HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 05 10 Informational 304
ITEM 304
Informational X
Public Hearing
May 10.2004
Regular Meeting
~ / ~~t.
Information Services wishes to update the commission on
the status of the I.T. Plan created in FY 2002.
The purpose ofthis item is to update the commission on the LT. Plan
which was created in FY 2002. Additional projects and tasks have also
been added to the end of this document.
See attached Projects worksheet
LT. Projects worksheet - Attachment 1 (4 pages)
S :\Information _ Services\Admin_ Docs\Agenda Items\FY 2004\2004
May\051 004_ COMM _ Informational_304 _Information_Technology ]lan _ Update.doc
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Irtfot"lnaUon T~chno1ogy
RevIsed 51412004
051004_ COW.Unfurrnational_304_ATTACHMENT.,c,
I.T. Strategic Plan
Status of Projects for FY 2004
Items completed as II !l21.
Project Project Original Due Date 01 this date May 10, ~
Number 2004 denoted with when Is project
'" expected to be
loT. Strategic Plan Projects and Tasks
101 Centralized Backun . CIIv Hall Side
101-a Networklbackup analvsis "Monned 9130/2003 '"
101-b ObtaIn Commission authorization to Durchase equipment from state contract 913012003 '"
101-c Equipment and softwareDurchase 9130/2003 '"
101-d Installation & Implementation - General servers 1113012003 '"
101-e Installation & Implementation - SOL & Orade 613012004
Network Infrastructure & Support Initiatives.. to Improve network performance and to
102 avoid data loss
l02-a Network analysis - entire networlt lavorrt .. hubs. switches, routers. etc. 913012003 ./
102-b Obtain Commission authorization to ourchase eQuipment from state contract 9130/2003 ./
102-c Network analysis - Equipment and software nurchase 913012003 ./
102-d Network analysis - Installation and Implementation - 3 GB network switches 11130/2003 '"
102-e Remote ControVSupport of Workstations 9130/2003 ./
102-1 UPS tOf each workstation 9130/2003 ./
102-0 Fun Imolementation of Blue Ocean Track-It! 10131/2003 in pmnress 6/11/2004
l02-h Architectural Slandards Polb- I 12/31/2003 In pmoress 713112004
102~ Operatino Svstems Uoorade from Windows NT 4 10 Windows 2000 Server olatfonn 9130/2003 ./
102~ Technoloov Polities & Procedures plan 12/31/2003 in pmoress 7/31/2004
102-k VPN oILS. Support 9/30/2003 ./
102-1 Disaster Recove Plan 12/31/2003 in proaress 7/15/2004
102-m Full imDlementation of wtvlcnroun nrinUna 9/3012003 ./
103 City Forms Conversion to PDF
103-a Research de03rtmental forms and establish plan for conversion 1013112003 in oroaress 7/31/2004
103-1> 1m lement conversion plan 12/31/2003 not ~t started 8/31/2004
104 Document MananPment Svstem
104-a Retain consultant 11/1112003 ./
104-b Research and puttitlOiOOelher Imnlementation plan 2/29/03 in prnnress 517/2004
104-c FLC submits plan to City Staff for revisions and anproval 4/2612004 in pmnress 517/2004
104-d FLC submits plan to City Commission lor annreval 5/24/2004
104-e BeQin plan 1m lementation 5/25/2004
104-1 End olan implementation (noal date 913012004
105 Munls 2003.03 Release Implementation
105-a Loaded into test area 4/1612004 '"
105-b Waitil1ll lor Suildinn o""llSvlvia\ to test 5/312004
105-0 WailiOQ for Finance Judi) to review test results 51712004
106 Munls 2004 Release Imnlementatlon
106-a Load into test
106-b Load into live
107 Munls E~urchase Order Implementation
107-a B~in research (interview deots. research cooles. location of documents. etel 7/5/2004 - 7/16/04
107-b Process Desion 7/21/2004
107-c SetuD with ForMunis 6/612004
107-d Implement & Q/A 6/1312004
108 Munls - Online V1ewlna 01 Utllltv Bills (vta Intemetl
lOB-a software enhancement needed to make this wort 2/2912004 '"
106-b Demo for Utility BiIlino staff manaaement 4/17/2004 ./
106-c Utility bill revision move customer number and account number 5130/2004
10B-d Put link on web siteIPro ect com letfon 6/112004
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ittfa.'tlUltlan Techn010gy
Revised 51412004
I.T. Strategic Plan
Status of Projects for FY 2004
Items completed 8S If !!Qt
Project Project Original Due Date 01 this date May 10, comcleted
Number 20D4 denoted with when Is. proJec
./ expected to be
I.T..StrategicPlan Projects and Tasks (continued)
