~b~~k;~~h~r~-t~~2~o~e:~~s:n~o~~et~~d~r~~~b:~~~a~~a~~a~~~2~e or a~~e
lots. These setbacks are based on the current plans of the builder to erect
particular unit models on specific lots. In the event, however, that the
units would need to be changed from lot to lot, then the setbacks may have
to be changed as well. In any event, however, no improvements of any kind could
be made without the explicit written approval of the Architectural Review Board,
in accordance with the provisions of Article VI of the Declaration of Covenants.
Pursuant to that article, the ARB 'has full power and authority .to require the
submission of plans and specifications of every improvement to any lot, before
any construction is commenced, and this power extends to any additional improve-
ments which a homeowner may wish to make in the future. '
Additionally, the City Council had expressed concern as to whether each
duplex unit would be considered a living unit and be separately assessable
pursuant to the Declaration of Covenants. The definition of "living unit" con-
tained in Article I of the Declaration of Covenants defines what a living unit
is, and clearly each unit of the duplex would constitute a living unit pursuant
to the Declaration. Furthermore, Article V spells out what an "assessable living
unit" is, and it becomes clear that each duplex unit is a "living unit" which
would be an "assessable living unit" and be liable for all assessments under the
Declaration of Covenants. The owner of each unit, therefore, would be liable
for any and all assessments.
cc: J. L. Clark
D. A. Crosby
I hope that this letter has adequately addressed the issues which you had
mentioned were of concern to the City Council. If you have questions, or if
anything needs further clarification, please contact me.
Sincerely yours, utt-~
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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that this Declaration of
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, made and entered into on this
2, ll... j-;{' -"?
,~day of,.( 'l'L.:.' telL,"!, 197 :'), by FLORIDA LAND COMPANY (the
"Developer"), a Florida corporation, joined herein by DEVELOPMENT ENTER-
PRISES, INCORPORATED, a Florida corporation,
WHEREAS, the Developer is the owner of the real property
described in the attached Exhibit A and DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED
is the owner of the real property described in the attached Exhibit B; and
deem it desirable that all of the property described in the attached
Exhibit A will be subject to the covenants, conditions and restrictions
set forth in this Declaration except for the property specifically excluded
on pages 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Exhibit A (the "Golf Course Property"); and
WHEREAS, the Developer desires to create a residential community
covering the property described in Exhibit A (except for the Golf Course
Property) to be known as "The Highlands", with permanent parks, playgrounds,
open spaces and other common facilities for the benefit of the said community;
WHEREAS, the Developer has deemed it desirable, for the efficient
preservation of the values and amenities in said community, to create an
agency to which should be delegated and assigned the powers of maintaining
and administrating the community properties and facilities and administering
and enforcing the covenants and restrictions and collecting and disbursing
the assessments and charges hereinafter created; and
WHEREAS, the Developer shall be responsible for the organization
of a Florida non-profit corporation, which may be named HIGHLANDS HOMEOWNERS'
ASSOCIATION (the "Association"), for the purpose of exercising the functions
aforesaid; and
described in Exhibit B 0fhich property is also included in Exhibit A) to have
the benefit and use of said community properties and facilities and be subject
to the assessments, charges and other obligations relating thereto in the
same manner as the other includible property described in Exhibit A;
PORATED declare that the real property described in Exhibit A (except for
the Golf Course Property) and such additions thereto as may hereafter be
made pursuant to Article II hereof, is and shall be held, transferred,
sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions,
restrictions, easements, charges and liens (sometimes referred to as
"covenants and restrictions") hereinafter set forth.
Section 1.1 Definitions. The following words when used in this
Declaration or any supplemental declaration (unless the context shall
prohibit) shall have the following meanings:
(a) "Association" shall mean and refer to the HIGHLANDS
(b) "The Properties" shall mean and refer to all Existing
Properties and additions thereto which are subject to this Declaration or
any supplemental Declaration under the provisions of Article II hereof.
(c) "Common Properties" shall mean and refer to those areas of
land, other than Lake Audubon, shown on any recorded subdivision plat of
The Properties intended to be devoted to the common use and enjoyment of
the Owners and occupants of The Properties.
(d) "Lot" shall mean and refer to any numbered parcel of land
within a lettered or numbered block as shown on any recorded plat of land
within The Properties, or with respect to any block on such a recorded
plat which is not subdivided into numbered lots, the term "Lot" shall
refer to such block. With respect to land within The Properties not
covered by a recorded plat, the term "Lot" shall refer to that portion of
each contigious tract of land within The Properties (i) which is held
under common ownership and (ii) which is not covered by a recorded plat.
(e) "Living Unit" shall mean and refer to any building or portion
of a building situated upon The Properties designed and intended for use and
occupancy as a residence by a single family including, but not limited to,
- 2 -
alj0~ F~GE
SEfllNO"-c COLl~TY
Condominium Units and Patio or Cluster Homes.
(f) "Condominium Unit" shall mean and refer to any Living Unit
that is designed to be a part of a condominium project and is located on
property with respect to which a Declaration of Condominium has been
(g) "Patio or Cluster Home" shall mean and refer to any Living
Unit that is a part of the Patio or Cluster Home property indicated on the
PUD Plan.
(h) "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether
one or more persons or entities, of the fee or undivided fee interest in
any Lots or Living Units situated upon The Properties, but shall not mean
or refer to a mortgagee unless and until such mortgagee has acquired title
pursuant to foreclosure or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure.
(i) "Member" shall mean and refer to the Developer and all Owners
who are members of the Association pursuant to Section 3.1.
(j) "Existing Property" shall mean the property described in
Exhibit A attached hereto except for the Golf Course Property.
(k) "ARB" shall mean and refer to the Architectural Review Board.
(1) "Golf Course Property" shall mean and refer to the property
described on pages 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Exhibit A attached hereto.
Section 2.1 Existing Property. The real property which is, and
shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed, and occupied subject to this
Declaration is located in Seminole County, Florida, and is that property
described in Exhibit A attached hereto, except for the Golf Course Property.
A planned unit development plan, with respect to the Existing Property
(the "PUD Plan"), was approved by the City of Winter Springs (formerly
"Village of North Orlando"), Seminole County, Florida, on August 16, 1971.
Section 2.2 Additions to Existing Property. Subject to the
provisions of subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this Section 2.2, and Section
2.3, the Association or the Developer may subject additional land to this
Declaration by filing a supplementary declaration of covenants and
restrictions of record.
- 3 -
(a) Changes in accordance with a General Plan of Development.
The Developer, its successors and assigns, shall have the right to include
additional properties within this Declaration only if such inclusion is
made pursuant to a revised General Plan of Development, as approved by the
appropriate governmental agencies, but such additions must substantially
comply with the existing PUD Plan.
Such revised General Plan of Development shall show the proposed
additions to the Existing Property and shall contain: (i) a general indi-
cation of size and location of development stages and proposed land uses
in each such stage; (ii) the approximate size and location of common pro-
perties proposed for each stage; (iii) the general nature of proposed
common facilities and improvements; and (iv) a statement that the proposed
additions, if made, will be subject to assessment for their just share of
Association expenses.
Unless otherwise stated therein, such revised General Plan of
Development shall not bind the Developer, its successors or assigns, to
adhere to the Plan or make the changes proposed therein and the plan shall
contain a conspicuous statement to such effect.
(b) Mergers. The Association's Articles of Incorporation shall
provide that upon a merger or consolidation of the Association with another
association, the Association's properties, rights and obligations may, by
operation of law, be transferred to another surviving or consolidated
association, or alternatively, the properties, rights and obligations of
another association may, by operation of law, be added to the properties,
rights and obligations of the Association as a surviving corporation. The
surviving or consolidated association may administer the covenants and
restrictions established by this Declaration with The Properties together
with the covenants and restrictions established upon any other properties
held by the surviving or consolidated Association. No such merger or
consolidation, however, shall effect any revocation, change or addition to
the covenants established by this Declaration within The Properties except
as hereinafter provided.
Section 2.3 General Provision Regarding Additional Property.
