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Date: 082304
During Commissioner Blake's "Report" on
08/23/04, this Document was distributed by
Commissioner Miller
Summary of Documentation Surrounding Creation of Oviedol County JPA
and Winter Springs Participation
1. Letter from Commissioner Morris to Cities of Winter Springs (WS) and
Oviedo (QV) inviting tri-party interlocal agreement. (02/11/98)
2. Battle Ridge memo regarding WS transmission to DCA (07/14/98)
3. Letter from WS City Manager, Ron McLemore, to OV City Manager stating
the following(08/06/98):
D Serious objection to a JPA affecting areas over which WS has' .
future annexation interest
. Requests OV to request County Commission to delay action on the
JPA, scheduled for 08/25/98, until the two cities can reach an
. Concerned that agreement will not eliminate annexation disputes
since not binding on WS
. WS City Attorney questions legality of agreement
. Suggests reaching a compromise
. Says WS is not aware of a joint meeting regarding annexation they
walked away from due to impasse .
e State that WS does not feel they need to be involved in a JPA
where the two cities "would not share common boundaries"
4. Letter trom WS City Manager. Ron McLemore, to County Manager stating
the following (08/06/98):
.. . WS desires to work cooperatively
. WS does not believe the JPA provides for accomplishing
everyone's best interest
. . Request delay of action
5. Letter from WS City Manager. Ron McLemore, to OV City Manager stating
the same as 4 above. (08/06/98)
6. Letter from Oviedo Chairman Dallari to Commissioner Morris stating
continued work on JPA is needed and states that, "[t]o date the Joint
Planning Agreement has.been.an idea that has materialized only through
discussions and written correspondence with County staff". (08/24/98)
7, Minutes from the August 25th 1998 BCC meeting-
. Ms. Chandler of Planning explained that: County staff working on
East Area Study that is important to QV; staff will provide
information to City when com'pieted and they will be able to come
up with conclusions relative to the boundary for the JPA and
annexation boundaries; mentioned that a joint work session should
be held; and a letter to WS, a petition of WS pursuant to the
Interlocal Mediation and Coord, Agreement were received and filed.
. Deputy County Attorney addressed WS request for delay at action
on JPA and stated that the County Manager responded to WS
petition by saying everything the City has aske.d has alrea(
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. Commissioner Morris stated he received a letter from OV
expressing they would be happy to meet with WS and that it is not
advisable for County to get involved again in tri.party agreement-
that there are no contentious issues between the County and cities
individually. He recommended the cities get together to work out
their issues,
. . WS City Attorney mentioned the mystery of the OV Agreement and
that WS does not want to interfere with QV issues east of their
.area, but would like to implement a process in the SE area of the
. Chairman Morris says message to go back to WS is the County has
done everything they can do .
. OV City Manager addressed the BCC stating the City of QV
requested WS to delay action on Battle Ridge so they can work out
boundaries and the City of WS declined that offer.
.. Letter from WS City Manager stating that OV and the County have
chosen not to involve WS in the process of developing the JPA and
ws seeks a cooperative tri-party process (09/27/99) .
o Minutes from the September 28, 1999 BCe m~eting:
'i. The Dire.ctor of Planning and Development, Frances
Chandler explains that draft JPA went to OV and WS on
12io8/98. Changes made to reflect OV concerns but WS did
not comment. QV Council approved JPA.
iLChairman advised receipt of letter from WS objecting to JPA
. III. WS Mayor stated agreement should be tri-party and .
requested additional time for cities to work out issues
iv. Commissioner Van Der Weide stated process has been
going on for along time and it appears the two cities.can not
come to an agreement. ,
v. . Commissioner Morris stated he does not believe a delay will
make a difference and feels it is appropriate to move
forward. States that the agreement goes a long Way to show
cooperation between the County and av.
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February II, 1998
Mr. Jlon McLemore. City MAnaacr
City ofWlntCl't SpMl'
1126 Eut sa 434
Winter Sprinp. Plotida 32708
Mr. V. Eupo Williford. Uf. City MaNict
City ctOriedo
400 AJex.a.ndrl& Boultwnf
OvIedo, Florida 32765
SllbJ~~ laterlocal AIIUIIIUI
Dcat JI.Dn an4 cmno:
My IU.ft'hu Informed me th&t \a4 Monday, the Winter SprinlP City Commlalon UIWlil"llOUlly appl'O'VCd
. tho ~Oft 01 an ImcrlllmOll1 ~ dlo Cky'. ComprdlC'4Jlv, PIaD to clarlJly die City'. amICDC1110n
policy, aod 1hat I publio bculoa rcprdln; tho IIITIt1idmCllI hat been lclIcd\iled fot Marcll2)....
