HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 07 14 Public Hearing 501 Ordinance 2010-20 Amending the Comprehensive Plan related to GreeneWay Interchange District (GID)LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY AGENDA
ITEM 501
July 14, 2010
Public Hearing
REQUEST: The Community Development Department — Planning Division requests that the
Local Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing for consideration of Ordinance 2010 -20,
amending the Comprehensive Plan related to the Greeneway Interchange District (GID).
SYNOPSIS: Several amendments to the Greeneway Interchange District (GID) are needed to
better implement the goals of SeminoleWay and the East Central Florida Regional Planning
Council (ECFRPC).
As provided by law, the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Winter Springs can be amended only
in accordance with 163.3187(1). This request is being considered as part of the City's spring
submittal cycle.
Florida Statute 163.3174 (4) The Local Planning Agency shall have the general responsibility for the
conduct of the comprehensive planning program. Specifically, the Local Planning Agency shall:
(a) Be the agency responsible for the preparation of the comprehensive plan or plan amendment and shall
make recommendations to the governing body regarding the adoption or amendment of such plan...
(b) Monitor and oversee the effectiveness and status of the comprehensive plan and recommend to the
governing body such changes in the comprehensive plan as may from time to time be required...
Florida Statute 163.3177 Required and optional elements of the comprehensive plan; studies and surveys.
Florida Statute 163.3187 Amendment of adopted comprehensive plan.
Florida Statute 166.041 Procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions.
Winter Springs Charter Section 4.15 Ordinances in General.
Winter Springs Article III. Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Section 15 -30. Authority, purpose and intent,
Sec. 15 -35. Review procedure.
Section 15 -36. Review criteria,
Section 15 -37. Local Planning Agency Review and Recommendation:
Prior to the City Commission's consideration of the application, the Local Planning Agency shall consider
the application(s) at a Public Hearing, along with the staff review board's recommendation, and
recommend that the City Commission approve, approve with modifications (text only), or deny the
application for transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. At a minimum, the Local Planning
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Agency shall consider the same factors considered by the staff review board. The LPA shall hold at least
one (1) public hearing prior to making its recommendation to the City Commission.
This text amendment is being proposed as a direct result of discussions planning staff has had
with the ECFRPC and the primary property owner within the GID. Increasingly, mixed use
development is being encouraged to have a strong jobs to housing mix to reduce demand on
transportation systems by capturing trips on -site and increasing 24/7 activity within the
As a result of the EAR -Based Amendments adopted by the City on September 28, 2009, the text
of the GID was amended so that stand -alone housing was no longer permitted. It was not the
intent to eliminate residential use from the GID, but rather to maximize the area for target
industry use. Therefore, residential use was allowed to continue on a limited basis, as no more
than 25% of any one mixed -use building, and only as a conditional use.
Previous to the 2009 EAR -Based Amendments, stand alone residential was allowed as a
conditional use on a limited basis and only after a certain percentage of the area was developed
in other uses.
Future Land Use Policy 3.2.2
Through the adoption of land development regulations, medium to high density
residential uses may be added by the City Commission as conditional uses, but
shall not be required. If added and approved during the development review
process, medium to high density residential uses shall be incidental to existing
Greeneway Interchange uses set forth in Policy 3.2.1. Medium to high density
residential uses shall not be permitted within the Greeneway Interchange area
until such time as at least thirty percent (30 %) of the developable Greeneway
Interchange land has been developed with the uses set forth in Policy 3.2.1.
Medium to high density residential uses shall not occupy more than twenty -five
percent (25 %) of the developable land designated Greeneway Interchange.
Further review of urban environments, illustrate that mixed use structures which incorporate
housing often include as much as 75% of the mix, in residential. In order to allow greater
flexibility in the implementation of the goal and objectives of the GID, staff is proposing that
Future Land Use policy 3.2.2 be amended. However, any residential use within the district
would still require it to be permitted as a conditional use, prior to site plan approval.
However, the primary consideration is the intent of the district. Amending the percentage within
any one building could potentially undermine the floor area exclusively developed to attract the
identified target industries. Therefore, additional language limiting when and how much
residential square footage should also be included.
The proposed revised policy:
Policy 3.2.2 Residential Use Limitations. Prohibit residential except as a
conditional use, incidental to other GID uses set forth in Policy 3.2.1_
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Residential uses shall be
than ° vertically integrated, into mixed use structure and
shall not occupy more than seventy -five percent 75 %) of any one
structure Proposed residential uses that occupy more than twenty -five
percent (25 %) of any one building must be incidental residential uses
associated with a primary non - residential use. Additionally, residential
uses shall not occupy more than twenty -five percent 25 %) of the total
floor area of development (parking garages excluded in the calculation).
