HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 06 14 Regular 505 COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 505 Consent Informational Public Hearing Regular X June 14.2004 Regular Meeting \\ Mgr~ I ~: Authorization REQUEST: The City Clerk is requesting the City Commission approve dates and submitted information for this year's Advisory Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner which as in previous year's will honor the individuals who serve our community as Members of the City's Advisory Boards and Committees. PURPOSE: This purpose of this Agenda Item is to request that the CiWCommission review the attached available dates and information and formalize their approval of a date and any other related preferences for the 2004 Advisory Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 14,2004 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 505 PAGE20F8 The 1999 Advisory Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner was held at the Winter Springs Senior Center. A Staff Member was there three (3) hours before the event to open the building, and to let the caterer in to begin their prep work, cooking, and setting up of tables. During this time, Staff handled the decorations, and dealt with last minute problems. Additionally, a Staff Member stayed after the event had concluded to let the caterer out, to make sure that everything was cleaned up, and to lock up the building. Approximate price of rental oflocation for this event: $0.00 Approximate price food/beverage and service for this event: $3,000.00 The 2000 Advisory Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner was held at the Tuscawilla Country Club (Magnolia Room - main Ballroom). Other than setting up the placecards, and the welcome and gift tables, and handling some last minute details, all other arrangements were handled by the Tuscawilla Country Club staff. Approximate price of rental of location for this event: $300.00 and Approximate price food/beverage and service for this event: $2,150.00 The 2001 Advisory Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner was held at the Winter Springs Golf Club. Again, other than setting up the placecards, and the welcome and gift tables, and handling some last minute details, all other arrangements were handled by the Winter Springs Golf Club staff. (Note: Although not planned by the City - as a Bar was located in the same area that the Dinner was held, a number of guests did purchase alcoholic beverages. Again, even though not planned by the City, this feature did seem to be well received by those who took advantage of this service). Approximate price of rental oflocation for this event: $200.00 and Approximate price food/beverage and service for this event: $1,900.00 The 2002 Advisory Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner was held at the Tuscawilla Country Club (Magnolia Room - main Ballroom). Other than setting up the place cards, and the welcome and gift tables, and handling some last minute details, all other arrangements were handled by the Tuscawilla Country Club staff. For this event, we added a Hors d'oeuvres Reception prior to the serving of dinner which was very well received. (Note: Additionally, although not paid for by the City - as a Bar was located in the same area that the Hors d'oeuvres Reception was held, a number of guests did purchase alcoholic beverages. Again, even though CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 14,2004 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 505 PAGE30F8 not paid for by the City, this feature did seem to be well received by those who took advantage of this service). Approximate price of rental of location for this event: $500.00 and Approximate price Hors d'oeuvres/food/beverage and service for this event: $3,330.00 The 2003 Advisory Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner was held at the Winter Springs Golf Club. Other than setting up the placecards, and the welcome and gift tables, and handling some last minute details, all other arrangements were handled by the Winter Springs Golf Club staff. (Note: Although not planned by the City - as a Bar was located in the same area that the Dinner was held, a number of guests did purchase alcoholic beverages. Again, even though not planned by the City, this feature did seem to be well received by those who took advantage of this service). Approximate price of rental oflocation for this event: $200.00 and Approximate price Hors d' oeuvres/food/beverage and service for this event: $3,866.00 ADDITIONAL PRICING INVOLVED WITH PREVIOUS ADVISORY BOARD/COMMITTEE APPRECIATION DINNERS: Invitations (including postage)/Programs: Approximate price for 1999 Event: $125.00 Approximate price for 2000 Event: $150.00 Approximate price for 2001 Event: $250.00 Approximate price for 2002 Event: $280.00 Approximate price for 2003 Event: $350.00 Gifts of Appreciation (45 - 60 Gifts): Approximate price for 1999 Gift (Engraved Acrylic Award): $1,150.00 Approximate price for 2000 Gift (Engraved Pens): $800.00 (we received a special on the engraving, which saved the City several hundred dollars) Approximate price for 2001 Gift (Engraved Marble Paperweights: $1,500.00 Approximate price for 2002 Gift (Engraved Marble Paperweights: $1,345.00 Approximate price for 2003 Gift (Engraved Marble Paperweights: $1917.00 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 14,2004 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 505 PAGE40F8 Decorations and Miscellaneous Items for Event: Approximate price for 1999 Favor (Tree - "Seedling"): $110.00 Approximate price for 2000 Favor (Embossed Stationary): $65.00 Approximate price for 2001 Favor (Embossed Mints): $40.00 Approximate price for 2002 Favors (Stemmed Flowers and Tulle Covered Scented Votive): $165.00 Approximate price for 2003 Favors (Balloons; 5"xT' Frame with Star; Chocolate "Tokens of Appreciation" and Chocolate Stars: $505.00 As a summary, the following is an approximate total of most of the costs for the past five (5) annual Advisory Board/Committee Appreciation Dinners: 1999 - Senior Center - $4,385.00 2000 - Tuscawilla Country Club - $3,465.00 2001 - Winter Springs Golf Club - $3,890.00 2002 - Tuscawilla Country Club - $5,670.00 2003 - Winter Springs Golf Club - $6,838.00 CURRENT CONSIDERATIONS: At the May 24,2004 City Commission Special Meeting, under "Reports," Commissioner Michael S. Blake asked about the next Advisory Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner. If a Friday evening is selected, consideration of giving