. I Wculd Iilea to propose. ltlen, tb.a1 W'tl begin 1/MIcd1a1c1y 10 m1\ an \ntorlocsl ~ amenl tblI three
Juri.tdlc:tlolllw\th \he loa! or havl1\J IJMI qreemenl cornplct.c:d by tho Mvth 23'" dat!. I halleve thIt Jtl'f
.. ~t \W'adcpt 11 thl.a limo ihould 1Iddteu. II I minimum. lM~oa IImIU and fl.aftmt land IIICI,
ad.oC.SR.411 ariatior1ll DC sa 434. . .
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I am a1Jci offerlnl tho County'. &cllido, and lQourccS, to hold tho rnc:tlnp thai win be DCCCIII%)' to
. PrtpUilaill;recmCllt. Tho contact pmoa 11 !be Couftty reprdlna !hit matter II TOllY Matthawa, who
.. .rnay be reached ar321.1130, mcmlon 7371.
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. . .~~:iool((Orward to. m.cetlDI with you u 1000 aI pouiblo to beam p~on DC. much occdecl
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cc: Otly ICabcr, <Auaty Manaaer
f~ CbaDdlcr, ktina Placnlna and Dcrveloprnent Olroctor
TCIlIf Mal:zhewI. Senior Planner
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Tony Matthc",s ')1r---
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July 14, i998
On May 26. the l:lst time this item was brought to the BO:lrd~ stnff Wll5 requested to
keep the Board updated on the progress of the amendment,
~ ,
On May 7 the City transmitted the amendment to the Dep:lrtment of Community
Aff:lirs for review and comment. The amendment package was found incomplete
by the Depanment and was returned to the City; the City later retransmitted the
The Depllltment will publish its noeice of intent finding the amendment compliant
or noncompliant on July 31. We will update the Board on that finding on August
If you have any questions. please feel free to crill me D.t extension 7373. Thanks,
cc: Gary Kaiser. County Manager
Frances Chandler, Planning and Development Dire~tor
Lonnie Groot, Deputy County Attorney
Colleen Rotella. Acting Manager, Comprehensive Planning Division
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!.:I AUG 11 j9SS ('1;
CITY OF WINTER SPRING~'.~~~~~~~":r <,: .Ii:
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Ro~ld W. Mcl..efllort
City Manager
August 6. 1998
Eugene WIlliford. /II. City Manager
CIty of Oviedo
400 Alexandria Blvd.
Oviedo, Florida 32765
Dear Gene:
In a recent meeting wtth County Chairman Randy Moms Bnd the Wln1&r Springs
City Comml8slon two ('SUGS were discussed that raIsed concam with the WInter
Springs City Commission. The ISSUBS ere related 10 the proposed JoInt PlannIng
Agreement between Oviedo and Seminole County addressing annexation
bound8rlea. Relatedly. the CommissIon has directed me to communicate with
you relative to these Issues and to request written responses,
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Q~edO'8 . NeaoUatJno PoliCY Backarcun~:
We have a seriOU8 objection to a JPA affectIng areas over which we have a
Mure annexation Interest '
Not wlthstandlng the fact that there Is wf1at we underntand to be an agreement
for Commlaslonar Dal!arl, you, and Mayor Partyka and.l to meet and dlBCUSS
common boundaries on behalf of our respective governing bodies, no 8uch
meeUng hBI been successfully sd1eduled. However, mInutes of your meeting of
February 1B, 1998, appears to dl8dose that OvIedo has no Intention of meeting
with thaCIty to dl8ClJ8S these ISSUBS. As we understand It, this statement has
become e, basla for Commissioner Moms moving ahead with his plan 10 present
a Joint Planning Annexation propOsal to the CountY Commission on August 25,-
1998, wor1<ed out betwael1 Ovledo end County staff wlthout input from the City of
Winter Springs.
The CIty CommissIon desires to know wf1at your DOlley Is relative to neaollatlons
of 8n annexation eareemen! with Winter SQl1na:!l.
1, Is It the policy of the City of Oviedo for Commission Dellari and City
Menager VVllliford to meet and discuss In good faith common boundary
Issues with Wln!er Springs?
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,Gena Wllllrord
Page Two
2. Is It the policy of the City of Oviedo not to have discussion of any type with
the City or Wlntar Springe?
