HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 05 24 Regular 504
ITEM 504
Public Hearing
Regular XX
May 24, 2004
REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the City Commission review
conceptual plans for the proposed Barclay Woods Townhouse Subdivision before
coming back to the City Commission with final engineering/subdivision plans and
the associated documents.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to gain consensus on a concept before making
any revisions to the final subdivision/engineering plans and associated
development agreement and deed restrictions for the 88 townhouse units on 7.45
acres along the north side of SR 434, west of Barrington Estates and Don King
Concrete, subject to conditions.
Section 9-71. When final development plan is to be filed; extension.
Section 9-72. Processing of final plans.
Section 9-73. Form and contents of final development plans.
Section 9-74. Action on final development plan; expiration of approval.
Section 20-234 Conditional uses.
Section 20-317. Application for construction.
Division 2. General Design Standards for New Development Area (sections
20-463 thru 20-475)
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On December 8, 2003 - City Commission granted a conditional use for multi-
family development at this site, pursuant to Section 20-234 of the City Code.
December 9, 2003 - City received final subdivision plan application package.
April 6, 2004 - Applicant and staff address outstanding development agreement
and homeowner restrictive covenants issues.
April 7, 2004 - Planning and Zoning Board recommends approval, subject to
accommodating adequate parking.
April 30, 2004 - Applicant submits final engineeringlsubdivisionplans, to address
engineering comments & P&Z concerns
May 4, 2004 - Applicant submits amended development agreement and
homeowner restrictive covenants,
May 10, 2004 - The City Commission reviewed the final engineeringlsubdivision
plans, development agreement, and homeowner documents and deferred a
decision on the item
The wooded site with existing structures and artesian wells is located within the City on the north
side of SR 434, immediately adjacent to BaJTington Estates and Don King Concrete. It has a
Commercial Future Land Use (FLU) designation and is within the C-l Neighborhood
Commercial zoning district. It is also within the SR 434 New Development Overlay Zoning
District. The site is served by a private circular roadway (with alternate emergency vehicle
access thru the adjacent Don King Concrete site) as well as central water and sewer.
The site contains wetlands and approximately 26 specimen trees (24" diameter or larger,
measured at 12" above grade), 11 of which are proposed to be retained. The 15 specimen trees
proposed for removal add up to a total of 497 inches in diameter, averaging about 33 inches.
Tree credits derived from existing vegetation to be retained and from proposed landscaping offset
the tree removal fees. The wetland in the northwest comer of the site is proposed to remain and
a 25 foot upland buffer is proposed. Conservation Element Policy 1.4.4 requires a conservation
easement over the wetland and the associated upland buffer be conveyed to the City (although the
land will be owned by the developer and passed on to the homeowners' association).
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A traffic study was provided with the subdivision plan. The City's consultant has reviewed the
study and has determined that there are no traffic issues with this site. No additional on-site and
no off-site traffic improvements were deemed necessary by either traffic consultant. Access to
SR 434 is controlled by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).
This is proposed as a private gated townhouse community with one way in and one way out,
although a 20 foot wide stabilized emergency access easement is provided at the southeast
portion of the site - to the southwest comer of the Don King Concrete site. An easement must be
obtained from Don King Concrete (prior to platting the subdivision) to ensure the access remains
useable and unobstructed. Otherwise, the plans must be modified to provide stabilized
emergency access to SR 434 in that southeast comer. The 20 foot wide easement must be
adequately stabilized during construction, to ensure that emergency vehicles do not mire down in
sand or mud.
A 5 foot wide sidewalk is proposed along SR 434. Sheet 10 must be revised to include an
associated handicap-accessible crosswalk across the entrance roadway, The development
agreement and the plans depict a 4 foot wide sidewalk along both sides of the interior roadways,
in contrast to 5 feet wide as required by Section 20-468 (12).
The developer contacted Seminole County about any possible need for trail easement. Staff
received notification from Seminole County staff that no trail property or easement was required
or needed from this site.
The developer proposes a development agreement (pursuant to Section 20-474 of the City Code)
to address a number of issues that might be in conflict with the code, including, but not limited
to, buffer walls, SigIlage, right-of-way widths, street construction standards, internal sidewalk
width, maintenance berm width (berm around storm-water pond), timing of the street light plan,
building setbacks, and on-street parking.
The development agreement proposes to construct a 6' masonry wall on the east side of the site
(the applicant requests the option of providing either a masonry wall or a fence on the west side).
