HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 08 23 Informational 303
ITEM 303
August 23,2004
MGR ;e...--/DEPT
REQUEST: The Finance and Information Services Departments wish to update the City
Commission on the Status of Payment Methods for Utility Customers.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agenda item is to update the City Commission on the status of
payment methods for utility customers, such as credit cards, debit cards and bank
CONSIDERATIONS: During the public input sections of the Commission meetings as well as by
telephone calls received by our utility billing service department, members of the
public have inquired as to when ACH transactions will be available to them. There are
two types of ACH (or Automated Clearinghouse) transactions, which are ACH credits
and ACH debits. ACH credits are entries which occur when an Originator initiates a
transfer to move funds into a Receiver's account, such as direct deposit of payroll in
which the City is the Originator and the employee is the Receiver or when an entity
initiates a transaction to credit (or increase) the City's account such as the Seminole
County Tax Collector (Originator) with the City's (Receiver) Property Tax distribution
that they collect on our behalf. Although, the use on-line banking alone by our
residents does not guarantee that their on-line banking transaction is an ACH credit.
The majority of the payments received from on-line banking services companies are
checks and list (or printed) reports to the resident's (Originator's) service provider (or
Receiver). Each Receiver must setup the ability to receive an ACH credit from each of
the on-line banking services or payment remittance networks. Due our current
banking institution, Bank of America's, on-line banking knowledge and expertise, the
City is currently evaluating their RapidPay service described below. ACH debits are
entries which occur when funds are transferred from the Receiver's account to an
Originator's account, even though the Originator initiates the transaction. This will
occur with the City's bank draft program, where the City is the Originator and the
resident is the Receiver.
Informational Agenda Item 303
August 23, 2004
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On July 14, 2003, the City Commission authorized the acceptance of credit cards and
debit cards using SpeedPay and bank drafts for utility billing payments. City staff was
further directed that implementation should not begin until after a policy has been
created and adopted by the City Commission. Placed on the agenda for tonight,
August 23, 2004, you will notice Consent Item 203, which requests the City
Commission adopt a bank draft policy and authorization to work with the City
Attorney to create a bank draft authorization agreement form with appropriate legal
disclaimers. City staff has been working with MUNIS, the City's Utility Billing
software company, as well as the Bank of America, the City's banking institution, to
properly test and train for this service. Once the policy is approved and the bank draft
authorization form is complete, we will mail the authorization form to all of our
citizens to begin utilizing this service. Information will also be placed on the website
announcing this new service. The Bank Draft service is estimated to be $75.00 per
month, based on approximately 600 customers (out of approximately 12,000
customers) utilizing this service at a flat fee of $15.00 per month plus $0.10 per item
(customer). This fee will be paid for by the City's Water and Utility Fund.
As for the acceptance of credit cards and debits cards, City staff began working with
SpeedPay and found issues with SpeedPay's security and fraud prevention
mechanisms, fee schedules and the MUNIS software interface. As a result, City staff
began researching different providers for credit card and debit card services. A
company by the name of Official Payments Corporation ("OPC") has been found to
have many advantages over SpeedPay. Staff is currently working with the City
Attorney on the contract. A City Commission agenda item should be forth coming in
the next month or two. All fees associated with this service will be paid for by the
customer directly to OPC at a rate of $6.50 per credit card transaction, with the
possibility after three months of activity to reduce the rate, depending on how large the
average transaction is.
City staff is currently researching a service called RapidPay, which is offered by Bank
of America. With the advent of online bill paying services, many of our utility
customers have begun to pay their bills online. However, this does not mean that their
bill is paid electronically to the City. The payment mechanism depends on the how the
recipient (the City) is setup to receive payments. The City currently only receives
checks from the online bill paying services, which means that instead of a two to three
day delay there is sometimes as much as ten day delay between the initiation of the
payment by the customer to the application of the payment by the City. Unfortunately,
not all customers ensure adequate processing time. As a result, many customers either
receive late fees or, worse, have their utility services interrupted for non-payment due
to this timing delay. Bank of America provides a service whereby they accept
payments from multiple bill payment service providers, combine the data and dollars,
edit for incorrect or missing da~a, and send one file in a format that meets the client's
posting needs. This would mean that the manual keying of approximately 500 online
bill payment checks could potentially be eliminated each week and replaced by a
downloadable file to the City's MUNlS Utility Billing software. City staff is working
with Bank of America to verify if this file would be compatible with the MUNIS
Informational Agenda Item 303
August 23, 2004
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software. The projected cost of this service is: a one time fee of $200 for initiation;
and monthly fees of $125.00 for maintenance and $0.07 per item charge (or
approximately $265.00 per month). Bank of America estimates that it would take
about six to eight weeks to implement this system. The City would need to ensure that
adequate testing and training occurs before the service is implemented. If necessary a
policy would need to be written. We have spoken to Mr. Bill Herman at City of
Pompano Beach, Florida, whose City is currently a RapidPay customer. He spoke
highly of the service and mentioned that the interface between his software, HTE, and
Bank of America worked well. He has had not problems with the service. A future
determination would need to be made if the City's Water and Sewer Utility Fund
would be able to bear the cost of this service.
