HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 06 14 Regular 605 Review Information Regarding The City Manager's Annual Performance Evaluation COMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 605 Informational
Public Hearing
Regular X
June 14, 2010 MGR. /DEPT.
Regular Meeting Authorization
REQUEST: City Manager requesting the Commission to review information regarding the City
Manager's annual performance evaluation and the proposed new City Manager Performance
Evaluation Form, for the evaluation period ending May 25, 2010.
SYNOPSIS: Consistent with appropriate /best practices, the City Manager's performance should be
evaluated by the Commission annually. The current City Manager was appointed on May 26, 2009.
Thus, information regarding and recommendations for proceeding with evaluation of the Manager's
performance for the annual period ending May 25, 2010 is provided herein for the Commission's
It is my belief that we have made enormous positive strides as a City and a team over the past year. We
have balanced an incredibly challenging budget, implemented a new Strategic Plan, fostered teamwork
amongst our staff, improved operational efficiencies, enhanced customer service, improved transparency
in the operations of City government, and implemented significant improvements in communication
with our citizens. I am proud to have been afforded and trusted with the opportunity to work with the
Mayor & Commission and to lead our talented staff in facilitating these improvements and
implementing the policy directives of the Commission.
Below please find a summary of some of our activities and accomplishments over the past year for your
Summary of Accomplishments
• Balanced a $1.7 million General Fund shortfall in the City's FY 2010 Budget, without increasing
the millage rate, utilizing reserves for operating purposes, or reducing services currently
provided to our citizens.
• Facilitated implementation of new Community and Business Visioning Workshops, and related
Commission Goal- Setting Workshop.
• Prepared a new three year Strategic Plan (FY 2010 — 2012), approved by the Commission on
October 26, 2009.
• Created the "Winter Springs Checkbook" aimed at increased financial transparency with citizens.
• Produced a new Quarterly Financial Report for regular distribution to Commission and on
website for citizens.
• Facilitated implementation of a 2010 Charter Review pursuant to Commission directive.
• Created new Agenda Format (in an effort to improve this process and increase transparency) to
include "Communications Section" and enhanced "Fiscal Impact" Section.
• Re- engineered the Agenda dissemination process (to Commission) resulting in more timely
dissemination of Commission Agendas.
• Facilitated hiring of a City Financial Advisor (Steven Alexander -PFM Asset Management, LLC)
• Revised City Investment Policy in conjunction with City Financial Advisor (PFM).
• Handled duties and responsibilities of General Services Director and Finance Director while
these positions were vacant during the transition period.
• Hired a new Finance & Administrative Services Director.
• (City) Received GFOA Distinguished Budget Award and Certificate of Achievement for
Excellence in Financial Reporting.
• Facilitated Forensic Evaluation/Audit of City's Finances through hiring of Independent Forensic
Auditing Firm.
• Facilitated hiring of new City Actuarial Firm (Pension).
• Initiated a review /study of the City's Pension Plan.
• Facilitated hiring of a new City Economic Development Consultant.
• Implemented improvements in the City's Economic Development efforts.
• Facilitated implementation of Phase I of new City Economic Development Incentives.
• Facilitated hiring of a new Assessment Program Consultant (formerly GSG, Inc.) for TLBD and
Oak Forest Assessment Districts at a cost savings and service level improvement.
• Facilitated hiring of a new Building Inspection Services firm at a cost savings.
• Facilitated procurement of approx. $500,000 in 17 -92 CRA funds for Shepard Road Streetscape
Project in West side of Winter Springs.
• Facilitated procurement of a new City Health Insurance Program at no cost increase to the City
or employees.
• Implemented new City Safety Committee aimed at empowering employees and reducing
Insurance costs.
• Facilitated, along with our team and volunteers, presentation of a City 4 of July Event at an
approx. $100K cost savings over the previous event(s), without reduction in the quality of the
• Reduced Outstanding Debt on Senior Center Loan.
• Began process of evaluating and improving Utility Billing /Customer Service procedures
including revision of the Utility Bill to a more user friendly format and the creation of a new
"Leak Adjustment Policy."
• Facilitated development of an Agreement with Winter Springs Senior Association pursuant to
Commission directive.
• Installed new City Electronic Message Board at City Hall pursuant to Commission directive.
• Created new "Did You Know" brochure for citizens pursuant to Commission directive.
• Created new information packet for new citizens /customers.
• Implemented new "Winter Springs Connection" podcasts to enhance communication with
• Implemented a new "City Booth" at City special events to disseminate City information to event
attendees and improve overall communication with citizens.
• Facilitated new electronic City Newsletter with enhanced functionality and cost savings.
• Facilitated redesign of City Website to include enhanced functionality and aesthetics.
• Facilitated new option (eBay) for disposal of "surplus" City assets pursuant to Commission
• Implemented Phase I of new City Mast Arm /Pole Banner Program.
• Facilitated a review of current City Advisory Boards for evaluation and determination of on-
going viability pursuant to Commission directive.
Strategic Plan
In addition to the aforementioned accomplishments, I also believe we have made great strides towards
implementing a new paradigm in the operations of City government and the delivery of City services.
This is evidenced by the adoption of our new Strategic Plan and its inherent basic values:
1. Transparency
2. Customer Service
3. Fiscal Responsibility
4. Excellence
5. Teamwork
We have worked diligently to implement and adhere to these values and have received many positive
comments from our citizens regarding our progress. Additionally, staff continues to pursue the
Commission - adopted goals incorporated in our Strategic Plan and to implement the strategies associated
with achieving those goals. While the plan is to officially review the status /progress of our Strategic
Plan in October 2010 (one -year from implementation), an interim status report on our progress is
attached herein to aid the Commission in its current review of the Manager's performance.
