HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 07 12 Regular 503
ITEM 503
Public Rearing
Regular X
July 12. 2004
Regular Meeting
Mgr. 1 Dept.
Information Services wishes to furnish the commission with
four options relative to the handling of incoming City
telephone calls and requests that the Commission choose an
option and fund the option they choose.
The purpose of this item is to update the commission on the
available options relative to the handling of incoming City
telephone calls and to obtain direction from the Commission on
how they wish incoming calls to be handled in the future and
obtain funding relative to option chosen.
. Our old phone system
Prior to 1997, the City had several separate phone systems that were not connected to
each other. Each location had their own system, with City Hall having a receptionist
answering all City Hall calls.
. Complaints
o The major complaint received about the old phone systems was the inability to
dial departments or individuals directly. You had to go through the
receptionist or leave messages with the receptionist.
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o Another complaint was that the entire City was not on one phone system.
There was no continuity between the systems.
. New Phone Systems Installed
o In 1997 a new phone system was installed for the new Public Safety Building.
o In 1998 City Hall received a new phone system and the two systems were tied
together to form one system.
· Features of new phone system
o Allows residents to dial individuals directly instead of having to go through a
o Allows individuals to leave voice mail messages directly in an employees'
voice mail box, if desired.
o Allows the caller to press 0 at any time during the call, to reach the City
operator who is located at the Police Department. Therefore, if a caller has
reached a person's voice mail and does not wish to leave a message, but
would rather speak to someone, the caller can press 0 and speak to the City
operator. This feature is made known to callers calling the main City Hall
number 407-327-1800 at the beginning of the greeting. Also, please note
that there are times when it is necessary for the operator to call around to find
an individual when requested by the caller. They do attempt to reach the
employee that the caller is attempting to reach. * The only department that is
set up slightly different is the Fire Department. Their operator is a
departmental secretary for Station 24 only. There are a few callboxes that
are also set up differently.
. Why do calls go to voice mail?
There are many reasons why a call may not be answered and goes to voice
mail. The employee may be:
. A way from their desk
. On vacation or out sick
· On another call. If an employee is on a call and another call comes in, the
phone will beep once to notify the employee that he/she has another call
coming in. The employee has 3 options at this point:
· Place the first call on hold and answer the incoming call
· Discontinue the first call and answer the incoming call
· Continue their current conversation and let the incoming call go to
voice mail
· How many incomings calls does the City receive?
The City has an average of approximately 25,000+ incoming calls per month. At that
rate, it is impossible to consider that a single receptionist would be able to handle that
volume of incoming calls. Furthermore, a receptionist taking an incoming call would
merely transfer that caller to the employee's extension. Having a receptionist does
not guarantee that the caller will be able to speak to the person that the he/she is trying
to reach. The receptionist will not be able to get up and search for the person the
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caller is trying to reach. So the real issue here is once the caller gets to someone's
extension and reaches voice mail, where can the caller go from there?
· Recent complaint from Mayor and Commission
1. Complaint: Callers are sometimes frustrated because they are unable to speak
to a live person if the person they are calling does not answer.
2. Resolution: As already stated, the system is currently set up so that the caller
can press 0 to speak to the City Operator at any time during their call. If that
feature is, for some reason, not working in a particular area of the phone
system, it should be reported to Information Services so that the problem can
be fixed.
. What are our options?
1. Keep what we have. The problem that was reported regarding Public Works
has been resolved.
2. Reprogram the entire telephone system so that if the caller reaches someone's
voice mail and they do not wish to leave a message but would rather speak to
someone, they can press 0 and it will go to a departmental secretary or other
departmental point of contact instead of the City-wide operator. Call boxes
and menus would also need to be reprogrammed. This does not guarantee
that the departmental secretary or contact will answer because they may be
on another call, away from their desk, or on vacation. Programming costs
are $87 per hour and there are extensions, callboxes, and menus that would
have to be checked, and then programmed. OBTS has given us an estimate
of 16 hours @ $87 = $1,392. The City Operator would still be utilized in
certain menus and situations.
3. Reprogram the entire telephone system so that every caller that presses 0
within the pho!le system will go directly to the City Operator and not to a
departmental operator or contact. This is pretty much what we currently have
with a few exceptions where the caller presses 0 and goes to a departmental
contact. This would be a blanket re-program and would not take as long.
Cost for this would be approximately $87.
4. A Receptionist could be hired to take all City calls (remember this is
approximately 25,000 or more per month). This would more than likely result
in some calls not being answered because ofthe volume of calls received.
Would the receptionist be expected to call around to locate individuals?
Would the receptionist be able to handle that volume of calls? What other
duties, if any, would the receptionist be expected to perform? Where would
the receptionist be located? The pay range for a receptionist position is
$19,207 - $29,243.
FUNDING: Programming cost:
Option 1 - $0
Option 2 - $1,392
Option 3 - $87
Option 4 - $19,207 - $29,243 assuming one person could handle the job
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Information Services recommends Option 1
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