Demographics for the GID indicate a current estimated 1,399 households within one mile. Two
hundred fifty -two of these units are apartments located immediately adjacent to the south (south
side of SR 434). Vacant property immediately adjacent on the west (having a Mixed Use FLUM
designation) could add as many as 360 more units. Limiting residential within the GID to no
more than 25% of the total floor area of development potentially would still allow as many as
1500 -1800 residential units to be built.
Further review of urban environments indicates the need for ancillary structures that may not
meet the two story minimum requirement. Therefore the following policy is also revised to
allow greater flexibility in the development of the district, while maintaining the intent:
Future Land Use Policy 3.2.4 Intensity and Building Height. Encourage higher
intensity development in the GID by requiring buildings to include at least two
(2) stories of occupiable space (as defined in Florida Building Code, Chapter 2)
and allowing a FAR up to 1.0. Development bonuses allowing a higher FAR, may
be granted based on the criteria described in Future Land Use Element, Policy
3.2.5. Ancillary buildings may be excluded from the two story minimum, by
action of the City Commission.
(1) Whether the proposed amendment will have a favorable or unfavorable effect on the city's
budget, or the economy of the city or the region;
The amendment enhances the orderly and balanced economic and fiscal development of the City.
(2) Whether the proposed amendment will diminish the level of service (LOS) of public
The amendment will not diminish the LOS of public facilities.
(3) Whether there will be a favorable or unfavorable impact on the environment or the natural or
historical resources of the city or the region as a result of the proposed amendment;
The amendment enhances the orderly and balanced social, physical and environmentally
responsible development of the City;
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(4) Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the
state comprehensive plan set forth in Chapter 187, Florida Statutes, and the East Central Florida
Regional Policy Plan, adopted by Rule 291 19.001, Florida Administrative Code;
The proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the State
Comprehensive Plan set forth in Chapter 187, F. S. and the (1998) East Central Florida Regional
Policy Plan, adopted by Rule 291 21.001, Florida Administrative Code as well as the Draft East
Central Florida 2060 Strategic Policy Plan currently under review.
(5) Whether the City is able to provide adequate service from public facilities to the affected
property, if the amendment is granted, and whether the amendment will promote the
cost/effective use of or unduly burden public facilities;
The amendment provides the cost/effective use and expansion of public facilities.
(6) Whether the amendment is compatible with surrounding neighborhoods and land use;
The amendment will not reduce the compatibility of the GID with surrounding neighborhoods
and land use.
(7) Whether approval of the amendment will cause the comprehensive plan to be internally
Internal consistency within the Comprehensive Plan is maintained.
(8) Whether the proposed amendment will promote or adversely affect the public health, safety,
welfare, economic order, or aesthetics of the city or region; and
The amendment promotes the public health, safety, welfare, economic order, and aesthetics of
the City.
(9) The contents of any Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) prepared pursuant to 163.3191,
Florida Statutes.
As part of the City's 2008 Evaluation and Appraisal Report process, it was recognized that the
City should amend the GID to allow residential only as a part of a vertically mixed use structure.
This amendment furthers that objective by recognizing that a higher percentage of residential
within the vertical mix would allow additional flexibility within the GID.
The proposed amendment will be included in the City's bi- annual Comprehensive Plan
amendment cycles. Both a Transmittal Hearing and Adoption Hearing are required prior to
issuance of a Notice of Intent by the State Department of Community Affairs
The amendment is not expected to have any negative fiscal impact.
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Local Planning Agency Agenda Items are posted in City Hall and posted on City's Website
July 4, 2010- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel of LPA Public Hearing
July 14, 2010- LPA Public Hearing to consider the amendment and make recommendation to the
City Commission
Tentative Implementation Schedule:
July 15, 2010- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel of Public Hearing
July 26,2010- First Reading of Ordinance transmitting the proposed Comprehensive Plan
July 29, 2010- Transmittal to Dept of Community Affairs and other agencies
Sept 29, 2010- Receipt of ORC Report from the State Dept. of Community Affairs
Oct 25, 2010- Anticipated Adoption Hearing for Ordinance 2010 -18
Staff requests that the Local Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing to consider the amendment
and make a favorable recommendation to the City Commission for Ordinance 2010 -20,
amending the Future Lane Use Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan related to the
Greeneway Interchange District (GID).
