HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 05 10 Regular 503
ITEM 503
May 10, 2004
MGR ~vJr^- /DEPT Kg
REQUEST: The Finance Department Requests that the City Commission Adopt
Resolution No. 2004-13 Amending the FY 04 Budget.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the City Commission amend
the FY 04 Budget.
A mid-year budget review indicates the need to amend the FY 04 budget as shown in
Attachments A (Budget Amendment Summary - All Funds) and B (General Fund Budget
Amendment Recap)
Executive Summary
The following table indicates the effect which the 2003 CAFR and the budget amendments have
had on fund balances. Only those funds requiring budget amendments have been included. In
some cases, the budgeted fund balance has not changed because the required budget amendments
were revenue neutral. Irregardless of this neutrality, a budget amendment is necessary for
expenditure budget increases.
Fund Name / Fund Number
General Fund / 001
Fund Balance
Other Governmental Funds:
Transportation Improvement Fund / 104
Parks Donation Fund / 105
Arbor Fund / 110
Road Improvement Fund / 115
Police Impact Fee Fund /150
Parks Impact Fee Fund /155
FireIPublic Safety Impact Fee Fund /160
Fund Balance
Fund Name / Fund Number
Medical Transport Fund / 170
2004 Line of Credit Debt Service Fund / 230
1997 Construction Fund /304
1999 Construction Fund / 305
Revolving Rehab Fund /306
TLBD Improvement Fund / 308
Central Winds Expansion Fund / 310
Public Facilities Capital Projects Fund / 311
Enterprise Funds* :
Water & Sewer - Operating Fund / 401-3600
Water & Sewer - Renewal & Replacement Fund /401-3610
Development Services Fund / 420
Fund Balance
Fund Balance
* Because the enterprise funds operate on the accrual basis, the reported figures are technically
not their 'fund balances'. The revised budgeted 'fund balance' figures are a projection of their
year-end cash balances.
Not Applicable.
Adopt Resolution No. 2004-13 amending the FY 04 Budget.
Resolution No. 2004-13
Attachment A - Budget Amendment Summary - All Funds
Attachment B - General Fund Budget Amendment Recap
Resolution No.2004-13
A Resolution of the City Commission of Winter Springs amending the Fiscal Year
2003/2004 budget as provided in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; providing for
severability; providing an effective date.
Whereas, the City Commission finds it necessary to amend the fiscal year
2003/2004 budget as provided herein.
Now therefore be it resolved by the City Commission as follows:
Section 1 Budqet Amendment. The City of Winter Springs' fiscal year 2003/2004
budget is hereby amended as provided for in Commission Agenda Item 303,
dated May 10, 2004, and attached hereto as Exhibit "A" which is hereby fully
incorporated herein by this reference.
Section 2 Severabilitv. If any section of this resolution is for any reason held
involved or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction such portion
shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such
holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution.
Section 3 Effective Date. This resolution shall become effective immediately
upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
Adopted by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a
regular meeting assembled on this 10th day of May, 2004.
John F. Bush, Mayor
Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk
FY 2003-2004
FY04 New FY04
Drlglnal Approved Requests FY03 Revenue Amended
Annual Interdepartmental Amendments to to Amend PO Neutral Annual
!lmilll Budoet ~ Aooroorlation Aooroorlation Rollover Chanoes Budoet
General Fund Revenues $16.034.434 $16,034.434
County Occupational Ucense Revenue 2.600 $ 2.600
Loan Proceeds- Fire Truck 300.000 $ 300.000
Donation for Smoke Detectors 600 $ 600
Donalion. FEMA Granl $ 65.979 $ 65.979
COPS Granl. salaries 75.000 $ 75.000
COPS Grant. overtime 49.135 $ 49.135
Donation for Thermal Imaging Camera 15,000 $ 15.000
Medical Transport personnel double counted $ 14.600 $ 14.600
FOOT Reimb (proj. > budget) $ 107.000 $ 107.000
Loan Repay from Parks Impact (acluals > budget) $ 100.000 $ 100.000
Loan Repay from CW GO Debl Service (acluals > budget) $ 77. 770 $ 77. 770
Residual Equity Tlfer from 2000 Info System $ 1.823 $ 1.823