Prior to January 1, 1975, additional land may be subjected to this Declaration
- 4 -
800. PAGE
only if such addition is consented to by not less than eighty-five percent
(85%) of the total number of votes entitled to be cast by the Members voting
in person or by proxy at a meeting duly called for such purpose. Thereafter,
the consent of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the total number of votes
entitled to be cast by the Members voting in person or by proxy at a meeting
duly called for such purpose shall be required. Written notice of any
meeting called pursuant hereto shall be sent to all Members at least thirty
(30) days in advance. Notwithstanding anything hereinabove to the contrary,
prior to January 1, 1975, none of the property which presently comprises the
subdivision located in the City of Winter Springs and known as ''The Terrace"
may be subjected to this Declaration without the consent of the Developer and
Regardless of the method used to subject additional property to
the terms and provisions of this Declaration, no such addition shall revoke
or diminish the rights of the Owners of The Properties to util~ze the Common
Properties established hereunder except to grant to owners of the properties
being added the right to use the Common Properties established hereunder and
to change voting rights and assessments as hereinafter provided. No supple-
mentary Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions shall alter the relative
rights and obligations of the Members within a Class.
A supplementary Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions may
contain such additions, deletions, and modifications of the covenants and
restrictions contained in this Declaration as may be necessary or desirable
to reflect the different character, if any, of the properties added thereby.
Section 3.1 Membership. The Developer, each OWner who is a
successor developer designated by the Developer, and each Owner of an
assessable Living Unit (see Section 5.3(a)), shall be a Member of the
Association unless such Owner holds such interest in an assessable Living
Unit merely as a security for the performance of an obligation.
Section 3.2 Voting Rights. The Association shall have three
classes of voting membership:
- 5 -
Class A. Class A Members shall be all Owners of assessable non-
rental Living Units and all Owners of assessable rental Living Units who do
not own more than one-hundred (100) rental Living Units. Class A Members
shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each assessable Living Unit which they
own. If a Living Unit is owned by more than one person or entity, all such
persons and entities shall be Members and the vote with respect to such
Living Unit shall be exercised as such persons and entities shall among
themselves determine, but in no event shall more than one (1) vote be cast
with respect to any such Living Unit.
Class B. Class B Members shall be all Owners of more than one-
hundred (100) rental Living Units at least one or more of which is assess-
able. Class B Members shall be entitled to one-half (1/2) vote for each
assessable rental Living Unit which they own. If an Owner is comprised of
more than one person or entity, all such persons or entities shall be
Members and the vote with respect to the assessable rental Living Units
owned by such Owner shall be exercised as such persons or entities among
themselves determine, but in no event shall more votes be cast with respect
to such assessable rental Living Units than the total number of votes which
could be cast if the Owner were but one (1) person.
Class C. Class C Members shall be the Developer and/or any
Owner who is a successor developer so designated by the Developer. Class
C Members shall be entitled to cast three (3) votes for each Living Unit
contemplated by the PUD plan for construction on the property owned by
such Member, or, if there is no PUD plan in existence with respect to such
property, twelve (12) votes for each acre of such property owned by such
Member. The Developer initially had 5538 votes based upon the PUD Plan of
the Existing Property as approved on August 16, 1971.
Section 4.1 Members' Easements of Enjoyment. Subject to the
provisions of Section 4.6, every Member and resident member of the immediate
family of an occupant of an assessable Living Unit owned by a Member shall
have a right and easement in and to the Common Properties and such easement
- 6 -
shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to every Lot and
Living Unit. Each such Member or occupant of an assessable Living Unit
shall be entitled to use any and all Common Property belonging to the
Association regardless of its location.
Section 4.2 Title to Common Properties. The Developer may
retain the legal title to all or any part of the Common Properties until it
has completed improvements thereon and, in the opinion of the Developer,
the Association is financially able to maintain the same. Notwithstanding
any provision herein to the contrary, the Developer hereby covenants for
itself, its successors and assigns, that it shall convey to the Association
all Common Properties located within The Properties not later than the date
the Developer has conveyed to Owners ninety-five percent (95%) of the land
acreage platted for residential structures within the boundaries of the
Properties as shown on the PUD plan approved by the City of Winter Springs
(formerly "Village of North Orlando"), Seminole County, Florida on August 16,
Section 4.3 Improvements to be Provided by the Developer.
The Developer, at its expense, shall develop and construct for the Association
at least three (3) recreation sites. One site will contain a clubhouse, a
swimming pool, and a playground facility. The second site shall contain
a beach area, boat ramp, boat dock, a pavilion with rest rooms and a
barbecue,pit, and a playground. The third site shall contain tennis court
facilities, rest room facilities, and a playground. There will also be
provided within The Properties a pathway system for both bicycle and
pedestrian traffic and three (3) additional playgrounds.
Section 4.4 Cash Advance to the Association by the Developer.
During the initial years of development of The Properties, the Developer
may make cash advances to cover operational expenses for the purpose of
promoting the recreation, health, safety, and welfare of the Members of
the Association as provided in Section 5.2. Such cash advances shall be
interest free.
Section 4.5 Repayment of Cash Advances by the Association to the
Developer. All cash advances made pursuant to Section 4.4 shall be repaid
to the Developer on or before December 31, 1977, and the Association shall
take all action necessary to repay such advances by such date including,
- 7 -
SEHlr'oL[ coU~nt
if necessary, borrowing money or mortgagirgthe Association's properties.
Section 4.6 Extent of Members' Easements. The rights and ease~
ments of enjoyment created hereby shall be subject to the following:
(a) the right of the Association, in accordance with its Articles
and By-Laws, to borrow money for the purpose of improving the Common
Properties and in aid thereof to mortgage said properties. In the event
of a default upon any such mortgage, the lender shall be entitled, after
taking possession of such properties, to charge admission and fees as a
condition to continued enjoyment by the Members and occupants of Living
Units owned by Members and, if necessary, to open the enjoyment of such
properties to a wider segment of the public until the mortgage debt is
satisfied whereupon the possession of such properties shall be returned
to the Association and all rights of the Members shall be fully restored.
(b) the right of the Association to take such steps as are
reasonably necessary to protect the Common Properties against foreclosure;
(c) the right of the Association, as provided in its Articles
and By-Laws, to suspend the enjoyment right of any Member or occupant of an
assessable Living Unit owned by such Member for any period during which
any assessment remains unpaid, and for any period not to exceed thirty (30)
days for any infraction of its published rules and regulations;
(d) the right of the Association to charge reasonable admission
and other fees for the use of the Common Properties. Except as otherwise
provided in Section 4.6(a), such admission and other fees shall not be
charged for any of the ordinary uses of the Common Properties such as
open swimming, open tennis or use of the picnic facilities, except when
consented to by not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the total number of votes
entitled to be cast by the combined Class A and Class B Members voting in
person or by proxy at a meeting called for such purpose; and
(e) the right of the Association to dedicate or transfer all
or any part of the Common Properties, to any public agency, authority, or
utility for such purposes and subject to such conditions as may be agreed to
by the Members, provided that no such dedication, transfer, or determination
as to the purposes or as to the conditions thereof, shall be effective
unless an instrument signed by Members representing not less than two-thirds
- 8 -
I 0 8 4 I 166
JC1'i~. ~AG~
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that this Amendment to the Declaration
of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, is made and entered into this
23rd day of April, 1976, by FLORIDA LAND COMPANY, a Florida corporation,
hereinafter referred to as "Developer".
WHEREAS, Developer has heretofore filed of record a Declaration of
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions applicable to the property described
in Exhibit "A" therein, said Declaration being recorded at O.R. Book 969,
Page 734, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; and
WHEREAS, Developer deems it desirable, pursuant to Article X of said
Declaration, to make reasonable amendments thereto; and
WHEREAS, the Amendment hereinafter set forth to said Declaration does
not diminish or dilute the rights of the members of the Association in any
manner; and
WHEREAS, said Amendment conforms to the general purposes and standards
of the Covenants and Restrictions contained in said Declaration;
NOW, THEREOFRE, Developer declares that the Declaration of Covenants,
Conditions and Restrictions referred to hereinabove is amended as follows:
1. There shall be added a new Section 4.4(a), which shall read as follows:
"Section 4.4(a) No Cash Advances After March 1, 1976. After March i,
1976, the Developer may make no cash advances to the Association
to cover operational expenses which must be repaid by the Association.
This section shall not affect the obligation of the Association to
repay cash advances made prior to March I, 1976."