A- Noticing in Orlando Sentinel on July 4, 2010
B- Draft excerpts from Ordinance 2010 -20
D2 Orlando Sentinel SUNDAY, JULY 4, 2010
*N4, L
Hubbard Construction Company invites ail
minorities certified with FDOT, City
of Orlando or Orange County to bid the
following Orlando- Orange County Expressway
Authority Project cn July O, 2010:
SR 4171 SR. 406 ti tarns interchange Modiffca-
t €ans Project No. 253E -Ef
Work consists of hauling, bore & jack,
dewatering, erosion control, clear &
grubbing, earthwork, base & paving,
storm drainage, concrete fiatwork,
grassing, signs, pavement markings,
bridge work signatization, fencing,
concrete curb and gutter and guard -
Plans and special provisions are avail-
able for review at our office, Please
submit Your proposal in written form
by Wednesday Jultr 7th to 1936 Lee Road,
Winter Park, F 32709, Phone: 407-
6455500, Pox: 407 - 623 -3865 or e-mail to
esti mail ng0hubbord.cam. Direct elf
inquiries to the Estimating Depart-
ment. Any stibconlractors that have
special needs with banding or insur-
ance please call,
COR1075098 72, 713, 7142010
Clancy & Theys Construction Campq%
is soliciting subcontractor bidders and
supplier proposals for the construction
of the V -548 A &B Landstde A Levels 283 Rate -
hilhation at the Orlando InternaUenal Airport
Projects consists of various upgrades
to existing Landside airline ticket and
baggage off - ice spaces. Upgrades in.
clude revisions to the favout, upgrades
of finishes, modification and addition
of casework, modifications'to HVAC,
Plumbing, fire protection, security,
and IT systems.
Proposals will be due by mail or fax
Of Clancy & Theys Construction Cam-
f ony, 7306 Greenbrier Parkway, Or-
do, FL 32819, on or before July 21,
2010 at 2:00 PM, Please send all pro-
posals Attn. Jim Callen, 'imc ®ctorlon-
do.com, Fox #407. 578 -1w. No bids will
be accepted after the time and date
The work shall be constructed in ac-
COrdonce with Drawings and Specifica-
lions available for Inspection at Clan-
cy & Theys Construction Company,
our FTP site, and The Centro? Florida
Builder's Exchange (407) 629.2411
Please contact Michelle Whitehead ai
mlchellewgctorlando.com for FTP
website Information.
All bids must be firm bids for a period
Of sixty (60) days after the time set
for opening bids. Clancy & Theys Con-
struction and the Osceola County
School District reserves the right tp -
waive any informality and to re "ect
any or all bids. All proposals must be
submitted on standard company letter -
head and clearly idontify the project
lion Co. encouragas
ness Enterprise Lids
rite VI at the Civil
lets will he afforded '
bids in response to
of be discriminated
race, color, religion;
i consideration for
who need infonva-
n€s, specs and con-
ch to provide a - sub
for pgojectt,, should
id at 447.0 -1614 or
Any technical qquas-
i or s sedteetians
I at 47.513 -1510 or
COR1075542 714,7A1/2010
For a complete listing of
current active formal sosici-
tations and addenda for the
City of Winter Park, ON in-
terested parties should visit
our Web site at http:!j
purchasing. It is the sole re-
n) (we are) engaged ,
7 N. Forsyth Rd. Or-
(parties) interested
enterprise is as fok
e, Inc,
lo orange County,
CORIG75922 7/4(2
Notice is hereby given that the c
7l) (we ore) engaged
7 flak Ridge Road
{parties) interested
enterprise is as fol-
teal Park Associates
l0, Orange County,
CORIO75923 7472030
Notice is hereby given that the t
3n Ave„
I ousiness enterprise is as fol
Diversifies, L.LC
i r,lncu,, fa / it In r .
There may be occasions when staff or
other individuals may participate by
speaker telephone.
Any person requiring special accom-
modations at this meeting because of
a disability or physical impairment
should contact the District Office at
(467) 566 -1935 at least forty -eight (48)
hours prior to the meeting. a you ore
hearing or speech impaired, please
contact the Florida Relay Service at t-
600 -955 -6770, for aid in contacting the
District Office.
Each person who decides to appeal
any decision made by the Board with
respect to any matter considered of
the public hearing or meeting is ad•
vtsed that person will need a record of
proceedings and that accordingly, the
Person may need to ensure that a ver.
batim record of the proceedings is
made, including -the testimony and evi-
dence upon•wh€ch such appeal is to be
GOYy L. Moyer
District Manager
OSCIO70701 6/27, 7/4/10
The School Board of Orange County,
Florida, will hold a public hearing on
proposed changes to the fwfowing
school board policies on July 20, 2010
at 4:00 p.m. at the Educational Lead-
ership Center located at 445 West
Amelia Street, Orlando; Florida, 32801.