Proposed Evaluation Form
Although, to my knowledge, this type of process has not been utilized in the past, it is my
recommendation that the Commission implement a measurable and quantifiable Evaluation and Scoring
Process (i.e., an Evaluation Form) for its utilization in evaluating the annual performance of the City
Manager. In this regard, I have prepared an Evaluation Form for the Commission's consideration
(attached). Please be advised that I have taken a "straight- line" approach in weighting the scoring. My
thought is that all rating areas are important and if not, should not be included. I would respectfully
request that you review this Evaluation Form and provide any input, additions, changes you deem
necessary. Of course, if the Commission desires to utilize a different type of evaluation instrument, I
will be happy to implement such as the Commission sees fit.
If the Commission agrees with utilization of this evaluation process, and the associated proposed
Evaluation Form provided herein, I would respectfully request that the Commission utilize the
performance information and data provided in this agenda item (as well as any and all additional
information the Commission deems appropriate) and complete the City Manager's Performance
Evaluation Form in preparation for further consideration and action at the June 28, 2010 Commission
Due to budget constraints, City employees were not given merit increases and no funds are allocated for
this purpose in FY 2010.
No additional Communication Efforts are needed at this time. The Commission may wish to consider
additional efforts to notify citizens of the (recommended) June 28, 2010 evaluation of the City
Manager's performance and welcome them to provide input in this matter.
The City Manager recommends that the City Commission review the proposed evaluation/performance
metrics (form provided herein) and determine if it is acceptable for utilization. If so, the City Manager
requests the Commission utilize the information provided in this agenda item (as well as any other
data/information it deems appropriate) and complete the City Manager Performance Evaluation Form
over the next 2 weeks. The City Manager will then agenda this item for action at the June 28, 2010
Commission meeting (If the Commission feels it needs more time to evaluate or complete the form, we
can move the "action date" to a later date).
• A - Proposed City Manager Performance Evaluation Form
• B - Strategic Plan Interim Update — as of 6/14/10
Attachment A:
Proposed City Manager Performance Evaluation Form
0 SA S
City of Winter Springs
itik Fr City Manager Performance Evaluation Form
Incorpo1959 (Rev. 6/8/10)
This evaluation form provides eight (1 - VIII) rating categories for assessment of the Manager's
performance for the applicable review period with an associated rating scale to be tabulated
utilizing a straight -line weighting approach.
Kevin L. Smith
City Manager Mayor /Commissioner
May 26, 2009 - May 25, 2010
Evaluation Period Date
Evaluation Scale
4 Outstanding Exemplary performance far exceeding performance criteria.
3 Exceeds Expectations Performance which exceeds the level normally expected.
2 Meets Expectations Generally meets expectations on performance criteria.
1 Below Expectations Performance falling short of that normally expected.
0 Unsatisfactory Unacceptable performance that must receive immediate attention.
Rating Categories
I. Relationship with Mayor & City Commission Rating
A. Effectively communicates with Mayor & Commissioners
B. Promptly and effectively responds to Mayor /Commission requests
C. Effectively carries out Commission decisions /directives
Keeps Mayor /Commissioners informed of current issues and remains
D. accessible
E. Provides timely agendas pursuant with Commission Policy
F. Provides organized and clear agendas
Overall Category Rating (sum o f A -F / 6)
City of Winter Springs • City Manager Performance Evaluation Form Page 1
II. Strategic Planning and Organizational Management Rating
Works with the Commission in developing the City's long and short term
A. goals and objectives (e.g., Strategic Plan)
Effectively implements, monitors, and carries out the Commission's
B. Strategic Plan
Effectively implements, monitors, and carries out other Policies and
C. programs of the Commission
Demonstrates the ability to anticipate the needs of the City and recommends
D. effective options to appropriately respond to those needs
Overall Category Rating (sum of A -D / 4)
III. Budgeting and Fiscal Management Rating
Presents a well - documented, organized and timely annual Budget which
A. represents /meets the goals of the Commission
B. Effectively manages the City's operations within Budget
C. Demonstrates fiscal responsibility
D. Maintains transparency in fiscal operations of the City
E. Makes sound recommendations related to the fiscal needs of the City
F. Provides timely and clear financial reporting
G. Effectively utilizes Financial Consultants as /when warranted
Overall Category Rating (sum of A -G / 7)
City of Winter Springs • City Manager Performance Evaluation Form Page 2
IV. Communication Rating
A. Demonstrates effective oral and written communication skills
B. Demonstrates effective listening skills
C. Communicates clearly with other City Charter Officers
D. Communicates clearly with Department Heads
E. Communicates clearly with Employees
Overall Category Rating (sum of A -E / 5)