109 Munis .. Acceptance of credit cards for utility bill pavrnents
109-a Establish FinandaVcredit earn policies (R""ular G. Julv 14. 2003 Commission Meetina\ 9/3012003 ./
109.b Started over on this project - issues with vendor and contract 112/2004 ./
109-c Researd1ina OPC & SoeedPav 51712004
109-d Detennine best vendor 51712004
109-0 Leeal Questions answered 5/28/2004
109-1 Commission approval of vendor 6/1412004
109-0 Testino 6/15/2004 . 7/15/04
109-h Switch from Test to LivelProjeet ComDletion 712012004
110 Munls. Bank Drafting lor uliiiiVblll """ments
IIll-a Testino . Prenotes . 4 eveles (April 22 . Mav 20) 5/2012004
11ll-b T estino . Bank Drafts - 4 eveles IMav 27 . June 17\ 6/1712004
11ll-c Mailoutslapplicalions to residents (June 22 . Juiv 20\ 712012004
11Q-d Live Prenotes to bank - 4 cvdes Auoust12 - Seplember 2) 912/2004
11().e Live Bank Drafts - 4 eveles (September 9 . Seotember 30\ 9/30/2004
11ll-1 Munls Messenger laonrovals and notifications) 5/1712004
110-0 Testi"" 5/1012004
IIll-h How~to doc sent out 5/1212004
11ll-; oroleet comolete 5/1212004
111 Munls Positive Pa<u . nreventJon of check fraud
111-a Pr,,.eet beatn 4/5/2004 ./
l11-b Tralnino 4127/04 & 5/14104
l11-c Set up with bank 5/2112004
lll-d Detennlne If Munls must create an enhancement for tile fonnat 5/28/2004
lll-e T estingltransferring file 6/412004
111-1 Go live 6/1112004
112 Munls Receivlna (automated receiving of goods and services - purchase orders)
112-a Set UD tralnino 5/15/2004
112-b Testil1ll & Trainlnn fQ( smalt test orooo 6/4/04 - 6/11/04
112-c Traintng 8/21/04 . 8/25104
112-d ImDlement 6/28/2004
113 KJV A Interface
113-a Research and outline scone of work for MunisIKiva Interface 9/3012003 ./
113-b Plan with implementorslnmnrammerslCitv Staff 121112003 In prooress 6/112004
113-c Implement this interface 3/112004 not ""t started 8/112004
114 MultiMedia Productions
114-a Create multimedia productions fQ( SGTV (this omieet may be delaV<!d until FY 04
115 Cltv Halt Access
115-a Kiosk In lobbv (this "".,;eet was cut out lor FY 03 and FY 04 by Citv Mananar
116 Occupational License Fee Collection for County 5/3112004
Pendina items:
116-a finish data entrv
116-b post.orc'eel testino & tralnino
116-c creation and trainino for reoort
116-d deliverable: renewal document (how to do a renewal)
117 Crvstal Reoorts Enternrlse - Train the Trainer classes 1 & 2 of 4) - 60 davs to finish 6/112004
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tnfonnallcn Technatogy
Revised 51412004
051004 _C(WI.AJnformatJonaLJ04_AITACHMENT.xls
LT. Strategic Plan
Status of Projects for FY 2004
Items completed as If !12t
Project Project Original Due Date 01 this date May 10, com Dieted
Number 2004 denoted with when Is pro)e"
.,- expected to be
I.T. Strategic Plan Projects and Tasks (continued)
~ f..rystal Reports Enterprise Setup
118-a --;';urchase server 5/31/2004
118-b beain imnlementation 6/1/2004
l1B-c lralnino for users 777
118-d pro.eel completion 6/30/2004
119 Pollee -Increase bandwidth lor Police CAFE Application with Cou;;;;; 4/23/2004
120 Munis to Windows mlnration
12Q-a Bealn imolementallon 10/1/2004
12Q-b ore"eel com lelion 12131/2004
121 UIlIlIv- bill revisions I
121-a removinoenvelope and golno to 8.5' X 11" paDer 5/31/2004
121-b delinouent bills must be revised (add 55 fee. ete) 5/31/2004
Policies - WorkJnn on
122 Wireless PoIlCV-
122-a create oOiiCV 4/1612004
122-b staff revisions 517/2004
122-c Send to attomevtor review 5/1012004
122-d apDroval bv commission 6/14/2004
123 Collection and creation of Wireless Documentation
123-a Document wireless eauioment Access Points. Print Servers 6/15/2004
123-b Basic Standard Confiouraton for Access Polnts I 6/15/2004
123-c Wireless Host Conftnuration 6/15/2004
123-d Create procedure for addino wireJess dients 6/15/2004
124 Client UPS centralized monttorina and conflauration 5/3012004
125 Centralized backup firmware updates/configuration 41812004 '"
126 WebSense reconfinuratlon unknown
126-a WebSense reloaded 4/13/2004 .,-
126-b Reconflnure 71212004
127 EPO Mlnrallon 4/19/2004 .,-
127-a Install SOL database and conn uration
127-b Install EPO Software. configure. tesl. update
128 Exchan~ Reports and Monltonno 6/1612004