The proposed hoard policy revisions
may be viewed at http: //www.revised•
pollcfes.ocps.net. Cdples may be ob-
tained at the Educational Leadership
Center between the hours of 7:30 a.m.
and 4 p.m. in the Pubfic in €orma.
tion Office.
Written comments may be submitted
within 21 days of the date of this notice
to Krista Russell, Labor Relations,
ELC-9, 445 West Amelia Street, Orlan-
do, FL 32601. Substantially affected
of s
thisnotce within 4
objection to date
rulemaking with the School Board.
The objection shall specify the Portions
of the proposed rule to which the per- .
son Objects and the specific reasons
for the objections.
File JFABB: Foreign Exchange Students
Purpose and EUect:Thfs policy Is amended
to require any foreign exchange stu.
dent program to be approved by the
US Department of State and an the
C81ET (Council in Standards for Inter -
natione, Educational Travel) Advisory
List of Educational Travel & Ex-
change Programs and to require en-
roilment in certain courses.
ORDINANCE NO. 2010 -20
ucv€ mye. €r ruu oec€ae TO appeal any
recammenciatlon /decision made by the
Lace! Planning Agency with respeL #to
any matter considered at this meeting,
YOU will need a record of the proceed
tugs, and for such purposes you may
need 10 ensure that a verbati record
of the Proceedings is made upon n which
the appeal is 1)ased. Interested parties
are advised that they may appear at
the meeting and be heard with respect
to The proposed ordinances, .
CSE1075995 7!412010
Any person requiring special aCCam-
modations of this meeting because of
a disability or phyMcaI impairment
should contact the District Office at
(407) S92 -3256 at least five calendar
days prior To the meeting.
Each person who decided to appeal
any action taken at these meetings is
advised that person will need a record
of the proceedings and that according-
ly, the person may need to ensure that
a verbatim record of the proceedings
is made, including the testimony and
evidence upon which such appeal is to
be based.
- Joe Ma l-aren
District Manager
COR1076025 7/4!2010
The Construction Committee of the
Boggy Cr ek, Greeneway, and Myrtiel
Creek improvement Districts will be
meeting of the office of Donald W.
McIntosh Associates, Inc. 2200 Park
Avenue North, Winter Fie& FL 32769
July 8, 2010
July 22, 2010
August 5, 2010
August 19, 2010
September 2, 2010
September 16, 2010
September 30, 2010
There may be occasions when one or
more Supervisors will Partldpate by
- telephone. At the above location there
will be present a speaker telephane so
that any interested Person con attend
the meeting at the above location and
be fully Informed of the discussions
taking place either in person or by .
telephone communication.
Any Person requiring special accom-
modations at this meeting because of
a disability or physical impairment
Should contact the District Office at
(407) 382 -3256 at feast five calendar
days prior to the meeting.
Each person who decided to appeal
any action taken at these meetings is
advised that person will need a record
of the Proceedings and that according-
ly, the person may need to ensure that
a verbatim record of the Proceedings
is made, including the testimony and
evidence upon which such appeal Is to
COR1074315 6724 - 7712010
ORDINANCE NO. 2010 -20
Future Land Use Element (related to Goal 3: Greeneway Interchange
Policy 3.2.2 Residential Use Limitations. Prohibit residential except as a
conditional use, incidental to other GID uses set forth in Policy 3.2.1_
Residential uses shall be
than 2509/6 o f any n vertically integrated, into mixed use structure and
shall not occupy more than seventy -five percent 75 %) of any one
structure Proposed residential uses that occupy more than twenty -five
percent 25 %) of any one building must be incidental residential uses
associated with a primary non - residential use. Additionally, residential
uses shall not occupy more than twenty -five percent 25 %) of the total
floor area of development (parking garages excluded in the calculation).
Policy 3.2.4 Intensity and Building Height. Encourage higher intensity
development in the GID by requiring buildings to include at least two (2)
stories of occupiable space (as defined in Florida Building Code, Chapter
2) and allowing a FAR up to 1.0. Development bonuses allowing a higher
FAR, may be granted based on the criteria described in Future Land Use
Element, Policy 3.2.5. Ancillary buildings may be excluded from the two
story minimum, by action of the City Commission.