There 18 9 perception that your polley may be to formally declare a desire 10 meet
with the City of Winter Springs. while In actuality delaying any suct'l meeting until
6uch time that Oviedo and the County won< out e Joint Planning Annexation
Agreement to which tho City Is not a party,
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Several actions lend credence to this pert:'Elption.
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,. Mayor Partyke has attempted for months to schedule a meeting with
Commissioner Denari without 6UcceSS. A review of your minutes has
statements by an Oviedo Commissioner recommending that the City of
Oviedo not enter into discussions wfth V\l\nter Springs regarding en
agreement on our common boundaries.
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2, A JoInt Planning AnnexatIon Interlocal Agreement between Oviedo and
the County to which the City of Winter Springs is not a party. Is in fact
scheduled to be presented to the County CommissIon on August 25,
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3. Several monlha ego I communicated to you Winter Springs' desire for you
end I to have dl8CU811lona on common boundaries, You subsequently
communicated to me that your Commission did not desire this to heppen.
that In fact your Commlaelon desired you and your staff to concentrate
your resources on detenTllnlng the feasibility of fillnl} 8 protest to Wnter
Springe planned annexations of Satye Ridge. '
If It Is your Clty'G policy to have good faith di&CUS$lona with the City relative to our
common boundaries. the City Commission respectfully request that you request
Seminole County to delay aetlon on the Inter10cal agreement scheduled for
Augus.125. 1998 for ninety days In order to give us an opportunity to 868 If the'
two cities can reach 8 aatlsfact.ory agreement prior to any action by the County.
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Gene Williford
Page Three
If It Is not your cUlTent policy to enler Into good faith negotlatlons with Winter
Springs, considerations of the followIng lhree points could give cause to
reconsideration of you policy,
First, s1noelhe proposed inlerlocal agreement between Oviedo end Seminole
County 18 not binding ,on Winler SpMnge, we Bre concemed that the agreement
'011111 not acoompllBh the ultimate objective of eliminating .ermexatlon disputes
between the two dtles, To .lhe contrary, wa believe such an agreement would
sarve only to IntensifY the level of annexation efforts on the part of Winter Springs
to 9 higher level.
secondly, our City Attomey has serious questions regarding the fundamental
legalities of thIs type of agreement and will be prepared to advise the City of
appropriate legal siratagles to challenge the agreement
Thirdly, and most Importantly, If the partIes are willing to negotlale In good fallh,
Including reasonable basis for compromiae.l don't see why OvIedo end Winter
Springs couldn't come to Br'l acceptable agrooment In a shOrt peMod of time
Which would be binding on both Cities and the County, and that would
permanently resolve the Issue.
80noxalion fM~t1n.Q
During tho Winter Springe CIty CommIssion moetlng, we believe It was stated
that a Joint meeting was held Including you end I, and oertaln elected officials of
the County. Oviedo and WlnterSpring8 regardIng annexallon. We are not aware
when or where such l) meeting wall held. HOW'EIVor, It was I'9preaented that this
meetIng was so contiguous that the parties walked ErNey from tho meeting at
totallmpaB88 and unwilling to meet further on the Issue,
No one here has any record or reCXlnectlon of such a meeting, Please provide
details If you are aware of suctl a meeting or have any records of 8uch 0
meeting. . .
In Bummary, the Winter Springs City eommlslllon Is very strongly commlned to a
negotiated agreement witll the CIty of OvIedo and Seminole County that
allocates unincorporated areas eligible for annexation by our respectlve clUes
based upon e~e and efficient dallvery of public 8ervloe3,
BK U 2 4 J PG 0 8 2 4
Gene Willford
Page Four
The City of Winter Springs doe!! not feet thaI we need to be cu!T9nUy Involved In
B Jolnl Planning Agreement where our Cities would not shere common
boundaries. ThIs could be part of 8 MtJre overall agreement.
We desIre to meet to reach 8n accord on these Isoues, Otherwloe, we could flnd
ouraalves In protocol Future Plan 'Amendment challenges. We would like to
avoid that eltematlve.
To accomplish this we request the following:
)- A maellng or serie!! of meeUhg for the purpose of negotiating an
agreement releUve to our common boundaries.
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)0 A nlnetY~ay delay In conslderetlon of the pending Oviedo/Seminole
County JPA. We believe your City holds the.key to this process. tf you
. request a delay of consideration of the JPA, we believe the COunty would
comply. .