V. Community Relations Rating
Elicits an overall positive attitude and perception of his /her performance
A. from the community
B. Maintains positive relations with community groups and organizations
C. Attends community and other related functions
Promotes City through attendance and speaking engagements at civic
D. meetings, etc.
E. Properly and effectively handles complaints from citizens
F. Communicates clearly and cooperatively with the general public
G. Provides open and effective opportunities for communications from citizens
H. Maintains constructive relations with the Press
Overall Category Rating (sum ofA -H /8)
City of Winter Springs • City Manager Performance Evaluation Form Page 3
VI. Decision Making and Program Development Rating
Makes decisions in a timely manner that are well thought out and in the best
A. interest of the City
B. Handles difficult situations in a professional and proactive manner
Understands City ordinances and state laws pertaining to municipal
C. operations
D. Effectively implements and enforces City Policies and Procedures
Takes initiative to develop new programs to meet the problems and
E. challenges facing city government
Reviews procedures and programs from time to time to improve
F. effectiveness and efficiency
Recommends /makes improvements /changes in procedures or programs when
G. changes would enhance City operations and /or public service
H. Accepts responsibility for outcomes
Overall Category Rating (sum ofA -H /8)
VII. Management of Employees Rating
A. Fosters a commitment to provide a high level of service to our citizens
B. Fosters a positive work environment amongst Dept. Heads and employees
C. Effectively supervises subordinates
D. Demonstrates awareness of the operations within all Departments
E. Recruits and retains quality personnel
F. Sets an atmosphere of fairness and equal treatment to employees
G. Is accessible and remains visible to employees
H. Encourages the development of employees
Overall Category Rating (sum ofA -H /8)
City of Winter Springs • City Manager Performance Evaluation Form Page 4
VIII. Professional and Leadership Skills Rating
Represents the City and its Elected Officials in a positive and professional
A. manner
Exhibits a management style that compliments the effective operations of the
B. City
C. Demonstrates a high degree of integrity
Demonstrates courtesy, tact and skill in dealing with sensitive matters and
D. dealing with others
E. Takes a hands -on approach when warranted
F. Communicates clearly with Intergovernmental Agencies
G. Displays ability to effectively handle crises
H. Accepts constructive criticism
I. Maintains an overall personable and warm attitude
Overall Category Rating (sum of A -1 / 9)
A. What do you consider to be the City Manager's strengths and greatest accomplishments
over the past year?
B. What areas would you like to see the City Manager improve upon?
City of Winter Springs • City Manager Performance Evaluation Form Page 5
Evaluation Summary Rating
I. Relationship with Mayor & City Commission
II. Strategic Planning and Organizational Management
III. Budgeting and Fiscal Management
IV. Communication
V. Community Relations
VI. Decision Making and Program Development
VII. Management of Employees
VIII. Professional and Leadership Skills
Overall Rating (sum of I -VIII / 8)
Signature of Mayor /Commissioner Date
City of Winter Springs • City Manager Performance Evaluation Form Page 6
Attachment B:
Strategic Plan Interim Update — as of 6/14/10
Fiscal Year 2010 Strategic Goals.xml Page 1 of 24
Goal 1: Identify tools, timelines, and resources to improve
internal and external communication
Strategy 1: Create and Implement a new and improved City website.
Due Date: Completed Date:
2009 -12 -31 12/15/2009
Fiscal Impact:
Improves ease of use and access to information by customers via a more intuitive and easier to navigate website.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Joanne Dalka 5/27/2010 This strategy has been completed and an Informational
Agenda Item was approved on December 14, 2009,
informing the Commission of the site's new launch on
December 15, 2009.
Strategy 2: Offer Commission and staff external access to City intranet.
Due Date: Completed Date:
2011 -09 -30
Fiscal Impact:
Improves efficiency by providing Commission and staff an additional means of access to resources, documents, and
City archives.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Joanne Dalka 5/27/2010 This item is to be budgeted for in FY11.
Strategy 3: Implement a Voice Over IP phone system.
Due Date: Completed Date:
2011 -09 -30
Fiscal Impact:
Reduces costs, provides greater flexibility and reliability, provides faster response to customer requests, and improves
access to users by offering enhanced modes of communication (voice mail notification, unified messaging, etc.).
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
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Joanne Dalka 5/27/2010 This item is to be budgeted for in FY11.
Strategy 4: Develop and implement Twitter and /or FaceBook sites for the City.
Due Date: Completed Date:
2009 -10 -31 1/1/2010
Fiscal Impact:
Provides progressive, additional means of communication to advise citizens of ongoing City activities, information, and
events (subject to Sunshine Law /Public Records limitations).
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Joanne Dalka 5/27/2010 Due to legal issues surrounding Public Records disclosure on
online content this item has been postponed.
Strategy 5: Install a permanent electronic message sign at City Hall.
Due Date: Completed Date:
2010 -04 -01 4/1/2010
Fiscal Impact:
Provides an additional communication tool to disseminate information to the public.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Randy Stevenson 5/21/2010 Electronic Message sign has been installed in front of City
Joanne Dalka 5/27/2010 The sign has been installed and is being maintained and
updated on a daily basis.
Strategy 6: Automate processing and routing of internal forms within various City
departments via utilization of SharePoint.
Due Date: Completed Date:
2010 -09 -30
Fiscal Impact:
Improves efficiency by promoting the use of intelligent automated forms -based routing and providing a centralized
location for internal users to locate routinely requested information. Reduces staff time. Reduces paper usage,
lessening impacts on the environment.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
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Fiscal Year 2010 Strategic Goals.xml Page 3 of 24
Randy Arcebido 2/2/2010 Conducted training on Surplus Assets and Strategic Goals.
Randy Arcebido 2/26/2010 Implemented Sharepoint Form: Surplus Assets
Randy Arcebido 2/26/2010 Created Sharepoint form: HR Employment Application but
later migrated that form to a PDF form for use on the City's
Randy Arcebido 3/1/2010 Implemented Sharepoint Form: Strategic Goals
Randy Arcebido 3/5/2010 Implemented Sharepoint Form: Departing User
Randy Arcebido 3/5/2010 Implemented Sharepoint Form: New User
Joanne Dalka 6/2/2010 This will be an ongoing process. We will be automating
forms on a continual basis as needed.