2. Article IV, Section 4.5, which reads as follows:
"Section 4.5 Repayment of Cash Advances by the Association to the
Developer. All cash advances made pursuant to Section 4.4 shall be
repaid to the Developer on or before December 31, 1977, and the
Association shall take all action necessary to repay such advances
by such date including, if necessary, borrowing money or mortgaging
the Association's properties.
shall be amended to read as follows:
"Section 4.5 Repayment of Cash Advances by the Association to the
Developer. All cash advances made pursuant to Section 4.4 prior to
March 1, 1976, shall be repaid to the Developer on or before December
31, 1987, from surplus funds of the Association, and the Association
may take action necessary to repay such advances by such date including
borrowing money or mortgaging the Association's properties."
This instrument prepared by:
Florida Gas Company
P. O. 80x 44
Winter Park, Florida 32789
Page 1 of 2
3. There shall be added a new Section 4.5(a), which shall read
as follows:
"Section 4.5(a) Funding of Deficits by the Developer. So long
as the Developer actually has majority control of the Board of
Directors of the Association, the Developer shall fund any
deficits incurred by the Association for operational expenses,
and the Association shall not be obligated to repay such deficit
4. Article V, Section 5.8 which reads as follows:
"Section 5.8 Subordination of the Lien to Mortgages. The lien
of the assessments provided for herein shall be absolutely sub-
ordinate to the lien of any first mortgage now or hereafter placed
upon the properties subject to assessment. This subordination
shall not relieve such property from liability for any assessment
now or hereafter due and payable."
shall be amended to read as follows:
"Section 5.8 Subordination of the Lien to Mortgages. The lien
of the assessments provided for herein shall be subordinate to
the lien of any first mortgage. Any first mortgagee who obtains
title to the property pursuant to the remedies provided in the
mortgage or foreclosure of the mortgage shall not be liable for
such property's unpaid dues or charges which accrue prior to the
acquisition of title to such property by the mortgagee. No sale
or transfer shall relieve such property from liability for any
assessments thereafter becoming due or from the lien thereof,
provided, however, that, as to a purchase money first mortgagee
(not a construction lender) who has acquired property as provided
above, neither the purchase money first mortgagee nor its suc-
cessors in title shall be obligated for that portion of assessments
necessary to repay cash advances, as provided in Section 4.5, which
accrue after such acquisition by the purchase money first mortgagee.
5. The section numbers of Article IV shall retain their original numbering
for ease of reference.
6. This Amendment shall become effective as to all properties subject to
the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions referred to
above upon being duly recorded In the public records of Seminole County,
7. Except as amended herein, the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and
Restrictions hereinabove referred to shall remain in full force and
IN WITNESS HEREOF, Developer has caused this instrument to be executed
and de livered th i s 2 ~day of A j>~'-f ,1976.
Signed, sealed. and delivered
in the presence of:
N-c0-W -71'1. "'~l \A~'
, ,f)J "{
-, . (
FLORIDA/)COM~Ar .'. //
') / )/ (~ ,--,~)/L'(( - .
'R. ~nilip Silvef, p~ident
Attest: ~u./ O. ~
Daniel O. ite
Assistant Secretary
BEFORE ME, personally appeared R. Philip Silver and Daniel O. White,
to me well known and known to me to be the President and Assistant Secretary
respectively of FLORIDA LAND COMPANY and who executed the foregoi~g.,"n"tr.ument
and acknowl edged before me thqt they executed the same on beha 1f of \ tlte'
corporation for the purposes therein expressed. ,
,...d., (}I-''''; i1 CJ I/~'
WITNESS my hand and official seal this.:13 day of,.,.,,,,,:,,, \ 'f19"(6o)
~'" ~!"
No r Public ,',
My commi ss ion expi res :vJ/OUcnthv.. .QO, }Cl'r9 . .
Notary P'vWft, Sfot.of Florida ('I' ~g.
M, Commi,slon Expires Nov, 2C1, 1979
Boft.~-d by An1l!',l.:"an Fire & Cam&f1y C~
Page 2 of 2
(2/3) of the total number of votes entitled to be cast by all Class A and
Class B Members has been recorded, agreeing to such dedication, transfer,
purpose, or conditions, and unless written notice of the proposed agreement
and action thereunder is sent to every Member at least ninety (90) days in
advance of any action taken.
Section 5.1 Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligation of
Assessments. Each Owner of an assessable Living Unit by acceptance of
a deed therefore, whether or not it shall be so expressed in such deed or
other conveyance, and whether or not such deed was recorded prior to this
Declaration, hereby covenants and agrees to pay to the Association all
annual assessments or charges and special assessments for capital improve-
ments; such assessments to be fixed, established, and collected from time
to time as hereinafter provided. The annual and special assessments,
together with such interest thereon and costs of collection thereof as
hereinafter provided, shall be a charge on the land and shall be a continuing
lien upon the property against which each such assessment is made. Each
such assessment, together with such interest thereon and the cost of
collection thereof as hereinafter provided, shall also be the personal
obligation of the person who was the Owner of such property at the time the
assessment became due. All assessments shall, when paid, be deposited
in a separate assessment fund bank account. The assessment fund shall
be held, managed, invested and expended by the Association, at its
discretion, for the benefit of The Properties and Owners therein.
Section 5.2 Purpose of Assessments. The assessments levied
by the Association shall be used exclusively for the purpose of promoting
the recreation, health, safety, and welfare of the Members of the
Association and in particular for the improvement and maintenance of prop-
erties, services and facilities devoted to the purpose and related to the use
and enjoyment of the Common Properties, including by way of illustration
and not by way of limitation:
(a) Payment of taxes and insurance on Common Properties, and
payment of operational expenses of the Association;
(b) Lighting, improvement and beautification of access ways and
- 9 -
easement areas, and the acquisition, maintenance, and repair and replacement of
directional markers and signs and traffic control devices, and costs of controlling
and regulating traffic on the access ways;
(c) maintenance, improvement and operation of drainage easements and
(d) management, maintenance, improvement and beautification of parks,
ponds, buffer strips, bike paths, swimming pools, and recreational areas and
(e) garbage collection and trash and rubbish removal, but only when
and to the extent specifically authorized by the Board of Directors of the
(f) providing police protection, night watchmen, guard and gate
services, but only when and to the extent specifically authorized by the Board
of Directors of the Association;
(g) repayment of funds and interest thereon, borrowed by the Association;
(h) payment of reasonable expenses incurred by the ARB but only to
the extent specifically authorized by the Board of Directors of the Association; and
(i) doing any other thing necessary or desirable, in the judgment of
said Association, to keep the community neat and attractive or to preserve or
enhance the value of the properties therein, or to eliminate fire, health or
safety hazards, or which, in the judgment of said Association, may be of general
benefit to the owners or occupants of lands included in The Properties.
Section 5.3 Effective Date of Assessment and Payment.
(a) Effective Date. No Living Unit shall become assessable prior to
the later to occur of (i) the date the clubhouse referred to in Section 4.3 is
substantially completed and open for use, and (ii) April 1, 1973. Thereafter,
each Living Unit shall becmne assessable on the first to occur of the following
two dates:
(1) sixty (60) days after the date that the Building Inspector for
the City of Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida indicates, by signing the
Building Permit, that the Living Unit or structure within which the Living Unit
is located has passed final inspection; and,
(2) the first day of the month coinciding with or next following the
date such Living Unit is occupied.
- 10 -
800~ r~GE
(b) Payment. Except as otherwise provided in Section 5.3(c)
below, each annual assessment shall be payable in advance on January 1 and
shall become delinquent if not paid by the following February 10 Until the
Association is activated, all payments shall be made directly to the De-
veloper for use as provided in Sections 502 and 5.11. Thereafter, such
payments shall be made to the Association or such party as the Association
may designate in writing. In the event a Living Unit becomes assessable
(as provided in this Section 503) after January 1 of any year, the amount
of the annual or any special assessment for such Living Unit for such year
shall be payable in advance on the date it becomes assessable and shall be
equal to (i) the annual assessment which would have been assessed against
such Living Unit had it been assessable for the entire year, multiplied
by (ii) that fraction in'which the numerator is equal to the number of days
in such year that such Living Unit will be assessable and the denominator
is three hundred sixty-five (365).