So to recap, the City will be sending out applications for one type ACH service (ACH
debit), bank draft, in the next few months, and could potentially be offering another
type of ACH service (ACH credit), RapidPay, by calendar year end. The RapidPay
service option will be brought back to the Commission when the MUNIS file
compatibility question has been answered.
None at this time.
None at this time.
Bank Draft Fee Schedule
OPC Fee Schedule
Rapid Pay Fee Schedule
RapidPay Brochure
Pricing Schedule
City of Winter Springs
July 7, 2003
Service Description Per Item Activity Chan!e
ACH Bank Drafting (ACH Debit)
Set Up Fees - One time fee
ACH Set Up 50.00
ACH Testing 50.00
On Going Fees
ACH Maintenance- Per Month 15.00
ACH Per Item 0.10
ACH Transmission - Per Transmission 15.00
Additional Service Charges based on activity
ACH Returns/NOC (Notice of Change) - Per Item 3.50
ACH Reversals 7.50
ACH Reclears 2.50
ACH Return Item Notification (Fax) 3.00
ACH Return Item Notification (Phone) 5.00
ACH Return Notification (via Bank of America Direct) - per 1.00
Services utilized but not listed on the above schedule of fees will be charged and appear on the
City's monthly analysis statement. Please contact your Bank of America representative for
additional information.
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Exhibit A
Convenience Fee Schedule
For Utility Payments
I - Schedule of Convenience Fees to be Paid by Citizens
Credit and PIN-less Debit Card Transactions
Flat $6.50 with a $500 maximum one-time payment
Payments over $500 will require 2 payments
Electronic Check Transactions
Convenience Fees to be charged to Citizen by OPC:
$ 3.00 per each Payment Transaction less than or equal to $10,000.00
$15.00 per each Payment Transaction greater than $10,000,00
Agency Fees to be charged to Agency by OPC:
$4.00 as a Returned Transaction Fee for each Return Transaction (does not include a
Representment option)
$5.00 as a Returned Transaction Fee for each initial Return Transaction (includes one
RapidPay Fee Schedule
Set-up and Implementation
Standard Validation...............................................................
Additional payees added/modified after initial implementation ..............
Check Digit Validation. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .
Additional payees added/modified after initial implementation. . .. . .. . .. . ...
Positive File Validation...........................................................
Negative File Validation..........................................................
Client Customization..............................................................
Monthly Maintenance (per data transmission)
Standard InpuUOutput
Bank of America Account. . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . ..
Non Bank of America Account.... ....................................
Special Input/Output (includes Standard InpuUOutput Maintenance)
Positive Files
Bank of America Account.. . .. .. .. . . . .. .. ... .. .. .. . .... .. .. . .. .... . .. ...
Non Bank of America Account...................... ...................
Negative Files
Bank of America Account.. . ....... .....................................
Non Bank of America Account.........................................
Item Processing (includes account mask verification)
1 - 19,999.................................................................
20,000 - 49,999................................................................
50,000 - 74,999................................................................
75,000 - 99,999................................................................
100,000 - 149,999...............................................................
CCCS Transactions
1 - 49,999..................................................................
50,000 - 99,999............................................................
1 00,000 +. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . ..
Exception Items
Unpostable Returned Items with Dollars:
Manual Sendbacks/Returns
Customer Services
Remakes (within 7 calendar days of original creation date). . .. . . .. . . . . . . ...
*Available in certain areas
$ 200.00
$ 150.00
$ 300.00
$ 300.00
$ 3,000.00
$ 3,000.00
$ 3,000.00
Isetup,add,or modification
ladd,or modification
Isetup,add,or modification
ladd,or modification
Isetup,add or modification
Isetup,add or modification
Isetup,add or modification
$ 125.00
$ 200.00
Idata transmission
Idata transmission
$ 250.00 Idata transmission
$ 400.00 Idata transmission
$ 250.00 Idata transmission
$ 400.00 Idata transmission
$ .070 litem
$ .065 litem
$ .060 litem
$ .055 litem
$ .050 litem
$ .12 litem
$ .10 litem
$ .08 litem
BankofAmerica ~~
RapidPay - Biller Concentration Services
Online banking has become a popular means for consumers and small businesses
to use a personal computer, touchtone telephone or personal management
software to conduct their financial affairs. In 2000, 13-15% of U.S. households
used online banking and that use is expected to double in volume by 2003. Many
online banking service providers offer online bill payments where consumers and
small businesses can initiate bill payments from their homes, offices or while they
are on the road -- a powerful payment method because it lets your customers
control when and how they make their payment. At the same time, corporations
have found that PC initiation of a payment does not always equate to an electronic
stream of dollars or data. In fact, companies are reporting that the majority of
these payments are received as a check and list.