guests time to get home from work, etc. should be considered. For the last two (2) Advisory Board and Committee Appreciation Dinners, we added a Hors d'oeuvres reception, prior to the dinner service which seemed to be very well received. We have received very favorable comments about these events and especially the marble gifts. In fact, we have already received inquiries about the next marble gifts to come. It seems these are very coveted collector-type items, so it seems that these events are well worth the money. ALL-INCLUSIVE VENUE (TUSCA WILLA COUNTRY CLUB): ADDITIONAL SUGGESTIONS THAT COULD BE INCLUDED: ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 14,2004 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 505 PAGE 5 OF8 Pricing would include everything other than Invitations, Postage, Programs, Advisory Board/Committee Appreciation Gifts, and favors. The 2000 Advisory Board/Committee Appreciation Dinner that was held at the Tuscawilla Country Club averaged about $24.50 per person. The 2002 Advisory Board/Committee Appreciation Dinner that was held at the Tuscawilla Country Club averaged about $38.00 per person, including Hors d'oeuvres, dinner, dessert, service, and gratuity. Current pricing at the Tuscawilla Country Club is approximately $55.00 per person, including Hors d'oeuvres, dinner, dessert, service, and gratuity. Some ideas that the City Commission may wish to include which have not been officially incorporated before, but which would require additional funds - but would also lend a wonderful ambiance to this event: Have background music provided by a Harpist or a small musical ensemble to play classical music (approximately $350.00 - $600.00, based on availability). Serve complimentary wine with dinner (prices vary depending on provider and selections). What may also be of interest to the City Commission is what other local municipalities do to honor their Advisory Board and Committee Members. The following information is based on what other Municipalities have done over the past few years: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 14,2004 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 505 PAGE 6 OF 8 AItamonte Springs: · 200-300 Attendees (Board/Committee Members and their guests) · No specific theme is used as the event is held during the December holidays · No dress requirements but their Board/Committee Members like to dress up for the event · Buffet style dinner (includes various stations such as Pasta Station, Italian Station, Carving, Station) held at either the AItamonte Springs Hilton Hotel or Embassy Suites (cost for food ranges from $10,000.00 - $12,000.00) · Musical Accompaniment - usually a piano player or keyboard player with background music · Ornaments of city buildings/scenery are given as gifts - in 2002 pins with year bars · Polaroid photograph given out in a holiday ornament to each as they leave · Approximate cost of their entire function: $17,000.00 to $18,000.00 dollars Casselberry: · 100-125 Board/Committee Members and Guests attend · Formal evening held always in March · Usually held at German American Club; Country Clubs (not necessarily in City); or Senior Center and sometimes events are held out of the City - one event was held at Heathrow · Buffet style dinner with appropriate Wine served with dinner; and Beer/Wine/Cocktails/Open Bars have been offered prior to the serving of dinner, depending on the location of the event · Plaques or Attache Cases with City emblem have been given as gifts of appreciation · They have had a Harpist for musical accompaniment · Also have honored a "Volunteer of the Year" · Approximate cost of their functions: $5,000.00 dollars Lake Mary: · Does not hold Appreciation dinners A V AILABLE DATES: CITY OF WfNTER SPRfNGS CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETfNG - JUNE 14,2004 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 505 PAGE70F8 Longwood: · 80-90 Board/Committee Members and Guests attend · Buffet style dinner at the Rolling Hills Country Club and in May of 2003 held at their new Community Building · Theme for May 2003 event was a Historic theme · Tiles with historical buildings printed on them; candy jar with engraved Community Building (this year) have been given as gifts of appreciation · Approximate cost of their function: $3,000.00 to 3,500.00 dollars Oviedo: · Does not hold Appreciation dinners Sanford: · Has not held any Appreciation Dinners in the past 2 or 3 years, but they will probably start holding such events Winter Park: · 200 Board/Committee Members and Guests attend · Usually held in a City building · Sit down or buffet dinner with a themed atmosphere (one year the theme was the 50's; another year the theme was Jimmy Buffet - with Margarita's; this year, the theme is a usa show [with an actual live USO type show] and Apple Pie for dessert) · Live band · Small jukeboxes; Uncle Sam hat (this year) were presented as gifts of appreciation · Approximate cost of their functions: $8,000.00 - $16,000.00 dollars Sunday Evening, July 25, 2004 Sunday Evening, August 1,2004 Sunday Evening, August 8, 2004 Saturday Evening, August 14,2004 Sunday Evening, August 15, 2004 Friday Evening, August 20, 2004 Sunday Evening, August 22, 2004 Sunday Evening, August 29,2004 FUNDING: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 14,2004 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 505 PAGE 8 OF 8 Most costs for this event would come from the "Promotional Expense" Line Code, 1100-54800. The cost for this year's event will most likely cost more due to normal price increases and with the inclusion of some additional Advisory Board/ Committees Members. RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSION ACTION: Based on the availability of all Members of the City Commission, the City Commission is requested to determine if they are still in agreement with the date of Saturday evening, August 14, 2004 or to decide on their other top three (3) preferences for a date for the 2004 Advisory Board/Committee Appreciation Dinner. Unless otherwise noted by the City Commission, as in previous years, the remaining details (selections for invitations, programs, dinner, favors, gifts etceteras) will be coordinated through the Office of the City Clerk. However, if the City Commission would like to make any significant changes to the event, such as what is listed under "ADDITIONAL SUGGESTIONS THAT COULD BE INCLUDED:" (Items which will most likely increase the cost of this event), please include such preferences in any Motion(s) that are made).