(c) Exceptions. In lieu of paying annual assessments in advance
and notwithstanding the provisions of Section 503(b) above to the contrary,
the annual assessments for Condominium Living Units owned by DEVELOPMENT
ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED and the original Owners of Condominium Living
Units located on apartment site number five described in Exhibit B who
purchased such Living Units from DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED, shall,
unless such Owners elect to make payments in advance as provided in Section
503(b) above, be prorated and paid on a monthly basis as such assessments
Section 5.4 Annual Assessments.
(a) Initial amount. The initial annual assessment, commencing
January 1, 1973, shall be:
(1) One Hundred Eighty Dollars ($180.00) for each assessable
Living Unit owned by a Class A Member; and,
(2) Ninety Dollars ($90.00) for each assessable Living Unit
owned by a Class B Member.
(b) Changes in initial amount. On or after January 1, 1975,
the initial annual assessment may be increased or decreased by the Board
of Directors of the Association after considering current maintenance
costs and future needs of the Association provided, however, that the
annual assessment for each Living Unit may not:
- 11 -
(1) Unless a greater amount is approved by the holders of not
less than two-thirds (2/3) of the total number of votes entitled to be
cast by all Members voting in person or by proxy at a meeting duly called
for such purpose, exceed the greater of (i) the applicable amount set forth
for each Class in Subsections 5.4(a)(1) and (2), and (ii) one hundred five
percent (105%) of the applicable annual assessment for the preceding year
for Living Units owned by Members of such Class, or
(2) Be less than the amount set forth in Subsections 5.4(a)(1)
and (2) so long as any loan or cash advance to the Association is outstanding.
The limitations of this Section 5.4 shall not apply to any change
in the assessments occurring as an incident to a merger or consolidation in
which the Association is authorized to participate under its Articles of
Incorporation and under ,Section 2.2 hereof.
Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the annual
assessment of any Living Unit with respect to which an exterior maintenance
cost has been incurred by the Association pursuant to Section 8.1, shall be
increased by the amount of such cost as provided in Section 8.2.
Section 5.5 Special Assessments for Capital Improvements.
In addition to the annual assessments authorized by Section 5.4 hereof,
the Association may levy special assessments for the purpose of defraying,
in whole or in part, the cost of any construction or reconstruction,
unexpected repair or replacement of a capital improvement upon the Common
Properties, including the necessary fixtures and personal property related
thereto, provided that (i) not more than one such special assessment may
be levied during anyone calendar year and (ii) such special assessment
shall have been consented to by not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the total
number of votes entitled to be cast by all Members who are voting in person
or by proxy at a meeting duly called for such purpose, written notice of
which shall be sent to all Members at least thirty (30) days in advance
and shall set forth the purpose of the meeting.
Notwithstanding any provision of the Association's Articles of
Incorporation to the contrary, the quorum required for any action authorized
by this Section 5.5 shall be as follows:
- 12 -
30e, PAGE
At the first meeting called, the presence at the meeting in person
or of proxies of Members representing not less than sixty percent (60%) of
the total number of votes entitled to be cast by the Members shall
constitute a quorum. If the required quorum is not present at the initial
meeting, subsequent meetings may be called, subject to the thirty (30) day
notice requirement set forth herein and the required quorum at any such
subsequent meeting shall be one-half (1/2) that required at the meeting
initially called. In no event shall any such subsequent meeting be called
more than sixty (60) days after the call of the preceding meeting.
Section 5.6 Certificate of Payment. Upon demand, the Association
shall furnish a certificate in writing signed by an officer of the Associa-
tion to any Owner liable for an assessment. The certificate shall state
whether said assessment has been paid and shall be conclusive evidence of
payment of any assessment therein stated to have been paid.
Section 5.7 Effect of Non-Payment of Assessments. If an
assessment is not paid when due, then such assessment shall become delinquent
and shall, together with such interest thereon and the costs of collection
thereof as hereinafter provided, thereupon become a continuing lien on the
property which shall bind such property in the hands of the then Owner, his
heirs, devisees, personal representatives and assigns. The personal
obligation of the then Owner to pay such assessment shall remain his personal
obligation for the statutory period and shall not pass to his successors
in title unless expressly assumed by them.
If an assessment is not paid within fifteen (15) days after it
becomes delinquent, the unpaid amount of such assessment shall bear
interest from the date it becomes delinquent, until paid, at the rate of
ten percent (10%) per annum, or such greater rate as may be provided by
the laws of the State of Florida, and the Association may bring an action
at law against the Owner personally obligated to pay the same and/or to
foreclose the lien against the property, and interest shall be added to
the amount of such assessment, together with the costs, charges and expenses
of the action, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs of abstracts
of title.
Section 5.8 Subordination of the Lien to Mortgages, The lien
of the assessments provided for herein shall be absolutely subordinate to
- 13 -
the lien of any first mortgage now or hereafter placed upon the properties
subject to assessment. This subordination shall not relieve such property
from liability for any assessment now or hereafter due and payable.
Section 5.9 Exempt Property. The following property subject
to this Declaration shall be exempt from the assessments, charges and liens
created herein: (i) all properties to the extent of any easement or other
interest therein dedicated and accepted by the local public authority
and devoted to public use; (ii) all Common Properties as defined in Section
1.1 hereof; (iii) all properties exempted from taxation by the laws of the
State of Florida, upon the terms and to the extent of such legal exemption;
(iv) all properties owned by Class C Members; and (v) the Golf Course
Notwithstanding any provisions herein, except for the property
referred to in clause (v) of this Section 5.9, no land improvements
actually devoted to dwelling use shall be exempt from said assessments,
charges or liens, including Living Units owned by Class C Members.
Section 5.10 Duties of the Board of Directors. The Board of
Directors of the Association shall fix the date of commencement and the
amount of the assessment against each Living Unit for each assessment
period and shall, at that time, prepare a roster of The Properties and
assessments applicable thereto which shall be kept in the offices of the
Association and shall be open to inspection by any Owner.
Written notice of each assessment shall be sent to every Owner
subject thereto.
Section 5.11 Use of Assessment Funds by the Developer. The
Developer, until the time the Association is activated, may use any part
or all of said assessments for the purposes set forth in Section 5.2.
The Developer shall account to the Association for any sums so expended
and shall deliver to the Association the balance of any such funds upon
activation of the Association.
Section 6.1 Formation. The Developer shall, upon the recording
of this Declaration, immediately form a committee known as the "Architectural
Review Board" (the "ARB"). The ARB shall function as follows;
- 14 -
aoo, P'~'
(a) Composition. Initially, the ARB shall consist of five (5)
persons designated by the Developer and shall include at least one (1)
architect and one (1) representative of DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED.
The ARB shall maintain this composition until the Association has been
activated. Upon the activation of the Association, the ARB shall be
appointed by the Board of Directors of the Association and shall serve
at the pleasure of said Board, provided, however, that in its selection,
the Board of Directors of the Association shall be obligated to appoint
the Developer or his designated representative to such Board for so long
as the Developer owns any Lots in The Properties or has not completed the
General plan of Development for the entire area owned by the Developer.
The Board of Directors shall also be obligated to appoint at least one (1)
architect to the ARB and one (1) hbmeowner Member of the Association.
Neither the Association, the Board of Directors of said Association, nor
the Members of the Association, shall have the authority to amend or alter
the number of members of the ARB which is irrevocably herein fixed at
five (5) members. A quorum of the ARB shall be three (3) members. No
decision of the ARB shall be binding without a quorum present and an
affirmative vote by a majority of the members present.
(b) Duties. The ARB shall have the following duties and
(1) to promulgate from time to time residential planning
criteria for The Properties. However, any such planning criteria shall be
set forth in writing and made known to all Owners and to all prospective
Members of the Association. Any residential planning criteria promulgated
by the ARB shall be subject to final approval by the Association. Said
residential planning criteria shall include any and all matters considered
appropriate by the ARB not inconsistent with the provisions of this
~) to approve all improvements of any kind or description to
be erected, constructed, or maintained upon The Properties and to approve
any exterior additions to or changes or alterations therein. No improve-
ments of any kind or description whatsoever shall be erected, or the erection
thereof begun, or change made in the exterior design thereof after original
construction of any Lot or Living Unit in The Properties until the complete
- 15 -
plans and specifications and a plot plan showing the location of the
structure have been approved by the ARB. Two complete sets of plans and
specifications showing the nature, time, shape, height, materials, and
location of such proposed improvements must be furnished to the ARB and
approved in writing by the ARB as to (i) quality of design, workmanship and
materials, (ii) the harmony of the external design, and (iii) location in
relation to surrounding structures, topography and finished grade elevations,
prior to the commencement of any construction thereof. If found to be in
compliance with the restrictions set forth herein and the criteria established
by the ARB, and, in the opinion of the ARB, consistent with the planned
development of The Properties and contiguous 'lands thereto, one set of plans
and specifications shall be returned to the Owner or builder marked "Approved
by the Architectural Review Board of the Highlands Homeowners' Association."