With our approach, RapidPay, we provide an all-electronic solution between PC-
initiated payments and your receivables systems. We accept payments from
multiple bill payment service providers, combine the data and dollars, edit for
incorrect or missing data, and send one file in a format that meets your posting
needs. Bank of America has offered online banking services to consumer and
small business clients for over 17 years, which has grown to over 3 million users
The benefits of Rapid Pay include:
. Receiving information with payments In a format that meets your
specific criteria
. Accelerating your cash flow by three to five days
. Improving service by decreasing posting delays and errors
. Eliminating data entry and minimizing exception handling
. Receiving Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) payments on
the same electronic file
RapidPay replaces the inefficiency and expense of receiving and posting paper
check and list remittances with a streamlined and cost-effective means of
collecting and processing payments.
Understanding the Processing Flow
Online banking users expect that since they initiate the payment electronically, the
payee will receive the payment in the same manner. Although some payees do
receive the funds electronically, most payments are still processed the old-
fashioned way - a mailed check with a list of the payment details. This is where
the problems begin. In a retail lockbox environment, the check and list are
exception items that require data entry. In addition to the keying expense, there
are no edits to assure that a paper payment has either sufficient or accurate data.
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RapidPay Service
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Consumers then blame the billers for late or inaccurate posting, resulting in a
growing problem.
Using RapidPay, you can receive a single remittance file to facilitate the end-to-
end electronic handling ofthese online bill payments. Here's how it works:
1. The bill payment service providers route the online bill payments
(including CCCS payments) to Bank of America.
2. The bill payments are edited according to your criteria so you only
receive clean payments for valid account numbers.
3. You receive a remittance file that is formatted according to your
specifications, and we electronically deposit the funds to your account.
4. You post the payments to your accounts receivable system.
S. You rely on Bank of America to serve as your single point of contact for
payment inquiries, regardless of the source.
Banks and other bill payment service providers have three ways to make
payments on behalf of consumers. They can write either a single check per
remitter or batch remitters on one check; send an ACH transaction(s) with
remittance data attached or in a separate file; or send the information through a
payment remittance network such as, CheckFree, MasterCard RPPS or VISA
ePay. These networks are specifically equipped to handle PC-initiated payments,
including biller edits on account numbers.
We edit account numbers in the files to ensure that they meet your specific
requirements as defined during implementation. Data can then be consolidated
and reformatted for transmission to your receivables system. In the event you
cannot post a customer's payment, you can return the item to Bank of America for
forwarding to the original source.
Customizing to meet your needs
We recognize that accounts receivable systems and corporate policies vary, and
that you may have special processing needs. Our clients can select from the wide
range of options summarized below, and customize the RapidPay service to
maximize the value of this service.
Depositing to Your Account
Our clients receive a credit to their Bank of America account for the total dollar
amount of all RapidPay payments delivered to them each day. They can specify
other deposit instructions, such as separate deposits for customer segments (e.g.,
geographic locations).
Bank of America
RapidPay Service
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Data Delivery
Our clients may select the type of data transmission method from the following
. Bisynchronous communications
. Asynchronous communications
. FTP with PGP encryption
. HTTP with SSL encryption
. Direct Connect NDM
The electronic remittance file is available for transmission to you each banking
day. Our clients may also choose to receive a facsimile daily containing summary
information such as, total number of payments and total deposit amount.
Formatting the Remittance File
The Bank can match an established format used and accepted by your system
(e.g., a retaillockbox transmission), or you may chose a standard or proprietary
format. Files can be transmitted in one of the following formats to accommodate
your internal needs:
. EDI 820
. Proprietary (customized by the client)
Flexible Batching
RapidPay can customize the contents and number of items contained in a batch
for online bill payments and CCCS payments. Batches can then be consolidated
and transmitted as a single file. The default size of a batch is 99,999 items, or our
clients can set "batching parameters" to assist with internal processing
Providing Payment Details
Our clients can receive the following information for each payment on the
RapidPay file as provided by each bill payment service provider:
Standard information:
. Dollar amount of the bill payment
. Customer's account number with your company name
. Processing date
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Optional information:
. Trace number or reference number which contains the sending financial
institution's transit-routing number
. Abbreviated customer name
Validating the Data
To improve the posting accuracy and screening of the customer's correct account
number, you may provide Bank of America with your account format
requirements. We use your designated account format to pre-screen incoming
transactions, so you receive only those payments meeting your account
requirements. This improves your posting accuracy and automatically returns
invalid transactions to the bill payment service provider/consumer as early in the
cycle as possible. By receiving a file of clean data, our clients eliminate the
manual research of invalid payments.