Strategy 7: Facilitate periodic Community and Business Visioning Workshops.
Due Date: Completed Date:
2010 -04 -01
Fiscal Impact:
$0- $2,000
Provides an opportunity for customer input and involvement in on -going City visioning and strategic planning.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Randy Stevenson 2/26/2009 A Visioning workshop was held with our citizens.
Information received at these workshops has been
incorporated into strategic goals and processes.
Randy Stevenson 6/9/2009 A Visioning workshop was held with the business
community. Information received at these workshops has
been incorporated into strategic goals and processes.
Randy Stevenson 2/25/2010 A Development Review panel discussion was held with
individuals who have been through the site plan review,
permitting, and inspection or application process at the
City. Recommendations from this discussion are currently
being reviewed by staff for use in possible process
changes. Some recommendations have already been
implemented or are in the works.
Kevin Smith 3/21/2009 Goal Setting Workshop for Strategic Plan facilitated with
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Fiscal Year 2010 Strategic Goals.xml Page 4 of 24
Goal 2: Identify opportunities and develop strategies to create a
customer/business-friendly experience
Strategy 1: Perform comprehensive review of current Utility Billing policies and
Due Date: Completed Date:
2010 -08 -30
Fiscal Impact:
$0- $5,000 (Enterprise Fund)
Revises policies and procedures as warranted to achieve a reasonable balance between customer relations and the
City's fiduciary responsibilities.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Shawn Boyle 5/21/2010 Comprehensive review of current policies and procedures
Shawn Boyle 6/2/2010 Evaluating warranted revisions /improvements to policies
and procedures for recommendation to City Commission.
Strategy 2: Implement additional customer service training for City staff.
Due Date: Completed Date:
2010 -09 -30
Fiscal Impact:
$0- $5,000 (Enterprise Fund)
Provides employees with additional tools and enhanced skill set /knowledge base to assist in delivery of outstanding
customer service.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Shawn Boyle 6/2/2010 Customer Service training is being scheduled for the second
week in Sept. to include all UB billing staff and community
development staff
Strategy 3: Implement e- Billing option for Utility customers.
Due Date: Completed Date:
2010 -09 -30
Fiscal Impact:
$15,000 (Enterprise Fund)
Provides utility customers an option to receive bills electronically and saves money by reducing printing and postage
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
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Fiscal Year 2010 Strategic Goals.xml Page 5 of 24
Shawn Boyle 5/4/2010 Evaluation has been completed. Final recommendations to
City Commission will be made in late August
Strategy 4: Implement an e- Application for permits, business tax receipts, and Utility
Billing forms.
Due Date: Completed Date:
2010 -12 -31
Fiscal Impact:
$5,000- $10,000 (Enterprise Fund)
Creates a more convenient and expeditious process for customers to submit and receive licenses, permits, and forms.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Shawn Boyle 5/19/2010 Met with vendor, waiting on pricing
Randy Stevenson 5/28/2010 Many permit applications are already available on line.
Garage Sale permits can be issued on line with no customer
presence at City Hall required. Other permits will be
processed on line when electronic payments can be
Strategy 5: Implement an e- Application for processing development and building
Due Date: Completed Date:
2011 -09 -30
Fiscal Impact:
$0- $140,000 (Enterprise Fund)
Creates a more expeditious and convenient process for customers to submit, and the City to review, development and
building plans.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Randy Stevenson 2/25/2010 Development and aesthetic review plans now being
submitted electronically
Joanne Dalka 5/27/2010 In progress. Currently evaluating software alternatives.
Strategy 6: Enter Business Tax Receipts and Building Permit payments in KIVA rather
than MUNIS.
Due Date: Completed Date:
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2009 -07 -08 7/8/2009
Fiscal Impact:
Eliminates redundant entry into two systems. Provides more expeditious business tax receipt distribution to customers
and ensures timely payment remittance information to the Seminole County Tax Collector's Office.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Joanne Dalka 5/27/2010 Business Tax Receipts are now being entered and
maintained in the KIVA application.
Strategy 7: Evaluate the feasibility of both an over - the - counter and on -line
credit /debit card payment acceptance system.
Due Date: Completed Date:
2010 -09 -30 5/19/2010
Fiscal Impact:
$25,000- $35,000 (Enterprise /General Fund)
Expands customers' ability to utilize credit /debit cards in more service areas. Reduces processing fees.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Shawn Boyle 5/19/2010 Scheduled for presentation to Commission at June 28th
Strategy 8: Institute an Escrow Account System process whereby
developers /contractors may deposit funds with the City to offset future building plan
and permit fee charges.
Due Date: Completed Date:
2010 -09 -30
Fiscal Impact:
$5,000- $15,000 (Enterprise Fund)
Improves efficiency in the delivery of services by allowing developers /contractors the option to secure
permits /approvals remotely. Provides an alternate method of payment for developers /contractors to pay for City
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Randy Stevenson 5/28/2010 CDD working with Finance and IS Departments to evaluate
best business - friendly option.
Strategy 9: Complete upgrade to MUNIS version 7.3 and implement new MUNIS on-
line system and time /attendance modules.
Due Date: Completed Date:
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2010 -08 -01
Fiscal Impact:
$12,500 (Enterprise /General Fund)
Provides external customers with an upgraded user interface for greater functionality to view and pay their utility bills.
Increases functionality and efficiency in payroll processing and provides online employee access to appropriate Human
Resource information.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Joanne Dalka 5/27/2010 The external customers interface has been upgraded and
launched on the City's website. Payroll processing is
currently in the test phase and is on schedule.