Such approval shall be dated and shall not be effective for construction
commenced more than six (6) months after the approval date. If no action
is taken by the ARB within thirty (30) days after their delivery to the
ARB, they shall be deemed approved on the thirtieth (30th) day following
such delivery provided that such plans and specifications do not alter the
land uses for such property contemplated on any existing PUD Plan and
subject to the right of the Association to enjoin any construction that does
not comport with the restrictions set forth herein. The ARB may require
payment of a cash fee, not to exceed fifty dollars ($50) with respect to
anyone Living Unit or structure, to partially compensate for the expense
of reviewing plans and specifications, such fee to be payable at the time
the plans are submitted for review; and
(3) to require to be submitted to it for approval any samples
of building materials proposed or any other data or information necessary
to reach its decision.
(4) notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary,
the ARB may not limit densities below those approved by the City of Winter
Springs (formerly, "Vi llage of North Or lando") for the PUD Plan referred
to in Section 2.1.
- 16 -
Section 7.1 Only Residential Purposes. No Lot or Living Unit zoned
residential shall be used in whole or in part for anything other than residential
purposes, provided however, that each builder or developer may maintain model
Living Units. Other than conducting the sale of Living Units, no trade, traffic
or business of any kind, whether professional, commercial, industrial or
manufacturing shall be engaged in or carried on upon The Properties or any part
thereof; no hospital, sanitarium, church, private school, riding academy,
tavern or any institution of similar or like character shall be conducted or
maintained on The Properties, nor shall anything be done thereon which may
be or which may become an annoyance or a nuisance to The Properties.
Section 7.2 Temporary Buildings. No tent, shack, trailer, house
trailer, garage or other outbuilding shall at any time be used on any Lot as
a residence or living quarters, either temporarily or permanently, and no
building or dwelling of a temporary character shall be permitted, except during
phases of construction as permitted by the ARB.
Section 7.3 Animals. Birds, and Fowls. No animals, livestock, or
poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept on any Lot or in any Living
Unit, except that a reasonable number of dogs, cats or other household pets
may be kept, provided that they are not kept, bred or maintained for any
commercial purposes. In the event of dispute as to the reasonability of the
number of such cats, dogs, or household pets kept upon The Properties, the
decision and opinion of the ARB shall control.
Section 7.4 Laundry. No clothes, sheets, blankets or other articles
shall be permitted to be or otherwise displayed on any part of The Properties
except in a service yard or yard enclosed by a lattice, fence or other screening
device approved by the ARB.
Section 7.5 Aerials, No radio or television or other aerial,
antenna, tower or transmitting or receiving aerial, or support thereof shall
be erected, installed, placed or maintained upon any Lot or Living Unit or
upon any building or structure, except those devices which may be erected,
installed, placed, or maintained and used under eaves or entirely within the
enclosed portion of the individual dwelling unit or garage; and in no event
shall such devices protrude above the highest point of the dwelling or Living
Unit situated upon such Lot.
- 17 -
Section 7.6 Exterior Light Fixtures. No exterior lighting fixture
shall be installed on any Lot or Living Unit without adequate and proper
shielding of fixture. No lighting fixture shall be installed that may become
an annoyance or a nuisance to the residents of adjacent properties.
Section 7.7 Boat and Vehicle Storage. No automobile, truck,
trailer, house trailer, boat trailer, or other vehicle and no boat of any
kind shall be parked, left or stored upon any Lot other than in a garage or,
in the case of Condominium Units only, a designated parking space, for more
than forty-eight (48) hours, and then only if such vehicle or boat is operable
and in a good state of repair.
Section 7.8 Utilities. Wires and conduits for the transmission of
electricity, telephone and other purposes, public sewers, land drain pipes,
water and gas mains, or pipe~ shall be placed beneath the surface of the ground
except that street light standards and similar electrical equipment may be
placed upon the surface after the ARB has approved the design, location, and,
where needed, the proposed screening.
Section 7.9 Signs. Except as otherwise permitted by the ARB, no
sign of any character shall be displayed or placed upon any Lot or Living Unit
except "for rent" or "for sale" signs, which signs may refer only to the
particular premises on which displayed, shall not exceed two (2) square feet
in size, shall not extend more than three (3) feet above the ground and shall
be limited to one (1) sign per Lot or Living Unit.
Section 7.10 Refuse. No trash, garbage, rubbish, debris, waste
material or other refuse shall be deposited or allowed to accumulate or
remain on any Lot. No fires for burning of trash, leaves, clippings or other
debris or refuse shall be permitted on any Lot. Unless otherwisec approved by
the ARB, lightweight containers, not weighing more than twenty-five pounds
(25 lbs.) are permitted for trash, garbage, rubbish, debris, waste material or
other refuse. Said containers must be tied or closed at all times and kept
within a utility yard or other enclosure so the same is not open to view by
the public or residents within the vicinity. Said containers can be placed,
however, at street side for removal of refuse up to eight (8) hours prior to
announced pickup time. Said containers must be returned to utility yard or
enclosure within eight (8) hours after announced pickup time.
- 18 -
800' ~'Gc
Section 7.11 Fences. No wire or chainlink fence shall be constructed
or permitted on any Lot other than as may be approved by the ARB for recreational
or other facilities located on the Common Properties.
Section 7.12 No Carports. Except for Condominium Units, no carports
shall be constructed or permitted.
Section 7.13 No Wells. No water supply wells shall be constructed
or permitted.
Section 8.1 Exterior Maintenance. In addition to maintenance upon
the Common Properties! the Association shall have the right to provide exterior
maintenance upon any vacant lot or upon any improved lot, subject, however, to
the following provisions: Prior to performing any maintenance on a vacant lot
or improved lot the Association shall determine that said property is in need
of repair or maintenance and is detracting from the overall appearance of The
Properties and shall furnish thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Owner
of such property at his last address listed in the Association's record (or if
the vacant lot or improved lot is subject to the control of a local association
other than the Association, such notice shall be given to such local association
with a copy to the individual Owner) stating that unless certain specified
repairs or mai~tenance are completed within said thirty (30) day period, the
Association shall make said necessary repairs and charge the same to the local
association or Owner as appropriate. Upon the failure of the Owner or local
association to act within said period of time, the Association shall have the
right to enter in or upon any such lot or to hire personnel to do so to make
such necessary repairs or maintenance as specified in the written notice. In
this connection, the Association may, but shall not be limited to painting,
repairing, replacing and caring for roofs, gutters, downspouts, exterior
building surfaces, trees, shrubs, walks and other exterior improvements.
Section 8.2 Assessment of Cost. The cost of any exterior maintenance
accomplished pursuant to Section 8.1 shall be assessed against the Lot or Lots
upon which such maintenance is done and shall be added to and become part of
the annual maintenance assessment or charge to which the Living Unites) on
- 19 -
such Lot(s) are or may become subject to Article V hereof and, as part of such
annual assessment or charge, it shall be a lien and obligation of the Owner
of such Living Unit(s) and shall become due and payable in all respects as
provided in Article V hereof.
Section 9.1 General Rules of Law to Apply. Each wall that is built
as part of the original construction of any building upon The Properties and
placed on the dividing line between Lots shall constitute a party wall, and
to the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of this Article IX, the
general rules of law regarding party walls and of liability for property damage
due to negligent or willful acts or omissions shall apply thereto.
Section 9.2 Sharing of Repair and Maintenance. The cost of reason-
able repair and maintenance of a party wall shall be shared by the Owners who
make use of the wall in proportion to such use.
Section 9.3 Destruction by Fire or Other Casualty. If a party wall
is destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty, any Owner who has used the
wall may restore it, and if the other Owners thereafter make use of the wall,
they shall contribute to the restoration thereof in proportion to such use
without prejudice, however, to the right of any such Owners to call for a
larger contribution from the others under any rule of law regarding liability
for negligent or willful acts or omissions.