Timing of CDBG revenue '04 not '03 $ 106.885 $ 106.885
P&R- Summer Youth Program revenue $ 5.000 $ 5.000
Reduce ~115 lIfer-<;ap pro) coord absent 1/2 yr $ (19.500) $ (19.500)
Jncrease W&S lifer for Utility Billing budget $ 32.815 $ 32.815
General Fund Revenues $16.034.434 $ $ 368.579 496.393 $ 69.735 $16,969.141
City Commission 1100 $ 133.300 $ 2.500 $ 135.800
Various Boards 1110 $ 15.000 $ 15.000
City Manager 1200 $ 226.600 $ 600 $ 227.200
City Clerk 1210 $ 223.800 11.025 $ 234.825
General Gov'J. Legal Services 1220 $ 225.000 $ 225.000
General Gov't - General 1900 $ 218.696 $ (600) $ (34.055) $ 184.041
Finance 1300 $ 435.970 $ (3.000) $ 2.600 $ 435.570
Finance ~ Utility Silfing 1360 $ 502,450 $ 3.000 $ 29.815 $ 535.265
Gen Svc - Admin 1350 $ 71.000 $ (1,450) $ 69.550
Gen Svc - Human Res 1310 $ 87.975 $ 1.450 $ 89,425
Gen Svc - Purchasing 1330 $ 54.675 $ 54.675
Gen Svc - City Hall 1910 $ 159.800 $ 13.000 $ 172.800
Gen Svc - Risk Management 1920 $ 295.000 $ 295.000
Gen Svc - Ubrary 1930 $ 1.000 $ 1.000
Information Systems 1340 $ 829.779 $ 829.779
Comm Dev - Admin 1510 $ 198.950 19.143 20.000 $ 238.093
Comm Dav - Planning 1515 $ 65.175 $ 65.175
Comm Dev - Dev Rewew 1520 $ 87.375 $ (19.143) $ 68.232
Com Dev. Arbor 2510 $ 58.150 $ 58.150
Police - Chief 2110 $ 283.750 9.350 $ 293.100
Police. COPS Grant Officer 21/1 $ 131,475 $ 131,475
Police. COPS Grant Equip 2112 $ 16.500 $ 16.500
Police - Crimina/Investigations 2113 $ 480.325 $ 480.325
Police. Operalions Support 2114 $ 361.850 (5,850) $ 356,000
Police - Operations 2115 $ 2,412.300 (132,475) 300.000 $ 5.000 $ 49.135 $ 2.633.960
Police -Info Services 2116 $ 835.225 $ 835.225
Police - Tech Services 2117 $ 352.700 (2.500) 8.300 9.116 $ 367.616
Police. Code Enforcemenl 2118 $ 163,150 $ 163.150
Fire - Admin 2210 $ 227,375 $ 2.788 $ 230.163
Fire - EMS 2220 $ 79.900 $ 79.900
Fire - Prevention 2230 $ 72,400 $ 72,400
Fire - Operations 2240 $ 2.972,425 $ (2.588) 357.079 15.000 $ 3.341.916
Fire - Training 2250 $ 114.750 $ (200) 600 $ 115.150
Public liItlrks . Admin 4410 $ 157,500 $ 157,500
Public Works - 434 Beaul 4411 $ 115.000 $ 115.000
Public liItlrks. Roads & ROW 4412 $ 1.116.350 $ 7.200 $ 1.123.550
Public Works - Fleet 4413 $ 168,600 $ 168.600
Public Works - Facl1ities 4414 $ 108.700 (7.200) $ 101.500
Public Works. Capilal Projecls 4415 $ 64,450 $ 64,450
Public Works. Engineering 1500 $ 70.950 $ 70.950
P&R . Admin 7200 $ 153.850 5,000 $ 158.850
P&R . Athlelics 7210 $ 103.050 $ 103.050
P&R - Atllletics League 7211 $ 66.000 $ 66.000
P&R . Athlelics Partnerships 7212 $ 46.075 $ 46.075
P&R . Concessions 7220 $ 128.000 $ 128.000
P&R - Parks & Grounds 7230 $ 926,294 $ 28.116 $ 954,410
P&R - Programs 7240 $ 191.150 $ 23.000 $ 5.000 $ 219.150
P&R . Seniors 7250 $ 119.200 $ 119,200
P&R . FRDAP 1 7231 $ $ 20.000 $ 20.000
P&R . CDBG 1 7232 $ 116.185 $ (38.911) $ (77.274) $
P&R-LWCF 7233 S 400.000 $ (200,000) $ 200,000
P&R . FRDAP 3 7235 $ 14,833 $ 610 $ 15,443
P&R . FRDAP 4 7236 S 200.000 $ (610) $ 199.390
P&R . CDBG 2 7237 $ $ 100.451 $ 100,451
P&R . FRDAP 5 7238 $ 200.000 $ 200.000
General Fund Expenditures $16,728,532 $ 527,469 $ (77.274) $ 134.567 $ 69.735 $17,383.029
Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance $ (694,098) $ $ (158.890) $ 573.667 $ (134,567) $ $ (413,888)
Comm Mtg - 5J10/2004
Regular 303 - Attachment B
Budget Amendment Summary - All Funds
Funds not included in this summary do not require budget amendment
General Fund #001 :
10/01/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
Less balance sheet adjustments
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
PO '03 Rollovers:
PO Rollover- Protective clothing (2117)
PO Rollover- Sunshine Pk Exp (7237)
PO Rollover- Sunshine Pk Exp (7231)
PO Rollover- Canine Dog (2115)
Commission Approved Budget Amendments:
10/13/03 Comm Approved - County Occupational Licenses
County Occupational License Revenue
T /fer to Dev Services for OT (1300)
MUNIS Enhancements (1300)
10/13/03 (#512) Comm Approved - Promo Video (1100)
10/27/2003 (Consent 200) - Increase loan to Police Impact
11/10/03 Comm Approved Budget Amendment
Timing of expenditure - '03 not '04 (7232) CDBG
Timing of expenditure - '03 not '04 (7233) Wincey
11/10/03 (#202) Comm Approved - AlC Unit Chambers
12/8/03 (#204) Comm Approved - Ramp
Electronic access