Strategy 10: Modify current Community Development Department customer phone
call routing to ensure prompt and proper customer response.
Due Date: Completed Date:
2009 -10 -01 3/1/2010
Fiscal Impact:
$1,200 (Enterprise Fund)
Improves customer accessibility to staff. Ensures proper direction of calls to appropriate staff and timeliness of
response to customer.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Randy Stevenson 5/28/2010 Modifications to the extent possible with current equipment
and staffing level have been made to provide secondary and
tertiary phone call back up. Secondary backup was formally
initiated in September 2009 and tertiary back up in March
Strategy 11: Install an electronic information kiosk in City Hall lobby.
Due Date: Completed Date:
2009 -10 -31 9/30/2009
Fiscal Impact:
$500 - $1,000
Provides alternative to standing in line; reduces customer wait time; empowers customer by providing electronic
access to a range of City information; and maximizes utilization of current staff.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Joanne Dalka 5/27/2010 This item has been competed. Kiosk is online.
Strategy 12: Develop an Economic Development Incentive Program.
Due Date: Completed Date:
2010 -09 -30
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Fiscal Impact:
Incentivizes smart development and diversifies tax base to reduce the residential tax burden.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Randy stevenson 10/12/2009 Phase I: City Commission adopted Resolution 2009 -54,
lowering permit fees by 30%.
Randy Stevenson 5/28/2010 Phase II: Staff working with LDI (consultant). Scheduled for
presentation to Commission on June 14, 2010.
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Goal 3: Aggressively complete the vision for Town Center
Strategy 1: Conduct a Commission workshop on the history and vision of the Town
Due Date: Completed Date:
8/1/2009 5/18/2009
Fiscal Impact:
Provides the Commission with an outline of the history and original vision of the Town Center, to confirm that vision
and modify if the Commission deems warranted.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Randy Stevenson 5/18/2009 Staff conducted a workshop with the City Commission on
the Town Center Vision and the application of form -based
codes on May 18, 2009.
Randy Stevenson 6/21/2010 A workshop is scheduled with the City commission to discuss
small, irregularly shaped lots in the Town Center.
Strategy 2: Finalize the EAR -based amendments to the Comprehensive Plan
associated with the Town Center.
Due Date: Completed Date:
12/31/2009 9/28/2009
Fiscal Impact:
Ensures compliance with state mandated deadlines for the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) which includes goals,
objectives, and policies aimed at the urbanization of this section of the City.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Randy Stevenson 8/21/2009 The ORC Report was received on Aug. 21, 2009 from the
Florida Dept of Community Affairs (DCA). NO objections to
the EAR Based Amendments were raised by DCA, based on
their review of the transmittal sent on June 18, 2009.
Randy Stevenson 9/28/2009 The EAR Based Amendments to the city's Comprehensive
Plan were Adopted by the City Commmission on September
28, 2009 by Ordinance 2009 -08 and transmitted to the State
on October 1, 2009.
Randy Stevenson 11/13/2009 Notice to find the admendments "In Compliance" published
by the DCA on Nov. 13, 2009, indicating that the Winter
Springs EAR Based Amendments are compliant with
statutory requirements.
Strategy 3: Revise the Land Development Regulations to comply with the adopted
EAR -based amendments, including the Town Center.
Due Date: Completed Date:
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Fiscal Impact:
Ensures the City's Land Development regulations are consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the
Comprehensive Plan and facilitate projects that have sustainable densities, promote multi -modal forms of
transportation, and encourage mixed -use developments.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Randy Stevenson 4/12/2010 Code language establishing a Park and Recreation Advisory
Committee and a Bicycle and Pedestrain Advisory
Committee as directed by the Comprehensive Plan has been
prepared and a First Reading of each ordinance held.
Randy Stevenson 5/28/2010 This task is currently underway with a rewrite of the PUD
and signage sections to be completed first.
Strategy 4: Preserve and complete the street grid pattern established in the Town
Center master plan.
Due Date: Completed Date:
Fiscal Impact:
$1,000,000 - Michael Blake Blvd (One Cent Sales Tax)
Provides the framework for projects that have sustainable densities, promote multi -modal forms of transportation,
and encourage mixed -use developments.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Randy Stevenson 5/28/2010 City Commission approved an Agreement on April 26, 2010
terminating the Town Center Phase II Implementation
Agreement. The new agreement provides for dedication of
the Right of Way for Spine Road (MBB) from SR 434 to the
Cross Seminole Trail. Road construction is included in the
Capital Improvements Program for 2010/11 through
Randy Stevenson 6/3/2010 Extension of Orang Avenue westward to SR 434 is identified
in the Capital Improvements Program for 2015/16.
Strategy 5: Develop multiple Town Center transportation options.
Due Date: Completed Date:
Fiscal Impact:
Provides public transportation, multi - purpose sidewalks, bike lanes, trails, specialty -use parking and vehicular parking
consistent with Town Center development standards.
Status /Updates:
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Owner Date Comment
Randy Stevenson 11/9/2009 Aesthetic Review for Bus Shelters approved by City
Commission on November 9, 2009.
LYNX initially approached the City to locate six (6) bus
shelters; However, LYNX has now approved the funding of
nine (9) shelters which were submitted for permitting on
May 7, 2009 and were ready for pick up on May 17, 2009.
Construction is imminent.
Randy Stevenson 4/12/2010 1st Reading of Ordinance 2010 -06 establishing a Bicyucle
and Pedestrain Advisory committee (BPAC) was approved on
April 12, 2010. Financial considerations have delayed
second reading. Staff looks at the multi -modal options with
each development proposal within the Town Center.