Section 9.4 Right to Contribution Runs with Land. The right of
any Owner to contribution from any other Owner under this Article shall be
appurtenant to the land and shall pass to such Owner's successors in title.
Section 9.5 Arbitration. In the event of any dispute arising
concerning a party wall, or under the provisions of this Article, each party
shall choose one arbitrator, and such arbitrators shall choose one additional
arbitrator, and the decision of a majority of all the arbitrators shall be
final and conclusive of the question involved,
Section 9,6 Local Association Conflicts. Should any area within
the Association form a local association such as a Condominium Association, any
of the Sections contained in this Article IX which conflict with such local
association's Declaration of Condominiums, shall be null and void and of no
further force or effect as to such local association.
- 20 -
Section 10.1 Consent Required. This declaration may be amended by
obtaining the written consent of Members representing not less than two-thirds
(2/3) of the total number of votes entitled to be cast by all Members, provided,
however, that so long as it is a Member, the Developer may amend these
covenants and restrictions without such vote for the purpose of curing any
ambiguities or inconsistencies among or between the provisions contained herein
and make any reasonable amendments thereto so long as such amendments conform
to the general purposes and standards of the covenants and restrictions
contained herein and so long as such amendments do not diminish or dilute the
rights of the Members of the Association in any manner.
Section 11.1 Duration. The covenants and restrictions of this
Declaration shall run with and bind the land and shall inure to the benefit
of and be enforceable by the Association, or the Owner of any land subject
to this Declaration, their respective legal representatives, heirs, successors,
and assigns, for a term of thirty (30) years from the date this Declaration
is recorded, after which time said covenants shall be automatica11y extended
for successive periods of ten (10) years unless an instrument is signed by
members representing not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the total number of
votes entitled to be cast by all members has been recorded, agreeing to change
said covenants and restrictions in whole or in part.
Section 11.2 Notices. Any notice required to be sent under the
provisions of this Declaration shall be deemed to have been properly sent
when mailed, postpaid, to the last known address of the local association or
person who appears as Member or Owner on the records of the Association at the
time of such mailing.
Section 11.3 Conflicts. Should any area within the Association
form a local association such as a Condominium Association, any provisions
herein which are in conflict with or violate the Florida Statutes relating
to condominiums shall be null and void and of no further force or effect but
only as to such local association.
- 21 -
9 69
800\ paGE
Section 11.4 Enforcement, Enforcement of these covenants and
restrictions shall be by any proceeding at law or in equity against any person
or persons violating or attempting to violate any covenant or restriction,
either to restrain violation or to recover damages, and against the land to
enforce any lien created by these covenants; and failure by the Association
or a?y Owner to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in
no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter,
Section 11,5 Severability, The invalidity, violation, abandonment
or waiver of anyone or more of or any part of the covenants, restrictions
or other provisions hereof, either as to all or any part of The Properties,
shall not affect or impair such covenants, restrictions or other provisions
hereof as to the remaining parts of The Properties and shall not affect or
impair the remaining covenants, restrictions or other provisions hereof or
parts thereof as to all The Properties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have c~used this Declaration to
be executed and delivered as of the
/. ,'t,
_ day of
L<. !......( L( <<. i
19 73.
- 22 -
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of:
BY'~ff;:;..t\'(S..t) ,
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I~l'r fl.c~ ;J(( 'L iu:tt,
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of:
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F~:~'t " ({(iff l c/o'S ,,/ ( (
( ((<:.'i.....-... L_
'+._r/! /' I " -r,
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vice president//
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/j/~/~ / //t~.>:/
..L----!~. ':''''l_r
Assistant seChe~.,
:GJ/ J-T.
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)1 BEFO ME";)"persona}ly appeared ~~&M ...;(. ~tfJ <;;.l,
and /~, l~ tJf", . i'/(iu.'T.. ;(}ff-<., to me .,well known and known to me to be
the ./U :,lee.'? " resident n {t.ur Secretary respectively
of FLORIDA LAND COMPANY and who executed the foregoing instrument and
acknowledged before me that they executed the same on behalf of the
corporation for the purposes therein expressed.
my hand and official seal this ,.:{LJ tz( day of
00 (; /7;
<.~ft{tl-C1' At ' d~.~
Notary Public
, \.'~:-
'., i
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My Commission Expires:
- f r'!"":ln elt taq?9
L I v.,,' ",,;:1 ~+l,'" J'.::j 17, !976
BEFORE ME, personally appeared Bruce Devlin
and Warren E. Williams , to me well known and known to me to be
the Vice President and Assistant Secretary respectively
going instrument and acknowledged before me that they executed the
same on behalf of the corporation for the purposes therein expressed,
"'. WITNESS my hand and official seal this \ i)'\~day of
. ~--":\'\J..\CI.\\l\ , 19 'l) ':<:, "
--< Cl:L\; ~~ ':.~
Notary Public \
- .~ 't,Ll(
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..... / ^' \>),.'
"":. C' ("
;. ~~ ,C.'
, "'. " <;./ .,'
.....:.~...; ....
"\ .~ \ ~
My Commission Expires:
'. .
A tract of land lying in Blocks "c" and liD" of
as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 5, of the Public
Records of Seminole County, Florida; said tract being
more particularly described as follows: Begin at the
Southeast corner of lot 6, Block 16, of North Orlando
Ranches Section 11, as recorded in plat Book 13, Page
23, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida;
said point of beginning also being the Southwest corner
of Lot 18, Block "c" of the aforesaid D. R. MITCHELL'S
corner of Oviedo Farms, as recorded in Plat Book 6,
Page 86, of the 'Public Records of Seminole County,
Florida; thence run Westerly along the North line of
Block 16 of said North Orlando Ranches Section 11,
and the South line of the said Oviedo Farms to an
intersection with the Southwesterly right of way of
State Road 419; thence run Southeasterly along the
Southwesterly right of way of said State Road No. 419,
to an intersection with the Southeasterly right of way
of Edgemon Avenue, according to the plat thereof as
recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 23, of the Public Records
of Seminole County, Florida; thence run Southwesterly
along the southeasterly right of way of Edgemon Avenue
to an intersection with the Northeasterly right of
way of North Third Street as recorded in North Orlando
Fifth Addition, according to the plat thereof as re-
corded in Plat Book 13, Page 78, of the Public Records
of Seminole County, Florida; thence run Northwesterly
on the Northwesterly extension of the Northeasterly
right of way of said North Third Street, across Edgemon
Avenue to an intersection with the Northwesterly
right of way of said Edgemon Avenue; thence run North-
easterly along the Northwesterly right of way of Edgemon
Avenue as recorded in said Plat Book 13, Pages 78
and 23, to the Southerly corner of Lot 17, Block 18
of said North Orlando Ranches Section 11; thence run
Northwesterly along the Southwesterly side of
Block 18 of said North Orlando Ranches Section 11,
to the Southeasterly corner of Block 19 of said North
Orlando Ranches Section 11; thence run Southwesterly
along the Southerly line of said Block 19, to the
Southwest corner of said Block 19; thence run South-
westerly to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 3, of
said North Orlando Fifth Addition, thence run Southerly
and Southwesterly along the West line of Lot 1, Block
3, across North Third Street and along the Westerly
lines of Lots 1 through 13 Block 2, of said North
Page one of seven pages
Orlando Fifth Addition, to the Northeasterly right of
way of North First Street as recorded in North Orlando
First Addition, according to the plat thereof as
recorded in Plat Book 12, Page 24 of the Public Records
of Seminole County, Florida; thence run Southwesterly
across said North First Street, to the Northwest corner
of Lot 1, Block 26, of said North Orlando First
Addition; thence run Southwesterly along the Westerly
lines of Lots 1 through 7, Block 26, of said North
Orlando First Addition, to an intersection with the
North line of Lot 2, Block 28, of North Orlando Eighth
Addition according to the plat thereof as recorded in