The "account mask" is the specific edit criteria for an account number. The mask
defines the number of positions (ranging from 1 to 22 bytes) and the types of
characters (e.g., alpha, numeric) permitted in the account number. The bank stores
your account mask and pre-screens all incoming payments against this criteria.
Payments that do not contain the proper data are returned to the bill payment
You can also specify a "check digit routine" for any digit in the account number.
The mod check routine is an algorithm (e.g., modulus 10, 11, 12) used to verify
the combination of the values contained in the account number. The calculated
number that is a result of the algorithm is known as the "check digit." The check
digit calculation provides an extra step to improve the validity of the account
Verifying the Data
Our clients can provide Bank of America with account-specific information to
further improve the reliability of receiving payments for only valid accounts.
Certain industries such as mortgage companies maintain a list of accounts for
which they do not want to receive payments (e.g., foreclosed properties). Our
clients send an electronic transmission of account numbers for which payments
should not be accepted. The Bank verifies all incoming payments against this
"negative" file. Matches are rejected and returned to the bill payment service
provider marked as "payment declined."
To improve the accuracy of the posting files, our clients can send an electronic
transmission of only those account numbers for which payments should be
accepted. The Bank verifies all incoming payments against this "positive" file.
Any account numbers that don't match the file are rejected and returned to the bill
payment service provider marked as "invalid account number."
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The RapidPay system is continuously available to receive and process updates to,
or replacements for, positive and negative files prepared by you. The files are
processed upon receipt, with the exception of any jobs already in process. The
existing positive and/or negative files remain in production until a refreshment
file or maintenance file has been received.
Customizing the Data Elements
Our clients may have additional editing requirements to manipulate the data
related to posting online bill payments. You can provide us with your special
processing instructions for dollar ranges, types of account number or transactions
with special attributes. Customization may include adding, moving, changing or
omitting characters in the customer's account number.
You may have other exception handling needs, for which we may be able to
provide one-time or ongoing support. We have provided special handling for
companies changing account numbers en masse. For example, telecommunication
companies that use a consumer's phone number as part or all of an account
number have been faced with bulk changes due to splitting area codes. Bank of
America RapidPay has brought its experience and talent to assist these companies
with little impact to the company and consumers alike.
Returning Unpostable Items
Even with the most sophisticated use of data validations and verifications, you
may occasionally receive payments that cannot be posted. You can send the
RapidPay Operations a facsimile report of the payments that cannot be posted.
RapidPay returns the payments to the applicable network and bill payment service
As an alternative, you can return unpostable items to Bank of America in an
electronic file in a format designated by RapidPay.
If you provide Bank of America with account corrections (where you have
applied the consumer's payment, but want to change the account number for
future payments), we will submit this information back to the originating bill
payment service provider.
Getting Started
We work with you to convert the paper checks and lists currently being received
from bill payment service providers to electronic payments. Your company can
receive a database file containing the account number and name of online bill
payment subscribers from the various bill payment originators making payments
to you. You will need to validate the account numbers, and in some cases, provide
the corrected account number. Simultaneously, we work with you to define your
account edit criteria, conduct data transmission and file format testing, and set you
up with each of the payment networks. In our experience, an implementation
takes approximately six weeks. Additional time may be needed for positive and
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negative data verification. We assign a RapidPay project manager to work closely
with your team, to plan and implement the service.
Having One Point of Contact
You will have one point of contact within the RapidPay support team for daily
support inquiries including payment research, file transmission and settlement
questions. We respond to all inquiries within 24 hours or by the next business day.
Linking With Electronic Billing and Payment
Electronic bill presentment is becoming increasingly important in our rapidly
growing e-commerce marketplace. Industry research shows that consumers will
view and pay 10% of all bills over the Internet by 2001, and more than 35% by
2007. The receipt of electronic bills completes the bill payment value chain for
consumers and small businesses. They can now receive electronic bills and pay
these bills through the same, secure online banking channels being used today.
In April 1999, Bank of America was the first financial institution to offer a full
suite of electronic billing and payment services for companies and the bank's
extensive number of online banking users. Bank of America can create and
distribute electronic bills to over 200 popular consumer payment service Web
sites. RapidPay is an important component that compliments the billing and
payment process, creating a true end-to-end electronic solution.
Bank of America
RapidPay Service
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