City Manager
cc: Mayor and Commls!lon
Seminole County Commission
Oviedo CIty Commission
.. ........, -........-.....-............ ....- ---.
,,2d EAST !>TATE RO"-D ~:>A
TGI.p/lOn~ (GaT) 327.,00D
. Ronald W. McLemore
Augusl a.'1 998
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Dear Gary: I i\" -,...'~5' ;;'" ~,."
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Relale<! to the July 27 and August 3, 1 B9a.,Qlty 'C'ommlsslon dlscu8slona of the
Ovledo/Semlnola County Interl0C31 Agreement planned for presentation August 26,
1998, before the County CommissIon, please edvlBe me If this agenda Item wlll be
presented 88 a discussion Item or a publiC hearing for purposes of conslderatJon of
the agreemenl
Gary Kal!w. County Manager
Seminole County
1 101 Eaet FIrst Streel
Sanford, FL 32771
AS per the dlredlon of the CIty CommIssion, If this matter I~ for publiC discussion, the
CIty will be pro&enl to proVIde our comments. If this matter Is being scheduled for
publiC hearing. we re5pectfully request one hour to make a formal pro&entatlon In
order to create a formal record a5 an affected party related to this matter.
Relatedly. we are requesting copies of the agenda Item and all public recoros related
to thIs matter by August 12. 1 flQS.
AdditionallY, \he Commission has asked me to relay to you that WInter Sprtngs' sole
desIre 18 to wo\'1( out 9 cooperative egreement between the County, Oviedo and
WInter Sprtngs that amicably lleIVe. everyone's beSt Interell~ We do nol beHeve
that the Inter10cal agreement 8S proposed provides for the aCcomplishment of that
goal. Therefore, we ore requesting that Comml~lon acIJon relaU....e to the adopUon
01 this agreement be delayed nInety days to provide for a three party dIscussIon and
re&Otutlon cfthla matter.
Ronald W. Mclemore
City Manager
. cc; City Commlsalon
County Commission
City Manager. OviedO .
Oviedo City Commission
ax 0 2 4 3 FG 0 e 1 8
lUG '2 5 1998
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. 1118 E/'.S'T ST^~ ROAD 4~4 ... . . . .
w,~TER SPFlINOS, FLOJ:iiB:n270n.'V\llr.'.
TtlopllOna l4C7} 327.1600
R/)Calll W, M eI..tnIorc
ell)! Mtl~Qgcf
August 6,199B
Eugene Willford, III. City Manager
City of OvIedo
400 Alexandria Blvd.
OvIedo, Florlda 32765
Dear Gene:
Related to the adoption process of the proposed Inlerlocal agreement between
Oviedo and Seminole County, we have been advised by the City Attorney thet
8UCtl adoption requires B public hearing prior to adoption by OvIedo and
Seminole County.
~ per the dIrection of the Wlnter Springs Commlaalon, we would like to know the
date of the pub~c heering. AdditionallY, we would like to request one hour In the
hearing to make 8 formal p~ntatJon In order to create a formal record es an
effected party ralated to th18 maner.
Additionally, the Commla.alon has asked me to reI a)' to you that VIIInt.er Springs' &ole
desire 18 towori< out a cooperaUve agreement between lhe County. Oviedo end
Winter Springs that amicably &etvea everyone's beallnteresl Wado not believe
that thelnler10cal ag~enl 9S proposed provIdes for the accomplishment of thAt
goal. Therefore, we reiterate oUr ,aquast thal eommlaslon action relatlve to the
adOptlon of thlll agreement be delayed nInety days to provide for a thrae party
dif3cusslon and resolution of thl9 matter.
City Manager
cc: Mayor and Commission
County CommIssIon
Oviedo City Comml!lsion
BK J 2 I; 3 PG 0 8 2 5
AUS Z 5 1998
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August 24, 1998
The Honorable Randall Morris
Chairman, Seminole Board of County Commissioners
Seminole County Services Building
1101 East First Street
Sanford, FL 32771
Dear Chairman Morris:
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The City of Oviedo has reviewed the latest draft of the Joint Planning lnterlocal.
