HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 06 14 Informational 302 COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 302 Consent Informational X Public Hearing Regular June 14. 2004 Regular Meeting M: / get Authorization REQUEST: Information Services wishes to update the commission on the status of the LT. Plan created in FY 2002. PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to update the commission on the LT. Plan which was created in FY 2002. Additional projects and tasks have also been added to the end of this document. CONSIDERATIONS: See attached Projects worksheet The Information Services (I.S.) Department strives to complete assigned projects in a timely manner. However, things sometimes happen that prohibit us from meeting those deadlines. Thus, we are forced to move our completion dates/projections further out. This has been the case this year with some unexpected new items being placed on our to-do list as well as some projects taking longer than others. We are pressing forward to try to complete as many of these items by June 30, 2004. However, September 30, 2004 is a more likely date for these projects to be completed. S:\Infonnation _ Services\Admin _ Docs\Agenda Items\FY 2004\2004 June\061404 _ COMM _ Infonnational_302 _ Infonnation_ Technology ]Ian _ Update. doc CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CITY COMMISSION June 14, 2004 INFORMATIONAL 302 PAGE 2 OF 2 Below are just some of the major items that we are pushing to complete before September 30th: ./ The Records Management Plan and implementation project - there was a delay with a couple of departments turning in their document id forms to the consultant. ./ The police laptop implementation project in which we must restructure all City IP addresses to allow a VPN between Police and County. ./ Munis software testing is sometimes delayed when program bugs are found and we must wait for a fix. Maintenance releases come out every quarter and major releases come out every year. They must be thoroughly tested before being implemented. This takes time which each and every department and division. ./ Credit Card acceptance for utility bill payments was put on hold for a while until further research was done on the vendor offering this service. This will be addressed in an upcoming agenda item. ./ Bank drafting is nearing completion; we're currently in the testing phase with bank. ./ The Occupational License Fee Collection for County project has taken much longer than first anticipated. The roadblock currently is the form that needs to be revised to meet county requirements. Once that is completed, the project is done. ./ Munis Positive Pay is a program that will enable us to avoid check fraud. We are in the bank setup phase ofthis project. We hope to have this totally implemented in July. Daily issues arise as well as Vimses and Trojans which force us to stop what we're doing to deal with the issue at hand. Connectivity to the outside world comes hand in hand with vulnerability to these types of threats. Please know that we are striving daily to complete all tasks and conquer all challenges set before us. We utilize our resources to their fullest extent, while also utilizing outside resources when possible. FUNDING: None RECOMMENDATIONS: None ATTACHMENTS: LT. Projects worksheet - Attaclunent ] (4 pages) COMMISSION ACTION: Proicctbaain TtllininQ Sot UtI IMlh bri. 0etc:rmIne if Munta must creel.e llrl enhllllCemenl for rile ICfJTUlt Testinqnr.,sfeninQfilo Go"" M~t!~itina-f~_~of~",~__Mf.o'~':~_~dWSl.:_Jacquj TelItinQ & Traininq for sm.. test AfOUl) Trlllininq tmolemenl MuntNedll ProduetiOns Cr~-mu~Ki~-forSGTV- ~H.aj~-_'. -1(~~-inlobbv(lhiaPtoie=t.,.":Sarta.dr~F'Y03~FY04b"Cltv~) _ OecuPll1Son"lk,M..:-F..eou.c~fOr~~JJecquf) _ -- -_~_ rlni$hd!ta-e,trv -". -- - .._--~--- -. pOC1-oroiecttcsllnQ&treininq crealicrl m trSninQ ror reoon deI;...."llble: r_IIi~lltw;JwolOdolr_ Inforn1-11tic.. Technolou'1 WtIM.wt~repI1M!lILotg Ptoj.ct ",unls 2004 R"'lmpllmwJ~..fJ.cqUlI- ~~~tO-toSt~---- ~ - T.. ~Intolive MUfd.E~~~"~tdooiJ~ . BtlQin t-..ch (~lcrt'Yi8w deets. r..._th ~.Ioc"'" d documents; del ProceuDes:>Qn s.cw wilh FcwMuniI 1~&QJA M~.~~.gf~.c"for~_b{JlPl'W'~.(J8CCNl} Est<<iIsh F'~Cl"odIt c.d pOljcies: rROQUlao G. July 1.. 200J CommIssicn Meel:nQl St:lrlDdCM:ll"CI"IlhiIproiect_~wilhwndot RCCJ'ltr-=t ~OPC&Spo.tPav Ootermine be:1 w:ndor ltlQ. QUllriorl, SlSWCfed "'- 21 JOI R~~'2OOoI IAAS;ERn~.~_IOOCIlgC~lOI'l_ '-T. Strategic Plan Status of Projects for FY 2004 au. o.~ 1""~=m"''''_1 I of tt>b. da1. Jun. 14, R_lald au. ZOO. dlnOt.d w1tn .,. O.tI T I 0130I2OO4 711212004 __1. " I I -1 , --=-:::II L-.-' .:......l --0041--;; . I in Ofoor.a in OfOQtesa , L -- '1 '.I I T- . '1 , 6111f2004 I I 611612004 CornmlnQ I Tll$1ISled. Wan 0l'1 new flx frorn Munia JlICqlJiwtliling to hell' from Munis Ot'IlMIiIabledate PrcbIemwilhform. J~Io~toMuUleltrIle6l.104. 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