HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 08 23 Regular 500
ITEM 500
Public Hearing
Regular X
August 9. 2004
Regular Meeting
Mgr. / Dept.
Information Services (I.S.) wishes to present to the
Commission three options for providing wireless Internet
access to the Mayor and Commission in the Commission
Chambers using their own personal or corporate (non-City-
owned) laptops; and requests that the Commission choose
and fund an option to be implemented.
To have the Commission choose and fund an option for providing wireless
Internet Access to the Mayor and Commission in the Commission
chambers using their own personal or corporate (non-City-owned) laptops.
The Mayor and Commission have requested wireless Internet Access in
the Commission Chambers using their personal or corporate (non-city-
owned) laptops.
The I.S. Department has temporarily disconnected its wireless network at
City Hall which was being used for testing, and I.S. use, as well as for
network connectivity for our training room systems. It will remain
disconnected until an internal wireless network plan and wireless policy is
S:\Information _ Services\Admin _ Docs\Agenda Items\FY 2004\2004 August\August 23,
2004\082304_ COMM _Regular _500 _ Wireless_Internet_Access _for_Mayor _and _ Commission. doc
August 23,2004
Wireless connectivity for the Mayor and Commission was not placed on
our Technology Plan but has been an issue with the Mayor and
Commission for several months now.
While I.S. feels that a wireless network is a great productivity tool (if
secure), we are not prepared with our current network configuration and
equipment to provide individuals with personal laptops connectivity to the
Internet via the existing Access Point (AP) located in the Commission
Chambers because the AP sits on our network and I.S. cannot guarantee
that the laptop connecting to the AP device is virus free or has the latest
virus dat files loaded. Updates can be automatically pushed out to all
City-issued equipment automatically such as: Virus definition files,
System O/S updates, Office Updates, Firmware updates, etc. This ensures
safer computing environment.
I.S. currently uses a product called WebSense which filters and monitors
Internet access. Filtering means that it will block users from certain
internet sites such as porn, hate sites, etc. Monitoring means that a log is
kept of all the places yisited on the Internet and reports can be ran by
Working with a security firm, Internet Security Systems (lIS), 3 options
are being proposed in order to furnish the wireless Internet connectivity
that is being requested. (See attachment 1) None of these options provide
access to the City's network.
· Option 1 - Separate Internet Connection via Cable provider
$54 Equipment + $80/month or $960/year recurring costs
· Option 2 - DMZ off of Firewall- unmonitored and unfiltered
$940 equipment and technical support
· Option 3 - Segment internal network with additional security
appliance - monitored and filtered
$2400 equipment
It is recommended that an Enterprise solution be deployed and we are
recommending option 2 if the Commission feels that monitoring and
filtering are not needed. If monitoring and filtering are required, then
option 3 would be the appropriate choice. Option 2 and 3 both utilize the
City's existing T-l internet connection.
Additional appropriation requested dependent upon which option is
August 23,2004
That the Commission choose and fund option option 2 ($940 + $60
contingency) if monitoring and filtering are not necessary; option 3 ($2400
+ $150 contingency) if monitoring and filtering are necessary.
ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1- Wireless Options
LItyor WImer :::spnngs
Wireless Connectivity in Chambers - options
Option Description Advantaaes Disadvantaaes Cost Considerations
1 Utilize a separate broadband . Will not require much support from . Additional setup and monthly re- . Broadband modem =
connection for Internet access city resources occurring costs included
for wireless devices. . Isolates traffic from rest of city . Technical support not provided . Broadband
network locally router/AP/firewall = 54
. Will not degrade performance of . No additional monitoring of traffic . Monthly re-occurring ISP
city's Internet access will be conducted costs $80/month
. ISP setup costs =
2 Wireless Access Point . Isolates wireless traffic on a . Wireless traffic will consume city . Additional Ethernet port
configured on a DMZ port of the separate, isolated, network bandwidth, but it is minimal on FW (if one is not
city FW. segment . City resources will be needed to available) = $140
. City firewall will provide security maintain equipment . Wireless AP/Switch =
from external users $400
. City firewall will provide central . Cisco Technical Support =
logging of wireless activity $400
. Network support provided locally by
city IT staff
. Creation of new DMZ could also be
utilized to isolate dial-uD modems
3 Wireless AP configured on an . Same as option #2 . Same as option #2 . Multi-functional appliance
isolated segment behind a . Utilizes existing web logging . Most expensive option, requiring = approx $2,000
security appliance to utilize software to monitor network traffic additional hardware . Wireless AP = $400
existing web logging software to . Provides additional FW support that . Additional hardware and features
track usage. could allow secure VPN will require additional support from
connections to the internal network city IT staff
if needed in the future
. Multi functional appliance could
allow use of Intrusion Prevention
Systems (IPS) for additional
Option #1: Separate Broadband Connection
Option #2: DMZ off of FW
Option #3: Segment internal network with
additional security appliance
Wireless AP