Agreement between Seminole County and the City of Oviedo. Our obj ective is to
create an agreement that provides for orderly planning for future development, for
future infrastructure improvements, and for use of those improvements currently
proposed. With such an objective comes the ability to proceed with the required
public hearings and ultimate incorporation into the City's and County's respective
Comprehensive Plans,
While the initial discussions between the two staffs have been productive, there
remain issues as to annexation boundaries, water/waslewater/reclaimed water service
areas, and fU'St response. Annexation boundaries are critical to the completion of any'
an.d all other issues. The City awaits the County's completion of its data gathering
and resulting conclusions for the small EJJ'ea study surrounding Chuluota and
resolution of the issue of urban' sprawl as accepled by the County,
To date the Joint Planning Agreement has been an idea that has materialized only
through discussions and Written correspondence with the Counry staff. The City and
County still have not reached agreement on the eastern and western boun.daries of the
planning area and there has been only one presentation ns to the County's concept for
wnstewater and reclaimed water service. Until these issues are resolved it will be
difficult to develop a formal agreement
BK 0 2 4 3 FG 3 B 9 3
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SEP - 8 1998
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The City of Oviedo remain:! interested and supportive of continuing dialogue with the
County. We would hope that you allow your staff to work on thi:! planning effort with
our staff and ultimately a complete and forma) document can be presented to tJle City
Councilllnd the County Commission for con9iderationof a viable joint planning
cc: City Council
County Commission
City Manager
County Manager
William Colbert
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BK Q 2 l4 3 ?C 0 0 0 5
ChdJrman Mor~ls 9t8lad h~ wouLrl r~vnr the lmprnv~ment~
being t~rqetf~d ror t.he ft!rf1 Pflr~ Ar(lll, lr.!tLJn'~ UI~ CflA IJO
f.orward 8nd 1)It..Jrn,1t~Jy the qi;1nr.r~l Impu,vl;m(lllr.!l \oIor~ It,!l Wr)Y
Commis'!lioner Va,., Ocr Weide .:It.'l~.er.l he hlJd on oppocr.\)nlty to
drive dOIJn Or;jng~ l.ll()!Hl0rn Tr!lll. (Oll"1'1 t.o lOt,k at thl" \lq\'f ml'lSll
i)l()nq lhat ma~nr Inrer~"H7ll(ln l)ncJ hC! l~p.1Icvt.!' I.h"r. 3t.,qrr n~'HJ!'\
to I.'.lke !\ look ill ~hal.
Chilirman Mords rclter>:lt.ed chllt the r..Oilrd ha6 r.C>f'lcurreo to
hp.dr back d\lring the 0 rllt Bunget hearing 111 :';cpt".:rnber on the
Lyn~ propO'!lalg, including Route9 >.00 dnd ::10~, .:Jnd r.hfJ Clno1r\cl.nq
and ~o,.,veulon of the dol.lor!:l to pay for tho~e routes. He.
stated he will rp.port back ~s to what busi~e~5~s In Heilthrow Bre
willing to p.:Jrticipat.e il! this project. Staff 10.1111 provide
addl~ional information relative to potenti~l van service in that
area. Staff wll1 ~130 look ~t the remalnlng dollars of
$623,000, not spent on Lynx, to go for In(ci,lstr,)cture, minus the
$100,000 lor the new Link ::102. for those p!:Oj~ct9 ldentified by
3tQff for the Fern Por~ area. Th13 inCorm.:Jtlon IJjll be
Bubmlttod to the Board 8t the Budget hearing.
The Board recessed the meeting at lO~15 a.m., reconvening
at 1.0:30 a.m., with CommJ,s9ioner AdoOms returning l.He.
MS. Chandler B~.Hed staff hil9 been worldng "'1th the Cities
of Winter Sprin'p end Oviedo to develop jolnt pi ann i 1"1';1
agreements. Sh~ st~ted ~taff has had dl~cu3sion3 with the City
of OviedO and :lhe brO\l<;lht the I:.oard up-to-d.:Jte on the :Hetus o(
tho.~e disr.:\Js~jons. She 9.:Jld the county 1.:1 in.thl! mldst of \In
gast Area Study and the completlon or that study is important to
the City of Ovi~do.
Comml~sioner Adams entered the meeting at this time.
AuaunT H. 1'91
Ma. chandler :ltllt<.ld onc!: the pr~J imlnHY tlatll Is completed.
st4f! will provide th:Jt inrof~atlf)n t,O thl'! City o( Ovi!lcJo and
they './ill be able to come up 'oIJ.th concl.u!3ir.>rl9 rel.H1V~ to r.he
boundary for their joint ~l~n~inq ar~a ~nd ~nncxatlOn
She discu,sed oth~r ~~rvICC9. such B' w~t~f & ,cwOf
servl.ce ilre<l provi~ions, rCluge pro'JI.9Ions. .lnd u~n'flOr.totion
l.~sUC9. She saId 9t.'l(f h.1S. r.ecelvccl IJ letr.!)r trom thl! City of
Oviedo (not received unci (iledl. Staff and the Cir.y of Oviedo
concurs that once the study 1s complct.ed.