Randy Stevenson 4/26/2009 LYNX S.R. 434 Crosstown Route became operational on April
26, 2009. Funding during the two -year trial period for the
route is provided through a Service Development Grant from
the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) with local
matching funds provided by Seminole County. The route
was expanded on December 6, 2009 to include UCF.
Strategy 6: Pursue further reductions of the speed limit along SR 434 in the Town
Center District.
Due Date: Completed Date:
4/1/2010 1/12/2009
Fiscal Impact:
Reduces speeds and establishes a constrained roadway section that will promote the traditional neighborhood
development standards of the Town Center.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Brian Fields 6/7/2010 FDOT approved City's request to reduce speed limit to 45
MPH and implemented in January 2009.
Strategy 7: Annex enclaves within the Town Center District.
Due Date: Completed Date:
Fiscal Impact:
Varies by enclave. Staff will provide site - specific fiscal analysis.
Ensures consistency of development standards and continuity of service delivery within the Town Center District.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Kevin Smith 3/11/2010 City Manager and City Attorney met with County Manager
and County Attorney to discuss proposed annexation
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Randy Stevenson 5/28/2010 The Attorney is working on a draft annexation agreement
that will be conveyed to Seminole County for their review.
Randy Stevenson 5/28/2010 Staff is currently working with property owners who are
interested in voluntary annexation.
Strategy 8: Construct Magnolia Park Amphitheater Complex.
Due Date: Completed Date:
Fiscal Impact:
$1,200,000 (1999 Bond Construction Fund)
Provides a cultural component in the Town Center. Promotes a sense of community and serves as an economic
generator. Provides an additional trailhead on the Cross Seminole Trail.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Kip Lockcuff 4/1/2010 Final Engineering and Aesthetic Review approved by City
Commission on March 22, 2010
Kip Lockcuff 5/1/2010 Property owner issues resolved to facilitate land swap -
property working to obtain rail crossing for trail which is
required for final State approval
Kip Lockcuff 5/11/2010 Provided County with Magnolia Park construction plans for
review to determine if they would allow construction prior
to land swap
Kip Lockcuff 6/1/2010 Received plan review comments from County
Strategy 9: Implement a revised signage code for the Town Center to include
pedestrian and vehicular way- finding signage.
Due Date: Completed Date:
Fiscal Impact:
Enables provision of directional information signage for Town Center venues and businesses.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Randy Stevenson 5/28/2010 Staff is working with LDI to finalize a number of pedestrian
and vehicular signage options in the Town Center.
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Goal 4: Partner with other entities to pursue the development of
Seminole Way
Strategy 1: Continue ongoing efforts, in conjunction with SeminoleWay partners, to
market the concept of SeminoleWay.
Due Date: Completed Date:
Fiscal Impact:
Creates outside interest from international, national, and statewide entities in relocating to Winter
Springs /SeminoleWay. Utilize the marketing resources of the Chambers of Commerce, Metro Orlando Economic
Development Commission, and East Central Florida Regional Planning Council.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Randy Stevenson 5/10/2010 Resolution 2010 -17 was Adopted by the City Commission on
April 26, 2010 which supported the renaming of SR 417 to
the SeminoleWay.
Randy Stevenson 5/28/2010 Staff continues to work with SeminoleWay partners and
others to market the GID property.
Strategy 2: Conduct public hearings for all property owners within the SeminoleWay
corridor to begin a dialogue on proposed development codes for the eight affected
interchange areas.
Due Date: Completed Date:
4/1/2010 6/18/2009
Fiscal Impact:
Provides participation opportunities for stakeholders /property owners on development goals for SeminoleWay
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Randy Stevenson 6/18/2009 Informational meetings for property owners with detailed
overview of the study and targeted industry were held in
June 2009.
Strategy 3: Collaborate with Seminole County, Sanford, and Oviedo to discuss a
unified development code for SeminoleWay.
Due Date: Completed Date:
10/1/2010 9/28/2009
Fiscal Impact:
$0 - $15,000
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Provides current and potential property owners /developers within the SeminoleWay corridor assurances of
standardized /consistent development standards regardless of the governmental entity within which the property is
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Randy Stevenson 9/28/2009 The SeminoleWay Study did not support the need for
a unified development code. However, Winter Springs has
amended its Comp Plan to include target industries as
identified for the SeminoleWAY (including Financial Services,
Digital Media, Life Sciences, and Technical and Research
Services) and to support the SeminoleWAY initiative. Efforts
are also underway to revise the City's Code language
for compliance with the Como Plan.
Strategy 4: Produce a conceptual master /roadway plan for the Greeneway
Interchange District (GID) /SeminoleWay.
Due Date: Completed Date:
4/1/2010 3/4/2010
Fiscal Impact:
Provides a working document and marketing tool to be used as a guideline in meetings with property owners and
developers when discussing proposed projects in the area. Enables the City staff to determine estimates of
infrastructure costs for the GID.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Randy Stevenson 2/25/2010 Concept plan completed
Brian Fields 3/4/2010 Infrastructure estimates completed
Strategy 5: Pursue quality economic development opportunities in the Greeneway
Interchange District (GID) /SeminoleWay.
Due Date: Completed Date:
Fiscal Impact:
Provides a diversified tax base by guiding the smart development of one of the City's premier corporate park
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Randy Stevenson 6/1/2009 Addition of SeminoleWAY to the MetroPlan ORLANDO 2030
Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).
Randy Stevenson 9/1/2009
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SeminoleWay Website launched www.seminoleway.com;
and highlighted at
Randy Stevenson 3/1/2010 Ongoing. Seminole County Economic Development
Commission Participation with ECFRPC.