Plat Book 14, Page 9 of the Public Records of Seminole
County, Florida; thence run Northwesterly and South-
westerly along the North line of said Block 28, to the
Northwest corner of Lot 6, Block 28; thence run Southerly
along the West side of Block 28 along and across first
Court and along the West side of Block 29 of said North
Orlando Eighth Addition, to the Northerly right of way
of State Road No; 434, also being Longwood-Oviedo Road;
thence run Westerly along the Northerly right of way of
State Road No. 434 to an intersection with the East
line of Lot 56, Block "D" of the aforesaid D. R. MITCHELL'S
SURVEY OF THE MOSES E. LEVY GRANT; thence run Northerly
along the said East line of Lot 56, Block "D", to the
Northeast corner of said Lot 56, Block "D"; thence run
Westerly along the North line of said Lot 56, Block "D"
a distance of 300.00 feet; thence run Southerly parallel
with the East line of said Lot 56, Block "D" to an inter-
section with the Northerly right of way of said State
Road No. 434; thence run Northwesterly, Northeasterly,
Northwesterly, Southwesterly and Northwesterly along
the Northerly right of way of State Road 434, to an
intersection with the East line of Lot 57, Block "D"
E. LEVY GRANT, thence run Northerly along the East line
of said Lot 57, Block "D", to the Northeast corner of
said Lot 57; thence run westerly along the North line
of Lot 57, Block "D" and the South line of Lot 15,
Block "D" of the aforesaid D. R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE
MOSES E. LEVY GRANT, to an intersection with the Northerly
right of way of State Road No. 434; thence run North-
westerly along the Northerly right of way of said State
Road No. 434, to an intersection with the west line of
the aforesaid Lot 15, Block "D", also being the east
line of Lot 16, Block "D"; thence run Northeasterly
along the East line of Lot 16, Block "D", and the east
line of Lot 16, Block "c" to the Northeast corner of
said Lot 16, Block "C", said point also being on the
South line of Lot 21, Block "C"; thence run easterly
along the South line of said Lot 21, Block "c" to the
East line of said Lot 21, Block "C", also being the West
line of North Orlando Ranches Section 13, according to
the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 40,
of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence
run Northerly along the East line of Lots 21 and 24,
Block "c" of the aforesaid D. R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF
THE MOSES E. LEVY GRANT; also being the West lines of
North Orlando Ranches Section 13, as recorded in Plat Book
13, Page 40, and North Orlando Ranches Section 14, as
recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 50 of the Public Records
Page two of seven pages
and including:
of Seminole County, Florida, and the West line of Lot
23, Block "C", of said D. R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE
MOSES E. LEVY GRANT, to an intersection with the North
line of said MOSES E. LEVY GRANT; thence rUn northeasterly
and Southeasterly along the Northerly line of said MOSES
E. LEVY GRANT to the East line of Lot 19, Block "C",
and the West line of the said Oviedo Farms; thence run
Southerly along the West line of said Oviedo Farms and
the East lines of said Lot 19, Block "C", and the North
Orlando Ranches Section 15, according to the plat thereof
as recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 52 of the Public
Records of Seminole County, Florida, the North Orlando
Ranches Section 12, according to the Plat thereof as
recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 25 of the Public Records
of Seminole County, Florida, and the said North Orlando
Ranches Section 11, to the Point of Beginning. All
lying and being in the Village of North Orlando,
Seminole County, Florida, and containing 553.41 acres
more or less.
Page three of seven pages
Lw ,he '0 ll=ing deeo' "OP""'Y'
9 6 9
From the Southwest corner of North Orlando Ranches Section 13, as recorded in Plat Book
13, page 40, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run thence N. 12054'04" E.
along the West line of said North Orlando Ranches Section 13 a distance of 383.37 feet;
thence run S. 77005'56" E. 408.67 feet to the point of beginning; run
thence N. 31025'46" E. 299.28 feet
thence S. 73038' 09" E. 92.85 feet
thence N. 51020'25" E. 128.06 feet
thence N. 88021'48" E. 350.14 feet
thence N. 55050'25" E. 338.38 feet
thence N. 89004'33" E. 310.04 feet
thence S. 49045'49" E. 170.29 feet
thence S. 01019'56" W. 430.12 feet
thence S. 15041'21" E. 706.32 feet
thence S. 23049'27" E. 420.86 feet
thence S. 23037'46" W. 87.32 feet
thence S. 60011'43" W. 593.51 feet
thence S. 31045 '34" W. 246.98 feet
thence S. 15030'18" W. 804.27 feet
thence S. 75044'09" W. 408.74 feet to the point of curvature
of a curve concave Northeasterly, having a radius of 892.98 feet, a central angle of
18005'20" and a tangent bearing of N. 20056'51" W.; run thence Northwesterly along the
arc of said curve 281.92 feet to the point of tangency; run
thence N. $6044'45" E. 177.69 feet
thence N. 13045'39" E. 973.86 feet
thence N. 66056'19" E. 548.86 feet
thence N. 10000'29" E. 172.63 feet
thence N. 26005'08" W. 557.03 feet
thence N. 03000'46" E. 550.47 feet
thence N. 81052'12" W. 212.13 feet
thence S. 37034'07" W. 492.04 feet
thence S. 28016'45" W. 624.44 feet to the point of curvature
of a curve concave Southwesterly, having a radius of 434.78 feet, a central angle of
07043'46", and a tangent bearing of N. 57019'09" W.; run thence Northwesterly along
the arc of said curve 58.65 feet to the point of tangency; run
thence N. 65002'55" W. 72.00 feet
thence N. 60019'39" E. 83.41 feet
thence N. 12029'25" E. 809.15 feet
thence N. 69026'38" W. 85.44 feet
thence S. 66048'05" W. 304.63 feet
thence S. 87048'40" W. 1l0.23 feet to the point of beginning.
LESS (From the Southwest corner of North Orlando Ranches Section 13, as recorded in
Plat Book 13, page 40, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run thence N. 12054'
04" E. along the West line of said North Orlando Ranches Section 13, a distance of 383.37
feet; run thence S. 77005'56" E. 408.67 feet; run thence N. 31025'46" E. 257.86 feet to
the point of beginning; thence continue N. 31025'46" E. 41.42 feet; run
thence S. 73038'09" E. 100.80 feet
thence N. 88021'48" E. 321.67 feet
thence S. 81052'12" E. 542.34 feet
thence N. 08007 '48" E. 257.28 feet
thence N. 65001'44" E. 182.00 feet
thence S. 49045'49" E. 44.06 feet
thence S. 65001 '44" W. 178.81 feet
thence S. 08007'48" W. 275.60 feet
thence N. 81052' 12" W. 578.94 feet
thence S. 88021'48" W. 324.56 feet
thence N. 73038'09" W. 117.91 feet to the point of beginning.)
Containing 35.1452 acres, more or less.
Page four of seven pages
9 6 9 \6 I
And also less:
From the Southwest corner of North Orlando Ranches Section 13, as recorded in Plat
Book 13, page 40, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run thence N. 12054'04"
E. along the West line of said North Orlando Ranches Section 13, a distance of 118.68
feet; thence run S. 89056'10" E. 310.52 feet to a point on a curve concave North-
easterly, having a radius of 596.12 feet, a central angle of 74054'06", and a tangent
bearing of S. 09051'11" W.; run thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve
716.74 feet to the point of beginning; thence continue along the arc of said curve, 62.56
feet to the point of tangency; run thence S. 65002'55" E. 72.00 feet to the point of
curvature of a curve concave Southwesterly, having a radius of 354.78 feet and a
central angle of 05043'37"; run thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve
35.46 feet to the point of tangency; run
thence S. 10029'27" W. 441.65 feet
thence S. 25046'10" W. 161.01 feet
thence S. 62017'11" W. 892.37 feet
thence S. 44005'26" E. 222.77 feet
thence N. 77054'19" E. 214.77 feet
thence S. 81024'59" E. 268.00 feet
thence S. 46032' 53" E. 261.73 feet
thence S. 12005'41" E. 143.18 feet
thence N. 85011'58" E. 144.76 feet to the point of curvature
of a curve concave Northeasterly, having a radius of 972.98 feet, a central angle of
16008'49" and a tangent bearing of ,S. 04048'02" E.; run thence Southeasterly along the
arc of said curve 274.20 feet to the point of reverse curvature concave Westerly,
having a radius of 830.23 feet, a central angle of 07004'14" and a tangent bearing
of S. 20056'51" E.; run thence along the arc of said curve 102.45 feet to the point
of tangency; run thence S. 57038'53" W. 89.70 feet
thence S. 37011'05" W. 364.01 feet
thence S. 40036' 05" E. 92.20 feet
thence S. 32058'lO"W. 220.51 feet
thence S. 01034'10" E. 365.14 feet
thence S. 82040 '26" E. 140.95 feet to the point of curvature of
a curve concave Southeasterly, having a radius of 1545.74 feet, a central angle of
08042'07" and a tangent bearing of S. 13025'31" W.; run thence along the arc of said
curve 234.76 feet to the point of tangency; run
thence S. 87014'54" w. 112.94 feet
thence South 235.00 feet
thence S. 14044'05" W. 360.30 feet to the Northeast corner of
Lot 56, Block "D", D. Ro Mitchell"s Survey of Moses E. Levy Grant, as recorded in Plat
Book 1, page 5, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; run thence N. 89059'34" W.