II joint work se:!9ion
rccommendiltions Cor
:should be 9chedUlcd to pre~ent
discussion. A letter to the City MaMgcr of Winter springs. iI
petition o( the City of Winter springs pUrSulInt to Interlocal
Agreement on Hediiltion and Intergovernrrlp.ntal coordination. and
Interlocal Agreement on Mediation and Intergovern~ental
coordinatiOn were received lIrid tiled.
Chairman /10rr1S ~tatcd the only i,sue chilt seems to be
outst~nding is il resolution of what type of dev~lopment would ba
permitted along t.h~t ~one. H~ said the City of Oviedo 15
concerned with the Battle Ridge d~velopmel'ltr wh1ch doal:! with
the northern boundary of Sl=. 04 and floridil Avenue. "-nother
"rat! of content.ion is t.ne are!! of potentiill annex~tlon around
the mall and Red Bug L~kB Road corridor.
Lonn i e Groot. Depu t y County At torney. addres sed the Bo~ rd
to state the City of Winter Sprin<;lS 15 asking the County to
delay action 01'1 the City of oviedo's joint planning agroemant.
Ka stoted the County Handger.has responded tc the city of Winter
Springs' . pet~tion by 3.~ying cverything the City has asked tor
h~s already been done.
ChQir~an Morris 5t~ted the Board has received a letter from
the City of Oviedo indicating thelt they will be happy to meet
~lth the City of Winter Springs- He stated he doesn't think it
is advisable Cor the county to get involvCd again in 8 tri-party
BK 0 2 14 3 PG 0 0 0 6
, .
).t10t191 H, 19 99
There lIrl! no cont~ntlou!.l l.llSU(l9 bet"'~en r..hl:l County,
the City or Oviedo or the County and City of Winter. Spring~,
:ltllted he I%vld recommend ;lllolo/tng beth p<lrtieo to get. together.
to ~ork out their problems. The City afOvled" wllt then report
back to the Boord. DiscU5~ion ~nsu~d.
Robert Guthrie, Ci.ty of Winter. SprIngs Attorney. adr.lr.e5.~ed
thp. Boaro to state the 1O:I:ltery of thp. oviedo Agreement is ,",hat
i:l going on dnd what is the nature of the bHqln, area in the
He st?tcd the City of W.i.nter SprinC:ls does not w<'In!:
to interfere with the OviedO issues east of their area. but they
would like t.o implement 8 proce.as in r..ho sour..heasteCnare<l of
the City.
Commissioner Adams left the meeting at thi3 tlme.
Ch~irman Morris stated the message ,that needs to go back to
the City of Winter Spr~.nQs is, thf.! County has done everything
they CDn do. it is now up to the City to work with the City of
He .s3id. he feel:! n i~ important that the City of
Wint.er springs should hold a hearing on this l!1:1ue to get a
:len:!e of what th0Y w~nt to do.
Aetorney Guthrie stated t!\e City is only a~J'kin9 the County
to get involved with the precess. Dlscus:!ion ensued.
commissioner V~n Dee Wsid~ left t!\e meeting 3t this time.
C0!T\lT11S5ioner MaloY stated he would like to be kept b~t.ter
abreast with this is:lue, He stated ihs County needs to see Io/hpt
i5 going on with the joint are3 study on thf.! ea9t side.
Upon inquiry by Chairman Morris. Eugene Williford, City
MDnagcr of Oviedo. i1ddrcs!!Icd the BOllrd to stllte tho Cit'; of
Ovlel.lo Counsel has requested that the City of Winter Springs
delay /lction .on 8attle Ridge 90 that they can work out those
boundaries. The City of Winter Spring~ hilS declined that offer.
The City of Oviedo h<ls been involved in tcying to work out a
re90lution between both cities.
The City Commission has
BK 0 2 ~ 3 PG 0 Q Q 7
Spring3 to try to inlti~te the8~ n~gotlntlon~ again.