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Goal 5: Develop strategies to ensure financial accountability and
Strategy 1: Implement a new budgeting paradigm aimed at providing greater fiscal
Due Date: Completed Date:
4/1/2010 7/1/2009
Fiscal Impact:
$0 (FY 2010 savings approx. $1.0M)
Ensures Commission established goals are properly aligned with the appropriation of financial resources; that
appropriations are consistent with identified needs through implementation of zero -based budgeting; and that Budget
Document provides useful and relevant information to end users.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Kevin Smith 7/1/2009 New budgeting paradigm implemented effective with FY
2010 budget.
Strategy 2: Expand City website to include a section /webpage that presents
information regarding City purchases, vendors and other useful financial information
( "Winter Springs Checkbook ").
Due Date: Completed Date:
12/31/2010 1/1/2010
Fiscal Impact:
$0 - $5,000
Provides enhanced transparency on the City's expenditure of taxpayer dollars.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Joanne Dalka 1/1/2010 Winter Springs Checkbook site launched in January 2010.
Evaluating enhancements for future implementation.
Strategy 3: Prepare and present a Quarterly Financial Report to City Commission.
Due Date: Completed Date:
4/1/2010 2/9/2009
Fiscal Impact:
Provides Commission and citizens with timely information on City's budgetary and financial position.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
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Kelly Balagia 2/9/2009 First quarterly report submitted to City Commission effective
2/9/09. Subsequent reports submitted in a timely manner.
Strategy 4: Implement companion financial analysis to all potential development and
redevelopment projects presented to City Commission for consideration.
Due Date: Completed Date:
Fiscal Impact:
Provides Commission with additional tools for informed decision- making regarding potential development and
redevelopment projects.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Randy Stevenson 5/28/2010 Initial analysis is currently being performed on all
development and redevelopment projects. Staff will be
coming to the City Commission in June /July 2010 to
establish a common standard for these analyses.
Strategy 5: Create an employee advisory board to review and provide
recommendations on employee benefit matters to include pension, safety, health, etc.
Due Date: Completed Date:
Fiscal Impact:
Engages employees and affords them an additional opportunity to provide input on relevant personnel matters.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Shawn Boyle 4/23/2010 Safety Committee formed. Initial meeting scheduled for
Kevin Smith 6/2/2010 Creation of Employee Benefit Advisory Team delayed due to
significant delays in receiving pension data from prior
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Goal 6: Continue to support and enhance Police /Citizens
programs and services
Strategy 1: Create a Citizens Police Academy.
Due Date: Completed Date:
9/1/2009 9/18/2009
Fiscal Impact:
Enhances communication between the community and the various bureaus within the Police Department to provide
citizens with a better understanding of the functions and responsibilities of the Operations, Tech Services, Criminal
Investigations, Code Enforcement, Administration, and Information Services bureaus.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Kevin P. Brunelle 9/1/2009 Held first Citizens Police Academy in September 2009 and
was very well received by the 28 citizens who attended our
first annual academy.
Second annual Citizens Police Academy is scheduled for
September 2010 and has already seen several citizens sign
up for this future class.
Kevin P. Brunelle 11/9/2009 Graduation ceremony for inaugural academy class held at
11/09/2009 Commission Meeting
Kevin P. Brunelle 5/26/2010 Second annual Citizens Police Academy is scheduled for
September 2010 and has already seen several citizens sign
up for this future class.
Strategy 2: Expand Citizens Police Academy to include other City departments
( "Winter Springs Citizens Academy ").
Due Date: Completed Date:
Fiscal Impact:
$0 - $500
Enhances communication between the community and the various departments within the City to provide citizens
with a better understanding of the functions and responsibilities of those departments and the City as a whole.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Kevin Smith 5/26/2010 Staff currently evaluating options for facilitation of Winter
Springs Citizens Academy.
Strategy 3: Implement Citizens on Patrol (COP) and Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS)
Due Date: Completed Date:
10/1/2010 6/1/2010
Fiscal Impact:
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$5,549 Grant funding through Edward Byrne Grant
Enhances visibility and presence of qualified /trained persons to report criminal activity thereby reducing the need for
addtional sworn officers and civilian personnel.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Kevin P. Brunelle 1/15/2010 Vehicles designed and put into service, two 2003 higher
mileage vehicles were used to start program. Graphic
designs have been placed into service.
Kevin P. Brunelle 4/7/2010 First four Citizens on Patrol have assisted in implementing
policy and procedure and have finished initial training and
will be assisting in training of additional COP'S.
Edward Byrne Grant received for total cost to implement
program. No general fund monies used.
Uniforms designed and ordered
Vehicles designed and put into service, two 2003 higher
mileage vehicles were used to start program. Graphic
designs have been placed into service.
There are at least ten other citizens waiting to begin program
Kevin P. Brunelle 5/1/2010 Edward Byrne Grant received for total cost to implement
program. No general fund monies used.
Kevin P. Brunelle 6/1/2010 Uniforms designed and ordered
Kevin P. Brunelle 6/28/2010 Inauguration and introduction of the first four Citizens On
Patrol volunteers.
Kevin P. Brunelle 7/15/2010 Training will begin for the next 10 volunteers.
Strategy 4: Expand Community Outreach Programs.