along the North line of said Lot 56, 300.00 feet; run thence S. 00049'13" E. 179.30
feet to a point on the North right of way line of State Road No. S-434 (Longwood Wagner
Road); run thence the following courses along said North right of way line;
thence N. 82053' 31" W. 220.74 feet
thence N. 07006'29" E. 10.00 feet
thence N. 82053'31" W. 200.06 feet
thence S. 07006'29" W. 10.00 feet
thence N. 82053'31" W. 286.90 feet to a point on the East line
of Lot 57, Block "D" of said D. R. Mitchell's Survey of the Moses E. Levy Grant; thence
leaving said road right of way line, run N. 00049'13" W. along the East line of said
Lot 57, 91.80 feet to the Northeast corner of the aforesaid Lot 57; run thence N.
89059'34" W. along the North line of said Lot 57 a distance of 735.75 feet to a point
on the aforesaid North right of way line of State Road No. S-434; run thence N. 82053'31"
W. along said North right of way line 614.65 feet to a point on the West line of Lot 15,
Block "D", said D. R. Mitchell's Survey of Moses E. Levy Grant; thence leaving said
North right of way line of State Road No. S-434; run thence N. 11049'30" E. along the
aforesaid West line of Lot 15, 1976.51 feet; run thence N. 86053'33" E. 669.49 feet
to a point on the East line of a 175 foot wide Florida Corporation Easement, as recorded
in O. R. Book 353, page 51, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run thence N.
03006'27" W. along the East line of said easement, 2056.41 feet; run
Page five of seven pages
and also less:
9.& 0762
308;\. . :~'t.G~
thence S. 89056'10" E. 975.99 feet
thence S. 00027'30" W. 365.97 feet
thence S. 21030'43" E. 261.09 feet
thence S. 39024'55" W. 389.75 feet
thence S. 25010'25" W. 200.00 feet
thence S. 30057'50" E. 116.62 feet
thence N. 83017'25" E. 171.17 feet
thence N. 450 E. 438.41 feet
thence N. 23011'55" E. 304.63 feet
thence N. 38017'22" E. 223.59 feet to the point of beginning.
LESS (From the Southwest corner of North Orlando Ranches Section 13, as recorded in plat
Book 13, page 40, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; run thence along a projection
on the West line of said North Orlando Ranches Section 13, S. 12054'04" W. 147.05 feet;
thence West 188.07 feet to the point of beginning, run
thence S. 01047'24" E. 160.08 feet
thence S. 48056'43" E. 205.55 feet
thence S. 30027'56"W. 98.62 feet
thence N. 77054'19" W. 71.59 feet
thence S. 13045'39" W. 252.24 feet
thence S. 41059'14" E. 67.27 feet
thence S. 13037'37" W. 339.56 feet
thence S. 48021'59" W. 60.21 feet
thence S. 29044'42" W. 80.62 feet
thence S. 08044'46" W. 65.76 feet
thence S. 20033'22"W. 85.44 feet
thence S. 06042'35"W. 85.59 feet
thence S. 69026'38" E. 42.72 feet
thence N. 40014'11" E. 170.29 feet
thence N. 13014'26" E. 87.32 feet
thence N. 66002'15" E. 49.24 feet
thence S. 29021'28" E. 91.79 feet
thence N. 85014'11" E. 120.42 feet
thence S. 18026'06" E. 31.62 feet
thence S. 49045'49" W. 340.59 feet
thence N. 67022'48" W. 65.00 feet
thence S. 50011'40" W. 117.15 feet
thence S. 23011'55" W. 76.16 feet
thence S. 33041'24" W. 72.11 feet
thence S. 15056'43" W. 72.80 feet
thence S. 33041'24" E. 108.17 feet
thence South 30.00 feet
thence S. 450 E. 28.28 feet
thence N. 51020'25" E. 64.03 feet
thence East 60.00 feet
thence S. 21048'05" E. 53.85 feet
thence N. 84017'22" E. 100.50 feet
thence S. 21048 '05" E. 107.70 feet
thence S. 71033'54" E. 94.87 feet
thence N. 56018'36" E. 144.22 feet
thence N. 24046'31" E. 71.59 feet
thence N. 37034'07" W. 82.01 feet
thence N. 38039'35" E. 96.05 feet
thence S. 40036'05" E. 184.39 feet
thence N. 88034'04" E. 200.06 feet
thence S. 56030'17" E. 407.71 feet
thence S. 02023'09" E. 240.21 feet
thence S. 68044'58" E. 96.57 feet
thence S. 37011'05" W. 364.01 feet
thence S. 63026'06" W. 134.16 feet
thence N. 33041'30"W. 126.19 feet
thence N. 54043'39" W. 251.10 feet
thence N. 39048'20" W. 195.26 feet
thence N. 15015'18" W. 114.02 feet
Page six of seven pages
Page seven of seven pages
APARTMENT SITE NO. FOUR: From the Southwest corner of North Orlando Ranches Section 13,
as recorded in Plat Book 13, page 40, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run
thence N. 12054'04" E. along the West line of said North Orlando Ranches Section 13, a
distance of 383.37 feet; thence run S. 77005'56" E. 408.67 feet to the point of curvature
of a curve concave Northeasterly, having a radius of 516.12 feet, a tangent of 578.04
feet, a central angle of 96028'41" and a tangent bearing of S. 31025'46" W.; run thence
Southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 869.07 feet to the point of tangency;
run thence S. 65002'55" E. 72.00 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave
Southwesterly, having a radius of 434.78 feet and a central angle of 25028'44"; run
thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve 193.34 feet to the point of beginning;
run thence N. 41030'00" E. 503.23 feet; run thence S. 72038'21" E. 468.18 feet;
run thence S. 26005'08" E. 321.00 feet; run thence S. 10000'29" W. 172.63 feet;
run thence S. 66056'19" W. 548.86 feet; run thence S. 13045'39" W. 973.86 feet;
run thence S. 86044'45" W. 177.69 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave
Easterly having a radius of 892.98 feet, a central angle of 22014'35" and a tangent bearing
of N. 02051'31" W.; run thence Northerly along the arc of said curve 346.67 feet to the
point of tangency; run thence N. 19023'04" E. 302.26 feet to the point of curvature of
a curve concave Westerly having a radius of 806.13 feet and a central angle of 56000'18";
run thence Northerly along the arc of said curve 787.97 feet to the point of a compound
curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 434.78 feet and a central angle of 02056'57";
run thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 22.38 feet to the point
of beginning. All of the above described being in Seminole County, Florida, containing
15.8040 acres, more or less.
APARTMENT SITE NO. FIVE: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 56, Block "D", D. R.
Mitchell's Survey of Levy Grant, as recorded in Plat Book 1, page 5, Public Records of
Seminole County, Florida, run thence S. 0049'13" E. along the East side of said Lot 56
a distance of 210.36 feet to a point on a curve on the Northerly right-of-way line of
State Road No. S-434, concave Northerly, with a tangent bearing of S. 86041'21" E., a
tangent of 42.72 feet, a radius of 2870.65 feet and a central angle of 1042'19"; run thence
Easterly along the arc of said curve and said right-of-way line a distance of 85.44 feet
to the point of tangencz; run thence S. 88023'40" E. 91.24 feet; thence leaving said
right-of-way line N. 01 36'20" E. 721.75 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave
Easterly with a radius of 1545.74 feet, a central angle of 3007'04", and a tangent of
42.07 feet; run thence Northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 84.11 feet to
the point of tangency; thence S. 87014'54" W. 112.94 feet; run thenceSouth 235.00 feet;
thence S. 14044'05" W. 360.30 feet to the point of beginning, containing 2.6320 :l:. acres.
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