1/12/2004 (#201) Comm Approved- City Clerk salary incr.
1/12/2004 (#205) Comm Approved - 17-92 Tax Payment
1/12/04 (#203) Comm Approved - Moss Park Brick Wall
1/12/04 (Info #308) Comm Approved - FEMA Grant
- related FEMA expenditure
1/26/04 (Reg #500) Comm Approved - Parkstone Wall
2/9/04 (#203) Comm Approved - Fire Truck Expenditure
Line of Credit Proceeds
Budgeted Fire Truck Lease Payment (not necessary)
Establish LOC Payments to Debt Service
2/9/04 (#503.1) Comm Approved - Stuffer (1360)
2/23/04 (#200) Comm Approved - Town Center Streetscape
3/22/04 (#201) Comm Approved - Utility Billing Handhelds
4/12/04 (Reg #503) - Comm Approved - July 4th Event
4/12/04 (Reg #509) - Comm Approved - Feasibility Study (Aquatics)
4/12/04 (Consent 208) - Comm Approved - Maint to Police AC/Heating
4/26/04 (Regular #503) - Comm Approved- Police Laptops
($3,4 75.00)
$65,979.00 I
Comm Mtg 5/10/2004
Regular 303 - Attachment A
Budget Amendment Summary - All Funds
General Fund (cont'd)
Federal COPS Grant Revenue- Officers' Salaries
Medical Transport salaries double counted, set up as revenue to general
FOOT Reimb- anticipated revenue higher than budgeted
Loan repayment from Parks Impact increased due to line of credit
proceeds to that fund
CDBG #1 - Remaining '04 budget will be expended in '05
Transfer from Central Winds GO Debt Service Fund- '04 loan repayment
Transfer from Info Systems Capital Project Fund- residual equity transfer
CDBG #2 Revenue- timing of revenue '04 not '03
Smoke Detectors- donation revenue
Smoke Detectors- expenditure (2250)
Federal COPS Grant Revenue- Overtime
Federal COPS Grant Expenditure- Overtime (2115)
Donation for Thermal Imaging Camera - Fire Operations
Thermal Imaging Camera Expenditure - Fire Operations
P&R-Programs/Special - increase proj expend Summer Youth Prog
P&R-Programs/Special - increase proj revenue Summer Youth Prog
Transfer from Road Imp Fund - capital proj coordinator absent 1/2 year
Transfer from Water and Sewer for budget increase in Utility Billing
Remove transfer to Police Impact Fee Fund (no longer necessary due to
line of credit)
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
$600.00 I
$49,135.00 I
$15,000.00 I
$5,000.00 I
Comm Mtg 5/10/2004
Regular 303 - Attachment A
Budget Amendment Summary
Special Revenue Funds
Transportation Improvement Fund #104
10101/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
PW/Util Compound expenditure w/b '05 not '04
1/12/04 (Consent 209) Comm Approved - Northern Way repairs
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Parks Donation Fund #105
10101/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
PO Rollover- Sunshine Park
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Arbor Fund #110
10101/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Tree Bank Revenues less than anticipated
Donation from Centex (expenditure planned for FY '05)
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Road Improvement Fund #115
10101/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Capital Projects reprioritized according to available fund balance
Expected one-cent revenue less than anticipated
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Comm Mtg - 5/10/2004
Regular 303 - Attachment A
Budget Amendment Summary
Special Revenue Funds
Police Impact Fee Fund #150
10/01/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Loan proceeds - Police Headquarters expansion
Remove transfer from Gen Fund due to Line of Credit proceeds
Increase cap exp budget for Police Headquarters Expansion
Establish Ufer to debt service for line of credit principle and interest
Adjust impact fee revenue to projections/actuals
Decrease expenditures to better align with impact fees
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Parks Impact Fee Fund #155
10/01/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Increase loan repayment to General Fund due to loan proceeds
Loan proceeds - Wincey purchase borrowed from General Fund
Parker Improvements (project #70104)
Wincey purchase - property taxes
Establish Ufer to debt service for line of credit principle and interest
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Fire/Public Safety Impact Fee Fund #160
10/01/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Increase budgeted impact fees to projected/actuals