IIp. 9 to r.r.d
~lJQU9T H. 1998
~uthcrl:~d tn~ir Ch~lr.man ~o meet wtLh th~ M~yor o[ wln~pr
he apprp.ci03t~s thf! County :IT.ilH llnd the BODrd' ~ P.f!ort~ In tn':
Attorney Guthrl~ ~tat~d he would urge the County ta tallow
in that pro(':l'.l3:l ,lnd m,1ke !'.\)rc that (!vp,ryone Is ,let lnq In 'iloor.1
I t they (J re not, th~y lIrf.!' DlI!>:l"g th,)t, the count.v' :l1.Ow
down the agreement with Ovi~do and move (orwllr.d wJth un
agreement that will address the lssue~.
Comml!1sioner Van Der ',oIC!!ide reent.er~d thp. m~etinq .!It this
Attorney Guthrie st03ted he will Keep the county informed of
any progre:!s.
Chairman Morris 3tated the county may hear bilC~ from both
parties with ~ recommendation (eg~rding the agreements ~round .
the end of next month,
..Warren Wagner, ~nvironmental ~ervice~ Director, nddres,ed
the Board to state the Unlver,ity of Central rlorida is
ln~re~9ing the size of their .wastewater treatment pl~nt and havO
approached Seminole county to see .if the County can take care of
their flows when they construct their facility. Thi, led to the
discussion of the County ulCimateiy taking their buildout flollT~
of two million 9allons 8 day.
He said this discus,ion led to a
possible relationship, as propo~ed 1n the Business Plan, for' ,)
merger of utilitics--ucr has water and waste~ater utiiities and
Seminole County h~s capacity at Iron Bridge.
He statod UCf also
need:! reclaimed wuter, and the City of OviedO need~ wastcw03ter
capacity and reclaimed water.
Deputy Clerk, Eva Roach, leCt the meeting at this time and
wis repl~ced by Deputy Clerk, tirylon Cohen.
BK 0 2 14 3 Pti 0 0 0 e
-'. ._.--~--~-.-...
. W.~..M."'.--._,.
Jt.caoJ4 w. McLcmORl.
City M(J~r
"U E/IST Si"TE RO^O 4:)4
WI,..T~A SPAII'IOS, FLORIOA 3270802199
Tela~ncne (4l17J 377.'600
_~ '_J'.-'
\:~Dv_.: ........
September 27, 1999
Board of County Commissioners
Seminole County
Our .chairper~n and Members of the County Commission:
Consistent with previous policy established by the Wintcr Springs City Comrni~sion. the
City ofWintC'\' Springs requests to enter into me record of the proceedings of the County
Commiasion of Seminole County's meeting ofSeptembor 28. ~999 its opposition to the
proposed Joint Pll1nning Agreement for the following relUon':
.. The City Commission on numerous oeccions has expres~ed i~ concern tlut"a
Joint P!:tnning Agreement between a municipality and the county which among
other things provideG for annexation boundaries established without the
involvement of all adj Ilcen! jurisdictions n.!fccted by the proposed boundary
violatC5 the spirit and intent of tho IntugoverM\entlli Coordination Element
requirement ot the Growth ManAsement M.\ [ 163.J 177(h) Florida Statule3 land
9J-S.OIS Florida Administl"lltivQ Code,
o The City of Oviedo and Seminole County have chosen not to involve the City of
Winter Spring, in the proee!s of development of this proposed Joint Pla.nning
Agreement. Indeed, at Go meeting of tho City Commission of Winter Springs in
1998, The Commission and City Manager invited the City CommiG!ion of
Oviedo (the Chairman oFthc City Commission oCOviedo WM pre~ent III lh~
meeting) to develop a Joint Planning Agreement involving allllvee (3)
jurisdictions Le. Semi nolo county, Winter Springs, IInd Oviedo. The City
Commission of Oviedo refused to enter into 11 three pllIty Joint Planning
. The proposc'd Agreement ig inconsistent with thc provisions of Oviedo' s
Comprehensive Plan which provides the following polieies relative to joint
participation and cooper:ttion in comprehensive planning as expreued in the
(allowing provisioM orOviedo's Comprehensive Plnn:
ex 0 2 S S PG Q 7 3 2
oel 1 2 1lB3
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. ., . .. "
..~~~:.~.'.:...:.,~:.......u.:;;....~_.... .......:.:.~ -.. .
The City of Oviedo 'Comprcheruivc PIBJl in Objective 7-1.3 s\l1t~ "To a.void .
litigation And reDolve conflicts with loeal government! and regulatory agencies
through mediation llnd prevention."
Policy 7-1.~.2 supportslhe objective in stating "The City (Oviedo) shall addres3
impacu lI!Id conflicts in the following manner:
n) The City St&ff ,hall first meet with the staff ofthe affeetiT!8
government agency," .