The portion of Barrington Estates that abuts this site already has a masonry wall and therefore
does not need a buffer wall. The property to the east is zoned commercial and technically does
not require a wall, since both sites have commercial zoning, but since this site will be developed
as residential, staff requested a wall, so that the future Barclay residents would be buffered from
any future non-residential redevelopment of the Don King Concrete site. The site to the west, in
unincorporated Seminole County, is reported to have numerous junked automobiles and other
items that the applicant wishes to buffer his future residents.
Subsection 9-277 (3) of the Code requires only one parkinl! space for each two-family or
multi-family development unit. The residential driveways are as short as 16 feet from the
garage door to the edge of the sidewalk (21 feet to the roadway surface), meaning that any
lengthy automobile would block the sidewalk, if parked in the driveway for each unit. For
illustration and comparison, the City's Ford Ranger pickup trucks (relatively small trucks)
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. Regular Item 504
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measure 16 feet long and an extended cab Ford F 15 0 (full-size pickup) measures just beyond 18
The Police Department has noted that on-street parking is a problem in other areas of the City
and asked that it be addressed in the deed restrictions (language has been added to the
homeowner restrictive covenants). Clearly and unequivocally, the sidewalk must remain
unobstructed for pedestrians and handicap access and the roadway must have enough clear width
to accommodate emergency access vehicles (e.g. police, fire, ambulance). The revised plan
depicts 6 gravel parking spaces (2 groups of3 spaces each), one at each end of the subdivision.
The plan depicts a 10 foot wide strip ofland extending across the SR 434 side ofthe site for
approximately 335 feet. The attached April 1, 2004, letter from the applicant's attorney, Patrick
Rinka, states that this strip ofland is in common ownership with the rest of the site. Clear proof
of ownership (e.g. title certificate, title opinion, or other similar documentation acceptable to the
City Attorney) should be provided before any site work may commence.
Staff has concern that the location of the under-drain system behind Building 8 (within the 7 feet
between the back of the slab and the property line - the foundation to the 6 foot tall masonry wall
will also extend into this area) violates the "angle of repose" as regulated by Section 1803.1.3 of
the Florida Building Code. Since the applicant proposes "hard roof' porches over these patios,
any excavation of the system in such close proximity to the foundation of the porches could
cause problems. This should be adequately addressed before any building permits are issued for
these buildings.
The landscape plan needs to be amended to depict the sidewalk adjacent to the curb. This only
affects the plantings at the pedestrian cross-walks on the internal loop roadway. The existing
landscape plan depicts plantings between the sidewalk and curb, whereas the plantings need to be
moved back, as depicted on an 8 Y2 "x 11" sample sheet in the packet. Otherwise, with the
sidewalk and these plantings relocated, the landscape plan will remain the same.
1. The subdivision will connect to City potable water and sanitary sewer.
The City has adequate capacity for both,
2. The site includes existing structures, artesian wells, specimen trees, and
3. The 7.45 acre site is within the C-l Neighborhood Commercial zoning
district, has a Commercial Future Land Use (FLU) designation, and is
within the SR 434 New Development Overlay Zoning District.
4. The development is proposed with a private roadway system that is not
designed to City standards and therefore may not be incorporated into the
City roadway system for ownership and/or maintenance.
5. Wetland delineation and mitigation were addressed with the St. Johns
River Water Management District by the applicant.
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6. A traffic study and subsequent review by the City's consultant determined
no out-standing traffic issues - no additional on-site or off-site vehicular
traffic improvements will be required by the City.
7. The subdivision plan and/or development agreement have minor issues
that must be addressed and/or reconciled before construction may
commence. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Reconciling potential angle of repose issues associated with
Section 1803.1.3 of the Florida Building Code;
b. Reconciling the landscape plan with the sidewalk location
adjacent to the curb of the internal loop roadway;
c. Demonstrating common ownership of the 10 foot wide strip of
property, in the front of the site, parallel to the SR 434 ROW;
d. Providing a striped pedestrian crosswalk for the sidewalk along
SR 434, across the entrance roadway to the subdivision.
At its regularly scheduled meeting of April 7, 2004, the Planning and
Zoning recommended approval of the final engineering/subdivision plans
for Barclay Woods, subject to the provision of2 parking spaces per unit.
Staff recommends the City Commission allow the applicant to present
conceptual plans, before amending the proposed final
engineering/subdivision plans.