HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 06 14 Informational 304 COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 304 Consent Informational X Public Hearing Regular June 14,2004 Regular Meeting r Q.G? Mgr. / Dept. Authorization REQUEST: The Parks and Recreation Department is informing the City Commission ofthe status of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for demolition of the Civic Center and Construction of a New Neighborhood Community Center at Sunshine Park. PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to inform the City Commission on the status of the grant application. CONSIDERATIONS: . On February 9, 2004 the City Commission approved the submission of a CDBG Grant. . On May 20,2004, staff received notification that the project was not recommended for funding for program year 2004-2005. . Staff attended the CDBG funding workshop, a CDBG meeting, and met with CDBG staff, twice. . The cities application was well written and clearly stated the purpose and need for the request. . Staff was very disappointed that this project was not funded. . Staffwill meet with CDBG staff to obtain more technical assistance to refine the application for submission for funding for program year 2005/2006. FUNDING: N/ A. RECOMMENDATIONS: N/A. ATTACHMENTS: #1 COMMISSION ACTION: CDBG notification letter and listing ofprojects proposed for Funding for FY 2004-2005. ATTACHMENT #1 PUNMNG&DEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT COMM NITY D May 20, 2004 Mr. Chuck Pula, Parks and Recreation Director City of Winter Spring~, Florida 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 Re: Seminole County Consolidated Plan Development Process, Application for Funding Program Year 2004-2005, New Neighborhood Community Center Dear Mr. Pula, Your application for the Program Year 2004-2005 has not been recommended for funding. Over twenty five (25) applications for funding were submitted. Overall, this represents an outstanding show of interest by local organizations. The Community Development Office would like to thank you for your Project Submission. Your response and interest in the development of projects/activities that benefit low and moderate- income persons/households is to be commended. The Community Development Office, of Seminole County Government, encourages you to apply for funding for Program Year 2005-2006. Applications will be available around the second week of January, 2005. Although we will be conducting a general Funding Workshop sometime in February, 2005, we will be happy to provide direct technical assistance to you concerning your unsuccessful application. Please, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call me at 407-665-7384. ~~~ Robert F. Heenan HUD Grants Coordinator 1101 East First Street Sanford, FL 32771-1468 Telephone (407) 665-7384 Fax (407) 665-7366 L:lcr\projects\community dev\Consolidated Plan\2004-05\letter to city of winter springs not recommended for funcing,doc , , -2000-2005 FIVE.YEAR:CONSOUDAlED PLAN .1 PROP-oSED USE O'F 'FONO$ FOR THE - , 2004-2005 ONE-YEAR ACTION PLAN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA' Ultlll8 to CltI1IIna: seminole County Is a reclplant of federal grant funds through the U.S, Department of Housing and Urban Development (I'iUD). TheSB grant lunds Include the Community Development Block Grant (CDBB) Program, tile HOME Program, the Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG) Program and the Amertcan Dream DoWn Payment InitiatIVe (ADDI) program. These programs are designed to assist the County's low and : mOderate Income residents. In order to streamline the admlntgtratlon 01 these programs, 'HUD has consol1tlated all of the local pfannlng and clttzen par~clpatlOn requirements lor these fBtlernJ programs Into a slnllle administrative process called "The ConsoUdllted Pl8n." CAnRolldat8d Plan SummarY: ' The Proposed Consolidated Plan rapresents tile combined afloMs and solicitation of Ideaslrom county staff, 'Countyrasldents, local organltatlons, socIal service providers and a publiC heerlng. The County also used the F1vB .Year Consolidated Plan approved by tI'19 Seminole County Board of County Commissioners and HUb In order to design activities and proJects In conformance with the goalS established In the Plan, Based on this Information and analysis. the County developed a One-Year Action Plan, The proposed UBl8 {If funds lor the Ilseal yenr beginning Oc10b8r 1, 2004 arB: ~DBG PrDflram: City of Sanford: Cloud Branch Outfall System Construction " SemInole County Public Schools: Midway Safe Hilrbor Project !:: Seminole County: Emergency Medical Assistance Seminole County: Child Care Assistance BoolulrttJWn CommunltylEducatlonal Center Seminole County: Clearance Program U,S. 17-92 Community Redevelopment Agency: Fern Park Waterl Sewer Installation $542,000 ChulUota $175,000 Roseland Park Neighborhood-Park Reslroorns $ 50,000 Plam1ln~ and Administration ~ TOTAL $3,036,000 (The COBG allocation for Program Year 2004-2005 Is $2,886,000. The County Is canceling the Bookertown Target Arna Study activtty from Program Year 2003-2004 and proposes reallocation of funding 10 the BookBrtown Community Educational Center) HOME Program: CHDO Rental Construction Tenant Based Rental AssIstance Administration TOTAL. W tragrarn: Seminole County Community Asslstance-Homelessness PI1lVllntlon Rescue Outreach Mission-SheRer Operating Costs Sa1eHouse of Seminole-Sheller Operating Costs TOTAL lIQOI pro~ram Down Payment AsSIStance Program Year 2003-2004 Down Payment Assistance Program Year 2004-2005 TOTAL "fIllrty.DIlY PubliC ComlJl8nt Pllrlod: TIlere will be a thirtY-day public comment penod regarding the County's One-Year Action Plan Proposed uSe of Funtls. Public comments will be received at the Seminate CourrtY Community Development Office urrtU 5 PM June 29. 2004. During this perIod, the One-Year Action Plan wRI be In draft form and will be available for pubnc review at , thlJ SeTT1lnole County Community Development Office, 1101 E. First Street. Room 3301. Sanford. Florida 32771. enal A.l:tIun:. A final doolslon on me One-Year Action Plan wl1l be made on July 27, 2004 at the ranular meetlng of.the Board of CourrtY Commissioners. Bft8ponalllu ClUzen COUlmllnll: roo countY will respond wfll11r1 flftoon days, In wrltlng, to all publiC comments recelVefl. Adlfltlooallntonnatlun: Contact Robert Heenan, HUe Grants Manager at 665-7384, or address e-malls to: rheenan@semlnolecountyfl.~ ,1, ' $581,407 $506,980 $189,207 $164,206 $100,000 $150,000 $188.025 940,105 .125MZ $1.253,477 $ 32,207 37,577 ~ $107,361 $ 66,036 ~ $143,961