The Cil)' of Oviedo Comprehensivo Plan in Policy 7-1.3.3 nates "Th" city agrees
to participa.te in a. mediation process if other govcmmenu or jurisdictions object
to Oviedo's :1ctioos."
On behalf of the City Commis&ion of Winter Springs, I request that the Boud of County
Commissionm not sign the Joint Pla.nning Agreement until such time th3.t &II three (3)
jurisdictiona affected by the Toint PIllMing Asrcement cooperatively work towud a
process u.nd development of a Joint Plllnning Agreement th:1t COMiders the impact! upon
and intcrem oEall three (3) jurildictions. Good pl1nning llJ envisioned by the Low .
Government Comprehcn.!Iive Planning and Land Dc:vclopment Rcgul~on Act (Chapter
163 F.S;) will be realized with the participation of all three (3) juri~ictions,
Ce: Ron Mc.Lemore, City Manager
ScmillOlr: Counry File
Read File
BX 0 2 5 5 PG 0 7 J 3
\ .....,)
SEPT. 28, 1999
Upon inquiry by Ms. Coto, Commissioner McLain ad'.rised he
\oli11 inc~ude in ,the mot.iotl the rate redis1:ribution as outlined
in Ms. Coto's Memorandum (copy received /; filed) ciat.ed September
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Director of Planning & Development, Frances Ch~ndler,
addressed the Board to di~,cuss the Oviedo-Seminole County' .Joint
Planning lnterlocal Agreement, advising a draft JPA was
tran.smitteo to the Ci'ty for review and action on December B,
1998. She stated that the City req\lested some minor changes,
which she briefly outlined. She added that staff recommends
approval of the changes as requested by the City. The City
Council has also approved the agreement.
Chairman Henley stated he believes p2ge ten of the
agreement needs to be clarified that this refers to "voluntary"
annexation. Whereuponr Ms. Chandler advised it is the intent of
staff ~hat it 'is voluntary annexation.
The Board 'voiced no objections to including th~ word
"voluntary" in the first paragraph on page ten.
The Chairman advised he is in receipt of a letter (copy was
recei'Jed .;. filed) from the City of Winter Springs objecting to
the proposed agreement.
Mayor Paul partYKa r City of Winter Springsr a.ddressed the
Board to state he believes this should be a ~ri-party agreement
and would request ;;ldditionCll ti.me so that both cities a.nd the
County can work out an agreement that everyone is happy with.
Commissioner Van Der l~ei.de stated this process has been
going on for a long time and it .;l,ppeClrs that the tw.:> cities
cannot come to an agreement.
County wait.
Mr. Partyka suggested a 90-dClY continuance.
He questioned how long does the
BK 0 2 5 4 p~ 0 9 6 4
SEPT. :za, 1999
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Maloy, Ms. Chandler advised at
the tim~ the craft agreement was transmitt.ed to Ovi",cio, a copy
of it was also transmitted to Winter Springs for corr~ents.
However, staff did not receive a'ny comments back from Winter
Commissioner Morris stated he does not believe a delay will
make any difference and feels it is the a.ppropriate time t.o move
forward with the agreement.
Chairman Tom Hagood, Cit.y of Oviedo, addressed the Board to
agree with including the word "volunta.ry" on page: ten, stating
they understand that thi$ refers to voluntary annexation.
Commissioner Morris stated he believes this agreement goes
,a long way to show coopera tion betlveen the County and the Ci ty
of Ovieco.
Motion by Commissioner Morrisr seconded by Commissioner
Maloy 1:0 authori7.e the Chairman to execute the Oviedo/Seminole
Co\;n,ty Join,t
I?lanning Interlocal A.greement, as shown on pa,ge
amended, with th~ understanding theta letter will
to the agreement specifying "voluntary" ,annexation
'''6 , as
be attached
on page ten. Section 6(6) of the agreement.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Conunissioner McL<lin left the meeting at this time.
Ms. Chandler presented r.equest to set public h~aring for
'the adoption of A.mendments toehe Seminole Land Deve:.oprnenc
Code, adVising there are four additional items, which were not
il".cluded for discussion at the ~Iork sesaj,on concerning this.
She requested these be added to the proposed ordinance.
Commissioner van Der Weide stated the draft ordinance was
just distribut~d to the Board this morning and he has not had an
opportunity to study it nor the additional items on student
BK 0 2 5 4 PG 0 9 6 5