Due Date: Completed Date:
4/1/2010 6/10/2010
Fiscal Impact:
$2,500 - $5,000 (LETF funded)
Provides enhanced response to the community, e.g. Lock Box and RUOK for the special needs population. Provides
interaction between police and the youth of our community, e.g. CYO program, movie nights, and Shop - With -A -Cop,
resulting in lower crime rates.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Kevin P. Brunelle 4/10/2010 Continued movie nights in the communities and have held 5
movie nights attended by well over a hundred citizens
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Kevin P. Brunelle 5/10/2010 Relay for life resulted in raising over $55,000. This event was
held at the Winter Springs High School.
Kevin P. Brunelle 5/15/2010 The Lock Box program is ongoing and will be added to as
needed. This program has been very succesful, well received
and over 100 locks have been distributed free of charge to
the elderly and special needs persons.
The police department continues to expand on this program
and will be starting community youth organization in June,
this program will allow our youth to play flag football,
dodgeball , and ultimate frisbee with police officers.
Kevin P. Brunelle 6/1/2010 The police department continues to expand on its successful
community outreach program and will be starting
community youth organization in June. This program will
allow our youth to play flag football, dodgeball , and
ultimate frisbee with police officers.
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Goal 7: Develop and implement a policy for addressing water
supply and conservation
Strategy 1: Create a Water Conservation Coordinator staff position.
Due Date: Completed Date:
4/1/2010 2/4/2010
Fiscal Impact:
$0 (Reallocate existing staff)
Reduces per capita water consumption by having a full time staff member dedicated to proactively working with utility
customers to educate users and enforce, if necessary, the rules and regulations related to water use.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Kip Lockcuff 3/4/2010 Position filled with Stephanie Wolfe
Strategy 2: Develop an Irrigation Audit Program to be available to customers at no
Due Date: Completed Date:
9/30/2010 5/1/2010
Fiscal Impact:
Provides a customer friendly process to assist customers in reducing their utility bills by minimizing water usage, which
will ultimately lower per capita water consumption.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Kip Lockcuff 5/20/2010 Audits started in February. 15 audits performed through
Strategy 3: Adopt the water, sewer and reclaimed water rates necessary to support
the state mandated replacement of potable water irrigation with an alternative water
Due Date: Completed Date:
10/1/2009 9/21/2009
Fiscal Impact:
Increases utility revenue by approximately $800,000 annually
Generates sufficient revenues to cover the new debt required to fund the reclaimed water augmentation treatment
and distribution system capital improvements, which will reduce potable water usage.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
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Kip Lockcuff 9/21/2009 Rate Study recommendations adopted by Ordinance with
the exception of the 2nd and 3rd year reclaimed water
Strategy 4: Propose Florida Friendly /Waterwise modifications to the Land
Development Code.
Due Date: Completed Date:
10/1/2011 4/26/2010
Fiscal Impact:
$5,000 (Enterprise Fund)
Reduces the demand for water through the adoption of charges to the City's landscape codes which address native
plant usage, water- saving technologies, etc.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Kip Lockcuff 5/20/2010 Adopted the SJRWMD model irrigation code on April 26,
2010. Consumptive Use Permit received Jan 2010 does not
require landscape code change. Landscape demonstration
projects established at City Hall. Additional landscape
changes being considered.
Strategy 5: Evaluate alternatives for the City's Tong -term water supply needs.
Due Date: Completed Date:
Fiscal Impact:
$250,000 (Enterprise Fund)
Provides the Commission with options for sustaining the long -term viability of the City's water supply, e.g. execute the
lnterlocal Agreement for the SR 46 Alternative Water Supply Project and have staff participate in the preliminary
design and Consumptive Use Permitting process.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Kip Lockcuff 5/20/2010 Partnership continues on the SR 46 Alternative Water Supply
Project. District adoption of the interlocal agreement
anticipated in August 2010
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Goal 8: Explore potential use of volunteers to enhance provision
of services
Strategy 1: Develop a volunteer application process and associated volunteer policies
and procedures.
Due Date: Completed Date:
Fiscal Impact:
Ensures compliance with applicable laws and consistency of implementation in the use of volunteers.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Shawn Boyle 3/15/2010 Draft policy received from City Attorney and circulated to
staff for review.
Chuck Pula 2/1/2010 Initial discussions with City Attorney to develop framework
for policy.
Shawn Boyle 6/2/2010 Staff comments submitted to City Attorney for finalization of
Strategy 2: Enhance and promote the use of volunteers for the provision of applicable
City services.
Due Date: Completed Date:
4/1/2010 4/1/2010
Fiscal Impact:
Reduces need of additional City staff, resulting in cost savings, and enhances supervision of programs and activities.
Provides additional fund raising resources.
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Chuck Pula 5/27/2010 Parks and Recreation actively recruits interested youth and
adults as volunteers through personal contact. Parks and
Recreation requires background checks and fingerprinting
on all Summer Day Camp volunteers and Senior Therapy
Pool volunteers.
Strategy 3: Develop, in conjunction with Youth Sports Leagues, procedures for
tracking of volunteer hours.
Due Date: Completed Date:
12/31/2009 12/4/2009
Fiscal Impact:
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Provides information on volunteer usage and programs by the City's recreational partners to evaluate their
Status /Updates:
Owner Date Comment
Chuck Pula 5/27/2010 The Senior Center is now tracking volunteer hours of the
Therapy Pool, Computer Classes, Senior Center functions,
and Community Service janitorial maintenance service. The
2010 Summer Day Camp will also track Seminole County
High School Community Service volunteer hours.
Chuck Pula 5/27/2010 Parks and Recreation Partnerships track hours monthly for
leagues, camps, tournaments and special events.
Partnerships record volunteer coaches, umpires, board
positions and student volunteers. An annual report is given
to the Parks and Recreation Department.
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