129 2003 Domain Controller In "ren for domain uoarade unknown
130 Exchan~ 2003 Mlnratlon 10/2012004
131 Pix 502 Firewall reconflauratlonIResearch future firewall and ISA 71212004
132 McAfee Grounchield on Exchange Server 5/21/2004
132-a Install and conflOure Drevious version
133 Configure NAS with use of KVS software for Exchanne (to pull attachments and 9/30/2004
assist with user emall archive)
134 HubMan Electronic Door Security Software mlaratJon to server
134-a miaration to server 4/2612004 .,-
134-b instalVconfiaure IP access unit 5/21/2004
135 USB Handhelds Datamatlcl 5/2812004
136 Server/Cllent Defraamentatlon application lOiskKeenAr 5/1612004
137 Web Site Enhancements
137-a Separate web Daoe for Ulililv BilliM to Include oarb~e issues 177
137-b Improvements to 1.5. paces on Internet and Intranet site 777
138 Kiva Uoarades
138-a U~rade database to Oracle 91 7/31/2004
138-b Additional user trainlna needed for enhancements/new features 8120/2004
13B-c Urvrrade Kiva apolicalion to 7.X 8/31/2004
139 Cltv..wJde ReconfialRestructure of OomalnllP Scheme 71212004
140 Domain mlnratlon from Windows 2000 to Windows 2003 I 777
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1ntonnalion Tl!Chnotog)'
~vised 51'412004
051004_ COMP.'-lnformationaL304_ATIACHMENT.m
I.T. Strategic Plan
Status of Projects for FY 2004
Items completed as If D.Q!.
Project Project Original Due Date 01 this date May 10, comDleted.
Number 2004 denoted with when Is project
./ expected to be
- Com()leted Projects and Tasks
141 Carteoraph Software
141-a Trainlno and imDlementation of Cartf!Oranh software for Public Works 9/3012003 ,/
142 Munls 2003.01 Release Implementation 12/1912003 ,/
142-a Testing with aU departments/data 12/1212003 ./
142-b Imolementation of .01 release 12/1912003 ,/
143 Munls 2003.02 Release Implementation 3/1112004 ,/
143-a T estioo with all deoartments/dala 3/3112004 ,/
143-b Imolementation of .02 release 3/3112004 ./
144 Online Complaint Tracklj1<;' (Better Place
144-a BetterPlace Online carnnialnt trackina (this will be implemented with new web site) 9/3012003 ,/
145 Munls Office Implementation
145-a Imolement and train on Munis Office 913012003 ./
146 New Web Site Design
Survey and research changes needed for new- web site to be more robust and effective for
146-a e-oovemment 9/3012003 ./
146-b Create demo of new web site and olesent to the City Commission 9/3012003 ,/
146-c Obtain Commission authorization to proceed - new web site should be uo and runnina 9/3012003 ,/
147 New Position - Media Soeciallst I
147-a Hire new Media Specialist lWeb. Multimedia. and Application SDedalist) 9/3012003 I ,/
148 Geonraphlc Information Systems
Purchase of WOI1<Slation GIS software to< Community Development - Planning Division _ 1
146-a workstation 913012003 ,/
149 WorkStation Uoarades
Anal}'Sls of systems that need to be upgraded in order to move away from Windows 98
14!l-a platlonn 9/3012003 ,/
14!l-b Purchase of Phase I svstems PH or below, runnino Windows 98) 12/3112003 ,/
150 Server Unorades . Attemnt to move toward flat Windows 2000 Environment I
150-a Citv Hall POC (move to Windows 2000 SOlVer 9/3012003 I ,/
150-b Excl1aooe move to Excl1aooe 2000 and Windows 2000 Server) 9/3012003 I ,/
15O-c Track-It SOlVerTnlDve to Windows 2000 SOlVer) 9/3012003 I ,/
15O-d WebSenseJSuperScout (move to Windows 2000 Server) 9/3012003 ,/
15O-e File and Print Server (move from Citv Hall POC to separate WindO'Ns 2000 Server 9/3012003 ./
151 Arbor Ucense Creation & Setup 4/8/2004 ,/
Correcting Connectivity Issues between Seminole County Sheriffs Office and Winter
152 Sprtnos 3/3112004 ./
152-a Investioate broken trust relationship 3/3112004 ./
152-b IdentitVand fix DNS records 3/3112004 ,/
152-0 Add new SCSO servers/domain controllers into our ONS zones 3/3112004 ,/
152-<1 rebuild trusts between Winter Springs and Seminole Count\l'Sheriffs Office 3/3112004 ,/
153 Monthtv rennrt to Mavor (new residents) 1/3112004 ./
154 Payroll Emplovee Benefits Rennrt 3/3112004 ,/
155 New ComDuter for Fire Station 28 receive Install, cont1"nure) 5/112004 ,/
156 Tralnlnn atstems facellft reconflnure for wireless 4128/2004 ./
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