PO Rollover (FY '03) - Gen Equip $62K, Data Proc $10K
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Comm Mtg - 5/10/2004
Regular 303 - Attachment A
Budget Amendment Summary
Special Revenue Funds
Medical Transport Fund #170
10101/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
4/26104 (Consent 200) Comm Approv. - Chest Compression State Grant
4/26/04 (Consent 200) Comm Approv. - Chest Compression Expenditure
1/12/04 (Consent 206) Comm Approv. - Rescue Truck
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
2004 Line of Credit Debt Service Fund #230
10101/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Tlfer from Gen Fund - Fire Truck
Tlfer from Parks Impact - Wincey Property
Tlfer from Police Impact - Police Expansion
Line of Credit - Principle
Line of Credit - Interest
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
1997 Construction Fund #304
10101/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Decrease '04 expenditures - due to less than proj interest/beg fund balance
Decrease interest revenue to match proj/actuals
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
1999 Construction Fund #305
10/01/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Decrease Magnolia Park - construction to occur FY 05
Decrease Town Center Trail/lnfrastructure - construction to occur FY 05
Decrease Village Walk - to be funded from other revenue source
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Comm Mtg - 5/10/2004
Regular 303 - Attachment A
Budget Amendment Summary
Special Revenue Funds
Revolvinq Rehab Fund #306
10/01/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
To adjust FY '04 repayment to nearest projection ($240K)
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
TLBD Improvement Fund #308
10/01/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Decrease '04 expenditures - due to less than projected beg '04 fund balance
Decrease '04 expenditures - move to '05
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
CW Expansion Fund (#310):
10/01/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY'04 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Expenditure reduction needed to compensate for beg fund balance < projections
11/10/03 Comm Approved Budget Amendment
Timing of expenditure - '03 not '04
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Public Facilities Capital Proiects Fund #311
10/01/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Transfer from Water and Sewer (3640)
Transfer from Water and Sewer (3600)
Transfer from 1997 Const Fund - PW/Utility Compound
PW/Util Compound Construction In Progress
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Comm Mtg - 5/10/2004
Regular 303 - Attachment A
Budget Amendment Summary
Enterprise Funds
(Note - Because the enterprise funds operate on the accrual basis, the reported figures are technically not
their 'fund balances'. The revised budgeted 'fund balance' figures are a projection of their year-end cash
Water and Sewer Fund (#3600):
10/01/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
(Due in part to reconciliation between CAFR and budget)
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Commission Approved Budget Amendments:
1/12/04 (Consent 208) Comm Approv - Consulting
4/12/04 (Consent 204) Comm Approv - Pearl Rd Sewer Relining
Transfer to General Fund (Utility billing budget increase)
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
($216,010.00) ($216,010.00)
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Water and Sewer Fund (#3610):
10/01/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation to Fund Balance
Increase Ufer from 3600 for Pearl Road
Pearl Rd Sewer Relining
FY '04 Revised Budgeted Appropriation from Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Development Services Fund #420:
10/01/2003 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '04 Budgeted Appropriation to Fund Balance
10/13/03 Comm Approved - County Occupational License
Transfer from General Fund for Overtime
Overtime increase (#2411)
10/13/03 Comm Approved - GSG Study
2/9/04 Comm Approved - KIVNMUNIS
Reduce budget revenues- building permits
Reduce budget revenues- plan review
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Comm Mtg - 5/10/2004
Regular 303 - Attachment A